Final classes for Ross Rayburn, Kristin McGee and Kendall Toole at Peloton

Review of the final classes: Ross Rayburn, Kristin McGee and Kendall Toole

This weekend the Peloton community said goodbye to three instructors: Ross Rayburn, Kristin McGee And Kendall Toole.  The Clip Out writers each took (at least) one of the classes with the instructors and below is their special goodbyes to each instructor.

Ross Rayburn

Written by Lori Sayegh

Ross Rayburn taught his final class on the Peloton platform Friday, June 28; the 30 minute Yoga Flow is now available On Demand.  Ross opened the class citing it would be more of a celebratory class with a secondary theme of minding value – he did not mention his departure during the introduction.  This class felt a lot different that Ross’s typical instruction as there were barely any biomechanics cues, which is Ross’s trademark.  He was in a jovial mood with a few jokes here and there.  His playlist was a mix of happy tunes like Jolene by Dolly Parton (who Ross revealed he used to chat up back when he was a waiter!) and nostalgic songs like Yesterday by Eva Cassidy. The class had a great mix of flow, splits, hamstring work, and great floor poses like hero and supine figure four.  The class had a happy feel and Ross’s gratitude for his years at Peloton was palpable. Savasana was over two minutes, Ross spent the first portion reciting one of his favorite inspirational chants before falling silent.  Ross’s final song was I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston, and he dedicated that to members.  His goodbye was short and heartfelt, and ended class with a quite ‘’Til next time.’

On a personal note, Ross was always my go-to for yoga and I will miss him tremendously. His soothing voice, his impeccable biomechanics cues, and his patient explanations of how to get the most out of each pose will be missed.  He was a gift to the Peloton platform and I am grateful that his classes will still be accessible after his departure.  I look forward to seeing what is next for Ross, and all of us at The Clip Out wish him nothing but the best!

Kristin McGee

Written by Elizabeth Schlosberg

On Saturday morning June 29th, more than 1,600 members joined Kristin McGee live on the leaderboard for her farewell flow at Peloton after six incredible years teaching yoga, Pilates, and meditation. Since announcing her surprise departure earlier this month, members have not been silent on social media about their grief as her final class drew near. As ever, her playlist curated the mood for class, including classic (and emotional) songs like Landslide, Memories, You’ve Got a Friend, and Here Comes the Sun. Despite her evident sadness, Kristin seems able to find – and emulate – a positive outlook as she moves forward. The flow itself included some challenging poses, and it was a delight to see her express herself and her physical strength through these asanas. Following the class, Kristin received hugs, flowers, cards and gifts from members in the studio who attended the class. This was a hard goodbye for so many who cherished her presence within the Peloton community, but we are proud of how she handled her departure with her signature grace. We truly wish her the very best until we see her again.

Kendall Toole

Written by Kimberley Dunne

Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” mix kicks off the class. Kendall leads with her signature calming breathing warm-up, encouraging deep inhalations and exhalations before diving into the final countdown of class. Long-time rider Becca K., who has been with Kendall from the beginning, celebrates hitting 3000 rides during this final studio experience. She expresses gratitude to those riding in the studio and at home, emphasizing the importance of fighting for oneself. The energy amplifies as Kenny belts out “Can you play Levels?” sparking cheers and excitement. Up front, “Star Power” instructor sisters Ash, Camila, and Mariana join with buzzing glee, adding to the electric atmosphere. Kendall reflects on her five years at the studio, acknowledging the mix of good and bad feelings that have shaped her journey. Paramore blasts through the speakers, inviting riders to headbang along, just in time for a feisty track followed by an introspective climb during “Hope” by NF. She speaks on her decision to leave, discovering the emotional track. Tears surface as Benson Boone’s vocals flow through the speakers, reflecting the weight of her decision to leave Peloton. Expressing pride in her riders’ accomplishments, she leads a big climb, feeling the full impact of her final moments in the studio. Kendall injects energy with The Greatest Showman soundtrack, leading to a flurry of fist pumps and excitement. She shouts out the names of studio crew members who make the classes possible, acknowledging their hard work. The high-energy mix continues with a rebellious shout of “I will not go!” to Blink-182’s “All the Small Things,” (along with her confirming that she is indeed going)!, followed by an air guitar session and reminders of memorable Travis Barker class experiences. The climax sees Kendall bouncing around the stage unclipped, energizing the crowd with every move. Wrapping up the show, she emphasizes that the riders’ efforts have always been the driving force behind her teaching journey.

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