370. Swifties Come After Robin Arzon Plus Our Interview With Kim Griffin
- Tech issues including weird subtitles and crazy outputs.
- Instructors get new pics.
- Peloton Quick Hits.
- Jenn – Coping with using Peloton less during the summer.
- Marcel Maurer got married.
- Christine D’Ercole’s FB group rebrands.
- Matt Wilpers completes Iron Man.
- Emma Lovewell filmed an episode of Magnolia Table.
- The latest artist series features Jack Antonoff.
- Ergatta adds coach-led rowing classes.
- TCO Top 5.
- This Week at Peloton.
- New Strength content coming.
- Emma Lovewell has new prenatal workouts.
- Pace Target classes are available on Tread.
- Road to Half Marathon class now in German.
- German Peloton highlights for the week.
- New apparel drops.
All this plus our interview with Kim Griffin.
Watch the episode here
Listen to the podcast here
Swifties Come After Robin Arzon Plus Our Interview With Kim Griffin
I made it through my play.
You’ve made it through one weekend of performances.
Okay, but I made it through my play.
You guys did good. I know that this has not been your favorite experience, but I felt like after reading that play as many times as I’ve had, it could have been an absolute train wreck, and it wasn’t.
If you’d have seen it three days before we did it in front of people.
There was humor in it. It is funny and you guys are playing it funny. It’s working the way you’re doing it. I think you guys did a great job.
Thank you. I was not fishing. I was more happy that I made it through and remembered all my lines. I feel like I got locked in on those lines 36 hours before the first performance. I’ve never been that close.
You did it. That’s all that matters.
We have to do it again this weekend. Every day, I’ve been going over the lines once.
I don’t miss rehearsing with you.
I don’t blame you.
It’s also nice to have an actual evening this week.
Yeah, because it was every night starting with that Sunday. It was every night until 10:00.
If you decide to go back into acting, something is going to have to give. We cannot do everything we’re doing right now.
I also think if I were to do another one, it wouldn’t be as compressed of a timeframe.
I don’t care. There’s too much. You’ve gone too much. There’s too much to do. It’s too much.
It is a lot. It would have to be a play I was interested in. Even then, I’d have to get cast in a part that I cared about. There’s a lot.
You have to try out.
Probably not. Many people do it all the time like, “I’m a guy you’ve never seen before. Give me the lead in the odd couple.” That’s not going to happen.
You got the part in this one. You never know.
By default because they had no one else to do it.
They were very pleased that you stepped in and it all worked out.
What pray tell do you have in store for people?
We are going to have an interview with Kim Griffin. She is a runner, but she added biking and lots of strength to her training, and lots of foam rolling. We’re going to talk about that. We’re also going to talk about a ton about Disney running specifically. If you’ve ever wondered about Disney marathons, this is the interview for you.
We booked a Disney trip for next year.
I forgot that you did that. It’s been so quick today. We’re also going to talk about the Swifties coming hard for Robin. We’re going to talk about a few tech issues that Peloton has been having. We’re not going to cover all of them because that would be a whole additional episode that we would need. We’re also going to talk about lots of other stuff going on with lawsuits. We have some quick hits that we’re going to talk about. We’re going to have a visit from Dr. Jenn, talking about not using your Peloton during the summer.
How do you deal with the guilt? It’s staring at you longingly as you walk past it, averting your eyes.
Also, lots of instructor news. We have another marriage that we have to celebrate. We have a new artist series to talk about.
Ours is the only marriage I will celebrate.
Also competitor news as well, not to mention some In Case You Missed It stuff.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and TuneIn. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That’s super helpful. We are grateful you do that.
You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. The group is going to push that stuff into your feed more often so you don’t miss things. That’s probably something you want to do. You can follow Crystal on Instagram @ClipOutCrystal. You can find us on Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. It’s $5 a month. You get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early and we record an extra 15, 20, or 25 minutes of stuff we didn’t get to, depending on how busy of a week it is.
It’s going to be a long one this week.
We will be talking about Kendall throwing shade at Peloton.
We’re going to get into it. If you haven’t been on the bonus and you’re like, “What’s that about?” Come on over and take a listen.
It’s $5. Less than the price of a cup of coffee. It’s a great way to support the show. That is also greatly appreciated.
It supports all the articles that we write.
Lots of articles that you see us pumping out. You can watch these on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. You can also sign up for our newsletter, which I am now remembering I did not send out this week, at TheClipOut.com. It was a little busy this week. Normally, that goes out weekly. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
Before we start the first story, we forgot to do our Bingo call-out.
Bingo number one is Selena Samuela. One more week and that’ll be it.
The Swifties are coming for Robin Arzon. They have set their sights on Robin.
Some people like to stir shit. There was a video going around that did a montage of all of the times that Robin missed the words. I did think that there were a high number of times that she was flat-out mumbling the words. I will also say that I thought it was a very fair point that all the people who got to go to that class loved it and had no problem with her not knowing. They didn’t hear it that way. There’s also a difference between being spread out and hearing it back to back in a video. If you took every “um” that I say in this show and did a montage of that, it would sound a lot worse than it does in normal speech. I think those are fair points.
The album is fairly new and Robin Arzon is a busy lady.
She is a vice president at Peloton. She has 17,000 partnerships. She has two children and all of the things she does outside of Peloton.
Every night, she’s in her garage manufacturing NFTs. She’s busy.
We don’t talk about the NFTs anymore. Those do not exist.
NFT stands for not fucking talk about it, but she’s not sitting in her bedroom reading the liner notes and listening.
She does not consume music in the way that a traditional Swiftly might where they’re pouring over the lyrics as they listen on Spotify over and over again.
I’m not trying to age-shame Robin Arzon, but she’s not fourteen.
Neither are these women and men coming for her. They’re also not fourteen, but you wouldn’t know it from the comments. It calls her arrogant in the video, “When you are arrogant enough to teach a class even though you don’t know the words.”
Is the metric now that an instructor is supposed to know the words to every song that plays in their class?
Their part of the argument is then don’t sing it. Shut your mouth. I think that’s a fair point.
It also seems like all the things to get outraged about, we’re going to make a video is like, “What a douche.”
Other people have said things like, “Can we purge this class right now?” You know there’s always purge things. They’re like, “Let’s purge it now.” You have the people who went to that class that are like, “What are you doing? Don’t purge my class. That was a special moment for me.”
Some people like Taylor Swift and want to take the class.
I have only watched. I have not taken the class as a class. I haven’t taken a bike class in I don’t even know at this point.
You’re very focused on the running.
I’m trying to stay focused on marathon training, but I have taken the other classes that fit within that. Susie had a walk that I did as a run. I mean I didn’t walk, but I still put it in my little rotation for outdoors. Olivia had a run and I did that one as well. Neither of them sang anything. They didn’t sing at all. It’s a tough line to walk. A lot of people for years have gotten on Jenn Sherman about singing. Jenn Sherman does know the lyrics, so it’s a different argument, but they still want her to shut up. Many people have said, “Please stop talking,” because she talks and she does shoutouts over people’s favorite songs. That’s Jenn. Don’t take a class with her.
I like Gallagher, I just don’t want all the watermelons.
In this particular case, don’t take the class. There are so many other Taylor Swift classes and they’re the same songs. They might play them in a separate order and maybe not every single class has every single song because there are 40 songs to choose from. You could still get a lot of enjoyment out of the other classes. I don’t get it. The level of outrage is next level. All the people came for her talking about how she’s a lawyer. Robin is not my favorite person to take a class with, so I don’t take the classes.
You have lots of choices though. Even if you hate it and even if you can’t stand it, why do you take the time? There is so much in this world to be outraged. We are in an election year. There is so much to be outraged about. I don’t care where you stand on any issues. There’s plenty, but it doesn’t matter because either side has so much to be outraged about. That is my point. Really? Are we arguing about a Peloton instructor singing?
It’s funny when the Swifties get so defensive over Taylor Swift. This woman cannot be more popular or successful. She’s like a one-person Beatlemania.
She’s been for a long time. Not a flash in the pan.
You don’t have to prop up her success. It’s very tangible and good for her. I don’t begrudge one ounce of it. It’s funny because people are like, “You need to have respect.” My favorite band is The Monkees.
You know all about people shitting on your favorite band.
Having people shit on your favorite band is like, “That’s a whole side hobby of being The Monkees fan.” I’m like, “Are you kidding me? Get over yourself.”
Regardless, this is a great album. I want to say I’m a Swifty, but a casual Swifty.
The “real Swifties” are so into it. You see them and you’re like, “I’m not that.” Not in a bad way, but I don’t want to claim that mantle because I don’t know nearly as much as these people do.
It’s like how much you listened to Taylor Swift because she was the top artist of the year for the last two years. I don’t make a cut to even get a mention of that, but I like Taylor Swift and I’ve listened to Taylor Swift since her first album. I’ve listened to Taylor Swift longer than some of the people listening to Taylor Swift have been alive. It’s not like it’s a fly-by-night.
Do I know the lyrics to every single song that she has ever written or released? I do not. I have my favorites and I know those. I cannot claim, and especially the new album, I don’t have it down. They’re wordy songs, especially this new album. It’s deep and wordy and it’s good. I like it but I do not have it down. Don’t worry. I’m not teaching any classes anytime soon. It’s okay.
I feel like we’re safe.
I wanted to say one more thing. I thought that it is worth noting though that people were so upset that Robin and Peloton each took down their post about this class. That’s sad to me because the comments were so gross and so over the top that they took it down. I know there are people out there who are thinking they’re going to get a redo. I think it’s never going to happen. Keep on wishing, Swifties. It isn’t going to happen. That’s what I think.
We had some weird tech issues. The first was when Sam Yo’s classes had subtitles to a yoga class.
They did not go together at all. I don’t know what is going on over at Peloton, but The Clip Out tipsters, the helper bees, or the hive have all been talking. Someone suggested that we do a new weekly report and it’s all the fuck-ups. We’ll do an article weekly or a segment on the show weekly where we talk about all the fuck-ups. I think that might be a little bit much.
Maybe we could make a montage video.
I hope that person doesn’t want to get any shout-outs in Robin’s classes anytime soon. This is not a good one though, when you have subtitles from a completely different class. The quality checking could use a little redo.
That’s also a problem because there are people who need those subtitles.
It brings up other problems because sometimes, the whole class will be off by a few seconds. I’ve noticed that before mostly on the rower when I first got it, but I’ve noticed it in other classes since then.
Maybe they’re using the same people that Peacock uses.
It could be, but here’s the thing. If you are using a Bike+, the problem is that it changes the resistance. If you’re sitting there at 55 going hard and all of a sudden, it drops to 25 and you didn’t know, that’s bad.
That is bad. I never thought about that. That’s going to be a problem.
Somebody needs to do some quality checks over there. That’s just a PSA from The Clip Out to Peloton. For god’s sake, before there is a legal issue, would you please get a new quality person for those classes?
Also in the weird tech issues, the output numbers got very helpful.
Helpful but also not because it’s a PR that you can never have again. They started showing in the output. Instead of being the output, it started showing the mileage. It’s thousands of numbers. Instead of your output being 150 or whatever you have in a class, it’s a six-digit number. It’s a phone number. You’re never going to hit that again. They did fix it pretty quickly. As soon as they saw it, they had released a fix for it. It always takes a while for it to filter out over millions of users. All in all, it only took a few hours to get that fixed, and it needed to because that’s a big one like, “This is not great.”
There was a time I got a 497,000 output but just the ones.
There was one other issue that made me conscious this week. That is whenever they put out class photos, they always have the name and a picture of the instructor, and then the name of the class. They had a picture of the wrong person in the class. It’s like, “What is going on over there?”
Was it Kendall?
It was not.
Steven Little?
It was all the instructors who worked here. That’s bad. It means that either somebody is moving too fast or has too much on their plate. It leads to bigger questions.
It makes you wonder if the layoffs, meaning the people who are there are having to do way more than they’re used to and they’re starting to get overwhelmed.
Peloton, I urge you. This is one area you cannot stop putting resources in. It will bite you in the ass. Please, for god’s sake, do not. How many are you going for?
I don’t know. All of them. The instructors are getting new pictures. Fifty shades of gray?
Every year or so, they do new shots of all of the instructors. This one is all in gray. I don’t what they’ll do with it because many creative minds work on these things. I like to think of where they’ll go with it. All of the instructors are in gray. It’s headshot and this is where they do their group shots, and it’s all the marketing stuff. Will there be bright colors behind them? Will they do something big and bold?
Maybe this will be a black and white photo and they want everything to be super monochromatic.
I don’t know. I’m curious to see what they do with that, but just a little mention that it’s happening.
Let’s take a quick look at the general smaller things going on around the Peloton neighborhood. Cliff Dwenger has released a gospel song.
He has released his first gospel hip-hop song titled Work Hard, Pray Hard. Even though he does have a history with hip-hop music, he was a semi-finalist in Voice of Germany, which I did not know. This is the first time he has gone into gospel music. It’s been cool to see how the other instructors have started using this song in their classes. What a nice show of support. I love that. He’s been doing these gospel classes. I think it’s cool that he’s growing this side of himself, but not just like, “I will play more songs.” He’s like, “I will take it to another level by creating a new song.” I think that’s super cool.
It's amazing how much easier everyday tasks become when you're consistent with strength training. Share on XIt is fascinating. Rad Lopez announces his Nike partnership, which we touched on a little bit.
He is officially there. I think that’s cool. We talked about how excited we are for him and huge congratulations to Rad.
Susie Chan gave an interview on the BBC about her running journey.
I have to give an update. I am halfway through Susie Chan’s book. Anybody out there who has not read this book needs to read this book. Susie has this way of talking and connecting with people when she’s running, but she does the same thing in the book. The way she tells stories is like you’re sitting there having a pint with her. You’re just talking. She’s telling these stories about these adventures that she had.
There were times during these races when she did not know what she was doing. She and her now husband almost died. She also tells these stories about her first husband and all the stuff that led to her even running in the first place. It is riveting. I love this book so much. I say all that because she does share some of these things when she was talking to BBC. If reading is not your thing and you still want to know more about Susie, this would be a great way to do it.
Robin Arzon has teamed up with Good Morning America for an Everyday Greatness Series.
They will be doing this weekly. They lovingly call each other Robin Squared because it’s Robin Roberts and Robin Arzon. They are going to be calling upon industry leaders like Tory Burch, for example, to give tips and tricks to excel in their given field. Robin asked for questions and suggestions about the series on her Instagram account. You never know if you might have one featured, but congrats to Robin and Robin.
Finally, Selena Samuela was featured in Golf Digest.
She talked about all the work that goes into having proper form and swing. She also saw this as an opportunity to increase strength and improve in these areas for golfers when she helped Peloton release the new program that they have for strength for golfers.
After this, we’re going to talk to Dr. Jenn. It’s summertime. You’re maybe using your Peloton less. Maybe you’re not using your Peloton at all and you’re feeling bad. She has tips and suggestions on how to manage your guilt/FOMO, so stick around.
Joining us is Dr. Jenn Mann, a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist, and sports psychology consultant. You may know her from VH1’s Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn, VH1’s Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn, or her long-running radio show The Dr. Jenn Show. She has written four bestselling books including The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn’s 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection, and Intimacy. It’s Dr. Jenn.
We are hearing from Wendy Kisinger. She is struggling because it’s summer. During the summer, she does a ton of outdoor activities. She likes to do things like swimming, but she also has a Tonal, so she does strength, and she goes to a local yoga studio. Now she’s looking around and she’s seeing all of her Peloton equipment not getting used. She’s getting a little stressed about it. She says she knows it’s not really a problem, but it’s a problem.
She’s not getting her check mark.
She tried doing things like adding in a row a couple of times a week, like a 10-minute row, but doing something small like that feels pointless, and that maybe she should embrace the summer and the moment that it drops below 60, she’s going to be back with her equipment. She wants to hear your thoughts.
She’s right. It’s not a problem, but it is a problem. I also think that Peloton is not just about the workout and the check mark, although you all know I love a good check mark. I think they’re very important for mental health. I do think that staying connected to the community is important. When you completely abandon the community and then you come back because it’s 60 degrees a few months later, you may feel a little disconnected. It doesn’t feel as good.
First of all, doing 10 minutes of row three times a week is not nothing. That’s 30 minutes a week. That’s 60 minutes every two weeks. That’s 120 minutes a month. That adds up. It’s important to not get into that all-or-nothing, black-and-white thinking. It is the enemy of your workout. It’s the enemy of your mental health. It is the enemy of quality and enjoyable workouts, Crystal.
I was about to do the same thing. We were this close to harmonizing.
I am a big believer in small goals and adding on to those small goals. Staying connected with Peloton needs to be the goal as opposed to the workout. You can do that with the meditation. You can do it with a foam roll. You can do it with a stretch class. I think that part of what you want to also look at is it’s great that you’re doing outdoor walks or runs. You’re doing yoga classes in the studio. You’re doing all this other stuff. What are the gaps physically and emotionally in your new workout that are more outdoors?
It may be that you are missing some strength training. It may be that you are missing some spin classes. It may be that you are not foam rolling. Try to do an objective evaluation in terms of the balance of your workout. Again, 10 minutes here and there, 5 minutes here and there keep you connected to the community. They also get you your check mark and they make you feel like you are still in the Peloton game. I think that’s important.
That is good advice. I feel bad for having kicked her out of the group now.
Don’t worry, I let her back.
You can do your outdoor runs or walks using the Peloton outdoor app, and then you will get your checklist. You can even do Just Walk or Just Run. Again, you’re getting your check mark and you’re staying connected to the community.
The two of you together reminded me of a thing that has come up a lot on my MetPro side of things lately. I have two different clients right now who are both rehabbing an injury. Because of that, they are doing pool swimming. That makes me also think of one of my friends, Christina Sandifer. You know Christina Sandifer because you ran with her. She is recovering from an injury right now and also doing that. She’s been listening to Peloton runs while she does it. You could do all of those things that you suggested and still get a great workout.
Sometimes it’s hearing the voice of an instructor who you really like. You know how I feel about meditations. I do a lot of Ross meditations. Don’t even get me started about him leaving Peloton. I could cry. I do a lot of Mariana and Anna now also for their meditations. It’s very grounding and I think it’s important to have that grounding experience of I’m still connected and I’m still hearing those voices. I’m still getting those positive messages.
To me, Peloton is great not only because of the amazing workouts but also the things that the instructors say. It’s very inspiring, uplifting, and positive. You don’t get that everywhere. We’ve all been to classes before Peloton where the instructors are talking about changing your body and how imperfect your body is and crap like that. That’s terrible. Peloton instructors are always super positive and keep it upbeat. I think that’s important.
Thank you so much for all of that wonderful advice as always. Until next time, where can people find you?
You can find me on all social media @DrJennMann.
Wonderful. Thank you.
We have another instructor who got married.
This was so great. A couple of days ago, Marcel Maurer announced on Instagram that he and his now wife Ina had been married in a civil ceremony. They did a cute reel about it, and then they said that they were having a formal church wedding and party slated for the next day. Congratulations to Marcel and Ina.
Christine D’Ercole’s Facebook group has renamed itself.
People who have been around for a while might know that it used to be called CDE Tribe. When the tribe was no longer allowed to be used, then it became CDE Project. Now they have decided to rebrand and they are going to become the I am, I can, I will, I do Crew. This has been in the works for months. They’ve been talking about the best way to do this. They want to be in the same branding that Christine uses, which makes sense. I think that’s pretty cool.
If you’re looking for it or if it’s in your feed and you’re like, “I didn’t join this group?” Yes, you did.
It was called something else. Congrats.
Matt Wilpers completed a Half Ironman.
This was the Musselman.
It looks like it’s the name of a place.
They all are like all Ironmans are always by the city. You are right. That is a city. It’s 70.3. The heat was a factor, he said, and that makes his stomach more sensitive. I’m glad it’s not just me. My stomach was upset the other day, but he sounds like, “I struggled.” He completed 70 miles of swimming, biking, and running. He did all that in 5 hours and 18 minutes. To put that in perspective, when I did my Half Ironman relay back in 2018, I did 13.1 miles of running in 3.5 hours.
To put that in perspective, sometimes when the kids won’t shut up, it can take me an hour and a half to watch a 30-minute show.
That’s true. We’ve had a lot of days like that lately.
That’s my version of an Ironman.
It’s the same output.
I watched a movie, a TV show, and a play all on the same day. Where’s my sticker?
You are a movie man. That’s an amazing time for real, especially considering how hot it was. He said it was in the high 80s to the low 90s. If you’re wondering how he fueled, he had two Maurten Official 160 gels. He also had 3 to 4 salt stick tabs, a lot of water, and a lot of ice. He said that the swim was choppy but smooth. The sun was less blinding than last time. On the bike, he had dropped a chain right at the beginning. That was tough to dig out, but he got going again, then he said he started off slow to make sure he didn’t overcook himself. He’s incredible. Congrats to Matt.
Emma Lovewell filmed an episode of Magnolia Table.
It’s with Joanna Gaines if people don’t know that. It will be airing on Sunday at 1:00 PM, I assume Eastern. The theme was Asian-inspired flavors and they cooked things that I cannot pronounce and I’m not going to try because I always get it wrong. It’s a savory Korean noodle dish though. They also did some Japanese dumplings and a comforting egg drop soup. That’s pretty cool. Congrats to Emma.
Coming up after this, we’re going to tell you about the latest artist series and give you some competitors’ news, so stick around.
The latest artist series features Jack Antonoff, which we’ve alluded to in past episodes.
I would like to point out that they did list this as a producer series, which you had thought that they would, given that he produces a lot of different music. If you’re wondering who besides Taylor Swift, we have Lord, Lana Del Rey, Pink, and Charlie XCX. That’s just a few of the people that he has. He has eleven Grammy wins on his belt. I did not know that. That’s a lot of Grammys.
Since he’s not an artist, people don’t talk about the producer Grammys as much or the Grammys for people who wrote a song. It’s focused more on the artist on stage.
In this particular one, they’re going to have quite a few classes. There’s going to be, brace yourself, a full-body strength with Robin.
That’s a lot of words to be learning.
A yoga flow with Mariana, a ride with Ally. There’s going to be a run with Camila and a row with Katie. That’s pretty fun.
Ergatta has added coach-led rowing classes.
This is interesting for a few reasons. One, don’t forget that Peloton has started testing, although we have no idea if that test is over or if it went away because only some people had it. They were testing Ergatta games on the Peloton row. That’s interesting for that reason.
That got tested and then we never heard anything more about it.
Peloton was very clear that it was just a test. We have no idea what’s going to happen with it. They were very upfront about that. We also have the fact that Ergatta never had any coach-led classes. It was all things like games. Add in the fact that when they did add in coach-led rowing classes, they were instructors from CityRow.
That makes me think there was some sort of deal in the works that fell apart.
It’s very similar to Lululemon and Peloton.
Do we have more lawsuits in the future? It’s Peloton. We always have more lawsuits in the future, but will we have more lawsuits in our future related to Ergatta?
I don’t know, but I agree. I thought that was super interesting.
Whenever I hear Ergatta, I think of The Police.
Because they have an album called Zenyatta Mondatta, or I think of Iron Butterfly, In A Gadda Da Vida.
I thought that was super interesting.
Very much so. Before Crystal forgets again as she did at the top of the show.
I reminded you.
There’s no proof of that. Anyway, before Crystal forgets again, let’s do our Bingo call out.
Bingo number two is Hannah Corbin.
This is part of the show where we talk about the TCO Top Five and I try to come up with a clear concise way to say it but it always fails. We ask you what you liked and we tell you what you said.
Very nice, Tom.
We also tell it to other people because if we just told you, you’d be like, “I know this. I already said it.”
Keep working at it.
Number one, your favorite ride.
Favorite ride was a low-impact ride with Christine D’Ercole. This was on the 15th of July. Debra Anzalone who I have to say is my Peloversary buddy. We got our bikes on the same day, July 15th. We interviewed her a long time ago. We spoke to Deb if that reminds you of anything. We interviewed her and that’s how we learned that we were Peloversary buddies. She had her 4,700th ride and she got a shout-out from Christine. That is why this is her favorite. I don’t blame her. Happy Peloversary to Deb and take this class because it’s got some great music. The Smiths, Judah & The Lion, Snow Patrol, and The Cure.
Number two, your favorite yen yoga.
This one was taught by Chelsea. It was a 20-minute yen yoga from June 12th. Amy Miller Sams recommends this class. She says, “I enjoyed the yin yoga I did yesterday. I’m getting in the habit of adding yin after my stack before I transition to the rest of my day.” That’s awesome. This particular class had ten yin movements, just so you know.
Number three, favorite stretch.
This stretch was taught by Logan Aldridge on June 3rd. It was a full-body stretch, 20 minutes. Tiffany Cortez nominated this stretch class. She said, “Its 20-minute full-body stretch was like a yin yoga class. We held each position for three minutes to relaxing music. At the last minute, we laid on our stomach to rest. It was very meditative and grounding. It felt great after a tough strength class with Rebecca.”
I could do that last part, not to brag.
You can lay on your tummy.
Yes. Number four, favorite yoga flow. Chelsea Jackson Roberts’s second appearance in the TCO Top Five in one week.
This class was taught by Chelsea on July 8th. It was a 20-minute 2000s yoga flow. #Meme210 said, “This class was perfection. It had great music and an awesome flow of basic poses. A relaxing savasana. One to be on repeat.” She even gave it the chef’s kiss emoji twice.
Finally number five, your unstackable.
This is a bike bootcamp taught by Jess Sims. A 60-minute, so Sims 60 because we rebranded. This was taught on July 9th. Chelsea Schroeder nominated this class saying she loved the cardio and strength mixed in a long bike bootcamp. This one includes a flash 15-style 12-minute EMOM in the middle. Those devil presses lived up to their name. I hate EMOMs and Amraps. I hate them so much, but they’re so effective. That’s a great workout. Good call, Chelsea. That is unstackable.
Now, a look at This Week at Peloton. Get race-ready with Christian.
This is going to be cool. Christian Vande Veld is a pro cyclist and he is going to be doing a 45-minute race simulation. You’re going to feel like you’re actually racing because of the way he’s going to teach it.
So I’ll lose? That’s what happens when I race.
It’s going to be on-demand starting July 15th. It’s already out there. Hydrate and fuel up.
Summer celebration.
This is fun. This is going to be outdoor walks and runs with new classes that dropped on the 18th. I think it was 12:00 AM Eastern but 5:00 AM British Standard Time. You can enjoy fresh air and take in the sights while you stay active.
We have a New Wave Flow with a Kirra.
More of the yoga and this is going to be a 30-minute class. You’re going to have all of the New Waves. I’m curious to see what ended up on the playlist. New Wave is usually Christine’s thing.
I know that’s a Christine thing. There’s going to be some awkward moments in the break room.
Enjoy the parks after the races is the perfect way to celebrate the hard work and have some fun. Share on XI don’t know if that’s true because here’s the cool part. Christine doesn’t teach yoga, so it’s nice to bring that vibe over to the yoga. I think Christine would embrace it and be happy about that. I think she would celebrate that.
Cradle Your Core with Emma Lovewell.
This is weird because when Peloton put out This Week at Peloton, they did not include Cradle Your Core. I might have this listed elsewhere on the list.
You do figured we’d skip it.
That’s a good call. Everybody might remember the Crush Your Core by Emma Lovewell. There were two programs. Highly successful. The first program to ever hit a million. People took it. That was the very first class. It was huge. This is Cradle Your Core. It is a bunch of different classes that are safe and effective for you to be able to take while you are pregnant. Those are all dropped on the 15th as well and you’re going to be able to build strength, flexibility, and confidence.
Finally, Pilates with equipment.
Aditi and Anna are going to be teaching these classes. It’s a brand-new collection that started this week on Wednesday. I am super excited about these because you have the ball and you have the little band circle thing. It’s going to be all kinds of cool stuff in these.
We should also talk about quickly that pace target classes are available on the tread.
They had created a collection for the pace target classes on the tread. What I found interesting was that now when you’re going through the list of classes on the tread, if you’re looking for more pace target classes, you don’t have to go into the collection. They now say it in the bottom right-hand corner of classes that already have the metrics built in. They’ve already done all the programming for it.
They’ve dropped several of these and so the collection is a lot bigger. They’re still putting them in the collection, but you don’t have to drill all the way down. However, if you’re outdoors like I take my classes a lot of times, you don’t see them because you can’t take the the pace target classes outside. You can only take them inside. I was excited to learn this because it made me more aware of that. I don’t want to accidentally take a class that is pace target outside because I want to save that for inside. I can’t see that it says pace target unless I’m inside. Let’s be careful.
The Road to Half Marathon class is now available in German.
This is great because we’ve had this program out for a little bit now. I know it’s been at least a month, but now you can take the entire program in German. For those people who only take German classes, this is awesome to be able to have that option.
I’m not sure how many people who only take German classes are listening to our English-language podcast.
That’s fair.
We also have new strength content coming.
A new three-day split is coming. I think we’ve mentioned briefly that Rebecca was going to be putting that out. Also, Jocelyn Thompson Rules is joining the strength team and she’s going to have 10-minute classes that are going to be out as well. They’re all going to be a strength basics collection. Congrats to both of those ladies.
We have more German information for our German audience. Peloton put out a German Peloton highlights.
They do this every week. I’m trying to find where it says translate and I’m not seeing the option. If you’re wondering why I have not answered you, Tom, that is why. I don’t know what all these words mean. I know that they are summer break workouts. More gospel classes are coming from Cliff, and then there are foam rolling classes coming with Mayla.
With this week’s guest? She’s teaching foam rolling classes because she takes all the foam rolling.
We don’t have a guest this week named Mayla.
No, I meant our guest would be teaching foam rolling classes.
Okay, I got it now. She got promoted to teacher, and she can speak German. Nico is also going to be teaching some new foam rolling classes. I don’t know exactly what this stands for, but I know that it is a Ricky Martin class and a Dolly Parton class that is going to be taught by Mayla. Those classes are going to be on July 14th and July 21.
We had some apparel drops. The first is with Ally Love or spotlighting Ally Love.
Peloton did their little logo that was like a pixelated heart. That is Ally Love’s logo because that’s what they came up with. She has men’s and women’s clothes that they did. Most of them have little hearts on them. From far away, they look like dots. It looks like a polka-dot outfit but they’re not. They’re little hearts. There’s a variety of colors and styles. There’s a navy blue, a peach color, and then there’s some green, like a forest green. For the men’s wear, there’s also the forest green and the blue. I felt like it didn’t mix in with everything else very well, but a lot of the instructors liked it. There’s a crochet tank and pants. Since they are crochet, they are see-through, so you have to wear stuff underneath them. Particularly Emma Lovewell adored them. She was happy about that. Lots of stuff dropping.
We also have Seamless clothes.
I think most of the cadence stuff is Seamless, but some new colors dropped as well. Go get them.
Coming up after this, we have our interview of the week. It’s Kim Griffin. She’s going to tell you all about the Disney runs that she does and her love of foam rolling and it’s entirely in German. Don’t worry, it’s not.
Joining us is Kim Griffin. Kim, how is it going?
Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here.
We are so excited to have you here. I like to start this interview by going back in time and how you originally heard about Peloton and decided, “This is something I have to have.”
I learned about Peloton in 2015. It was big in the Orange Theory space, and then 2020 happened. I lost a lot of the community that I had with my running group and doing group fitness classes. I started noticing all these people posting about their PRs and the group ride they were doing. I realized I was missing out on something. I started getting into Peloton first just doing the app itself doing the strength classes or walks. Once I saw people doing Disney rides, then I needed the bike as well and no access to a gym. My condo at the time was small, so a treadmill wasn’t going to fit. I decided to get the bike and I haven’t looked back since.
You have the bike and you started with a variety of different classes. Are you mostly bike classes now or mostly outdoor? How do you balance it all out?
I use Peloton as a great tool for running. I’m a distance runner. I love running marathons and half marathons. The Peloton, the app, and the bike have become a way to supplement all of my running training. I do a lot of the strength classes. I try to do the bike once or twice a week to change it up. I also have gotten into the stretching and foam rolling classes because my coach has told me, “You need to do that. Runners are not good at stretching.”
From my past experience as well, runners are also not great about doing strength training. It’s awesome that you’re doing strength training. Didn’t you tell me that you have a goal to take all of the foam rolling classes? I want to know how this came to be.
It’s a very unique goal.
I’ve never heard that one.
Had anyone done it? I’m going to get a Peloton world record.
You might get a badge that nobody even knows exists.
It’s like a secret badge that no one knows about.
Hannah and Rebecca cannot put them out fast enough for me to keep taking them, so I have to redo them. I work with a running coach and she wanted me to start to focus on making sure that I’m recovering. The cardio stuff is great. The strength training is great too. I started to do that then realized I liked those classes. I’ve gone through the German variation now, so there are only 3 or 4 left that I still have to hit. It should be soon.
I feel like for the German variation, the foam is like a giant pretzel. It’s like a giant Bavarian pretzel.
I feel like sometimes you get into a pretzel position. I would have thought my dual lingo would have helped with that but it has not. I get every fifth word and I’m like, “I know what that was.”
We had a guest who took all the different classes in German or Spanish and all the different stuff. What they do is they put it into Google Translate while they’re taking the class so they can understand what’s being said. That might be a good tip for you to try. Are you going to treat yourself? Is there something that’s going to happen when you take all of the foam rolling classes?
I feel like I need some celebration.
I think so. That feels like you need to mark the occasion.
Maybe glitter my foam roller or something. I could make it happen.
You would be covered in glitter though in all subsequent foam rolling sessions.
That is true. Good point.
That’s fine. I see nothing wrong with that.
Peloton And Strength Training
I would have to agree with that as well. Did you add in the strength training on your own or was that something that your personal trainer was like, “You have to have a mix of the strength with the running or the cycling?”
I’ve got injured early in my running career. That was the thing that came through with physical therapy like, “Why aren’t you doing more squads? Why aren’t you doing lunges?” You have to build up all of the muscles that also support you beyond just the muscles you use to run. I struggled with doing it, but then getting into Peloton helped because the classes are easy to follow along. You get working with instructors that you like and it’s like I’m still with people that are doing it. I started with Matty’s beginner strength program. I started with that because it put me on a schedule and helped me build the routine.
Plus, Matty is adorable and wonderful.
I love Matty.
Are there any moments in your everyday life where you’ve noticed the benefit of having been doing the strength classes?
I feel better about myself. I feel like I have a little bit more energy sometimes and I tend to workout more in the evening, but when I can do it in the morning, I feel like I’m superwoman for the rest of that day. There is a level of like I can lift grocery bags a little bit more. I can carry four up the stairs versus just two. Anything I can do to not take as many stars, I will always do. I feel like it’s a long-term thing. A friend always says that we do strength training because we want to be able to sit and get up off of the toilet when we’re 90. If that’s what I have to tell myself like, “You’re going to be a strong 90-year-old woman,” then I’m all for that now.
I have to tell the story. We always have a classic sitcom in our rotation of TV that we watch. We finished Barney Miller, then we would roll into the next thing. We’ve done M*A*S*H and The Bob Newhart Show.
That is a great show. That’s not one of those not-so-great.
We’re currently watching the Golden Girls. I’m not doing the Gold Girls. Although they are roughly the same age as I am now, they’re dead so that would be weird. I tell you all that to say this. The episode that we watched was about them getting a new toilet. The toilet that they show them carrying in was Lowboy. It sits low.
What is the house full of elderly ladies going to do what the low toilet?
You need the high toilet now.
We’re like, “We’re already thinking ahead about this. Why are they not thinking ahead about it?”
They are getting right to their squat.
There’s an old lady flex, “I got a lowboy toilet. I don’t need a high toilet.”
There is a crazy statistic out there, though, that most women cannot lift like elderly women. When I say elderly, they mark it as above the age of 65. That was their denotation, but cannot lift 10 pounds over their head. That is crazy to me because it’s not very much weight. That’s not very much at all.
On an airplane, it’s true and you know the age is a lot younger.
When it comes to strength training, it’s like upper-body strength. It’s all the things that I should be doing that I hate doing. Those lunges you talked about, I hate them so much. The squatting, I hate those too. Any overhead lifts, I hate them. I curse them the entire time I’m doing them, but they are so necessary.
I’ll get you one of them lowboy toilets.
You can help me out, Tom.
You’ll be doing squats four times a day minimum.
I’ll get one of those seats to add on top of it. Sorry, we went off on a little tangent there. That’s what we do.
I brought up the toilet, so it’s my fault.
A long-time listener should know that if someone brings up toilets, the worst thing I do is talk about the Golden Girls.
Consider that a win also.
You got off easy. It did briefly touch on necrophilia.
You did. A way to bring it back and make sure everyone heard it and commented.
No problem. That’s what I’m here for.
That’s true. Have you ever been to the studio or anything like that?
I have and I’ve done a couple of work trips to New York. I stop at the website hoping to be able to get in but I have not been able to get in yet. On one of these trips though, I’d love to be able to go. If Hannah ever does a foam rolling class there, maybe that should be my prize. The only girl who did all the foam rolling, let her go to a class.
You should reach out to Hannah Marie Corbin and tell her that you’ve taken all of them and ask her to be her guest the next time you’re in New York.
Honestly, when people go, it’s the bike rides that they want. If somebody ended up in a foam rolling class, they’d be like, “I guess I couldn’t get a bike.”
Those tend to not be live. They usually record those. It’s going to be tough for her to get in.
I feel like nobody besides them wants to be seen on film doing any of those foam-rolling exercises anyway.
That’s fair. I don’t think our bodies are meant to be viewed from those angles unless you look like Hannah Corbin and I don’t. That’s a good point.
I disagree.
That’s so sweet. Thank you. That might be a thing that you’ll do in the future. Have you been to any local Peloton meetups or met Pelotoners in the wild?
I haven’t seen much around here that we’ve had. I do a lot of group rides with friends and connecting that way or through leaderboard handles and groups, but I haven’t done anything live or in person.
What about how you pick rides or classes? Do you pick by instructors, music, or theme, or do you have a whole different way that you go about it? Except for the foam rolling because with those, you pick all of them.
I usually go by music. I enjoy anything that is Disney or in the Broadway category mostly. I’m glad that it’s just me and my cats in the house. I don’t think anyone else would appreciate the show that I like to put on when I’m on my bike singing whatever Broadway. I love the Stick Ride or something down there involved with that. I love Matty. I like to do a lot of outdoor walks with Matty. I feel like I’m part of a conversation with him. His evening stretches too are always something. I feel like we could be best friends with Matty. If you need another best friend, you can call me. I’m here. If I have time, I mostly do Disney or Broadway rides.
Is there enough that keeps you busy? I haven’t ever added them up that way.
A Ton Of Disney
I’ll do pop rides and stuff as well. Over the past year or so, I feel like they added a ton of Disney. I think it was Emma Lovewell who did the first Disney ride back in 2020 or 2021 and it was the only one. My sisters and I would do it every couple of weeks to get our little fix. All of a sudden, all of these other instructors started putting it on Disney rides. Cody is a huge Disney adult. His Disney ride takes you through the park. I’m a weird Disney person.
There is nothing weird about being a Disney person. There are weird Disney people.
You are not necessarily weird because you like Disney.
Do you go to the parks a lot? We are Disney nerds. We’re TVC members. We dig it.
I go usually four times a year. I do all the Disney races. That’s my big thing. As many times as those race weekends are, usually I’m there.
Those are hard to get into and you’re always getting in.
This is the same person who can’t get into the class in the city. I could not get into the Disney races for anything and I got into classes. What is happening? I don’t understand.
We can trade lucky pixie dust and I’m getting into classes.
I would think it would be hard to enjoy the park while you’re there knowing you’ve got this big run in front of you.
It is a different trip experience. I’m usually in bed by 7:00 every night at the latest. We enjoy it. I have an annual pass, so I don’t feel the pressure to go to the parks. Anyone going for their first time, don’t go do a Disney race and expect to be able to see and do everything. You have to pick what you’re enjoyment is. For me, I love the races, running through the park, and seeing all the characters. I love the most about it. I’m okay with not going and riding every ride or seeing the fireworks to be able to enjoy the race mornings.
It’s nice when you can go frequently. We go every couple of years but we’ve been a bunch at this point and having the DVC thing, we know we’ll be back. It is nice to go and not feel the same level of pressure about, “I’ve got to ring every minute out of these parks because I don’t know when I’ll be back.” It’s unfortunate.
I can only imagine the amount of pressure you can take off yourself by having the annual pass and going for sure four times a year. I know there’s the big race, the Dopey Challenge, and that has a different breakdown of all the different races that weekend, but then there’s the Princess Race. What are the other two you do?
In April time frame, they call it the Springtime Challenge, which is the 5K, 10K, and 10 miler. In November is Wine and Dine. That’s a 5K, 10K, and half. That has an after-party after the night of the half and everyone stays in Epcot. If you run the race, you get a ticket into the park for the evening for Epcot. That’s a good deal then they added it back in Disneyland. A bunch of us this past year did Dopey, and we called it Dopey to Dumbo. We left Disney World and flew to Disneyland, and then did the 5K, 10K, and half there. Many of us wanted to do that again.
That’s a lot of running.
It was amazing, but I was very tired by the time I got home.
That’s a long flight too. What’s it like, eight hours?
That whole week, you probably ran 100 miles in a week or something like that.
I think it was like 77 maybe. I’m not good at math.
So am I. That’s why I put it on you.
Plus every step you get in the regular walking of the park. That’s a lot too.
Although I’m thinking that week, she didn’t do that.
We did a little. We did rent a cabana. That’s become our new thing, like going to the water park. A big group of us chip in, get a cabana and just sit around. We can go into the Lazy Rripper and take it a little bit easier. Although in January 2024, it was 50 degrees, so we sat in there in sweatshirts and sweatpants, That’s fine.
The water park was still open?
Yeah. You would have thought we’d rented it out for ourselves because there were like 30 people there, and then you’ve got the brave kids who are like, “I’m still going down the water slide.” We’re like, “We’re just going to sit here and enjoy.”
People who are visiting from Alaska are like, “This is fine. I don’t know what the problem is.” We’ve never done the water park.
We never have. Is it worth doing compared to the rest of the parks?
I think it’s worth it if you’ve got the time. If I only had one or two days, I don’t know that I would pick that. It wasn’t crowded the two times we did it this year. That was nice to feel like it was a little bit less chaos than some of the other parks can be sometimes.
It can be chaos.
I’ll get back to Peloton. I know you love Matty and it sounds like you take classes with lots of people, but who do you consider your favorite instructor?
It’s probably Matty. He was my first, so I feel like I tend to go back. I do love Becs as well. I’ll put on a Becs, even if it’s a treadmill run while I’m outside doing a run. She was on another podcast and was talking about a race that she did and was saying how she had a fear of being defeated. She told herself like, “Look down at your feet. There’s the feet. Now, keep going.” Now I remind myself when runs get hard, I’m like, “There’s your feet.” I feel like she’s always got good inspirational stories and things a lot to focus on. I’ll put her in my ears every once in a while when I’m out there for a long run.
That’s a good one. I feel like Matty doesn’t do enough runs. I wish I saw a lot more runs from Matty because I feel like he’s a phenomenal coach and the way he talks, you forget your running. That’s wonderful for me. That’s exactly what I need.
Same. Sometimes I even put on a walk. I don’t need to direction of it. I know what the workout I’m doing is. I don’t have a treadmill. I don’t like the treadmill. Their workouts make me survive when I have to do the treadmill though, so that helps but I prefer to run outside. Listening and having that conversation and guidance of positive advice helps.
What is your leaderboard name?
It is KimRunsTheWorld.
More like Kim runs the Disney World.
I’ve run around the world. I just did a 5K in London but it is like a play on Disney.
Do you have any advice for people just entering the world of Peloton?
The one thing I would say is there is so much out there and so much goodness but start small. When I got my bike for the first time, I tried to ride every single day and my butt was stop riding every single day. It takes a little while to get used to those little seats, but there are a lot of great beginner classes. Plug into some of those. Get familiar with the form of things, and how to use the equipment, and start small. You’ll build up and take on those big classes before you know it. Try all the instructors. That’s the thing too. I get stuck with the few that I use but then I try to branch out somebody else every once in a while to make sure that equal love for all.
That’s great advice.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you in all the places if you would like to be found.
You can find me on Instagram as @KimmyRunsTheWorld. My sisters and I document our training over on YouTube at Sisters Run the World. If you want to see Disney races or your training for a fall Marathon or any of the Dopey variations, we will be training along over there as well.
That’s wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me.
That brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on all social media and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon where for $5 a month you get all sorts of bonus content. You get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early, and we like you a little extra. This week we’re going to be talking about Kendall and throwing shade at Peloton. Come on in. The water is fine. Thanks for listening. Until next time, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.
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