TCO Review: Rebecca Kennedy’s 5-Day Split, Strength and Sizzle Baby!
Finally, the heavy-lifting program I’ve been waiting for has arrived on the Peloton platform. Released as a Peloton Program in late 2023, Rebecca Kennedy’s 5 Day Split is one of the best, if not the best, strength programs that Peloton has to offer. Thoughtfully and masterfully designed to give Members the most bang for their buck while pushing lifting limits, Rebecca coaches Members through a series of simple and straightforward exercises that are also highly effective.
While most strength classes on the Peloton platform are geared more toward muscular endurance, this split is 100% geared toward hypertrophy. AKA, lifting heavy shit and getting stronger (much stronger!) while you do it. Consider this split program RK’s love letter to you and your muscles.
Class Breakdown
Rebecca has programmed five 30-minute hypertrophy classes that are meant to be spread out over the course of five days, with a rest day falling between Days 2 and 3 or Days 3 and 4 and again after Day 5. Classes consist of a mix of straight sets, supersets and complexes and there is a generous amount of rest between each set and circuit (typically ranging between 45 to 60 seconds) to allow for proper recovery in between heavy lifts.
Here’s what you’ll see, class by class:
Day 1: Chest and Triceps
- Neutral Grip Chest Press
- Dumbbell Chest Fly
- Crush Press
- Triceps Kickback
- Skull Crusher
- Pushups
Day 2: Legs and Core
- Power Cleans
- Off-set Overhead Carry R/L
- Split Squat R/L
- Single Leg Deadlift R/L
- Broad Jump (:30 seconds)
- Core AMRAP
- 10 Mountain Climbers
- 10 Bicycles
Day 3: Legs and Biceps
- RDLs
- Front Squat
- Concentrated Curl R/L
- Alternating Reverse Lunge
- Front Lunge w/curl
- Alternating Cross Body Curls
- Lunge Jumps (:30 seconds)
Day 4: Back and Biceps
- Dumbbell Rows
- Lat Pullovers
- Crush Press
- Dumbbell Flyes
- Zottman Curls
- Bicep Curls
- Renegade Row R/L to Push Up
- Supinated Row on Knees
Day 5: Legs and Shoulders
- Sumo Squat
- Thrusters
- Kickstand Deadlifts (R/L)
- Alternating Shoulder Press (slow eccentric)
- Lateral Raise
- Open Raise
- Lateral Lunge
- Squat Jumps (:30 seconds)
Yes, you read that correctly. There are THREE leg days in this program. During this split, you’ll be serving scrambled legs for breakfast, lunch and dinner, my friends. For your sake, I hope you live in a single-story home, or live with people who don’t mind listening to you yelp your way up and down stairs, especially when the DOMS hits during Week 1. It’ll be ok–you’ll be ok, too. It’s going to be worth it, I promise.
The Review: Strength with a Side of Sizzle
Make no mistake about it: the point of this program is to give you the tools to dramatically increase your strength and, while the sizzle headline could certainly refer to RK’s sparkly personality and fire dance moves, what I’m really referring to is the absolute burner it will be for your muscles–in the very best of ways.
This program can, of course, be done for a week and then moved on from, but Rebecca suggests dedicating at least 3-4 weeks to it, and no more than 6, to reap true hypertrophic benefits. With this advice in mind, I undertook this review and I committed myself to four weeks of this program, documenting my observations, reflections, and results along the way.
Week 1, Thoughts and Results
Right out of the gate Day 1 had me locked in. I was super-hyped to see a class dedicated to, and inclusive of, an often-overlooked muscle group: the triceps. And, by the time class finished, I was super-hyped that I didn’t have to wash or dry my hair that day due to the T-Rex arms I was left with. As I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath, my muscles were literally vibrating under my skin (not exaggerating). It quickly became obvious that RK wasn’t messing around with her programming, at all.
The rest of the week followed a similar pattern, both in programming and exertion. Day 2, Legs and Core, was glute heavy (booty building? Count me in every time) with some functional core work built in. The class wrapped up with a fun broad jump that brought me back to elementary school field days followed by a sweet :90 second AMRAP core finisher that left my abs on fire and my lungs out of breath. I’m a big proponent of plyometrics, especially for women, and I love that it has a place in these classes but doesn’t take up such a big portion that it would shift the focus from hypertrophy to metabolic conditioning territory.
Days 3 and 4? Spoiler alert: they’re tough, too. But, in case you can’t tell by now, the whole week is. I don’t typically work legs back-to-back like this and I was a little concerned about muscle fatigue, but RK does a great job of working those major lower body muscle groups in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re overtraining. She’s also busy burning out your biceps in this class, so the focus isn’t on your legs the entire time. Legs get a break on Day 4, but your biceps are still in the crosshairs for another round of back-to-back muscle group work. You may find that you need to go slightly lighter in weights during biceps on Day 4 due to both muscle and grip fatigue. But, don’t let that phase you–you’re still doing plenty of work.
Day 5: It’s at this point that RK recommends summoning a Golden Retriever to help get you through the last bit of this program. And, if the need for a distraction by an adorable floof doesn’t tell you all you need to know about the final class in this split, allow me to elaborate. Legs and Shoulders are on deck for the final pump of the week, and, with this being the third leg day of the week, it may very well feel like a burnout session (hey, Thrusters! I’m looking at you.).

Don’t have a Golden Retriever available to get you through class? I’ve included a picture of mine. Feel free to screenshot and borrow her. Note her look of concern as I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath. Also, note the quad popping in the background, courtesy of RK.
By this point in the program, you should be familiar with what “heavy” means to you, having had the opportunity to experiment with a variety of movements over the course of the week. And, the weights that you choose in this class should feel truly heavy to you. However, you’ll also be breaking out your lighter weights for the last bit of shoulder work in this class which, in a program devoted to hypertrophy, may come as a surprise. But, to paraphrase Rebecca, a studio apartment (your shoulders) doesn’t need as much as a mansion (your glutes), and she’s correct. By the time you finish with the lateral raise series, you’ll swear that your light weights weigh at least 5x what their label says they weigh.
Just like the program, my results after the first week are also pretty straightforward, and I literally only wrote down a handful of letters in my end-of-week notes:
“OMG. Sore A.F.”
This program is HARD, you guys. At a glance, it looks so simple, but the level of difficulty is determined by the weight you lift and, if you’re lifting at your full capacity, then…..well, you, too, should think this program is all-caps HARD. With heavy lifts and three leg days, week one left me in baby-giraffe-drinking-at-the-watering-hole territory any time I needed to sit down. I’m no stranger to strength training and have lifted my entire adult life, but this program just hits different. At the end of Week 1, I was eager to attack Week 2, but also knew that I was going to need a significant amount of stretching and foam rolling (and swear words) to help decrease the DOMS that Week 1 gave me.
Week 2 Thoughts and Results
With Week 1 in my rear-view mirror, and a commitment to stick with this program for three more weeks, I was ready to get Week 2 started. This is the week that I decided to shake things up a bit and stack Days 1 and 2 back-to-back due to a commitment at the end of the week that would have made working out difficult to fit in on a Saturday. To be clear, this program isn’t meant for you to double up on classes, but if you need to/are going to, Days 1 and 2 make good companions (but you may find your grip strength fading toward the end of the second class).
Stacking these days together by no means makes this program any easier. If anything, it may make it harder due to a larger volume of work in a single day. But, it does help to free up a day of the week if you don’t happen to have five days to devote to working out, but would really like to do this 5 Day Split.
My results after Week 2 were encouraging. My goal for this program was to increase strength and grow some muscles, not to focus on body recomposition, but that’s what was happening. The inches lost were noticeable this week and my clothes were looser. I was still VERY sore to start the week, however I didn’t end the week nearly as sore as I did at the end of Week 1. Two days of rest over the course of Week 1 didn’t feel like it was enough, and my muscles were fatigued during Week 2, but I also increased the weight in all of my lifts, despite that fatigue. Giving myself an extra day of rest by stacking Days 1 and 2 and adding in more stretching, foam rolling, and gentle yoga were the keys to success here, I think.
Week 3 Thoughts and Results
After taking Saturday and Sunday off to stretch and just let my body rest, I started Week 3 feeling really strong and not even a little bit sore, which was surprising considering how sore I was just a week and a half prior. It was at this point that I also started seeing hints of muscle definition peeking through that weren’t there a couple of weeks ago. I’m happy to report that there was absolutely no soreness at all this week, only a little bit of muscle fatigue, which is to be expected with this type of program. Just like Week 2, I stacked Days 1 and 2 again this week due to another event on Saturday that I would need to wash/dry my hair for (a process that feels nearly impossible after that Legs and Shoulders class). After stacking Days 1 and 2 for two weeks, it became pretty clear that my body responds best when I have three days of recovery versus just two and the body recomp feels like it kicked up a notch this week–I lost the most inches during this week.
Week 4 Thoughts and Results:
With three weeks of the split under my belt, and knowing what to expect from myself and from this program, I decided to go back to one class per day instead of doubling up D1 and D2 on Monday, just to see if anything had changed with regard to needing that additional rest day. But, nope. My body just doesn’t do great with only 2 days of rest. That said, there are some real, tangible results this week. Specifically, I significantly increased my overall strength over the past four weeks, adding anywhere between 15-25 lbs to the weights that I started with (ex: I began tricep kickbacks with 10lbs in Week 1 and progressed to 25 lbs by Week 4). As for my physical appearance, I have muscles popping everywhere, and have lost several inches across my entire body. It’s also very (very) obvious that it’s time for a deload week. I don’t know if it was going back to a full five day split or if it’s the culmination of the entire program (or maybe a little of both), but my muscles are exhausted. At the beginning of this week, I thought that I would maybe continue on for two more weeks, or jump into RK’s new unofficial 4-day split, however, by the end of the week, my muscles wanted a break, so a deload is on the horizon.
Pros and Cons of the 5 Day Split
Overall, this program is incredible. Truly, it’s Rebecca’s gift to anyone on the Peloton platform who has been looking for a way to lift heavy, but hasn’t necessarily found that to be a possibility in a typical strength training class. This program is easy to follow (NOT easy to do, just easy to follow), uncomplicated and extremely effective. Curious about the pros and cons? Here’s my take.
It’s a true heavy-lifting program, and the individual classes are quick and efficient. The time in each class flies by and you hardly have time to clock-watch during these classes, anyway. RK works you so hard there’s very little need to add additional work outside of a stretch (definitely stretch!!!) and maybe a 5-10 min core class. You will get a LOT done, in a short amount of time.
Also, strength gains for dayssssssss. You will get stronger when you do this program and, most likely, the strength gains will be significant and your whole body will benefit.
There’s no way around it; depending on your daily life situation (full-time parent, full-time job, full-time student, etc), it can be really difficult to dedicate 5 days a week to a workout program. Also, it’s a Peloton program, which means that, for the first week at least, there’s no wiggle room for deviating from the timeline* that Peloton has set. (*Note: Once you take this program 1x all the way through, these classes stay unlocked and you are no longer beholden to take them in the allotted time frame so, in theory, this does free you up to add in rest days when/if you need to take them and also allows for life to happen.)
Also? Your cardio equipment may get lonely–really lonely. RK advises to limit cardio during this program (see below) so you don’t cannibalize the muscle that you’re trying to build. Which means that, if you LOVE cardio, you may find yourself longingly staring at your Bike, Tread or Row and feeling a little bit of FOMO about the classes you’re not taking while you’re doing this split. So, if you’re a cardio king or queen, maybe make peace with that before you begin.
Cardio Guidance
On the topic of cardio, while it is possible to do concurrent training (intense cardio in tandem with strength), for the purposes of this particular program, RK recommends dialing down the cardio routine just a bit. When she first launched this program, she provided more detail in an Instagram Reel, which you can view below, but here’s a quick overview:
When to do it: The cardio can be done either right after your strength training session or at another time during the day. It’s even possible to do it on your rest days.
Type of cardio: The recommended activities are low intensity and low impact, such as hiking, walking, easy-paced running, no-equipment low impact cardio exercises, gentle cycling, or easy rowing.
Duration: The cardio sessions should ideally last between 15 and 45 minutes, with 20 to 30 minutes being the optimal duration.
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What I Did on Rest Days
It takes 48-72 hours for muscle fibers to repair after a strenuous workout, and if you attack an intense workout aggressively before you’ve given your body proper rest, you are at greater risk of muscle and tendon injuries. Rest days are always important when you’re exercising, but they’re critical during hypertrophy training.
During Weeks 1 and 4, I followed the program as scheduled with rest days on Wednesday and Sunday. As I mentioned above, for my body, this wasn’t enough rest. Although stacking the first and second classes together on Mondays was harder (both due to the additional volume of work and because of the additional time it added into my Monday workout), ultimately it was better off for me. Maintaining Wednesday as an Active Recovery day, I focused on gentle yoga and Zone 2 walking. Using Saturday and Sunday as total rest days, I simply stretched and let my steps fall where they fell, usually around 8k (which I typically get in my normal day-to-day activity).
A Deload Blueprint
Peloton does a lot of things, and they do a lot of things well. But, thanks to the overabundance of workout options, the platform also tends to create a bit of an ‘all gas, no brakes’ mentality when it comes to working out and chasing blue dot streaks. It’s hard to take your foot off the pedal, especially when you’re seeing gains, but, if you want to continue to see progress and avoid risking injury due to muscle fatigue, a deload week is critical.
Basically, if you want to workout like a boss, you’ve got to recover like one, too. So, in the absence of a formal Peloton-created Deload Program or Collection (which, if you’d love to see as much as we would, feel free to submit that request here), I’ve created a week-long deload blueprint for you to follow.
- Balance and Bodyweight work
- 10 minute Standing Yoga
- 20 minute Bodyweight Strength
- 10 minute Full Body Stretch
- 15-30 minute Easy Walk (optional)
- Cardio and Mobility
- 10 minute Low Impact Cardio
- 20 minute Full Body Mobility
- Optional Easy Walk (up to 45 minutes)
- Yoga
- 10 minute Healthy Back Focus Flow
- 20 minute Slow Flow
- 15-30 minutes Light Cardio of Your Choice (optional)
- Stretching
- 5 minute Full Body Warm Up
- 20 minute Full Body Stretch
- 15-30 min fun Ride, Light Run, Walk, easy Row, or Low Impact Cardio of your choice (optional)
- Full Body
- 10 minute Pilates
- 20 minute Bodyweight Strength
- 10 minute Full Body Stretch
- 15-30 minute light cardio of choice (optional)
- **Can also sub higher intensity cardio in on this day, in lieu of strength training)
- 10 minute Full Body Stretch and light walking (optional)
- 10 minute Yoga Focus Flow (choose the body part that needs the work) and light walking
- 10 minute Restorative Yoga
Remember: The point of the deload week is to give your muscles a break, including your grip-muscles. If you’ve been laying off the cardio during the split, and you absolutely feel the need for speed (and your body feels like it has the energy to accommodate it), substitute higher intensity cardio for bodyweight training on Friday. But, overall, it’s best practice to just give your body the rest it needs to recover properly. You’ll start the following week feeling so much stronger, I promise.
Tips for Success
And, finally, if you want to really maximize your success with this 5 Day Split, here are some tips to help along the way:
1. This split is NOT for beginners. Yes, the moves are simple and straightforward, but to get the most out of it, you really need a foundation for strength training so you’re familiar with heavy lifting while maintaining proper form. Check out one of the Beginner Split Training Programs before jumping into this one, if you don’t have a foundation in strength training.
2. You should be lifting your version of heavy in these classes, with good form. “Heavy” varies from person to person, but as a guide, reps 7-9 should feel like a struggle with 10 feeling like you cannot possibly lift an 11th rep. RK mentions this frequently, but if you’re knocking out 10 reps with gas in the tank at the end, you need heavier weights. You should be lifting so heavy, while maintaining good form, that you consistently want to rate these classes an 8+ difficulty every single time. The classes shouldn’t get easier….you should just pick up heavier weights each week because you’re getting stronger.
3. Good form, good form, good form. It can’t be said often enough. Yes, the focus of this split is hypertrophy, but if you’re lifting heavy weights at the expense of your form, you’re not going to get stronger, you’re going to get hurt. Lift as heavy as you can with form that is as good on the 1st rep as it is on the 10th.
4. Make a plan for what you’re going to do at the end of your 4-6 weeks with this program. Know how you will deload and know what you will jump into next so you have structure waiting for you at the off ramp of this program.
5. Bonus suggested class pairing: RK’s 5 min core from 11/24/23. Because you’ll (probably) be laying on the floor at the end of each class anyway, you might as well do 5 minutes of core while you’re down there. Plus, it’s my favorite and everyone should have it in their rotation.
Plot Twist! About that Week 5 Deload Plan….
Although I fully intended to wrap up Week 4 and dive into a deload this week, surprisingly, I woke up feeling strong AF on Monday. So, here I am, on week 5 of the split, with a plan to definitely deload next week. But, for now, apparently, I can’t quit Rebecca. Or this split–it’s that good.
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