362. Peloton Pulls Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Music Plus Our Interview With Jose Quintero
- Peloton “pauses” Sean Combs music.
- Peloton launches global refinancing.
- Peloton creates mindful music playlist.
- Peloton hit the goal for Project Healthy Minds.
- Tweaks to the website.
- Peloton sued for collapsing bike.
- MetPro/Angelo – Struggling to find the balance in a calorie deficit.
- Robin Arzon and Benny Adami are doing a Hyrox race.
- Susie Chan has a book event at PSL.
- Jermaine Johnson participated in Knife Crime Awareness Week.
- Jon Hosking injured ankle has escalated to a boot.
- Helper Bee Nikki takes us to Peloton High.
- The latest artist series features Rolling Stones.
- Is someone creating a knock-off of…Echelon?
- TCO Top 5.
- This Week At Peloton.
- There are new Yoga and Meditation Challenges for June.
- Lululemon releases its Pride Collection.
- Birthdays – Ash Pryor (5/20), Jess King (5/29)
All this plus our interview with Jose Quintero!
Watch the episode here
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Peloton Pulls Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Music Plus Our Interview With Jose Quintero
We’re starting a little late. I had a work drama.
You had work gossip.
It was a drama that then turned into a gossip. Getting the scoop on all the shenanigans among classic rock bands. It was deep, pretty fascinating. Straight from the horses’ mouths. I should not name the band but it’s the band that is right now in the middle of a very contentious lawsuit. I was hearing one side’s version of it.
You are so giddy right now.
Let’s do the Bingo call.
That’s a great idea. Bingo number one this week is Ross Rayburn.
Get that before they purchase classes.
They’re not going to purchase classes anytime soon. We have a three-year lead time.
I have to scare people though.
I know. You’ll get them all riled up.
It’s great. It’s so fun.
At the same time, I missed the days when everybody got riled up about everything. Now people are so dead inside about everything. Now we get riled up about nothing.
They were like, “It is what it is.”
Maybe it was better back in the day when people cared. If you argue about everything, you are also passionate about everything. There’s a good and a bad side to it.
We don’t argue about everything. Are you saying we don’t have passion?
No, I am not saying that because when we do argue, it doesn’t get violent or anything. We are very stubborn, both of us. Every once in a while, there will be something.
Is that why you’re wrong about something often?
There has to be a cool-down period.
You realize that I was right.
You need to stop because we’re going to have them right now.
What pray tell do you have in store for people?
There’s so much happening. This whole Sean Combs thing and then there’s the global financing, Peloton teaming off with EDM music bands, and a new movie on the Peloton platform. What was that about? There are all kinds of stuff. There are new lawsuits we have to touch on. Angelo stopped by and we talked about how to find the balance of calorie deficit. You want to exercise but then you want to have a calorie deficit, so how to not eat back all the calories you exercise? We have lots of instructor news. There’s an amazing Peloton article that I’m going to talk about here for a second. If you haven’t read the superlatives article that we put together, you need to stop what you’re doing and read it because it will make you smile.
People are loving it. Instructors are sharing it.
Plus, Echelon has a knockoff. The irony. We’ll get into all of that.
Before all of that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget we are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, and iHeart. Wherever you get a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That is super helpful and greatly appreciated. You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. It’s a great way to stay up to date on things throughout the week. It’s a great way to stay up to date on things throughout the week. Maybe talk to other people. It’s nicer than the OPP because if it’s not, we kick them out. We also have a Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut, where for $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content and this week is full. We have an update on Oliver Lee and Daniel McKenna.
Lots of stuff going on over there. You get a bonus episode every week. It’s 20 to 25 minutes of extra content. There’s like a whole other show going on over there. Also, if we get the episode early, you get it early, and you get the episodes ad-free. If you want to swing by there, we’d love to have you. You can also watch us on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. Finally, you can sign up for our newsletter where you get links just to remind you that we exist once a week in your inbox over at TheClipOut.com. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
People have always struggled with whether it is Puff Daddy because he keeps changing it, P Diddy, Ditty. We finally figured out how to solve that. You get yourself arrested and now you’re Sean Combs. They stop with all the cute names and you’re just Sean Combs. Peloton had his music pulled from the platform.
I want to clarify that they paused the use of his music. There will be no additional classes including his music, but they did pull the Bad Boy Entertainment artist series. As of yesterday anyway, there was still a class on Lanebreak, undetermined if that was winding its way through the system or if they forgot about Lanebreak.
For people who are unaware, he has been charged with multiple sexual assaults. He has admitted to the physical assault. He had denied it repeatedly and shamed people for spreading hurtful gossip, and then a video came out and he’s like, “Oh, that one,” and then apologized. These apologies are almost never good, but I guess he has contractually forbidden from saying her name in the agreement that the two of them had reached. I’m sure that made it even harder. He’s being investigated by the FBI. It’s a whole thing.
It’s been circling the drain. He paid off the hotel that carried that tape.
That’s the thing that I’m surprised we’re not hearing more about. Part of the reason that the video has not surfaced previously is he purchased it from the hotel for $50,000. I don’t know what hotel that was my guess is it’s probably a major chain. Sean Combs isn’t staying at a Motel 6. The fact that the hotel was willing to suppress that for a fee is pretty gross. People should be calling them to task for it and they don’t seem to be.
The video was really bad.
It’s not like there’s an offense like they’re in the middle of an argument and she grabbed him and he defended.
You said it perfectly the other day. These apologists were like, “Then women should leave their abusers.” She was trying.
She was leaving. As you said, apologists for people who do things like this are like, “The woman should leave.” She was leaving.
She was on her way out the door.
When you wonder why women don’t leave, it’s because of this. This is what happens if you don’t do it right.
When you try to leave your abuser, that is the most dangerous time. I never talked about it, but in my experience, that’s freaking true. It’s really scary. I also want to say that Peloton is not censoring. This is not censoring. They are removing their endorsement of him and sending money his way.
You can go buy his CD.
Absolutely, and listen to his music. That is your prerogative. There are a lot of people who are rightfully upset at putting their money towards a domestic abuser.
I think one of the bigger problems they’re going to have with his music is that he produced so much music. Normally, a producer is pretty much a no-name to the general public. If you say name a famous record producer, they would probably go Sean Combs, Phil Spector, I’m out. What do you do with all the Biggie songs? What do you do with all the Maze songs?
There’s a ton, and then all the collaborations that he appears on.
It’s hard to disentangle.
I don’t know where the line is.
You then end up punishing people who did nothing wrong. It’s a tricky situation.
That happened.
Peloton has done some global refinancing. I’ll let you explain.
They had a big loan coming due this year. They talked about the fact that they were going to refinance it. This should be a surprise to no one. They were working with JP Morgan. They said that on the last earnings call. We’ve reported it. This gets very confusing because what they did was they’re offering $275 million aggregate principal in the amount of convertible senior notes that are due in 2029 in a private offering. Some people can buy those, and then and then they can enter into a $1 billion five-year term loan facility. Why is facility in this word usage? It doesn’t make any sense.
I have not understood a word you said since global refinancing.
What they’re hoping is that people buy into some of these loans. JP Morgan is helping them, and this will allow them to have more runway of time to pay it back. This is very common in the corporate world. What’s interesting to me is that yet again, Wall Street was like, ”Oh, bad.” Here’s why. Everyone thought they were going to get bought by a private equity firm. This makes that more likely it will not
This is indicative that’s not occurring.
I’m confused as to why Wall Street ever thought that they were going to because they said up front, “We’re refinancing. We’re working with JP Morgan.” These people are on the call. Explain to me how it went up in the first place then. I don’t get that. That’s why I don’t like any of these people.
It’s very confusing. If the stock market hates it, it’s probably good.
It’s good from the standpoint that it gives Peloton more time to pay it back.
There was a note coming due and do and if they didn’t do this, then they would have been in real trouble.
It was this or get bought, and now it’s this. The people who are unhappy about it are unhappy because it means Peloton, most likely, will not get bought. If you were in Team Private Equity, you would be disappointed.
Let’s talk about non-business things. ODESZA has a film coming out.
A concert film.
You’re going to be able to watch it on your Peloton device.
That’s the big news here. There are going to be special ODESZA classes. That’s the other piece of the news There are a couple of them. It’s like a mini artist series occurring in the middle of the week, but more importantly to me, it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a film put on the platform directly there. That’s the news.
Is that going to be like a scenic class?
I think it’s whatever you want it to be.
Where will it live?
In Entertainment, I guess. I don’t know. It’s not there yet. Stay tuned. I envisioned it under Entertainment, but I don’t know if there will be metrics that you can have along like when they did the Badwater thing for Susie. They put it into a class format so that when you watched that documentary, you could take the class as you did it. You had your metrics from taking the class. It’s unclear if that’s this, or if it’s the same thing. If you were watching Netflix on the bike or the tread, there’s there’s a way to get your metrics up on there. I guess that’s what this is.
I think this is going to be available for purchase or rental on various streaming platforms like Amazon, Apple, and VUDU. Does that mean if you have Peloton, you get it for free?
No, because it said in the release it would be on the Peloton platform. It didn’t say you could access it through those other platforms.
I saw another press release and it said it’s available on streaming platforms on May 24th, which is the same day that this class comes out.
That wasn’t my point. My point was that the release does not say you can access it on the Peloton platform by using Netflix or VUDU. It’s just saying it’s on the platform.
I agree. That’s why I’m asking. Does Peloton give it for free?
I don’t know. That’s what I’m telling you.
It’s very confusing. We will find out on May 24th.
By the time people hear this, we will have already figured it out. I did think that was interesting. Also, you noticed that ODESZA has been a staple of Peloton for a long time now.
I’ve heard their music in lots of Peloton things.
They used it in a Peloton commercial before. It was a cluster series back in All For One in ‘22. Most recently, they had the Webby award-winning story Something is Everything about Shaute Mae and it was featured there as well. Even though we don’t know who they are, I wanted people to know that this is not a random thing. This is been a collaboration for a long time.
I think if you’re an EDM person, this is a huge act. It’s just that’s not our Jam so we don’t know who it is, but I do think that in that world, they’re a big deal. From my googling, they seem to matter. While we’re speaking of Peloton and music, they have created a mindful music playlist that’s available on Spotify.
You might as well go to our website and get it there because It takes a while to find it. I thought Nikki was going to kill me because she was like, “Where is this thing?” She had to go on a whole hunt to find it. It was not an easy way to do it. This is what she said, “Finding this gem of a playlist on Spotify can be a bit tricky. Trust us. We searched and searched. Currently, the only other way to find it is Peloton’s Instagram story which will expire tomorrow.” We got you. It’s on our website.
If you find it, be sure and follow it so you can keep it.
If you go through us, then we’ll always have everything for you. It’s four and a half hours of music. It’s not insubstantial. It’s definitely got a lot.
Peloton was attempting to hit 20 million minutes in 24 hours, then they would donate to Project Healthy Minds.
I think that’s pretty notable though in 24 hours, 20 million minutes.
What do they normally do? It might be something they do every day. It might be a Tuesday. We don’t know.
Even if it is, I still think that’s notable because people talk about how Peloton is such a flash in the pan and it’s so behind us. It’s like, ”Really?” because a lot of people are still using it. I still think it’s worth noting even if that is a Tuesday.
You have noticed all sorts of little things getting changed.
This was just interesting to note. For example, there are a bunch of different FAQs that Peloton has out there. One of the things they say is that you can use your app on let’s say all major browsers on the web, but now instead of listing them separately, it’s web and TV, desktop browsers and Apple TV, Android TV, Roku and Fire TV. You can also use it on third-party equipment and the Bluetooth FTMS-enabled treadmills and rowers. Those two things have been added. We knew that there was the capability but it hasn’t officially been added to their FAQ.
It’s probably out of beta or whatnot. They are actually claiming it.
Now they’re saying that you can use Bluetooth-enabled devices with the Peloton app. You can use Bluetooth-compatible headphones, heart rate monitors, fitness trackers, smart watches, or anything as long as you have a Peloton member app plus membership. When you’re using a third-party Bluetooth FTMS-enabled treadmill or rower, you can also connect to your equipment and track your workout. I thought those two things were interesting. One last thing is now they say they are including real-time metrics from third-party devices. It’s interesting that the language is changing. I feel like there still could be more to come for this, but I find it fascinating.
Also, Peloton has put bikes and Bike+ on sale.
I’m not sure when this ends but it popped up this week. There were two price points.
It was $995 for a bike and $1,595 for a Bike+.
That’s incredible. I had no idea you could remember things other than pop culture. I am impressed. That is true. We’re going to talk about apparel later, but everything’s going to be on sale as we head into Memorial Day. I think we’re going to see sale, sale, sale. Buy the stuff.
Peloton is getting sued again. This time, it’s for a bike collapsing.
This is so weird though because of the dates on this thing. Yolanda Crawford is allegedly suing Peloton and RXO Last Mile, the contractor that assembled and delivered her bike. It was delivered back on May 21st. 2021. That’s the confusing part.
I think that’s how bogged down courts are.
Three years?
How long does it take for this last round with my ex-wife? It was a year and a half. It was almost two full years for nothing.
It says she filed it. It doesn’t say that this has been litigated.
It might be that they have all that language now about mediation. Maybe they didn’t like the result and so now they’re trying to sue, but this doesn’t sound like a Peloton problem. This sounds like an RXO problem if it’s an actual problem. According to the article, she started doing a ride and then her handlebars completely dropped. Her handlebars had completely collapsed. She fixed that and then her seat collapsed later. That threw her off the bike and she hit the wall or whatever. That sounds to me like whoever assembled the bike did a poor job.
I agree with that but I will say there has been the whole recall because of the seats that had to be replaced, but that was only on Bike+. I’ll also say that. It’s unclear. She was able to get up off the floor and then went to the hospital for emergency treatment. She is saying in her suit that negligence on the part of Peloton and RX.
I get that you’re going to throw Peloton in that lawsuit because it’s going to get you the headlines and they’ve got deeper pockets. They probably still have some degree of responsibility because they contracted with RXO, but this article sounds like more of a setup issue than a bike issue.
The handlebars had that direction.
That then makes you think they didn’t do any of it right.
It’s very possible. It’s not the first time. I’m sure it won’t be the last time. How many people have had their pedals fall off? Even you know that.
If you’re a Patreon subscriber, more shows. For the rest of you, coming up after this, we will talk to Angelo about struggling to find balance with calorie deficits. Stick around.
Joining us once again is Angelo from MetPro here to answer all of your fitness and nutrition questions. How’s it going?
Thanks for having me.
We appreciate you being here and giving some help to our listeners. Irina is struggling to workout while in a deficit. She struggles to find the balance, fueling her body for workouts, and then not eating back all the calories. I knew you were going to need additional information. I asked some questions. She does do morning cardio.
She does a 45 to 60-minute run or ride every day. She has fruit and coffee before that, then she has breakfast right after that. She also has lunch and dinner. She did not give me the time for that. She’s eating basically three times a day with a snack in the morning before. She also said that she does a 20 to 30-minute strength in the evenings, four times a week. She said that she gets so hungry after these runs or a tough strength session and that’s why it’s hard not to eat the calories back.
A-plus on getting that information. That was great. A little bit more actionable information. First of all, congrats, Irina. You’re doing great. You have a good routine here. That sounds very healthy. You describe the challenge of being in a deficit and training. You described the sport of physique training. That’s physique sports because they’re going through cutting, bulking, and stripping cycles. That is the challenge to make that all work. You can’t deplete your body too far. That doesn’t work for anyone. That works for 24 hours and you crash and burn. There are things you can do.
What I’m going to tell you now is an extreme example, but the principle will apply. I had a client who was prepping for a fitness competition. She wanted to get her body fat percentage low, but when she would eat the intake that was keeping her stage ready, she would be ravenously hungry and would not have the energy to get through the workouts. That’s why, unfortunately, at the extreme end of things, you see competitors supplementing with a lot of energy supplements, over-caffeinating, and things like that. They’re trying to make up for not getting enough actual food fuel in them.
What we did for her was while we did have to increase her intake a little, we were able to keep her closer to her stricter calorie intake and threshold by timing her calories and her meals in such a way that she had the fuel when she was using it. In 99% of the cases, here’s simply what that means. I can make it simple for you. You don’t have to do a bunch of calculations when you’re exercising. That’s all good but it’s simpler than that. You need more of your calories earlier in the day.
This particular competitor did phenomenally. She ate six times, but to be able to do everything that she was doing, her last meal of the day was at 5:30. Think about that. That means as soon as she woke up, she was eating a couple of snacks before lunch, then another snack and dinner. She was getting all of that in, where the majority of her calories, she had gotten by 1:00. This is the repeat after me saying, “Calories you have not yet consumed can’t help you.”
This is why you have an American epidemic of people who are at the gym, exhausted even though they are over-calorie. It’s because they’re eating those calories at night when they’re sitting in the recliner watching TV via junk food or whatever those extra calories are at a time that it is not going to help them. They’re getting ready to go to bed.
You’re doing morning cardio. I understand why you’re doing the fruit and coffee there. Try and add a little bit more, perhaps even a protein shake or something light to go with the fruit. Have that breakfast and make that breakfast substantial, and then have lunch early. What you might try doing is having your next meal early as well. Maybe even a late afternoon dinner if your schedule permits, and then in the evening, you could do a lighter snack.
What you may find is that may not completely solve it, but it will alleviate a lot of the troubles that you’re having by getting more of your calories early in the day. Finally. I’ll leave you with an example of a client that I had. We tried everything to get him to lose weight. He was very determined and consistent with his nutrition, but he had an unusual appetite. I’ve dieted thousands and thousands of people. This guy had a legit appetite. He would train twice a day. He would train first thing in the morning and then he would train again at night.
As soon as we moved to Second training session to mid-afternoon right after lunch, he was able to control his appetite. We’re able to get him to lose the weight. That’s not always the answer but it was for him. The timing of your calories matters. I’m hoping that that helps a little bit, Irina. This is the type of stuff that we love helping people. Feel free to. at any point. reach out to us or any of our professionals to help take a closer look at these details to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need for the results you want.
Awesome. If people want to reach out and talk to you or Crystal about some eating strategy, where can they find you?
Wonderful. Thank you.
Robin Arzon and Benny Adami are doing a Hyrox Rocks race.
Two separate races.
I thought they would be racing each other.
They live in two different countries. It’s a little tough to do that. I didn’t know about this but it’s a race that’s sort of like CrossFit.
I was thinking that too. It’s like how Oreos have Hydrox, and CrossFit has Hyrox.
It’s like CrossFit but then not, and then they turn it all into a race. The participants run 1 kilometer and then they do one functional workout station and then they do that eight times. They keep repeating that eight times. The races are hosted indoors in these big exhibition halls. Here it would be like down at the big dome thing.
It’s like a Convention Center or an empty arena.
That means that it’s super immersive and intense because everybody is going fast. Everybody is right there together.
You can watch the whole race with your friends. It’s not like a marathon. It’s just like they will run by you and you’re like, “I guess we’re done for 26 miles.” You can view the whole thing.
Some people go to different support stations, but it’s okay. We’ve talked about this already on the show.
I don’t listen to that.
The format is consistent. Even though Benny and Robin may not be in the same ones, they will be doing the same pair. They could and it enables global leaderboards because of that and accumulative World Championship at the end of each race season. We at The Clip Out found it fascinating that Robin is posting about it in her stories. Benny is posting about it on his stories. I can’t help but wonder if something is going to happen. I don’t know when, but it feels like there could be a thing because it’s one thing to go workout, but to be posting about it feels like there could be potentially something Peloton-related coming.
We shall see.
Even if it’s not, I can’t wait to see how they do and be able to compare their results. That’ll be pretty cool.
Tunde was in a car accident.
She is okay. Today is Wednesday. She did cancel her classes this morning, but she is okay. She’s fine and she will be back. We just wanted to send our well wishes out to Tunde. That’s scary. I know. In the video that she put out, she looked great. What I mean by that was unlike when I got hit by a car. You could not tell visually that she had been hit by a car.
Was she hit by a car or was she in another car?
She was in another car, like a traditional car accident. Two cars. I don’t know if it was two cars. It could have been a single car. I don’t know.
She was not struck by a vehicle.
She was not. I didn’t mean to draw back comparisons. I was saying that she looked amazing and I looked like what dogs do. You would have never known that she got hit by a car. I look like somebody has beat the shit out of me.
To increase your bone density, do some strength training. Share on XIt was bad. I couldn’t go out in public with you for a long time because I got dirty looks. “I’m not that guy. I’m not Sean Combs.”
You are not. Thank goodness.
Susie Chan has a book event coming up at PSL.
June 6 is going to be the celebration of the launch of her book. It’s called Trails in Tribulations: The Running Adventures of Susie Chan. Not only do you get to get the book because it’s signed if you’re lucky enough to go, but also there is a pre-event reception and you get a chance to meet the community. You also get a Q&A with Susie. It’s going to be hosted by a special guest who has not been named yet. You also get to do a meet and greet with her. It’s a photo op basically. That’s very cool.
Jermaine Johnson participated in the Knife Awareness Week.
I didn’t know this was a thing.
That’s because, in America, we don’t have to worry about knives because we have guns. In England or the UK, guns aren’t legal so there aren’t any guns of a significant number. The criminal element uses knives. When you first sent this to me, I was staring at it like when you make a weird noise in front of a puppy. I was like, “Knife Crime Awareness Week?” Then it was like what a uniquely American reaction, “You can shoot people. Why would you get a knife? Why would they use knives when all these guns are lying around? They’ll issue them to you.” I don’t mean to make it light if you were stabbed. That’s awful, but as an American, the idea of being worried about knives instead of guns sounds positively quaint.
I wouldn’t mind going back to those days.
You don’t hear a lot of school mass stabbings.
It sadly had, but there are fewer.
The toll is a lot lower than a shooting typically.
I thought it was nice that they took the time to go talk to a boy’s school and talk to them about staying on the straight and narrow and making good choices. I thought that was cool.
With a knife, that’s going to be an unregulated tool. At least there is some barrier to entry for getting a gun theoretically. For a knife, there isn’t any. If you’re a young street tough, you can go buy a buy a knife anywhere.
Get one out of your kitchen.
There’s nothing to stop someone. I’m sure a lot of it is trying to convince kids to not even pick up the knife and have it at the ready when they find themselves getting mad at somebody.
First of all, I love learning new things and I did not know this was a thing. It’s a whole week in the UK. That’s great, then also I think it’s cool that he did that.
Jon Hosking got the boot. I can’t believe the story isn’t stacked higher in the show. Why would they do that? He’s so popular. People love him. He seems like a nice guy.
All of which are true, but he didn’t get the boot. He got a boot. You might remember a while back that he had to exit the London Marathon. He had an ankle injury that had occurred because he had been running a lot more miles as he was getting ready to do the marathon, and then he kept doing classes. I’m not saying that’s why. What I do know is that it does not appear to be healing on its own naturally, so he’s got to put it in the boot and immobilize it to get it back to where it should be.
For our British listeners, we should say it’s an actual boot. He did not put his ankle in the trunk of a car. We want them to know that. For our Canadian listeners, he did not put his leg in and about. I don’t know what that would be. They were likely saying, “About what? Who what? I don’t understand what you’re saying, American podcast talkers.” For our German listeners, I don’t have a I don’t have a German equivalent here.
Speaking of German listeners, I got an email and I never emailed back. It’s been sticking to my to-do list. I keep it on my mental to-do list that I want to answer. Somebody asked, “What the hell is the OPP that you keep talking about?” Fair question. The OPP, German listeners, is the Official Peloton Page found on Facebook. Anybody in the world could join that but it is all in English. It’s based in America.
There is also a Facebook group for Germany. There’s a Facebook group for the UK riders and the Australian riders. This first one is inclusive of everyone. We call it the OPP because it used to be the Official Peloton Page back in the day when it had far fewer people on it. Now it is a complete shit show where you say one thing like, “The moon came out today,” and then you will be mocked for it mercilessly for hours. Why people ever post on there, I do not know.
For our German listeners and our UK listeners, if you go to the OPP, you will be like, “That’s America. That’s what they’re like.”
They think we’re rude. We will not be shattering any stereotypes on that page.
We will not persuade you of that notion.
Good luck to Jon, back to his boot.
Helper Bee Nikki put together quite a popular article.
She masterfully did the cover art as well. I was very impressed with everything about this article. It’s graduation season and she wanted to celebrate. I have to say it’s tough to pick up my favorite. One that stood out to me was Best of Bromance because she had Husky and Ben, Husky and Matty, Husky and Erik, Husky and Cliff, Husky and, anybody? He gets along with everyone so well.
Also, my other favorite I think is the low-key thirst traps. She talks about how Adrienne Williams and Erick Jeager are both low-key thirst traps because they post all these pictures where they’re half naked and doing workouts and they look amazing, but they act like they don’t know that they have all the women going, “Oh” and also men who are into men. Whatever your gender, you can appreciate it. Lots of funny stuff there.
The last one that I will mention is the greatest celebrity look-alike. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Denis Morton and Jason Bateman are like the same person. Nikki had a ball with this, but we had more of a ball reading it. The instructors have been getting a kick out of it. They love it.
If you want to check that out yourself, you can find it in the newsletter that will go out. You can also find it over at TheClipOut.com. Coming up to this, we’re going to tell you about the next artist series featuring someone we actually know and an Echelon knock-off. What the hell did you say?
An artist series of someone I know.
Who doesn’t know the Stones?
I would think even Millennials are going to know what they sound like.
They probably know it as the background music of a meme or something, but they know it. There are probably memes of Mick Jagger.
Somebody used Satisfaction in a TikTok.
They know them. That’s the point.
That’s a big one.
It’s huge. They’re going to have fourteen different classes. Two of them are in Spanish, and three are in German. They’re all taking place on the 23rd. By the time you hear this, they will be up and out on the platform. That’s cool. I saw something for everybody, walking, running, flowing, all the things.
I’m glad they’re doing a bunch because there should be a bunch. I say that as someone who as much as I love my classic rock. I don’t like the Stones.
We talked about this not very long ago because we had seen it was coming up as an artist series so we talked about that a little bit. I still agree with that for sure. It’s not my thing, but they have such a huge breadth of music that if you’re going to have it, you can’t do justice with a class or two.
They put many important and relevant songs for a 25 or 30-year stretch that you can’t do two classes and call it a day.
Did you know that this tour is only going to be in sixteen cities?
That’s pretty common for them these days. In the summer, they’ll play in stadiums because they are big enough to where people will travel. They drop them in different regions and then they go out and they do those shows and that’s it.
They say that they’re going to be playing deep cuts and tracks also from their new album Hackney Diamonds.
They don’t want to sell tickets.
They’re going to play the hits too.
That’s the thing. They have so many hits. You want them to play the hits. They can play fifteen hits and they’re going to leave at least another fifteen on the table, so they put in Deep Cuts and stuff. They did a tour a while back. I thought that was cool. They would go to a town and they would do three shows. They would do a stadium show, and then they would do a theater show, and then they would do a club show. At the club show, it was all Deep Cuts. One, it was hard to get into the club show, but you weren’t going to miss Sympathy for the Devil, Honky Tonk Woman, or Satisfaction. They were going to play nothing but stuff for the diehards. That’s clever,
That makes a lot of sense, and maybe they figure they’ve been around so long that if you wanted to go to a concert, you had plenty of time.
That is true. That’s 60 years at this point.
They’re like, “We’re going to play what we want to play.”
This was spotted by one of our listeners Naomi Winn. She posted an image of an Echelon Studio in Dublin, and we’re doubling over with that.
It’s not Echelon and you can tell because it’s not the right color because it would be red. It would be copying Peloton. It’s white.
It’s like Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox.
People who do pay attention to Echelon pretty much felt like there would be some copyright issues here. I’m like, “The irony.” Are you kidding me? Echelon should never be allowed to sue anybody for copying anything. That’s their entire business model. What is somebody else doing? We should do that. I find it hilarious and I can’t get enough of that.
That’s pretty hysterical. Also, who’s going to that?
People in Dublin? To them, it’s probably just a cycling studio. That’s it.
Do you think they picked the name by accident? Maybe they do not sell Echelons in Ireland?
I think it is very possible. I think that it could be an honest-to-God accident.
Do you remember there was a store in Saint Louis that was calling themselves Peloton?
I do. We had a lot to do with that store no longer being here.
We’re like, “Peloton, is this you?” They’re like, “No.”
“We will be making phone calls,” because I was like hit the brakes.
Before, there were Peloton stores everywhere.
That was a long time ago. I was like, “This is not right. This is not Peloton.” Everything about it said it was. That was a real suspect as the kids say.
Bingo call it. Do it.
Becs Gentry.
There we go. Now let’s talk TCO Top Five. Every week, we asked you what your favorite class of the week was. You tell us and then we tell everybody. The first one is your favorite Peloton walk.
Our favorite Peloton walk is a two-for-one. It was 30 minutes long for the 20 million-minute walk plus run. It’s confusing as a title. The two-for-one was with Adrian Williams and Alex Toussaint. Sarah Lester said it was even better seeing that she was faster than the professional athletes in the room. Jessica Sanford said that it was so freaking good. Tina took this class too, and she said there were professional athletes literally hanging on to the side and walking at 1,5 miles per hour. You need to take the class to see that. You feel good about your form and how fast you are. Remember, they are professional athletes.
That’s how I feel when I’m hanging out with Joe Hodgson and I say something that makes him laugh, or if he clicks laugh on one of my Facebook posts. Now you know how I feel.
I know. I’ve been there. I’ve seen it.
Number two, favorite Peloton strength class.
This took place on May 10th. It was arms and shoulder strength, 10 minutes, with Rebecca Kennedy. Kim Hardinbattle said, “This class is a bicep killer. Don’t be fooled by Rebecca’s recommendation to use light weights. You’ll find that after 12 different movements in 10 minutes, your arms are still going to be screaming to stop. It does not matter.”
Number three, favorite Peloton Power Zone ride.
This took place on April 17th, and it was a 45-minute endurance ride with Hannah Frankson. Laura McGinty said that she loved this ride. She said she had never taken a class with Hannah and she loved her and loved the playlist too. It had Give It To Me featuring Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, and Nelly Furtado. There was Snoop Dogg, Still Dre with Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, and Like This by Mims. Also, the intervals were entirely in zones two and three.
Four, your favorite Peloton class modality.
Nikki, I loved that she suggested this because I take these classes all the time. She said to take Just Walk because she did one. She did it while listening to an audiobook but she loved it because it was a walk and she got Peloton credit. You could listen to a podcast too. Either way, I do this all the time and I find it super helpful because if I want to do a class, I’ll do a strength class on the Tonal and I turn on Just Strength and I still get my credit for it. I like that because I can see all the minutes that I work out. Otherwise, it’s too divided. I’m glad she brought this up. I think that’s very smart to do.
If you’re a glutton for punishment, your favorite unstackable.
Our unstackable is a 30-minute metal ride with Charlotte Weidenbach. It took place on Sunday 5/12. I know this will not shock you but Billy Lenore loved it. He used multiple exclamation points in his review and he said, “It was super hard. The playlist was epic. We finally got a sleep token song.” This was the hardest metal class for him since the days of JJ. The difficulty rating did come in at 8.3 out of 10. That’s not saying nothing.
Now let’s take a look at what’s coming up this week at Peloton. You have Mental Health Awareness Month.
A lot of these classes are circling around that. There’s a class that is a 30-minute body appreciation ride. That was led by Leanne Hainsby. I skipped by the top. Sorry about that. There are a lot of Mental Health Awareness classes that are taking place. Jermaine Johnson, Ana Greenberg, Kendall, and Ash Pryor. There’s a whole bunch out there. You can click on the collections. You can find all of those classes in one place. There is a new Yin Yoga series. It’s called Creating Space. We talked a little bit about this. It is going to be led by Kira Michel and then she has guest instructors. There’s a new episode with Kirsten Ferguson, and then there are new meditation badges, so new challenges.
There are new yoga challenges too.
You can take either yoga or meditation. If you take 15 of these workouts, you get a gold. If you take 10, you get silver, and 5, you get bronze. That’s for meditation and yoga. I’m glad to see that those badges came back and not just one month. They will be repeating apparently. It’s not only in May. We are going to be seeing them in June. That’s the other highlight here. Those challenges are continuing not just in May but going into June. There’s another new challenge coming up. I don’t think you caught that part. They say June at the top, so I wanted to point that out.
Lululemon has released its Pride collection.
I thought it was interesting because it does not appear to be Peloton.
It’s just Lululemon.
Cody was posting about it for obvious reasons.
He’s a Lululemon ambassador.
He is a proponent of the Pride. I also wanted to mention that a bunch of new stuff also dropped that was Lululemon, but not Pride in the Peloton apparel store. Lots of Lululemon everywhere.
We should start by backing up. I missed Ash Pryor last week on the birthdays. She had a birthday on May 20th. If you reach out to her belatedly, feel free to blame that on Crystal.
No, because I posted about it on the correct day. That’s on you, my friend.
You can still blame it on Crystal. It will be our little secret.
I don’t think Ash Pryor even knows who I am.
She’s got a better chance of knowing you than me.
That’s fair.
Coming up on May 29th is Jess King’s birthday.
Happy birthday to Ash and Jess.
Coming up after this, we’re going to talk to our guests of the week. We met this gentleman when we were in Catalina, doing the Arthur the Dog thing. His name is Jose Quintero. He’s coming up after this, so stick around.
A lot of fun.
Joining us is Jose Quintero. Jose, how is it going?
What’s up, you guys? I’m honored to be a part of your show. I’m excited to be here.
We are honored to have you here. I have to share with our audience that we met when we had that crazy experience at Catalina Island. That was Insane for Arthur the King. We bonded over Peloton. I was like, “You do Peloton?” We had questions.
That’s exactly how I felt when we started talking and how the conversation started. It’s funny that you mentioned that about Peloton because the conversation started when I saw your watch. I think you have a Whoop. I had an Apple watch at the time. You’re like, “It’s because I like the analytics because I have a Peloton.” I’m like, “I have a Peloton tread.” You have a Peloton bike. I ended up getting the Garmin, but I don’t know if I should transition into the Whoop because I do love outdoor running as well. I’m still trying to figure that out.
It’s a very personal decision. I’ve got both because I’m a huge nerd.
God gave you two wrists for a reason.
Exactly. I have the Whoop on one wrist because when I sleep, it has all of the analytics all the time. When I have the Apple watch, sometimes you have to charge it so often. There were times that I would lose those analytics while I was sleeping because I’d have to charge the Apple watch overnight. I like both because I feel like Whoop gives super in-depth analytics about your recovery. I will say though when it comes to the actual tracking of distance, I feel like Garmin is the best.
I’ve had my Garmin for about a month and I love it. I love long distance. I don’t know how accurate it is on a treadmill, but that’s okay. When I go outside, I am enamored by it.
Discovering Peloton
I’m glad you’re happy with your wearables at the moment. I always like to start these interviews by going back and finding out when you found Peloton and how you decided it would be good to integrate into your typical routine.
My first experience with Peloton was with the Peloton bike. You hear the advertisements and whatnot. You think that’s pretty interesting but they’re not necessarily at a gym. It always takes that one friend or person. I was in college when they came out. At that time, they were pretty pricey for a college student and even a recent grad.
I had older friends who graduated beforehand. When they started getting their own places, one of the things that they started implementing was, I wouldn’t necessarily say a home gym, but little specs of it. It then became a bigger thing during the pandemic. One of my friends, Caesar, had a Peloton bike and he’s like, “You have to try it it.” I’m like, “Biking isn’t for me. I’m more of a runner. I like weightlifting.” One night he said, “Try it out.” He started pushing it on me and to a certain extent, I was like, “I don’t know.”
After the second or third time, I went to his house because he lived in LA and I work in LA. I was at his house and he was working because I got out early. He’s like, “Give it a try. You haven’t gone to the gym. It won’t hurt you.” I’m like, “Okay. Fine.” I did a twenty-minute class and I was hooked. I was like, “I can’t believe my heart rate is so elevated. I can’t believe my thighs are burning. I can’t believe people do this for fun.”
You’re like, “Does Peloton make a shower?”
When I started building my gym at my home, I was like, “I have a treadmill but I need one that lasts a long time.” I love distance running. I love running outside, but sometimes, I love coming home. One of my guilty pleasures after a long day is watching TV. I’m like, “I’m going to incorporate fitness and TV all into one.” I put a giant TV in front of my treadmill and I started running. Sometimes the treadmills would wear so fast that I was like, “I’m going to pull the trigger. I’m going to buy the thread. I don’t care what people say,” because, “How much is it?” I don’t care. It’s an investment. I love my health. I bought the thread and I haven’t looked back. I have had it for almost two years.
The WHO has classified obesity as a chronic disease. Treat it as such. Share on XThat’s something that people, as they age, start to figure out that sometimes you’re better off buying something a little more expensive because it’s going to last longer and you don’t have to replace it as frequently. Maybe you could have gotten a tread for $800, but you might buy three of those treads over the course of four years instead of one tread or Tread+ that lasts.
In 2018, I had my Tread+. I love it so much.
She uses that a lot.
The Tread+ was recalled during the pandemic. Probably when you were purchasing, it wasn’t even on the market. You could only get the tread. They replaced the rear guard so that things can’t be pulled underneath the Tread+ and when the guy came out to fix it, I was like explain to me exactly what you were doing to this thing because this is gold to me. Please, you cannot screw it up. I need to understand exactly what you’re doing.” He was so nice and he showed me what he was going to do. It was fine and he did not hurt my tread at all.
It’s like an expensive child.
A very expensive child. Although, children are expensive too.
It is an investment. It is something that I use every single day and my family uses it because I live with my brothers. It’s just the three of us in the household. They do the same. They watch TV and they turn on the tread. Sometimes, we’ll do a class or just the normal setting.
New Entertainment Feature
Since you like to watch TV while you use your tread, did you start using the entertainment feature where you can watch YouTube and Netflix and whatnot directly on the tread screen or do you still use the big TV?
Do they do that?
I’m blowing his mind. This interview is over.
He’s like, “I’ll be right back.”
That was one of the biggest things when I first purchased it. I was like, “How do I get Netflix on here or YouTube of that sort?” I remember I was on Reddit and they said, “You can hijack the system. Go to the internet browser, then do it that way.” I’m like, “That is too complicated. Let me just set up a TV.”
Now there’s an entertainment tab on there. Not every platform is baked in but more and more every day.
When you’re looking at your interface, along the very bottom, it has different options. You could go do a Just Run, for example. It’s at the very bottom. Down there, it’ll either say “More” or “Entertainment.” They updated the tab to say “Entertainment.” When you click on that tab, a whole selection of third-party streaming comes up. For instance, you’re a person who likes sports. They have a whole basketball thing too that you can watch like the big championship games right in there. The only downside to any of that is that you have to log in to those third-party streaming apps each time.
It doesn’t come with free memberships for all of them. You have to have your own membership to each respective platform.
That’s interesting. I’m going to try that out. One thing that I do love about Peloton aside from the treadmill is because I have the membership, I’ve gone to hotels in Chicago and whatnot. They had Peloton there like bikes. You could log in with your user information. I’m like, “Oh, okay.” It still integrates because I’m still learning a lot of the things that it has. One time I did a trip to Mexico, and they don’t have Pelotons over there. They didn’t have it in that specific hotel. I have the Peloton app and it has a series of workouts there. I would like, “Look at me learning that there’s not just running.
That’s right. There’s running and biking. You could do Pilates and yoga.
I’m curious if the app will work in other countries. Do you still get the music and stuff in Mexico?
I didn’t know how licensing would work for that.
I’m taking classes there.
Did you?
Thanks for paying attention.
I was probably asleep.
You probably were.
It’s your wife.
It’s her time and I don’t like to intrude upon her time. I know that when we tried to log in the Netflix in Mexico, we had three shows and they were all from France.
That was weird, but Peloton doesn’t do that so far. Who knows? Things could change, but at the moment, you can use it wherever you are if you have the app.
Latino Representation
I love to see it expand and grow because when the Peloton bike was a thing, they always said that representation was huge. As a Latino, I’m like, “I love the instructors there.” A few years ago, I took a cycling class in LA. The instructor was a girl named Camila. Now she’s one of the instructors on Peloton.
That’s crazy. You took a class with her before she was a Peloton instructor?
That’s crazy. Was she different as an instructor then than she is now?
She’s still intense. She’s a sweetheart. She was amazing when I first met her because a friend took me. I work in entertainment. I work on radio. It was in Santa Monica and my friends were like, “Let’s take a cycling class. I have an extra membership that you can go to.” It was a free class. I’m like, “All right, cool.” “I want you to meet my friend Camila.” I’m like, “Okay, cool.” She was the instructor. She was intense. She was like, “Let’s go, you guys.” All Latin music-based. She’s kept that essence. I loved seeing her grow into this Peloton monster because she is a badass woman on there. Every time I go there, I’m like, “That is still the same Camilla I met years ago.”
I bet most of them are probably pretty much the same. I envision becoming a Peloton instructor is like joining the WWE. You don’t just show up one day and you work at the WWE. There are other wrestling places out there. You develop your shtick and your character, and then the WWE sees you and likes you. They bring you on board and say, “Now do that for us.” I think Peloton instructors are probably similar in that regard. You have to establish your persona. Once they like your persona, then they bring you on board and they say, “Do that here.”
That’s a good explanation because I thought, I’m like, “A recruitment with a coming-out song?” I’m like, “I don’t know if they’re acting. They seem pretty serious when they scream at me.”
Are we talking about the wrestlers or the instructors? I don’t even know anymore.
Bike Classes And Marathon Training
Does that mean that you still take bike classes to supplement your running or is it just the running that you do?
I take bike classes here and there. When I’m at hotels, I’ll get on the peloton because I feel like I’m comfortable and I would like to keep analytics for myself and see how much I’ve been improving. My day-to-day activities and what I use probably 9 out of the 10 times would be the Peloton thread.
When you are spending all this time running, are you training for specific events or do you love to run and it doesn’t matter?
For the longest, I was training for a marathon and whatnot. After the marathon back in 2020, it was March 17th or something like that, the LA Marathon then the world shut down. I’m like, “I got to do it. Awesome.”
They snuck that in under the wire because that Friday the 13th is when everybody figured out it was real and had a reaction collectively.
The classes and everything shut down that day.
I got the bug and I want to find a form of cardio. I want to become this hybrid athlete. I love strength training. I also need to improve my cardiovascular endurance and heart for longevity purposes. Many people are like, “I can’t. You’re weird.” Where you’re just like, “You like running?” I’m like, “I also like living.”
You mentioned that you like strength training. I feel like we should probably see if you’re aware of Tonal.
Don’t tell me this is another Peloton thing.
No, it’s worse because it’s not a Peloton thing. There’s more money attached. There’s a device. We have another show for Tonal. Tonal is like Peloton but for strength training. It’s like a TV that hangs sideways on your wall. You see it and you’re going to think it’s like a cable machine like Bowflex. You’re going to be like, “That’s dumb,” and it’s not dumb. It uses electromagnetic weights to replicate the resistance of various pounds.
You don’t have all these weights lying around.
It remembers how many pounds you lifted for a bicep curl last time. Every once in a while, since it’s digital, it can go up in one-pound increments. Instead of having to decide like, “I’ve been at 30. Can I handle 35?” It’ll be like, “No, but you can handle 31.” It does it. It’s pretty spiffy. It’s like having a personal trainer.
I’ve seen it on my Instagram ads and whatnot. I always think that’s pretty cool. I’ve never personally met anybody who’s had one besides the people in the ads. I’m like, “Can I message them? Can you send me one? I want to be a test subject for an art demographic.” That’s awesome. I didn’t even know that it keeps all those analytics and tells you, “This is how much you’re pulling. You should probably do more,” which is awesome.
During the pandemic as well, I have my Masters in Marketing. I do radio and whatnot but I got bored. I’ve always loved science. I said, “I’m going to get personal training certification and nutritional certification.” That is one of the things that I’ve always talked about with people who I worked with progressive overload.
For some machine or equipment to do that for you and to encourage progressive overload, it is great. As we get older, osteoporosis is a huge thing within our community, especially the Latino and African-American community because if we don’t have strong bones, then we’re going to slip and fall. That’s why you have older people breaking bones. You need to increase that bone density. How do you increase that bone density? With strength training.
Workout Setup
I did the same thing. Once I found Peloton, I got super sucked into the nerdy analytical side of all the data. I got my personal training certificate and my nutrition certificate. I had the same, “I want to learn more. I want to learn all of the things.” I’m curious then, do you have a squat rack and all those kinds of things in your house like you have your own setup? What different workouts do you do you said? You run pretty much every day. How do you incorporate the weights in with that?
The way my split is right now is I do have a squat rack and dumbbells. What I do is Mondays, I train legs and then Tuesdays, I train chest, shoulders, and back. On Wednesdays, I do cardio. I run every single day, 2 miles. On Wednesdays, I’ll do longer runs which is about 5 miles and abs. On Thursdays, I’ll do legs again, and on Fridays, I’ll do biceps, shoulders, and chest. Saturdays are my long runs. For example, today, I went out and did a 10-mile run.
Are you training for a marathon right now?
I want to say I am, but I haven’t signed up for one.
It’s like dating, “I’m willing to but I haven’t picked one yet.”
He hasn’t been on the right marathon yet.
I need to sign up for one. I want them to be like, “You’re so lucky. You can run,” and all that. I’m like, “No, an opportunity came and I was prepared for it.”
That’s right. That’s a good way to do it. You also mentioned that you have a radio background and a podcast. Tell us about your podcast.
My show is called Echale Podcast. Echale means to keep going. That’s a very specific word in the Latin community. It’s echándole ganas, so how to keep going in life one episode at a time. I have distinct topics that I feel within our community, we need to talk more about, whether it be fitness, finance, or storytelling. I feel like historically, storytelling was a huge part of any indigenous Latino or any community in the world. Storytelling to me brings healing. I love getting to know people and their stories because somebody in the world is probably going to identify. If I can be that beacon of helping people transition and say, “If that person can do it, I can do it,” then why not?
I love that inspiration.
Is it in Spanish or English or both?
It’s bilingual. Sometimes the episodes are in English. Sometimes the episodes are in Spanish. A lot of my demographic is in Los Angeles, so the duality is very present. I do have a lot of audience in Latin America. Sometimes when I do English content, they’re like, “We want to know what they’re saying in Spanish.” I’m like, “Let me find an expert who can do it in Spanish,” then I’ll interview them.
For example, I’m trying to get a doctor. She’s in New York. She did an amazing show about Ozempic because she’s triple board certified in weight loss, endocrinology, and some IML. I have no idea what that is, but I remembered it just because it was a cool acronym. I reached out to her and I’m like, “Your podcast was amazing. Can we do it in Spanish?” She brought a good perspective on Ozempic usage. Before I was very much, “Workout, grab yourself a Peloton, and run.” She did mention it in the podcast, “You do understand that the World Health Organization has classified obesity as a chronic disease? Why not treat it as such?”
It’s interesting to see how the whole world is going through this conversation about Ozempic and how it impacts people. There are such polarizing feelings around it.
A lot with weight loss stuff where people where people are like, “I’m concerned about your health. I found this thing. They’ll help me lose weight.” Not like that though.
Only like this.
It’s so funny because I see so many artists doing it. We saw Oprah. I don’t want to say but she’s been very vocal about it. I don’t want to say that Kelly Clarkson has done it. I don’t think people should be ostracized for using it as an alternative. At the end of the day, it’s motivating you to continuously workout and feel better. We should be able to feel better and motivate us to eat better or probably workout.
One of the things that the doctor was saying was that what you don’t understand is people who are on weight loss or GLP-1 injections tend to lose a lot of muscle mass. You have to supplement that with strength training. Right there, you’re already changing their mind shift and having this paradigm shift into a fitness lifestyle. They’re already seeing the results, so they’re a lot more motivated as opposed to somebody who gets a gastric sleeve. You are recovering then you see the results. This is a slow transition. Psychologically, it’ll help you in the long run. I was so into it. I was like, “Now I want to talk to you.”
Is that difficult to find experts who also are fluent in Spanish?
At times, it is. I don’t think necessarily in medicine, just the specific medicine but maybe finance. I love talking about financial literacy. That is easier to talk about because even though my first language is Spanish, it’s not the language that I practice the most. If it weren’t for working at a Spanish radio station, my Spanish would probably not be where it is now. I mainly practice English. It’s easier for me to read information and regurgitate that information in English versus trying to figure out the terminology also in Spanish and finding an expert. That is probably the difficult part.
I can only imagine. I’ve taken so many years of Spanish in high school and college. I’ve done the Duolingo. I can read Spanish not badly. I’m fairly decent with it but if I hear it, I can understand a lot. Unless people are talking quickly, then I lose track. As far as trying to speak it, my brain is trying to translate it and it’s so slow at translating it that I cannot do it. I feel so in awe of people who speak multiple languages because you’re able to do it so effortlessly. It looks so effortless and my brain is like, “Can’t compute. Don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.”
I can never get my brain to stop treating it like a puzzle. As you said, I’m trying to translate it. I don’t think about English when I’m saying it. That’s the word I want to use. It’s the word that comes out of my mouth. It’s fluid. When I’m dealing with a foreign language even one that I studied a lot, like in high school and college as well, none of it stuck.
I’m always amazed. As I said, it looks effortless.
The code-switching. It’s hard because working in Spanish radio like I’m working alongside people who were born in Mexico. They know they’re Spanish. Sometimes I’ll say something but I’m thinking about it in English and it’s automatically translating it but the conjugation comes out wrong. Luckily, they correct me and I always say, “Do it because it helps me learn.”
I remember I took Spanish in high school then when I went to college, I took Spanish again because I already knew it.
That’s why I made that choice too. Also, it felt pretty helpful in America. I feel like there are a lot of people who speak it.
The foreign language you’re most likely to run into. I remember the first day of Spanish in college, the teacher came in and she’s like, “How many people took Spanish in high school?” Almost everybody raised a hand. She goes around and gives everybody something to read. She’s like, “I want to see how good you are at reading Spanish out loud. Read these two sentences.”
We’re all going through reading it then she gets to me and stops. She’s like, “Where did you learn to speak Spanish?” I was like, “I went to a Catholic high school ten minutes from your college.” She’s like, “You speak Spanish with a Cuban accent.” I was like, “My Spanish teacher was a Cuban refugee. They run a hardware store and Castro took it over. She used to tell stories about loading machine guns onto trucks when she was ten.” She was like, “What is going on with your Spanish?”
I always find that interesting when people who aren’t native Spanish speakers, when they learn Spanish, they pick up the accent they were learning from. In your case, it was Cuban. I met so many friends who weren’t native speakers, but they picked up Puerto Rican accents and Mexican. I’m like, “How awesome.”
I’m sure it sounds odd to your ear because you expect it to sound one way then you have this American speaking and another accent that you are not expecting. When you’re learning a language, you’re learning by what you’re hearing.
Preferred Instructor
You hear whatever is in front of you and that’s the right way to say it. She would correct our pronunciation. She was probably steering us more into a Cuban style of pronunciation. I always thought that was funny. Do you have a preferred instructor?
Makes sense. You never forget your first.
I feel like if she is tuning in to this, she’d hate me if I didn’t choose her. She’d be like, “You knew me before Peloton and you can’t claim me after Peloton? What is wrong with you?”
It’s like when you see a band at a club and they end up playing arenas. You’re like, “I talked to them at the merch booth after they opened for Counting Crows.”
People these days would knock you out to get a selfie with Camila and you probably have them.
I don’t, which is what makes me a little bit more mad. I’m like, “I have the opportunity,” but then again, you never know. You’re hanging out. She’s good friends with one of my coworkers at the time and we’re just hanging out. You never expect people to blow up, which is great. I’m so happy for her. Will she probably remember me? Probably not or maybe. We’ve had interactions even on social media when I used to go to her classes. I’m still going to choose her because there’s something about Latin women that reminds you of your mom. When they’re screaming at you, it means business.
You take that seriously.
Would you like to hear a worse story about a missed selfie opportunity? This is ugly. This is bad. When I worked in radio in the ‘90s, I worked in an alt-rock station and an artist was coming in. He had one hit. It just came out and it was this novelty rap-rock song. They’re like, “He’s coming in. Do you want to stay and get your picture taken?” I was like, “No, I’m good. I’m going to go home. I don’t want to wait that long.” That’s the time that I didn’t get my picture taken with Eminem.
Here’s the chair on that. He had tagged along with him in the studio that night, unbeknownst to us, Dr. Dre. I also didn’t get my picture taken with Dr. Dre.
The one time you should have stayed at work.
That gives you bragging rates to this day.
I will say, if it makes you feel any better, I do have a picture with Marcy Playground.
You made up for that.
We have four radio stations in our building. One of them is a rock station, but I remember one person. I’ve always hated being that person who is like, “I want to take a picture.” You always want to be nonchalant because they’re humans too. When Bon Jovi came to the studio, I was like, “I need a picture.” I don’t want it. I need it.
My advice to you is don’t feel bad especially if you’re at a radio station. They are there to work and that’s part of the job. It’s not like you walked up to him while they’re standing in line at Starbucks and we’re like, “Can I get a picture?”
Was he nice when you asked him?
He was.
I’d be upset if he wasn’t. I’d be a little crushed.
I don’t think we’ve had a bad person that came in.
One time, I was at one of Tom’s concerts because he books concerts locally. They had played that night a lot of different bands, but one of them was Nate Ruess from Fun. I was so excited because I loved their song so much. I was like, “Oh my God,” because he did a duet with Pink. Pink is one of my all-time favorite singers. I was back there and so excited, and the dude did not even smile.
It was like an official radio station’s meet and greet. It’s not like we just crashed.
I was crushed. I was like, “You are not fun, sir. You are not fun.”
You named the band that ironically like when a bald guy is called Curly.
You take the N out of fun, so FU.
There’s no U in fun. What is your leaderboard name?
It’s JoseQuinteroTV. I was lucky enough that on all my social media platforms and even on stuff, I put it across the same.
Branding is important.
There is something about Latinas that reminds you of your mom. When they scream at you, it means business. Share on XThere’s my Master’s in Marketing.
Closing Words
Jose, thank you so much for joining us. Before we let you go, remind everybody where they can find you in all the places or your podcast, or listen to your stations. I’m sure they stream online.
You can find me on any social media platform as @JoseQuinteroTV. My podcast is Echale and you can listen to the radio station Cali 93.9. if you’re in Los Angeles or anywhere in SoCal, it’s 93.9 or you can download the app Cali 939.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, guys.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on the social and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon where for $5 a month, you get bonus content, which we’re going to record now. You also get ad-free episodes and all that. Anyway, that’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling and running and rowing.
Important Links
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- Echale
- Cali 93.9
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