Lifting Weights, Lifting Hearts: Rebecca and Andy’s Peloton Love Story
Yeah, Baby! A Peloton Love Story
Becandy’s engaged! (Seriously, folks, that’s a great couple name. #Becandy forever.)
The Clip Out‘s self-declared craziest Rebecca + Andy fangirl is here to bring you up to speed on just what makes this engagement the biggest and most exciting Peloton news since the King-Urista family produced two gorgeous babies, like, WAY more quickly than most normal people can have one average-looking baby.
Strictly Business… Maybe
Rebecca officially started at Peloton in early 2018- not coincidentally, the same time Peloton rolled out their first Tread (the one later renamed Tread+… not that anyone’s been talking about that lately.) Andy started not long after, introduced in early May of that year alongside Olivia Amato and Matty Maggiacomo. And while legend has BFF Cody responsible for the discovery of Matty, Andy was Rebecca’s own recruit. They both threw themselves into building the world of the Tread, and while they frequently posted pictures socializing with quite a few fellow instructors, it was often easy to spot them next to one another in photo shoots, and no one would argue that they’d make a cute couple. In fact, eventually, rumors started to circulate…. until the news dropped. (For the record, Jess King takes full credit.)
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Was anyone really THAT surprised?
Power Couple
And so, #Becandy (officially) launched, and our social media-savvy hero and heroine were not only in love, but teaming up on TikTok dances and coordinating their (extremely shiny) outfits. While both of them were always colorful, together they brought it to a new level. I’ve written before about their couple outfits, but barely scratched the surface. I love bright, sparkly, unusual, and/or garishly colorful fashion choices (the more over-the-top eye-catching, the better), so is it any wonder I’ve spent the last couple years stalking their Instagrams to see what they’ll wear next?
The adventures haven’t stopped, and they both seem to be adventure oriented. Take Burning Man 2022…
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(Do NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, miss clicking through to picture #4 on this slideshow, because I also love a dude that’s secure in his manhood.)
We’ve also seen them go places like Glacier National Park, Sedona, and Martha’s Vineyard– all accompanied with hikes, fashion, and goofy TikTok dances.
Sassy South African Antics
The most recent trip found the future Kennedy-Speerses vacationing in South Africa, and sharing some of their adventures, including…. whatever delightful weirdness this is.
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When I saw this on TikTok, it made me giggle hysterically, but now I’m thinking it was a sign of excess nervous proposal energy. It’s also extremely fitting to see Andy propose with his shirt flying open in the breeze, for some reason. We’ve seen the pictures, but they don’t get old… looks like they even got serious for a moment, and the Peloton community collectively went, “Awwwwwwww,” and the instructor team celebrated!
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Here Comes the Bride
They join the ranks of the Peloton wedding-planning club (is there such a thing?) along with Ben, Leeanne, Matty, and Emma. What kind of wedding will we get when we pair the Queen of Extra and the King of Safari Ass-Shaking? (I know I already posted that one, but seriously, it’s amazing. If you really need a completely new set of poses for the sake of this sentence, try Waterfall Andy, Miami Andy, or perhaps Fleetwood Mac Andy.) Honestly, I’m hoping for glitter, great abs, a whole lot of camp and excess, and impeccable pedicures for all. Oh yeah… and I’m also counting on Jerry and Sunny to steal the show, because while the bride and groom are flashy, not much competes with their super-cute babies.
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