Angelo From MetPro on Healthy Lunches
The Clip Out podcast was thrilled to welcome back Angelo Poli from MetPro. Angelo, a regular guest on the show, shares his expertise and advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and exercise. MetPro utilizes a personalized approach to nutrition and fitness, combining metabolic testing and analysis with customized fitness and nutrition plans to help clients reach their weight loss and fitness goals. Angelo’s approach to diet and exercise is science-based, and he aims to educate his clients on the importance of balancing macronutrients and avoiding fad diets.
Question from a Teacher
In episode 332 of The Clip Out, Angelo shared his wisdom on healthy lunch options for adults. Listener Jane S., a teacher wrote in with a question about healthy lunches, and Angelo had plenty of valuable advice to impart (beginning with reminding Tom that as a teacher, a healthy lunch should NOT start with grabbing treats from her students.)
According to Angelo, a healthy lunch should consist of whole foods, not processed foods; he says, “think of the way your grandparents cooked.” He recommended incorporating protein, such as chicken or fish, and slow-digesting complex carbohydrates like brown rice or sweet potatoes. The remaining portion of the plate should consist of a variety of vegetables, with a small amount of fat added to round out the meal, such as oil, avocado, or a few nuts. Angelo reminds us again, as he often does, about the veggies: there should be a ton, but they go down much more easily if you eat them with the rest of a balanced meal. Not everyone’s a vegetable connoisseur- especially host Tom, who we’re reminded hasn’t “eaten a fresh fruit or vegetable in probably 40 years!”
Tailoring Your Diet to Your Goals
Angelo emphasized the importance of tailoring your diet to your specific goals. For example, if you are looking to build strength, you may want to increase your protein intake and decrease your carbohydrate intake. For weight loss, you may want to focus on reducing your overall caloric intake. He reminded questioner Jane that it’s all about ratios- while they recommend these meals to many, playing with macro ratios, they consistently remind their clients that lunch in particular is important because of the time before dinner- energy needs to be packed in!
This personalized approach is the foundation of MetPro’s philosophy, and Poli encourages listeners to consult with a professional to find the best approach to their goals. Metabolic profiling is a unique approach to weight loss and fitness, and Poli is passionate about its effectiveness. The program starts with a metabolic assessment, which provides detailed information about the individual’s metabolism and how it responds to different foods and exercise. Based on this information, MetPro creates a customized nutrition and exercise plan that is specifically designed to help that individual reach their goals. It takes into account factors like age, sex, activity level, and other variables to create a comprehensive and effective plan.
In Conclusion
As usual, The Clip Out was thrilled to have Angelo back- for his solid advice to listeners and Tom. Stay tuned and let us know your questions for the future- and we’ll let you know if Tom ever decides to try a vegetable outside of Ragu. Hear the interview here and watch it here!
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