392. Jess Sims On Health Hiatus Plus Our Interview With Shawn Sarnaik
- Peloton’s 100 Day Challenge kicks off January 1st. Are you in?
- Celebrate yourself with Peloton’s new event, Cheers To You.
- Winter Studio Closure: The Peloton studio will close next week for seasonal updates.
- Peloton Sale at Dick’s Sporting Goods—grab your favorite Peloton gear!
- A Peloton-themed staycation? A Santa Monica hotel now offers rooms with bikes!
- Live Class Buffering Issues are impacting Peloton’s German community. We discuss the details.
- Jess Sims is out recovering from surgery. Wishing her a smooth and speedy recovery!
- Rebecca Kennedy is currently out with COVID. Get well soon, Rebecca!
- Cody Rigsby fans, note that he’ll be taking a break for the next month.
- The folks at Waldo Rescue named their puppy litter after Peloton instructors—how cute is that?!
- Camila Ramón vulnerably shared her egg-freezing journey on TikTok.
- Going “undercover”—Ally Love, Adrian Williams, and Rebecca Kennedy surprise us all.
- Peloton’s Jeffrey McEachern stars in “Dare to Defy”—now streaming on Amazon Prime.
- Robin Arzon spoke at the White House Conference on Women’s Health Research. Representing Peloton strong!
- The latest Peloton Artist Series features Sia. Don’t miss it!
- Kristin McGee recently completed a guest residency at Equinox.
- Tonal Training Lab was announced—a new way to elevate your workouts.
- Recommended Classes! We share listener-favorites for you to try this week.
- Peloton Apparel is on fire with two updates:
- A brand-new Jess King collection.
- A collaboration with Sleepy Jones, now available.
- Plus, don’t forget the Peloton Apparel Sale happening now!
Thanks for listening to this episode packed with all things Peloton and fitness. Don’t forget to check out our website and social channels for more details and updates.
Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Drop us a line—we love hearing from you! Until next time, happy riding! 🚴♂️
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Jess Sims On Health Hiatus Plus Our Interview With Shawn Sarnaik
It is our last episode of 2024. We are taking next week off because we record on Wednesdays. Christmas is on a Wednesday.
We’re going to take the day off.
We normally take that week off.
Sometimes we do New Year’s. It depends on where they fall.
Sometimes the way Christmas falls is like, “We might as well go ahead and do one.”
We’re sitting there doing nothing anyway.
There will be no episode this week. If you are a Patreon member, maybe parcel out your bonus episode accordingly. There’s a lot in bonus.
Is there? I haven’t even looked to see how you split it up this week.
There’s a lot. We have OPP outrage over custom workouts.
That was my favorite.
You don’t even know this one is in there. I found this article and added it to the bonus.
I read it. Holy cow.
Can going to the gym give you chlamydia?
My goodness. What are you doing at the gym?
I don’t go to the gym.
I know.
We’re also going to talk about an article about why this person decided to get rid of their smartwatch.
I have to say that one of our Patreon members, Liz, sent this to us. She also suggested this would be a great discussion with Dr. Jenn. I agree with that. We’ll talk about it but the next time we record with Dr. Jenn.
We will add it to the list. Also, instructor updates and stuff that we don’t have time for in the episode. One of which is Susie Chan is getting lots of year-end accolades.
I told you her book was good.
We will talk about all that in this week’s Patreon. That’s the bonus episode that you’re missing. I bet you this week’s is a long one. It’s my guess. What pray tell do you have in store for people this week?
We have an interview with Shawn Sarnaik and she is quite active in the Becs Beast community. If a person listening pays attention to leaderboard names, it’s Ludicrous Speed. I have been leaderboard friends with Shawn forever. I got to meet her for the first time face-to-face in real life. What a delightful human being Shawn is. We have a great interview with her.
We’re going to talk about this new 100 Day Challenge that Peloton is kicking off on January 1st. We’re going to talk about Cheers To You, winter studio closures, Dick’s Sporting Goods having a sale, what’s going on with the German members, having buffering times on their live classes. We also have instructors in the news. Jess Sims is recovering from surgery. We’re going to talk about that. Rebecca Kennedy is out. Cody Rigsby is out. The instructors are dropping like flies.
There is a fun Instagram post that I found that features Peloton instructors sort of. We’ll get to that, but there’s a lot of fun stuff in this episode. We’re going to talk all about those things. Robin Arzon is speaking at the White House. Not to mention Kristin McGee. I know she’s a past Peloton instructor, but she has a very cool guest residency that we’re going to be talking about. Tonal is up to some fun stuff. We’re going to talk about some competition and we have lots of content and In Case You Missed It stuff.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and TuneIn. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That is super helpful and greatly appreciated. You can also find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group.
Our Patreon, as we mentioned before. Not only do you get bonus episodes with all sorts of extra content but you also get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early. Last week, I bragged about how early the episodes had been coming to us lately. It looks like one of the editors listened and they were like, “We’ve been overshooting. Got it. Pump the brakes.” It’s a little bit late last week but still ahead of schedule.
You can also sign up for our newsletter at TheClipOut.com, which comes out mostly weekly. I forgot to send it out this week, but I sent it out. I normally send it out on Monday morning. I sent it out Tuesday evening, but it went out. That’s where we sent all the links and stuff that we mentioned here so you don’t have to hunt them down or dig through our Facebook posts or Crystal’s Instagram posts. They just come to you in one email. Finally, don’t forget, you can watch all of these episodes over on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
This is a delightful change of pace because normally, when we talk about these challenges from Peloton, it’s like, “They started four days ago.” They finally have announced one with enough lead time so people can decide to do it and not have missed the first week of it.
I suspected that they were working on their metrics to talk about how engaged members are. This is the only actual reason that they would do the streak in December followed by 100 Day Challenge. I’m all for a challenge. It doesn’t matter to me. A new badge and focus for 100 days. I can take it.
They’ll start issuing challenges to you and creating badges for you.
I’m worried. People can see your eyebrows. Put them down.
Filthy badges. This is their 100 Day Challenge and it starts on January 1st.
100 days straight.
Day 1. Workout hungover.
It’s important that we remember that it’s any activity, including meditation and restorative yoga, in which you just lay there. My reason for saying that is you can recover. You don’t have to workout hungover on January 1st. The thing is you probably shouldn’t workout hard for 100 days straight. When I say probably shouldn’t, you just shouldn’t. You should not do that. You need to work in recovery days and it’s okay to do nothing but a meditation. It’s okay to do nothing but a nice stroll outdoors. That counts too. Take it easy.
Peloton has also released their “Cheers To You” year-end message right on your equipment.
I probably should have explained to you what this was. It’s what the Cooldown used to be, but now it’s called the Rundown. In other words, it’s like Strava’s year-end review or Spotify’s year-end review. It used to be cool. They used to tell you all kinds of fun stats. Not only about you but about the community and it was neat.
I remember now people being like, “That’s it?”
Yeah. It was sad. This year is better, but not back in the day awesome. Not Strava level. That’s for sure. My guess is that is a cost-saving measure. It makes sense. I did get mine just before we started. Here’s what I mean about “not awesome.” What did I spend the majority of my year doing?
Right. Is there anything about running on here?
Based on your tone, I know what the unhappy tone sounds like.
It says I traveled 573 miles, which is probably true, but it shows a freaking bike, and then it says that I rode 2 kilometers. Maybe that’s true. I barely rode this year.
That’s next to nothing. You’ve done more.
I think I have two.
Two kilometers is like three miles. That’s like one workout.
I rode more than one time. Now, my calories burned are nice because that’s 107,533. I feel good about that, but seeing somebody on a bike while adding up my bike and my running is depressing. I feel like I should have had some call-out for the fact that I ran my ass off this year, literally. It’s back now but there was a brief moment when it was gone. I feel like I should get some recognition. You get a fitness alter ego, depending on what you did. My fitness alter ego was Roadrunner, so I did get some recognition for that.
That didn’t give you the year you got hit by a car. You’re like, “Maybe this algorithm is a little too good.”
I don’t know how I feel about that. That’s a little weird but there were 50 million high-fives given, 461,000 members trained for a marathon. I was one of them. That’s pretty cool. There was another stat here, 250 million PRs set this year. That’s a lot.
I have also received year-end stats. I got mine from Fandango at Home.
You probably watched more movie minutes than I did miles.
The badge I received was Cinema Connoisseur. In my 2024 year-end review, I rented or bought 113 movies and TV shows.
That’s tracks. That’s like two a week.
They’re on sale. When I buy a movie it’s like renting one because I wait till they’re on sale. I rarely pay more than $5 for a movie. That’s still not nothing but then we own them and we can watch them wherever we want. My favorite genre was comedy. Shocking, I know. My favorite day to shop on Fandango at Home was Friday. Time spent streaming movies and TV shows, 19 days, 20 hours, and 36 minutes.
Almost a whole month.
There are my stats. I just want to share my important statistics like you get to share yours every year. The winter studio closure is upon us.
No live classes all next week, then I think it’s the 3rd that it starts back up again. I could look at the link.
Brace yourself for a week of “Why are there no live classes? What’s going on? I think they went out of business.
12/23 through 1/1, those are the dates. You will get a lot of that. You will also get, “Where is so-and-so instructor? I think they quit or they’ve been fired.” There’s that, and “I pay so much money per month. How dare they?”
“No one should ever get a day off.”
The oldies but goodies.
There’s a sale on dicks.
There are no dicks for sale. There are Pelotons for sale at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Dick’s Sporting Goods is having a sale, $100 off on Peloton bike, $200 off on Peloton Tread. If you’re a Dick’s Sporting Good scorecard member, you get a $150 Dick’s gift card with an in-store purchase or pick up of a Peloton bike. That is only valid through the 24th, Christmas Eve.
There is a hotel in Santa Monica that’s introducing Peloton-themed rooms.
It’s a sleekly designed hotel just steps from the beach. #NotAnAd. This is in Forbes Magazine. They have 267 rooms and suites. They all feature large windows that take advantage of the California sunshine. You get proper beds that are covered in Bellino linens, and you get an expansive state-of-the-art gym that is open 24 hours. It has signature strength cardio functional equipment, whatever the hell that means, and Pelotons. I guess these Pelotons are in the room because the picture shows a bike in the room. It says, “Workout in the privacy of your room.” There you go.
German members are facing increased buffering on live classes.
There is some issue between the CDN provider and the members’ ISP which is causing increased buffering when they take live classes. Peloton has reached out to the providers for support. That was yesterday. So far there’s no update. Hopefully, it’ll be resolved by the time people hear this but it’s important to know.
Coming up after this, we got Instructors in the News. We’re going to give you updates on all of the instructors that are currently out. There are quite a few. We’ll have some information on Jess Sims recovering from a surgery. Sit through this.
Jess Sims will be out for an indeterminate amount of time.
I think she’s coming back in January. That’s what she said.
For an indeterminant amount of time?
She had surgery on her medial meniscus last week.
What is that?
It’s in your knee. It’s all you need to know. It’s a piece of your knee that often breaks. That’s the same piece of her knee that broke when she was a junior in college and broke again. She had to have surgery on that. She is thinking she’ll be back. I thought I read January, but maybe I am mistaken. She was being super transparent like, “This happened. I just wanted to let you guys know why I’m off the platform.” Also, she’s like, “I tell you guys to push through, rest, and take care of yourself. Now, I get to practice all those things.”
She’s telling herself to calm down. You were talking earlier about streaks and that doesn’t have to be working out. She was saying how she was going to keep her blue check mark streak alive with things like meditation and whatnot.
She said she was going to start doing upper body strength tomorrow. She’s not ready to start putting weight on the knee and things like that and she shouldn’t, but I thought that was great. She’s like, “I will keep doing the things I can do.”
Come back in January with Tunde arms.
She sure got Tunde arms.
Speaking of instructors who are out, Rebecca Kennedy is out with COVID.
She’s going to be back this weekend but she’s been out for a week and she’s been miserably sick. This is all public information. This was on her Instagram. We’re not breaking any HIPAA laws. She was saying that she had never gotten COVID this bad. She said she was horizontal for days. She didn’t even see the light of day. It was bad. She felt icky. I thought that was interesting because she’s had COVID before. She’s done all the things. Also, when you think of instructors, they’re pretty darn healthy. They take good care of themselves. The strain that’s going around must be a really icky one.
My boss at work has it right now and it’s kicking her butt. She did the same medical study that I did. She’s gotten all her shots like a good Cocker Spaniel.
I’m sure she’d love that reference.
I feel pretty comfortable that she’s not listening, but it’s been bad.
Great. We have that to look forward to.
I keep waiting for my moment in the sun. Knock on wood. Thus far, I’ve danced between those raindrops. I have not gotten COVID. Make of that what you will, but I have had like 45 COVID vaccines.
I was so worried I was going to get it before the marathon. I was so paranoid about that, but I didn’t. I made it through.
Speaking of instructors who are out, Cody Rigsby has been out for a month now.
He’s just out on vacation. He’s enjoying some sunshine at the beach. He’s just letting people know. It’s rotational. He said a month, but a lot of instructors are out for twelve weeks at this point when they’re you. Who knows what will happen to him?
Good for him for trying to get out in front of rumors. Not that it will stop them, but it gives people something to point to and be like, “That’s not true.”
It might be Cody that I was thinking of for the January thing. I might be confusing those two in my head.
If you have not subscribed to our newsletter, this will be a reason I think for many people who finally break down so they can have this link sent to them. It’s from Waldo’s Rescue which is an animal rescue specializing in dogs. They have named all of the dogs that are currently in residence after Peloton instructors.
Such a smart move because SEO on their website will bring in people who would not normally see these dogs. I think that’s cool. They got Jon Hosking and Alex Kowalski. I saw Aditi Shah in here. Jess King is in here and they’re all adorable. Adrian Williams is even in here and Tunde and Becs Gentry. The whole gang is here. If you are looking for a special little member of your household, this could be a great way to do it. WaldosRescue.org, but we’re also going to have an article because we love every excuse to talk about not only Peloton instructors but cute animals.
Camila Ramon shared multiple TikToks.
I barely pay attention to TikTok. I post my stuff and move on, but she posted on Instagram, “I have my whole journey laid out.” She made a playlist on TikTok and she put the videos in order on the playlist. The link that we are sharing is that playlist. It has eight different videos that are going to go through the whole process.
Again, we’re not violating HIPAA. This is information she has chosen to share. We’re not digging through the dumpster at her condo.
That would be so freaking weird.
It would be, but sometimes people get weird when we start talking about people’s medical staff. This is something she decided to share. It is out there. If you’re interested in that, it’s over there for you on TikTok or you’ll get it in the email taking you right to it.
We had three Peloton instructors go undercover.
They were at the Peloton Studios apparel store. I don’t know if they were in that location or a different one, but they were in there chatting with the different customers coming in and they were posing as they were working there. They were selling the equipment. These people had no idea that they were instructors.
Don’t they really know who they were?
The one they showed in the videos did not look like they knew.
It is not out of the realm of possibility. If you are coming in to buy a piece of equipment, there’s a good chance you haven’t started your Peloton journey yet.
Maybe you’ve started your Peloton journey on the bike, but none of these were bike instructors.
I don’t know if we listed them, but there’s Ally Love.
Ally is a bike instructor. The rest are not. I’m sorry.
I don’t know if we listed them all, but Ally Love, Adrian Williams, and Rebecca Kennedy were all doing that.
My favorite part about this was that they challenged people to get discounts for doing things. One lady, they were like, “However many burpees you do, you’re going to get $10 off. If you do one burpee, you get $10 off. If you do two burpees, you get $20 off. The lady got $100 off. To another lady, they had her doing deadlifts for the same thing. I thought it was so fun. I’m sure, at some point, they revealed what they were doing. They were pretending that they were calling the manager over. They would take turns acting as the manager. Rebecca Kennedy would be like, “We need the manager over here.” Here comes Ally Love, “Give her that free outfit. We should totally do that.” If you happen to be in the store that day, you had a great day.
Quite the treat. Jeffrey McEachern is part of a show that you can watch on Amazon Prime.
In the Peloton community, everybody is together wherever they are. Share on XI didn’t get a chance to watch the preview that’s on Amazon. I’m not exactly clear what this is about.
It’s called Dare to Defy and I went through the picture carousel. It looks like it’s a race or marathon of some sort that’s for people with various disabilities. I saw people with missing limbs, people in wheelchairs, and things like that. It seems like that’s what this particular event is for. I believe it’s a three-part docuseries.
That is cool. Congratulations to Jeffrey to be a part of that. That neat. We’ll have to add that to our list so we can watch it.
Three episodes over on Amazon Prime if you have Amazon Prime. Who doesn’t?
I know.
Finally, for the Instructors in the News segment, Robin Arzon spoke at the White House Conference on Women’s Health Research. How cool is that?
I think that’s neat. I saw some of the other instructors. I didn’t get a chance to include it, but I saw at least a couple of other instructors who made it to the White House this week. I don’t know if it was part of this. I couldn’t tell from the images, or if it was for a different event. The White House was all decked out in all the Christmas stuff.
Coming up after this, we’re going to tell you about the latest artist series. We’re going to tell you where Kristin McGee did her guest residency. You might be a little surprised. We’ll also give you all sorts of new classes and stuff to check out. Stick around.
I guess this is the last segment. Are we done? I saw a “see ya.” Are we leaving?
No. The artist is named Sia. You probably heard a couple of her songs.
I don’t know if I have.
Yes, you have.
I know the name.
Unstoppable. There is zero chance you’ve not heard that song
I feel like I’ve been stopped.
I’ve used it as the background music when I did my marathon video. If you didn’t watch that, I’m angry at you.
I watched everything with the sound off.
You have heard the Sia song Unstoppable. I promise you. It’s almost a decade old if not a decade old. It was everywhere. You could not not hear it. It’s everywhere. Trust me.
I trust you.
You look skeptical.
I’m skeptical.
Well, then you don’t trust me. I’m getting very upset now. Now I’m going to make you sit through these classes. I’m going to turn them on and I don’t care how loud you make your headphones, you’re going to have to listen to them. I’m going to be down here anytime you workout, listening.
I’ll be like, “See ya.”
At any rate, there are nine different classes taught by instructors. In addition to that, there are also three Lanebreak classes. There’s a ride, a walk, and a run that are all going to be done for Lanebreak with us. That’s cool.
I guess so. I’m Spotify. I’m in my own little playlist bubble so it’s all classic rock, ‘90s alt-rock, and Monkees.
It’s pop. It’s impossible that you did not hear this somewhere because it was during that time when you hadn’t listened to everything on Spotify yet. Your entire world was not on Spotify. I promise you, you heard this song.
Kristin McGee did a guest residency at Equinox. Look at that. It’s the Equinox that’s right next to the Peloton Studios because they took a picture right outside of that Hudson Yard weird statue thing.
Good for her. Here’s the thing. I was reading the snark that happens over on Reddit and it’s so ugly. People were talking about what’s the worst thing Peloton did this year. Because of course, it has to be the worst thing. It can’t be the best thing. The worst thing by far mentioned over and over again was letting Kristin McGee go, letting her getaway. Not Kendall, Kristin McGee. They were like, ”It was bad enough when you let go of Ross, but Kristin McGee was the final straw for so many people.” I couldn’t believe the vitriol that was there and how much they missed her. Good for her. I do hope they figure out a way for Callie to teach classes once a month. Work something out with Kristin. Make her a guest person and come back.
I was surprised that we heard this in the past tense, not leading up to it.
It’s possible I missed it. I try to stay on top of it.
It’s a lot to keep track of.
I do, but also if I see something like this, at the very least, we mentioned it on the bonus episode, but I did miss it. I think it’s cool that she did it and I’m glad. She said she was there for a whole week and I bet she had a lot of fun. I bet a lot of Peloton people got to visit her. That’s cool.
Tonal has announced their training lab.
This is fun. It’s going to be a tonal pop-up. I suspect that this is only going to last for a month. That is what I’m thinking.
That makes sense.
They’re going to be teaching classes live and people can book time to come in and do a Tonal class. First time ever. Tonal has been around since 2018. This is the first time that members could book a spot and go in. They’ve had a couple of special options work for people. This is the first time you can book a class. It starts the week of January 13th, and that whole first week is full. It’s already sold down to the waitlist. The second week is still showing that there are options you can still book and it’s $40 a class. If you were on their waitlist, you were able to get in for free for the first week, a members-only week, but after that, you have to pay $40. How cool? It’s right in Soho if you’re wondering. Not that I have any idea where that is in relation to anything else. It’s in Soho.
We signed up.
We did. I didn’t know if we were telling people.
Sure. We’re going to go and I will take my first ever live class.
I know. It’s freaking crazy. Years in the making. I’m so excited. It will be a Tonal. We’re going to pop in for the weekend and pop right back out.
We will also be popping up.
We’re going to pop into the pop-up.
It is time for the TCO Top Five, where you tell us classes and we tell you classes, and then we see if they match.
Not even close, but I’m going to do mine.
Number one, your favorite run.
This is a holiday run that Andy Speer taught. This is from December 7th. It was a 30-minute holiday run, but here’s the deal. It was 2020. We’re going back in time. Tammy Armstrong pulled this out.
Hang on, Tammy. What is wrong with you? Who would go back to 2020?
It was a rough year.
Oh my word, Tammy, 2020.
She just wanted to take the class. She didn’t want to revisit. It’s funny. Tina even said, “Who wants to go back to that year?”
I agree with her.
Tammy wanted to take it because it was part one of Andy’s adventure with Rudolph. Part two is the rest of the story that’s told in his 30-minute holiday full-body strength class from this year. There you go.
Okay. That’s how she got to it. You’re going back in time. She wanted to see how it all started.
She said it’s a must-take for Andy’s hilarious holiday story, which kept me entertained and laughing the entire time. I loved that he Incorporated the use of Tread+ free mode.” Holy cow. Nobody has used free mode in three years. How cool is that?
Apparently, four.
I was giving some overlap adjustment there, but that’s fun.
Number two, your favorite ride.
This was recent. This was December 12th and it was Cody’s Backstreet Boys ride. We had a lot of people mention how amazing this ride was. Carrie Pickett Martin said, “It was so much fun. A great combination of their most popular songs with some of their lesser-known songs. Great to sing along and Cody was hilarious as always.”Katie Bromley says, “Snarky Cody was back.” I have heard multiple people say that. Cody, as people love him at his peak, was that for this class. None of it is my jam, but I am so happy for people who get those little moments. That brings that cohesion of people. They coalesce around it.
It’s probably hard to always be in that mode, and I’m sure that the bigger he gets, some people love the snark and then there are people who hate the snark.
He hasn’t completely tamped down his snarkiness or he wouldn’t have a podcast called Tactful Pettiness. He does some Instagram shows with a girl. I don’t know who she is. I don’t even watch them because I am not the demo for it. I am not that person. They do videos all the time and they’re very snarky. That’s him all the time. I’ve never taken any Cody classes in the history of time on a regular basis. Throughout my entire almost nine years now, I think I’ve taken maybe three classes with Cody. It might only be two.
One of them was an All For One.
I don’t count those but yeah. That might have pushed me over into three.
Speaking of three. Number three, your favorite holiday ride.
We’re going to go back in time for this one too. This was a holiday ride with Bradley Rose, but it was from 2023. For all you haters, All I Want For Christmas Is You is absent. I know you do not agree with that sentiment.
I think that song is great.
I do too.
I get that people might feel like it’s overplayed. It’s overplayed because it’s arguably the greatest Christmas song ever written.
I love that song too.
I know it’s very basic to love that song now. It always mystified me when that song came out because I was like, “This song is brilliant,” and then there was an eight-year period when you barely heard it, and then for some reason after sitting there getting barely played for eight years, it blew up.
The next generation came along and discovered it and was like, “This is amazing.” Norman took this particular class and it is pop punk Christmas music. It’s great to take if you want a holiday ride, but also if you want a change of pace from the music that’s typically on the holiday ride playlist.
Number four, your favorite holiday strength class.
Rebecca Kennedy’s first entry for today. This was taught on December 10, 2024. It was a 20-minute holiday arms and shoulders strength. Lori Lorenz took the class and said that Rebecca created a whole persona of Sandra Claus and cracked her up while burning out her arms and shoulders with lighter weights. Great holiday vibes.
Finally, your unstackable.
It’s our second entry from Rebecca Kennedy. I think it’s been a while since we’ve had an instructor hit two on the same list. You have to go into the three-day split. Rebecca did a three-day split and that’s the only place you can find it. If you’re looking for this class, you will only find it under program – three-day split. I tell you that because you’re going to want to take it back on July 26, 2024. It was a 45-minute leg and core with Rebecca Kennedy.
Linda, Yogi Lin Spins, recommended this class. She described it as brutal. She said, “The class includes all kinds of squats, lunges, and deadlifts with an emphasis on using the heaviest weights possible to reach muscle atrophy. The EMOM finisher for this class is a pendulum swing with a single heavyweight. My heart leaves my body every single time at this point in the workout. The core section is equally ambitious. This class is definitely unstackable other than stacking it with the trip to your masseuse.”
Now let’s take a look at This Week in Peloton. We’re going to start with your year-end review, Walk and Talk with Matty.
Who doesn’t enjoy a walk and talk with Matty? He’s going to be talking about the biggest moments of 2024. We’re going to be talking pop culture. There’s going to be major events and he’s going to have all of that while you’re walking. It’s a lot of fun and then there are going to be some other featured classes this week, a 30-minute pop punk barre with Ally Love, a live outdoor hip-hop run with Kirsten, which by the way, we’re thinking she’s probably regretting given that the high in New York is something like 17 degrees, then there is the 30-minute Gracely Gospel with Cliff. That is on the 22nd as well.
This is quite a coup for a collaboration with Peloton. Jess King has collaborated with Peloton.
They haven’t done one since 2017. It actually could be quite a coup and she had a little name brand that I don’t think she uses anymore for that specific clothing. You have to remember that all those capsule collections sold out so fast. That one did as well. That was the catsuits and things. Not my jam. This is under the disco ball and it cracks me up because one of the items in it is a lounge coach, which I don’t care what you call it. It’s a freaking robe.
It’s like a Puffy Pufferson robe. You would not want to be in perimenopause or menopause and wear this robe. You could not because of the hot flashes. The way that she styles it is to be hanging on a disco ball while wearing the coat over a sports bra and some leggings. You know what? Again, not my jam. Pretty colors, sparkly but the coat has got to go. It’s ridiculous. It’s a freaking robe. Call it what it is. Lounge robe whatever.
Now, who’s snarky?
I am snarky. Fashion is like that. They take normal things, and then for no reason at all, they make it something else. It looks like a robe.
There is no hierarchy in Peloton. Everyone supports each other. This is the most fabulous thing about it. Share on XJust like how bell bottoms became bootcut.
Bell bottoms are a little wider but I get your point. The thing about this is that unless you are a waif, you’re going to look terrible in this thing. Don’t buy it. Floor length and puffy. Why are you adding weight? Why would you try to sell me something that makes me look bigger? No. I know a lot of people feel the same way I do. They may not be as adamant or passionate about it, but they feel the same. I guarantee you.
Peloton also has a collaboration with Sleepy Jones. I am not as familiar with this instructor. I don’t think we’ve talked about him or her very much.
We have not because it’s not an instructor. It’s a brand. At least Sleepy Jones is not going to make me sweat constantly like that coat robe thing. This is not my jam. If it’s yours, you can find it under Wellness Essentials. You can get some cute pajamas. They don’t even have a Peloton logo on them that I can find. That’s good. It saves you money, Tom.
What won’t save me money is an apparel sale.
It will probably be because honestly, I have been so not into the apparel for the most part. I think I’ve only purchased two things in this entire year. I bought stuff whenever it was marathon season and they had their marathon collection. Most recently, I bought a teal sparkly Lululemon scuba hal-zip hoodie. I bought that. That’s it. I have a lot of exercise clothes and I can’t justify it. That’s saying a lot because I can justify pretty much anything.
They have stuff starting at $29.99.
They announced that it was 50% off sitewide. It still says “Exclusion applies.” Don’t get too excited. It’s a great time to buy. There’s a lot of stuff on sale right now.
Coming up after this, we have our interview with the week. We’re going to talk to Shawn from the Becs Beast groups. Stick around.
Joining us is Shawn Sarnaik. Shawn, how’s it going?
You did it. That’s perfect.
We always ask how to say the name right before we hit record because that’s about as long as I can remember.
There’s been times we’ve had a whole conversation after we’ve asked the name and then it’s gone. We got to do it again.
If we waited too much longer, I wouldn’t even get Shawn right.
It’s such a guy’s name too. I always get like, “Wait, what’s your name? Are you sure?” “Yeah, this is me. Pretty sure.”
Discovering Peloton
If you have read before, which it sounds like you have, that I always start with the conversation, how you first originally came across Peloton. I know it’s been a while for you.
It has, it has. I remember seeing back in 2016, their holiday ads. It was like the first time they were on TV and did commercials and things were rough in my life. We have twins and they were incredibly sick and ill, we had really hard times going to the hospital, ER, and all this stuff. I looked at my husband and I was like, “I think I really want that.” I was like, “No.” At that time, “It’s like almost $2,000. That’s a lot.” The Black Friday came out and we ordered it and it was here. It’s been nonstop since then.
Leaderboard Name
We usually wait until later on. For people who are reading and who might, I think, have been on the leaderboard for a long time, they’re going to probably recognize your leaderboard name. Tell us about your leaderboard name and how you came up with it.
Not to bore you guys, but so I am embarrassingly ludicrous speed on the leaderboard. I mean, right back in 2016 when we bought the bike, my husband was like, “They’re telling me to set you up with a screen name or leaderboard name.” I was like, “I have no idea what this means.” It’s like, “You can just pick something. It’s fine.” He’s such a dork. It’s like, “I know what we’re going to do. You’re going to be Ludicrous speed and I’m going to be ridiculous speed.
At that time, I knew space was a little bit, but I was like, “Fine, whatever.” There were so little of us on the leaderboard, we would get shoutouts more regularly. It just stuck and I couldn’t get away from it because I didn’t want to change it. People do not know I changed it. It became a whole thing. I was like, “That’s fine.” Now that I’ve transitioned to the tread, it’s just been more and more funny and ironic because I am the opposite of speed. I am hanging on the leaderboard way down low, just hanging there.
Ludicrous speed doesn’t necessarily mean a lot.
That’s true.
A ludicrously low amount of speed.
That’s actually, John, perfect. I feel that’s what I’m doing.
What I have to say, you’re always above me on the leaderboard when I see you. You might feel like you’re slow, but I’m just saying, I feel like you’re selling yourself short because you’re definitely faster than I am.
No, we’re there, we’re showing up.
That’s right.
That’s like that’s why I love this community because like, even though wherever we are, we’re there together and we’re doing it.
That is very true.
That’s the best.
Motivation And Inspiration
Now, were you always into exercise?
Yeah, right. I’ve been thinking about this because and then such a dork. This goes back even to like I really tried my best to get on my high school tennis team. When I’m not selling myself short here, like when I tell you I suck at tennis. It’s like horrible.
You’re like Tom striking out at T-Ball.
That’s it. It would just go right past me. I always showed up. I remember our coach was like, “For tryouts, guys, you’re going to have to run one mile.” This was huge. You’re in high school, one mile or two miles, something like that and I got out there in my little neighborhood and ran every day to try to prepare for this. None of the other girls prepared. When I got there, I was actually able to just do it. Again, I came in like, who knows where I came in on the pack, but I at least didn’t die. That was my criteria.
Not dying top of the list.
Exactly. I went to a small high school, and so the coach just felt bad for me and was like, “Fine, we’ll take you. You just keep showing up. It’s fine.”I rarely played, but that’s where like I did. I’ve always loved athletics or being fit. I was always that person who wanted to like that cool and commercial thing. Whatever it was, the Tybo, the Nordic track thing, I felt like I had to have that because that was going to change everything.
The thigh master.
The thigh master.That crunch one.
Was it the app master? It was the app master?
Yes. I have missed it. You guys are good. Yes.
It’s funny. I was just thinking about what radically different experiences a coach can make. You’re like, “I’m really bad at sports,” but my coach was like, “You’re trying. I like you and in where I was really bad at sports.” They were like, “You’re wasting our time.”
Get out of here.
I was just like, “I want nothing to do with any of this.”
That’s such a good point. That is a good point.
Tom, I never thought about it in that way, that’s such a good point. They’re right.
If that coach had treated you differently, it could have completely turned you off of any physical activity.
You could have not been exercising all this time. Look what you would have missed out on.
You look like me. You have no hair and a goatee.
Secretly trying to do your exercises. Pretending you’re not doing anything.
Just changing miraculously in front of our eyes. No, I don’t know what you’re talking about but you’re right. Actually, that’s so true. To kind of turn it full circle, actually, now that you bring that up, it’s an aha moment. I mean, that’s what Becs is about. That’s why I’m here and doing things that I never thought were possible because she is so supportive and believes in all of us. It’s like, yes, you can do this. Yes, forward is a piece. I don’t care where you are, we’re going to do it. That’s so true.
You sell yourself a little bit short because you got up there and motivated Becs at the Becs Beast meetup. You made her cry and I mean that in a good way. You were very touching. You took her words and gave them to her and I mean that’s a gift. If you think about the fact that she’s motivating and inspiring all of us every day and you took that and you flipped that around on her. I know she was worried about doing those seven marathons in seven days. What a gift you gave her. That was amazing. It was.
Girl, that means so much to me but I didn’t do anything special. Like that was all of us being there, showing up in that community. She’s the amazing person that brought all of these cool people together. I think it takes such an incredible individual to bring out those people with like mindsets and that supportiveness and that there’s no competition. We just want to hold each other up. It all stems from her.
It is true. I have seen a lot of different instructor groups. I’ve been in a lot of different instructor groups. Not that I dislike any of the instructors, but there’s a different vibe in each group. The vibe that’s in the Becs Beast group comes from Becs. It invites the people who love her classes. All of those people have that same vibe and it’s a very positive place. It’s really nice.
Good. That’s exactly it. Tom, you need to join. You need to come. It’s your business.
What would I do there?
Listen, you can walk. Forward is a piece.
I’d have to use a Peloton to do it. I don’t do that.
You can walk outside. Yes.
Exactly. Perfect.
Becs’ Beasts
How did you become so involved with that group?
From day one, I had pre-ordered the tread.
Wait, tread or tread+? You were tread+?
Tread+. Yes In 2019, I looked up some stuff to be as accurate.
That’s great.
I was able to get involved in the Tampa showroom. I was able to help open it and get involved with Peloton. The inner workings of it that way. Pre-ordered the Tread+ and from day one was gravitated towards her. I already gravitated towards Matt Wilpers. He’s phenomenal. That was a natural carryover and their coaching is just so phenomenal. I love the science behind it. It’s real coaching. It’s going to have you progress safely. That was something I was drawn to. Just from day one, I started getting involved in the group. Becs was amazing. I even remember we sent her stuff from the Tampa showroom and she was so excited and wore the Tampa Peloton shirt. It just escalated a little crazily.
Were you working at the Tampa showroom at the time?
I did.
That one, is that like so many others, like the St. Louis one that’s closed at this point?
Yeah, it’s closed. It closed pre, I think in the middle of COVID, it closed.
I was just curious.
Did you work there until the end?
I didn’t because I just am kicking myself because I should have, but it’s a lot. I’m actually a physician assistant in real life. I was like just doing this a little bit on the side to try to help. It’s not something I intended to do. I had met them and then like was like just naturally in the showroom and they’re like, “You need to like to do this. We need you to sell them.” I was like working in the mall.
It’s cheaper to pay her hourly than to let her use her referral code.
I would like to see patients on my other day, so it’s insane. I loved it, but it just got too much. It was too much.
Raising Twins
That’s a lot because you said you have twins and of course, you have your day job. How old are your twins now?
Actually, last Monday they turned sixteen.
Both of them?
I don’t know, so weird.
I cannot imagine having twins because a 16-year-old one at a time is a lot.
It’s awful.
Many Peloton instructors focus on the science and medical background of exercise, making their coaching methods much more worthwhile. Share on XYeah. My daughter just turned eighteen a few weeks ago and is now in college and it’s going to be the last one going to college. It’s a lot.
When we are out with them, double stroller the whole thing. Everybody’s like, “I’d always dream of having twins.” I’d be like, “No. Don’t dream that. It’s horrible.”
You wake up in a cold sweat. I agree with that.
They’re amazing. It’s been hard though. I also feel like it’s hard for them because I don’t think that, I have one boy, one girl. It’s like, they don’t get that individuality. Sometimes where they’re in the same class, all that stuff. There’s a lot of mom guilt built in there too.
They probably get more than they would if they were both the same gender.
That’s true.
It’s hard to convince them of that.
In my experience, it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re going to experience mom guilt because there’s some level of it all the time.
Thank you for that.
When we were in New York and we met you in person at the Becs Beast meetup, that same day, my daughter got stuck on the side of the road, driving home from work. We had to like, that car has never had any issues, never given us a day of trouble and there was a recalled fuel pump that nobody had bothered to tell us about. They had not told us. The entire thing just completely shut down on her. My point is I felt so guilty for not being there. “I was doing nothing wrong.”
You were doing nothing wrong.
“She’s 18.”
Yes, but we want to be there. Come on, how are these things like the one time you guys are out of town, right?
Yes. Exactly.
Do we ever find her?
I was just going to say, “Is she okay?”
She’s fine. We called the tow truck. She got home. It was all all good. Everything was okay.
It’s coming back.
I was like, this has to be resolved before I go to sleep and run tomorrow. There’s no way I could have slept. Like zero.
That’s right too. The stress of that is on top of the marathon. Has that happened that night?
Yes, that night.
As we were sitting down at dinner.
She was not supposed to get off work until 10:30 or 11:00, which would have been 11:30 or 12:00 while we were there. Thank God she decided to leave work early because it happened while we were at dinner. I would have probably slept through it. Talk about guilt.
Just going to say, yes because you figure too, right, yeah. There’s a point where you’re like, “I have to focus, I have to turn this off. It’s going to be okay.” Not if you’re a mom.
From Biking To Running
Yes, you get it. I am curious though, how you transitioned from the bike to running. It seems like you’re doing a lot of running these days. Do you still do biking or are you completely on the running? I’m definitely in the running camp these days. That’s not a criticism. I’m just curious how that worked for you.
I think I got a little burnt out on the bike, which I hate to say, and now I can go back to the bike and it’s great. Love it but I was doing so much of it for, I think, a great four and a half years of doing it. It’s hard to translate that to the outdoors for somebody like me who has zero.
Balance coordination. That’s me. I get it.
There’s no way I can ride I can ride an outdoor bike like cannot die.
I had to show Crystal how to ride.
I could not push off the pedals. I couldn’t do it. I kept trying to do it when it was at the bottom of the thing or like at the top. I was doing it all up.
I had to convince her, I’m like, “You have to have faith that the bike will work.” She wanted to be up and balanced and then start pedaling. I was like, “No, you got to dive into it.”
Like there are two wheels, wheels will move.
“Statistically speaking, physics is on our side.” I do get, and like, until you’ve done it, it’s hard to like feel like that’s going to function properly.
It also feels like you should be able to start from any point wherever the pedal is, and that is not the case.
That’s not true. Like apparently physics.
It’s so rare that I get to give anyone a piece of athletic advice that’s actually useful.
It was very useful.
The clip-on pedals. You’ve been clipping in and then the thought of clipping in, clipping out in the real world, like that game over.
You don’t have to do that. I will say, especially if you ever wanted to try it outside, because I have done it and definitely practicing with regular pedals first is the best way to go. Once you get that, like you feel good about it, then you put the other pedals on and then you can get used to that or you can get the flippy kind, the one that’s like on one side, it’s the clip in and one side is flat. You can do that too. I didn’t like those because they flipped over while I was riding the bike and that scared the shit out of me because then if you didn’t mean to clip in and all of a sudden you’re clipped in that’s a whole separate issue.
Different ball game. Totally different.
You’re running now. You’ve done half marathons. You’ve done all kinds. Tell us about that.
My first like live half marathon both for COVID and I just did one locally and I thought, “I’m just going to try it.” It’s really funny. I mean, I had no concept of really what I was doing, but I had felt I did try to look up a plan. I tried to run outside. Now just looking back at it, I was a hot mess. Like, I think even after, I didn’t know how to do fuel, all this stuff which is now so much more advertised and out there. I used dried raspberries.
I picture you eating potpourri. Your breath was delightful.
All over the teeth, lips, everywhere. Exactly. Of course, you don’t see yourself. You don’t know. You’re just happy you didn’t die at the end of the race. I remember going up to somebody and they had the cool glasses or whatever from the race. I was like, “Maybe I can get a cool class.” The lady looked at me like, “Honey, what’s happening?” That’s where I was, but really now I feel like even the Peloton instructors are so good about, “Now you need to fuel. Now you need to do this and these are the jowls.” It’s a different world but that’s where I was like, “Maybe I can do something like this.” I finished in time where like most people are finishing their marathon and I’m like, “I did a half. It’s fine.”
We did it.
That’s right.
Crystal, my goal next is to be you. I want to be a marathoner.
You will.
I never ever thought I could ever or so scary but that’s my next goal.
Do you have a certain marathon you want to do? Is there one?
I did apply for some of the majors, and I did last year too, and I didn’t get in. I feel like really it’s fate. Like fate will just tell me, “Are you going to run a marathon or are you not?” So far, fate has said no.
Fate will say yes, so just be prepared.
See, I’m not a fan of waiting for fate to decide, which is why I say no.
You say no.
I don’t want fate to say. I was like, “No, I won’t do that.”
No, I will not enter. This time though I do think that if I don’t get in, I’d pick up an actual race that I could enter.
You can always enter one it’s just a matter of how much you want to have to do the work that goes with it because you could always you could do New York you could do Chicago and put all them like and then raise money. You have a lot of connections you could do that. It’s exhausting though. It’s exhausting.
I was just going to say, “How did you do it?
I didn’t. Like I did not.
How could you get one of those?
Last year whenever Rob Simmelkjaer was on, he was the CEO of the New York Road Runners. When we interviewed him, I remember telling him, “This was my dream. I want to run the New York City Marathon.” He was like, “There’s so many ways to do it. There are so many ways.” I was like, “Okay.” Somebody encouraged me to email him and be like, “About those ways, how do I do that?” That’s me emailing him, by the way.
He said, “Message me.” He invited that.
He did and then whenever I emailed him, his assistant was like, “We’ll just get you a spot on the team.” I paid for it. I paid for it and everything, but I didn’t have to raise money because of that.
See, that’s awesome.
It was definitely awesome.
I don’t know when you would have had the time.
I know that between everything else I was doing and I felt weird going to the community about something I wanted to do and being like, “Pony up the money because this is something.” Like that feels weird to me. I wasn’t comfortable with that route.
Good for you. That’s amazing because a lot of other people are like, just bring it on, whatever it takes. I mean, that’s awesome.
Thank you.
You’re promoting it too. We all listen. It’s totally important for them to have you on there.
I think they’re great. I’ve become a huge fan of the Set the Pace podcast that Rex is now on. Rob is part of that podcast. He’s the other host. They’re both great. We were lucky enough when we were there for the marathon to watch a live taping. They were at the show where they do the running thing. I cannot wait. What is it called?
The expo?
Yeah, that’s the word. Gabby Thomas was there. That’s who they were interviewing. That was cool to see. That was neat.
That’s amazing. I got to see her live with Ali on the Run.
I thought she might have been at the meb because you were at the team Wilpers. Wasn’t he there too?
I didn’t get to go to that because I had to fly in later but she was at that Ali on the Run one. That’s awesome. That was awesome.
That’s so cool.
That was amazing. Two amazing women.
That weekend was full of so many fun things to do. It was phenomenal.
Tom, how did you survive that weekend? Were you okay?
I just was long for the ride. I didn’t have to do anything hard. He’s like she was running the marathon. I went and saw a play. I saw half a matinee.
You can always find people who work out at the same time when riding your Peloton. Share on XI was like, “You got time to watch.” I ended up being slightly faster than I thought I was.
I had to leave it in her mission so I could catch her at mile 19. I’m going to get a 22, but I did.
Thank you.
You did. You carried all the bags. You were you were awesome.
I needed to get rid of her hat. I took it.
Yes, you did. I saw that. That was great.
I had the easy part. The hardest part of the weekend for me was the $200 bike taxi ride that we had after the marathon.
I’m sorry. I’m embarrassed about that.
Don’t be sorry. Like every marathon is insane.
No, she should be sorry for a $200 bike taxi ride.
Shawn is so supportive. She will support anything that I do. I love that.
I will. Tom, after 26 miles, 26.2.
I was just like maybe a $40 Uber ride, not a $200 bike taxi ride.
They were right there.
I was not suggesting that she walk back to the hotel. Just to be clear, I was just like, perhaps there’s a more economical way for us to be transported to the hotel.
If I realized it was going to be $200, I would have agreed with you. I just thought it would be slightly more than an Uber. I did not realize it was like four times an Uber. That’s crazy.
Who knows that? Like, I would have.
She’s so nice.
Our ride to the airport was cheaper.
It was.
Both of them combined.
In fact, together.
Round trip. Maybe even one of the flights.
Technically, because we’ve made with points. Yeah, it was.
We probably have quite a few bike taxi points now. We’re one of his frequent flyers. He’s probably still telling his friends about that one.
MVP customer right there.
Social Media Community
Tell us more about what you do for the Becs Beast community. You’re on the Instagram portion two like that’s the part you run.
We all do like everything. That’s what’s so cool about our community is like, there’s like no single person. We’re just all there supporting each other. It’s like anybody that tags us or whatever. I’ll try my best to get everybody out there as long as it’s appropriate but we all do it. Like there’s so many of us that do it. Facebook, like everybody posts when there are new class drops or like a future Friday, Meadow Monday. Like that’s what’s so cool. There’s no hierarchy. There’s not, it’s just we’re all there to do it, to support each other and do it together. That’s what’s fabulous about it. It’s great.
I feel like that was directed at me. Somebody tags us. I like to share that if it’s appropriate.
If he had to turn some down for you before. We’ll talk about it online.
Our attorneys will be reaching out to you.
Favorite Instructors
Do you feel like that Becs and Matt are your favorite instructors or do you have like a whole list or how does that work?
I do. I think I gravitate towards the one, they all are amazing, but that’s a matter, and then Andy Speer for strength. I feel like they really coach the science and just like coming from a medical background. I see how important that is. That is what I like. I think I do feel there is progression there. There’s science behind it. There’s a method to their coaching and their madness even when Becs does fun classes or Matt does fun classes. I mean, Becs will often say, “I know this is a ‘90s class, but we’re still going to do these intervals and this is why.” I’m like, “Yes, that is awesome. That makes sense.” I think those are my favorites.
That makes a lot of sense.
Advice For Peloton Users
For sure. Do you have any advice for people just entering the world of Peloton?
I would have said like before years and years ago, I didn’t know how much I needed the community, but that is what makes all the difference. I think that connection, I think seeing people on the leaderboard, I think all of that is really how you stay connected and that this doesn’t become the next Ty-Bo or ad master. This is something that we’re still doing years and years later and feeling better because of it.
I think I was in a really deep dark depression before this and that in good meds and other things in therapy and good friends, all that. I think the movement was a huge component of it, getting me out of it. I know that I wouldn’t be here. If it wasn’t for you guys doing this stuff, listening in, like all of this, the community is by far. I would say to somebody to get involved and be consistent. That’s the other thing. It’s hard, but it’s consistency too.
Just for people who might be reading, who are like, “I don’t know how to get involved.” Sometimes just seeing the same person’s name on the leaderboard day after day after day. I cannot tell you how many high-fives you and I have exchanged, but we just now met for the first time this year in person. See, I’ve seen your name for years. That’s huge to know that the person I know is there and they’re taking the same class, whether it’s live or it’s on demand. It doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter, exactly. To find those groups on Facebook or on Instagram, and then there’s all these little shoot-offs. You can find people who always work out at the same time and then meet the same people. That is phenomenal to me.
Good advice.
Episode Wrap-up
Shawn, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to join us. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you and all the places if, of course, you would like to be found.
I’m not like big, I’m posting myself. There’s like, I’m not that interesting, but I am Shawn Becksarnaik on Facebook and then Shawn Sarnaik on Instagram but the main thing where I’ll post a lot is Becs Beast on Instagram and Facebook to come join our group because it’s so much fun.
It is a very friendly group.
Awesome. Thank you so much.
Yes. Thank you.
No, thank you guys. This is amazing. Thank you both.
I guess that brings us up to a close. Until, not next week. Until next next week.
January 3rd, and I will go ahead and tell you right now that we are airing our interview with Erica McLean, and she is doing a tarot card reading.
It has become our tradition around here.
I love ending the year this way and starting the new year for Peloton. It’s so fun. We went back and did a review of her little report card if you will of all the predictions she made last year. That article will be dropping the same week. Keep your eyes peeled. We also will have a ton of articles wrapping up at the end of the year. Our favorite moments from Peloton in 2025. All of the TCO helper bees are working on end-of-the-year articles.
Until then, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe, They can find me on all the other socials including Bluesky @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Blue Sky and Threads at TomOKeefeJr. You can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon. A pretty huge bonus episode this week based on the list. We’re going to go do that right now. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next year, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.
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- Crystal O’Keefe on Bluesky
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- Tom O’Keefe on Bluesky
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