Peloton Adds Peloton Originals to Entertainment Tab
Exciting news! Peloton has just unveiled a brand new category in the Entertainment tab on your Bikes, Treads, and Row devices: Peloton Originals. This latest addition caught our attention when the teaser for Susie Chan’s Badwater documentary was shared on social media a few days ago. We were curious about what Peloton had in store, and now we finally have the answer! And, by “we,” we mean everyone. No slow roll-outs here. It’s officially an option within the Entertainment Experience streaming tab.
We were quick to open it up and see what type of content awaited us, and were pleasantly surprised to find that all of Peloton’s past documentary content had been migrated over to one dedicated location.
While Peloton is no stranger to producing this type of documentary content (they’ve been dabbling since filming Becs’ Gentry’s Olympic Trials training in 2022), the videos, houses in Peloton’s YouTube channel, are often quickly buried beneath more typical Peloton YouTube fare such as commercials and tutorials, thus making it hard for newer Peloton Members to discover. If you didn’t know they were there, you were mostly likely going to miss them.
But now, with today’s premiere of Susie Chan’s Badwater 135 documentary, Peloton has broken those six originals out into their own category housed within the Entertainment tab on the tablets for the Bike/+, Tread/+, and Row for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Well, everyone with a piece of Peloton hardware, anyway.
We’ve reached out to Peloton to further inquire about the name Peloton Originals (we can’t help but wonder about it!), and they tell us that these films were produced by their in-house content team. Whether this is a new production arm in the making at Peloton remains to be seen, but our hats are off to them for a job well done and we look forward to seeing what new Peloton Originals content they will be adding down the road.
Will you be tuning in to Peloton Originals? Were you even aware that they had this content buried in their YouTube channel? And, who would you like to see featured next?
Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart, TuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.
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