Angelo on Cosistency + Breathing. What I honestly want is for you to say, "I didn't have a lot of time but I made sure that I did 10 lunges, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 3 rounds. I was done in 6 minutes, but I've done it every day this week." That, I can work with. Consistency is key.

Consistency and Breathing Techniques for Optimal Fitness

When it comes to fitness and nutrition, there are countless questions and challenges that people face. And sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right answers or solutions. That’s why we’ve invited Angelo from MetPro back to help answer some of your most pressing questions and discuss the importance of consistency for optimal fitness.

In this post, we’ll be discussing two topics that seem unrelated on the surface, but actually go hand in hand: consistency and breathing techniques. If you struggle with staying consistent in your fitness routine or find that your breathing is holding you back, keep reading for expert advice and tips on how to improve.

Start small with consistency

Let’s start with the first topic: consistency. This is something that many people struggle with, whether they’re just starting out on their fitness journey or have been at it for a while. One of the keys to being consistent is to make sure that your goals are realistic and achievable. Set small, manageable goals that you can work towards each week or month, rather than trying to do too much too soon and burning out. It’s also important to find an exercise routine that you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle. If you hate running, there’s no point in trying to force yourself to do it every day. Find something that you find fun or rewarding, whether that’s yoga, weightlifting, hiking or something else entirely. Finally, hold yourself accountable by tracking your progress and celebrating your successes along the way.

Find a time you’re least likely to miss

If you struggle to find consistency, Angelo suggests adding accountability by telling your family and friends you’re going to do it (you can even post your plans in The Clip Out Facebook group and invite us all to join you!). Or he says to take a page from Dr. Jenn’s book and set your clothes out the night before so that you are more likely to exercise first thing in the morning.

“Every hour before noon that you exercise, you are statistically more likely to follow through. If possible, be an AM exerciser,” he says.

If working out in the morning does not work for you, then Angelo suggests anchoring your workout to something you will not miss. “If you drop off kids or pick them up at school, anchor to that [and] workout right before or right after.” Or maybe you anchor your workout to your lunch hour or to your daily dog walk. Whatever it is, find a pre-existing habit and add even a small moment of exercise on to it.

Breathing and fitness

Now, let’s move on to breathing techniques. As mentioned earlier, breathing can play a big role in how well you perform during exercise. If you find that you’re often short of breath, breathing too quickly or not deeply enough, it’s worth looking into some techniques to improve. The best approach would be to work with a physical therapist to assess your breathing and develop a plan specific to you, but some techniques to look into are the Wim Hof method and deep belly or diaphragmatic breathing.

But why is breathing so important for exercise? In short, it’s because the more oxygen your body gets, the better it can work. During exercise, your muscles need oxygen to fuel their movements, and if you’re not getting enough, you’ll tire out more quickly. Improved oxygen uptake is also linked with reduced stress and improved overall health and well-being.

By focusing on your breathing and improving your technique, you can improve your stamina, reduce your heart rate and recover more quickly between sets or workouts. If you feel you are short of breath or not breathing optimally, it may be worth seeing a physical therapist so that you can optimize your fitness and general wellbeing.

Ready, set, go!

Consistency and breathing are two key components of optimal fitness. By setting realistic goals, finding an exercise routine you enjoy and holding yourself accountable, you can stay on track and achieve your goals. And by improving your breathing technique through methods like the Wim Hof method or diaphragmatic breathing, you can take your fitness to the next level by improving your oxygen uptake and overall performance.

We hope this post has been helpful in addressing some of your fitness and nutrition questions. And a big thanks to Angelo from MetPro for sharing his expertise with us!

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