TCO Top 5 Weekly Top 5 The Clip Out Listener Faves Here's what you loved this week! Favorite Peloton Classes.

TCO Top 5 Favorite Peloton classes: Stay motivated with this week’s picks (9/4/2024)

Last Updated: September 4, 2024By Tags:

Every Monday, we ask the Clip Out community to share their favorite class from the last week. Your stories of love, sweat, and tears always inspire us to keep moving. We are excited to share the five most enthusiastic nominations (in no particular order) and a quick review of each class. Read on for our weekly dose of motivation! 

This week’s favorite Peloton classes: 

     1. 08/26/2024 Soft Rock Ride with Christine D’Ercole

  1. 05/02/2024 2010’s Run with Mariana Fernandez
  2. 07/16/2024 Power Zone Ride with Denis Morton
  3. 08/30/2024 Low Impact Cardio Class with Rebecca Kennedy
  4. 05/02/2024 2010’s Run with Mariana Fernandez

Why you loved them! 

Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one favorite (clear by the number of bookmarked classes we have to “take later”), but these reviews make it easy! Here’s what the TCO Community had to say about their favorite classes from the last week.  

1. Favorite Ride

08/26/2024 Soft Rock Ride with Christine D’Ercole

This ride was nominated by Linda Hauck (#YogiLinSpins).  She said “the playlist was great and Christine stayed quiet several times so the rider could experience the music.  I did press the <3   on every track and have bookmarked the class for the future.”  Croncetracy also suggested this ride for the same reason, saying “the music was awesome and she barely talked, which was so refreshing.”   With songs by Genesis, Neil Diamond and Chicago, to name a few, who wouldn’t want to get lost in this music!   All of the “I hate when instructors talk” folks will love this ride for sure – you know who you are!  

2. Favorite Strength Workout

08/25/2024 Total Strength 60 with Andy Speer

This intermediate level class was nominated by Elizabeth Schlosberg (#MinuteToSpinIt). While the TS60 series normally builds on itself week after week in any given month, Elizabeth noted that  “for some reason this was a standalone, not a progression of the month, and Andy billed it as a great intro to the classes for anyone new.  It was a solid class on its own and I have skipped the last 2 weeks of TS60 so I would not have known had he not announced that.  It was a hilarious trip through all of Andy’s favorite songs and genres of music, so fans will love it, and newbies will see what they can get excited about.”  If you’ve never done one of Andy’s TS60 classes, this is a great one to try – Andy’s zany sense of humor and great music picks always make an hour of strength training easy eo enjoy!  

3. Favorite Power Zone Ride

07/16/2024 Power Zone Ride with Denis Morton

Kelly Stilwell loved this ride, saying “it was one of the best rides I’ve ever taken.  It’s in Zones 1-4, and it was fun and interesting enough that it flew by.  Can’t wait to take it again.  If I get a 30-45 minute ride in, that’s a great day!”  This class has an 11 minute warm up, 18 minutes of cycling, and then a 1 minute cool down, and a varied playlist  to keep you guessing.  

4. Favorite Low Impact Cardio Class

08/30/2024 Low Impact Cardio Class with  Rebecca Kennedy

Lots of people are loving these cardio classes, including Sarah Lester, who nominated this as her favorite class this week.  Sarah said “Dust those steps off!  For this class you don’t need a step but it is made to work well with a step.  It was a lot of fun and definitely challenging.  I hope Peloton adds step classes to the line up!!”  Step classes are a great low impact way to get your cardio in, and the stepping works your leg muscles a little more than just being on the floor, to give you an added boost.  Also, Rebecca’s enthusiasm is definitely infectious, making you want to work hard and have fun!

5. Favorite Unstackable Run

Sometimes we want a class that leaves us in a puddle and washes all hope of a stack of extra classes away with it. We call those classes Unstackable, and we love hearing about our listeners’ Unstackable experiences.  

05/02/2024 2010’s Run  with Mariana Fernandez

This class has gotten nominated two weeks in a row now, and, as Crystal pointed out last week, any 90 minute run deserves to be unstackable. It’s Mariana Fernandez’ only 90 minute run, and Stephanie Latos said “people need to take [this class].  Such a fun playlist – I would take it again just to stay entertained from a music perspective on long training runs, but I also really enjoyed her stories about how she came to New York for auditions!”  Mariana has been a tread instructor since May of 2023 and has gained quite a following (in addition to her yoga and meditation followers).  This class has a high energy 2010’s play list that really helps push you through those long runs!

Thank you! 

Thank you to all of our listeners for sharing your recommendations and enthusiasm. To see the full list of this week’s classes and add your own to the conversation, check out the TCO Facebook Group. To see past weeks’ Top 5 classes, visit and search TCO Top 5! If you try any of the recommendations and find a new favorite, we’d love to hear from you!

Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsiHeartTuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.

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