Top 10 Brittany Allen Looks of 2023
My Introduction to Brittany Allen
Looking at my Facebook memories gave me the perfect intro to this Brittany Allen story. Two years ago, I made this post:

Actual screenshot from Lindsey’s Facebook
I was feeling a little down that day- it was the day of my 500th ride, and it didn’t go great, but then I had a long conversation with a Pelofriend (in which I mildly made fun of Rebecca Kennedy’s goofiness) and then went browsing Instagram to feel better. This is the post I saw:
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Pretty sure this was the day that sparked my obsession with Brittany Allen (and also the day where I went from finding Rebecca a bit goofy to becoming a total #Becandy shipper and fanatic for both their strength classes and TikToks- but more on that in another article I’m working on this week.) And these days, it’s no secret that I’m a Brittany superfan- I’ve always loved brights, neons, sparkles, and clothing that’s exactly the right level of extra. (I never got that beanie Rebecca was wearing there, because she was in her BA-beanies-daily era, and I really fell in love with the one she wore the day after– which I do own now!)
2023 has been Brittany’s year- placing second on Project Runway All-Stars, releasing a collab with Peloton Apparel, and so. many. customs! (Yes, I said customs, but costumes would be an appropriate word as well here.) What are our favorites, though? Super difficult to pick, but we’ve narrowed it down to ten (I’m using the word “ten” very loosely, by the way) that no Peloton or BA fan should miss.
10: Barbiemania
It was a fun summer, y’all. If you’d told 2020 me that Barbie was going to make a comeback, and turn into an entire aesthetic, I’d have been like, suuuuuuure (and then changed into some fresh pajamas and turned up the volume on Tiger King.) Our Peloton instructors joined the fun, and while we saw a lot of great pink (and were SADLY deprived of a 60 minute “I’m Just Ken” Total Strength featuring Andy Speer in a “I am Kenough” sweatshirt), it was tough to beat Callie Gullickson and Olivia Amato in BA Barbie customs: pink, embellished, and instantly iconic. (Note to lovers of this look- “Life in Plastic” and “Barbara” activewear sets are available at Brittany’s site!)

This Barbie Brings Her Own Energy

This Barbie Will Just Plain Kick Your Ass
9: Matty’s Six

Queen Matty
Matty Maggiacomo was “one of a kind, no category” early in 2023 when he led a 30 min SIX: the Musical Walk. He could have walked onto the stage and not looked out of place whatsoever….

Debated whether to caption this “Seven?” or make a snappy “Where’s Waldo?” reference.
And check it out up close! It’s a testament to Brittany’s talent that even when she’s doing a straight musical theater tribute, she’s not only accurate and incredibly detailed, but also gives the outfit exactly the right twist for the person it’s made for. How beautiful is that purple on Matty?
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8: Hip Hop Tour: East Coast
It really happened, everyone: Adrian Williams wore gold mylar. And do NOT sleep on the fact that his bike shorts had an almost-hidden BA trademark (I’m just here for the serious journalism, y’all):

BYOB: Adrian Edition
Adrian wasn’t alone in his fabulosity, though, since he had Jess Sims by his side in a 30 min two-for-one run, looking equally as amazing in the same fabric. Looking stunning in a totally different way? Tunde in a white one-piece with a high neck. SO dramatic.

The expression is saying, “Jess got me to wear this, but I’m not mad about it.”
7: AFO ’23, Chaka Khan Edition
Okay, so there’s a lot to unpack from All For One, and we’re just going to have to break it into categories. First, two of the instructors responsible for bringing the legendary Chaka Khan into our homes:
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Ash Pryor brought 70s glam in jewel tones…
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and Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts was spectacular in shiny white flares and a v-neck, edged with the same jewel tones.
Don’t miss the rest of the Chaka Khan crew, either- while Selena served up a one-piece in the same color scheme that made her look like an anime superhero, across the ocean we saw Jeffrey, Hannah, and Leeanne in a red/gold color scheme. So gorgeous!
6. Let’s Go, Girls
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It takes commitment to run in a hood: Olivia Amato for the Shania Twain artist series. Every detail is just perfect, and like Matty’s Six outfit, perfect for her.
5: AFO ’23, Neon Goes With Every Color Edition
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This one doesn’t work on paper- a one-piece skater dress hiding skorts, rhinestones, and the color combination of neon yellow, magenta, and lavender-purple ombre. But when you put that on Rebecca Kennedy, suddenly it’s working. Quite honestly, this one is so bonkers… but I also can’t look away.
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Similar color combo, a touch less jarring, but we’re living for the strappy top and how cute Camila looks in a romper!
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My favorite of the neon bunch, though, is when Brittany just went all in- creating this light-up-the-room yoga gear for Mariana Fernandez. My husband, a noted enthusiast of anything neon yellow-green (seriously- he talked me into buying this, and I have yet to figure out what to wear it with), provided me with his expert and detailed opinion: “That is very attractive.”
Neon green bonus? The center shot of this absolutely adorable Jock Jams trio, starring Jess Sims!
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4: Pride With Jess King
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This list is moving into its Jess King Era. Is this giving T-1000 merging into liquid metal, or Olivia at Renaissance premiere? The shinier the better!
3: Pride With Mara Thonner
- Mara.
- Thonner.
Does it get more iconic? I mean- I know I should really be sticking to the Peloton instructor team. It’s always a little quirky when Matty doesn’t show up for a run or walk twice a year or so and instead sends his Jersey mom bestie, Mara Thonner. But Mara’s apparently acquainted with Brittany’s styles as well, so she should be counted as part of the team, perhaps.
2: AFO ’22, I’m in the Wrong Year Edition
It’s from 2022. I know. But I love this dang outfit, and I didn’t write this list in 2022 (a sad, sad omission on my part, despite the fact that I had no outlet to babble about neon and/or sparkly athletic wear at the time), so you’re getting it as a bonus.
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This fit has everything- literally, everything. Animal prints, stripes, mesh panels, a one-shouldered bra, a GORGEOUSLY floral BA print, and a color combo that I could look at forever. (Not to mention the fact that our girl Callie resisted the temptation she MUST have felt to wear maroon.)
1: The Apparel Collab.
Yeah… we had to end it with this. It had been rumored for a while, but I still did a total squeal when I saw this Instagram announcement right after AFO, and knew what that new logo meant. While the customs for the instructors are more elaborate… this was made for us. THEY DID THIS FOR US, Y’ALL!
Some of my favorite moments with these outfits follow.

Assal showing the stretchy qualities of the fabric

Jeffrey on the tread- in head to toe signature print

Mila demonstrates how to wear the neon arms only top (I’m taking notes)

Everything about this pose

Robin seeking her super suit for Turkey Burn

Almost looks like some confetti was thrown at Benny

The classic t-shirt looks amazing on Benny

BENNY AGAIN! Someone’s got to show us how to genderbend in fashion, and we don’t get tired of everyone in that jacket. <3

We don’t see nearly enough of Tobias, and he just came in here and completely won the shoe game

Jess King NOT winning the shoe game with the very proud-looking DJ John Michael

Camila also rocking the famous cargo jacket

The butterfly blue often gets lost behind the neons, but seriously… it’s the perfect blue.

Oooh- another instance of the neon arms thing

My girl RK, who cheered me up that day two years ago and brought me to the colorful world of Brittany Allen! <3

More instruction in how to wear the neon arms thing- I just need those shoes!

Susie in sparkles exactly where sparkles belong- at the Cheltenham Literature Festival

And, by the way, the sparkle sweatshirt is cropped- perfect for Mayla and baby Wedekind!

Jess King turned up for pickleball in another less-frequently-seen piece- the jogging shorts
And really, we have to end it with this- knowing that, with DJ John Michael, Jess King brought Brittany to Peloton’s attention. Thanks to Jess- and thanks to Brittany for bringing so much color into our lives. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in 2024!
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