341. Is Your Peloton Screen About To Stop Working? Plus Our Interview With Erica McLean
- Peloton to end support for Gen 1 screens.
- Precor releases a new console.
- Peloton announces new Chief Marketing Officer.
- Peloton changes up the year in review format
- Peloton survey has surprising insights.
- Peloton announces changes to the board of directors.
- Peloton sued over the board nomination process.
- Andy Speer & Rebecca Kennedy get engaged.
- Susie Chan’s book is available for pre-order.
- Peloton Yoga instructors have taken cadaver dissection classes.
- Jess Sims’ father passed away.
- Rad Lopez’s Amazon Wishlist for Bronx Commons Affordable Housing community.
- Angelo has tips for dealing with holiday food pushers.
- The latest artist series features Kelly Clarkson.
- Tonal announces Mirror trade-in program.
- Echelon teams up with runDisney.
- Horizon Treadmills now connect to Peloton.
- TCO Top Five.
- This week at Peloton.
- Peloton’s 2024 Challenge is live.
- Dates for 2024 London Calling announced.
- There’s a new Peloton/Lululemon drop.
All this plus our interview with Erica McLean.
Watch the episode here
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Is Your Peloton Screen About To Stop Working? Plus Our Interview With Erica McLean
It’s the last episode of The Clip Out for the year.
We are not going to be doing an episode next week. Enjoy the holiday because we’re going to.
When you don’t see a regular episode of The Clip Out next week fear not.
We’re going to be back.
It takes more than a holiday to keep us down. It’s the only week we tend to take off. Even during Thanksgiving and July 4th, we’re here every week slugging away. We should also do some house-cleaning items before we dig in, we have a new bingo game coming up.
It will be starting the first Friday in January, which will be the first episode that we are back. We’re going to kick off 2024 with a bang. Shall we tell them what it’s about or do we want to wait and tell them all the details when we’re back?
We should tell them now. By we, I mean you because I don’t understand these things.
I know you don’t. Here’s the thing. I know that there are a lot of instructors, and some of you like to make sure that you take at least one class with each of the Peloton instructors. What we’re going to do is we’re going to play a fun little game where we are going to have callouts every week. You’re going to have a fun beautiful bingo game board. You are going to listen to the show.
You’re going to find out which instructors you need to take that week, and then you’re going to cross them off your list on your little bingo board. There are going to be some weeks that we only list these instructors in the bonus episode, and then there are some surprises. There is a mystery square. That’s all I’m going to say about that. More to come, but we’re excited about it. It’s going to be a ton of fun. By the end of it, you are going to have a path to have a class with every single instructor for the year.
It’s a lot harder than it used to be.
Remember when it used to be thirteen instructors?
You were done by February.
You’re not just going to get one instructor each week. Just so you know, we have all kinds of things coming at you.
Also, the book club reminder.
On January 9th, we are going to be having our monthly book club meeting. We will be discussing the book called Book Lovers by Emily Henry. In February, we will be reading Turning Inward by Ross Rayburn. We will be talking about it. Hopefully, you will have already read it by then. That one is on pre-order, but it does come out. We’re on January 9th. If you do it right now, you can still get some bonus extras that Ross is offering as part of his pre-order.
Also, if you want more details and all that, it lives over on Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. You do not have to pay or be a Patreon member to get the links and stuff. You don’t have to be a paid member to get the links for that. There is a free level. This is one of the things that’s included with it. Swing on by there and check it out. We should also say that this episode’s interview is with Erica McLean. She’s a tarot card reader.
Helper Bee Nikki put together a little report card for how Erica McLean did in 2023. We will talk about that a little bit in the interview and give you some highlights. If you want to check that out, it’s over at TheClipOut.com. Since this has become a tradition on The Clip Out, you can hear how she did for the year and make your own decisions about her accuracy. Other than that, what do you have in store for people? It is a packed week. I know we’ve been trying to make these shorter. This might be a longer one because there is so much going on.
We have to talk about the Generation 1 screens. We have new equipment hitting Precor. We have a new Chief Marketing Officer. We’re also going to talk about the changes that happened to the year in review, the Peloton survey that they did, the interesting insights they revealed, changes to the board of directors, and lawsuits. We also have big instructor news, good and bad. It’s all over the place. Happy and sad would be a better way to say it. We’re going to talk about the latest artist series. We have some competitor notes to hit.
Some were very interesting competitor news.
You’ll want to stay tuned for that. We have content and in case you missed it. I think that’s all.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, YouTube. We’re not supposed to say Google Podcasts anymore and it totally screwed up my rhythm. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. It’s super helpful. We love seeing those Spotify raps. Those were fun. There is fascinating information in there for us.
I love seeing all of you guys when they do their Spotify raps. We’re at the top. It’s so fun.
You can also find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. You can watch these episodes on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. You can also get ad-free episodes if you sign up at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. It’s only $5 a month and you get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early. You get bonus episodes where we talk about things that we didn’t have quite enough time to get to in the episode proper.
There’s a lot in this week’s bonus.
There’s so much going on this week. It’s a crazy town. If you didn’t get something you liked for Christmas, then get this for yourself or if you got a friend that loves Peloton, you get it for them. You can also sign up for the newsletter at TheClipOut.com. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
If you have a Generation 1 screen on your bike and you’ve been rocking that bike for all these years, say goodbye to it.
They have finally said, “We are no longer going to give any support for Generation 1 tablets.” How do you know if you have a first-generation tablet? Number one, when did you buy it? If you bought it in 2015 or 2016, you have a first-generation touch screen. You can also tell because it has an orange button at the top. Most importantly, the little number on the back, model number, serial number, or whatever they call it has specific numbers that start with 7201. You can get to that by going to the device settings on your tablet. Click About Tablet and Status Options. That’s where you will find it.
The cool part is you are going to be able to trade in your original bike for an upgrade to Bike+ or to upgrade your tablet at a discounted price until June 19, 2024. To redeem the Bike+ trade-in offer, members need to submit the request through the link provided in the email that you got from Peloton. You can also get it on the Peloton support page or in our article where we lay all this out for you.
Is there any insight yet into how much of a discount?
I have not verified this myself. Somebody said it was a $500 discount.
That’s not nothing.
I do not know if that is accurate. I have not verified it at all.
At this point, it’s like a phone and how often you replace your phone. You have gotten a lot of use out of that thing.
It’s funny because I specifically remember choosing to upgrade to the Bike+ because I was like, “I’ve been down this road already where my tablet stopped working, and that’s going to happen eventually.”
If you bought your bike in 2018 and you’re like, “I made it,” the clock is ticking for you too.
It’s going to happen eventually. Just something to think about.
Ask not for whom the Pelo tolls. It tolls for thee.
I want to say one other thing because it’s important. If you decide not to upgrade your tablet and you’re rolling along on June 19, 2024, you will lose access to all Peloton content. The only thing you’re going to be able to use is Just Ride. Everything else is locked out. It is a huge deal and people need to know that. I can’t wait on June 20th. “Why did my bike stop working all of a sudden? Does anyone know what this is about?”
That will be great because that’s going to happen while we’re on a boat. It will be the Helper Bees’ problem. Get ready, Nikki. It’s hard not to think that this is somehow related but Precor, which is the business arm of Peloton, is releasing new consoles for their machines.
The other part of the news that is related to this is that Horizon Fitness has been all of a sudden putting all over their website that they connect with Peloton. They have these new consoles and now they’re able to connect with the Peloton app using Bluetooth. The only way that it works is if you have the app plus membership. If you do, then you are able to be able to see all of your data on your Peloton app through your phone. The interesting thing is we obtained a video of how it works.
First of all, the incline doesn’t appear to change automatically like it’s supposed to. It doesn’t show on the screen the way it’s supposed to, but everything else appears to be working. The other thing that I find fascinating about this is that Peloton hasn’t said a word about this. I had been waiting because I thought that after I had heard some of these rumors, Peloton would put something official out. They did not, so we reached out to them and asked for an official statement. They had none to give us at this time. I’m not saying there won’t be one.
At press time, they had not replied.
That got me thinking that between the Precor news and the lack of information coming out of Peloton about this, but Horizon already has it on their website, I feel like somebody might have gone early on something.
I thought somebody jumped the gun. You got to think that you’re going to see a lot more of this.
I remember Barry saying several times that he wanted Peloton on every screen, regardless of what that screen is.
We’ve been speculating for a while that the Netflix guy doesn’t care if you watch on a Samsung or a Vizio. He just wants you watching. While they would love to sell you a piece of equipment, the long-term revenue is in the membership. Not the equipment.
I also think that we’re going to see an announcement about Precor having this option and that you are going to see other equipment makers, not just Horizon, with this. Can we go back to the Horizon article for a moment? One of the hubbubs about this whole rumor is that it’s on treadmills. When you look at Horizon’s website, they have a whole section saying that Peloton is available on Studio Cycles as well. Their Studio Cycle line at Horizon in theory has the same thing. I think this is about to blow open wide across a lot of different areas. Right now, if you have Horizon equipment already, you can sign up for 30 days free on the Peloton membership plus. If that’s you tuning in, welcome to the family.
It seems unlikely.
Why would you be tuning in to us, but if you know you are, welcome.
Those are a lot of big changes that we’re about to see in terms of where you can access Peloton. Peloton also announced a new Chief Marketing Officer.
This time, we have Lauren Weinberg. I say “This time” because it was like six months ago.
They’re changing them a lot.
We now have Lauren Weinberg and she was at all kinds of different things.
Intuit, Yahoo, MTV, AOL.
She was the CMO for Square as well. She has had a lot of different marketing experiences with business. I am excited to see what she is going to do. I’m curious about what changes will be made and what our next ad and marketing push will be.
It will be interesting to watch. Also, Peloton rolled out a new version of their year-end review. Everyone loved it and there were no complaints of any kind. Next story.
If only. People were upset as we expected. People were upset that it wasn’t a cool video. People were upset because a lot of the statistics weren’t great. They didn’t look accurate. A lot of people were welcomed to the Century Club. I’ve been in the Century Cub and a lot of people had been. That was confusing and no one is clear what this season to shine even means. Mine said Springtime Superstar, Sprinter, or something like that. I got hit by a car in the spring. Are you trying to say I was the most busy in the spring?
You ran Big Sur and won.
That was last week in April.
That’s springtime.
I couldn’t record my activity on Peloton. There was no internet because I tried.
What about all the training as you got back into it? I wonder if maybe you triggered it because, from the app standpoint, you went from doing nothing because you got hit by a car to doing a whole bunch. I don’t know but it does seem a lot.
What about people who were consistent then? Explain that. That’s the thing. Nobody understands how they came up with it or what it means.
They welcome me to the Century Club.
That is really weird.
I was like, “This can’t be right. How did they get my email address?”
Overall, it’s nice to see where the community is and it’s nice to see these stats. I also think that people were upset because whoever their favorite instructor was, people did not feel it was correct. That’s another thing. We’re glad they sent something.
You talked about this in the tease at the beginning that Peloton conducted a survey that has some interesting data points.
It turns out that a lot of women workout because they want to improve their mental health. Men might be a little different. Men are twice as likely as women to increase their exercise frequency in order to boost their libido and sexual endurance.
I think those two things are related.
Which two things?
The men are working out to increase their sex drive and therefore, the women are working out because they need their mental health because all the horny men are coming after them. That’s my theory.
That could be.
As I was scanning all the reasons and stuff, for someone who after all these years finally caved in and started working out, none of this is me.
It’s all longevity and staying alive for you. It’s movement and mobility at the end of the day. We’ll see if they do another survey and maybe it changes over time. I wonder if the reason that mental health is such a big deal is because we had COVID. Many people couldn’t workout. They had gyms and things. We were stuck in our houses and there’s probably still some leftover feelings about that. I still have it. I can’t hug people. You couldn’t leave the house.
I hate to hug people so I’m good.
It was fine for you. I lost a couple of years. I didn’t mind not leaving the house. I just didn’t like being told I couldn’t leave the house.
If we can’t hug people and I have to stay inside and watch TV, done.
That’s Tom’s dream.
Except for the people dying, I was on board. Peloton Interactive announces changes to the board of directors.
If you want to hear the why behind this, you’re going to have to tune in to the bonus episode because it’s all connected. For now, Chris Bruzzo is going to be a new member of the board of directors. That started on December 19th. At the same time, Jonathan Mildenhall will be stepping down from his role to focus on expanding professional responsibilities. Chris Bruzzo served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Experience Officer of Electronic Arts for nine years. He’s been in a whole bunch of different leadership roles and marketing roles at Starbucks, Amazon, and Regence Blue Shield.
Coming up after the break, we’re going to talk to you about what Peloton is getting sued for. Stick around.
Law 360, which we do not have.
I thought you put this in the bonus. This is the other half of that story. An investor launched a class action lawsuit challenging the bylaw that requires advanced notice for board member nominations. They don’t get a lot of say. That’s the end result. Why? I don’t know but I find it very interesting that all of a sudden, board members are changing. They’re related.
It’s hard not to read it that way. They made a change and somebody is mad about the change. They felt like they snuck it through in the dead of night or something. I don’t know enough about these people to know if they’re good, bad, and different.
I don’t either. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more.
We always do. It’s what we do here.
We’re documenting. We are the holders of all the information
Andy Speer and Rebecca Kennedy got engaged.
First of all, congratulations to Andy and Rebecca. That’s special. They’ve been together for a long time. I was surprised to see that some people said they had no idea these two were together. It’s one of those moments where I realized how involved in all this I was years ago.
They’re not hiding it. They’re always posting together on Instagram.
We have an entire article where we did all of their best couple outfits. If you are watching my channel at all, you will know that that’s a thing. It always surprises me, but I think it’s because I live with it every day.
There are so many points at which to access and interact with Peloton now. If these two aren’t your favorite instructors or one of your favorite instructors, you have so many other choices that you can completely not engage with their content in any way shape, or form, and then be totally flabbergasted when something like this occurs.
That’s true. They’ve been together for a long time. Rebecca was the original person who started up the tread program back when they first announced the tread. She was the master instructor. That’s what they used to call her. Technically, Andy started a few months after that. I don’t know when their relationship started but it was pretty clear that they were very connected at the hip and have been together all the time. That’s been a long time coming. We all felt it was going to happen. A little spoiler, the tarot card reader talks about it in the interview. We did that interview two and a half weeks ago. There’s one for 2024. She got it right.
That was recorded before this occurred. We can show you the time now if you don’t believe us.
Just a little plug. They also happen to be in Botswana, which I thought was interesting because Cody is in Africa, but they aren’t in the same parts of Africa. They’re not together.
It’s a continent. It’s a huge place. It’s a pretty difficult place to get to. It’s not like, “We both happen to be in Mexico.” That is also a big place but it’s closer to where we’re at and much easier to access from the United States. You don’t hear a lot of people talking about taking a vacation in Africa. Three Peloton instructors simultaneously go to Africa and it’s not like they are together for some cool scenic rides.
Maybe they are.
You can go faster if you’re getting chased by a lion.
That would be so cute.
Until it catches you.
It’s a little baby lion in my head.
Susie Chan’s book is available for pre-order.
I don’t know if people remember that we talked about this months ago. She went to that book event. She was with authors and somebody said, “When is your book coming out?” She was like, “It’s coming soon.” Here it is. It’s available. In the US, we’re going to be able to get it in August. You know I’m going to be putting that on the order.
Trails and Tribulations is a good title.
It is a great title. I wonder if she came up with that.
I don’t know but it’s good. I dig the title.
Congrats to Susie. She deserves it.
There’s an article in the New York Times that we can’t read about cadaver workshops and yoga massage therapy. I guess you were able to access it at some point.
I never opened it but I can open it right now.
You will have to tell us that apparently, Peloton instructors were taking cadaver dissection.
They lied to me. You have to log in but it’s to help people understand how the body works.
That body doesn’t work. It’s dead.
The things that come out of your mouth.
I’m sorry. I thought you knew. That body doesn’t work.
It’s your dark humor. I’m not sure everybody is prepared for it like I am. Sometimes I’m like, “Oh, dear.” I found it interesting that some of the instructors were taking the classes to learn more, but it’s not just the Peloton yoga instructors. They talk about why specifically doing this workshop helps yoga instructors in general.
Do you happen to know?
You have taken all the personal training courses and stuff. I didn’t know if you knew what they were learning by digging into that.
The thing that’s confusing to me from doing all those courses, what I do know is that people think of the body as body parts. They think of it like if you workout your biceps, you’ll have strong biceps. That is true, but if you don’t keep your core engaged and you don’t work on your core, then what happens is your body is always looking for the easiest way to do things. It starts trying to lift not just with your biceps but all these other little things because it can’t rely on your core, and then you end up having all these imbalances.
The takeaway from that is it’s all connected. When I think of yoga and why it’s important for them to be able to see all this, it is because maybe there are ways that they can see how things are connected. I don’t know. I didn’t read the article. That is just a guess. Being able to visualize how things are connected is very different than reading about how things are connected.
The next time you’re taking a yoga class, think in the back of your head, “This instructor probably cut up and opened a dead guy or watched someone cut and open it.” We have some sad news from the world of Peloton for Jess Sims specifically. Her father passed away.
We’re very sorry to hear this. It was very sudden and he was 67.
That is young in today’s world.
Our best wishes go out to the whole Sims family and everyone they know.
We also wanted to take a moment to remind people here that Rad Lopez has an Amazon wish list set up for people in the Bronx Affordable Housing Community. All sorts of things are on there that people can use like baby shampoo, toothpaste, soap, shoes, and things like that. If that sort of thing interests them, do you know how they can find that?
The link will be in our newsletter. I think we have this in one of our articles, but I should probably make a point to put it somewhere on top of my mind.
Also, if you go to Amazon, his wish list is called Bronx Commons Holiday Party 2023. You can go there and purchase things right from there and help some people out.
I love that.
Joining us once again from MetPro, it’s Angelo, here to answer all of your fitness and nutrition questions.
Thanks for having me back.
Thank you for being here. This is something that I hear a lot from people and it’s different how to answer this for everybody. I’m curious to hear what you have to say. Stacy Rob wants to know how to respond to food pushers. With the holidays coming up, I feel like this is something that a lot of people are going to be dealing with. “Clean your plate. Have another helping.”
I’m guilty, Stacy. I don’t know. I might not have a good answer because I consider myself a food pusher to my friends and family. The first thing is to recognize that it is not out of malice. What is our natural inclination? When we love someone, we want to feed them. We want to give them all good things. This is a very common question that we get. Our clients need to confront this head-on in social circumstances, for example, business meetings, with friends and relatives.
We encourage our clients right at the gate to tell their friends and family that they’re enrolled in a program working with a coach. Perhaps you may not be enrolled in a program or working with a coach but you can still certainly say that you are following a program right now. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “I’m trying to eat clean and focus on my health. I’ve been on a roll. We’re going to keep going with this.” You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make by telling people that in advance.
I know because it makes a difference. When my friends come over, we don’t talk about health and fitness. When my friends come over, we talk about what good show we watch or what trip we’re going to go on next. When they tell me that they are eating clean, I will usually go out of my way to make sure there are items prepared that are going to work with what they’re doing. That’s pretty consistent across the board. Most people will do that. If not, they won’t be disappointed if you turn down the dessert or parts of the meal or just have it in moderation.
With that said, Stacy, I’m a realist. We’ve done this a couple of times and it’s not always going to go according to plan. Typically, you’ll know the friends and occasions where it is not going to go according to plan. There’s simply going to be nothing available. They’re going to push food on you. That’s why we have coined the phrase, “Eat twice but eat well.” What our coaches mean when they say that is when you know those occasions, eat before you go but eat well. It is okay to have two dinners. It is in fact better to eat something healthy, don’t gorge but eat something healthy to where you show up not hungry, not stuffed but not famished.
Even if you’re confronted with junk food and food pushers, what you can do is you can sample versus going into it hungry where now you’re going to end up eating more than you would prefer of the wrong items. Eat twice but eat well. One last tip that we arm our clients with is you can always offer to bring a dish and you can always make it at least one healthy item. Sometimes it’s the whole BYOB, bring your own beer, or bring your own alcohol strategy. If it is an event or there’s going to be alcohol and you want to indulge in a less detrimental alcohol for your nutrition program, weight loss program, or whatever you may be trying to do, bring your own.
A Martini shaker makes a great dinner gift, so you can always bring your own and bring a little extra to share. There’s going to be at least one good beverage choice. There are little strategies like that. Time doesn’t allow us to get into all of them. That’s just scratching the surface of things that you can do. With people that are closest to you, I recommend having an honest conversation with them so they know where you stand. Hopefully, they’ll support you. They at least won’t take it personally when you’re eating is a little different from theirs or the groups.
I will also add to that. This is something I learned in high school parties when people are trying to get you to drink beer. Often, that peer pressure is in your own head. You’re projecting that onto them when they’re just trying to be hospitable. If you say, “No, thanks,” and are casual about it and you don’t look like you’re struggling with that choice, they just let it draw. I went through all of high school and a good chunk of college and never had a drink. I was in a fraternity and I would be like, “I don’t have a taste for it,” and people go, “Okay.” That would be the end of it. I do think that a lot of times, when people talk about peer pressure in situations like that, it’s you reflecting it back upon yourself a lot more than you might think.
You are so right in saying that because I’ve had type-A personalities, executives, and CEOs. They tend to have a commanding presence in the room. They would share with me that they’re going out to dinner with their friends. They can’t turn it down because their friends are there and they tell them, “No, I know you too well.” You can do whatever you want. You have to decide this is your priority. As you said, usually it’s in our own head. We build it up to be bigger than it actually is. When they told me, “I told my friends that I’m not drinking tonight or I’m eating clean tonight,” it wasn’t a thing. Great point, Tom. I love that.
Thank you. We need to pull out that sound bite where he says I’m right. I would like to make that my ringtone. Now that everyone probably wants me to tailor advice, I’m not available. The best thing you could get would be Angelo and his staff over at MetPro. If they would like that, where can they find you?
Thank you, Angelo.
The latest artist series features Kelly Clarkson.
She has so many hits. There are eleven different classes and they’re all the different kinds of classes that you can take. My favorite part is she has a bunch of holiday songs out right now. She always has holiday songs, but specifically, Spotify at least was putting a highlight on them. I think she might have dropped a new Christmas album. I can’t help but wonder if it will be a mixture of some of her more traditional pop hits mixed in with Christmas hits because they launch on the 21st, that week of Christmas. I’m very curious to see that. That’s just made up in my own little head though. I don’t know. By the time you hear this, you will probably know the answer.
I have this story under competitors although I don’t consider Tonal a competitor. I consider it a complement to Peloton. They work well together. Peanut butter is not a competitor to chocolate. You put them together. We found this very interesting. Tonal is launching a trade-in program for people who have Mirrors. If you have a Mirror sitting on your wall and you’re like, “What do I do with this thing?” You can trade it in and save some money on a Tonal device.
They are going to give you a refurbished Tonal. You get savings by paying a lesser amount because it’s a refurbished one. Also, you get an entire free year of membership.
That’s a lot because one of people’s big sticking points with Tonal is like, “I’m already paying for Peloton. Do I want to pay for Tonal too?” You’ll have to pay eventually, but this buys you a year and at the end of that year, you’ll have a better idea whether you like it. Our guess is that you will.
Tonal is freaking awesome. Here’s the thing. For those of you who may not understand the difference between a Mirror and a Tonal, we want to make sure that we explain that a Mirror is a TV on your wall where you can watch things. You that you can take classes from it, but that’s literally it. Tonal has electromagnetic weights built into the machine. You get weights built in by the device on your wall. By the way, Tonal will also take your Mirror away from your house.
If you’re wondering, “What do I do with this thing?” They got you covered. I feel like there are probably people out there who have seen Tonal and Mirror and thought they were similar. If you see pictures of them, they look similar, but when you start to utilize them, they are not similar in any way, shape, or form.
I also thought it was interesting that a Mirror coach Lance Parker is going to be joining Tonal as a guest coach. Another Lululemon studio favorite will be joining in January.
How about that?
The only thing that scares me about this is Peloton and Lulu now are besties. Well, it’s more like frenemies. Does that mean they’re going to be butting heads with Tonal? Because I can’t have my two faves mad at each other.
Let me make you feel better about that. We would always think about how great would it be if Tonal was somehow part of the Peloton ecosystem. Lululemon is now part of that ecosystem and they were butting heads for years. Maybe butting heads with them is the fastest way to get pulled into the ecosystem.
Maybe. We’ll see.
Speaking of buttheads, Echelon has teamed up with Run Disney for a multi-year race sponsorship. This is good for Echelon in all fairness, but Disney, you’re better than this.
I want to make it very clear. All it is is Echelon giving money to Disney. That’s it.
That’s what sponsorships are.
It’s a sponsorship. It’s not a partnership. It’s not Disney putting their shit everywhere. They are going to have the ability to have Echelon equipment at races, just like every other sponsor. They are not special in any way, shape, or form. I think it’s funny because Echelon still can’t do something completely on its own. They were like, “Peloton joined up with New York Road Runners. Who can we team up with?” Can’t you do a thing that’s your idea from scratch?
In defense of Echelon, at least this partnership appears to be real unlike the one with Amazon.
I will give you that.
They disavowed them the next day.
It is not a partnership. It is a sponsorship. Echelon is paying for the right to be there. That is different than a partnership. At least it is real. I will agree with that. Good luck to you, Disney.
I wanted to say that people are acting like this is such a big thing. let’s not forget, there is not one iota of echelon equipment in any Disney hotel, not one gym. They have, I can’t remember the name of it, but it’s heavy-duty, very boring like True Fitness or something in there. Nothing wrong with that, but even over at the Swan and the Dolphin, they have Pelotons.
That one has Pelotons too.
I’m just saying that there’s a difference.
I think you get the Echelon at the All-Star. You just pissed some people off. You’re on your own. You’re out there to die on your own. I’ll let you fall.
It’s just the Value Resorts. Echelon is not even good enough to be there.
The TCO Top Five. Every week, you guys help us crowdsource what are the “don’t miss classes of the week” and then we give them back to you.
I got to tell you at the very beginning Tom so you don’t say it. There is no unstackable for this episode.
What? Maybe because of the holidays.
No, they couldn’t come up with one.
Our audience is in such great shape.
We have our favorite Peloton warm-up run. Valerie Alator found running injury prevention gold this week. This is an old one. It comes from July 21st, ‘21 from Adrian Williams. Take it now because who knows how long it’s going to be there It’s seven minutes of drills and then three minutes of jogging at the end. Perfect to prepare for a long run. She hasn’t found another class like it. That is awesome. That is a great setup. We then have our favorite Peloton yoga.
Does she dissect a cadaver?
I don’t know. Not during the yoga class. I do know that.
That would get me to take a Peloton class.
What? Folks, all you have to do is dissect a cadaver live during yoga.
Digging into a rotting carcass, save it for Halloween. then I would take that class. I’ll throw this out there. Whenever my time comes, I volunteer as tribute for that class, but I would finally have taken a Peloton class. How exciting would that be for people?
Tom’s dark humor wins again. This class came from Kristin McGee. It was Focus Flow Healthy Back from December 12th. Mindy Jensen said that her back was feeling the effects of all the running, biking, and strength work she’d been doing. She was excited to see this new Focus Flow drop because low-back tightness occurs due to hips and hamstrings. Kristin spent most of the class focusing on those areas 20 minutes later. “I felt the relief I was looking for. I will be sure and do this class regularly.” That is a good one. I love these.
I’m thinking all the time. I was like, “I’ll take a Peloton class over my dead body.” That would finally be true.
You would be taking the class over our dead body, literally.
This is all coming full circle. I dig it. Number three, favorite Peloton Pilates.
This comes from Kristin McGee. It was a class on 12/15/23. Suzanne Fortman wanted to try a Pilates class. She misses her reformer Pilates classes, but this first class using a magic circle gave her the heart-pumping burner low impact that she wanted to incorporate into her weekly plan. “More like this, please.”
Magic Circle still sounds dirty to me. It’s also a class I would take.
Darcy ended up substituting her Thigh Master to make it work. Go, Darcy. I love it.
Those have lifetime warranties since they were kittens.
Favorite Peloton walk. This was with Jess King. It was 60 minutes from December 17th. Janice Lind had said that Jess chose to play songs from 2023 that were from hitmakers but not hits, except one song. It was a great walk for Janice because 30 minutes isn’t long enough but 60 minutes is perfect. We have our favorite Peloton run. This was a 60-minute ‘90s run. This was from Jeffrey McEachern on December 17th. Julie Benson said that it was so good. “Jeffrey has the incredible ability to make the time fly with his energy, uplifting stories, and genuine love for the Peloton community. The music hits, perfect.” I tried to make that into music hits. Perfect music hits, but the music hits perfect.
This week at Peloton, there are all sorts of festive classes for you.
There is also some new content that is dropping like new gym plans on Friday, December 22nd, Emma Lovewell, Marcel Mauer, and Selena Samuela dropped new plans. They are going to be building on Peloton’s ever-growing library so you’re going to have more options, and then there is a special holiday movie ride where Kendall is going to be doing a Paramount Pictures holiday ride.
It’s a wonderful ride.
That’s exactly it. We are curious to see if Bad Santa makes it into the lineup. There are a ton of Fit Family classes. If you have the kids at home on December 21st, these classes are dropping. They will be by the time you hear this. There’s going to be classes by Jermaine Johnson and Selena. They are going to be available at 10:00 AM on Thursday, December 22nd and 21st, excuse me. We also have some holiday yoga. Aditi is bringing a 30-minute holiday yoga flow set to the music of pianist Chloe Flower at 7:30 AM Eastern. That I have heard is amazing. I had not heard of Chloe Flower, but I have been told that I need to stack, so enjoy.
Also, as you’re plotting your exercise routines for the next year, the annual 2024 challenge is upon us. I guess it’s an annual challenge for 2024. You can’t have an annual 2024 challenge because there will only be one of those.
That is correct. We are finishing up the 2023 challenge right now, and the annual challenge for 2024 is about to go live. You can join now. For some reason, you can no longer see the challenges on the app. I don’t know what that’s about, but You can go over to the web browser and you can join there. If you want to join and you haven’t been able to figure out another way to do it, feel free to do it that way.
Finally, the London Calling 2024 dates have been announced.
Just to recap what London Calling is. In 2023, we had London Calling for the first time. There were four different events. It’s all about German members community coming together and celebrating fitness, fun, and community. It’s like all of our German members getting together in the studio. There are four weekends coming up in 2024. March 30th, June 29th, October 5th, and November 30th all at Peloton Studios London. Hence, London Calling.
It’s not an artist series featuring The Clash. I now know that. Coming up after this, we’re going to talk to Erica McLean. She’s a tarot card reader. We’re going to give her a report card as to how she did in 2023. She will give us predictions for 2024. One of which, she already got right. It doesn’t count because it’s still technically 2023. How strictly we’re grading these? Stick around. That’s coming up next.
Joining us is Erica McLean. If you’ve been tuning in for a while, you’re probably familiar, but if not, I’ll get you up to speed or remind you. Every year around this time, we check in with her. She’s our tarot card reader. She gives us predictions on what we can expect from the world of Peloton in the upcoming calendar year.
Our helper bee, Nikki, went back through your last tarot card reading.
We have a report card.
I’m not going to go through every single one because we’re going to do a whole article that’s going to lay this out. You made sixteen predictions the last time you were on, several of which came true. If not completely true, it was partially true. My personal favorite was that you felt like Tom and I would be working with Peloton more. That has really evolved, maybe not the way you saw it in your head. When you said that, I remember so specifically at the time being like, “That’s never going to happen.” That relationship has evolved a lot in 2023 with their new leadership team. It has been interesting.
There were things you said about instructors leaving. There were things you said, specifically, like Robin having another baby. She’s pregnant again. You said things like that. For those of you who want to take a dive back in and see what you said in 2022, Nikki has it all laid out. She went through a little, “Here’s how this ended up. Here’s how things are today.” I want to let people know that. We will add this to 2024. I am super excited. I love these conversations. It’s a lot of fun. I’m always surprised by the things you say. Let’s start with overall, how are you feeling about Peloton for 2024?
I’m feeling really good. There’s going to be a lot of action, but action, not in a bad way. I feel like there are going to be more things going on authority-wise, maybe switching positions. I felt that maybe even an instructor is climbing the ladder even more to a more authority or more business-type position.
There's going to be a lot of action, but action not in a bad way. Share on XRobin Arzon, CEO.
That’s who I was thinking. I was pulling cards. In the cards, it was Robin. I pulled The Empress. Robin, to me, is The Empress. I see The Empress and that is Robin. She’s got the jewelry. I see her playing a bigger role within Peloton and climbing the ladder. She could be our next Barry or John Foley type of deal in the future. I can see that maybe coming to fruition.
How do you feel about that, Tom?
I’m looking forward to Peloton NFTs.
She has pulled back from the NFT stuff. NFT had an interesting year. We’ll leave it at that.
A lot of people have pulled back from NFTs.
That’s so true. This particular question came from one of our helper bees. Also, Nikki is heavily invested since she wrote so much about this. She wants to know. Is Rad coming to the bike team, do you think?
What I’m going to say is I was getting teamwork and three. There are three people. I don’t even want to say it is new instructors, but I feel like it is three people going to different modalities, whether that’s people from London maybe stepping over to a row type of modality. I see teamwork with three modalities. Let’s ask the cards about Rad. I love Rad. He is one of my favorites for strength. I would love to see him come to the bike.
That would be fun.
Let’s see what they have to say.
I also feel like he doesn’t get a lot of coverage because he does strength and then shadowboxing. It’s not that people don’t do those two things, but it’s less sexy than the bike.
It’s not in the same numbers that do the bike.
He would slay the bike. He would do a great job. When I pull my aces, it’s always a yes. I pulled the Ace of Cups. This could be a possibility. If he does go over to the bike, I do see it starting out maybe as a bike bootcamp-type deal. People will be so excited about the energy he brings onto that platform that they could make him even a cycle instructor in the future in a boot camp or cycle. I don’t see it happening right away. This could happen more towards 2024. It’s something that could be in the works. I do see that coming at some point in the future. I also feel row. Maybe he could get into the rower, too, but I see another modality.
That’s interesting because right before I asked that question, you had talked about the UK instructors in row. We’ve heard rumors that Ben is going to be the new row instructor for the UK. Whenever they tend to make those changes, they tend to be in groups. That probably means there’s another female that’s probably going to be another instructor, too. I don’t know if you have any thoughts on that.
Over in London, I do. Joslyn screams out at me. I don’t know if it was her who said it, maybe on a social or something that she wasn’t going to row or whatever, but I do see her. She’s the first person that comes to mind for me with the rower. She could be tempted to do it. It’s not something she wants to say yes to. She’s sticking where she’s familiar. There are going to be offers on the table for her to come to the row because I do see three people coming.
Ben’s going over there. I honestly can see Jeffrey maybe popping over there. I love Jeffrey. I could see him doing some type of thing like that. Over their Peloton, they really want Joslyn to do it. I feel like she’s strong in everything she does, whether she’s running, on the floor, doing strength, doing pushups, and all that stuff. She has that energy. She is being persuaded to do that. They’re like, “You should do this. You should do that.” Hannah, too. Hannah could be a great person over there on the row as well.
She joined the Power Zone team, so I would think that would be a no for Hannah right away. I’m not saying never, but right away.
I feel as though things start off a little bit slower over there. When we were able to purchase the row here in the States, it took a while with London, Canada, and all that stuff. I do see that coming up in the future. Those two could be in the bundle of instructors over there.
Tom, do you have anything you want to ask?
Have you ever done somebody’s tarot reading where you get a card and you’re like, “This is really bad. I can’t tell you this.”
I feel like so many people will ask me that. With the energy that I have, I try, as soon as I start the reading, to eliminate all of that bad juju type of energy. I don’t really get anything super bad per se. I could get a feeling that maybe somebody is leaving and voyaging off somewhere else, but if you’re talking about bad, I don’t usually work like that or let that even come to my mind.
You see it in a positive way, like, “The card says the chemo will work.”
I do see things in a positive way. They don’t come to me in that negative way. I don’t know if I could even deal with it myself, so it is mostly positivity.
A door is left closed.
Your brain protects you from that.
On that note, do you see any exiting of instructors? In 2022, I felt like you were having some feelings about that. I don’t know what 2023 is bringing for you.
Earlier, when I was pulling cards, I did see a possibility of somebody leaving. I did get a vision or whatever of somebody staying at Peloton, but maybe they were taking a little bit of time to go off on their own because they had all these opportunities to work with other things in the fitness realm, whether it was clothing. We know that Selena works with New Balance. Some other instructors work for other types of clothing.
I was getting a real feel with Camila, and I love Camila. She has a lot to offer. She’s going to have an opportunity. She’s still going to stay at Peloton. I don’t see her leaving, but I see her maybe traveling not far but to do something somewhere else in conjunction with fitness, whether that’s with clothing or some other type of thing. She’s going to be working with both. I did see that. As for leaving, let me pull.
I don’t want to juju the cards, but the last time you predicted someone leaving, you nailed that one.
If somebody leaves, I do see a male instructor. It may be somebody who’s been there for a while. It is somebody who is higher on the totem pole. I feel like they have a lot to say. It’s not so much bad, but they are projecting it on social media and doing all that stuff. It’s within the instructors, whether they’re not getting along so well with them or maybe they think they’re a little bit better than the other ones. It’s not something we are seeing here. It’s something kept behind the scenes. They’re passionate about things that other people aren’t taking seriously, if that makes sense.
I feel like there’s almost a clash between them and somebody else on the team. It’s somebody else higher, especially maybe a female higher on the totem pole. I don’t think we’re seeing this. A lot of these things are kept behind the scenes. Within their little group, I see almost a clash in something. If anybody leaves, it’s this other person. It’s not the female. I see the male going somewhere else. They do have an opportunity to leave where they are. I’m seeing this person is in New York. I see them leaving New York to go somewhere else.
The cards you were pulling before we started talking, what kind of things came up that we haven’t asked yet?
I did see a lot of stuff within the community and with the instructors. I don’t know how this is even going to work, but it was like, “Say this.” It’s something where the community, the people of Peloton, are able to be more present. That’s not physical. I know there are a lot of people in the studio who go to the studio all the time. These are the regular people. How do they get into the studio for seven classes and there are still people who are waitlisted or can’t even get on? There’s an issue with that.
Peloton works in a good way so weirdly. It does something and it surprises people. It is like, “How did they do that? How did they think of that? How did they bring that to fruition?” There’s going to be more of something where the community is able to participate even though they’re not there, per se, in the studio. There’s more balancing of that so that they can be more known to everybody at Peloton, whether it’s reaching out where Peloton reaches out or making certain members known throughout the year. That’s whether they’re doing videos or commercials or giving incentives or something like that. I do see a balance to make the community happier and more involved, if that makes sense, within 2024.
Peloton works in a good way so weirdly. It does something and it surprises people. Share on XWe talked about the female instructor. I’m seeing a lot of Camila. I’m seeing Camila in a good way. There are a ton of opportunities for her coming in 2024. She is somebody that could move to a different modality as well. We could see her on the rower. I’m going to throw it out there. If it’s not the rower, it could be some other type of modality. She has opportunities in the fitness world that are not Peloton. I see a name brand, whether it’s modeling or that type of deal.
We talked about the rowing instructors. I specifically wrote across the pond. It was three. There are three people over there being educated on the rower and training for the rower. I’m getting that if somebody you’re not seeing a lot of instructing or teaching or don’t have many classes, that could be somebody going over there to the rower. They’re slowing down. Maybe they’re taping more classes and putting them on demand because they need that time to educate themselves and become familiar with the rower at that point.
I don’t see all of them doing boot. I see one specifically getting ready to do bootcamp-type rows, whereas the other ones are more like row classes. I was getting a lot about Logan as well. There’s going to be more opportunity. I feel like in February 2024, in particular, we’re going to see a lot of him doing different things within the community. We know that he works with people of all kinds.
They’re people who are differently abled. They might have a missing limb or things like that.
They have different abilities.
Exactly. We might even see him doing something with people like that. I picked up a lot of energy from him, Logan. Keep that in mind. In February 2024, I’m seeing a lot of things going on with him. I know there was something else that I was like, “We need to talk about this.” In October 2024, that has to do with a change in management. We’re going to see somebody else stepping in, whether Barry’s leaving. We may see something going on there, but not until October 2024.
There’s something, too, about healing within the community. I don’t know if they’re going to be more focused on something with meditation-type healing, but I do see that as well coming. I see that around April 2024 in the springtime. There’s something to do with healing. I don’t see that in a bad way, but I do see that more like, “How can we reach out to help others?” I know they’re always doing that. They’re helping and supporting, but it’s in a different type of way with that. We talked about the balance with the community and the involvement.
I did have another birth announcement in February, October, or December 2024. I did see one of the instructors with a birth announcement or welcoming of a child. I had February, October, or December 2024. We’ll either hear an announcement or the birth of a child. Another instructor has a lot of opportunities. There are a lot of things going on, and they have so many things to decide from.
We may see one of the instructors step back a little bit, not leave, whether it’s they’re taking a hiatus, a break, or something, because there are other opportunities. I don’t know if it’s like an overwhelming thing that’s going on or what it is, but you may see that. People may talk. People are like, “What’s going on with this person? Are they okay?” There are a lot of opportunities that they need to take a step back and decide what it is that they want to do.
Do you think we’ll see more of the Peloton on tour stuff as we saw this 2023?
That’s something that they’re thinking about. There is one particular person management-wise that wants that. They want the on-tour type of deal, but I don’t think everybody’s on board. I see that somebody could get injured or could need a break. Within that type of injury or break, they do tours, going to different Peloton stores to meet different people in the community, travel, or do something in that type of realm. In July 2024, we could see another type of tour thing happening. I don’t think it’s going to be as big as it was in 2023, but I see two males in July 2024 or summertime going somewhere else. It is 2 males and 1 female doing some type of touring in the summertime or beginning of July 2024.
I feel like 2023’s babies were the instructor’s books. Do you have any thoughts on that? Are we going to be seeing more books coming out?
When you said that to me, Anna Greenberg popped into my mind. I don’t know if there’s going to be a book that she’s going to be writing. She could get pregnant again by the end of 2024. I do see a lot of celebrations. To me, that could be baby showers. I don’t know of two instructors. This could be Andy and Rebecca. I don’t know if I see a marriage or a baby, but I see two instructors celebrating. It could be them, but it could be two people that we don’t even know about yet. It is two people. It has to do around two instructors. Whether that’s two instructors getting married or having a baby, I don’t know, but I do see that.
Do you see anything happening? Will there be fighting among the instructors or anything like that?
I did talk about the male and the female. There are people that don’t see eye to eye. There are two instructors. They’re not new instructors. They’re instructors who have been there for a while. They’re set in their ways. I don’t know who they are. In my mind, I’m like, “It’s this one and this one,” but I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s my ego talking or my gut talking. I see two people that don’t see eye to eye in a lot of situations.
I do see somebody walking away at some point, maybe September or October 2024, possibly because of this. I feel like somebody could get recognized. It could be a victory for somebody, and somebody else should have been awarded that victory or should have been recognized as the other person, or maybe they felt that way. I see, as a result, somebody walking away. That could be walking away from Peloton or slowing down a bit and being like, “I need a little less time here.”
What about the business overall? How are you feeling about that? I know you felt like 2023 was going to be a good year. I feel like, in general, I would agree with that, but vibes?
I don’t know. I don’t want to use the word uneasy to make people stressed out, but I have what’s almost like a back-away type of feeling in business. There could be some rough spots. There could be some arguments, whether that was between instructors, CEOs, or whatever it is. Let me pull another couple of cards and see.
Somebody could take a risk at something. I see somebody higher up. I don’t know if it’s one of the owners or whoever it is taking a risk for something and not everybody’s on board with the situation. It can cause a little bit of ruckus because of that. It could cause a lot of people to talk and not be so happy with this person who did something without asking everybody if it was okay or if not everybody was on board. I could see something like that happen. Some people, not instructors, but people could back away and leave. These are people behind the scenes.
I also see some people in the community getting upset about a situation. These are members getting upset about a situation and being like, “I don’t want to do this anymore. This makes sense.” I don’t know if something is sad or something happens, something slips under the rug, or whatever it is. I can see something like that happening. I don’t think it’s going to cause anything bad to happen with the company, but I could see some people pulling away a little bit.
Overall, Peloton is going to continue to surprise us and amaze us. They’re going to do things that we’re going to be like, “How do they do that? Why do they think about that?” a lot of the community is going to be getting involved. I do see some online stuff, too, with the community where they have a chance to get involved with instructors and become more known to instructors.
Overall, Peloton is going to continue to surprise us and amaze us. Share on XDid we miss anything, Tom?
Before we wrap up, we should ask what she sees in the cards for the show.
I’m still scared. I was scared in 2022 and I’m scared again.
There are going to be a lot more guests coming on that people want, like instructors. Do you remember how we talked about Logan? He could come to your show. There could be something going on with him. You’re going to have a lot of things going on in a good way. You’re going to have a lot of action in a good way. I feel like there are going to be more people that are going to want to come to do your show, and people are going to want to read about it. This could be instructors. It could be people who have a big relationship with Peloton. I got this done.
You guys might even be traveling somewhere with Peloton. I know you went to London, but I see this in the warmer months. You are traveling somewhere to work on the show. I do see some type of instructors being there. In 2024, not in a bad way, you’re going to be really busy doing things for the show and getting guests on for the show. It’s going to pay off big for you.
Here’s hoping.
I do see this going to be a happy year. I feel like at the end of 2024, you guys might be like, “This is our best year yet. We’ve had some of the best people on.” Your audience will increase.
I love that.
Let me pull one more for that because I have good feelings about that. I got the Six of Cups, which is my sweet card. It’s the sweetest card. I love it. After 2024, it’s going to be a nostalgia year. Do you know when you look back and you’re like, “I wish I could go back and do that again. I wish we could do that.” Every opportunity that you guys are going to have in 2024, hold onto it and be present in the moment. You’re going to have a lot of moments like that that you’re going to get to revisit back in your head and it’s going to make you smile.
Every opportunity that you have this 2024, hold onto it and be present in the moment. Share on XYou guys are going to have a lot of opportunities within the community to be at the studios. I do see instructors, whether it’s interviewing or whatever it is. There may be a point this 2024 where you may be stressed out because you have so much going on and it is like, “How am I going to do this all?” You’re going to get it done. If you are not, don’t stress out about it because when you’re doing it, you’re going to love every single second of it.
We need to keep her around whenever we have bad days.
Predicting Crystal will get stressed out around is not a hot take.
That’s the only bad thing that I was seeing. It was the stress. It’s the stress because there’s a lot going on. It’s going to feel like a lot of work, but it’s going to pay off hugely in the end.
That’s very exciting.
Fingers crossed.
There's a lot going on. It's going to feel like a lot of work, but it's going to pay off hugely in the end. Share on XIs there anything that we haven’t talked about that you want to make sure we mention?
I know once I leave you guys, I’m going to be like, “I forgot to talk about.” I really was seeing the number three. I was also getting the number nine, too, which is my wish card. There’s going to be almost a wish fulfillment for the community or for members. There is something that’s going to happen. I did see it, too, and I remember writing this down about another new modality. I don’t know how we can do another new modality, but I see something new happening. I don’t know if it’s almost in conjunction with something else, but I do see that.
Also, we have Germany. We have Jeffrey. We have Tobias. I love them all. I love Jeffrey. I wish he was my neighbor so we could hang out every day. I do see other languages almost. I don’t know if it’s other instructors. I know we have Spanish here and stuff like that, but I do see maybe even more of that. There may be more languages. It may be Peloton even branching off to different countries type of deal.
The three was huge for me. I don’t know if things are going to come in threes. That could mean 3 more babies or 3 more births. It could mean three more instructors. We could even get three new instructors, but I don’t know if I really see that. I could see them moving on to different modalities. Something huge is happening in a good way with Robin. She’s going to get a higher position than where she is. She’ll still be teaching, though. I also got that someone’s traveling to teach. I don’t know if that means that somebody maybe from London is going to come here for a while or vice versa. I don’t know, but something traveling and teaching.
We’ll keep an eye out for those things.
Keep an eye out and let me know. We’ll do the report card again in 2024.
Thank you so much for joining us. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you, your leaderboard name, and all the things.
You guys can find me. It is super easy. On Instagram, it is @FitMomErica. On TikTok, it is @FitMomErica. On the Peloton leaderboard, which I love, I am FitMomErica.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. I can’t wait to talk to you guys again.
Thank you so much for doing this.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe and most of the social channels @ClipOutCrystal, and also the Peloton leaderboard.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut where for $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content. You get early episodes. You get bonus episodes. You get ad-free episodes. There are lots of stuff. Don’t forget, we do not have an episode next week. Don’t freak out when we’re not there. We shall return. We always do. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in and until next time, keep pedaling and running and rowing.
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