The Clip Out Weekly Top 5 favorite Peloton classes

TCO Top 5 Favorite Peloton classes: Stay motivated with this week’s picks

Last Updated: August 8, 2023By

Our favorite Peloton singalongs, pre-dive breathing meditations, and Barbie classes [still!] topped the Clip Out Facebook Group’s Top 5 Classes this week! We’re sharing the five most enthusiastic recommendations from our community—along with a quick summary of each class—below. Read on for our weekly dose of motivation!

This week’s favorite Peloton classes:

  1. 7/7/23 10 min Breathing Meditation with Chelsea Jackson Roberts
  2. 8/3/23 30 min Barbie Run with Marcel Dinkins
  3. 8/3/34 60 min Walk + Run with Mariana Fernandez
  4. 8/4/23 30 min Epic Sing Along Ride with Jenn Sherman
  5. 8/6/23 60 min Total Strength with Andy Speer with Andy Speer

Why you loved them!

Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one favorite, but these reviews make it seem easy! Here’s what the TCO Group had to say about their favorite Peloton classes from the last week.

1. Favorite Peloton Meditation: Deep breathing before deep diving!

7/7/23 10 min Breathing Meditation with Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts

Chelsea Jackson Roberts 10 minute breathing meditation made the TCO Weekly Top 5 favorite Peloton classes

Our group knows the value of meditation. But for anyone unsure about what it is or why we love it, Peloton’s description of this favorite Breathing Meditation sums it up perfectly: A simple, accessible meditation class where you’ll focus on the breath as a means to focus and quiet the mind.

Jennifer Perez (TheSassySloth) noticed she was anxious the night before starting a SCUBA diving course. She shared that she used this 10-minute Breathing Meditation to calm her nerves while also practicing deep breathing. In her words:

“I really enjoyed Chelsea Jackson Roberts’ 10 min Breathing Meditation from 7/7/23. I did it the night before I started my scuba diving course since I was a bit anxious, but I wanted to really focus on the importance of breathing deeply (the most important rule of scuba diving is to never hold your breath!). She used a great metaphor of inhaling up the trunk of a big oak tree and exhaling all the leaves away. I also really loved that she used a Native American flute song in the background as I have not yet heard that in a Peloton meditation! This was such a lovely meditation and I will definitely return to it anytime I’m anxious.”

Chelsea’s soothing voice and masterful meditation instruction will surely bring focus and quiet to the busiest of minds.

2. Favorite Peloton Run: Shady Barbie on the Run!

8/3/23 30 min Barbie Run with Marcel Dinkins

Marcel Dinkins 30 min Barbie Run made the TCO weekly top 5 favorite peloton classes

The TCO Group was all atwitter with Barbie fever in last week’s favorites conversation, and the Barbie buzz is still humming along this week!

Trish McIsaac LaLonde loved Marcel Dinkins’ take on the Barbie theme: “It was a lot of fun and she was ‘Shady Barbie’ and was throwing shade at the people in the room who had not seen the movie it.”

Marcel is beloved for her humor and expert instruction. You can trust that the work you do in a Marcel class will make you a better runner… and thankfully she keeps you laughing through it all. Carrin Schottler-Thal could have used a little bit more distraction from the hills in this one though!

Love her jokes! Loved the music!” said Carrin, and then she added cheekily, “Didn’t love the hills so much. :)”

The class is only 30 minutes, but Marcel manages to feature 14 songs from the Barbie movie soundtrack. She also gives three recoveries throughout, which makes the 7.5 total minutes of hills not too torturous! One thing’s for sure: Marcel’s energy and humor keep the work feeling light, even when it’s heavy.

3. Favorite Peloton Run/Walk: Putting the RUN in Walk + Run

8/3/23 60 min Walk + Run with Mariana Fernandez

Mariana Fernandez 60 min walk + run made the TCO weekly top 5 favorite Peloton class list

Mariana is known for the quiet confidence she brings to the Tread. This week, we heard from TCO Group members who embodied that confidence themselves!

Jennifer Yerex said, Mariana’s walk + run that was like none I’ve ever seen. When she said, Well we are starting with an eleven-minute running interval – ummmm SEÑORITA QUE QUE? But it was a whole vibe!”

Past guest and brownie recipe guru Sarah Lester agreed! She added,I LOVE all of her classes. The confidence I get from her classes is fabulous!!”

After a 10-minute warmup, Mariana guides the class through four blocks of running, decreasing in length from 11 minutes to the last two at 3 minutes each. The first running block is relatively long, but fear not—the first walking block is longer at 13 minutes!

The playlist for the class is eclectic, with a range of artists including Taylor Swift, Lord, Green Day, and Eminem. The music is surprisingly cohesive, and Mariana does a fabulous job managing pace and morale throughout the class. This class will leave you feeling capable and confident for sure!

4. Favorite Peloton Ride: Epic Singalong with JSS

8/4/23 30 min Epic Sing Along Ride with Jenn Sherman

JSS Epic Singalong made the TCO weekly Top 5 favorite peloton class list

Jenn Sherman’s (aka JSS) Epic Sing Along rides are some of the most fun you can have on a bike that goes nowhere. This favorite pick is no exception. This edition of Jenn’s signature series racked up the most accolades from the group this week!

In addition to a very singable playlist, Jenn brought some of her trademark entertaining sass to the party. She poked a little fun at the earworm qualities of one song in particular—and at anyone who may have managed to escape having its chorus permanently embedded into their brain.

Past guest Lisa Getty (SeahawksFan) loved this moment: “[Jenn] was in top form, a classic JSS vibe, all 80s music, and one of my all-time favorite quotes, during “Jenny” by Tommy Tutone: ‘If there’s a single one of you who don’t know the number, you get the f%#k out.’ :)

(For anyone unfamiliar with Jenn’s humor, she’s just highlighting the bonding effect many children of the 80s experienced having involuntarily memorized (and maybe tried prank calling?) a random phone number because of this song.)

In addition to Tommy Tutone’s Jenny (867-5309), the playlist includes other classics from 80s Americana, such as Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners, Hurts So Good by John Mellencamp, It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls, and I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.

The class plan allows for plenty of singing with just a couple climbs and a lot of manageable jogs. The class is fun-first, and Jenn invites you to modify as needed. Don’t know the words to the songs? That’s okay! She says to just sing what you know and make up the rest! You’re sure to have fun, be entertained, and maybe even get a little sweaty in the process.

5. Favorite Peloton Strength: 60 minutes of form cue perfection

8/6/23 60 min Total Strength with Andy Speer

Andy Speer 60 min total strength made the TCO weekly top 5 favorite peloton class list

If 30 minutes of singing on the bike doesn’t sound like enough work for you, then maybe follow it up with this 60-minute Strength recommendation from Linda Hauck (YogiLinSpins):

“This class was so great. Andy knows his stuff and his adjustment prompts are great. I feel like he’s talking directly to me sometimes. ‘Elongate your spine and focus on your core!’ How does he know I was slouching and slacking? Plus, the class flew by!”

The class is a full-body intermediate lifting session and includes music by Duran Duran, 2Pac, Skrillex, and 311. Andy prescribes a set of heavy dumbbells (20-50 lbs) for push-presses, kickstand deadlifts, and dumbbell cleans, a set of mediums (10-30 lbs) for curls, triceps, etc, and a set of lights (5-10 lbs) for stability work like single leg deadlifts and overhead presses.

Andy begins each block of work with detailed demonstrations and offers instruction for when and how to modify or progress each move throughout. He uses a combination of bodyweight activations, explosive movements, and weighted exercises to build strength, athleticism, and power. His constant form feedback during class reflects his deep knowledge of body mechanics and his investment in his athletes’ success.

Thank you!

Thank you to all of our listeners for sharing your recommendations and enthusiasm. To see the full list of classes and add your own to the conversation, check out the post from August 8, 2023, here. And let us know in the comments if you try these and find a new favorite of your own!

Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsiHeartTuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.

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