394. Problems With Peloton Products At Closeout Stores Plus Our Interview With Rob & Nicole Cesternino
- Erica McClean’s 2024 Tarot Predictions: Grading her forecasts for Peloton. Were her predictions spot on or way off?
- Peloton’s New Focus: AdAge reports on Peloton’s efforts to attract more male customers.
- Discount Warnings: Why finding Peloton items at discount stores might raise red flags.
- Studio Closures: No classes at PSNY on February 1st & 2nd—what you need to know.
- More Store Closures: The trend continues—what this means for Peloton’s retail strategy.
- Bondi Junction Pop-Up Alert: Exciting news for Australian members!
- Netflix Streaming Issues: Some members are struggling to get Netflix working on the Bike+.
- Salena Samuela’s Return: Mark your calendars—Salena is coming back!
- Emma Lovewell’s Sweet Surprise: Cash and candy for Emma from Mr. Beast.
- Tunde at CES: Tunde Oyeneyin shares her insights as a speaker at CES.
- Tunde on “Hell’s Kitchen”: Our favorite Peloton trainer shows up in an unexpected place!
- Chelsea Jackson Roberts on ABC News Live: Peloton’s yoga instructor spreads her wisdom.
- Jess King’s Ride with DJ John Michael: Behind-the-scenes of a Jess King Experience ride.
- Lil Wayne Artist Series: Everything you need to know about the latest artist collaboration.
- New Tonal Machine Announced: How it stacks up for fitness enthusiasts.
- Spotting Joanna Teplin: The “Extreme Makeover” star was recently seen at PSNY.
- TCO Top 5: Our countdown of the week’s must-try classes.
- New Meditation Program: Unwind and de-stress with the latest Peloton meditation program.
- Germany Live FTP Ride: A first for German members—don’t miss the live FTP warm-up and ride.
- 5th Avenue Scenic Run: A look at Peloton’s latest run offering.
- Susie Chan’s 90-Minute Run: Are you ready for the ultimate endurance challenge?
- Leaderboard Name Tips: How to pick the perfect leaderboard name that stands out.
- Peloton Birthdays: Celebrate Hannah Frankson’s special day on January 11th.
All this plus our interview with Rob & Nicole Cesternino!
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Problems With Peloton Products At Closeout Stores Plus Our Interview With Rob & Nicole Cesternino
Welcome to The Clip Out episode 394. This is Crystal O’Keefe.
This is Tom O’Keefe.
We’re getting close to 400.
How about that? That’s not nothing. What pray tell do you have in store for people?
We have a fun interview with Rob and Nicole Cesternino. For those of you listening, if either of those names sounds familiar, you might have heard both of them on Rob’s podcast. It’s Rob Has a Podcast. the
That’s the name of it. You’re not just telling people that he has a podcast.
He was also on an early season of Survivor. That’s how the podcast came to be. We’ll talk about that. These two are hilarious. We had a lot of fun. That’s a great interview coming up. We’re going to talk through the tarot predictions from 2024 because now the article is out, we can talk through that.
We will grade Erica McLean’s work.
There are also very interesting Peloton items that you can find in stores besides Peloton. We’ll talk about those. There’s a bunch of store closings. We need to talk about those that have happened and that are going to be happening. We also have a bunch of news about the different instructors. If you’ve been wondering what’s going on with Selena and her schedule, we have some updates for you. We also have some updates for Emma, Tunde, and DJ John Michael. We have an artists series. We have a big announcement about a competitor. We have celebrity sightings, and there’s a bunch of In Case You Missed It, and things like that, new content, and all kinds of stuff.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and TuneIn. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you are there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That is super helpful and greatly appreciated. If you want to support the show, we would love for you to support the show. We have a Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut. It’s only $5 a month. You get all sorts of bonus content and it helps support the show.
There are lots of expenses tied up in stuff like this. If you have the means, it would be greatly appreciated and you get bonus content every week. We record additional episodes of 20 to 30 minutes. They’ve been turning a little bit longer lately. We’ve been very chatty and we cover things we didn’t get to in the show. We talk about things that are maybe not necessarily super Peloton-related but Peloton-adjacent. This week, we’re talking about ARFID, which is an eating disorder that people speculate that I have.
I think it’s true.
We’ll go into that a little bit and the things we didn’t have time to get to. Some of the smaller stories are still interesting but we’re trying to not be super long over here. You get these episodes completely ad-free. If we get them early, you get them early. Typically, you’re getting them on Thursday. A lot of times, before noon. We’re at the mercy of the editors. Thank you, editors.
You can also watch all of these over on YouTube. You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. If you want all these links sent directly to your inbox, you can sign up for the newsletter over at TheClipOut.com. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
Last week’s guest was Erica McLean. She had all sorts of predictions for 2025, which she does every year. Peloton predictions were our thing.
We have a button that says you are the Peloton Prophet because we’ve been doing it since 2017.
We went back through her predictions for 2024.
By we, we mean Helper Bee Nikki. She did a word count on this article. It’s 9,000 words. That’s a lot of words.
She did pretty well. There are some things that she predicted with frightening accuracy.
We should talk about a few that she got spot on, then we’ll talk about a couple that were close, or maybe passing the ones that weren’t 100% accurate. This was in November of 2023 that we talked to her. She said, “There’s going to be a lot of action but not in a bad way. I feel like there are going to be more things going on authority-wise, maybe switching positions. I felt that maybe even the instructor is climbing the ladder to even more authority or a business-type position.”
In May of 2024, Barry McCarthy stepped down. In came the co-CEOs Chris Bruzzo and Karen Boone. They had long been board members who stepped up to this position in the interim. As we know, at the end of the year, they announced that Peter Stern would be taking over by January 2025. Welcome, Peter if you’re listening, by the way. That was interesting.
The other big one was when Erica said that they were going to be instructors leaving. She said, “When I was pulling cards, I did see the possibility of somebody leaving. I got the vision of someone staying at Peloton but taking time off to explore other opportunities in the fitness realm. If somebody leaves, I see a male instructor who possibly has been there for a while and higher on the totem pole. They have a lot to say, but not bad. They’re expressing it on social media. It’s something behind the scenes, maybe related to clashes or feeling unrecognized.”
She goes on about this for a little bit, but this one was the one that we all wish had not been right because first Ross left, which was the male instructor who had been there and he was pretty high on the totem pole. He announced that he would be leaving, and then the next month, we heard about Kendall, and then we heard about Kristin McGee, and Tobias, unrelated to everything else, also left right after that. Ross leaving was the most shocking. The saddest one was when Kristin announced that she was leaving. I feel like those hit people differently than when other instructors have left. Although they are always upsetting to people.
Everybody has their following that is upset when they leave.
There was a lot of drama around social media and things that were said. We can all agree that whatever happened with the contract negotiations, Kristin didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay. There was a lot of clashing. I remember Kristin posting that if you’re not where you are appreciated, then you have to leave. It’s very reminiscent of exactly what Erica said almost word for word. That’s fascinating. Management change was the third one and then we know that Barry was out and here comes Peter Stern. That was a big deal.
That was a pretty bold prediction even though there was still a lot of dissatisfaction with how Peloton was being run. Even CEOs who are struggling typically get a little bit more.
That was like one day gone next. I don’t know what happened, but that could not have been. Everybody was not on the same page.
It’s easy to look back and be like, “Obviously, that was going to happen.” It’s like no, it wasn’t so obvious because everybody was shocked when it happened. You can pretend like you knew how The Sixth Sense was going to end but you’re a liar. You don’t typically bring in CEOs for a 13-month tenure.
This is the most chilling one if you will. She talked about the instructor stepping back. Not leaving but taking a Hiatus, a break, or something. All these instructors are now taking furloughs. They can call it whatever they want. They’re off-seasons, they’re taking a rest, whatever. It’s to save money and that’s okay. We want Peloton to be around. We’re not upset about it, but it’s still a furlough.
You can be upset about it but you understand.
We’re not mad that it’s happening. We’re sad it’s happening. That’s the difference. There were tons of other good ones. These go on for quite a while. There were several where she was pretty close to, talking about Robin Arzon like she’s going to be a CEO. You technically said this. You suggested, “Is Robin going to be a CEO?” Erica was like, “I was thinking something like that. I was pulling cards and it was Robin. I pulled the empress. To me, Robin is the empress.”
The real outcome is that she had a huge year. She competed in her first High Rocks competition and rubbed elbows with Richard Branson when she co-hosted the Strive 2024 Adventure on Necker Island. She had all of this expansion in her Instagram reach with all those new recipes that she’s been posting, which we still think could turn into that recipe book, and then she was the keynote speaker for a billion things and her tenth anniversary. Maybe she wasn’t officially a CEO but she had a great year.
There was the Peloton on Tour part 2. Is that going to happen? They were like, “They want something like that but we think that they need to do something different. I don’t think it’s going to be like that this year. It’s going to look different this year.” It did because they had all these instructors go out similar to visiting stores. It wasn’t an on-tour thing at all. We asked about The Clip Out. Erica said that she saw us traveling for the show in the warmer months potentially involving instructors, “In 2024, you’ll be busy with guests and projects for the show but it’s going to pay off in a big way.” This was partially true. We had Ross Rayburn on the show. He was in the book club. We also got to go to the Podcast Movement in August.
That’s where we met today’s guests from Survivor.
Yeah. What a full-circle moment there tying things together. That’s crazy, then talking about things that didn’t quite pan out at all. A new modality for Rad. She thought that there was going to be something new for him specifically. Here’s the thing. We don’t know. He hasn’t officially moved to anything other than strength but he has become quite the runner. He does often invite people to go running with him. I still can’t help but wonder if that’s in the works. You never know. The UK row instructors. This one’s crazy to me. It never panned out but we had images of Ben leaked that he was on the rower. He was doing stuff. Still hasn’t happened so, technically, it wasn’t true.
They could still come to fruition.
This just might be the wrong timing. Lots of fun stuff that we talked about with Erica. Always a pleasure. I love it. It has become my favorite tradition of the year.
It’ll be interesting to see how she does in 2025.
Yes, it will.
Our next story is from AdAge. I need to tell this story. I was listening to a podcast called Radiolab. It’s a science podcast but they make it interesting for people like me.
They nerd it up but like pop culture nerd it up.
Yeah. I was listening to an episode that they didn’t recently. They were taking common sayings and then testing them to see if they were true, like does a watched pot never boil? That kind of thing. In the first ten minutes of the podcast, I was trying to figure out what this has to do with AdAge because it was said in the thing, “We’re going to take AdAge, and then I was like, “I’m such a marketing nerd, it’s adage.” I thought it was a typo because the second A wasn’t capitalized. That’s my little experience.
That was an unexpected rabbit hole.
Anyway, AdAge, not to be confused with adage, has an article about marketing strategies in how “women-focused” brands are now trying to figure out ways to target men and they list Peloton as one of them. I’ve never considered Peloton female-focused. From having done this podcast, we see that a disproportionate number of our listeners are female. First off, I was chalked up to the fact that I’m adorable. I’m aware that Peloton has more women than men that use it, but I’ve never felt like they were targeting women.
I didn’t think that they were targeting them. I think that’s who they got. I agree with that. I think that maybe it wasn’t as obvious to us. I don’t know if the chicken or the egg came first there because spin classes typically are directed at women. You’re saying, “Peloton started off as a spin studio,” for all intents and purposes.
If you’re going to start peeling people away from their local spin classes and spin classes target women, then by virtue of definition, you’re going to get a disproportionate number of women.
The numbers are crazy. It’s 80% women. It’s skewed toward women. I think that it’s not quite skewed for Peloton overall. They have more men in general. When it is a man, especially an early adopter, they are all in. They love it just like the women do.
I also think that men, for whatever reason, are more likely to use Peloton and then that’s the end of it for them. They’re not going to go down the rabbit hole of reading the articles or following the instructors on Instagram unless the instructors are a thirst trap.
I think that’s true. If the number of people who are interested in being tipsters and writing articles would bear out, that would also say there are a lot more women than men who are interested, which makes sense. I get it.
Unfortunately, this article is paywalled. We couldn’t read it to figure out what their strategies were going to be unless they were cut tops.
For Peloton. I think they’re going to be showing that like they’re doubling down on strength.
Agreed. I’m being silly. I don’t think Peloton is going to go there.
I didn’t think you thought that. I was just saying I think we can guess where some of these strategies are and strength is one of them, running is one of them, more seriousness. It’s always been serious, but more perception of seriousness about being an authority on these things, the fitness. I don’t know what the rest of the brands are doing, but I think Tonal is doing that too, by the way. I think they struggle to get the man who already lifts to be interested.
I think Tonal’s problems are people who already left think it’s a cable machine. They don’t take it seriously. They think they can’t get a real workout on it. They have the opposite problem of Peloton. They need more women because a lot of women are scared to lift weights because they think that they will “bulk up.” They have the other end of the problem. Anyway, it was an interesting idea of what they’re doing even though we didn’t read it.
We have an article this week, and it’s about some of the best ways to get deals on Peloton merch or accessories. A lot of it, you can find at the closeout stores like a TJ Maxx or a Marshalls, but we’ve also had some warnings about that sort of stuff.
It’s not something we all need to freak out about. It’s just something you need to be aware of. That is when you’re buying stuff, these items could have been sitting for a while. We don’t know where they’ve been stored. You don’t know if they’ve been stored in heat or extreme cold. Why does that matter? It only matters if you’re looking at something like the resistance bands when you buy them and they snap the first time you use them. That’s when it matters. I don’t feel like anybody should blame Peloton for that. I want to be the first to go on record and say that.
Other than if they’re not storing them in climates that are conducive to their longevity, then they probably shouldn’t be unloading them. Maybe they’re not aware of that.
You don’t know who was storing it.
Also true.
I don’t know how long one of these stores is.
The way these clothes stores work, I went down the rabbit hole of that. The way TJ Maxx or Marshalls or something like that works is they’re buying the leftover stock. I don’t know if this is still their slogan, but for years, TJ Maxx’s slogan was always “Never the same store twice,” because they don’t have certain products that they’re guaranteeing are going to be in stock. They buy whatever is left.
They wait until a store says, “We have too many of these jeans or we have too many of these vases. We’ve sold as many as we’re going to sell. We’ve moved on to the next product.” It’s either a landfill or you buy them for pennies on the dollar. TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or what have you will come in and be like, “We’ll take all that.” They buy it for next to nothing, which is why you see such deep discounts there, but it’s also why you can’t always guarantee what you’re going to find there, which is also part of the appeal of the stores. It’s like a Goodwill or a garage sale.
They are bargain-hunting good stuff.
You don’t go in with something specific in mind. Sometimes that stuff might sit in a warehouse for a long time, perhaps it even changes hands between retailers before it ends up at a TJ Maxx. Sometimes they’ll buy stuff and they call it pack away. They’ll buy it and they’ll be like, “That’d be a good summer item, but it’s August so we are going to sit on it for x amount of time until it’s seasonal again.” Sometimes that stuff could be 2 or 3 years old.
I would say that each of those companies has its distribution chain. I don’t know what that looks like for either of these, but it’s a question mark. I don’t know how long TJ Maxx had it. I don’t know how long Peloton has stored it and I don’t know how long it took to get there.
Also that specific TJ Maxx store.
It’s a good reminder that when you’re looking for good deals, that’s fine. I love good deals too, but pay attention to that and don’t rely on it to the point that that is the only thing you’re looking for.
When you’re buying a barbell, you’re going to be fine or a dumbbell. Something like a resistance band that has elasticity, maybe give that a little bit of side eye and if you’re watching on YouTube, you can see the image we’re showing is of a resistance band that could have been bad.
It wasn’t. Thank goodness.
It looks like there will be no studio classes on February 1st and 2nd.
I will caveat to that. The studio booking site does not show any availability to book classes. It does not mean there will not be classes at all. It could mean that but it does not definitively.
It could be a private event.
This could be those Chase Platinum things.
This could be they’re bringing in Paul McCartney for the special in-studio appearance.
That would be cool. It also could be another Lululemon event weekend. We had one of those in a little while. We’re not sure exactly what it is but it’s more like you can’t book classes on those days. We don’t know exactly what it means yet, but be aware and we will keep you updated as we learn more.
We also have more store closures.
I have heard that there will be seven in this round in total, but for now, the four that we know of are Santa Monica, in Colorado, it was the Lone Tree store, and then in Massachusetts, it was the Dedham store, and then in Michigan, it was the Choice store. There are three more coming and I believe they’re closing by the 15th of this month. It’ll probably be the next time we have a recording. It might be the week after, depending on when they updated it, so seven in total. Also, it seems to me the chatter that I’m hearing. This is completely a rumor at this point. I have no confirmation that they very much are planning to get rid of all stores, except for the one with the studios.
Not even stores in major cities like Chicago or LA?
That’s what I’ve heard. That is a rumor and is not confirmed.
The plan is to shed stores, but I would have thought they at least cap them in the big cities.
I would too. Even though I’ve heard that rumor, it would not shock me. It splits down the middle. They’re going to get rid of all except for those.
LA, Chicago, Boston.
We had a pop-up that popped down and popped back up. Do they have whack-a-mole in Australia? Bondi Junction.
Bondi Junction is back. We’ll see how long that one stays up this time.
It’s a pop-up so it’s not designed to stay on forever.
I’m curious if they keep bringing it back like if it’s seasonal. This is the beginning of the year. Maybe they do it until February, and then it goes down and then it comes back up at whatever a major holiday.
Before Black Friday if they have that there.
I’m thinking of Mother’s Day here. I don’t know if they celebrate a separate holiday for that there.
Also, we should report that some members are having issues getting Netflix to work on their entertainment tab.
It seems like it’s mostly tread people, which is fascinating. It’s very intermittent. It’s coming in and it’s coming out. Some people have it. Some people don’t. For some people, it’s on the treads. For some people, it’s on the Tread+. It’s very strange. Officially, nothing’s been put up on the list. They still have their little issues with the buffering and it’s not just the German members now. It has escalated to all of the members.
Another global pandemic.
The Netflix thing, nothing is official as of yet.
If you’re having issues, you’re not alone.
You’re not alone and you’re not crazy and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. I’m not saying there’s no way to fix it. What I am saying is specifically, there’s nothing like taking these steps and it will be fine. There’s nothing like that listed out.
Coming up after this, we got instructors in the news. We’re going to tell you about Emma Lovewell getting candy and cash in the mail. Also, when Selena Samuel will be back. Stick around.
Selena return. We know when Selena Samuela will be back.
Yes. The week of February 17th is when she’s going to be back. She says she’ll be there for a week. That’s interesting because this was like one of those ask me anything on Instagram. Somebody asked her when she would be there. It’s interesting that she said for a week because part of the other answer was somebody asked if she had relocated to New Mexico because she’s been spending a lot of time out there. She said, no, but as her schedule has changed, she’s been spending more time there.
That makes sense.
A lot of people can’t help but compare that to Callie spending a week recording, and then not being there. I don’t know. Somebody asked if there were going to be more 45-minute bootcamps and she said she didn’t have the answer to that. All of that is to say that the downside of all of our instructors being on these weird 12-week at a time vacations or whatever we’re calling them is that it doesn’t seem like all the instructors get the same amount of weeks off.
You can’t help but wonder if there’s like, “You get this much attention on Instagram versus this other person who gets this much attention versus this many people are taking your classes.” I’m telling you that to support your instructors. If there are people like Selena who mean a lot to you, make sure you’re taking their classes even when they’re gone because that is the best way to show support for these instructors. You’ll be sad if they are gone. Help them out.
Emma Lovewell got an interesting package in the mail.
Every Peloton equipment is so smooth to use. Riding on their treadmill feels like running on a cloud. Share on XThis is so weird. I didn’t know who this guy was.
Because you are not under 30. I guess it would be weird if you were my wife and under 30.
What do you know? You’re not under 30.
I’m in concert marketing and I need to know these things.
Even if you don’t think that it’s weird that some random person sent her candy. Why is anyone sending an instructor cash? Out of all the people in the world who need cash, the instructor at Peloton is not that person. That’s gross.
Mr. Beast, for people who are unaware, has the most subscribers on YouTube, like 340 million. His whole thing is giving away money and look at me philanthropy. This wouldn’t be philanthropy. This would be a naked promotion.
She posted his stuff on Instagram. That’s exactly why he did it.
That’s what he does and it works. It’s a lot of charity porn. I’m not a fan but people love it and people think look at all the good things he did, but he also made sure that he got 40 million views and monetized it. I don’t know that that counts as charity but I guess if you’re struggling and you get the money, you’re happy to get it. There’s a lot to disentangle and I’m not trying to completely shut down the guy, but something about the whole thing squeaks me out.
The only part that I knew about that grossed me out is a Peloton instructor does not need money. If you’re sending it to them, that’s for attention, full stop. There’s no other reason for you to do that.
He has a lot of other business ventures. He has his own “burger chain,” which is a series of ghost kitchens.
What does that even mean?
A ghost kitchen is something that doesn’t exist in the real world. You can’t actually walk in and buy food from it. You can’t sit down at a table. It’s not an actual restaurant, but it’s on GrubHub and Instacart and they operate out of the restaurants of other kitchens. A lot of restaurants now make a lot of money also operating as ghost kitchens. They might be a pizza joint, but then they also have this other section in their kitchen where they’ll make Chinese food. You see it on Instacart and you are searching for Chinese food and are like, “Yeah.”
You’re never going to go to the place. It doesn’t have a physical existence. You just see Crystal’s Chinese Delights and you order your crab rangoon, and they bring it to your door and this other restaurant makes it. I think they’re finally opening a real one, but they’re all ghost kitchens. He also has a line of candy bars, which is what this is. There was some controversy around him a while back because somebody posted a picture of the display on a Walmart or something. It looked ratty.
He went on Twitter or whatever and was like, “If you like Mr. Beast and you see it in store not looking good, you should freshen it up.” He implied that maybe even to give it better placement over like Hershey. First off, if you’re unaware, a lot of shelf spaces in stores are paid for. Also, going to a store and arranging the display of food is an actual job. It’s called a vendor stacker. He took his fan base and turned them into unpaid labor while people raved about the guy.
This reminds me of when we first started doing this podcast, we had a company reach out to us and they will sell all of our stuff for us. It wasn’t getting paid for it in any way, shape, or form, which was fine because we were even monetizing back then. They wanted me to spend my time selling their stuff, and then how to report on all the people selling for them, but they then put it on a public email so everyone could see. I was like, “Nothing about this is my thing. This is gross and I don’t like it. If you’re not paying me, I don’t work for you. Get away from me.” That’s what it reminds me of. I think there are a lot of people doing that these days. I think that’s a new thing. It’s offensive to people.
People have talked about the Mr. Beastification of YouTube because so many other channels now are aping this programming model. He also does lots of challenges. If you remember somebody a while back who did the real squid games. That was him. He has so many views that he gets these giant corporate sponsors that pony up the cash for the prizes. It’s a well-run machine. He figured out the algorithm and he is profiting handsomely. I don’t begrudge him that end of things. I don’t always think that he’s as altruistic as some people. I don’t know if this is a contest because I know when he launched the candy bar it was very similar to a Willy Wonka golden ticket kind of thing. It was some sort of contesting thing. If you’re sending money to people who are already doing well, I feel like he just gamed your IG for not much money, some candy bars, and $100 in cash.
I don’t like the optics of it, but whatever. To each your own.
Tunde was a speaker at CES.
It had a name that I can’t remember right now but it was health tech. That’s what it was specifically. She was at CES and she was on a panel that I believe was sponsored by Abbott Global. Abbott is the one that does all the marathons like Abbott marathons and all the majors. They did this panel and she was part of the panel and it was talking about how health technology leads to a healthier life and it’s all cohesive. She was in Vegas at CES. I’ve always wanted to go to CES. I think that’d be so fun to see all the new tech.
We’ve never been to Vegas.
We haven’t. All the places we’ve been, we’ve never been together.
Some of it is we don’t like to gamble.
It’s definitely and I have bad memories from Vegas. I didn’t wake up married to somebody else or anything. Both times that I went to Vegas, I was working and I had to work for a trade show, so one of these giant trade show things but I was working. I was the person huffing it back and forth, carrying stuff. I was setting up the booth and I had to man the booth. We had to do all these parties every night, which I know sounds fun, but one of the times, I was there, I was pregnant. The other time I was there, I was nursing. Neither of these makes a great Vegas experience.
Especially because you were there for the Adult Video Awards.
No, not at all. It was also a health conference but not CES. It was a health conference.
Does CES take place at the same time as the Adult Video Awards?
I had no idea.
I think it does.
How do you know that?
Because It’s purposeful. I read an article about it like there was so much crossover between technology and porn that they were like, “We should piggyback.”
That makes a certain weird sense. I wasn’t there for that, Tom.
For the record, I know a lot about Mr. Beast but I don’t subscribe to his YouTube channel either.
Both times ended up being sad. I didn’t like Vegas, just drunk people, lots of gambling, and a lot of smoke. I hate smokes. Sydney is 18, which means this was almost 20 years ago. I am old. Oh my God. I was an adult working 20 years ago, that’s sad. Talk about something else.
While we were speaking of Tunde, she was at Hell’s Kitchen this week.
She was and that’s all I know about it. It’s very cool. She was listed as a Peloton and American Heart Association guest. I thought that was interesting. I don’t know exactly what that signifies.
Chelsea Jackson Roberts was on ABC News Live.
She was talking about the benefits of meditation. She also talked about making it a practice that is so important. I’m bad about fits and starts with meditation. It’s always something I intend to do and then I stopped doing it. I like the effects of it. I like the way I feel when I meditate, Some days I wake up and don’t feel like it, which is ironic because those are the days you need it the most.
I am naturally zen. I think we all know that.
Surprisingly, unless you are attacked by some kind of inanimate object that won’t do exactly what you want the second that you want it, you are very zen, but when it comes to those inanimate objects.
They need to learn. DJ John Michael had an interesting post on the Gram this week. It’s a video taking you behind the scenes on one of the recent Jess King Experience rides.
This was the New Year’s Eve ride specifically.
That would explain the glitter.
Also the lighting setup. I thought it was neat because they had pictures like when you see cartoons or animation and they have a cell. In the first stage, they draw it, then they color it, and then overlay it, and show you how it going to go. It’s a high-tech version of that because it’s like, “Here’s where all the lights are going to be. Here’s how we’re going to do it during the song. This is what we’re going to do.” I never thought about how much goes into it.
I mean it’s a show at this point.
Exactly, especially these big events, not just the “regular class.”
You go back to the early episode.
That’s exactly what you said would happen. I remember. I was there. Don’t worry.
I’m like, “This is going to be TV. Just wait and see.”
Here it is.
Coming up after this, we’re going to tell you about the latest artist series and some big news from Tonal and the latest celebrity spotted in the world of Peloton. Stick around.
The latest artist series features Lil Wayne.
I have to point out that there has already been a Lil Wayne artist series. It was back before COVID or maybe it was during COVID, but it was like in the early 2020 to 2022 or somewhere in that range. It’s been a while and it’s not a bad thing they’re doing another one. I just wanted to point it out because lots of people are like, “Didn’t we do one of these?” Yes, we did.
Big news in the world of Tonal.
Tonal 2.0 dropped today.
They got a new machine.
It’s so pretty.
First off, for those of you who have a Tonal or maybe have one on the way, don’t worry. You still function pretty fine and will continue to do so. Don’t freak out.
The max weight on Tonal 1.0 is 200 pounds, and 2.0 is 250. That’s pretty cool. On 1.0, they have this thing called Smart View. You use your phone to set up the Smart View so we can see you, and then it sees how your form is and does a form check. Well, 2.0 has that built-in so your phone is no longer needed.
I wonder how that’s going to work because you set the phone up to the side.
That’s because the camera in the 1.0 was never turned on. That’s why. They turned it on but it never worked the way that they wanted to work. Full disclosure, it didn’t work the way they wanted it to. Now, on the 2.0, not only did they have that camera where it can see you, it does a 120-degree view, so it’s a really wide view, and it plays back like, “You were shrugging your shoulders too much on this. Relax.” I think that’ll be a very big deal for Tonal. Also, it has a new mode that is like mixing more cardio with strength, and they changed up the way you use the rope. You put it on both ends.
It has a double T-lock so it attaches to both arms so you can get full weight. It looks like they were trying to emulate a CrossFit. It reminds me of the ropes and stuff that you do, the movements. You go your hands opposite. With this one, you use both hands and sync. It felt like movements that you make more in a CrossFit. I know nothing about CrossFit.
I thought it was interesting because you used that move to do things like lunges. You’re pulling down on the ropes while you’re doing lunges. I think about how that would hit your core on every level because you have to stabilize it while you’re moving and you’re pulling that weight down. That sounds very intriguing to me. I’m not going to lie. There are a couple of other things but either way, it’s the same price as the Tonal 1.0, $4,285 for a brand new Tonal.
If you have a Tonal and you’re interested, it sounds like they’re going to have some sort of a trade-in program.
It’s not out yet. If you go looking for it and you’re like, “Why can’t I find it?” It doesn’t exist yet.
We’ve seen reports from Tonal people.
They flat-out say it on LinkedIn and others are commenting that Tonal is saying it. This isn’t just a random person. Tonal is saying it. There will be a path to upgrade your current machine if that’s what you want to do. If we end up not upgrading and we keep ours, I’m going to be fine because we have a great system. I love our Tonal, and if we do get to upgrade, that’s awesome too. I don’t want people to think, “I have this Tonal and now it’s just paperweight.” It’s not. It’s still fully functional. You’re still going to get all the things out of it. It’s fine.
We have another celebrity using Peloton that we were previously unaware of. Joanna Teplin from Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
It’s on Hulu, that’s where you can find it, by the way. She was recently in Ally’s Feel-Good ride. Ally talked to her pre-show and then Joanna said that she was nervous about being on the bike. Ally also mentioned her at the end and Ally did a live at the end and she had brought Joanna to see their locker rooms and how they are organized and then they both went out to brunch together. It’s a little collab, which is fine. That’s awesome.
I wonder if that means we’ll see Ally in an upcoming episode.
Wouldn’t that be interesting?
Somebody’s makeover gets a fitness room or something.
That would be so fascinating because you see these people’s houses. You see everything when you watch one of these shows like their whole closet or whatever areas. You see the whole room. I have no idea where Ally falls in this, but I would think some Peloton instructors would be like, “That is too much for me. I don’t want to be that,” because these people come in and see them. It’s not like a Hollywood actor who never sees people out in the real world. They constantly have an entourage. I would feel very uncomfortable with that.
I don’t think that they would make over Ally Love’s house.
Why would she be on the show then? That’s the whole point of the show.
They make over someone else’s house and they get a fitness room and Ally Love comes. It’s like that.
I don’t watch one of these things.
Usually, they go to a rich person’s house, somebody famous and they agree to it.
I know that.
That was for the Home Edit Organization thing that I’m talking about. For the Extreme Makeover, it is somebody getting a complete makeover on their house and it’s not necessarily a rich person at all. I have completely forgotten that aspect of it.
I haven’t watched one of these things since like Trading Places. Was that a thing?
That’s been a while. Trading Spaces.
They’re just not my thing.
I like them, but the Extreme Makeover can be about a whole home though. It could be like somebody buying a home in a neighborhood that’s a nice home. Maybe the house is a little run down, but the neighborhood is nice. They then spiffy it up and they make it gorgeous. They do it in two days or something ridiculous like that. It’s usually some very well-deserving family who had this horrible thing happen to them. Everybody’s crying by the end including me watching it.
A kid was born with his heart on the outside. They have to give him a special room where hearts can be safe.
It’s so touching and heartwarming to watch.
It is time for the TCO Top Five, where you tell us which classes you like, and then we say them back to you. The first item up for bid is your favorite stretch.
This stretch was taught by Matty Maggiacomo on New Year’s Day, a 20-minute New Year’s Day full-body stretch. It was posted on December 30th at 11:00 PM. Stephanie Adams loved this. She said, “It was so good. Matty says things that resonated with me. He breaks down big ideas into very doable pieces. He’s the best.”
He’s very nice. Number two, your favorite ride.
Christina Ribeiro, little powerhouse, nominated the 45-minute ‘80s ride that was taught by Jenn Sherman on January 5th. Sherry Rosenberg also nominated it. They both love the playlist. Christina added that she generally refrains from recommending one of Jenn Sherman’s classes because they’re all her faves, but she wants everyone to take this ride. It was the first Sunday ride for Jenn in 2025 and it was incredible. It had Billy Joel, Poison, Pat Benatar, and the Police.
Number three, your favorite Power Zone ride.
Denis Morton takes the cake on this one. A 45-minute Power Zone Rock ride and it aired on December 17th. Tom Gilde nominated this ride. He said it was the perfect blend of zones 3 and 4 with the great music to carry you through the class, including AC/DC, The Doors, The Beatles, Lenny Kravitz, Hoosier, and Fish.
Number four, your favorite Top 10 Music class.
Taught by Cody Rigsby. It was the 30-minute Top 50 music ride, 10 through 1. Lindsay Milan nominated this ride. She said she loved it. It was so good and she said that Cody included his usual themes, encouraging everyone to be the best versions of themselves and giving a little bit of snark about some of our choices from the previous year.
Number five, your favorite welcome back ride.
We skipped the unstackable this week. We wanted to celebrate the fact that Emma Lovewell was back on the bike this week. She’s back in the studio and her class from January 2nd was a 30-minute ‘90s ride. It was nominated by Anastasia Mascarella. She said that the ride was a blast. She brought awesome tunes and an awesome ride. The class was live at 8:00 AM and over 80,000 people had already taken this ride. Emma picked music by Daft Punk, The Backstreet Boys, The Beastie Boys, and Foo Fighters, which is Emma’s favorite.
Now, we will take a look at This Week at Peloton. Coming up, we have 10-minute workouts.
The idea of these classes is to make it move quickly. You can get in and get out of your class very quickly and you can add them into everything. Whether that’s strength add-on, cardio, or anything like that, it makes it super easy.
If you’re looking for something longer, they have that too.
Podcasts create great communities of like-minded people. Share on XThey do. That’s the whole point of the extra ten classes.
I was trying to say the next thing.
The next one was foam rolling, which is also short.
You will foam roll for 90 minutes. A Powe Zone foam roll.
Rebecca Kennedy is going to be dropping and a new class. Also 10 minutes and it launches this week, January 9th. There are some longer sessions. We have some hip hop with Alex this week and that dropped on January 6th, and then there was a hike with Emma, a 30-minute hike that dropped as well. I think both those were live, not dropped but that’s okay.
We have a meditation program for people. A new one.
Seven days for meditating. It’s to start your meditation and it’s giving you seven days in a row of 10-minute meditations. This is a brand new program that dropped so you can go find it under programs. I also have to tell you that by the time people hear this, there will already be an article out where one of our writers Elizabeth went out and did a test drive of this, and then did an entire review, very in-depth review. I read it earlier today, It’s good, so I look forward to that as well.
Germany is getting a live FTP warm-up and ride.
It’s fascinating that anyone is getting a live FTP warm-up and ride. I don’t think that that’s ever happened before. I’m a little curious if it’s on purpose, if it’s a mess up, or what’s going to happen. I’m a little curious about this. What’s happening, Anyways, it was listed on the schedule so we will see.
We have a new scenic run.
The New Balance Fifth Avenue Mile. It’s two scenic classes that are in collaboration with the New York Road Runners. Because it’s a scenic class, you can only get it if you have a tread or a Tread+ and it’s on the experiences tab in the Scenic Library.
It’s all the joy of running on the road with none of the cars.
Those grandstands of people cheering are a lot less than during the New York City Marathon during the day. That’s crazy.
Finally, for content, Susie Chan has a 90-minute run in the not-too-distant future.
February 2nd and she mentioned it during a class recently that she was going to be doing it. A 90-minute live class is coming up.
We had a neat article on the website this week. This is handy for maybe newer members, but tips for how to pick a leaderboard name.
I have to say that Elizabeth who wrote this has been on a roll lately. She has a great leaderboard name, Minute To Spin It. She goes through and gives you all the breakdowns of why it’s important to have a leaderboard name, why it’s so important to keep it short and memorable, and all the things that you want to go into. She gives you examples too of great leaderboard names and using wordplay and humor. She gives a bunch of examples. She breaks it down well. I realized most of the people listening probably don’t need that, but maybe you’ve been thinking about changing it and you would like to. This is a great article to share with people who are new to Peloton. It’s January so there are a lot of them.
We only have one birthday this week. It is Hannah Frankson, and she was born on January 11th.
Happy Birthday to Hannah Frankson.
Happy birthday. Coming up after this, we have our interview with Rob and Nicole Cesternino. Stick around.
Joining us today is Rob and Nicole Cesternino. How’s it going, guys?
Hi, Tom and Crystal.
Discovering Peloton And Acquiring Other Equipment
Hello. It’s so nice to have you both here. I like to always start these conversations by understanding how Peloton came into your lives. I’m curious to hear this.
I had never heard about a Peloton until they had that commercial that got on people’s radar. It was Nicole who first brought Peloton into the family.
I was going to Orangetheory and I discovered this love-hate relationship with the treadmill. I started noticing results. I was like, “This is terrible but I love it at the same time,” then COVID hit. I couldn’t go to Orangetheory anymore. We had this treadmill in our garage that we had never used. I started to do my own Orangetheory workouts, but I’m not my own best coach. It didn’t quite work and then someone told me I should try Peloton, but I don’t have a Peloton. I thought it was for rich people. They’re like, “No, there’s an app. It’s $12 a month at the time. You should try it.” I said okay, then I tried it and it was amazing. I got completely hooked and it got me through the pandemic.
You were using it more for running than for the bike.
That’s interesting because typically, their funnel seems to be the bike. When someone comes in through the tread, we still can’t find anyone who’s coming through the Guide or the rower.
I don’t know if the Guide is going to bring that. I would like to try the rower though. It’s pretty nice. I do love the rower. It’s very smooth. Everything about Peloton’s equipment is smooth. You can go on a regular treadmill and then you go on the Peloton tread and you’re like, “I am running on a cloud. This is amazing.”
That is so true. Do you have a Peloton treadmill now?
Eventually, I did get the treadmill. I think that’s what the app does. It suckers you into eventually buying the equipment.
That’s the plan.
I recently got the bike. We had this bike from Costco that we were using. We moved from Los Angeles to North Carolina. We sold the treadmill and I didn’t have anything. The apartment we were staying in at the time had a treadmill. It wasn’t an Orangetheory treadmill. I didn’t know what the Peloton treadmill felt like at the time. I was like, “This is fine,” and then once we moved into our house, we got the treadmill. Don’t tell Peloton, but I got a Peloton bike off of Facebook Marketplace.
They encouraged that.
It was for $200.
What generation did you get?
I didn’t ask a lot of questions.
Did it fall off a truck?
This guy got it and he thought he was going to use it a lot. I think he was like, “I have to get rid of this thing.”
It became a paperweight for him.
Nicole sent me on a Sunday night to go. I have to workout moving the Peloton bike.
How did that workout go?
It was rough.
We had to do that before, moving the bike. It’s very heavy.
It’s worth it.
I have to know the bike that you did get though. Does the screen swivel?
It’s not the Bike+. We know it’s a regular bike.
The best part is that it was four days before Peloton announced that they were going to charge you to activate the bike.
The guy gave us the shoes also and he was the same shoe size as me.
I didn’t get the shoes. I don’t care about that story.
You would have had to pay 50% of the price of the bike to activate the bike if you had waited.
Not to mention the shoes. They got the bike and the shoes for the price of the shoes. That’s a little exaggeration. That’s amazing. You got the tread, you got the bike, and thinking about looking at the rower at some point for Nicole.
I’m going to have a cardiac arrest. We were looking at another piece of equipment.
Rob, you’re not big into the Peloton. You’ll do it, but you’re not like, “I love this.”
I’ve gone through phases where I’ve done the bike more and have done the treadmill. One of my life hacks is I have to watch a lot of television for the podcast. I have it as a rule now. I never want to be watching and not walking. I have different ways in which I have done this. I find that if I’m watching a show or watching a movie for the podcast, I try to do that on the treadmill.
That’s a good idea.
I would be emaciated if I did that.
One of the nice things that I like about the Peloton treadmill is that they have an entertainment tab. I’m able to you know watch something on Netflix. Nicole doesn’t like this. I make a desk out of the Peloton treadmill. We have a bathtub. Nicole is bad. She has a tray where she can put an iPad, a candle, a book, or whatever. I take that tray off of the bathtub and put it onto the treadmill so that I could be walking and then put my laptop on that and take notes as I’m watching something on the treadmill.
I love how you’re being so smart, but they do have trays that you can buy for this purpose.
It’s more aesthetically pleasing and they’re made for the treadmill.
Nicole, the holidays are just around.
That’s true. Did you know that you can even get names put on them?
We have one that says The Clip out.
Hosting A Podcast And Joining Survivor
I’m just saying, Rob. It’s something to think about. You did mention your podcast. Tell us about your podcast.
Rob Has a Podcast started back in 2010. This is going to be a little bit of a curve ball, but I was on the TV show Survivor. I played on Survivor over twenty years ago. After that, I went to California. Nicole and I started dating in New York. Nicole came and joined me in California. I worked for a small production company for a couple of years, which went out of business. In 2009, I was out of work, looking to find something to do with myself and a place to get my name out a little bit more. I started podcasting about Survivor in 2010. It was season 20 of Survivor. We’re now into season 47 of Survivor. Nicole was my co-host because I had nobody else who would talk to me on a podcast.
It’s not that I had talent. It was just that I was the only person.
Nicole has great stories. You’d love to have her on any podcast. We started it there and it was nothing but a hobby and something that I thought could be a resume piece. Almost fifteen years later, it turned into the great work of my life with thousands and thousands of podcasts and a great community around Survivor and reality TV on Rob Has a Podcast. It’s been such a fun adventure that I never imagined coming.
First off, husband and wife podcasts are the worst. I think everybody knows that.
Never do it.
I’m going to ask you a question that, if I was in your position, would keep me up at night. Maybe you’ve already asked yourself this question. What happens if Survivor goes off the air?
Survivor is our biggest show but also Big Brother and any competitive reality TV. We’re the ESPN of reality TV. Survivor is certainly our NFL here in terms of our Sports portfolio, but in addition to that, we also have some other podcasts in our network including podcasts about scripted television that are part of RHAP.
Big Brother would be like cricket.
Big Brother is intense because it goes on with the live feeds. People watch that 24/7.
People are super into that one.
The standard is intense for Big Brother.
You don’t just do competition. The thing that I’m sure Crystal is now wondering is whether you have Love After Lockup.
We would like some coverage on it, but we don’t have weekly coverage on that.
It’s embarrassing.
It’s a fun show.
From a distance. I feel bad that it’s a fun show because there are some real struggles and drama on that, but you also can’t look away.
I’m curious, Nicole. Do you watch these shows too? Rob is saying he watches this on the screen while he’s walking or running.
I don’t watch as much as he does. I do watch Survivor every week. I wish I could watch more television but I don’t watch that much. I save it all for him and then he tells me all about it. I feel like I don’t even need to watch them.
I get that. Tom also has a movie podcast, so he watches movies.
You don’t have to.
Exactly. I do watch movies with him but there are a lot of movies that I can’t go to, and so he will then tell me all about them.
It’s like you were there.
You also save so much time.
I’m on the Film Critics Association locally. They’re sending us all the screener links. We did our vote for nominating the movies last week. We have a week to see all the movies that we haven’t seen so we can cast our final vote. We’ve been watching 2 or 3 movies a day for the last five days.
It’s a lot of time.
The most brutal was three and a half hours long.
Have you ever watched at a faster speed?
I watch a lot, especially when you’re on the treadmill, you’re going 1.5 on the movie.
I could do 1.5 if it came to that or if I was watching a reality show, but to watch a movie at that speed would drive me nuts.
I don’t know that I could do it. Does the voices being at that high pitch drive you nuts?
Not after a while. We’ve done some podcasts where we will watch a bunch of movies on 3X. We started with the Fast and the Furious. When they’re going 3X, you’re going into the stratosphere.
I can see watching 3X movies at that speed.
Favorite Peloton Instructors And Courses
Tom, they don’t know you that well. Nicole, do you have a favorite instructor that you take often?
It depends on the season for me. When I originally started, I loved Olivia. She was so intense and I loved her intensity, and her workouts were so hard, but then I realized that her workouts were hard. I didn’t want to do that anymore, then I shifted. I did Robin for a while. Peloton has gotten me through some rough times. I feel like Robin has gotten me through some of that, then there was Jess Sims. I loved her, but then her workouts were so hard. Her Flash 15 killed me. I did not like Kendall until we couldn’t have her anymore. Now that she’s gone, I’m like, “I want her back.” I never felt that way before. I liked her shadowboxing classes. She’s the best shadowboxing instructor on the platform. Now that she’s not there, they have a problem.
They’re not doing as many shadowboxing classes.
During the pandemic, Peloton communities raised money for different organizations by driving together. Share on XThat stinks because I’ve been boxing since I don’t even know when. It’s been like fifteen years. I like her boxing workouts. They need to do something about this or else they’re going to get them a very firmly worded letter.
Hopefully, Rad’s shadowboxing too.
I like Selena. Rad didn’t give me a shout-out on my birthday five years ago. Rob was there. I was so mad.
She was like, “We’re going to do the workout together on my birthday and I’m going to get the shout-out.”
Nothing. Once he gets on the list, you never come off.
Rob, do you only take classes on the entertainment tab?
I will do some classes. I have used more of the strength training programs. I like it when I have 30 minutes. When I’m working out and I’m left to my own devices, sometimes the workout could be an hour to an hour and a half, not because I’m getting so much because I’m like, “Let me wander over and google something a little bit,” in between sets or like, “Let me scroll through YouTube and find a video to watch.” Whereas with the strength training classes, if I put it on and it’s 20 minutes, I’m not stopping it to go and do something else. If I’m pressed for time, it’s a good way to go.
It keeps you focused on your workout. That’s funny. Tom does the same thing.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
He does the endurance strength workouts because he uses Tonal for his strength workouts and he does get distracted in the middle.
Just the work email and sort of concert emergency.
That’s relatable.
I’ll sometimes hear him upstairs. I thought he was yelling at the machine. He’s on the phone and it happened to be a louder conversation. He’s not yelling at all.
He’s yelling at the person.
I typically don’t yell at people.
I’m more concerned if Tom is yelling at the Tonal.
He gets mad.
It will critique your moves and it’s wrong. I get very frustrated at the seated row. Whenever I got to the third row, I got the bonk, “You need to do this differently.” I’m like, “I’m doing it the same way.” I got to do 12 of these. The other 11, I’ve all done in the same way, but it’s always the third one that you bonk me. There is no difference between the third one and the first, second, and fourth through twelfth one.
You can hear why he is entertaining when I’m upstairs.
That Tonal is rude.
Thank you.
I’d be mad too, “I don’t know what to do, Tonal.”
It’s the boss. I think that’s what it’s supposed to do.
I’m pretty sure all the instructors are telling us what to do. They are the same.
Peloton instructors don’t bonk you. As much as I love the Tonal, I’ve never seen you bonked by a Peloton instructor. It’s very different.
You’ve never been on the Peloton Facebook group.
I did get yelled at by a Peloton instructor once. It was a live class. It was my second class of the day. It was like one of those stacks where they do 20 minutes and then they take a 10-minute break and then you do another 20 minutes. It was with Jess King. I had never taken a class with her live.
She’s spicy.
She was like, “What are you doing? Don’t do that.” I don’t even remember what it was, then I stopped doing it. She was like, “Why are you not doing this?” I was like, “What is happening? Why are you talking to me in this class?” I’m supposed to be an anonymous person like I am at home.
Did they record it?
Yeah. It was a long time ago.
It was the old studio, was it?
It was on the 23rd Street, so it’s probably gone. That would have been 2018 at the latest. I was like, “Why is she yelling at me?” I wanted to ask Rob if he has a favorite instructor.
I’m big on Jermaine Johnson and then Adrian Williams. Those are my two faves.
They’re both great.
He used to like Hannah Frankson because she didn’t talk. She was just down to business and like, “Don’t be lazy.” It was inspiring and he hates inspiring phrases.
I love his reactions to your take on this.
I wonder if Nicole wasn’t on the podcast, would he have named two male instructors?
I don’t know if this is sexist. If I’m doing strength training classes, I tend to have a male instructor.
He was doing one of Leanne Hainsby’s classes and I walked in. I was like, “You think she’s pretty?” He was like, “I’m just riding the bike.”
“Back to Adrian Williams.”
She is pretty.
“I know you watch your movies on 1.5, but you’re watching this on 0.5. I would like some insight as to what’s going on.”
“You’ve been here for an hour.” This is how most of our social interactions go.
Rob And Nicole’s Hobbies And Pastimes
We will shift the topic. I have a question for Rob. Do you watch anything that you don’t create content for? Is there something you carve out for yourself that you’re like, “I enjoy this.”
A little bit and Nicole can attest to this. I’m used to watching content on the treadmill that often, if we are watching on the couch or watching the show in bed, I fall asleep pretty easily. I work a lot during the day and I’m up from an early time working on all sorts of things, then it’s like, “Time to relax. Let’s sit on the couch.” Nicole loves it. We have a very soft couch and you sink right into it. It’s almost like a challenge for me to stay awake for ten minutes watching something on the couch.
That should be good a challenge.
I’d elbow him to wake up, gently.
Nicole will never be like, “He’s tired.” She’s like, “Are you sleeping?” “No, I’m awake.”
I waited all day to watch something with him and then he fell asleep.
She wants to spend time with you, Rob.
He’s also distracting because his head will fall.
I need to chew gum or something like that or stand up and pace and do something.
I feel like Nicole is like, “If we don’t watch it together, it’s like I didn’t watch it.” I want you to see it with me too because when I make some obscure reference to a third-season episode of Barney Miller, you know what I speak of.
I can’t tell you how many times have to watch it again the next day by myself and be like, “I missed all of this. I didn’t know that was the same person.”
He has a lot of questions afterward. Sometimes I make things up and he’s like, “Oh.”
Just a little test to see how much he’s bluffing. We’ll watch an old sitcom and I’ll be like, “That lady playing the judge was Bea Arthur’s daughter on two episodes of Golden Girls.”
He does it while they’re talking. I’m like, “I can’t hear the show because you’re talking over. I have no idea what now just happened.”
Rob likes to talk too when he’s awake.
That helps me to stay awake.
That’s the secret. There’s no making them happy sometimes. I feel that.
“Just sit there and be quiet and stay awake.”
She’s like, “Sit still and look pretty.”
Is that too much to ask for?
Rob And Nicole’s Leaderboard Names
We have minds too though. If you’re comfortable sharing them, what are your respective leaderboard names?
I am Nicole Ces Run. Our last name is Cesternino so it’s spelled C-E-S.
Rob is looking his up.
It’s your name.
I think it’s my name. For Rob Has a Podcast, some groups and people use hashtags. Even though I am not super active personally, the podcast has a great community of people around the world who all love reality TV shows. It’s a little bit like a college campus. There were sort of groups around all these other interests. Peloton is one of them.
We’ve done a few classes together. We did a few runs together with the RHAP group and then a few strength classes together, and that was fun.
That’s awesome. I love the sense of community that Peloton brings. I’ve seen it happen in so many different areas. Some companies have challenges. During the pandemic, a lot of people would raise money for different organizations and they would all ride together. I did that a few times. I can’t remember that gentleman’s name. It doesn’t matter but they raise a lot of money. They did a lot of good things, but it’s cool to see people come together on the leaderboard and then get to meet them in real life. It’s neat.
Get In Touch And Closing Words
Thank you so much for taking time out to join us. We greatly appreciate it. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you in all the places, the show, and all the things.
You can check out everything on reality TV and more over on RHAP. You could search for RHAP wherever you listen to podcasts or go to RobHasAWebsite.com.
You can find me on Instagram. Nicole Cesternino is my username. I also do a weekly podcast with Rob on RHAP. You can hear us banter back and forth.
If there’s one thing people who listen to the show are going to love, it’s husband-wife banter. I have a new second favorite couple. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it.
Thank you, guys.
That brings this episode to a close. Until next week, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can also find me on all the social media places and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe or on Bluesky and/or Threads at TomOKeefeJr. You can find the show online at Facebook.com/TheClipOut and our Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling, and rowing, and running.
Important Links
- Rob Has a Podcast – website
- Rob Cesternino on Instagram
- Nicole Cesternino on Instagram
- The Clip Out on Apple Podcasts
- The Clip Out on Spotify
- The Clip Out on iHeart
- The Clip Out on TuneIn
- The Clip Out on Patreon
- The Clip Out on Facebook
- The Clip Out on YouTube
- Peloton’s website
- Crystal O’Keefe on Facebook
- Crystal O’Keefe on Instagram
- Crystal O’Keefe on Bluesky
- Crystal O’Keefe on TikTok
- Tom O’Keefe on Twitter
- Tom O’Keefe on Threads
- Tom O’Keefe on Facebook
- Tom O’Keefe on Bluesky
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