Get “The Rundown” on Peloton’s 2024 Year In Review Member Metrics
What if your workouts could tell a story—a story of growth, grit, and personal milestones? With Peloton’s updated 2024 feature, The Rundown, that’s exactly what they do. Think of it as your fitness year-in-review, bringing together all your hard work into one insightful summary. The Rundown transforms members’ stats into something measurable. Here’s everything you need to know about this feature and why it’s creating a buzz, especially with changes made this year compared to previous years.
What is The Rundown?
The Rundown is Peloton’s way of celebrating its members’ dedication and progress throughout the year. It’s meant to be more than just a collection of numbers—it’s a breakdown of your workout milestones, total time invested in you, and in our community together. Known in past years as The Year In Review and The Cooldown, members look forward each year to seeing their very own annual summary presented to them like a “Spotify Wrapped” via email and in their Peloton accounts. We hear that members have started to receive their emails on Wednesday afternoon, December 18th, and with six million members waiting by their inboxes, we suspect the whole rollout might take 24-48 hours.
How has The Rundown Changed from Earlier Year-End Summaries?
Members will immediately notice one feature missing in 2024 – Peloton no longer tells us our Top Instructor. This is honestly a bit disappointing, even though mine was never a surprise (either Matt or Denis depending how much yoga put me over the top with Denis in a given year!). It’s also missing fan-favorite elements like our favorite Artist Series, PRs (at least for me, but maybe that’s because I didn’t get any this year!), and where we fit among other users in our preferred modalities.
Key Features of The Rundown
This year’s Rundown tells us:
- Our total individual calories burned
- Our total individual miles traveled
- Our total individual minutes worked out
- How long we’ve been in Peloton
- How long we’ve kept a streak
- What badges we obtained
- What our “Workout Personality” is
- What group achievements we met as a community for high fives and minutes worked, complete with a video message from the instructors – although not individualized from your top instructors
What’s a “Workout Personality”?
It seems that this is supposed to be the surprise element of this year’s wrap up. Mine was not especially accurate though (is that the surprise?). I got “Festival Fanatic” because of the All for One classes I took. I would not say that was my greatest achievement this year at all, so I am wondering if perhaps my metrics are skewed by how many times I still take Matt Wilpers’ old “The 1975” Stretch from AFO 2022, haha! I did take a few AFO classes but once again my year was dominated by Power Zone rides and if that was a “personality” to be had, it’s very clear to anyone reviewing my data that it’s the one for me. Other members reported similar “surprises” including one member of The Clip Out team who was dubbed “Row Rockstar” despite the fact that she doesn’t own a Row! On the other hand, one of our biggest runners did receive the “Road Runner” personality so at least some of it makes sense.
You Be the Judge
In recent years, the way Peloton has bundled member’s accomplishments has evolved from exciting and dynamic to… underwhelming. Perhaps the recent introduction of Year-To-Date stats within our Peloton accounts has alleviated the urgency to gift them to us in a fancy box with animations like the old days… or maybe I just don’t like change. Personally, I miss the old graphics and reveal experience (examples from the amazing 2021 videos shown above), and I’ve even take last year’s extra data and static graphics over this year’s package, but hey, maybe that’s just me. What say you, Peloton community? Let us know what you think about this year’s Rundown rollout!
Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart, TuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.
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