Callie’s 3 Day Split: An Intense Full Body Program That Leaves Your Legs Screaming
Those of us who love Peloton’s strength training classes and programs know there are literally thousands of wonderful classes to choose in their ever-expanding library. Of all the great options to choose from, Peloton’s split training programs are some of my absolute favorites, and this one from Callie Gullickson is fantastic!
Now that Callie is about to begin her maternity leave (congrats again Callie), we thought we’d drop our review of her 3-Day Split training program.
Some of The Clip Out’s Other Reviews
Before we get to Callie’s program, if you’d like to check out some of The Clip Out’s other reviews, just click below:
Review of The Chelsea Set
Review of Rebecca Kennedy’s 5-Day Split
Review of Ben Aldis’ 3-Day Split
Split Training – What’s That?
So what exactly is a split training program? Simply put, Peloton’s split training programs consist of either three or five workouts that are to be completed during a single week. Unlike full body classes, the individual workouts in split training focus on specific muscle groups such as legs and core, or chest, shoulders, and triceps. If you complete the program as intended, you will have gotten an outstanding full body workout during the course of the week.
Where to Find Callie’s Program
First Things First: Where to Find the Program
If using the Peloton Guide, click on Programs on the left side of the screen. If using the Peloton app, do the following:
- Navigate to Workouts
- Select Programs
This program is formatted for the Peloton Guide and will take advantage of the timer/rep tracking features if you have those enabled. The Guide is also a great option because its camera will allow you to check your form as you perform the various exercises in the program. If you connect your compatible heart-rate monitor, you will also get your personal Strive score after each workout.
Something for Everyone!
Although Callie’s 3 Day Split is rated as “intermediate,” like most programs, this one is easily adaptable to users of all fitness levels by simply adjusting the dumbbell weights or the number of reps you complete in each workout block. Because Callie’s program has “only” three classes, beginners will benefit from the additional rest this program allows during the one-week format. And believe me, after the first class, you’ll definitely need some recovery time. More on that to come.
A Few Thoughts on Callie
Callie teaches both strength and cardio classes out of Peloton’s New York Studio. She’s become one of my go-to instructors for strength classes and, along with Emma Lovewell, one of my favorite core strength instructors. She’s both energetic and supportive and her playlists are packed with plenty of tunes you’ll want to dance along to.
Oh, speaking of singing and dancing, if you’re a Callie fan, you’ll definitely want to check her Soundtrack Strength Club classes!
The Nuts and Bolts
Callie’s 3 Day Split consists of one 45 minute class (class 1) and two 30 minute classes. Each class is broken into separate blocks of exercises. Most of the exercises are time-based, but there are a few EMOMS mixed in where specific rep goals are called for.
Day 1: Class 1: Back, Biceps & Legs, a.k.a. The Quad Crusher (45 minutes)

Class # 1 – Callie Crushing Those Sumo Quats
The first thing that jumps out about this class is its length. Of all of the classes in the Split Training library, day 1 of Callie’s program is the only 45 minute session. All others are 30 minutes. Believe me, you’ll definitely notice the extra 15 minutes.
Here’s the workout lineup:
6 minute warmup
Main Set:
Dumbbell squats – 4 sets
Bent over row – 3 sets
Single-leg deadlifts
Single-leg deadlifts (opposite leg)
Dumbbell Sumo Squats then
Lateral lunges
Repeat two more times
Renegade Rows then
Bicep curls
Repeat two more times
Reverse lunges x8 reps
Cross-body curls x8 reps
Repeat five more times
Reverse Fly x 5 reps
Wide-grip bent over row x 5 reps
Repeat five more times
Squat Jumps/Zottman curls/squat jumps/hammer curls/squat jumps/bicep curls
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Class 2: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Class #2 – Callie Knocking Out Those Chest Presses and Skull Crushers
3 minute warmup
Neutral grip chest press
Neutral grip chest press x5 reps
Skull crushers x5 reps
Repeat as many sets as possible over 80 seconds
Overhead press
Overhead press x5 reps
Overhead extension x5 reps
Repeat as many sets as possible over 80 seconds
EMOMS: 3 minutes
Chest fly – 12-15 reps
Lateral raises 12 reps
Regular pushups/pike-push ups/tricep pushups/regular pushups
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Class 3: Legs and Core

Class # 3 – Callie Killing Those Split
Squat Holds
4 minute warmup
Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts followed by
Dead bugs
Repeat two more times
Split Squat hold for 20 seconds
Repeat with opposite leg
Reverse lunges
Hollow body
Scissor kicks
Repeat all of the above two more times
AMRAPS – two minutes
Hip bridges x8
Clam shell x8
Clam shell x8 (opposite leg)
High plank – 20 seconds
3 sets goblet squats
3 sets dumbbell swings
3 tuck-ups
30 second squat jumps
Days 6 and 7: Rest
Final Thoughts:
Callie’s 3-Day Split is an outstanding total body strength workout with a little extra lower-body emphasis. This dynamic program is suitable for everyone – just adjust your dumbbell weights accordingly. Beginners will especially enjoy the three-class format in that it allows plenty of recovery time during the week. The schedule also affords plenty of time to add additional workouts during the week. Finally, because the program is designed to be completed as many times as you like, it is an excellent measuring stick to track your progress over time.
Have you done Callie’s 3-Day Split Training Program? Let us know – we’d love to hear your thoughts!
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