TCO Guest Spotlight: Jim Feeney, Passionate Cyclist on a Mission
Jim Feeney, a 60-year-old cyclist from the United States, is on a mission to complete a bike ride around the perimeter of the country to raise funds for charity. Jim’s passion for cycling started in 1996, when he completed the same journey. This year, he decided to do it again as a bookend to his previous ride and to support the St. Bernard Project, a New Orleans-based organization that provides assistance to families, individuals, and communities affected by natural disasters.
Jim’s journey began in April 2023, and he hopes to finish in September. He has covered approximately 90% of the total distance and is currently traveling down the eastern seaboard, south of Charleston, South Carolina. Jim’s ride has been supported by the Peloton community, which has been following his progress and contributing to his cause.
The Interview
In a recent interview with The Clip Out podcast, Jim spoke about his journey, the challenges he faced, and his fundraising efforts. Here are some highlights from the interview:
The Route and Schedule
Jim started his journey in New Orleans, Louisiana, and went clockwise over to San Diego, then up to Seattle, and then across the Midwest, including Montana and North Dakota. He then followed the Great Lakes and went up to New England. Now he is going down the eastern seaboard. Jim has been fortunate with the weather, avoiding the extreme heat that has impacted other parts of the country.
Fundraising for St. Bernard Project
Jim’s fundraising goal started at $100,000, but he teamed up with an SBP board member, Lisa Eisenstein, who suggested raising $300,000 to bring ten families home with this trip. So far, Jim and his supporters have raised $214,000 for St.Bernard Project. Donations can be made on his website
Just a few weeks ago, Jim completed his journey and crossed the finish line where he started at the SBP headquarters, complete with a cheering crowd and some classic New Orleans-style tunes.
Peloton Community Support
Jim was introduced to Peloton in 2021 by his daughters, who also enjoy cycling. He loves the variety of classes and instructors available on the platform, but his go-to instructor is Christine D’Ercole. When Christine mentioned Jim in one of her rides, the Peloton community rallied around him, with groups of eight to nine riders virtually matching his daily mileage. When Jim arrived in New York City, he rode with Christine and 24 other Pelotoners who showed up to support him.
Listen to Jim talk to The Clip Out and much more on the podcast, or watch on YouTube!
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