339. Tread+ Is Back On Sale And Our Interview With Blake Morgan
- Tread+ is now available for preorder.
- Peloton’s head of marketing exits for Verizon.
- Peloton might owe Ohio $5.8 million for a factory they never opened.
- Peloton begins rollout of “Activity Goals.”
- Peloton is holding a holiday gift drive with Rad Lopez.
- Matty Maggiacomo voices Waze navigation.
- Logan Aldridge was on ABC News talking about adaptive seated classes.
- Camila Ramon featured in People Magazine.
- Benny Adami and Mila Lazar celebrate 2 years with Peloton.
- Angel/MetPro – When working out falls out off your To-Do list.
- Sterling K.
- Brown talks to People about his love of Peloton.
- CJ Albertson won the California International Marathon.
- Apple’s Smart Ring might not be just for fingers.
- TCO Top Five.
- 2023 Holiday classes are here.
- Peloton announces “Move As One” classes.
- Logan launches Seated Adaptive classes.
- Bradley Rose honored International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
- Birthdays – Marcel Maurer (12/12)
All this plus our interview with Blake Morgan.
Watch the episode here
Listen to the podcast here
Tread+ Is Back On Sale And Our Interview With Blake Morgan
We are back from the UK.
We are officially home.
Do we sound British? Do we do that thing where we adopt a British accent?
No, we did not. I’ll go ahead and answer for people. That would be weird. We’re only there for seven days.
We did a lot of things.
I did use the phrase the lift ironically
You were like, “We have to catch the lift.”
If I stayed there longer, who knows what would happen, what craziness would ensue?
I feel like they have another word for craziness.
Let me channel Kimberly/Kim, “I was chuffed to get home.” Yesterday she was looking for something. She said, “Let me have a sniff around.” We giggled so much at all these zigs that everybody had.
We had a blast and we’ll talk about more in the Patreon episode of all the things we did. We got them up through Wednesday morning.
That’s the day we recorded. That was Wednesday.
We had not been to Harry Potter yet when we recorded last Wednesday. I don’t remember.
We had because it was late at night when we recorded.
We will give you the updates which will also include the wrap-up party. It was craziness in that place. You’ll hear that in the bonus episode over Patreon.com/TheClipOut where we will regale you with more tales from our trip abroad. You can sign up for that over at Patreon.com/TheClipOut where for $5 a month, you get all the bonus content. You get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early. What pray tell do you have in store for people?
I want to make sure everybody knows that our next book club is going to be this coming Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Eastern. We are going to be discussing Evvie Drake Starts Over. First of all, I wanted to make sure about that. No author this time, but that’s okay. We can talk about how we feel about the book. It’s a quick read. You might still be able to get it done between now and Tuesday. If you can’t, that’s okay. You could join us. That’s all right.
You can hang out, and then you’ll know what happened in the book. When you’re at Christmas parties, you can be like, “I read that book.” Also, our guest this week is Blake Morgan. She is a keynote speaker and customer experience futurist. We got ourselves another futurist.
This is his wife. For the people who might remember, at the end of the interview that we did with her husband, he was like, “You should interview Blake,” and so we did.
She talks about that. Her bestselling second book is called The Customer of the Future: 10 Guiding Principles for Winning Tomorrow’s Business. She’s going to talk about Peloton stuff and that sort of stuff as well.
We have customer service at Peloton as well. For those of you who are raising an eyebrow, we will discuss. As far as what’s coming up this week besides those two things, we are also going to be talking about the Tread+, and then our head of marketing who was here for two seconds is gone, and then Peloton is going to be cutting some checks and it’s a pretty hefty one, maybe, potentially, allegedly, to put all of the disclaimers on it. We’re going to talk about new features. We also have some updates for the instructors. Matty is probably my favorite. We have a visit from Angelo. What to do when working out falls off your to-do list. We have some celebrity sightings, past guest updates, and a whole bunch of content updates as well.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, iHeart, TuneIn. Wherever you find podcasts, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. It’s super helpful. We greatly appreciate it. You can also find us on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut, where you can watch all of these episodes.
Our aforementioned Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut. For $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content. You get ad-free episodes. If we get them early, you get them early, and things at the book club which we should remind people. The book club is on the free tier. You can sign up on Patreon. You don’t have to pay anything to be a part of that conversation. We’d love to have you. We have our website TheClipOut.com, where you can sign up for our newsletter when I’m not out of the country and too lazy to assemble it, which will be returning to normal this week. We’re on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut, like the page and join the group. That’s done. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
Tread+ is officially back. I think it’s official when they’ll actually take your money for it.
They had announced a while back that the price would be $5,995 and then when they put it on pre-order, it was $4,995. It’s on sale. That means, it’s only about $700 more than what it was back in 2018. I do have a theory. I think they are trying to sell out what’s in stock, then we’re going to see a new Tread+. I don’t know what they’re going to call it. I was looking at the specs and there are only two gigabytes of RAM compared to the regular tread that has four, and the monitor, although it’s bigger, has less resolution. I’m thinking there’s going to be a new version.
It has to have some more megahertz in there. It’s all megahertz these days.
Even the motor is smaller than the motor on the regular tread.
The regular tread is 3 horsepower and this one is 3 horsepower.
I think we’re going to see a new one and it’s going to be an even pricier price point. For those of you who are concerned about “I want to have the slats and I want to pay as little as possible for the slots,” get it while you can because once these are gone, they’re gone. I don’t think we’re going to see another shipment of these. This is all theory conjecture. I do not know. No one has told me. No one at Peloton has said anything about this and they would probably not be happy with me even discussing this.
They’ve been quite happy with us before. If you think about it, the Tread+ at this point, the technology is five years old. That’s a lifetime. It’s two lifetimes in the world of tech. It’s not crazy that there would be a next generation of Tread+ where they’re like, “Make the monitor have higher resolution. Make the woofers more woofier.”
I totally agree with that. That is my theory, but I also think that if you’re the person who’s like, “I need the slats,” and that’s your biggest thing and you want to pay as little as possible, you should buy now. If you were the person that’s like, “I want the brand new thing. I don’t care how much it costs,” hold your roll.
Take a beat.
That’s my theory. That’s what I’m sticking to. I’m calling it now. Anyway, it’s out. Reportedly, they got 10,000 to sell and go.
Peloton’s marketing head has left the building, Leslie Berland, for Verizon.
Good for her. You know that paycheck is not small.
I don’t think Peloton’s paycheck was small.
I know. That’s what I’m saying. Good for you, Miss Berland.
Think how much money she saved because I bet you she gets at least 20% off her home bill.
I don’t know. Verizon is actually notoriously stingy with that stuff, but that’s another story. I am sad about this because she was excited about bringing Peloton to everyone. I believe she really wanted to do that. Who’s going to do that now? What’s next, Peloton?
It will be very interesting to see whoever is next because everybody has their own marketing philosophies. She’s in there for a fairly short amount of time and has put her own stamp on things. It’ll be interesting to see if they’ll hire someone who wants to continue in that vein or if they’re going to get somebody that’s going to be like, “I have to prove I’m smart. Let me redo everything again.”
I’ll hire Ryan Reynolds.
They’ve done that one. I got to hire Hugh Jackman.
I’m very curious. I hope they stay with the current one. I love seeing the real members. I love seeing the movement. I love seeing the colors. I love seeing the rebrand. Keep it there. If I get to vote, that’s my vote.
I also think that it looks bad. You can’t continually reinvent yourself. I get that there are times you need to do a brand refresh. Since they did one, it would it would be poor form to turn around and do another one. You got to ride this out for a little bit longer or at least if you’re doing other things, they need to be a little bit more subtle than what they did. This is an interesting story that you stumbled upon out of Ohio. Peloton owes Eastwood local schools nearly 400,000 after not opening their Ohio factory. I read the article. I did some digging because I was confused as to what it all meant.
Apparently, when Peloton announced they were opening this factory. They agreed to give the local school district $389,000 per year for the next fifteen years, starting in 2024. Presumably, the factory was intended to be open by 2024. That’s not going to occur. Now they’re like, “Do we still get the money? What’s going on there?” I think it was almost like a voluntary tiff. Now that they’re not coming, is the money still there? The school district in question said that they have not budgeted for the money. They’re assuming they’re not getting it and if they get it, it’ll be a pleasant surprise. The superintendent will get a $400,000 raise.
They’ve made a comment like, “We’re a Nexus district. We’re used to having to make these adjustments,” which then I was like, “What does that mean?” Apparently, the Nexus pipeline, which is a natural gas pipeline, runs through a swath of the state. Part of the deal was they would pay a certain percentage of whatever to the school districts, and then that company immediately sued instead.
It should be less than they agreed to or they calculated it differently. They’ve been waiting for years and years for the court ruling. They’re like, “We’re used to being told we’re going to get one amount of money and we actually get a different amount of money.” It was a little dig at the gas company. It’ll be interesting to see. The money is not technically due till next year. I don’t know if they still plan on paying it or not. I don’t know if they’re still legally obligated.
It’s too complicated to suss out.
It sounds very complex. It’ll be interesting to see how that pays out. They had a quote in the article from Peloton where it was like, “We always pay our taxes and fees in a timely manner,” but it doesn’t actually state whether or not they consider this a tax and/or a fee. We shall see. You can now on the app have the activity goals. I guess they’re rolling this out.
If you don’t have it yet. Chill out. It’s coming eventually. I don’t have it either. I wouldn’t say it’s a beta test because it’s going to happen, but it might be a while before everybody gets it. This one is going slow. At any rate, you can go in and track your activity goals. You can set it by active days or you can set a goal based on time. Let’s say I want to work out this many hours a week or you can say, “This is how many workouts I want to do.” It will be interesting to see how people respond to this. So far, people have been very excited about it.
Peloton did something that people aren’t bitching about?
I’m sure somebody is bitching somewhere probably because they don’t have it yet. It’s probably what they’re bitching about.
I like this idea of different people calculating what they want to achieve using different metrics. As you said, some are by day, some are by number of workouts. I like the fact that it gives you the flexibility to do that.
It’s another good way for Peloton to meet people where they are.
There is an upcoming holiday gift drive with Rad Lopez.
December 13th, from 3:30 to 5:00, there’s going to be an event where they’re going to have a gift drive. You’re going to be able to have a Q&A panel with Rad. This should be a meet and greet. You bring a gift and then they’re going to serve some light refreshments as well. They’re looking for things like diapers, pull-ups, children’s clothing, new or gently used, adults clothing, new or gently used. They’re looking for toys for children 0 to 12. Those toys could be anywhere from cars, trucks, dolls, and stuffed animals. board games. educational games, books, etc. Do not wrap it. This is going to support Peloton’s partner in the Bronx, WHEDco, and the families they serve.
Coming up after this, we’re going to tell you how your Waze navigation got Pelotonfide. That’s a word now. Stick around.
If you like to use Waze as your navigation of choice, I am personally a Google Maps guy.
You need to switch. I was on Google Maps. I switched for this.
You had to switch because you have an iPhone and Apple Maps is notoriously dog crap.
That’s not true. First of all, I agree with that about Apple Maps. It literally took me to the wrong place for my doctor’s office. I still use Google Maps. You can still use Google Maps on an Apple iPhone. This made me change, this this specific thing.
Matty Maggiacomo is a spicy gingerbread man.
I love this so much. He voices it and you can go in and change your voice, and you change it to the Spicy Gingerbread man, and you will have Matty Maggiacomo guiding you everywhere you go. He’ll be like, “Let’s go on our winter drive. It’s not that hard. Turn right.” He’s like, “Got it pumpkin? Okay, cookie.” I love it. I did reach out to him to congratulate him. He was saying that it was a fun little thing. I was like, “Did you have to record everything individually or did they somehow AI it.” He said, “I had to record every single thing and it took two hours.”
I’m surprised it’s that quick because that’s a lot of things that they say.
There are only so many ways you can say, “Turn right, turn here, turn left,” then he would be like, “You’re here, but you didn’t think you could get here being guided by a gingerbread man.”
It’s nice to see he’s helping people overcome hurtful gingerbread stereotypes.
Matty is always reaching for more inclusiveness.
He’s a trailblazer. This gingerman is burnt because he’s blazing trails.
If you want a little holiday treat even if you never use Waze again, take at least one drive with Matty. You will have a good time.
If you’re Google Maps is sufficient, have no fear, because Waze is owned by Google.
I actually enjoyed it. Waze has fun stuff in it. You can get moods after you’ve taken a number of drives. You get little moods that are shown on your map. You can see other Wazers where they are on the map and you can see what mood they are in.
It knows your mood by how you drive fast and you’re angry.
I don’t know. You can change your mood. It also will have like when topography is a little bit different interface, it’s like, “Up here, some things are going on.” It’s a totally different experience using Waze. I actually enjoyed it.
I don’t know that I want a different experience. I can look at Google Maps. I instantly know what it’s telling me and I don’t have to think.
That and the two restaurants that you go to. I get it.
As my wife, you should take solace in my love of routine and loyalty. I’m just saying. Logan Aldridge was on ABC News talking about the new adaptive seating classes that he’s released.
This relates back to Matty. I took a live class with him this week and Matty was saying that he saw Logan. He woke up and Logan was on the news. He was like, “Every day, I wake up and one of my co-workers is on the news.” He was like, “I love Logan’s little mustache. I got a thing for mustaches,” and then he’s got the longer hair. He’s into it. Anyway, Logan is promoting their new seated content program, Adaptive Fitness, and talking about why that is so important and why it’s important to increase awareness about it. It was a great interview if you haven’t seen it. I love this and I love everything that Logan does. He’s a genuinely great guy.
We will be talking a little bit more about the classes themselves coming up later in our content section of the show. Camila Ramon was featured in People Magazine.
This was an In Case You Missed It because it’s several weeks old at this point. We wanted to write about it because she talks about her journey. She goes through a lot of conversations about body image and what that means to her and how that has shifted over time. It was a good article. We wanted to make sure we highlight that.
There are 3 or 4 instructors that you see in People Magazine all the time. When we get to see one that doesn’t fit that bill, I’m excited for the ones that get featured. It’s nice to see other people getting some love too.
We have two Peloton anniversaries and they both have been there for the exact same amount of time. If there are ever any fights over vacation days, Mila Lazar and Benny Adami are not going to be happy with each other.
They’re going to have to fight it out. I think they’d probably get the same amount of time. That would be my guess.
What if they both want the same day off and they’re not equipped for that? They’re like, “You can’t both go on vacation at the same time.”
Peloton got it.
I don’t know. Things are going to get weird in the break room.
Congrats to both Benny and Mila. I can’t believe it’s already been two years. I know I keep saying this but that pandemic messed me up. What year is it? How has it already been two years that these two have been here? I love that our German instructors are getting the love and showing up that they’ve been there for two years. That’s cool.
Joining us once again from MetPro here to answer all of your fitness and nutrition questions, it’s Angelo.
Thanks for having me back.
Thank you for being here. We have a question from Sarah Kaplan Schmidt. She is struggling with finding time to do everything. Unfortunately, working out falls off the to-do list. Do you have any suggestions for Sarah?
I do, Sarah. This is a super common challenge because there’s not enough time in the day. One of the reasons people tell me they can’t find the time is because they think exercise needs to be a bigger endeavor than it needs to be as far as time commitment. One of my clients was the CEO of a big tech company and he was on a plane 25 days out of the month. He had no time. He was from airport to airport. What we did was we built him back in the day and we pioneered this idea of micro workouts. Now, they’re very popular and you can find options all over the place, simple options.
What we had him do was right in the hotel room, he would do 10 to 12-minute workouts. With that, it wasn’t such a chunk out of his day that he couldn’t be consistent. With a lot of our clients, when they are first starting, one of the things that we emphasize because we we watch the data. We crunch the numbers and we see what makes the difference. When we have gone back, we’ve analyzed thousands of clients that have gone through our program. What we have found is that clients who exercise regularly, when I say regularly, that’s three or more times a week, lose 33% more weight than those who do not.
In both categories. They lost weight because your biggest lever is the nutrition, but those who exercised consistently lost 33% more now. Here’s the interesting part. That analysis was indifferent to the amount of time they spent exercising. In fact, it appeared, and there are exceptions to this, but overall, what it appeared is that those who were consistent even with shorter workouts when the frequency was high enough lost more weight.
As a coach doing this for two decades and thousands and thousands of clients, I can tell you that there are some behavioral patterns and some psychology behind why that statistic is the way it is because you can go to a knockdown drag-out boot camp, and you will burn more calories. What we also find is if somebody exercises even if it’s just a short circuit where they’re doing it in their living room for 10 minutes, their nutritional adherence and the choices they make with their food is on average better that day.
There are a whole lot of forces in play, but the moral of the story is that if I could recommend one thing, it would be to pick whatever you can fit into your schedule even if it’s just ten minutes, and do it as close to daily as you’re able. If you download our app, we’re up to about 650 workouts in it. We have purposefully developed short workouts for people in your exact scenario that you can find. There are so many resources out there. You can find little circuits anywhere.
The key is to get moving something that’s going to work the larger muscle groups of your body or big ticket items. Think of a pressing motion, a pulling motion, or a squatting motion. It doesn’t have to be heavy but big-ticket items in a circuit that raises and elevates your heart rate, and sustains it for at least a few minutes. What you’re going to get is an after-burn for that, where your metabolic rate is elevated at least for a time after that, and the consistency of doing that is as close to daily as possible.
It can have a measurable impact and a positive impact on your metabolism. My number one suggestion is if you’re thinking you have to pack your gym bag, you have to drive to the gym, you have to find an hour in your day, you have to take the extra travel time, shower, change, and all that. It’s no wonder why people can’t find time to workout. Don’t think of it in those terms if you’re starting off. Figure out what the simplest the lowest common denominator is that you can be consistent with. Start with that and what will happen is you’ll be able to gradually build on it. Start with 8 minutes or 10 minutes. Over time, you might be able to add 12 minutes, 15 minutes, and beyond. Start simple. That’s going to have the greatest impact.
Thank you very much for all that. Until next time, where can people find you and get this sort of stuff tailor-made for them?
Thank you.
We have a celebrity sighting. It isn’t necessarily new information that Sterling K. Brown from This Is Us is a Peloton lover because he was on Tunde’s podcast. He talks about his love of Peloton in this week’s issue of People Magazine.
That’s two mentions of People magazine for Peloton.
I guess he’s out making the rounds for his movie American Fiction, which we saw.
That was good.
I guess I can talk about it here. I’m technically embargoed. I think it opens on the 22nd of December. It was good.
It will stick with you.
It was funny. It was fascinating that it’s about a serious topic and it doesn’t trivialize the topic in any way, shape, or form, but it was also funny. I would highly recommend it. This is probably going to be one of my favorite films of the year.
I could understand that. It was good
As we’re talking about Sterling K. Brown, we should also take a moment to mention that he’s from Saint Louis. It’s one of the things we get to be proud of. We got John Ham and we have three Chicks in the Office. Pam and Ellie Kemper as Phyllis are all from Saint Louis.
We of course have the zoo which is very good and it’s free.
Coming up after this, we’re going to talk about content and a past guest update from a former interviewee who not only finished a marathon but also won the whole damn thing. Stick around.
I think that the tease that I gave for this particular story if you were a regular listener, was very solvable.
If you don’t know, it’s CJ Albertson. This dude is so freaking fast. My brain melts when I try to picture it. To be able to run 26 miles in 2 hours, 11 minutes, and 9 seconds is incredible. He was number one by two whole minutes.
He beat the guy who came in second by two minutes. There’s the picture of him crossing the finish line. There is nobody else in the picture. They hadn’t even set up the finish line yet.
Here’s the cool thing. I think we’re going to see big things from CJ this year. He’s gone after the Boston twice. He did the strategy differently this time because, at 23 miles, he did his big move. That’s when he pulled away and completely crushed it. In the Boston Marathon, the first year that he attempted to do it, he was way ahead at the very beginning and then he lost steam.
He was ahead for 13 or 14 miles. It’s a long time.
I think that he’s tweaking his strategy.
Like the pacing, and the strategy of the marathon. For most people, it’s like finishing.
I don’t know for most people but for me.
If you’re a little bit more advanced, it’s finished faster, where he’s like, “How do I win?”
I also think that there’s a difference in what the layout or the topography looks like in the California International Marathon versus in Boston. I’m not familiar with California, but I know Boston is known for its hills. They have some hills, especially at the end. Either way, I don’t know if that means he’s going to do that with Boston, but huge congratulations on this for CJ Albertsons. He’s had a phenomenal year and it’s cool to see him killing it out there and to know that he trains on his Peloton tread that can’t go fast enough. It’s crazy. I remember when he did his entire 26-mile training and he couldn’t go as fast as he wanted to go. That blows my mind.
Apple is working on smart ring technology but according to the patent, it might work on other parts of the body that are cylindrical in nature.
He said it delicately. That’s all you’re going to say about that.
I know what you would use something like that for, but I don’t know what sort of data it would be collecting.
That’s fair.
I think that they’re meaning like wrists or bracelets.
That’s a tiny little wrist.
I guess it’s adaptable.
You take that technology and then change it up. That could be.
This ring is going to be way too small, I would think.
They already have the smartwatch.
I don’t get it. I read the article a little bit and then it got technical so I got bored and I stopped because that’s what I do. I didn’t get they were like, “You can use it when you walk by a thing and it’ll know you’re there but you won’t have a screen on it. Maybe you’ll have like a lanyard.” I’m like, “What? Why would I want a lanyard? Why would I buy a ring so I can look at something on the lanyard?” That’s when I stopped. When I saw lanyard. I was like, “I’m done now.” Whoever is in marketing, don’t try to do this with a lanyard if I’m to be believed because as soon as I said lanyard, I was like, “Close.”
The word lanyard is boring.
I don’t want a device that needs another device. If it interacted with my smartphone, I’m already carrying that. That’s fine, but if I need to lanyard, hard pass.
We’ll see what happens. We’ll keep you updated.
I can’t wait to see all the perverted things people come up with.
Let’s take a look at the TCO Top Five. We put out the eagle call and then you tell us which classes were your favorites, and then we share them with everyone else to help narrow down their class choice selection.
The very first one is the favorite Peloton Row. This was submitted by Sarah Lester. This was on November 12th, a 15-minute Diwali Row with Alex K. Sarah says that she was impressed with Alex’s 15-minute Diwali row. He explained how he came to experience Diwali and was open to learning and celebrating different celebrations and traditions. It’s a great class for the beginning of the holiday season. That’s lovely.
Number two is the favorite Peloton run. This was from 12/1 of 2023. This was the 30-minute World AIDS Day with Jeffrey. Cindy Stuart loved it because of the personal story that Jeffrey shared. She said that she loved his World AIDS Day run. He shared about his uncle who survived an HIV diagnosis in the ’80s. He mentioned that even though they are close, he’s never met him in person and would like to do so. He also shared how he helped to support those with HIV, especially women and children who need support to extract themselves from unhealthy situations by helping women become independent. Very moving.
I would love to hear the back story on how they’re close but have never met.
I’m guessing it’s a travel distance thing.
You have to make an effort to become close with someone who you have been able to meet.
That’s true. I have to take the class and see if I can get any more information. Number three was the favorite Peloton full-body strength. This was from 12/1/23. It was a 45-minute full-body strength with Rebecca Kennedy. This one came up multiple times. Stephanie Wallers, she’s Steph Spins For Cake. She said it completely fried her legs and triceps in the best way. If you like her five-day split, this is a lot like it. Heavy lifting and a long rest in between. I love that.
Coming up at number four, we have the favorite Peloton walk from December 3rd. It was a 30-minute holiday walk with Jess King. Jennifer Bentz, also known as JZ. She said that Jess King’s 30-minute holiday walk from 12/30 was her favorite. She was feeling a tad under the weather. She wanted something a little lighter than a run. Somehow she found herself in this class and it was Christmasy EDM music. Between Jess’s outfit, her playlist, and her usual spunky self, the whole thing was what she needed to kick off December. One last thing. There’s a spoiler alert on that one. If you do take that class, make sure that if you have little ones in the room, you should absolutely have headphones on when you listen to that.
There are Christmas spoilers.
We appreciate Helper be Darcy for making sure we knew about that spoiler. Our unstackable came in. It’s a 45-minute Power Zone Endurance ride with Matt Wilpers from December 2nd. This came from Dave Stember. He said Matt’s 45-minute Power Zone Endurance ride was a symphony of suffering on pedals. Three 8-minute intervals in Zone 3 on a 45-minute ride. Three to four instructors chose the music for him, which added to the fun, more motivating than usual. If you enjoy a Power Zone ride, give it a try. That’s interesting that the endurance ride made it to an unstackable. That must have been rough because usually, it’s the intense ones. The endurance is supposed to be the “easiest.” You got Wilpered.
The 2023 holiday classes schedule is here.
There are eighteen of them on the schedule. There’s a wide variety including Hanukkah classes. Four special workouts. We had none for years and last year, we had one. Let’s be happy we have four. Also, people have been asking for Jenn Sherman to do one for years and she is finally teaching a 20-minute premiere ride at 5:00 PM Eastern on December 7th. Bradley Rose will pick up the Hanukkah dreidel again and he will teach a 10-minute arms. Light-weights classes are dropping on demand on December 7th. Ana Greenberg is teaching a 20-minute restorative yoga on December 8th. Robin Arzon will be teaching a 20-minute run on Saturday, December 9th. Anna Greenberg broke her toes. Hopefully, she will still be teaching that class.
I would love to have been in the marketing meeting where they had to decide whether they were going to spell Hanukkah with an H or a C.
We then have XOXO Cody Santa’s Werkshop. This is going to be a special XOXO Cody class and it’s going to be a fun way to get into the holiday spirit. It is scheduled for December 8th and starts at 5:30 PM Eastern. Don’t forget, we have the holiday challenge badge. You get 3, 5, or 10 classes during the month of December that are holidays and you get a new badge. Those are always fun.
Also, Peloton announced their Move As One classes.
That took place while we were in London.
I saw the class photo after one. There’s a bunch of instructors came out at the same time.
You know what that was. I think it was the rehearsal for the Move as One class because right after I was done with my class, the next class was the rehearsal. Of course, nobody can attend the rehearsals. I think they were in there and then as part of their gearing up for it, they took a big group shot.
There was a bunch of people waiting for them.
I don’t know. I can’t explain that.
It wasn’t an instructor.
You are definitely digressing. The point is there were three of these. There was a ride, a run, and there was a strength class. If you are part of our Patreon community and you pay for this, you’re going to hear how exciting this was. We’re going to get into it a little more in-depth, but I will say this about our London trip. This entire tour stop was the closest to homecoming that there has been since COVID, like absolutely bar none. That’s what the traditional homecoming was like. It was magical and wonderful, and I’m glad that we had the opportunity to go.
We mentioned this earlier, Seated Adaptive Transfer classes with Logan, and now we will actually talk about the class itself.
He also took this class or I should say he taught this class with Para Olympian Tom Miazga. Tom posted about this all over his social media as well. This entire program is designed to teach people to build strength to properly transfer in and out of a wheelchair. What an important thing. That’s so important. Peloton is saying, “We get how hard it can be for seated athletes to transfer in and out of a wheelchair. We’re going to help you increase your strength, and your mobility coordination and technique.” It’s a one-week program and there are twelve classes over that week. You take them in order to complete the program, and Logan will walk you through it. That’s cool.
Also, Peloton marked Persons With Disability Day.
Bradley Rose did a 20-minute cycling class on this theme and this took place on December 3rd as well. It was a premiere so it had already been pre-recorded. I love that they’re celebrating that. That’s great.
We only have one birthday this week. It’s from Marcel Mauer on December 12th.
Happy birthday, Marcel.
Happy birthday. Coming up after this, we’re going to have our interview of the week with futurist Blake Morgan, so stick around.
In this episode, joining us is Blake Morgan. Blake, how’s it going?
How are you?
We are good. I’m super excited to talk to you about all things Peloton but also you have got some books, speeches, and all kinds of things that you have managed to wind Peloton into. I am excited to talk about that too because it is always my dream to take Peloton and bring it into the job. I love that. That makes work fun, don’t you think?
Crystal, I don’t know anything about you. I want to interview you. Is this your job or is this your hobby?
Yes, that is the answer to the question. I used to be a corporate project manager and then I found Peloton and we started this show. I had never been a person who was into fitness on my own. I always wanted to be in shape but I wanted to do it for aesthetic reasons. It never occurred to me that I could do things like run. I was like, “I had to get on an elliptical to lose weight.”
Whenever I found Peloton, it changed my whole mindset. 1) I could work out from home. 2) I met all of these people who are lovingly crazy. They do things like, “You have never run 1 mile in your life. Come join us. Let’s do a half Ironman as a relay together.” That’s the thing. I got involved in it and I started figuring I wanted to understand more about how people stay in shape, how they get fit, and things like that.
I got my training certificate through NASM and then I did a nutrition certificate and behavioral change. I went in and did all the things. Somewhere along the way, MetPro was a sponsor of our show. I fell in love with their process because they help you lose weight or train for a marathon but it’s not about restriction. They taught me about reverse dieting, which you may know about and I don’t know but it’s not your traditional dieting method. It’s the opposite of that. It’s eating more.
That’s awesome. That’s all Peloton. We will talk about all that but I don’t diet for sure.
I ended up going to work for them and I do their show. I am a coach. I have another podcast with Tom that we do about Tonal because I fell in love with Tonal as well. It became my job. We are so excited you were here. How did you originally find Peloton?
Everyone kept talking about it in 2020. I had a baby in 2020. I used to be into Orangetheory. My whole life, I have used exercise to combat stress. Sitting at a desk all day, I don’t know if I have ADHD but I have something and it’s very hard for me to sit still. I found my whole life exercise helped to keep me calm, happy, and all of that. Not being able to go to the gym or Orangetheory like so many others.
In July 2020, I had my son, my second child. I wanted to lose weight and get back in shape. I had that moment of I want to try this thing that everyone was talking about. I started with the bike and did a lot of that. I also had a personal trainer coming and helping me get into weight training. I did that intensely with my first trainer. You go through phases with certain coaches.
First, it was Jess King. Ironically, my childhood best friend is best friends with her randomly in New York City. It’s so weird. She should be on your show. It then was Alex Toussaint. I got into Alex Toussaint. I did that for two years, like hardcore on the bike. I missed running so I bought a treadmill. I’m into running classes as well I have been doing weight training with Jess Sims religiously for years. She’s incredible.
I always tell people that she is the first one who ever brought listening games to Peloton. I love her listening games.
She’s so funny with that. She’s like, “Another burpee,” I was like, “This course is long.”
You had a baby during COVID. That sounds like a lot. Not that having a baby isn’t always a lot but that’s an extra wrinkle.
It was amazing because I do what you guys do but I also travel and speak for my job. I make money by giving speeches. When you have a baby, you are not in the running for these speeches. You can’t travel and get on an airplane. With COVID, every event was canceled and they said, “We are doing a webinar.” Guess what I can do while pregnant? I can give a webinar.
There were all these silver linings for me and my family where I didn’t have to travel. I could still work through the pregnancy and also be with my kids and my son. It was tough. Being asked to wear a mask when you have a baby is brutal. I always through my pregnancies exercise meditation. I do Peloton meditation every single day.
Having a baby during COVID, the only hard part was that the grandparents couldn’t hold my son but we made it work. One time, I was washing strawberries with soap because, in the beginning, we were all so nervous about COVID. Until I ate and thought, “This can’t be good for the baby. I have to relax a little bit.” We moved during COVID. We realized we were so lonely in the Bay Area where we lived. We had no family around it. Working and having little kids is tough. Being alone during a pandemic was brutal.
When I had my son, I was a little depressed like probably a lot of other new moms. I remember being on the bike thinking, “Where can we move?” I had this bug of, “I don’t want to live here anymore in the Bay area.” We ended up moving somewhere I never thought in a million years I would ever live, which is in Los Angeles. We live in a valley but then we live near our grandparents. It’s amazing how in life you end up doing things you never thought you would do because life pushes you and you change and grow.
It is amazing how you end up doing things you never thought you would do because life pushes you to change and grow. Share on XIt is funny how opportunities present themselves that you never would have considered under a different set of circumstances. You have a tread. You run and bike. You do strength training. Do you do strength training through the Peloton platform or do you still have a trainer? How does that work for you?
I had a trainer for a little bit. I’m not a big fan of personal training. I find I’m much less lazy when I’m personally driven. I’m the worst because I will make best friends with the trainer and we won’t work out. I have been doing strength training through the app. I take Jess Sims with me when I’m on the road, in the hotel, or on the treadmill. The thing that I love is Peloton but they don’t want you to know is you need that app and you can put that iPad or the phone on any treadmill.
I ended up buying a non-Peloton treadmill. It’s a very expensive treadmill. I find the non-branded Peloton treadmill works fine. I have been enjoying that. I haven’t been biking at all. I’m in a phase of running and strength training. I have gotten strong. People are shocked. I’m only doing 30-minute runs uphill like sprinting intervals and then 15 minutes of strength training. I have gotten pretty toned with that.
It is funny how you can do a lot with a little. Some people work out too much. For some people, it’s six days a week.
It doesn’t work. You don’t get the results because you are not letting your body heal. I have to watch that because I use exercise as a stress reliever but if you don’t rest, first of all, you never have a good workout because you are always fatigued.
Do you only use cardio for your stress relief?
We walk the dogs. I have a pool. I swim doing cold plunges. I’m a huge proponent out there. If any of your readers have stress, anxiety, or depression, jump into a cold pool that’s not heated. You don’t need a very expensive cold plunge ice bath. Go in a cold pool and it’s so refreshing. I do breaststroke for ten minutes every day in the cold. I’m walking and running my dogs. I do meditation. Being with friends is important.
I’m already prone to these things and I’m a working mom, very ambitious in her career. It’s not the working mom thing that makes me stressed. It’s my personality. I’m very intense. In any in life, if I had done anything, I would have been the same. Jess Sims always says, “I keep telling you, working moms, you are not tired.” It’s about not having excuses. “I’m tired because of my kids. It’s okay. How are you feeling? What do you need? Fix it. Get it for yourself and then you won’t be complaining or dragging yourself.”
When it comes to your job, you are in customer experience and you do these speeches. How did that become your passion and part of your everyday life?
I fell into it like so many others. If you hear about Jess Sim’s career path, she was very athletic and then got into teaching at Teach for America. She became a principal and then realized she loved fitness. As for Peloton and everything, she’s a teacher of fitness. She’s marrying her passions. That happened to me too.
I was living in New York City and working at a conference production company. I had moved there to be Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. That didn’t work out and I got fired from an unpaid fashion magazine internship. I fell into this job of producing events, podcasting, and blogging back in 2007. My husband and I fell head over heels.
After five years in New York, I flew to San Francisco and started working at a bunch of different companies. None of them worked out. I worked at even a Fortune 100 company called Intel. That didn’t work out. I got laid off. I realized that there was this niche of customer service and experience that was growing and I was building a brand doing that. When you have momentum for something, you feel it in your bones. You are like, “There’s something here.”
For the last several years, I have been continuing to write, speak, and produce tons of content on this niche that has exploded. As you can imagine, especially during COVID, every customer needed to have a digital experience. Brands had to hustle to figure out how we serve customers through digital technology. I have continued with that. I call it a customer experience futurist type of role of, “The customer has all the power.”
During COVID, every customer needed to have a digital experience. This pushed brands to figure out how to serve people through digital technology. Share on XBig thanks to smartphones and social media. Brands had to step up in the last several years. They are realizing the only way to differentiate is through experience. Peloton has done a great job of that but they have also had some missteps. That’s how I fell into it. It’s like falling into the ocean and you move where the waves take you. I have had a lot of success, thanks to Peloton, with my fitness routine and my mindset.
I’m extremely ambitious. I use what I have to help me instead of seeing, “I’m this and that. It’s all a setback. I’m different.” I use everything that makes me different as an advantage. As a result, my brand is growing and I’m coming out with my third book with HarperCollins. I sound full of myself. Don’t get me wrong. I am not. I am very humble. I will beat the crap out of you and me too which I do with Alex Toussaint all the time but that’s my story.
I’m curious about an example of something that you see as some people might beat themselves up over but you use it as an advantage. Give me an example of what that looks like.
I was extremely shy as a kid. If you call on me in class, my face would turn bright red, even up to being in my twenties at work. In a business meeting, they say, “What do you think?” I believe I would look like I wanted to cry. “Don’t call on me. I want to hide. I don’t want you to see me.” As I went on, I used my anxiety as a superpower. I would pump myself up like, “You want this opportunity to go to that guy because he’s confident and he doesn’t care what people think.” No. I would be my coach and use my anxiety as a superpower.
You can’t channel all that negativity and its energy. You use that energy and push yourself out there when you don’t feel ready. You keep pushing yourself. Eventually, you become that person who you can be on the mic and you don’t care what people think. You realize other people enjoy the authenticity that you can laugh at yourself or your voice isn’t perfect for a speech or a podcast. It’s okay. You don’t have to be perfect to win. There’s enough for everybody to go around.
I say that to Crystal all the time because she’s always worried about something that’s going to go wrong. With that, she’s become a good planner. I’m over here going, “What’s going wrong? You always have a plan. If that plan doesn’t work, there’s a backup plan to that backup plan.”
The only reason it hasn’t gone wrong is because I did all those plans.
You learn as podcasters or if you are doing a speech that if something goes wrong, let’s say my dog barks, everyone listening and watching their ears will perk up. They will go, “What’s that?” Even in a speech, let’s say somebody sneezes loudly in the audience. Everybody starts paying attention and it adds to the richness of the event. When something goes wrong, in a weird way it breaks up the monotony of everything going right.
I always have this thought about when people are getting married and they are super worried about, “Is the flower girl going to walk down the aisle right? Is she going to drop the flower?” I was like, “If she does it right, you will never remember it.” It’s the moment of, “Remember when the flower girl walked the wrong way? It got halfway down and turned around and ran out.” That’s what you remember. Especially when the flower girl is 26 and you are looking back. When things veer off the path, that’s when it becomes memorable. I’m here to make things veer off the path. She makes the plans. I make things veer.
It’s part of your story. People reading might assume things about me but not even that long ago, I remember I went to a conference and all my peers were there. I was extremely nervous. I don’t think my speech was that strong. I gave a speech. I got on the stage and felt like I wanted to go home. I was in Vegas. I was like, “This didn’t go well.”
I got the feedback from the organizer. He said, “You are the lowest-rated speaker out of all of our speakers.” I was devastated. I went to my room and cried. I felt like, “I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this job anymore.” It’s in those moments that the universe is testing to see what you are made of. I went to other people and said, “This happened to me. What do I do?” They said, “Eventually, you will have thick skin and it won’t bother you.”
I believe that I’m a much better speaker. Part of my story was I was terrible, pregnant with my daughter, getting up on stage, having a bad haircut, being overweight, and wearing clothes that didn’t look right. That’s part of my story. I’m interested in psychology. There’s a documentary called Stutz on Netflix. Have you guys seen that?
I have not seen it.
What he says is you should run toward pain. A lot of psychologists say this and this is a peloton tenet. “Don’t avoid being uncomfortable. Run toward pain and you will be so much better off.” It’s the same with stress and the things you are trying to hide. Stutz the psychologist says, “That shadow part of you or the dorky eighteen-year-old, overweight with braces that you keep trying to hide wants to be part of what’s happening. Include her and imagine her on stage.” Once you do that, it’s interesting how your whole body relaxes and something amazing happens.
We are all about the documentaries and that sounds fascinating. You have talked about Peloton in your books and speeches. That does fascinate me. There are a ton of examples that could be business-oriented but I’m curious how you have used those in your speeches.
Peloton is a modern customer experience because of the personalization you get from the app. A lot of us Peloton fans will never go back to the gym because, in the gym, you are not getting personalized metrics. It’s like me and Jess Sims are the only people in the room. It’s a mix of they are using data to personalize. It’s incredible content and they don’t rest on their laurels. Those coaches are always bringing their A-game. The product is great. Anybody can buy a treadmill or a bike but the mix of that personalization and content makes Peloton an extremely modern brand. It’s the cult of Peloton and people keep coming back
It’s tailored to your schedule.
Especially working parents. You don’t have time to drive. Let’s say Orangetheory, which I used to do religiously. It was across the street from where we live. I would walk over. You have to secure your spot but it’s like a whole thing. You can’t just turn on your computer and start your workout. You have got to be there at the right time or twenty minutes before. You have got to drive to the gym or compete with other people for equipment. It’s not very smart and time management, especially for working professionals. It doesn’t sound like much but 30 minutes to 40 minutes of driving to a gym is an important time. Peloton has been incredible for me to make fitness a part of my life in a way that’s sustainable.
You mentioned some missteps that you have had, which they have. I’m curious what stands out the most to you over time?
I’m writing a book. One of the things I was studying was Peloton’s explosive growth and then the downfall after COVID. They had incredible growth. The height of the brand was worth something like $90 billion or something crazy. I had to check my notes. There was huge growth and excitement, and then mismanagement steps, changing customer preferences, and the stock plummeted. It was very disappointing for all of Peloton’s shareholders.
What happened is they got very excited about the growth. They started trying to accommodate customer demand but then things started to go wrong. Customers weren’t getting their bikes on time. They bought a $400 million factory in Ohio. They could spend money like crazy and hire crazy. There was a recall and John Foley didn’t admit fast enough that there could be a problem with the treadmill. It took him two weeks to admit that there was a problem and do a recall.
Two weeks is a long time. People were not happy with his behavior. If he admitted there was a problem with the treadmill, there would be a huge financial loss and major problems for Peloton but worse is the loss of trust the customers had with the brand saying, “This brand only cares about profit. A child died on the treadmill and the CEO didn’t recall the product fast enough.” That was the beginning of the end for John Foley, unfortunately, and his career at Peloton. It’s in these moments that people are under pressure. What are you going to do when things hit the fan?
He felt strongly that he was in the right. If you were to ask him, he still feels right about what he did. He felt that if a person used that treadmill correctly and within the confines of the way it was supposed to be used, there would not be accidents. There were other treadmills on the market that have never been called and never taken to task in the same way the Peloton has, even though they have had accidents on it. There are some question marks there about the CPSC wanting to put a little bit of a target on Peloton because they had the ability to do that. They could use it as a platform to further their agenda. The Safety Commission is the one who said they needed to do the recall.
Peloton is so popular and beloved. When you are the most admired brand, your behavior is under a microscope. People are waiting for you to misstep. You are right. Customer perception is reality when these things happen. I interviewed Oscar Munoz, the CEO of United. When a passenger was dragged off the plane, it took him way too long to say, “We messed up.” From my perspective as a customer experience strategist, Peloton could have been right or not but by not saying, “We care about customer safety and we are going to address this quickly,” it gives too much room for people to wonder what’s going on behind closed doors.
When you are the most admired brand, your behaviors are under a microscope and people are just waiting for you to misstep. Share on XThe biggest miscalculation he made is that he looked at it and said, “This has happened to other treadmills. Why are we any different,” forgetting that Peloton is different. That’s part of what makes it so magical but then that means in moments like this, you are going to get attention in a way that NordicTrack or BowFlex isn’t going to get it. You have been dominating pop culture in a way that those brands throughout the entirety of their existence never have been able to muster. When you find yourself in a similar unfortunate situation, people expect a different reaction and you will have a bigger target on your back.
You are right that it doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong. The fact of the matter is it’s how it came across to so many people and that was detrimental.
It’s weird. All this is happening in the news. You are seeing the stock price plummet. I’m still doing my classes with Ross Rayburn Meditation, Jess Sims, and Alex Toussaint. I’m looking at them like, “Are they upset about this at work?” I’m looking to see if they are sweating. They keep doing what they are doing. It’s interesting. You are getting so much value as a customer but these things are happening and these macroeconomic trends are affecting the company. I’m still a huge fan and Peloton is a big part of my life. I’m pretty fit because of Peloton. I have them to think mentally and physically. It’s weird. You hear all this stuff about how terrible they are but they are amazing. They are a huge part of my life.
If they are so horrible, why is every single thing they do good or bad clickbait? It’s a fair question.
At the end of the day, their stock price might have plummeted but their customer base hasn’t. That’s where I always get confused with the disconnect between them. They are still bringing in people day after day creating new customers and keeping the ones that they have. Why does it mean a bad stock price? That part has always mystified me. Back to your experience with the product, it’s something I said on the show at the time, which is if I’m going to open a can of Coke and take a drink, I don’t as a customer go, “What’s the stock price looking like?” I want Coke or Pepsi. I don’t care about the stock price.
People keep coming back to Peloton because the content is good. They are always trying new things and having fun with the brand. They have an incredible brand that has longevity. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years. I’m excited to keep watching as a customer and also, I won’t call myself an analyst, but somebody covering these topics for places like Forbes and other magazines and interviews.
People keep coming back to Peloton because its contents are really good. Users are always trying new things and having fun with the brand, which contributes a lot to its longevity. Share on XI’m curious what Peloton has done that has had the largest impression on you from a positive side because we talk about the negative side.
One example is Robin Arzón. It’s interesting to see her through her pregnancies working out. It seems like she got pushed back and flacked for strength training while she was very pregnant. She’s saying, “Strength training pregnant is safe. Working out pregnant is fine.” She is a very public example of a woman who didn’t disappear because she had a baby.
I have her book Strong Mama and I read it with my daughter. Sometimes my daughter will pull that book from the bookcase because she knows how much I light up when I read it. It was a message of strength. It’s confusing and difficult at times to be a working mom. You are strong but at the same time, you are vulnerable because you have children. It’s like, “How do you show up in the world?” She’s such a positive example.
I don’t know if she’s still the head of content and training but at the time, she was. She’s a lawyer. She does ultra-marathons and everything. She’s still training pregnant and she’s back. She’s pregnant again, continuing to show up, lifting weights, and saying, “This is safe.” That’s cool and all the different representations of Peloton. It doesn’t matter what you look like. Everybody loves fitness. You don’t have to love the coach that looks like you. You can appreciate people from different backgrounds and that’s positive for Peloton.
What is your leaderboard name?
It’s LoveToSweatBM, which also BM is Bowel Movement.
That’s one hell of a bowel movement if it’s making you sweat.
I never do live classes. I’m boring but if you want to befriend me on Peloton, I will accept your friendship.
Would you say that Jess Sims is your favorite instructor or do you feel like she’s one of your favorite instructors?
She is my favorite. I am like her. First of all, there are things I respect about her. She’s very private. You don’t know what’s happening in her personal life. She doesn’t want you to know and it’s not in your business. She doesn’t see herself first as a girl. She’s a person and a leader. She’s not going to shrink because of who’s in the room. She is who she is. I love what she has to say. Her worldview can come through sometimes when we work out and from what she says. I like her worldview.
The tough love mindset works for her. I understand her dad was either the chief of the Boston police. It feels like a very interesting background and that influenced her mindset. She’s very tough. She played basketball growing up. I can very much relate to who she is like her spirit. She’s very pretty but that has nothing to do with how she speaks or shows up in the world. She’s very tough. I love her relentless positivity.
It’s this quote from Billie Jean King that pressure is a privilege. You are lucky to be here. Be excited by the challenges. She also has a saying, “It never gets easier but you get stronger.” There’s this misnomer that when you are a kid, at a certain point, you will make it and you will be done working hard. As we get older, I have realized, “The challenges get bigger. Life gets harder but you are more equipped to deal.” You are never done. There’s always work to do but you become stronger at facing the challenges that are going to come your way.
Challenges in life just gets bigger and harder. You just become more equipped to deal with them. Share on XThere’s a line at the end of parenthood where Jason Robards ended up having to take on his young grandson and raise him. They are like, “Aren’t you upset about this? You are supposed to bend.” In the end, you never crossed the finish line. He’s like, “You spend your whole life thinking that there’s going to come a point where you have crossed the finish line and then you are done. That day never comes. The sooner you can make your peace with that, the happier you are going to be.”
I love that show too. It’s a great throwback.
It was like, “This is us before this is us.”
Alex Toussaint says that a lot too. You practice how you play. He has a saying something to the effect of, “If you stay ready, you never have to get ready.” I love that.
I always like how he said, “Smile, you woke up today.”
Some of these coaches get the feeling they have bad days. Alex Toussaint wakes up sometimes and he has a problem at Starbucks. His latte’s too expensive or someone says something weird. He’s so funny.
My guess is he’s not very price-sensitive anymore. Just a hunch.
You’d be surprised when they say, “This morning was hard for me too. I wasn’t in the mood when I woke up. I like that. I’m not the only one that isn’t in the mood to work out. You get bad moods too. It’s so refreshing.”
We have a sports psychologist on our show, Dr. Jenn Mann. She’s taking a little break. Her mom passed away but she’s been on many times. She always says that you find the class that you need. She very much believes that you will randomly pick a class and that’s the class you needed to hear. There will be a message in there that is just for you. I agree. It’s great.
Even my mom, when she visits us, I can hear her on the Peloton watching. There’s an Australian blonde that’s tiny. I can’t remember her name. Do you remember which coach I’m talking about? She’s British.
I bet it’s Leanne.
I hear my mom who’s 70. She’s not tiny. I love it. My mom is rocking out to this little coat. This woman resonates with my mom. They couldn’t be more different but it doesn’t matter. We all share the sweat equity, which we get so much joy from. I love that.
Blake, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us. We greatly appreciate it. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you on social media and get your books and all that stuff.
I would love to hear from anybody. I love to meet the Peloton family and friends. You can come to my website, BlakeMichelleMorgan.com. I’m all over social, Instagram, and everything so please find me and we can chat about Peloton.
Thank you.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
They can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on all the socials and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon over there at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in and until next time, keep pedaling and running and rowing.
Important Links
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