Peloton Debuts Weight Bench Classes in Density 2 Collection

Weight Bench Used for First Time Ever in Peloton’s Density 2 with Andy Speer

Peloton has announced a very exciting premiere: weight benches are making an appearance in Strength classes for the first time ever! Andy Speer broke the news as his Total Strength Density 2 Collection dropped on June 21 and members are thrilled, not only to have this new feature within Strength but also because the mystery has now been solved (remember back in February when some of the instructors (Rebecca, Robin, Logan and Tunde) shared a photoshoot featuring barbells and benches?

Although, some questions do remain… Will regular classes using heavier weights be next? Will there be crossover programming with the Gym Collections (they also don’t appear to have been updated since February… so, hmmm…)?  Will Peloton offer a bench for sale at some point?  Whatever is coming along with the bench, we can’t wait to find out! 

Are you excited about the appearance of the weight bench? What do you think it suggests will be next to roll out? Will you be taking Density 2 or the Gym programming? Let us know!

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