Peloton Studios 2024 Closure Dates

If you’re a Peloton member planning a trip to New York or London sometime this year, you may want to make note of the planned studio closure dates for 2024.  

In previous years, Peloton hasn’t made the public aware of closures for the entire calendar year, opting instead to release imminent closure dates.  But this year, things have changed, and the long-term planners and list-makers among us rejoice.  

Buried deep (and we mean DEEP) in the FAQ section of the studio booking page, Peloton has listed its 2024 closure dates for its New York City and London studios. The closures are part of the company’s ongoing efforts to optimize its business and typically focus on some type of studio maintenance and/or upgrades (and, in the past, have been due to an entire studio remodel).  

Because most normal people don’t have time, or desire, to read through the minutiae of an entire FAQ section, we’ve saved you the trouble and pulled the dates for you in an effort to make your class-booking lives just a little bit easier.  (But, if that’s your thing, we don’t want to gate-keep that info either. You can find it here and here, under Booking FAQs heading “Why are there no live classes on certain dates?”, which we also recommend keeping an eye on because, sometimes, things can change).  

So, without further ado, let’s get to those dates so you can get them on your calendars already.

New York City Studio

  • Winter Closure:  2/19-2/21
  • Spring Closure: 4/15-4/21*
  • Memorial Day Holiday:  5/27
  • Pause and Reflect: 6/19
  • Pause and Reflect:  7/4-7/7
  • Summer Studio Closure: 8/19-9/4***
  • Holiday Closure: 12/23-1/1/2025

Impacted Classes:  No live in-person classes at the studio or live coach-to-camera classes will be available during these dates.

*UPDATE:  As of 3/19/2024, Peloton’s Spring Closure has been changed to 4/15-4/22

***UPDATE: As of 7/19/2024, Peloton’s Summer Studio Closure for PSNY has been changed to, 8/19 – 9/4 for studio maintenance.  The studio will re-open to Members on 9/5.

London Studio*

  • Winter Closure: 19/2-23/2
  • Easter Bank Holiday:  29/3, 1/4
  • Spring Studio Closure: 15/4-21/4
  • Early May Bank Holiday: 6/5
  • Spring Bank Holiday: 27/5
  • Pause and Reflect: 19/6
  • Pause and Reflect: 4/7-7/7
  • Summer Studio Closure: 26/9-2/9
  • Holiday Closure: 23/12-1/1

Impacted Classes:  Same as PSNY.  No live in-person classes at the studio or live coach-to-camera classes will be available during these dates.

*London dates are given in UK date format.  Also, we would like to formally request Bank holidays in the US, please.

Additional Info

In that same FAQ section, Peloton explains “these periods are vital for our studio operations, enabling us to conduct regular maintenance, and provide our members with classes year round.” While no one can attribute that quote to a specific person at Peloton (it is just website text, after all), we don’t disagree with the need for the closures.  You can’t run a year-round business and not check under the hood every now and again.  And, of course, it gives our hard-working instructors some time off for a little well-deserved R&R, and a break from kicking our collective butts on a regular basis.  

And, yes, before you ask, these closure dates mean the following:  No live, in-person classes at either studio AND no live content on those dates as well. It’s ok–we’ll all live, we promise.  Besides, that’s what the On Demand library is for, right?  Maybe it’ll be a good time to check out one of those TCO Top 5 classes we talk about every week, or an Unstackable if you’re really in your feelings about the closures and you feel the need to rage it out.  

All kidding aside, we do appreciate that Peloton has taken the time to make the closure dates known ahead of time, even if they were buried so deeply in the FAQs that only a robot could find them (we kid, we kid!).  Because it is kind of frustrating to plan a trip only to find out that one of the things you wanted to do on that trip isn’t available, and that’s no joke.  If you’re planning a trip to New York or London, don’t forget to check out our updated guide to booking studio classes

Disclaimer:  These dates are NOT set in stone and are subject to change at Peloton’s whim, and should be considered more of a powerful suggestion than Peloton gospel.  We’re not saying that they will change, but we’re not not saying that either.

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