320. Peloton Announces Permanent Price Drop Plus Our Interview With Christina Sandefur
- Peloton announces permanent price drop.
- Peloton teases new colors for the Bike.
- Security experts have concerns about the Tread.
- Netflix access is in beta testing for Peloton equipment.
- “Just Me” debuts in beta.
- Peloton appears to be rolling out options for feedback on explicit lyrics.
- Peloton Row has a new way to measure your progress.
- Peloton On Tour Atlanta goes on sale (and sells out).
- It’s marathon season for instructors.
- Allied Market Research has an interesting article about the future of connected fitness.
- EFTM.com reviews the Tread.
- Runner’s World reviewed Lanebreak for the Tread.
- Peloton sued for invasion of privacy.
- Dr. Jenn – Eating healthy while homeschooling.
- Jess King and Sophia Urista have a baby.
- Hannah Corbins’s husband was injured in bike accident.
- People Magazine interviewed Adrian Williams.
- Ben Alldis also spoke to People Magazine.
- Tunde is headed to Australia.
- Has Alex started narration for his new book?
- Jess Sims is returning to College Game Day.
- Jess will be a coach for Dribble For Dreams.
- Aditi Shah spoke to the New York Times about the benefits of meditation.
- Emma Lovewell was on the Hurdle podcasts.
- Christine D’Ercole was on the Self Care Unit podcast.
- Susie Chan did an IG Live about Badwater.
- Emma Lovewell and Denis Morton celebrated 6-years with Peloton.
- Becs Gentry celebrated 5 years with Peloton.
- Marcel Maurer celebrates 2 years with Peloton.
- Tobias Heinze has advice for taking his 75-minute run.
- Ben Alldis mentioned on IG that his wedding date is pending and he’ll be back in the U.S. soon.
- Angelo/MetPro – Dealing with body changes due to perimenopause.
- Andrea Barber has a new podcast.
- Scott Jenkins finished the Tahoe 200 Mile Ultramarathon.
- Barbie classes are now available.
- More classes added for Motley Crue.
- New artists added to Outdoor Reloaded collection.
- TCO Top 5
- New Power Zone FTP and Warm Up rides debut.
- Instructors added to Yin Yoga collection.
- Ross & Tunde team-up for Yoga for Riders class.
- The new milestone collection (finally) drops.
- The Little Words bracelets are back in stock.
- Birthdays – Jayvee Nava (8/2), Marion Roaman (8/3)
All this plus our interview with Christina Sandefur
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Peloton Announces Permanent Price Drop Plus Our Interview With Christina Sandefur
You asked if I was ready. I said I am ready to work some podcasting magic, just like I do every week, weekend, week out, multiple times a week, but I need a little bit more refractory period between podcasts because I’m not a young man anymore, just so you know. On the flip side, on a longer podcast, I don’t have to think about baseball. It’s good and bad. People are like, “Is this what you call magic? When does the magic part start?”
It’s a lot coming out of your mouth right now.
That’s one way to end that sentence. What pray tell do you have in store for people? I know Dr. Jenn and Angelo are back.
They are. I will get to them in a moment. We are going to talk about a whole bunch of Peloton stuff, including the big price drop, and the latest tease that they’re doing. They’ve been rolling out beta tests and new information. New things are coming out. We also have a lawsuit update we have to do. Actually, it’s a brand-new lawsuit. We have a visit from Dr. Jenn. This time, we are going to talk about eating healthy while homeschooling. We have a visit from Angelo and we talk about dealing with body changes due to perimenopause. We also have past guest updates, artist series, and a whole crap ton of In Case You Missed It.
People love crap tons.
It’s a new measurement. It’s very technical in nature.
We have a special machine back here to measure things in crap tons. We got that from the set of Oppenheimer. Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Crystal is getting her phone and going to follow us right now after six and a half years.
Do you know what I was actually thinking?
What’s that?
I probably need to message Angelo and ask when he can record again. That’s what I was thinking
Behind the scenes. We got to save this fascinating conversation for the Patreon. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That’s super helpful and greatly appreciated. You can also find us on Facebook where you can stay up to date on things throughout the week, Facebook.com/TheClipOut. You can also stay up to date if you’re an Instagram person by following Crystal, @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find us on Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. For a little extra, you can get these episodes ad-free. If we get them early, you get them early. We record bonus episodes for people with all sorts of behind-the-scenes content and other musings from you and me. You can also watch these episodes on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. Finally, don’t forget, we have a website, theclipout.com. You can sign up for our newsletter and get the links and all the things like that sent directly to your inbox. Why are you making faces?
I was trying to figure out if I could raise both eyebrows.
This is a weird time to go on that journey.
I had time to kill.
I was over here babbling and doing the shameless plugs. You sit over there and see, “What faces I could make?” It will drive YouTube traffic, “What the hell is Crystal doing with her face?” We are nothing but consummate professionals. You’re welcome. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
The price of the tread and row has been reduced permanently.
I feel like that’s a keyword.
It’s not a sale. This is the price moving forward. They should probably say indefinitely. I feel like there’s already a lawyer that’s sitting there waiting for the year 2046 when they decide to raise the price of the bike a dollar.
To be fair, this is my word for our article. As opposed to it being a sale, indefinitely would’ve been a better word choice.
I’m glad they didn’t say permanently.
I might have gotten that from a Peloton contact, but not on the record. They weren’t trying to play games.
This is not a sale. This is the MSRP now. I’m sure people are upset.
People were upset. I don’t think this was as upsetting. It didn’t feel as severe.
Remember six weeks ago when we were mad about inflation and then prices go down, but not like that.
I guess if you just bought it. I feel like a lot of people who have bought a row or a tread, it’s been a little while so they’re not super upset about it. There are going to be some that are very recent. I know one lady posted that she had just bought the row the night before the price dropped. I was like, “Yikes.”
You’re probably still within your return window then. Can’t you be like, “I want to return it and rebuy it?”
She has. I know that she had that resolved. I don’t think that people were as upset as I expected they might be. That’s a good thing. People recognize the fact that they’re going to keep playing around with prices to figure out what works.
We live in a day and age when prices fluctuate. I deal with this with concert tickets all the time. Prices change on things. Ask the person sitting next to you on the airplane what they paid. Nobody paid the same price for a plane ticket. Nobody pays the same price for a hotel room. Nobody pays the same price for a car.
They don’t get all bent out of shape over that. There are a lot of lessons that Peloton is still paying for because they’ve done things a certain way in a certain amount of time. People still respond to that. What I thought interesting about it was that it was a big drop for the tread, but not as big for the row, which makes sense. The tread has been out longer than the row.
We talked about this. This was encouraging for the Tread+ return. We don’t know when the Tread+ is going to occur, but we do know that it will be after the current recall period ends. We know that is in November of this year. We’ve got about four months left. Will we see the Tread+ return in December? Will it return early next year? I don’t know, but I had expected it to be a lot of money, like $5,000 to $6,000. Maybe it won’t. This gives me more hope that it won’t be.
Maybe it will come a little bit cheaper than we were anticipating. We shall see.
We shall.
Peloton teased that you could soon be able to get a bike and a color that’s not black. Up until now, it’s been like the Model T.
I love this. Folks out there might remember a few years ago when we had the pink bike that we sold. It was exclusive.
We are trendsetters. Can we sue Peloton?
I don’t think that we can. I don’t think so.
We can’t sue them? Damn it.
It was still their bike, but we bought that bike. It also ended horribly but that’s a whole other story. That’s a story we should tell on the Patreon.
The nightmare that became getting that bike to the winner of that contest. They were very nice. They were not the problem. It was a whole thing, but they got their bike.
That’s going to be a Patreon episode. Anyway, there are three new colors that Peloton is teasing. Who knows how many colors are out there? Tom, when you look at this, do you think that these are new frames? Do you think these are skins where they have put an outer shell on them?
I think they’re painting the frame.
I think they are too. I want it to be a skin for simplicity.
I would think that skin might make more sense in that they could sell skins to people who already have bikes.
I’ve seen how difficult those skins are to put on and make them look nice. It’s not quick and it’s not easy.
Unless it’s some sort of casing, like a hard shell.
I can see the welds so I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. People have brought up the fact like how this is helping with reducing the expenses of things when there are all these skews we’re adding now. Now, we’re adding colors. That is a fair point, but I also think that we don’t know what this looks like behind the scenes. If it’s the exact same thing and Peloton is able to paint this in-house or do it in a quick and efficient manner, then I don’t know that it’s that big of a deal.
It’s probably powder coating.
That’s what I would think.
I can’t imagine it’s that.
We looked into that for the pink bike too.
The problem was we would have to disassemble it. That wouldn’t be a problem presumably for Peloton. It’s a problem for us, given that I won’t change my own wipers.
Not to mention the fact that in this case, we made the bike completely pink. They did not. The handlebars aren’t changed. The casing isn’t changed where the flywheel is.
They just do the core frame of the bike. They don’t like, “Everything, we wrapped in paint.”
It makes it more realistic and a much quicker job to be able to paint it the way that they have it here. It looks nice and uniform. You can see those welds so clearly. From a manufacturing standpoint, although I want the answer to be skin to save money for people, I think the answer is they painted it. Also, when will I get mine? That’s the other question that we need to answer.
You have a bike.
This one is a pretty color.
You have a bike that has a pretty color.
It’s like M&M’S. You need one and all the colors.
If they were the same price as M&M’S. I can get a bag of them for $2.
If it had a 2 and some 0’s in it, we’d be okay?
Depending on where that decimal point lands. Also, nobody sees it.
I do. It might match some pretty shoes or something.
Black goes with everything. Black is the new black. Always bet on black.
What if I get something cool like Brittany Allen custom-made shoes that have sparkles all over them, then rose gold to match the rose gold bike? How beautiful would that be?
Think how well that would pop against a black background.
It’s not a background. It’s just a bike in the middle of the room.
Exactly. It’s a bike in the middle of the room. Why do you need another one because it’s a different color? I’m glad you’ve cooler heads have prevailed. By cooler heads, I mean mine.
This isn’t over. Anyway, let me know. When this comes out, I want to hear from anyone who orders one immediately.
It was reported that researchers have spotted security vulnerabilities in the Peloton treadmill. To make sure you understand that, here is a picture of a bunch of bikes.
From a person who posts a lot of articles, I will tell you that when you are looking for articles or you’re looking for artwork quickly, you only have so much time, Tom. Peloton always brings up bikes, but they also flipped it because Peloton is backward.
It is, but look how nice those bikes look all shiny and black. It’s a very sleek look. I hope no one ever changes it.
I think it would be very pretty if they were all pink or one of each color.
I will buy you rose-colored glasses. Anyway, back to you. Security experts say your tread is going to steal your identity.
How is this any different than the last time they reported there was a hack because you had to be in the room? Is this the same issue?
I have not read this. I don’t know. I’m very fatalistic about these things. First off, I’m not using the tread. Second, whatever the potential danger is, I know that you are not going to stop using the tread, so what difference does it make?
Three main attack vectors are the operating system, the application, and malware. We’ve talked about this before. Is it hackable? It’s possible. On certain builds, there are some things that could happen. You could enable USB debugging. I’m so bored with this.
USB would mean you have to physically be with your bike or your tread.
That’s the same issue we ran across last time, and then it says you could get a backdoor on the treadmill and gain access to the network. This is all the same stuff. Below, it says malware for the workout equipment. This says that the APIs make it susceptible. APIs are open and you don’t have to be in the room for API. In fact, people should be concerned about this one because there are a lot of third-party software out there that are trying to use Peloton’s data to sell things. Some of them have been around for a long time.
They are legit and they’re good, but there are always people trying to make money off of Peloton. There are always new ones. You do need to be careful because when you are releasing your information, they’re talking to that API. There’s a lot of stuff out there that could happen through that piece of it. I’ve always wondered why Peloton leaves that API open. It’s very confusing to me.
Me too. I don’t understand what the logic there is at all.
Checkpoint disclose their findings to Peloton. Peloton stated the reported issues meet the expected security measures for Android-based devices and pertain to scenarios requiring physical access to the device. They’re saying it still has to be in the room. Basically, they’re not that worried.
I would think it’d be a bigger concern on the bike. I feel like there are a lot more bikes in the wild like in public spaces, gyms, hotels, and things like that. I feel like tread hasn’t hit that critical mass. I don’t know that the tread itself ever will. I would think that in a commercial space, they are probably waiting on Tread+ because they need something a little bit more durable. Not that the tread isn’t durable, but the tread is designed for a household of 2 to 4 people to use. It’s not a gym that people are using for hours a day, day after day, year after year.
I also separately wonder if that will ever become a thing because the Tread+ is more expensive. It’s more of a high-end thing. I’m thinking you might see that more in the high-end gyms, not necessarily see it in a hotel gym or at least the hotels that we stay in. Those treadmills don’t look great, the ones that are in there.
Always keep moving and motivate yourself by having goals. Share on XI also feel like a lot of the treadmills we’ve seen are treadmills that were bought years and years ago. Because they’re so durable, nobody has ever bothered to replace them because they’re still working. Nobody is going to complain because, at the end of the day, you’re probably only at this hotel for 2 or 3 days.
You’re talking about a couple of hours.
It’s not worth investing that kind of money in.
Those are all fair points. I’m so excited about this.
People have been loving the fact that you can watch certain streaming services on your Peloton equipment. Netflix is now officially in beta. People have been discovering Netflix popping up on their equipment.
Amazon still has not come back, at least for most people. There are some users that have a whole host of things. We talked about this like Disney+, Hulu, ESPN, and a bunch of crap I don’t care about. I’m excited about Netflix because I do hate-watch a lot of shows on Netflix. I know hate-watching doesn’t sound that great, but it’s a lot of fun to really hate on shows that are badly done. There’s a lot of that out there. This could be fun while you’re not so into it that you don’t need to hear every word of the dialogue.
Your Sweet Magnolias.
That is the show right there. I’ve been on a real binge of hate-watching Sweet Magnolias. It’s terrible.
I haven’t hate-watch the show in a long time. I ended up hate watching it. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip started off so good, then I kept thinking it will get better again. At some point, I hated it so much. I just watched it because it made me mad.
That first season of Undercover Underage, we started hate-watching that.
We were hate-watching that, and then it got better.
It got good, actually. The Sweet Magnolias, I definitely hate watching that while I will be writing articles and stuff. It’s a great background. It’s annoying. It’s awesome. I think this would be good.
Speaking of new beta features, they now have a Just Me tab. They finally use that camera and it’s footage of you on the bike.
No. By the way, for anybody out there, it is a beta feature. It’s a feature. You were able to do the capability in a different way. Now, they’ve changed it to be something new that they’re testing. That’s called new and it’s called beta and it’s also called a feature.
Somebody’s law. You got your sassy leggings.
I made the mistake of reading the comments. First of all, people don’t read the article. They read the headline and they think they know everything, and it’s all called out here. The cool part about this is that number one, there are a tremendous amount of people that had no idea that this existed because it was buried. For people that have had their bike or their equipment for a long time, we know that because we used to take classes all the time over and over again. Back in the Stephen Little days, we would retest. That was our best way of retesting our efforts. You could see how your heart rate responded over and over again.
You should probably explain what this is.
Let me explain.
You got so concerned with being sassy over there.
I haven’t been sassy for a few weeks.
Maybe not on the show.
I’ve been sassy around you. I thought maybe the listeners might want to hear a little sass. Just Me means that you can click on a tab. However many times you’ve taken that class, you can see your current statistics compared to past times that you’ve taken the class. You always could do this. To do it, you had to go into filter and Just Me to be able to get to it. The new beta feature is now putting it right on the front where it’s going to be a tab in the upper right-hand corner. You can easily at any time click on it, and you don’t have to click a bunch of buttons to get to it, which is nice.
You don’t have to go through a bunch of steps to filter. You could be like, “Boom.”
Something that people don’t realize if they only use the bike is when you’re sitting on a bike, you can easily raise one hand and click the buttons. It’s not that big of a deal. If you’re running, it’s not as easy to do that. If you’re rowing, you have to put the handle down or hold the handle with one hand and do it. I don’t think that the people who are so incredibly snotty about this realize that not everybody just uses a bike. They use all these other machines. It’s nice to be able to click it with one hand very quickly.
The other reason that I think it’s a beta feature is it’s been a couple of days and not everybody has this yet. In fact, a lot of people don’t have it. Only a few people have it. I don’t think that it’s rolled out completely yet. They’re still playing around with it to maybe even see if people are going to engage with it. Peloton is all about the data. If they don’t see people using it, they’re probably not going to put it out there. It’s a great thing. I like that they’ve been testing so many little Easter eggs lately. It’s been a lot of fun. This was spotted by our TCO tipster, Jen Kern.
Thank you. I guess with all the streaming video platforms on there, if you could get PornHub, you could also have a Just Me feature.
That would be a very different Just Me feature.
Be sure to wipe down the equipment when you’re done.
By the way, TCO tipster Psycho Doc, otherwise known as David Stimber, is the one that found Netflix this morning.
Thank you to you, David. We’re getting reports that they are testing a beta. We haven’t seen it personally, but we’re hearing that they’re testing feedback options that allow you to rate the explicit lyric content of a particular class. Whether or not you deem it’s too explicit, not explicit, or just right explicit.
It says, “Too explicit, explicit, or not explicit.” I think it’s to give feedback. I want to clarify. I don’t think this is just the music. I think this is also all the instructors. I only say that because there are instructors who are very comfortable cussing. There are people who are not comfortable with that. It would be good to know if it was marked as explicit. If you take a whole class and it’s not explicit, you definitely would want to mark that. I’m sure there will be people that will be like, “Too explicit.”
I also think that we have shifting definitions of what is explicit. Things that were considered dirty words 30 or 40 years ago aren’t anymore. Conversely, some things that weren’t considered dirty words 30 or 40 years ago now are.
It’s so subjective too some things that are explicit to some people. I know the way we have always cussed around our children is considered too explicit for many households.
I don’t want them to learn how to cuss on the streets. I want them to learn it properly.
In some households, that’s a big no.
Some people would be appalled at how we talk around our children.
I’m sure my own father gives a stink eye every time we do it.
Your dad does it too.
Now he does, but he didn’t when we first got together. It’s been ten years, Tom.
The kids are also ten years older, but with their language usage, they’re like twenty years old. With their language usage, I think they served in Korea. That’s how they talk.
I’m just saying it’s very subjective.
This also potentially takes the burden off of Peloton in terms of defining what is and isn’t explicit. They’re crowdsourcing it. If someone says, “I think this class is explicit,” they can point to it and go, “Other people didn’t so go f*ck yourself.”
That’s one way to bridge it.
This is why I don’t work in customer service. Peloton has unveiled a new metric graphic for the rower.
This was caught by TCO tipster Dave Stimber as well.
Dave’s on a roll.
He has been all over the new roll-outs. Thank you, Psycho Doc. This is on the rower. I really liked this. This was cool. I went and took a rowing class right after this. What it does is you always have these pace targets you’re trying to do for easy, moderate, challenging, and really fast. I can’t remember what the last one is called.
There you go. When you’re doing your rates, especially on the more challenging ones, you’re all out. You can’t be sitting there paying attention like, “Am I hitting my numbers exactly?” In the end, now there’s this new graphic that says, “You were hitting your pace targets the whole time,” or you weren’t. How that’s helpful for people is you can change your pace targets as you get better at rowing.
The cool part about it is if you are consistently hitting your pace targets easily through the most challenging, maybe it’s time to level up. On the flip side, if you’re not, it shows you. That doesn’t mean you’re failing. That means this is something you need to work on. It’s also great for people who leveled up because now they can see how they’re improving over time with those metrics. I think this is cool. I’m glad to see it.
Peloton on Tour Atlanta tickets have gone on sale and sold out. Next topic.
We knew they were going to go on sale and they did, then they sold out.
What’s the next city up? Is it Chicago?
I think so because it’s Chicago, then it goes over to Germany, then London. There are five in total. I think Chicago is next.
It is marathon season for Peloton instructors, in case you haven’t noticed, because they all seem to be doing marathon training right now. Helper Bee Nikki wrote an article, aggregating all of that data for people.
You’ve got Logan. He’s going to be doing the Chicago Marathon. Rad Lopez is also going to be doing Chicago. Jeffrey McEachern is going to be doing Berlin on September 24th, New York this fall, and Los Angeles in March. He’s also taking a look at either the full or the half marathon in Scotland in May as a spontaneous sign-up. We also want to point out that Logan is running to support the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. He is trying to raise $3,000 and finish in under 3 hours and 30 minutes, which is no small feat. I know a lot of people can do that, but there are a lot of people who can’t. That is a very short time for 26 miles. Was that it? Is that all?
We got them all.
All that is in this article. We can’t promise that we have covered all of the instructors because they are making announcements daily.
Allied Market Research put out a report talking about the rise and continued expected dominance of connected fitness equipment.
They’re saying it’s going to reach a little over a billion. I think that’s what it’s saying. Also, Asia Pacific has emerged as one of the largest growing markets in the global connected gym market. We could probably expect Peloton to be growing in that area.
Maybe we will see a new studio in Japan. That’d be fun.
We will have to go visit that one.
We can’t because we spent all that money on the pink bike.
I haven’t bought it yet.
If you do, we can’t go to Japan. Now, you have to make a decision. That’s my favorite face. EFTM.com reviewed the tread and they liked it. I don’t know what EFTM is. It says, “Tech, cars, and lifestyle.” None of those start with the letter E, F, or M. I’m not sure. Runner’s World reviewed Lanebreak for the tread. I thought this was interesting because I would think Runner’s World is very push-up-your-glasses and snotty about running.
They’re focused on running. They know all the things. Clearly, they did this before they had done the price drop. Actually, I don’t know. It’s in pounds, so maybe not. They liked it. They thought that even though the tread itself is very expensive, the Lanebreak was an awesome addition to it. Since I have a Tread+, I still don’t have this, but I am excited about it. I can’t wait to try this. I like that Peloton in general is adding a lot of fun things. I know we’ve talked before that it’s sad in a way that they’re not going to be focusing on new equipment. As a user, I like that they’re going to be focusing on improving what we already have.
How many different versions of a treadmill can you make? I’m glad they’re not going after like an iPhone model where they try to convince you every two years that you need a new treadmill, bike, rower, or whatever. Ultimately, that’s good. I also think that as they’re moving to an app-based model, this is a way to still show that the equipment has value.
Every time you see somebody that posts like, “I can get an Echelon and use the app and save all this money,” it’s like, “Here’s the laundry list of things that you can’t do if you go down that road.” If that’s the road you choose, that’s fine. I’m not trying to shit on anybody who decides that all they need ultimately is the app. You’re getting more and more features that are equipment exclusives that differentiate a piece of Peloton equipment from another like a NordicTrack bike, treadmill, or what have you.
People are saying, “I don’t want Netflix. I don’t want the entertainment beta.” That’s okay. They don’t have to use it, but the cool thing is people have the option to be able to do it. That’s the cool part. It’s opening Peloton up to be able to meet more people where they are. That’s what they’ve always wanted. At the end of the day, it’s a cool thing.
Peloton is being sued once again, this time, for invasion of privacy. I guess this is just a California thing.
California has some of the strictest laws in America about privacy. When I was at Charter, we had to always put special stuff on the screen just for California users because they had to have different feedback than all the other states. Apparently, there was a person that was talking to the customer service agent over chat. Their Peloton was using this third-party app called Drift that embedded a code in the chats that allowed Drift to collect, interpret, analyze, store, and utilize transcripts of the chats. This is all not proven yet.
This is the allegation.
When customers were using this chat feature to contact Peloton support, they were not informed that the chat involved Drift servers. Customers thus incorrectly believe they were interacting directly with Peloton representatives. They’re also further alleging that Drift captured the customer’s IP address, browser, the device they used, and the activities both during and after they finished the chat session. The person who is suing said that people would be shocked and appalled by the information collected and how it was used for Drift’s business purposes, including analyzing the likelihood that an individual would purchase a product or service from Peloton.
At this point, no response has been filed by Peloton. They have not answered the legal claim. Peloton’s legal counsel has requested an extension of time in order to file its answer. We will be keeping you up to date on this one. I’m interested to see how this one plays out. This one is the most substantial I’ve heard in a long time.
I still don’t get how it’s different than the cookies that follow me around on Facebook or whatever.
I don’t know that those are allowed in California. Maybe they are. That would be an interesting discussion. This was written by our attorney Helper Bee Tina. Thank God she put it in layman’s terms for us.
The first draft was entirely in Latin. Coming up after this, we’re going to talk to Dr. Jenn. She is back and she’s going to answer a question about eating healthy while homeschooling. Stick around.
Joining us once again is Dr. Jenn Mann, licensed marriage, family and child therapist, and Sport Psychology consultant. She also has a wonderful app that you should check out called No More Diets. It’s Dr. Jenn.
Our question today comes from Kim Barnsley. She says she’s struggling with being hungry and not having the time at that moment to make a filling snack or meal. She’s a twin mom, so I know you know all about that. She’s homeschooling and she has two new puppies.
She’s a better woman than I am.
I know, two puppies and twin mom, my goodness. She says, “I’m an intuitive eater, so no real stats required, but I want it to be filling and I have a little of everything like protein, fat, and carbs to keep me going.” She knows she needs to eat a little of everything, but having trouble finding time.
First of all, I am a big fan of having a collection of snacks. I always carry snacks in my purse. I’m a big purse snacker. I have individual packets of nuts that I can open, eat, and then throw away the wrapper. I carry protein bars. I like the vegan ones that are awesome, or dried fruit, or various different things. I like the individual packets. I’m a big fan of those for purse food. She’s mostly home, but those kinds of things are still great that you can grab. I have these individual packets of pistachio nuts. I had one this morning on the go. I just grab that. Even if you’re home, I work from home so I get it. You can grab one of those and have your snack.
She may also want to consider doing a little bit of meal prep so she has some ready-made snacks that she likes. Sometimes it’s as simple as ordering some hummus and some pre-cut veggies or you do it yourself. The other thing is anything that you can get that is pre-made if that’s in your budget, I highly recommend it. There’s a kale Caesar salad by Urban Remedy that I love. I try to always get one of those, or some quick avocado rolls from Whole Foods or things like that to have in the house that are easy quick snacks.
Even if you don’t have the time to do the full meal of the carb, protein, and fat as she mentioned, I agree because that’s what will stick to your ribs and stay with you. You may want to be able to tide yourself over until you have the time to make that sandwich, salad, pasta, or whatever it is that you want to make by grabbing one of the quicker snacks. Coming up with a list of ten snacks that you can grab and go, and then maybe making sure that you’ve got six snacks that are available that week that are satisfying and will tide you over until you can make a full-on meal.
That’s super smart. I love how you always prepare ahead of time.
Sometimes it’s in theory. Sometimes it’s in reality, but I’m also one to get things that are pre-made whenever I can like in LA Sprouts, which I’ve never actually been to. Instacart has Sprouts and they have this incredible hummus with pre-cut and washed veggies. The hummus happens to be phenomenal and it’s such a great snack. I mentioned the Urban Remedy Caesar salad. Those are quick easy ones that you can get.
You guys have a lot of good options out there.
We’re very spoiled in LA.
We can get a gun wherever we want. We actually have vending machines.
At the airport.
On both sides of security. They don’t care. Thank you so much for all that. Until next time, where can people find you?
On social media @DrJennMann.
Thank you.
Jess King and Sophia Urista have had their baby.
They have a new baby. I believe it’s pronounced Afiza. I’m not going to try to pronounce her full name because I don’t want to mess it up. She was born on July 15th at 1:00 AM after more than twenty hours of labor. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces. We send love and congrats to the family.
Hannah Corbin’s husband was injured in a bicycle accident.
A lot of people don’t know, but I’m going to make sure people have heard it. He is one of Team Wilpers’s coaches and so he rides bikes a lot. When he was out training, he was hit. We don’t know exactly how it all went down. We do know that he sustained injuries including a collapsed lung. We also know he’s going to be fine. He is home and recuperating.
We wish him the best. People Magazine talked to Adrian Williams about taking an eight-week break after his surgery.
He had to step away for two months while he was healing. It was an old injury that required him to get surgery to have it fixed, then he had to heal from that. He goes through all of those steps and why that was important.
Speaking of People Magazine, they’re on a Peloton roll. They talked to Ben Alldis about how having melanoma helped him support Leanne through her breast cancer.
I know a lot of us don’t know these instructors personally, but we have actually met both of them. You don’t meet a lot of people in their 30s as a couple that have both had cancer.
It’s unfair that they both had cancer. It’s a fair point that you are making. I just didn’t want to get yelled at.
I know. I thought it was an interesting thing. I remember when I first heard that Leanne had cancer, I remember thinking, “Ben had cancer too. That’s crazy. They’re both young and healthy. They take care of themselves and they both ended up with cancer.” Also, their young and healthy ways have helped them both beat cancer. They are well on their way to Leanne being back to normal.
Also, Ben was answering questions on his Instagram story. People have been asking a lot when he and Leanne are going to get married because they had gotten engaged way back when Ally Love got married. That’s how long ago they got engaged, but then Leanne got sick and then she had to do all the chemo and everything.
You want to have that big huge fun fancy ceremony when you’re fully healthy.
Also, focus on getting healthy one thing at a time. They are saying that the wedding date is pending. They have not given us a date yet. Ben announced that he will be returning to the US studio several times or a few more times before the end of this year.
Look at that. This is great news for Australian users. Tunde is headed your way. I guess it’s just one city. Australia’s a massive hunk of land, but she will be at least in your hemisphere.
She’s going to be there on August 12th at the City2Surf Expo in the Hordern Pavilion. My understanding is this is a really big event in Australia. I think it’s pretty big and it’s open to the public so anybody can go. There will be photo opportunities. You will be able to meet Tunde, who is a joy to talk to.
Also, if you live in Australia, you don’t get a lot of the Peloton instructors headed your way. It’s so far away. This is a great opportunity. We have reason to believe that perhaps Alex Toussaint is recording his book narration.
The reason is he posted it on Instagram stories. This is him doing it right here.
I thought it was him in front of a mic and people were drawing conclusions.
No, because I captured a still image for this because the video doesn’t play very well. He was actually narrating the book here. If you will notice, it says day one and he added McMillan. Tom doesn’t understand Instagram.
I don’t.
It’s like how I feel about Twitter. I absolutely abhor Twitter now. I don’t even want to post there. It’s the worst.
It’s a dumpster fire. It’s an ex now, like an ex-platform that I use.
It’s like your ex-wife. That’s for sure.
He is recording the book. If you like your audiobook, Alex’s book will be read to you by Alex. There have been a lot of shakeups with college game day, but Jess Sims will be returning.
I don’t even know how long these seasons go. I know I should know that.
I’m assuming that it’s for the season of college football, then when that’s over, it wraps up and it starts back up. As kids are going back to school, then the colleges will play football again.
It says here that it starts September 2nd. The first game is going to be Charlotte versus South Carolina. That’s where she will be.
Speaking of Jess Sims and sports, because everyone enjoys our sports insights, she will be a coach for Dribble for Dreams.
It’s a charity basketball game. It’s going to be held at Fordham University on August 19th. Johnnie Bryant is going to be the other coach that they’re going to be going up against. Each team will feature women’s NBA and men’s NBA stars, celebrities, and influencers. They’re going to going to bring together supporters of the Precious Dreams Foundation. All of the money will go toward that. That’s pretty cool.
The New York Times talked to Aditi Shah about the benefits of morning meditation.
There are a lot of benefits to morning meditation.
I would fall right back asleep.
No, it’s great because if you’re a little awake, what happens is you can then start the day off in a positive mindset. You gave yourself a couple of minutes of quiet before the insanity of the day begins. I love it.
If you have a subscription to the New York Times or free articles left this month, you can go check that out.
It will be in our newsletter too.
The link, not the actual story. Emma Lovewell was on the Hurdle podcast. If you want to get more of her, that’s where that’s at.
Speaking of podcasts, Christine D’Ercole was on the Self-Care Unit for Mental Health Matters.
I believe she was talking about her wordshops and things like that. This is a great way to hear more about Christine’s workshops. If you haven’t before.
Pick the next goal to keep yourself getting out of bed and doing your run. Share on XBy the time you hear this, Susie Chan will have hosted an Instagram live where she’s answering all of your questions, especially about Badwater specifically because that was a hell of a trek.
She’s going to be doing it on July 27th at 7:30 PM, UK time. It’s like 1:00 in the morning here. She’s going to be answering questions about Badwater and running in general. That’s pretty darn cool. I love Susie Chan. I’m a fan. I don’t know if you know that.
I have noticed that. We have some instructors celebrating Peloton anniversaries. Emma Lovewell, who we mentioned last episode. You had said at the time that Denis Morton’s must be coming up. They were both celebrating six years at Peloton.
That’s so crazy to me because I remember that it was six years ago that we started the podcast. They were some of the very first instructors we interviewed. It’s pretty cool. You can listen to their interviews. We still have them over on theclipout.com.
Becs Gentry is celebrating five years with Peloton.
That’s so crazy. I love Becs. She’s amazing. I took a tread class with her today, and I got a shout-out. She’s the best.
Marcel Maurer is celebrating two years.
Congrats to Marcel, Becs, Emma, and Denis. Congrats to all of you guys. It would not be Peloton without these amazing instructors.
Tobias Heinze is offering advice for taking his 75-minute run. That’s almost like Badwater.
Don’t forget that Tobias is tackling his own mega run in the Rockies coming up pretty soon. He’s having people join him for his first 75-minute 2010’s rock run. It’s going to be in German, but it will have subtitles on demand. The original live class is going to be on August 2nd. This means that we are going to have three 75-minute run classes at Peloton, which I’m stoked about. Also, Helper Bee Darci reached out to Tobias and asked for some tips, and he provided her with some tips exclusive to The Clip Out. That was cool to see that he was kind and nice to answer her and provide some tips.
He has things like making sure you fuel for the road. You want to make sure that you have electrolytes in your drink, some carbs like a banana that’s pre-cut, energy gels, and sweets, and run slow. If you’re going to be going for 75 minutes, you want to make sure and take it slow. You’re not trying to go fast. I am good at killing that. I got it.
Peeing and going slow. We’re good at that.
Engage with the community. If you’re worried about being bored by a slow pace, make sure you interact with the community. Give as many high-fives as you can get. I totally agree with him. I love seeing a group and a room full of friends. I love when I hop into class and everybody’s high-fiving each other. It makes me so happy. He also talks about visualizing your finish. He says, “Last but not least, have the picture of yourself finishing the 75 minutes in your head. Nothing is more motivating than your personal pick of success. I can’t wait to run with you all.”
Dr. Jenn says this too. Visualize what you’re about to do and have a positive image in your head. It helps you during those very difficult moments of 75 minutes. It’s not easy. Everyone who is going to do this, I am excited for you. I wish you luck. Hopefully, I will be able to be there. That will be so much fun If we could all run together, even in German. I don’t know what he’s saying, but I know the basics.
You will feel it in spirit. Thank you, Tobias, for all that great information. Good job, Darci. Coming up next, we’re going to talk to Angelo from MetPro. He’s answering your questions. He’s going to talk to us about dealing with body changes brought on by perimenopause.
Joining us once again from MetPro, it’s Angelo, here to answer all of your fitness and nutrition questions.
It’s great to see you.
It’s so good to see you too. We had another question. This one is from Julie Ann. She says that she’s struggling with battling body changes due to perimenopause and switching to more weight/functional workouts. I know this is one of your favorite topics. Every woman chimed in on this.
Don’t shy away from resistance training. That is your fountain of youth, especially as you head toward menopause. What happens is all of us, men also at that age, but particularly women are even more sensitive to it because of the hormonal changes with menopause. What will happen is your body composition will change as you hold less muscle mass. What will typically happen is even somebody holding about the same weight will notice their body composition shifts. An exceptional way of combating that is resistance training, to the extent that it’s safe and healthy for you. Everyone is in a different spot.
Train with a measure of intensity. The disclaimer is I have clients where intensity is doing the hill when they walk the dog. That’s intensity for them. I have other clients where intensity is squatting their body weights or twice their body weights. You have to determine where you are at. If you can have some form of resistance training with appropriate intensity to you, what that’s going to do is trigger a hormonal and musculoskeletal response that’s going to maintain, even add lean mass, so keep it up.
What we also notice is it is true that metabolism shifts as we get older. It’s not in our heads. That does actually happen. We can combat that. It’s not a death sentence. You can absolutely combat that. Even a little bit more aerobic activity on top of resistance training can make a difference, but it can’t outpace the wrong diets. Your food has to be clean. What I caution you against, Julie Ann, at this phase of your life is the get-lean-quick schemes, which are plentiful.
Don’t view this as a sprint. View this as a long-distance race. Eat clean and nourish your body. One of the ways you could do that is actually eating more frequently. It’s the opposite of intermittent fasting. There is a science around that also, and a time and place. In this case, what you want to do is recondition your metabolism to pick up some ground that may have lost. By eating frequently the right stuff and frequent meals throughout the day can add to your base metabolic rate. It may enable you to consume more calories without gaining body fat.
It’s one of those implement with caution. If somebody is eating the wrong things more frequently like if they’re eating McDonald’s, and instead of eating three times a day, they eat it five times a day, that’s not going to work out in your favor. I’m speaking to the ones who likely reach out to me and they’re like, “What do I do? I’m at a point where I’m already eating clean, I’m already exercising.” I then review what they’re eating and they’re skipping breakfast and eating a light lunch, and then eating fairly clean for dinner, and maybe a little bit of something indulgent in the evening.
Overall, their calories are low. They’re managing their carbs. They’re eating clean, but they’re not necessarily eating in a way that’s reconditioning or reminding their metabolism to run faster and run faster for more hours of the day. If your goal is short-term weight loss or if you’re like, “I blew it for a weekend and I need a day or two to get back where I was,” that’s a whole different story from, “I’m seeing a trend in my body that’s being triggered hormonally over the last months and years that I want a long-term solution for.”
That solution is found by speeding up your metabolism. Frequent meals more often. Include protein throughout the day. You can do plant-based or animal protein, depending on your personal preference and lifestyle. You want to have intense but safe resistance training as a regular feature, and then increase cardiovascular training to the extent needed to make up the difference to hold your body weight and composition where you want it to be. If you like a hand with that, I know that can be fairly technical. This is the stuff that we teach people how to do, but those are the basics that you can implement on your own at home.
Also, if they can teach me to do it.
We teach Tom to do it.
Anybody can do it.
If they would like that hand-holding, where can they get their hand held?
Thank you.
A fun past guest update from Andrea Barber. You might remember her as Kimmy Gibbler on Full House or Kimmy Gibbler on Fuller House.
I loved both so much.
She was also recently in Candy Cane Lane in the new GAC network.
You could watch it on Friendly. That’s how you could watch it.
She is maybe the guest we had the most response to. People loved when we talk to Andrea. She was great.
She’s so funny.
She has a new podcast coming out with Jodie Sweetin. This is very popular right now, the rewatch podcast where cast members of a show rewatch the show that you know them from, and then talk about each episode week to week. That’s great for something like Full House because there are a ton of episodes. It ran for 7 or 8 years, and then Fuller House ran for 5 seasons, but Netflix seasons, so that’s more like two and a half in network years. It’s like doing dog-age math. That will be fun.
The podcast is called How Rude, Tanneritos! I love it.
I would feel like an idiot saying that, so I will let you say it.
How Rude, Tanneritos! It’s so perfect.
Scott Jenkins, who was on the show a few episodes ago, completed his 200-mile Ultramarathon, which I think he should sue them for false advertising because it says here that it’s actually 217 miles.
He also came in 19th place overall. How is that even possible? In the process of that, he became the first Welshman to finish the race. That’s so cool. Keep in mind, he’s doing the Triple Crown. He’s doing three of these 200-mile races in 75 days. This is number one. He’s got another one coming up in a couple of weeks. We will be following him and cheering him on. I am so happy for him. This is not easy. I cannot even wrap my head around it. I was already in 135 miles, and then 203 times in a row. What?
We’re losing sight of the fact that they told you you were going to run 200, and then they practically tacked another marathon on top of it.
It’s only 17 when you’ve already done 200.
“I’m at 200 miles.” “We were kidding. We just got one more marathon we need you to sneak in.”
That’s a little over a half, Tom.
Is that all? No. Thank you.
Congrats to Scott Jenkins. What an accomplishment. Don’t forget, he is raising money for Operation Smile in London. If you haven’t had a chance to donate to that, this is a great opportunity because he’s doing this for charity. Please make sure you do that. It’s over on The Clip Out. We put it on all of our socials so you can find it. If you have trouble, reach out. I will send you the information.
People can’t get enough of Barbie, or at least most people.
I freaking loved this movie.
This movie was great. If you can’t get enough of Barbie and you want to hear three dudes, one of whom is me, talking about Barbie for an hour, you can check out Reel Spoilers because that’s the movie du jour over there. If you want to hop over there and hear my full thoughts on Barbie, have at it. In short, it was a blast.
I have not laughed at a movie that much in years and it had a great playlist. It’s so fun because Peloton is teaming up. They are going to have several classes set to Barbie the album. I enjoyed the soundtrack to this. I enjoyed everything about this movie. If you like women’s liberation in any way, shape, or form, and if you appreciate women, you should check this movie out. I cannot believe Mattel let them make this movie.
It’s crazy. I’m also a little disappointed that this playlist does not have Push by Matchbox Twenty on it.
It doesn’t? It needs to have that.
That’ll at least be your cool down. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, just wait. That will make sense.
I hope you smile as you watch the movie as much as I did.
If you can’t get enough of Mötley Crüe, they have added a whole bunch of Mötley Crüe classes for you. There’s even more.
We also talked about Tobias earlier. He’s going to have his first English run to this band. How exciting is that? He’s going to be doing a 30-minute live run.
New artists have been added to the Outdoor Reloaded collection.
There are so many artists, Abba, Imagine Dragons, Kego, Miley Cyrus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and all kinds of stuff. If you haven’t gotten a chance to do some outdoor classes, now is the time. Although it’s a billion degrees outside. Maybe wait until the fall but definitely, do not sleep on these classes.
Once again, we reached out to listeners and asked them what their top five classes of the week were. At least five of them responded.
Lots of people responded. I love how excited people get talking about their favorite classes. The ones that came up this week were Ross Rayburn’s 20-minute Relaxing Meditation from October. Karen Marquez says that she was listening to this while supporting a friend in need. There was a person that she knew that was going through a tough time. She had them listen to this or had them listen to this meditation. It helped a lot.
There was the washing machine ride. This is back from March 2020, 45-minute Power Zone ride with Matt Wilpers. This is indeed the class that makes Power Zones legendary. People have talked about this for years, and it’s still coming up. It’s 2023 in July and we are still talking about this. People love this class. It’s four blocks of 30-second Zone 5 intervals. The recovery time between those Zone 5s is only 30 seconds in Zone 3 or 4. In other words, you feel like you’re going to die the entire time. It’s great.
There’s a great gateway to Saturday ‘60s. This one is from April 2023. This was a 60-minute tread bootcamp with Jess Sims. Debbie Greg appreciates that this class is challenging but not daunting. If you don’t want to feel like you had your soul leave your body, but you do want to sweat it out for an hour, this is the class for you.
We had a 30-minute advanced beginner run with Matt Wilpers. Jill Courtney appreciated all of the overviews that Matt gave. He talked about, all the different types of run classes, endurance section, intervals, and HIIT. He did a little mini-selection for people just getting to know the Peloton library.
Finally, we had the 15-minute live from LA Pop Punk Ride with Kendall Toole. Past guest Donna Carr loves the pop-punk classes and the energy. This one was amazing. It was also cool because this class kicks off the montage of the Peloton on Tour LA. You can even spot special past guest Melody Baltazar cheering Kendall on from the High Five Crew.
There is a new Power Zone FTP class.
It’s been a while. This is a big deal to be able to do your FTP test.
Even I know that this is a big deal.
There’s a warm-up ride dropping that day as well. They’re both dropping on July 28th, which is the day this episode comes out. Matt is the instructor for both. If you have been putting off taking your new FTP, consider this. The universe has signed to you, it’s time.
How does that work? If you’ve taken the old FTP, will this still be apples to apples?
Absolutely. The idea is that every 6 to 8 weeks you take a new one. Basically, the concept doesn’t change that much.
It’s just a different hit. There’s different music and different talking you through it, but you’re still doing the same physical activity.
You are, and you can take the same one over and over again and people do. If you’ve listened to the same playlist while doing these tests ten times in a row, you just want a fresh playlist. Having one of these drops is very exciting to people.
Peloton has added instructors to the Yen Yoga Collection.
Kristin McGee, Chelsea Jackson Roberts, and Kirra Michel are added. They all have classes out there in the collection. All you have to do is go to the Yen Yoga Collection. I also want to call out that they are starting the Yen Yoga Collection classes in German. Nico Sarani taught her first one this week. All kinds of new stuff are happening. I love that Peloton is making sure to add German classes as they add to these collections. It’s very cool.
Ross Rayburn and Tunde, Wonder Twin Powers, activate.
This class came out a little bit ago. It’s been a few weeks. Helper Bee Kelly did a review on the Yoga for Riders class because she wanted to try it out. She was so impressed with how well these two connected in the class and how genuine it seemed, but also how helpful it seemed for riders in particular. I love that Peloton is doing these and I love that they give these instructors an opportunity to collaborate.
Last episode, we were anticipating the drop of the new Milestone Collection. They had teased it. We thought it would be out in time.
They literally said the next day it was coming out and then something must have happened.
They didn’t, but now it has been officially announced.
The cool part is they added new milestones, 3,000, 4,000, all the way up to 5,000. If you are looking for some milestone apparel and it’s not sold out yet, go get it because it will sell out. Get it while you can.
Laura will have to buy nine of these and wear them all simultaneously. She’s going to look like somebody trying to avoid a checked baggage fee at the airport.
She’s going to look like Chandler and Joey in that one episode of Friends.
Speaking of Peloton apparel, the Little Words bracelets are back in stock.
They teased it over. First of all, Ally Love had all these bracelets on. They did this little closeup while she was on the Today Show the other day. Our tipster team was instantly like, “They’re coming back in. They are coming.” Two days later, they posted over on Instagram, “We’re going to be doing this.” They were being all cute and cheeky with their little teasers and Easter eggs, then they were out. I got some and now they’re probably sold out again.
You got those, so you won’t need one of those new color bikes.
These will match the bikes.
Black matches everything. I keep telling you. Even I know that.
Well then, I don’t need the bike, but we can still go to Japan.
As soon as they open a store there, we will.
You guys all heard it here.
We will look into that. I was mid-sentence.
Finally, birthdays have returned. It’s been a while.
That’s because it’s August. It is the Peloton month du jour.
It starts off with two people who no longer work there.
They were a part of the history of Peloton and we love them anyway.
If you can’t get enough of the history of Peloton, don’t forget the Peloton timeline that we created. By we, I mean you and Diana Nichols, because we all know I didn’t do it.
Jayvee Nava is our first birthday gal. Her birthday is August 2nd. The second individual is Marion Roaman. Her birthday is August 3rd. Both people are celebrated in the timeline. You can see that.
Happy birthday to both of you. You’re probably not listening because you’ve moved on.
You do other things now.
The last thing you need to do is listen to this.
We’re saying it anyway. We hope it shows up in your Google alerts. Happy birthday.
Coming up after this is our interview of the week with Christina Sandefur, who ran Big Sur with you.
We walked. One of the best friends I could ever have. She’s not just a listener. She is my dear friend, and I love her.
We will talk to her coming up after this.
Joining us is Christina Sandefur, who’s done all the things. She got a Peloton. She ran Big Sur with Crystal. She even does the MetPro.
Not at the moment, but she’s done the MetPro.
Do you get a Tonal?
She’s got a Tonal. She was on the Superset, Tom.
It all blurs together. I forget very quickly. We’re going to go through all of our clients to see. Do you have the best fiends on your phone?
I’m definitely not cool enough to know what that is.
That was our very first sponsor.
I don’t even have the Color Peloton logo on my phone because I run Androids.
That’s different. That’s an Android thing.
If it makes you feel any better, I don’t have it on my phone either.
Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it.
Thanks for having me.
We appreciate. Thank you for being here.
It’s like Chip and Dale. “No, thank you.”
I wanted to go back in time and talk about your running journey a bit. I also want to make sure before we go, we talk about your Peloton on-tour experience. We’re going to cover a lot of topics here. When I first started chatting with you a lot, we had this conversation about the fact that you did not feel like you were a natural runner and that was due to some medical stuff. I will let you get into that. I know you’re in a very different place now with your running, so that’s exciting.
Although there are days when I still question whether am I a runner. That’s how you know you’re a runner when you’re like, “I’m not sure I am a runner.”
If you’re not a runner like, “I’m not a runner.” There’s no gray area. If there’s a gray area, then you’re a runner.
I think that’s right.
What got you interested in running, to begin with?
My fitness journey has been progressive. As you alluded, I have had some medical issues in my past and I still deal with them now. I have rheumatoid arthritis, but I was diagnosed when I was very young. I went into remission when I was about 3 or 4. I was very young when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Growing up I had a lot of joint issues. While kids were learning how to ride bikes, roller skate, roller-blade, and everything else, I was wearing knee pads when I was at the leaps and bounds Chuck E cheese type of places which was super nerdy.
You’re the coolest kid here with your knee pads.
It hasn’t changed much as an adult. I don’t wear the knee pads anymore but I don’t need to. You can smell the nerd a mile away.
I’m showing so much restraint right now. I’m not making knee-pad jokes. I want credit for that.
A Peloton allows you to do speed work even at four in the morning and without going outside. Share on XI appreciate that. Anyway, it was one of those things where I was behind in learning how to do basic physical activities. By the time I was cleared to do some of those things, you how you are when you’re a kid and everybody else can ride a bike and can’t, you’re embarrassed. I did learn on my own but I learned a little bit later. I got most of my exercise as a kid riding bikes because my best friend and I would do that until we got our driver’s licenses. We’d ride them to go everywhere. It was a different world back then when you could ride your bike to stores and not worry about being murdered on the way or having your bike stolen.
We didn’t know we should be worried. There was no murdering.
Ignorance was bliss. It’s very true. As I got older, I got better, but also aging kicked in. You realize that things don’t feel quite the way that they used to. My philosophy has always been you got to keep moving, especially with arthritis. I’m a lawyer, not a doctor. Here comes the disclaimer, everyone. Your mileage may vary but for me, as bad as I would feel moving, I would feel worse if I didn’t move and things atrophy. It was about keeping moving, and I motivate myself by having goals. I said, “I’m going to start going to in-person fitness classes.” I started with a barre and if I show up and these people accept me to show up, that will motivate me.
I then found Peloton. That is when my whole world changed because I got the Peloton bike sight unseen. It sounded something cool and that would motivate me because I could connect with people. I knew that I could ride a bike, so got it. It’s life-changing. I did Power Zone stuff and I found my favorite instructors and all sorts of motivating things. I did the PeloFondos when the pandemic hit because that was a great way to stay connected with a lot of people and ride insane amounts of miles. I did the 200-miler and I remember Tim, my husband, was like, “I will see you in twelve hours.” It took twelve hours. I don’t know how long it took, but something like that.
I think he brought me Del Taco when I took a 30-minute break, and he had it timed out right. He started to learn, “She’s going to get a little nutty about this fitness stuff.” I liked the endurance stuff. I started hiking and went with a few coworkers to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim straight through. We did it. We woke up early in the morning all the way through.
How long is that?
I think it’s 23.5 miles or something like that. It’s a little bit less than a marathon but the elevation is what does it.
I wasn’t discounting it. I had no frame of reference for how long that is.
When you’re standing on the side of it or even looking down from a plane, it doesn’t seem that long, but when you’re in it, you’re like, “This keeps going and going.” It’s beautiful. If you’ve been to the Grand Canyon, you know how beautiful it is.
It’s okay.
It’s just a giant crack.
It’s marketing. It was originally a pretty good canyon and then they were like, “Nobody is going to come see that.”
Tom, how else did we get people to come to Arizona? It’s 117 degrees now. We have to do something to attract people.
That and all the weird drugs in Sedona. That’s it.
That is true. You can hit on the way up to the Grand Canyon and make it a fun time.
You can go to Sedona and then astral project your way to the Grand Canyon
That’s a good point. Stop and buy some crystal.
I did it the hard way. I was not on drugs but walked all the way across that canyon. It was cool because I read some statistics somewhere about the number of people that visit the canyon. It’s less than 1% that hike it rim to rim. Even fewer than that actually do it all the way through without camping in between. It’s not that I’m a badass, it’s that I don’t like to camp. I was like, “If we’re going to do this thing, I’m going to sleep in a bed when I’m done.”
Let’s do the whole thing and be done.
Whenever I see that I go into the Grand Canyon, at some point, I think you got poop in a bucket. I’m not going to do it. I’m out. You got to set up a long time in advance if you want to do the donkey thing. It’s very limited the number of people that they can accommodate and they have all these rules. A lot of people don’t realize this. National Parks are exempted from ADA regulations. They do not have to follow any ADA rules because they don’t want to make any modifications to the natural landscape. They weigh you before you get on the donkey. There are no handrails. It’s a whole thing.
Just to be clear though, Christina walked the whole thing.
Let me tell you Tom, those things I have grown to hate because they’re probably lovely for the people riding them, but when you are hiking the Grand Canyon, some of those get narrow on that path in some places. Those boroughs know they got the right of way. Even if they’re supposed to have the right of way, they have the right of way.
You’re a lawyer. Call yourself. What are you going to do?
You got to flat yourself up against the wall and they’re crapping all over the path and looking at you.
No bucket for them. They don’t get poop in a bucket.
How do you navigate that? Don’t you have a big pack on your back too or I guess not since you weren’t camping?
Since it was not overnight, I carried 4 liters of water because that’s another thing. At the top, it’s 40 degrees when you start, but at the bottom, it’s 100. You have to have a lot of water. There are places to refill water, but not often. For some of them, you can’t guarantee that they’re going to work. Sometimes seasonally or if they have problems like the spigots won’t work, so you got to carry a lot of water. It’s a decent-sized pack. How did we navigate it? I don’t know. I guess it was that or fall over the side that people do every year.
From what I’ve read, if you’re writing those boroughs, it can be very disconcerting because they tend to walk on the outside of the trail. They’re not against the wall.
I’m against the wall.
If you’re riding one, it feels like you’re going to fall off the whole time.
I have a fear of heights. That’s another reason I wanted to do this. It’s to face that. The canyon staggers down, but there are some points where you’re walking and it’s like a drop off the side. I had to focus on like, “Keep going,” because it was pretty freaky. I don’t think I’d be able to turn over control to a borough and let those decisions for me. I don’t know. Anyway, this is not what we were supposed to be talking about.
That works. It’s what we do.
That solidified for me that endurance athletics was something that I enjoyed. It’s better for my joints, and my body, but it made me feel fulfilled. When I was a little kid I was told that I will likely end up in a wheelchair. I probably couldn’t ride a bike and definitely wasn’t going to be running or anything like that. I made it across the Grand Canyon. That’s pretty cool. I had hiked the highest peak in Arizona and that was fun. I thought, “What hiking can I do next?” Training for hikes in Phoenix in the summer is rough because of how hot it gets here. That’s why I got the Peloton tread. It was because I thought, “I can do hikes, I can work on incline indoors.” Also, it was an excuse to have another piece of Peloton equipment. Let’s be honest.
You saved money from all the walking and you would’ve to go outside.
I don’t think he can do that math like the fake math basically.
They charge you money to walk outside.
I got the tread and then one day, it was like a Forest Gump moment. I felt like running and I was like, “Let’s try this. Let’s see what this is like.” I picked a short running class and it was hard. I made it through. Right around that time was when Crystal was starting to look to work with people who were interested in pursuing fitness goals. I reached out to you and said, “I’d like to run a marathon.” I had done a few local shorter races. You got to pick that next goal to keep yourself getting out of bed and doing the run. We started working together and you helped me complete a goal that still I never thought I’d be able to do it. I ran the Disney Marathon and finished it. I didn’t stop and it felt great when I was done.
You and I have been running together ever since. It’s been a wild ride. I got cleared to be able to do this stuff from the doctor. The science or at least our understanding of how rheumatoid arthritis works is a little bit different now. Back then, they were so concerned about doing anything that would hurt your joints because the disease is autoimmune. Your body essentially attacks itself and it takes the cartilage out of your joints. I have a knee that is basically bone on bone. You can understand why they’re reticent to have people do a higher-impact sport.
There have been a lot of studies that have shown that when you do that, you build bone density, strength, and muscles so that they protect your joints. We have much better shoes now and better equipment. It’s about listening to your body and working with your doctors, but not accepting that first, “You can’t do such and such.” When somebody tells you that you absolutely can’t, maybe it’s not good for you, but it’s worth seeing if you can. You were a big part of showing me that I could. Peloton, Becs Gentry, and Susie Chan were also a big part of that.
Even though Becs is such a beast of a runner, she’s so down-to-earth and accessible. She has a lot of messages about, “Anybody can run and forward is a pace. If you’re moving forward and you’re putting one foot in front of the other, you’re a runner.” That helped me. Susie, I was so surprised to learn with all of her amazing accomplishments that she started running later than I did or around the same time in her late 30s. Look what she’s doing now. She said it’s never too late and it’s true. It wasn’t.
It’s so inspiring when you see people doing things that you’ve always wanted to do. Susie is another instructor that is also super down to earth. When you see these instructors doing these amazing things, but then they’re talking to you like a normal person and you ask questions and they answer, it feels like you can do that. You did do that. I have to say, not only after you ran the marathon at Disney three days later, it was a little longer than that, but you turned around and ran another marathon right after that.
Back when we were talking about training for a marathon, I’m one of those people that if I sign up for something, I don’t tend to back out. I signed up way earlier than I needed to for the Rock ‘n Roll Marathon in Phoenix. Thought that will be fun because they’ve got music on the course and something to distract you. It’s a nice time of the year in Phoenix. It’s lovely in January because it’s like 60s to 70s, so perfect weather. I got into the Disney Marathon, which you never know what you’re going to get into. It’s very tough to get into anything Disney. It’s like one of those things. You got four different devices open.
When I got in, I thought I either drop down to the half, defer to the next year, get a refund, or whatever. I wasn’t able to do any of those things. It was a no-refund policy. I said, “I will keep it on there. It’s a sunk cost. If I feel like trying it, I will. If not, I won’t.” Two days before, it was raining, and you have to understand that it does not rain in Phoenix very much. I’ve grown quite accustomed since I’ve been here so long to it not raining. I get grumpy when it rains. It was supposed to rain the day of the marathon and it did. I had never run in the rain before. I don’t like being outside and being wet.
I remember doing a little shakeout run because I hadn’t run at all since the previous Sunday during the marathon. It was Friday. I did a little run and I felt like crap. I said to Tim, “I’m not doing this. I’m not going. I’m not going to go pick up my bib. Forget it. I already did a marathon. What do I have to prove?” A friend of mine who’s also a Peloton user, it was going to be his first marathon. He was signed up. I texted him, “I don’t think I’m going to go.” He’s like, “Do whatever you got to do.”
I thought about it and I’m like, “This is his first marathon. I’d love to be there for it. Also, he’s going to be there and I’m not hurting. I’m just whiny.” I texted him the next day because I drove out to get my bib. I texted him a picture of it and he was like, “I knew it.” I’m like, “I will see you tomorrow morning bright and early.”
I thought, “If I don’t finish, I don’t finish. I won’t be stupid. If I hurt, I will stop. Why not?” I made it through. It was slightly less enjoyable than the first one where I felt good. This one, I felt pretty tired by the end but nothing hurt. I made it and got to cross the finish line with him on his first marathon, which is super exciting.
That’s cool. It’s a testament to your training and also you were already in such amazing shape. I can understand why that was such a big dream for you to go after doing a marathon after you had done all these other big things. It was like, “I want to do this too.” You were already in such amazing shape. You had been training for it that whole time. You just didn’t know it.
That’s the cool thing about Peloton. That occurred to me recently. Somebody had said to me that we all get jealous of each other’s paces or accomplishments. It’s funny how people will say to me, “I wish I could do that. I don’t think what I’m doing is that great. I wish I could do what somebody else is doing.” They had said to me, “It’s crazy that you were able to do these things and that you now have a new goal coming up for another marathon when you haven’t been running that long.” It’s true that I haven’t been running that long, but I’ve been prepping for running for quite a long time, sitting on a bike all day doing a PeloFondo or hiking.
Two hundred miles is no joke. It’s not nothing.
It’s indoors. It’s not on the road.
I hear excuses. I hear all the things. You did it.
It’s a lot of mental training too. That is what people don’t realize until they get into it. I love what it does for my body. I love how it makes me feel. I feel better now in my life than I ever have before. What I enjoy is pushing through. When you start something that’s going to be long and might be steady state, it might be boring. The mental slog of how am I going to get through the next 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hours plus whatever it is that you’re doing. Working on being in your head and being okay with that. That’s very painful sometimes, but I love the challenge. It has mellowed me out in life outside of exercise. I have become a little bit more go-with-the-flow than my type-A personality used to be.
When will that start for you, Crystal? Is that a universal occurrence?
No. It’s just Christina.
If you interview my husband, he probably would disagree with you.
Tim and Tom are twinsies. That was hilarious the day we discovered that.
There’s this picture of the four of us inside a redwood tree. I didn’t even notice when you put it up, but then somebody commented that they looked like siblings, and they did. The glasses and the facial hair. I think you were both wearing a hat, I can’t remember, but it did look like a doppelganger.
We did in that picture. I feel like we don’t in real life, but in that picture we did.
I would agree with that. It was funny because Tim and Tom, there’s only one letter different. I teased Christina, we married the same man.
I don’t have to use the knee pads anymore, so there you go.
My condolences to Tim. You started it.
Technically, you started it at a callback.
This is true. She’s right. You mentioned you have another marathon new goal that’s coming up. Tell us a little bit about that.
I’m going to run the Chicago Marathon in October 2023. I am currently on week five of training. Before, I just wanted to finish and now I would like to finish faster than I did before. My second marathon was faster than my first one. That’s probably because I wanted it to be done. This one, I wanted to do even faster than the second one. I’ve been following a basic training plan. I’ve never done a fall marathon. It was winter before. One thing that didn’t occur to me is I’d be running through Phoenix heat in the summer. Thank God for the tread. I’m doing long runs outside because you’re not going to do 20 miles on a treadmill though. I know you did, Crystal. That’s a whole different mental school.
I’m just stubborn.
That was amazing. I’ve been training for that and it’s been going well. Another thing I like about having a Peloton tread is I’ve been doing this speed work inside because even if you wake up at 4:30 in the morning here right now, our lows are in the 90s. You go outside and it’s 90 and it’s slightly humid now. It’s not the humidity that most of the country experiences because we do get monsoon season. It feels like crap and it’s hard to hit the paces you want to hit in speed work when you’re in that weather. Also, I like that on the treadmill, you set the pace. You have to keep up with it unless you turn it down.
I like to put Becs’ classes on because she is chatty and I like that. She will talk about TV shows she’s watching or different experiences she’s had and races she’s run. That helps distract my mind so I can listen to her talk about those things while I’m dying because I’m running fast. It’s entertaining and distracting, but then I’m also inside the air conditioning, which helps a little bit.
A little bit is a lot.
That would be very helpful. I’m a fan of the air conditioning.
Small paces on a treadmill don’t feel like a huge difference to your body, but a significant speed difference will make you go faster. Share on XAlthough I feel bad because I will set it. I will drop it down a couple of degrees from where it usually is because I know I’m going to get warm when I’m running speed intervals. I will come downstairs and Tim will be wrapped up in three robes.
It was like we did marry the same man.
There have been times when it’s August and she has the fireplace on because she likes the fire. There have also been times in the winter when she’s left the fireplace on so long it’s triggered the air conditioner. I’m like, “It’s January. Why is our air conditioner on? I think it’s time to turn the fireplace off.”
I would do that if we had a fireplace. I totally get that. I like it to be cool at night, but then I will wear a sweatshirt to bed. People will be like, “Why don’t you turn the temperature up a little bit and not wear the sweatshirt?” I don’t know. I like the cold air and then to be cozy.
It’s cozy. I feel like somebody is going to hear this and I’m going to get yelled at for bad conservation.
There’s an environmentalist who’s outraged at you right now.
As soon as I said that, I’m like, “We’re all getting canceled.” It wouldn’t be the first thing that got me canceled.
I have tried to pair back on that a little bit this summer. I did raise all of my little times during the day because I have four different zones if you will. For those different timeframes, I raised all of them up one degree. I feel like that was a big move for me.
Incrementalism. It’s even like paces on a treadmill. Sometimes hitting 0.1 more doesn’t feel like a huge difference to your body, but it’s a significant speed difference in the sense that it will cut time off what you’re doing. It will make you go faster. Sometimes you can push it a little bit more and then look at how much more ground you’ve covered.
In her defense, she has not turned on the fireplace since June.
I didn’t turn it on in June. You’re such a liar. It’s a gas fireplace and it flips on and off real easy.
Everybody knows I’m not out there chopping wood. That’s very off-brand for me if I was out there chopping wood.
Fire is discouraged out here.
That’s fair. That makes sense.
I don’t have any of that.
You can come to feel our fireplace someday.
There are fires burning in the state, but not ones that we’re trying to put out
That’s a whole different fire.
You went to one of the Peloton On Tour stops. I see because you’re wearing the shirt so you can rub Crystal’s face in it.
Crystal has goodies on the way to her, so I didn’t forget about her.
I still have mail I need to send to you, and I have goodies to send to you.
The way the mail is these days, you could have told me you sent it two months ago and I would’ve believed you that it wasn’t here yet.
I should have done that. It hasn’t gotten there yet? What happened?
That damn post office.
I’m going to revive the Pony Express.
We cut off your question, Tom. Sorry.
I thought she would like to share her Peloton On Tour experience with us.
I went to Peloton On Tour LA which was the very first stop. I lucked out because before they had even announced the locations and the dates, I had already planned on being in LA that weekend for my best friend’s birthday. We had some plans Saturday night. LA is not that far from Phoenix anyway. Honestly, I probably would’ve tried to go anyhow. I was already going to be there. I thought, “This is great.” I was not able to get into all the things because as is typical with Peloton, especially popular Peloton events, they all sold out very quickly. I had things in my cart that sold out before I clicked purchase. Also, I was happy I was able to do a couple because I am fortunate that I have been to both old and new studios a decent amount of times.
I didn’t want to push it. I feel like there are a lot of people that haven’t been able to do that. The two things that I got to do were the Walk and Talk and the High Five Crew, which is outside of live taping. It’s not the people that did the actual behind-the-scenes, but it’s the people that get to stand outside and watch a taping. It felt like when you see people on The Today Show or Good Morning America or whatever, they were standing outside. The first thing was the Walk and Talk. That was on Friday and mine was at 9:00. Stupid me, because I was so excited to be in cooler weather, even though it was apparently a heat wave for Los Angeles. It was 90-something, but I was like, “That’s our overnight low. It sounds great to me.”
It was 68 in the morning. I said, “I’m going to start in Santa Monica and I’m going to run the coast,” which Crystal and I have done together before too. I was lonely without you, Crystal. I said, “I will go do that. I will get in my long run and then I will pop over to Peloton because they did this from the Santa Monica showroom which is right near the beach.” I didn’t count on the fact that it would be incredibly foggy in the morning and 90% humidity. I felt like I was swimming instead of running. I put makeup on and tried to look cute before because I was like, “This is a long run. It will be an easy pace. It’s cool and it’s in the 60s. That’s half of our temperature back home. I can show up and be cute for this walk.”
I was like a drenched rat. I had makeup down my face. I was sopping wet in my clothes. Because it was humid, nothing was drying. I walk over to the studio and I could barely even see what I looked like because there were no mirrors in the bathrooms on the beach. I walked into the store. From the get-go, both the staff that worked at the showroom and the staff that traveled with Peloton were so nice and inviting. You could tell they went out of their way. They wanted members to feel like they had concierge service. It almost felt like when you go to Disney World and everyone is super nice and wants to customize the experience for you so you have the best time.
I wish I knew her last name or her leader port or whatever else, but Lauren was incredible. She came right up to me and started talking to me. It could have been that she was like, “We got to get her fixed up. This is not our aesthetic.” She wasn’t like that. She was like, “I see you got your workout in.” I’m like, “Yeah. I wish I had somewhere to clean up but I don’t know where to go.” She let me use the employee bathroom. The showroom. They had a Dyson dryer and I’m up against the Dyson. Anyway, it was wonderful. I got all cleaned up. She let me do that. They had us chill for a little bit while we were waiting for the instructors. They did have the merchandise booth set up. I know you posted some pictures, Crystal, but this is the water bottle.
They have one customized for each location. For people who are tunng in, it’s a white water bottle. It says Peloton On Tour on one side and then on the other side it says Los Angeles. They will have different ones for each location. They had the bracelets like those little word project beaded bracelets. This one says Los Angeles and it has a little Peloton hanging logo on it. I know they’re silly because they’re bracelets that a five-year-old could make for a couple of bucks. I think they’re cute.
That’s actually how they produce them.
Probably, thanks. I may not want to wear it, Tom.
It’s my superpower. I’m a ruiner.
I’m going to go back to a couple of minutes before when I didn’t feel like my bracelet was made by child labor. They had the T-shirt I’m wearing. You could customize it with your initials, which I did. You could also do the Peloton logo like a palm tree. I’m guessing they will have different items for each city because the palm tree would go with LA. The cool thing about that is you could put your order in and then go for your walk and come back. It would be ready for you and they would hang on all your crap so you didn’t have to carry it.
That was cool. When we went outside to go ahead and go on the walk, that’s when we found out who was going to be on our walk. When you register, you know what instructors are coming to the event, but you don’t know which two are going to do your Walk and Talk. I ended up with Katie Wang, who’s a Row instructor, and then Camila Ramon who does all sorts of things like bike and tread. The two of them did our Walk and Talk and they started with a warm-up. They had us all do a circle. I didn’t expect that. Nobody is making you do it and it wasn’t that hard, but they’re having us do squats. I just got done with my long run. They’re like, “Get down. Get lower. I’m like, “Oh my God.”
“I’m warmed up. I’m good.”
I think people were looking at me like, “This girl does Peloton, but she can’t even do one squat.” My quads are on fire but it was cool. Somebody is holding a boombox. It’s one of the Peloton employees. Everyone was having a lot of fun. They were trying to get us to have a lot of fun and feel a very excited vibe. It was exciting from the beginning, then you start going on your walk. The cool thing is the instructors just come to talk to you. It is a Walk and Talk. It’s not like they stay at the front and you don’t get to interact with them. It’s a small group-ish. You’ve seen the pictures. It was like 30, 35, or something. It was pretty small, but they circulate.
Katie talked to me for what felt like 5 or 6 minutes. There are a couple of us that were talking. She was so great. She’s a celebrity to us. She is new and so down to earth. I think she was more overwhelmed almost than we were. She was like, “I can’t believe that everybody came out for this and this is so exciting.” She was telling us about the cool things that the instructors got to do. They went to the Mission Impossible premiere the night before. She got to do the red carpet and meet Tom Cruise. She’s fangirling over Tom Cruise and I’m thinking, “This is so funny because we’re all fangirling over you.”
Perspective. It was great. She was in the back and then what they did is they had us all line up 2×2 and circulate to the front so that Camila, who is leading the walk, would have two people flank her and then she would talk to them. You got a conversation with her too. We’d do intervals of power walking or whatever and then she’d have you lead that. She called me out for cheating. She’s right because the power walk got so fast that I jogged it a little bit which is typical for me. I hate powerwalking. It’s hard. I always jog and she totally called me out with her microphone in front of everybody, but I deserve it. That was cool.
I also met a great member. I, unfortunately, don’t know her name. I know her leaderboard name, but I don’t know if she’d want me to share it, so I will just tell her story. She was there with her husband and she was battling cancer. She looked phenomenal. She looked so strong and she was so incredible. She made it through the walk totally strong. She’s been doing Peloton workouts and she’s been going through with cancer and they were going to Disneyland afterwards. She was so happy to be there.
I thought it was so cool because that’s a tough thing. You could tell it wasn’t something that she felt comfortable sharing until Katie asked me about my Peloton journey. I shared, which I never felt comfortable sharing about the RA either, to be honest, until recently when I thought it helps people learn that they can do things too. I shared that with her and she overheard me and said, “I would love to tell you about what I’m going through,” and we swap stories. I do not want to compare RA to cancer because what she’s going through is much harder. It was cool that we were able to connect that way and it was very conducive.
This is how the Peloton community is. This was very much a snapshot. If people haven’t been to the studio at all and they haven’t done an in-person Peloton event, what you expect will be of the vibe you get from connecting with people online and on the leaderboard, it’s going to feel like that in-person. Everybody was friendly. A lot of people didn’t know each other but they were all talking, laughing, and having a good time. It was great. They did have us at the walk, then pull over midway, and do a little workout, which I wasn’t expecting.
They’re filming because they want a B-roll for their classes and everything. I’m like, “I don’t want to be the person that’s not getting low in the squat when I’m right on camera.” I’m wearing the brightest colors in the group so everybody knows that’s me. Squats and jumping jacks and things like that. It was not stressful in any way. Not everybody did all of them and nobody cared. It was fun.
It was cool. We did have one funny thing happen because they had Peloton employees around to try to keep it to us so that we didn’t get stragglers coming in. We had this guy in a bike and he was super weird. He came close to the group and then he started copying what we were doing. Katie and Camila called him off like, “Hey, weirdo on the bike.” Camila was like, “The Peloton app is 90 days free if you want to try it.”
She’s on commission because she’s still new. I think she gets the dollar for every signup.
I remember some people we ran into on the beach during our walk that were different.
You get all kinds in California or I guess anywhere. He was weird because I saw him later on when another walk went out with Kendall and Adrian. I saw him following them too. It was a little weird but the staff did a great job. It was very safe and fun. You never had to worry about any of that. You could tell they were on top of it. They were watching everything. That was cool. We made it back to the showroom and then they let us all line up and take our photos with the instructors, which was similar to how you would like in a Peloton class. You get a few minutes to talk with them again. I know some people had said, “It’s just a walk. It’s not that big of a deal.” There is a surprise workout built into it.
Also, if you are interested in getting instructor time, you get more time with the instructors on that than you would in a class. If you think about it, it’s so much fun being in the class and doing the workout and there is no experience being at the Peloton studio. You’re meeting them a couple of minutes afterward. With the Walk and Talk, it’s like you’re going for a walk with a friend but they happen to be a Peloton instructor. I loved it. I thought it was more fun than I thought it would be. That was great.
The next day we did the High Five Crew. I actually brought my friend who is not a Peloton user but is going to be. I thought it was neat to see it through her eyes. I knew she’d be supportive because I wanted to be there, but I thought like, “Does she think that this is weird or dumb, or why is everybody excited?” She loved it. She was like, “You have been talking about the Peloton energy. I love it. I can tell everybody is having a great time. I don’t even know who these instructors are. I was excited to see them.” She loved Katie. She wants to get a rower so she’s super excited that she got to see Katie. Katie came out because we watched the rowing class being taped. It’s interesting.
If you’re inside, you get to sit in a chair and watch. Katie will talk to you and give you some shoutouts and answer questions beforehand. If you’re outside, they do have televisions put up so you can watch the class. I think they intended for us to be able to hear what was going on in the class. To be honest, I don’t know if it will be different at other locations, but it was a little hard to hear. The staff would come out and let us know when to cheer if it was a push or something like that. People brought signs, but they also gave us signs to hold. They also gave us a free hat at the High Five. We got to wear the hats.
The classes were short. They were ten minutes or whatever. It wasn’t boring standing outside there watching it be taped and everybody was excited. It was a smaller group than I expected. I went to the 9:00 AM one again. I don’t think everybody showed up. There were fewer people than I thought, which I was surprised about. You got a lot of room to move around, and then when the instructors came out afterward, you weren’t guaranteed to get a photo with the instructors if you were in the High Five Crew. A lot of them are just looking to make the experience fun. A lot of them are very generous with their time.
Ben came out. He wasn’t even part of that and took photos of everybody. I got a picture with Ben and got to high-five him. Katie came out and she was in tears with gratitude which was so cool to see. It’s neat to see when the members mean so much to the instructor because we know how much the instructors mean to us. That was awesome. I never even thought about this, but she said this was her first class with members present. She’s a rowing instructor and they haven’t had members in the studio.
You got to have a special moment with her. That’s cool.
It was the first one on the tour that got to record a class and it was the first rowing in class with members for Katie. That was great. I guess I will wrap up with my favorite part of the experience. My friend and I went for a walk on the beach afterward we had lunch. We decided to walk back past to see what was going on. Adrian was recording a tread class. We were lurking a little because it was Adrian on a tread. I’m telling my friend, “That’s Adrian. That’s the one I told you about.” I told her about him. She’s like, “He’s exactly what you said about.”
He does look like that. Lauren is amazing, the Peloton employee. She recognized us from before and she said, “Not everybody showed up for this one. We still have a few empty spots. Do you want to go into the High Five Crew? Adrian is going to come out after and take photos of people. You could probably get a photo.” We had somewhere we had to be, but I was like, “We got a little bit of wiggle room. Let’s go ahead.” We went in and after the class was over, Adrian came out and started talking to everybody.
I was close to the front and he was talking to one woman. I couldn’t quite hear what she said, but she was gushing over like, “Adrian, I want to leave my husband for you and blah-blah-blah.” It’s like what we all did for Hanson when they were a big thing. That’s what they were acting. She said, “I would die for a kiss,” or something like that. He turns and kisses her cheek and they get a photo. Everyone is screaming in the crowd. I turned to my friend and I’m like, “I want to get a kiss too. If she gets a kiss, I get a kiss.”
It’s like the hats. If they’re handing them out, you want one.
It’s like Oprah, “You get a kiss.” She’s like, “How are you going to swing that?” I’m like, “Just watch me.” He’s talking to this guy about strength training. This guy was talking about like, “How do I become a better runner?” Adrian’s like, “Strength is important.” I butted into their conversation toward the end. I let them have their time. We knew they were going to clear the area for the next class that was going to start. I go up there and I said, “I agree about strength training and that’s helped.” He said, “It’s good for your joints.” I said, “I’ve got bad joints. It’s been good for my joints.” Adrian was like, “Yeah, so you know what I mean.” I pointed to my cheek. Everyone cracked up and Adrian is such a good sport. He’s like, “You didn’t come to talk.”
He’s like, “I see through you.”
He was so sweet and such a good sport. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. My friend took a picture. Everybody is cracking up and laughing. He’s such a nice guy. Different instructors get different reactions. Around Adrian, it did feel like you were back at a teenybopper boy band concert.
I see what people do on Facebook.
To be clear, I was very chill with him. I was very respectful and chill. I have video evidence of this. He was so nice about it and so generous. He was talking to everybody sweetly. These guys must have been exhausted. After that full day, they all went out to Disneyland, which is not close, and saw the Haunted Mansion. They were there for the Haunted Mansion release. Those guys must have been exhausted.
Overall, with anything, the experience is a little bit what you make of it. If you go and show up and don’t talk to anyone, you don’t interact with anyone, and you stand in the back of the line. I still think it would be fun, but if you talk to the staff, if you tell them, “So-and-so is my favorite instructor. I didn’t get a ticket to see Ben, but do you know if he’s coming out anytime soon?” If he is, they’re going to help you. That’s what it felt like. I can’t guarantee. I don’t know. They wanted people to have a good experience. They’re going to help you with what they can. All the members were so friendly.
My friend said she loved how diverse the group was. I don’t mean racially diverse, although there’s that, but gender diverse and age diverse, and people at different points of their fitness journey. It was a great representative example of what the Peloton community is. If you are in one of these cities or if you don’t mind traveling, it’s totally worth it. I think it was great. That was probably more than most people wanted to hear about it. There’s a shroud of mystery over them.
There are a lot of people who assume they won’t or will like it. Either way, they make assumptions about what it is. It’s nice to be like, “This is actually what it is.” We appreciate it.
Thank you so much for joining us. Before we let you go, tell everybody your leaderboard name.
Peloton On Tour is a great representative of what the community looks like. If you don’t mind traveling, it is totally worth it. Share on XMy leaderboard name is KuoKoaKristina, which I chose without thinking about the fact that no instructor can pronounce it and nobody can remember it. Kuokoa means freedom in Hawaiian. My family lives in Hawaii. It’s been an important part of my life for almost my entire life. Freedom is extremely important to me. Political freedom is important, but also the way that I feel when I’m able to move my body through running or exercising, I feel very free.
We like all the F’s.
That went a different way.
Did it though?
You never know.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us. We appreciate it.
Thanks, guys. It’s great to be here.
Thank you.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
They can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on the thread, Instagram, and sometimes on Twitter, and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget that you can watch all of these on YouTube. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling and running and rowing.
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