Peloton Extending Refund for Tread Plus

Last Updated: October 25, 2022By

On Tuesday morning (10/17/2022) the CPSC (Consumer Protection Safety Commission) issued a joint statement with Peloton. You can read the full statement here. The statement was to announce Peloton extending refund period an entire year to November of 2023 on the Tread+.

Peloton Extending Refund for Tread Plus

The refund period is being extended so Peloton can continue working to create a retrofit design for existing Tread+ owners and for sales of new sales of the Tread+ to resume

The report mentions the 1 death and the 300+ injury totals. Also, it is important to note these totals are the totals since the inception the Tread+, not new numbers since the recall.

Peloton is continuing to work out a design to be approved the by the CPSC. This indicates the Tread+ lives on!  If you have NOT returned your Tread+, keep it!

Just to recap the original timeline:

  • The CPSC originally issued a warning for the Peloton Tread+ April 17, 2021. You can read the full warning here.
  • Peloton issued a recall for the Tread+ on May 5, 2021, which the CPSC reported. You can read the full statement here.
  • As a reminder, Peloton’s remedy for the Tread+ recall was originally:
  1. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Tread+ and contact Peloton for a full refund until November 6, 2022.
  2. Consumers who return the Tread+ treadmill after that date will receive a partial refund.
  3. They are offering consumers who do not want a refund the option of moving the Tread+ free of charge to a room where children or pets cannot access the treadmill.
  4. They are implementing software improvements to the product to automatically lock the Tread+ after each use and prevent unauthorized access by assigning a 4-digit passcode that will be required to unlock the Tread+.


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