What’s in a Name? Everything for Fans of Peloton Instructor Christine D’Ercole!
We love seeing a good brand alignment in the Peloverse, especially when the product combines peace, power, and personality!
The 18,000+ members of the Christine D’Ercole fan group on Facebook have a new name: the IAMICANIWILLIDO_CREW. This is important because in renaming themselves, the group Admins are helping both CDE and her fans by increasing opportunities for connection and community across all the platforms, within Peloton and beyond. Consistent use of CDE’s defining mantra helps the group become instantly recognizable to others as THE place to join, whether you need a “Hand on Your Back” or you want to give one, and it further strengthens Christine’s inspiring personal brand outside of Peloton.
“Words are powerful. Choose them wisely. Use them mindfully.”
It’s commonly known that CDE is an avid cycling track racer, and that her journey from bike messenger to the champion’s podium has inspired many riders in Peloton to set and achieve goals they might not have thought possible without her guidance. Her storytelling on her rides is among the most relatable of all the instructors, and she brings this gift to people off the bike through her retreats, writing and reflecting seminars (“Wordshops”), and through her own branded merchandise (some of which is designed by her talented daughter). As group Admin Melinda Tapanes writes, “This decision (to rename the group) was not made lightly, and was done with every intention to honor Christine’s work, (to) move towards more inclusivity and mindful speech.”

Retreat with Christine
Christine is the Ultimate Team Player
The evolution of the group’s name from 2017 to now, from The CDE Tribe to The CDE Project to the IAMICANIWILLIDO_CREW comes at a perfect time for many, as Christine’s leadership has become a guiding light. CDE herself is leaning into the support from fans, telling a group at a recent studio ride in late June that the change is welcomed. Member #108highfives tells us, “Christine advocated for the name change so that her social media presence would be more unified.” If you’ve ever had the opportunity to ride with a Christine in person, you know that these group conversations can be very powerful, so knowing that she is so aligned with her fans brings happiness to many members (this one included!).
Visit Christine’s IG here!
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