Ross Rayburn's "Turning Inward"

Ross Rayburn’s “Turning Inward” – Breaking Down Introversion

The news that Ross Rayburn will be stepping away from Peloton makes us sad – we need those amazing yoga classes, complete with Ross’ instructions on proper form and mechanics, and how will we sleep without Ross’ sleep meditations (has anyone ever heard the ending of any of them?)  However, we are also excited for Ross and his newest ventures.  We absolutely support the value of the good he will do for others as he spreads his message about meditation, following the release of his book that aims to teach people how to turn inward.  

Meditation: Attainable for Anyone

If you have a hard time meditating (or feel like it’s virtually impossible – if your mind is like a busy highway, with everything you’ve ever done swirling around in it all……..the…….time), Ross Rayburn’s book, “Turning Inward: The Practice of Introversion for a Calm, Joyful, Authentic LIfe”   can truly change the way you view meditation. (And- if you buy it through this link- for no extra cost to you, TCO will get a tiny cut!)

Ross’s Life Led Him To Meditation

Ross’ book is a blend of insights about his life and what led him to mediation and Peloton, along with practical tips about how to introvert in any circumstance, all day every day.   It also includes exercises in introverting – practical tips you can follow, as well as a four week plan to establish an introversion practice.   Ross gave us more insight in his life, how this book developed, and his view of meditation, when he joined our Clip Out book club in February (if you’re a Patreon member, watch our zoom session with Ross).

Focus- Not Emptiness

I am so bad at meditating that I’ve taken meditation classes to try to figure out the “secret.”  These classes taught me to count backwards and to try to distract myself with a flame of a candle, but I never felt refreshed or clear minded at the end, and my struggle to clear out all the busy thoughts led to frustration.  This book was an absolute game changer for me – I learned that I could focus on something instead of making my mind blank.  Ross’ book offers practical insights that anyone can use throughout the day, not just in a formal, planned meditation session.  

Introversion Can Remove Us From Struggles

The premise of the book is really that introversion can remove us from whatever frustrating, sad, stressful, or difficult situation we find ourselves in. The key is not to necessarily clear your mind of thought, but to focus on something that will ground you. Focusing is a form of meditation.  Focus on the water in the shower – how it’s consistent every day – focus on something outside – the sun’s glow or the waving grass.  Focus on the good things that don’t change and don’t cause worry – the simple, static things in life.

Ross’ book is a game changer for anyone who needs to separate from the worries and stresses of the world, or remove themselves from the current situation, and calm their mind.  It’s especially powerful for those with busy minds who have struggled with meditation. And in this fast paced world, a calm mind is truly a gift.  Thank you Ross, for your hours of yoga and meditation on the Peloton platform, and we look forward to seeing you do great things for people in your next chapter of your life – and maybe some future book chapters as well!


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