TCO Top 5 Favorite Peloton classes: Stay motivated with this week’s picks (11/06/2024)
Every Monday, we ask the Clip Out community to share their favorite class from the last week. Your stories of love, sweat, and tears always inspire us to keep moving. We are excited to share the five most enthusiastic nominations (in no particular order) and a quick review of each class. Read on for our weekly dose of motivation!
This week’s favorite Peloton classes:
- 10/28/2024 Halloween Ride with Erik Jäger
- 11/01/2024 Marathon Race Prep With Meb with Becs Gentry
- 11/02/2024 30 Minute 26.2 Celebration Run with Robin Arzon
- 10/28/2024 60 Minute Sweat Steady Ride with Jess King
- 11/03/2024 Total Strength 60 Class with Andy Speer
Why you loved them!
Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one favorite (clear by the number of bookmarked classes we have to “take later”), but these reviews make it easy! Here’s what the TCO Community had to say about their favorite classes from the last week.
1. Favorite Halloween Ride
10/28/2024 Halloween Ride with Erik Jäger
Sonya Norman nominated this class. Sonya said “[t]his class was not just my favorite class this week, it was probably my favorite class this year. Just watching Erik ride in a giant inflatable pumpkin costume is hilarious. He increases the entertainment factor by telling a story throughout the ride about being chased by Klausi the cannibal pumpkin. After being chased by Klausi for 30 minutes I was drenched in sweat, but I was laughing so much I forgot I was working out!” Melissa Giles-Hanwacker agreed, saying she took it with subtitles and enjoyed it just as much as Sonya did! Check this one out, folks – Erik’s undulating pumpkin costume took over the stage!
2. Favorite Run
11/01/2024 Marathon Race Prep With Meb with Becs Gentry
Sarah Lester said this class was her favorite because “it has Meb (Keflezighi)!! What else is needed?” Sarah said that even though this was called a “marathon prep run, don’t let that scare you off. It could easily translate into a run/walk or walk. It’s a chance to run with running royalty!!” Mindy Jensen also nominated this class, saying “it was such a great conversation! Plus to hear Meb say after his first marathon he said ‘never again’.” Apparently he changed his mind!
3. Favorite Outdoor Run
11/02/2024 30 Minute 26.2 Celebration Run with Robin Arzon
Stephanie Latos loved this outdoor run, saying it “did not disappoint. The playlist was her classic playlist, but there were some really great nuggets of advice in there and it definitely fired me up for next marathon season!” We’re definitely sensing a marathon theme this week – one of the great things about the Peloton platform is that there are so many ways to enjoy marathon season even if you’re not participating in the actual race.
4. Favorite Ride
10/28/2024 60 Minute Sweat Steady Ride with Jess King
Katherine Kimes nominated this ride, aptly pointing out that “it was more like swear steady.” However, she admitted that despite how challenging this ride was, she really enjoyed it. The music in this class really helps you get through the 60 minutes of challenging pedaling, featuring alternative rock and grunge songs that you can sing along to as you sweat your way through the hour! Tell your family to cover their ears, and ride on!
5. Favorite Unstackable Strength Class
Sometimes we want a class that leaves us in a puddle and washes all hope of a stack of extra classes away with it. We call those classes Unstackable, and we love hearing about our listeners’ Unstackable experiences.
11/03/2024 Total Strength 60 Class with Andy Speer
Elizabeth Schlosberg suggested this ride. During this class, she said, “Andy said it was in his top 3 hardest TS60 classes he’s ever done, ‘and he’s done them all’” (We see what you did there, Andy – always the wise guy!!) Elizabeth said that “Andy was even struggling to complete some of the reps like I’ve never seen him before…which I appreciated witnessing, actually.” None of Andy’s strength classes are even close to being easy, but it sounds like Andy even found this class to be unstackable!!
Thank you!
Thank you to all of our listeners for sharing your recommendations and enthusiasm. To see the full list of this week’s classes and add your own to the conversation, check out the TCO Facebook Group. To see past weeks’ Top 5 classes, visit and search TCO Top 5! If you try any of the recommendations and find a new favorite, we’d love to hear from you!
Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart, TuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.
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