Mariana Fernández issues a challenge to join her 60 min Tread class June 16

Mariana Fernández issues a challenge to join her 60 min Tread class June 16

Peloton Yoga and Tread instructor Mariana Fernández is inspiring Members to come back, stay consistent, and even turn up the intensity with a challenge to join her in an upcoming 60-minute Endurance Run at noon ET Friday, June 16.

Sí, se puede! Yes, you can!

Mariana is known for her warmth, enthusiasm, and–especially now as a running coach–her tough love. She wants us to honor our body’s limitations and abilities, but also believes we can overcome and level up.

Mariana shared a clip of her May 14 30 min Walk + Run class on her Instagram page, where she rallies us to believe in our ability to persevere:

“No injury, no illness, no heartbreak, no downfall defines you. As Robin says, ‘You have survived 100% of your bad days.’ So, when you struggle, seek it out. Find it. If you’ve hit rock bottom, if you haven’t been able to see the light, know that there’s another side. And you have a community that will help, that will uplift, that will bring you back. Always. So even when they say no, you pivot and you say, Sí, se puede! Yes, you can!

“You have a community that will help, that will uplift…”

A challenge

In her Instagram post, Mariana issued a challenge to join her in a 60-minute Endurance Run on Friday, June 16.

60 minutes might be a big physical and mental jump, but Mariana’s caption offers a source of inspiration to go for it:

💞Consistency can be challenging… come back to your reminders 💞 today I ran with my sister-in-law… last time we ran together, she told me she wanted to do her first half marathon in years. Two weeks ago, she slayed that half marathon. Source that inspiration 💖 it will get you back to the start and keep you moving✨ We have a 60MIN Endurance Run in two weeks. Let’s keep training. And if you feel stuck, come back to this 30MIN Walk+Run from 5.14.23. 💞Keep moving to keep surprising yourself 💞

Mariana wants us to keep training. In other words: to continue; to be consistent.

The next level

As of today, June 10, 2023, there are 4,000+ Running classes in the on-demand library. Only 106 of those are 60-minutes. That’s less than 3%.

We know Peloton loves data, so this low 60-minute volume indicates that not a lot of Members are taking 60-minute classes. (But for all the long-distance folks that have been pleading for more hour+ options, this addition to the library is a win.)

Whether for a seasoned sprinter or a running newbie, an hour-long run is next-level. It takes preparation, time, and, perhaps most of all, belief in yourself. Mariana is calling us to prepare with consistency, and to believe with confidence.

With less than a week before June 16, some of us may be concerned about diving into a longer run. And that’s ok. If new to running consistently, or if it’s been a while, we still have the option to take the 60-minute class at our own pace and with as much walking as needed.

In fact, many long-distance runners say that the duration of time on our feet is just as important as speed and distance. Walking 60 minutes now will absolutely contribute to our ability to run 60 minutes later.

Listen to your body–it might be saying yes!

With any fitness activity, especially one that pushes the intensity to new levels, it’s key to listen to your body. This may mean hiding the leaderboard, ignoring the class cues, and slowing down.

But… you might hear your body say sí, se puede! Yes, you can! If you give your body the chance, it might surprise you.

And, as Mariana says, if you feel stuck, come back, keep moving, and surprise yourself.

Looking for more?

For more on how Peloton inspires us to come back and level up, check out this story, where we learn that Peloton instructors coming back from maternity leave is the most relatable thing at Peloton.

To hear Angelo from MetPro talk about consistency over intensity as recently as June 9, listen here!

In the comments or on Facebook, tell us about your own experience leveling up with Peloton. We’d love to hear it!

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