Updated 4/15/24: How to Book in Person Class at New York or London Studio
Be Prepared! Peloton classes drop Thursdays at noon ET for both studios and it’s approximately 6 weeks in advance. As of this writing (April 15, 2024), classes are posted through 5/20/24. So on 5/18, Peloton will drop the classes for Thursday 5/23 – Monday 5/27.
Note: while Peloton used to have in-person classes daily, for now, they are only Thursday – Monday. The studio schedule will reflect that.
How to book in Person Classes at the New York or London Studio
- Although you used to purchase credits separately from class booking, that process has been streamlined. Now, you will complete the purchase as you book the class.
- Prioritize which Peloton classes you prefer. For instance, Jenn Sherman routinely teaches Sunday morning and it’s always been my favorite ride, so that was my first priority for booking. I didn’t care if I took a strength class, but I wanted to try yoga and a tread class. It made split-second decisions a bit easier since I already had a general plan.
I’m ready to buy it!
- Have studio.onepeloton.com up and ready at least 30 minutes before noon ET – though multiple devices can overwhelm the servers, they also can give you multiple opportunities to get that coveted class. Use at your own risk
- Refresh repeatedly until the dates you are looking for are open
- The virtual queue is no longer used – the classes just drop and it’s every member for themselves. DO NOT HESITATE – book the class!
What? Waitlisted? Will I get into any Peloton classes?
- Waitlisted means the class is full but there is a short backup list in case of no-shows
- Likely you WILL get in, especially if you are on the waitlist the day the class drops. HOWEVER – you will have to CONFIRM your waitlist spot when you get it. So, you need to be checking your email vigilantly. You have 2 hours to say yes before the window passes to the next person. There are quiet hours for the waitlist confirmation – read here for more details.
- Each time I am at the studio, multiple people make it into class off the waitlist. There are several no-shows (I know, I don’t get it either!) So it’s worth getting on the list – however, be aware there is no guarantee you will get in so please plan your travel accordingly.
General Tips for Booking
- Go log on to the studio account in advance of the day the classes are dropping – make sure you have all of your credentials saved, including your payment method. Also, if you have never been to the new studio, you WILL NEED to sign a waiver before you can book a class. If you save this until the classes drop, you will miss out.
- Follow the steps above and go straight for classes that aren’t as sought after – they ALL fill up but some are a tiny bit slower than others. Bike classes are always the most popular, then tread, row, strength, and yoga/meditation.
- Bike classes have the most open spots, then tread, then row strength & yoga/meditation.
- I HIGHLY recommend taking a yoga class – it was the most intimate experience and although the instructors get to class early for all class types, since yoga is such a small class, you get the best chance for a one-on-one conversation with the instructor. These are also open on waitlists most often.
- Prioritize which Peloton classes you prefer. For instance, Jenn Sherman routinely teaches Sunday morning and it’s always been my favorite ride, so that was my first priority for booking. I didn’t care if I took a strength class, but I wanted to try yoga and a tread class. It made split-second decisions a bit easier since I already had a general plan.
- Option 1 for booking a class with friends. If there are only a couple of you, pick a day/timeframe (Saturday morning) you are trying to book for then each of you log on and grab the first class open in that timeframe. That way, even if you don’t get in the same class, you can grab a waitlist for the class your friends are in.
- Option 2 for booking a class with friends. If there is a large group of you, you will need to use Peloton concierge service to book. Note, this is incredibly difficult to get because so many people are signing up for the same dates. You also need to ask for the time AT LEAST 10 weeks in advance. Also, there is a fee for using this service (in addition to booking the class). This is my least favorite method to use but your only option when you have a large group. Read all the rules/pricing here.
- If you couldn’t get in the day the classes dropped, stalk the waitlist. Check it often and be ready to purchase at a moment’s notice. I have noticed the week before the class you want to take, a lot of classes open up. If you are diligent, you will get in.
- Consider a London class and/or a German instructor – Peloton is still growing in Europe and hasn’t reached as many people (yet!) so the classes fill up more slowly. Obviously, this isn’t possible for everyone, but for those that it is – what a memorable experience!
- You cannot visit the studio on a whim. You must be booked in a class or on a waitlist to enter.
- I recommend going into the studio website at least one Thursday before your classes are scheduled to drop and do a dry run. That way you can find anything new Peloton might have added to these steps and find out if you have any issues you need to be prepared for.
What did we miss? Add your favorite booking tips in the comments!
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