Peloton Rolls Out “Peloton Apparel” Shopping Link

Last Updated: November 7, 2022By

Peloton wants you to add a little “Peloton Apparel” shopping to your workouts. You just crossed the finish line on your Peloton workout. Worked hard. Got lost in the music. Returned high fives like a boss. Received your favorite instructor’s motivational taglines like magical ice-cold Kool-Aid on a hot day. And now, instead of a finisher’s medal, Peloton is handing you… an outfit. Or at least the invitation to buy the exact outfit the instructor is wearing.

Peloton Apparel Shopping Link

Yes, we’ve talked about this as a possibility in the past. And it looks like Peloton is testing (or slowly rolling out?) the capability as of this morning (11/5/22).

In these two classes, the cooldown included a pop-up invitation to shop the instructor’s look: Emma’s Extra 10: Low Impact Ride from 11/01/22 and Leanne’s 30 min 80s Ride from 10/28/22. We’ve scoured the recent library for others, but we haven’t found any yet.

Peloton Apparel

When you do find one of these classes, a shopping notification appears just as the time remaining hits 1 minute. It shows up below the music and above the high fives feed. It reads: Shop Emma’s look / Send look to your email.

You can tap the notification to hide it. This leaves a small shopping cart icon (similar to the music and high fives when hidden).

Peloton Apparel

Or you can tap the arrow in the notification to send yourself an email with the outfit details. The graphic updates to “Look sent! Check your inbox.”

Peloton Apparel

The email arrives instantaneously. It’s from Peloton (not Peloton Apparel), titled “Instructor-approved pieces you love.” The email includes the same photo used for the class thumbnail, and big red buttons for “shop top” and “shop bottoms.” These buttons take you straight to each item on the Peloton Apparel site.

Peloton Apparel

The Reactions

The initial reaction on the Official Peloton Member Page ran from “love it!” to “this is cringy and it reeks of desperation.” (We should note that the original post was quickly taken down.) For Peloton though, the real success measure will likely be how many of these popups turn into apparel purchases.

It appears that this feature is only available on Peloton equipment so far—Leanne’s class included the shopping invite when played on the Bike, but not when played on the app. We have yet to find any Tread, strength, or yoga classes with the feature. Also to be discovered is whether Peloton will link to items outside of the Peloton Apparel store, such as Olivia’s Puma gear, Kendal’s Spiritual Gangster items, or perhaps even special pieces by instructor fave and past guest Brittany Allen!

Tune in to The Clip Out on Friday, Nov. 11, to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsiHeartTuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.

Written By: Darci Bolger