TCO Top 5 Favorite Peloton classes: Stay motivated with this week’s picks (2/19/2025)
Every Monday, we ask the Clip Out community to share their favorite class from the last week. Your stories of love, sweat, and tears always inspire us to keep moving. We are excited to share the five most enthusiastic nominations (in no particular order) and a quick review of each class. Read on for our weekly dose of motivation!
This week’s favorite Peloton classes:
- 02/15/2025 120 Minute Power Zone Endurance Two for One Ride with Christian Vande Velde and Matt Wilpers
- 02/06/2025 30 Minute Intervals Ride with Christine D’Ercole
- 02/15/2025 45 Minute 2000’s Run with Becs Gentry
- 03/23/2021 20 Minute Core Class with Rebecca Kennedy
- 02/10/2025 30 Minute Super Hero Ride with Alex Toussaint
Why you loved them!
Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one favorite (clear by the number of bookmarked classes we have to “take later”), but these reviews make it easy! Here’s what the TCO Community had to say about their favorite classes from the last week.
1. Favorite Power Zone Class
02/15/2025 120 Minute Power Zone Endurance Two for One Ride with Christian Vande Velde and Matt Wilpers
How could this ride not be amazing with two of the most challenging yet most opposite cycling instructors – in fact, we had a few people recommend this ride. Carrie McGilvery Logan nominated this ride, saying that it had over 4000 people participating! Carrie said that Christian and Matt were “quite a pair. Type A Matt was having a hard time with chatty Christian and his lack of numbers. All good fun. They are great together!” Cristina Ribeiro agreed that this was the best class this week “even though” it only had three spin ups. Sonya Norman also loved this class; she said she was worried when she noticed the class had 12 minute zone 3 intervals at the end, but that the instructors made it “very manageable.” Sonya loved the combination of flat road and climbing intervals. If you’re a power zone rider, this one is a must!
2. Favorite Intervals Ride
02/06/2025 30 Minute Intervals Ride with Christine D’Ercole
Lots of rides on this week’s list of favorites, all with its own type of challenge. Christine has recently programmed some SIT training rides, this being one of them (see our article about the advantages of these rides especially for women). Mindy Jensen loved this ride, saying ‘I’m so happy CDe has started programming this type of ride. There is no way I would push myself that hard without the coaching and programming of these rides. There are “only” six 30 second intervals followed by three minutes of rest in this ride. If you do those intervals right, you need those three minutes.” Other members obviously agree, since the Peloton community has rated this ride an 8.4 difficulty level. Mindy suggests that you plan a cool down ride after this one – those 30 second intervals can definitely bring your heart rate up!
3. Favorite Run
02/15/2025 45 Minute 2000’s Run with Becs Gentry
Karen Smith loved this class, which focused on pace targets. Karen said that pace targets are “sneaky hard, and couple them with Becs and you may well die. They really motivate you to push just that little bit harder by bumping to the higher end of your zones. And I love that Peloton seems to be really focusing on these this year. Looking forward to many more.” This class also has a varied playlist that will be sure to keep you moving along.
4. Favorite Strength Class
03/23/2021 20 Minute Core Class with Rebecca Kennedy
Rebecca made it onto our top 5 list again, and this time it’s a class you might not have taken, since it’s from 2021 – an oldie but a goodie. Karen Brady recommended this class with good reason – she said “it was a fun dance routine that made working on the core a lot more fun than just planks and crunches. I return to this class a lot as it lives in my bookmarks!” This is a beginner level class with moves that compliment each song, some standing and some on the mat. This class works your core, obliques, hips, glutes, and low back.
5. Favorite Unstackable Ride
Sometimes we want a class that leaves us in a puddle and washes all hope of a stack of extra classes away with it. We call those classes Unstackable, and we love hearing about our listeners’ Unstackable experiences.
02/10/2025 30 Minute Super Hero Ride with Alex Toussaint
As Michael S. Davern said when he nominated this class, “Over 52,000 can’t be wrong.” This class was a great way to celebrate the newest Marvel movie, but it was more than just a fun, themed class. Michael provided a great summary, saying the ride “had star power, with Anthony Mackie, the current Captain America, riding alongside and being occasionally interviewed by Alex. What a tough class. The warm up started out with a resistance in the 40s and never really backed down from there. Anthony was surprisingly good on the bike, matching Alex stride for stride. I’ve been riding for 5 years and I rarely get to 70 cadence while standing up and Anthony was right there from the jump. Impressive. Lots of motivation offered from both Alex and Anthony. Another great example of what this platform can do… fun, tough ride.” Low of 49 and high of 70 cadence? That definitely sounds unstackable – try this when you’re ready to truly train like a superhero!
Thank you!
Thank you to all of our listeners for sharing your recommendations and enthusiasm. To see the full list of this week’s classes and add your own to the conversation, check out the TCO Facebook Group. To see past weeks’ Top 5 classes, visit and search TCO Top 5! If you try any of the recommendations and find a new favorite, we’d love to hear from you!
Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart, TuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.
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