Dr. Jenn advice on fitness challenges

Dr. Jenn Episode 365 Taking on a New Fitness Challenge

Jackie, a TCO listener, noticed Peloton instructors tackling various fitness challenges and felt inspired to try one herself. However, she’s unsure how to gauge her readiness and sought advice from Dr. Jenn in episode 365 of The Clip Out.

Start Small

Dr. Jenn responded enthusiastically and offered her recommendations. First, start small. Building confidence comes from positive experiences when trying new things like races or events. Don’t leap from biking for a year straight to running a marathon. Instead, begin with a 5K. If that seems daunting, try a 1-mile run or a fun run. Also, research training methods. Dr. Jenn recommends the Galloway method, which she used for the LA Marathon in 1999. This walk-run approach, promoted by Olympic runner Jeff Galloway, helps avoid injury and is sustainable long-term.

Training Smart

Understand the pros and cons of different methods, and seek feedback from knowledgeable sources. If you’re aiming for a 5K, don’t just jump in. Train properly—go online, do your homework, and consult certified trainers to create an effective exercise regimen. After successfully completing a few 5Ks, progress to a 10K, half marathon, and then a full marathon. The key is to build on your successes.

Learn from Smaller Events

Remember, sometimes it’s the small things that can derail you, like wearing new shoes during a race. Learning these lessons in shorter events prevents mishaps in longer ones. Find out which power bars, gels, and hydration methods work best for you through smaller events before tackling bigger ones.

Research Your Event

Lastly, research your event thoroughly. Avoid starting with a challenging 5K course full of hills or extreme weather conditions. Opt for a gentler start and gradually move to more challenging elements.

Jackie likely isn’t the only TCO listener who feels inspired by our Peloton Instructors.  Will you be tackling any big fitness challenges this year as a result of seeing your favorite instructor compete?

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