Becs Gentry: Stunning at Running… But Now Making Waves!
So I’m feeling pretty special right now- because I can say I was one of the 1,000(ish) Peloton loyal who logged in for this 20 min Premiere Row last night, featuring someone who’s a new rower like I am- Becs Gentry. New or not, though, she’s learned her stuff, and her experience as a Tread instructor absolutely translated.
Ready to Try Something New
Becs began road running as a young adult in 2011 after college, having previously competed mostly in cross-country races and played lacrosse. When she realized the benefit of running to mental health, her runs became longer and faster, she began coaching- and then, of course, joined Peloton as a Tread instructor in 2018. She’s often pushed the benefits of cross-training for runners, teaching several stretches directed at runners over the years, and in 2022, took on shadowboxing classes as well. What else can Becs do? Well, besides a PR and 4th place finish in the British Olympic Marathon trials in 2021, she and boyfriend Austin Curtis took on the challenge of parenthood, and (while teaching Peloton classes throughout her pregnancy) gave birth to Tallulah in October 2022.
As If That All Wasn’t Enough…
Becs dropped us an announcement last week, and oh, did she ever give some of us a scare!
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The good news came just in time- Alex Karwoski has injured his hand, leaving Peloton short one row instructor. Becs was ready to hit the scene with her Premiere Row Thursday evening. Her fellow instructors didn’t hesitate to give her just a bit of a hard time about her fake-out, in the meantime!
“I’m Becs Gentry….”
The Premiere Row was a star-studded (for Peloton) event, with Katie Wang, Ash Pryor, and Camila Ramón in attendance, along with Becs’s partner Austin Curtis. Our newest Row coach wore a hot pink sports bra, super shiny purple pants, and a beaded necklace, and was gleeful from beginning to finish. As she does on the Tread, Becs shouted out as many milestones as possible, stopping only when she realized just how many rowers were celebrating their 50th row. (Can confirm, since it was my own 50th!) They playlist featured everything from Nina Simone to Miley Cyrus, and ended with some Spice Girls, and the row itself started easy, but Becs managed to hit a few challenging and one max effort toward the end. Her cues were on point and she thanked her fellow row instructors for all the coaching- while she’s new to rowing herself, she’s not a new teacher, and her normal confident style shone through.
“…and I’m a Rowing Instructor!”
Becs was clearly thrilled to be on the Row- and we’re thrilled to have her there. No class PR for me, but hit both a 500 and a 1000 meter PR, along with a 99% form rating- so clearly, something was working! The Clip Out can’t wait to see where she rows next- will you be along for the ride?
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