190: Cody Rigsby Featured in New GM Commercial plus our interview with Angelo Poli
John Mills joins us to discuss Bank Of America’s new target price for Peloton.
Cody Rigsby is featured in the new GM commercial.
Alex Toussaint is going to be featured on the Today Show.
Peloton Prophet says stacked classes are coming (probably between the time we record and the time we release the episode).
Peloton removes “Stop The Steal” hashtags.
Peloton has sent out surveys asking about Heart Rate Zone training.
Jess Sims was (kinda but maybe not really) featured on Live with Kelly & Ryan.
E Online has an article about what jobs Peloton instructors had before Peloton.
Page Six has pics of Peloton instructors at their fittest.
Huffington Post talks to Kristen McGee about morning workouts.
Allure talks to Ally Love about her make-up routine.
Well + Good sits down with Becs Gentry about fitness journaling.
Peloton’s International Managing Director Kevin Cornils is interviewed by Tech Round.
Runners World has tips from Matt Wilpers.
Tonal is a great addition to your workout routine.
The new contestant on The Bachelor loves his Peloton.
The White House is trying to figure out how to handle Joe Biden’s Peloton.
2 Chainz raps about Peloton.
Tom’s Guide writes about the new Bowflex treadmill.
New Artist Collaborations with Miley Cyrus and Tiesto.
There’s a new drop at the boutique but…what happened to free shipping?
All this plus our interview with Angelo Poli!
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Cody Rigsby Featured in New GM Commercial plus our interview with Angelo Poli
You’ve been very busy. In our world now, busy equates to crabby. Your job has been making you go nonstop.
It’s Wednesday and I’ve worked 30 hours. I’m not joking.
If she snaps at me, it’s nothing I did wrong. That’s a good rule of thumb as we move through life. If she snaps at me, it’s not anything I did. I am an angel, I did nothing wrong. What pray tell do you have in store for people this week?
I put the list together so fast while I was eating and on meetings, so I don’t even know. I don’t remember.
Here’s what you have in store for people this week. Peloton stock prices is driven even higher and higher. Lots of Peloton in the news. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a week with this much Peloton in the news of all the different outlets, whether it’s Page six or E Online or Ryan and Kelly. It’s been everywhere. There are some political adjacent news related to Peloton that we will try to cover apolitically as possible, so please shut your pie hole. We ask in advance that you shut your pie hole and just let us report on it and we’ll move along. Before we get to all that, now you can do the shameless plugs.
Shameless plugs, don’t forget we’re available on Apple Podcasts, be sure and subscribe so you never miss an episode. You can also find us wherever you get your podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, all the places, you shall find us. While you’re there, if you’d be so kind as to leave a review, we love that. It’s super helpful for the people that come along behind you to know that maybe we’re worthless. It’s one of the easiest things you can do to help us out if you’re like, “What can I do that?” Here’s a new review from HarmonyIsMe. She says, “Hubby and I purchased a Peloton at the beginning of the pandemic after deciding to cancel our gym membership. Of course, we were instantly obsessed and totally addicted to it because it’s awesome. We just can’t get enough of everything Peloton-related. We’re happy to have found this podcast. We started with episode one and are now making our way through every episode. The hosts are adorable and hilarious. We’re learning so much about our bike and workouts and the community. It’s super informative, very fun. My biggest laugh thus far was the recipe for doughnut on a pizza stick,” which is so long ago. I don’t even know what she’s talking about, but I think we all know that was something I said.
It sounds like you.
Her leaderboard name if you want to find her is #Ballet_Harmony. Thank you so much. Also don’t forget, we are available on the internet at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group and, speaking of things you could do to help, you can share an episode.
That’s never a bad thing. If you see me over on the OPP posting episode, I love when you guys chime in, that also keeps it on the OPP visible longer. That’s another thing.
The more interaction it gets, it will stay at the top, so that’s super helpful with a like or a common or both, if you feel extra extroverted. Finally, don’t forget our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/TheClipOut where you can see all of these in their HD glory, and you can check out our new fancy pants, a neon The Clip Out sign that I got Crystal for Christmas.
It was a really great Christmas present. I love it so much.
She celebrates Christmas. I celebrate CrystalMas. That’s all of that. Let’s dig in, shall we?
Joining us again is John Mills from Run, Lift and Live. John, how’s it going?
I’m doing well. How’s it going?
It’s great. We have a lot of stuff to pound through, so we’ll start since you like to talk money. The Bank of America is raising its target price on Peloton stock.
They’re raising it to 164. No, that’s what it went up to today. My bad.
On the article it says 175.
Justin Post has been a consistent fan of the product and of Peloton in general and where they’re heading, so I’m not surprised by that that he would be somebody out of the gun in 2021 saying this. That’s not surprising. I thought that was awesome. Peloton ran it up, it was up some 8% or 9% and it dropped a little bit down from that, but still it was a good $9 on the day. I’m not sure if it was because of this price hike or not, but it had a great day. I think this was an interesting article. What I found interesting about the article is how he talks about the percentage of increase of traffic to Peloton site in this quarter, fiscal Q2, between October through December versus last October to December. He always does that. Anytime he puts out an article, you’ve got to pay attention to him or whenever anybody quotes him, because he always gives you information that you can’t find anywhere else, and that’s in there.
It says it went up 167% year-to-year.
That was interesting, I love to see that. He did also point out that the previous quarter though, we’re talking July through September, that was up like some 280%, a much larger percentage from the previous year. It was a declining increase, but it’s still way above any of their competitors in the space, the traffic that they’re getting.
I think that makes sense just as deep in the pandemic as we were between those months, and everybody hearing all the buzz about the longer lead times started up and that kind of thing. I could see that. Plus, it wasn’t that back when they were hitting the stock market high then too. Maybe people were checking it out because they heard all these great things from the stock market.
If you go back from that period, that would have been right as they were going public. They were all in the news, they were going public, so to me from that period to now, we’re talking about this year 2021, July through September, you’re right, we’re talking about the pandemic and we’re in the middle of a summer. Everybody’s looking for any workout equipment. Now, they’re up on nearly 300% from that period when they went public previous year. It makes sense that it may not be as much as that.
An IPO is going to artificially inflate how much chatter you get. Artificially sounds harsh, but you can only do that once. It’s like Daffy Duck drinking gas and eating a match, it’s a great trick. You can only do it once. It stands to reason that you’d see that. I think it’s also interesting in the article, it says Peloton related posts on Instagram were up 71% year-over-year and up 92% on Twitter, which I think that’s crazy.
There's no greater human motivator than seeing progress. Share on XWe talked about we know that there’s some negative buzz about the delays in shipping, but people are still buying like nuts. They’re visiting the site like nuts. I don’t see the impact truly yet.
I don’t either. I’m not saying it won’t happen. I do think that you’re going to have more people talking about it. I think Peloton is going to have to answer these questions. They’re going to get forced to do that. I also think that it’s going to hurt their NPS rating that John’s always talking about. I think it’s going to affect that. I think it’s going to affect new people bringing new people in. I think all of those things are affected. Will it affect to their bottom line? I don’t know.
That makes sense to me. I was looking at churn at one point. I was like, “I wonder if that would affect churn, but probably not.” We have the bike and the tread. They’re probably not going to go, “Because that person couldn’t get a bike, I’m going to get rid of mine.”
If the complaint is it’s hard to get the bike to people with the bike, you’re going to value it even more. If anything, it’s like when you’ve got Springsteen tickets or something, you’ll hold onto those. We’re hearing rumors that by the time this episode goes live, you will be able to stack classes at long last, which is very exciting.
That is something people have been looking forward to for a long time. I think this is really going to help the 45-minute purists feel better about their classes. The stack class is mixed with the skip intro, what a delight.
That request has been out there for a long while.
I don’t remember. John, I think we started not long after each other and it’s been four years. I think it’s been around since we’ve been around.
I think this is going to be big. People are going to love this. Every time I see or hear about these things, I bypass them from an innovation perspective, bit rate, but then you get used to it and then you move on. Peloton has truly dropped a long list of these things like this that collectively, the other players in the space don’t have these things.
That’s that first mover advantage comes into play. That they have the time to do that.
This is going to be a good one. I think a lot of people are going to love this one.
That’s also why like as frustrating as it can be, you should probably wait if you’re jonesing for a bike and can’t get one, it’s frustrating, but in the long-term, your patience will be rewarded.
You ought to drop into that delivery discussion group and tell them that.
I’ll get right on that.
There are a lot of people who are really mad over there. There’s no shame, I’m not mad. I’m just like, “Yikes.” On that note though, I would like to clarify that I feel like there are a lot of people who misunderstand some of the delays. For example, people seem to think that Peloton is the one setting up the order in which these are delivered. If your order is handled by XPO, that’s simply not the case. I realized that Peloton contracts with XPO, so they have some control that they can exert in that manner. When you have a subcontractor, it’s not like you can be like, “Do what I say right now or I take all your business,” because there isn’t another player as big as XPO in the market.
I was going to say, how many competitors could they have? I would think that it has to be a pretty short list of people that can deliver a product of this size and put it together and do it nationwide.
It’s very limited. I don’t think there is another one at that level. I think that’s why XPO gets away with it. You have one, the supply chain issue and I think you have XPO literally giving people’s bikes away. I’ve read a lot of posts where people are like, they call and they complain and they get their bike faster. This person who’s been waiting for four months just got pushed to the back of the line.
It’s classic shit runs downhill situation.
Don’t be the squeaky wheel. I know you want to be the squeaky wheel and you want to get your bike, don’t be that person. You’re making somebody else wait even longer.
That’s a tough situation to be in, and I get it. Moving right along, you had posted an interesting thing about GM. This is going to come back to Peloton here, just bear with us. We’re going to go on a little bit of a walk. GM announced their goal to get to advance zero emissions to and make those cars easier for everybody to afford
By the end of 2025?
Sure, let’s go with that. They put out a fancy little video.
The whole reason we’re showing it to you is because Cody Rigsby was in the middle of this commercial and wearing a Peloton shirt. I think that’s worth noting because that means Peloton is in on this. They’re supportive of this. It wasn’t just like a random signing.
They wouldn’t let them wear the logo. You wouldn’t think that there’s an implied endorsement there.
They mentioned everyone on this ad as being inspirational, people associated with accomplishing something that you thought couldn’t be done going above and beyond. In reference, that’s why they picked these particular people or brands or people who represent certain brands to be in this campaign. I found that interesting. Basically, they’re seeing Peloton or Cody or the combination of being a product that came onto the market and they exceeded expectations.
That’s pretty exciting all by itself just to be included in that company. Years ago, I couldn’t have imagined we’d be sitting here having this conversation, “Look, Cody is in a GM commercial.”
They don’t even have to stop to explain who he is. I still remember the first time somebody referenced Peloton. It was some Google announcement. They referenced Peloton without explaining what Peloton was.
It was a news item right here.
We were like, “That’s a big accomplishment that they didn’t feel like they had to explain what Peloton was to people.” That’s a big spot or hump to get over in the world of pop culture.
Do you remember those days where we would see one of the instructors in an article? Even more exciting, to see them anywhere on television and everybody has a million likes. We were all shocked. Now, it’s more common.
Now, it’s an everyday occurrence. Our Peloton in the News segment this week, I don’t know that it’s ever been longer. It’s crazy.
We have a very long list.
Speaking of that, you also were kind enough to capture some video of from the Today show.
This is awesome. Carson Daly of the Today show is going to be doing an interview with Alex Toussaint to talk about his rise and how he got into cycling. Based on listening to what Carson was saying, he also has been working with Alex to curate his playlist for tomorrow’s 3:30 PM Eastern time Hip Ride. it’s pretty cool.
That’s amazing. It’s crazy that we’re having that conversation. Carson Daly is working with Alex Toussaint to put together a little playlist, no big deal.
He calls him his life coach. He’s inspired by Alex. Bias, but I can absolutely understand anybody regardless of whether you’re a celebrity or not. You get to know Alex and you can feel his character.
I really love his saying, “You woke up today, so smile.” I know he has a lot of good ones, but that one always gets me right here. It’s usually early in the morning and I’m like, “Thank you. I needed that reminder.”
That was awesome. I think that’s going to be fun. I can’t wait to see the interview on Friday and I’ll be on that ride.
The interview will air the same day that the show airs, but the class is on January 14th if you want to look it up.
Thank you so much for joining us again this week, John. Before we let you go, remind everybody where they can find you.
They can find me on Facebook in my Run, Lift and Live group or page. They can find me on Instagram, @RunLiftAndLive or at RunLiftAndLive.com.
It was announced that Peloton is removing another hashtag and related hashtags from their options, which is #StopTheSteal. They followed suit with basically every other social media platform like Twitter, Facebook.
It’s pretty widespread. Did you see Amazon already?
I believe that they did too. If people are trying to use those, they will no longer function.
You can’t start it. They not only took it down, they also blocked it so you cannot start a new group, like a new hashtag either.
We’ve talked in the past about these surveys that Peloton has been sending out to people. They sent out another one recently about Heart Rate Zone training.
Somebody was listening to a past episode where we had talked about you don’t see a lot of Heart Rate Zone training anymore. They reached out to me to let me know that they had recently gotten a survey specifically talking about Heart Rate Zone training, and it got them wondering, “Does this mean it’s coming back? Would it just be on the bike? Would it be back to the tread?” There were Heart Rate Zone classes on the tread as well. While we’re on that note, I’ve gotten other surveys. I’ve been hesitant to talk about them because I want to be clear. I’ve gone a little back and forth. I feel like Peloton is figuring out what they want to do, so I don’t mind talking about the fact that they have marketing research. They’re doing marketing research. I also don’t like to completely ruin it.
Just cause they’re asking the question, doesn’t mean the answer’s going to be yes.
I’ve been hesitant to talk about those. If you guys are hearing things from other places, that’s why. I have mixed feelings about it including this one. I wasn’t sure if we should even mention it.
It’s the things we struggle with.
This is going to be a workout. There’s a lot of in the news. Let’s start with what I think is an anti in the news.
I don’t understand what happened.
Jess Sims was supposed to be on live with Kelly and Ryan. I went to try and find footage because they post full episodes on their websites. I was like, “I’ll get footage to play and we’ll talk about it on our YouTube version of the show.” She was supposed to be on Monday and she got bumped. At the end of Monday, they said she’ll be here on Tuesday, along with somebody that was going to do a boxing fitness jump around thing. I know it has a fancy name, but keep in mind which one of the two of us was researching. I was like, “I’ll go look at the Tuesday episode.” That person was on there but Jess Sims was not and they made no reference to her. Then I went to watch on Wednesday to see if she maybe popped up there, and she was not on Wednesday’s. Then I went to look at Thursday’s, except we record on Wednesdays, so I didn’t go to look at Thursday at all. They absolutely announced it like, “Fitness week on Live with Kelly and Ryan.”
What the heck? Maybe she’ll just be on later this week.
I don’t know but they did not seem to reference her on the other shows. I did not watch every second of those shows because it’s Live with Kelly and Ryan, so I have absolutely no interest in watching them. Maybe they did but I could not find it if they did.
We tried to give you some news, and turned into anti news. I really like this next article.
This is from E Online, which is another major source to be talking about Peloton, You Won’t Believe What Your Favorite Peloton Instructors Used To Do For a Living.
This one was great. It walks through a whole bunch of the instructors and what they used to do before, and it shows them side-by-side. If you are not watching our YouTube channel, you should just for this. It shows what they did, then a picture of them at work and it shows a picture of them now. I’ve seen Tunde, Olivia and then there’s Adrian. It talks about why they left. It’s great. They have a picture of Jess Sims as a teacher. She’s a kindergarten teacher and now she’s Jess Sims.
Who had the most interesting or surprising job in your mind?
I always forget about Olivia Amato because hers is interesting to me and I don’t know why it doesn’t stick in my mind. She was in the financial services industry, and she quit to become an instructor. She was like, “I’m not doing that anymore.” I haven’t seen Robin on this one. Robins’ story is always fascinating to me. What is Aditi saying? Was she a model? Was that what that she said?
It says, “Sometimes mom truly does know best. Because it was, in fact, the finance grad’s mother who first suggested she explore a life as an instructor while she was staying with her parents in Bangalore, India.” I don’t know what’s going on with all her bio, but it’s not saying what she used to do.
I think she was a model. I think that’s her on a catwalk is what that is.
We know that she was an aspiring actress because we posted an article on our site a while back that we wrote about her appearance in television shows that you might have watched. She was on Sherlock and she was also on an episode of Inside Amy Schumer and things like that.
It’s very cool. I like seeing the history of how they got from point A to point B. It’s always fascinating to me.
It’s also inspiring in some ways. Just because of where you’re at, doesn’t mean it’s where you’re going to be.
Never give up on your dreams.
Then moving right along, Page Six had an article about, Peloton Trainers Share Their Fittest Photos, i.e., most skin.
They have pictures of Ally and Alex and Cody showing off their physiques and Ben Alldis. If you are not on our YouTube channel, this might be a good time to join.
You’re missing all the pictures.
Jess King, Jenn Sherman and Leanne. I like her glasses, it’s about to overtake her face.
I thought it was an ad. I was starting to scroll right by it. There are 22 of them, so there’s a lot of them that get pictured. I’m sure that it’s because they know that half-naked, attractive people will bring in the clicks. I remember where I worked years ago, there was a rumor that we were going to be doing the Lingerie Football League, which is valid sport but it was funny. A local news channel wrote an article about how awful it was that we were going to do the Lingerie Football League and how we shouldn’t do it and, “It’s really bad and how dare they do that there. In case you’re not familiar with what the Lingerie Football League is, here’s a slideshow with 47 pictures for you to look at.” It was the highest viewed story on their site for a week. It was like, “This is awful, look at it.” They’re looking at it again and then they looked at it from this angle and from over here.
They shamed you and scored the clicks off. That’s nicely done.
Moving on our next item in the news, HuffPost had an article about Five Exercises You Should Do in the Morning According to Experts. I think we all know that Peloton people now officially rate as experts and they were featured in the article.
It’s cool to see them being quoted in all these different places. I didn’t get to read this one. If you scroll down, did they go through the whole workout?
They just give you all sorts of things.
Like yoga, they’re basically saying things like different poses that you can do in the morning to get you woken up.
Here’s a quote from Kristin McGee.
She says that, “A Tree Pose is the perfect starting point for a morning exercise.”
I think you’d start with the seed pose and work your way up to a tree. Then Allure Magazine has a story about Ally Love breaking down her five-minute beauty routine.
She goes through like what she does for her makeup and her skincare. She lists it all out. They have all the different products that you can buy there. She talks about why she uses each one and how it helps her and things that she can do quickly to keep her skin clean, which obviously if you’re going to be working out all the time is super important. If you haven’t seen that, it might be something you want to check out, get some ideas.
Well and Good, which must be having a lot of luck with Peloton articles because it seems like they write one almost weekly. I feel like I’m saying Well and Good almost every week on the show.
They have for years.
They have an article called I’m a Peloton Tread Coach and Fitness Journaling Keeps Me Grounded in my Training.
I am blanking on the name of the individual who sent this to me. It is all about Becs Gentry talking through how to use a fitness journal and what you can get out of it. Things like using the workouts to motivate you for next time. Did you reach the speed that you wanted to? To see your process get better over time. When you don’t write it down, sometimes I might be guilty of this, you don’t see your progress because your progress might take 6 to 12 months. It might go from 0.1 to 0.2 to 0.3 and don’t necessarily take note of those things and remember how long it’s been from point to point. She talks through how this fitness journal can help you with details like that, to celebrate every win and to not be so hard on yourself and to motivate you when you’re in times of like, “I don’t want to do this or I’m not getting anywhere.”
Fitness achievements can be like watching grass grow. You don’t notice it, then all of a sudden you’re there. A lot of times too with fitness, you don’t realize you’re there until there’s something to make you notice it like you’ve got to lift a super heavy box or something or walk up four flights of stairs. I think that would come in very handy. That article is very lengthy, there are lots of details. There are lots of tips in there. If that sounds something that interest you, you should absolutely check it out. Techround.co.uk has an interview with Kevin Cornils. He’s the International Managing Director at Peloton.
I’ve got to be honest. There’s nothing groundbreaking in this article because we’ve talked about all these things before. With UK not being around in the Peloton that long, for them these are questions that need to be asked, “What can we hope to see from Peloton? What was the inspiration for Peloton?” I think it’s worth noting that we have all these different people in the news. Also it’s starting to be we’re having high-level people interviewed internationally as well, not just the instructors, but people who work behind the scenes.
When we were talking earlier in the episode about how it used to be so exciting when you see a Peloton instructor on the news, that was a rarity and you would get excited about it. Now, it’s an everyday, sometimes multiple times a day occurrence. I think you’re starting to see more and more of that. You’re starting to see that growth pattern internationally. They’re two or three years behind in that regard, but you’re starting to see it accelerate. It’s a good projection for the fact that it’s working in other countries. Runner’s World had an article about How to Ride Your Way to a Stronger Run.
Matt Wilpers is featured prominently in it. The whole point of this article is about cross-training, that this person wanted to get faster and better as a runner, and his doctor or his trainer had him do a lot of training on the bike. He only ran two days a week and he was biking the rest of it. He cut fifteen minutes off of his best marathon time by doing that. He was recovering from an injury, that’s what started it all. Matt Wilpers talks about why. There’s a quote from him in there and he talks about why. Long story short, it’s basically because you use different muscles, and if you run all the time, if you’re a runner and all you do is run, then your hamstrings get super strong, but your calves aren’t necessarily getting strong or maybe it’s vice versa. You guys should go read the article. It brings up a lot of like, if you’re only doing one thing, it’s making some of your muscles way stronger than others. By cross-training, you can keep everything growing at the same pace. Then you have a less chance of hurting yourself because everything is growing at the same time.
That seems to make sense. They are professionals, let them do their job. We have an article from Self.com about the Peloton Bike+ is as good as everyone says it is. They’re very strong proponent of the Bike+.
There’s not a ton to read in this article that you guys don’t already know. Maybe you guys don’t, a lot of people do ask still, “Is it worth the upgrade?” A lot of times I feel like it boils down to a couple of things. Are you going to use auto-feature? Are you going to use that where the instructor says on on-demand classes only, “Increase by two,” and your bike automatically increases by two, regardless of where you are. I have to say I’ve really enjoyed that feature. It’s really nice. The other thing is the swivel monitor for doing classes on the floor, not necessary for me because we have lots of different places to do classes. It’s convenient to do when you’re doing a Bike Bootcamp for sure. I think that the Bike+ I fit better on it than I did the original. I don’t think that it’s a must-have, but I feel like eventually, there are going to be some things that are going to be able to get rolled out to the very first one.
That makes sense. It’s frustrating for some I’m sure, but I get it.
It’s just a foregone conclusion at some point. I think we have a long time before that happens though. Also I think that it’s worth noting that Self.com finally acknowledged Peloton. That’s a big deal. Self Magazine does all these things. It’s directed at women mostly and it’s directed at all the things that are awesome in life for I’d say maybe 20s age, 30s age. I feel like they have a lot of fitness stuff in there and I’ve never seen Peloton featured in that. I felt like that was the greater point.
I’ve never noticed, obviously I don’t pay attention to that but that’s fascinating.
I think they’ve reached a new level.
If you’re looking for something to augment your Peloton usage, you might want to consider a Tonal. We’ve had many readers with Tonals and positively rave about them.
It’s incredible how many people love it as much as I do. Everything is done for you, that’s the thing. You don’t need to think. You set it and you forget it. It does everything after that. For people who are new to weightlifting or intimidated by weightlifting, who aren’t sure what they’re doing, this thing is for you because it’s going to walk you through everything you need to know, and you’re going to burn fat. You’re going to get stronger and you’re going to do it without thinking about it. You’re still going to be having fun. The things that you might want to know, Tonal lifts up to 200 pounds and they have all kinds of classes. They now have HIIT, yoga. They just added a whole bunch of new yoga classes, and several new yoga guest instructors.
They’ve been getting some big names. I know it’s not yoga specifically, but like Tony Horton from P90X has done a bunch of stuff with them. It really is like having a personal trainer in your house for much less than a personal trainer would cost you.
I can’t even pick one thing that I’m like, “Here’s the thing you’re going to love the most,” because I love so many of things. It’s a great and beautiful machine. I’m very happy with it. If you’re interested, here’s what you do. To try Tonal for 30 days risk-free, you go to www.Tonal.com and you can get $100 off the smart accessories when you use the promo code, The Clip Out, at checkout.
We don’t have any video for this one, but apparently Peloton was featured and will continue to be featured on The Bachelor. I guess the new bachelor has a Peloton.
Apparently, he loves it. Our listener reached out to us and she said that it’s front and center. The Bachelor, whoever it is, is on his Peloton on all the time. There are these shots of him on the Peloton. If you watch The Bachelor, I guess you probably already know that, but there you go.
Also if you don’t watch The Bachelor, it’s still another place that Peloton is reaching out its tentacles into everywhere. We’re segueing into our next story about there’s someone new who will be moving into the White House, regardless of how you feel about that and it’s going to occur. Joe Biden has a Peloton, and his campaign manager, as a matter of fact. There’s an article on CNN that mentions Joe Biden moving his Peloton into the White House. Don’t forget Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner had a Peloton. It is definitely White House adjacent.
The Obamas have one too. The reason I was saying that it’s not there yet is because the thing that caught me on this article was that they haven’t moved it yet. That they’re trying to figure out how to do it. It hasn’t been approved because I guess everything has to go through an approval process.
I think they’re worried about the fact that the Peloton has a camera built into it.
That’s what I was going to say. The camera is not approved because you can have communication, so that’s not cool.
There are always security issues with new technology. There were issues with Obama didn’t want to use a Blackberry. He wanted to use an iPhone, but government workers at the time all had blackberries because those were the ones that were the most secure. They had to figure out how to make an iPhone super secure. I guess it’s opened up now, but that was a big thing. That was part of what had kept Blackberry afloat for so long was that all the government workers still had to use Blackberrys, and that shifted that. I think the first president to send an email was Clinton. If memory serves, I think he only sent one. He was not an email guy. Technology always creates issues for the Secret Service in trying to keep the president safe.
We can just not go back in history that far again.
I mentioned that the next level for Peloton success is when they start getting mentioned in songs, and someone pointed out to us that 2 Chainz actually references Peloton in a song called Feel Away, which also features Kanye West and Brent Faiyaz.
Featuring the line, “Shorty gonna ride me like a Peloton.” Peloton has made it to songs. Look at that. What’s next, guys?
The website, Tom’s Guide.
I have mixed feelings about it not because it’s named Tom.
It’s not my guide. You can listen to them, at least grant them some degree of credibility because it’s not me guiding you about this stuff. They have an article about, “BowFlex Launches a New Smart Treadmill and Cardio Machine, watch out Peloton,” which is just a code for, “We need to put Peloton.” For SEO, even though this has nothing to do with Peloton, we should put Peloton in there.
That’s exactly what happened. BowFlex now have a new treadmill. It’s Treadmill 22 and Max Trainer M9. Both came out with these pretty large screens. I thought it was interesting to note because it’s just yet another, there are many competitors at this point. I don’t even bring them up every week when there’s new news, because that’s all we would ever talk about. I feel like this one is worth noting because the BowFlex 1, the CES innovation of the year for their VeloCore bike, I thought that was interesting.
That’s the one that go side-to-side.
Right after we got done recording last week, it was announced that there was a new artist series featuring Miley Cyrus. It’s the first ride where you have to do it with your tongue sticking out the entire time. Does she still do that?
The ad definitely had doing that, I assume. I assume that they said that label sent the artwork. She had a ride with Jess King and a run with Rebecca Kennedy and a flow with Aditi Shah, and a core workout with Matty Maggiacomo. If you missed out on any of those and Miley is your thing, make sure to check those out.
Also there’s another new artist collaboration with Teisto.
This week, there was a ride with Matt Wilpers and Erik Jäger, and then run with Becs Gentry and strength with Ben Alldis. This apparently is dance music and they say you will not stop dancing until long after each class is over. Neither of those are my thing but I am impressed with the fact that they keep broadening the reach of those.
Fundamentally, the reason why some people will lose weight and some people will struggle is simply what your body is accustomed to. Share on XI agree. Obviously, it doesn’t matter since I don’t do it, but neither of those artists are my thing either, but I’m impressed with how they don’t just stay in one or two lanes. It would be easy to be like Rock Country or Rock Country Top 40. They are all over the board with the different artists collaborations that they’re creating, which is great because the user base is large that there are going to be people that are super excited about this stuff, even if for us, we’re just like, “Meh.”
Every time I’m not into something, I’m just like, “That’s great,” because that means a bunch of people who aren’t into it when I’m excited are now into it. That’s how it should be.
Finally, a new apparel line dropped. It’s probably gone by the time you read this.
I don’t think that it has, but there are some things that we need to talk about with this. First of all, none of the apparel was interesting to me. I say that because it falls into the exact same category as what I’m talking about with artist collaboration. That’s great because that means a bunch of other people were super happy. Big change to the website occurred and this was confirmed by our friend, Bob Treemore, who checked over on the backend. They changed all of the website’s inventory, and it’s all filtered by size now. When you go in, you don’t have to go in, look at an item, then choose your size, then find out it’s out of stock and then go all the way through the process for each item. Now you can be like, “I want to only look at small. Here are all of the options for small.” It’s amazing.
It’s like a famous footwear or if you’re in Kohl’s like you can be like, “Only show me XL.”
One more thing to mention about this is that it has come to my attention that there’s no more free shipping option. Somebody ordered $250 worth of clothes and they had to pay shipping. It’s always been over 250 is free. There’s no dropdown. I was like, “That can’t be right.” I reached out to customer service, and apparently customer service is like, “We’ll reimburse it when your order is fulfilled.” Say what now? I don’t know if this is some glitch because of the changes they made. I don’t know what that means. It might all be cleared up by tomorrow. If you got charged and you shouldn’t have been charged, you need to take a look at that and maybe reach out to customer service because that’s not cool.
Even if the long-term plan is to not have free shipping in the short-term, they might at least give you some money back on this one, so give it a shot. Be the squeaky wheel we advise you not to be in the beginning of the show. We’re full of mixed messages. We’re a contradiction wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a chicken nugget.
Joining us is Angelo Poli. He is an internationally recognized expert in fitness and nutrition. After recovering from a crippling injury, he brought to light a whole new way of thinking about health fitness and weight loss, which led him to found MetPro. It’s an evaluation-based health-coaching program, which specializes in transformations. If you’re like me, you’re like, “I don’t know what any of that means.” That’s why he’s here. He uses a process called Metabolic Profiling. It analyzes your metabolism and provides an individualized approach to health goals. Over the years, he’s worked with Olympic athletes, NFL MVPs, physique models, and business leaders. He’s been featured in outlets like Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, and The Wall Street Journal, which leads to the next question, Angelo, why are you talking to us? You have all those big places.
I have so much to learn about Peloton. That’s why I’m here to learn at your feet, Tom. I hear that Crystal knows a thing or two but you’re the guru.
I’m here to make dick jokes. That’s what I do.
Angelo, in your words, what is MetPro?
I’m still figuring that out. It’s a lot of fun. That’s what MetPro is. Everybody else has to go through enduring all the grueling exercise and nutrition but it’s easy for me. It’s not going to hurt me a bit. I’ll give you the cliff notes. When I was 22 or 23 years old, I was a personal trainer and has been changed the world with dumbbells. I injured my back and walked with a cane for almost a decade. I almost got out of the business but I decided I was too fascinated and passionate about the topic specifically of transformation that shows the extreme make-overs and the transformation stories. That does mean something for every person, not just weight loss. Transformation is bigger than that but a lot of times, it is about weight loss.
I dove into the science and the strategy of coaching people. My work for many years has been all-around developing some technology and coaching model to help people achieve transformations. We do high touch one-on-one makeover programs. We have a whole suite of tools that are downloadable for people that are wanting to get started. That’s all the boring stuff. I came to tell you all my secrets. You can ask any and I’m going to tell you all the secrets of how we help the pros, the celebrities and the exciting people transform.
You guys do this questionnaire to figure out. You come at it from a very sciency place. You want to understand where their metabolic level is and then you continue to tweak it. How do you do that?
I am a fan of all the sciency nerdy stuff. I’m interested in what’s functional works for people. I’d like to share with you guys the five things that our coaches do. I know you’re starting with one of our coaches because you’re scratching the surface on that. In the next 30 days, you’re going to go over these five different topics with your coach, who’s going to walk with you hand-in-hand through them. I’ve been in this industry forever and I’ve personally dieted about 20,000 people. I’m not saying that to sound braggadocious.
I’m saying it because, in the industry, there’s this psychology that if somebody doesn’t get the result they want, they don’t follow through with a diet or their body isn’t perfect because they don’t have willpower or determination, that’s garbage. That’s not true. I’ve worked with thousands of people. What I can tell you with my experience is that most people are willing to put in hard work as long as they’re getting results. There’s no greater human motivator than seeing progress. When you keep progress, people are willing to put in the work. There is so much behind the scene science when it comes to understanding metabolism that when somebody tries their best and they’re met with marginal or little results, it is very defeating.
There’s always that lag time because it’s delayed gratification, which is not something Americans excel at. Let’s be honest. There’s that gap time between when you start “punishing” yourself by eating less and it’s a while before you see the results. Even if you see the results on the scale, how much different do you look at 5 pounds or 7 pounds? That’s a healthy dump. You don’t look radically different. It’s a while before you start to see like, “I’m looking different now.”
We’ll come back to putting Tom on the spot to see if we can get him interested in a little bit of this. Let me give Tom my very best pitch. Here’s what I believe and then you decide for yourself if you believe this also. I believe with the right strategy, you can achieve the goal that you’re after as long as it’s within the scope of being realistic. There are people that call me up and say, “Angelo, I want to do this.” I’d say, “You’re not going to do that.” Here’s what we can do. I’m interested in science. When somebody wants to achieve a goal, the problem is that we say, “Lose weight, burn fat, build muscle.”
Everybody raises their hand and says, “Do you know what I want to do?” I say, “Yes, I know what you want to do. You want to tone up, have more energy, burn body fat, and build muscle. Let me tell you what you’re going to pay me for it. I’m going to help you figure out which one of those items you’re going to do first and which ones we’re going to ignore because if you try and do all of them, you’re going to achieve none of them.” The missing link is the science. You have to know how to approach it.
She was struggling. She’s like, “I want to do this but then I got to stop doing this other thing. I want to lose weight. I got to do cardio but I don’t want to do less strength training but everybody says something different. What should I do?” I said, “Do one of them. Stop trying to do all of them.” I don’t know who’s right but none of them are wrong. Instead of doing four weeks of this and then three weeks, I’m like, “Pick one and decide. I don’t care what God you believe in but you only get one.”
He gave me the look while you were talking.
I was like, “I just told you that.”
He’s the guru. He was right all along. The reason it’s so frustrating is because when you go online and you Google any of those topics like, “How do I burn fat.” You’re going to get literally 10,000 answers but here’s the problem. Every one of them is correct. Not that they’re all wrong. All of them work. I was around in the ‘80s. The sweatbands, the shorty shorts and running through the parking. Guess what I saw? Stunning physique and healthy body. I was around in the ‘90s, were all in the gym, pumping iron. Guess what I saw? Stunning physique and healthy body. I remember in the early 2000, we marked all the carbs out back and shot them. It was a firing squad. Carbs are bad. Guess what I saw? Stunning healthy bodies.
The question is what will work for you and that fundamentally is what my entire company is about, Metabolic Profiling answer because they all work. You don’t take your car to the mechanic, drop it off, and then when you pick it up, you say, “Before I go, I was wondering which is the best tool, the screwdriver or the wrench? I hear good things about the wrench this time of the year.” That’s a ridiculous question. What’s the right tool for the job? You can’t know that without baseline testing and identifying your metabolic profile to determine where your starting point is, what your next steps are, and what your endpoint will likely be. That’s what I would love to dive into and share with you the five ways when we get there.
Tell us. Share your wisdom.
I don’t know about wisdom but I’m going to share something. The first thing we do is we have a goal-setting session. As I already mentioned, that revolved around deciding what we’re going to focus on and what we don’t have time for yet. It doesn’t mean what’s best, what’s healthy, what it means, and where our starting point is. For my NFL player who’s wanting to take their performance to the next level and extend their career, his starting point is going to be a little different than my grandparents who simply want more energy to play with the grandkids. It doesn’t mean that we’re going to use an inferior science with either of them. You also want to know your body type. That’s going to play in. What’s right for one person doesn’t automatically mean it’s right for the next. Your body type does influence that.
You have to throw out a little bit of the marketing lingo that revolves around body types. Think of it more in terms of a spectrum and a genetic predisposition because you’re going to have traits of multiple body types. You have lots of pieces of genetics that go into each of us. We’re not defined by one strict body type but we are going to have meanings. What you have on one end of the spectrum is that exomorphic body type. It’s the slender builds, petite frame, long arms and longer legs, doesn’t gain body fat in their extremities. You think of the runner’s build. They eat food and you wonder where it goes. It vanishes. If they put on weight, it tends to go to their belly, not their butt. They are the ectomorph body type. You have the mesomorph body type, which is halfway in between the spectrum. Those that are medium build. The Goldilocks zone and height school at that age where it’s the jock build or, “I have muscle but I’m not too big, I’m not too small.” Later in life, it’s a little easier to put on a few extra pounds. Tom, you’re in a mesomorphic body type.
There’s the other end of the spectrum and that’s the endomorph. A lot of your athletes are the real stocky, broader shoulders, thicker musculature, sturdy bones and they are strong naturally. If they even glance at a pair of dumbbells, they put on five pounds of muscle, which is awesome but they have to be conscious of gaining weight, especially as they age and their hormonal profile is a little different. At first, we look at what are your goals, where you are on the body type spectrum to get an idea of your predisposition.
We need to look at points to your lifestyle. I want to know, do you travel? How many kids do you have? Are you married? Do you have a family? Are you at home? Do you take meals socially? Do you take meals with the family? How do you sleep? All of these things. It’s not for the reasons you’d think. When I’m looking at trying to figure out somebody’s lifestyle, believe it or not, it’s as simple as this, “I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to sign you to eat for snacks.” Have you ever heard the debate where snacking is good, snacking is bad? To lose weight, you want to stack off in small meals or to lose weight, avoid snacks?
I’m going to tell you why I have every one of my clients eat snacks. There is nothing scientific about it. You don’t take snacks with friends. They’re not social meals. That simple. After two decades in the business and 20,000 transformations, I’ll tell you what’s important to me. It’s what I can and can’t get you to do. You don’t call up Tom at 3:30 and say, “Meet me in the kitchen. We’re going to have an Apple and twelve almonds together. It’s going to be awesome. Call all your friends.” You don’t do that. What do we do? We say, “I’m going to have grandma over for dinner. We’re going to cook a meal.” “I’m on a diet.”
“What diet grandma’s coming over? That’s sacred. We’re going to eat whatever we want or whatever grandma likes.” That’s why I want you to have snacks. There are scientific reasons when we’re up regulating your metabolism. It’s easier to thread carbohydrates across 5 or 6 meals than it is 2 or 3 meals. There is that but at the end of the day, I am pragmatic that I like to win. I’m interested in what’s going to get someone there. It is unique and individualized for each person. I’m trying to answer a few simple questions, “What’s going to work for you?”
Form then, that dovetails into point number 3 of 5. Are you strategic or metabolic? It’s important. A lot of your audience are athletic. Some of them are hardcore athletes and others are getting started. I’m a huge fan of the Peloton. Not just the brand but the community. I get to work with lots in the community. One of the greatest communities. I love them. People come to me all the time saying, “I’m hitting PRs. I’m getting better at my rides. I’m progressing. I’m healthier. What do I have to do now to master my metabolism? I want to pick off the stubborn ten. Some people have 50, 60, 70, and 100. How do I do that?”
The first they’re going to identify with you is if you’re strategic or metabolic. Let me describe a strategic. It’s someone who any meal plans, you go on. Any exercise routine, you do. Any program you follow, it’s going to result in progress. The challenge is in following through with the program. That’s the strategic. The difference between someone that is successful and someone who is likely to fail is speed. I know that seems odd. Why would I say speed?
When I say speed, I’m referring to how quickly you can execute on the biggest leveraged, the lifestyle tools, your food prep, your exercise strategy, your lifestyle routine, how effectively and quickly you can implement and act on those versus someone who is a novice with the lifestyle component. If I tell, Tom, “We’re going to get you in amazing shape. We’re going to get you six-pack abs. All you have to do is food prep, three hours a day, an exercise another hour a day. Are you in?”
I’ll get execs that’ll call me up and say, “Angelo, I know who you are and who you’ve worked with. Here’s what I want to do. I want to run a sub six-minute mile. I want to break PRs on my deadlift and squat. I want to ride. I want to hit my century ride. I want to be sub-10% body fat. I want to lose 50 pounds. Can you help me do all of these things?” I said, “Sure. Which one do you want to do first?” We have to figure out where we’re starting and if they’re strategic, they say to me, “I know what I need to do. I just need to follow through.”
I said, “That’s what you’re hiring me for. I’m going to teach you how to do the things you already know but instead of taking four hours a day, you do twenty minutes. The first 3 or 4 days is going to take longer than that.” Once you get the routine down, it needs to save you time because if it’s quicker to get in the car and hit the drive-through, we have a problem. For the audience who are going, “I already eat healthy. I’m eating clean. I’ve done several diets. I’ve been exercising and I still can’t get the stubborn last fifteen off,” or whatever the case may be.
That’s when someone who’s metabolism that’s acclimated. Through their intake, their metabolism has done its job. Continuing to eat clean, exercise regularly and eat healthy simply is going to do what your metabolism is trying to get you to do and that is remain and stay fit. It’s homeostasis. In other words, not change. Our strategy for them is completely different. We have to take their metabolism through the periodization cycle. I’m going to teach you the secret to that. Number four is baseline testing. That’s the secret of establishing a turning point. You may have heard that term.
You just went through that, Crystal. Your results are very good and you continue to get good results. What baseline testing is, I’m going to put you on a meal plan that is not special. Everybody needs to know that. It’s not some special or there’s this ingredient or that ingredient or this supplement. I’ve seen all ingredients work. We’re ingredient agnostic here. The meal plan that your coaches put you on, I have put thousands of healthy, active women in your general sphere of demographic on before you and I used it because it’s predictable and I have data. When your coach comes back, you’re going to have this conversation in about 6 to 8 days.
She’s going to say to you, “Crystal, here is the meal plan you’ve been on. We know the caloric content. We know the macronutrient ratio. We know how many meals a day and the frequency of your meal. We even know the glycemic loads of the ingredients that you use to build your meals. Here is exactly how your body responded.” She can no more control that response than she can control the color of your eyes. Her job is to identify how your body responded accurately. It’s not rocket science because there are only three options. You gain weight, you lost weight or you stayed the same weight.
Those are the only three possible outcomes. There’s a lot more. We’re looking at a host of other variables having to do with appetite control and energy. Putting all that aside, for the sake of our illustration, she’s simply looking for how your body responds. I know that 72% of the demographic that you’re in is going to respond exactly this way. I’ve had thousands of other women go through that exact same meal plan with this response. If she were to come back to you and say, “Crystal, your metabolism is slow.”
You best believe her. At least she’s going to be armed with that knowledge and say, “This meal plan isn’t going to work. We’re going to need to start here.” If she comes back with you and says it’s good news, you best believe her because she’s comparing it. I’m telling you, it’s good news, Crystal. Your metabolism is solid. It’s going to work. We need the right pieces in place. For most people, they need to identify where the metabolism is. Here’s my pet peeve in the industry, “Johnny, nice to meet you. Here’s what I think you should eat.”
They slide a sheet of paper across the table. They know your age, height, weight and name. They think they know what you should eat. I’ve been doing this for decades and I still don’t know what you should eat. Why? I need to test and see how your body responds first and with that information, I can say, “We’re going to pull the calorie lever. We’re going to pull the carbohydrate lever.” It’s a raging debate in the community that no calorie controls. It’s the gold standard of the WeightWatchers. It’s been used since the turn of the century and it’s the standards of a sports nutritionist.
Look at the CrossFit community and a lot of the high level. We do carb cycling and we do power manipulation. Who’s right? They’re both right. One is using a screwdriver. One is using a wrench. It’s simply a matter of which tool is going to give you the most leverage. It’s as simple as this, whichever creates the biggest difference. To somebody that are used to restricting their calories, further restriction is only going to result in a marginal difference in your body composition. I have people ask me this all the time and say, “Angelo, how come you’re not cutting my carbs? That worked good in the past.”
I’d say, “It’s because you played that card two months ago. Your body is already used to it. It is a great tool. I’m going to pull it out again in the future once your body is not used to it but now, it’s not going to deal you the hand that you want. We have to use a different tool.” It’s never a matter of right versus wrong. It’s a matter of for your body and metabolic state, here are the tools at our disposal. Here are the ones based on thousands of others of users that are most likely to be effective now.
How often do you change up those levers for people then?
Every time you plateau. I tell people this all the time if it worked. I haven’t glanced at your logs up-to-date. We’ve only been going a few days. You’re doing fabulous. Do you know what your coach is going to change about your diets?
Nothing. We want more of that. That worked great. Let’s do that for another couple of weeks. As many people know, the metabolism or as it’s known by its third name, the root of all evil, its job is to get used to whatever you do and acclimate. Would you like to know why some people lose weight and others don’t?
Yes, everyone wants to know that.
It’s as simple as this. People genetically start with a faster or slower metabolic rate. That is true. Fundamentally, the reason some people will lose weight and some people will struggle is simply what your body is accustomed to. You are in control of what your body is accustomed to. Your coach is having you eat a snack every afternoon. There’s nothing magic about it. I don’t know what she’s having you eat. It’s maybe some fruit and some nuts or something stupid simple. We like portable foods, by the way.
Do you know why it’s there? It’s not there because it has any magic response in your body. It’s there because when your body acclimates to it, when we in the future change it, remove it, or alter it, we’re going to get predictable results. In another life, I dieted the physique competitors, the bodybuilders, bikini figure, and the whole nine yards. It was a blast. It was fun doing. Every year, I’d take some athletes to the competition. Every year, I would have people approach me and say, “Mr. Poli, your athletes look great. What do you have them eating?”
I would give him the tongue-in-cheek answer like boiled chicken, broccoli, sweet potato, tofu, brown rice, you pick your poison and then I’d wait for it. Here’s what they would say next, they’d say, “Would I look like that if I eat that?” I tell them, “No, you’ll improve but it’s not about the food. Let me tell you what it’s about. It’s about the contrast.” In prep for this competition, putting this athlete on stage at 5% body fat. They were on 1,900 calories of boiled chicken, depending on gender and whatever they’re at.
It’s not the boiled chicken and broccoli. It’s the fact that the week, sometimes month is leading up to it. We were gradually having them eat more carbs, more calories, and more food volume, a little bit at a time. Eventually, they would complain and say, “I’m getting so much. I can’t eat anymore.” I do the evil laugh and say, “Excellent. You’re almost where I want you,” and a little bit more. Why? It’s towing them up to 60 miles an hour. Getting their metabolic rate blazing fast.
They’re exercising, training and hitting the Peloton. When they’re used to all these calories and carbohydrates, we cut them down to boiled chicken and broccoli, the body fat incinerate off of them because of the contrast. It’s the contrast that triggers fat loss. It’s like the parlor trick. There are three women, all neighbors. They have lunch together and they’re all on the same diet, 1,500 calories a day. One gains weight, one loses weight, one stays the same weight. Are you ready for the magic trick? The one who gained weight was eating less than 1,500 calories a day. The one who lost weight was eating more than 1,500 calories a day. The one that stayed the same way was eating about 1,500 calories a day.
It seems like an oversimplification. For all you gurus out there, it is. There’s a lot more to it than calories in and calories out. There needs to be in the industry a way to say, “How is my metabolism responding to this meal plan?” That’s what’s missing. “How was my metabolism responding to the combination of my Peloton rides and this diet?” It may or may not be responding great. If not, what should we do? That’s what MetPro is trying to accomplish.
I want to paint you a picture of more of a 90-day arm. What’s going to happen is you’re seeing rapid results. They’re going to change nothing because it’s working but I’m sorry to be a spoilsport, in about 8 to 10 days, your metabolism is going to go, “I got this. I’m used to this,” and you’re going to hit a plateau. What happens to everyone? Your coach is going to change something. It’s not going to be abs food.
She’s going to be able to call based on the pace and your analytics, she’s tracking everything. She’s going to say, “I’m going to make this adjustment. Within about 2 to 3 days, you’re going to see about this much weight loss. You can expect to get about this many pounds off and your metabolism is going to up.” I’m used to it again. She’s going to do that 2 or 3 times. I’m going to take you out of the equation and I’m going to turn and talk to the average client.
Ten average clients have twenty pounds they want to lose. We’re going to take 10 to 12 pounds off of that. What happens is if you’re going to get to the point crashed. You’re not on a crash diet. You got to get to the point where you’re a little lower way before you hit any crash dieting, I’m going to stop your weight loss. I’m talking to Johnny here, “Johnny, I want you to go and gain a pound.” You weren’t you expecting me to say that, were you? That was in the opposite business.
I can gain a pound by looking at this. I can do that. I’m an expert at gaining.
“I want you to gain a pound, Johnny. We’re going to do it in the least exciting, possible way. You’re going to get to add a quarter cup of oatmeal, a half an Apple and another twelve almonds.” I’m going to tell Johnny to go gain a pound by eating a little bit more. You’re going to come back to me two days later and say, “Fine. I gained a pound. I’m not happy about it.” “Johnny, I want you to go home, get on your Peloton, and burn a pound off for me.” Hopefully, this will resonate with your audience.
Johnny is going to go home, he’s going to get on the Peloton, and he can burn a pound off. You can’t burn 30 pounds off with exercise. You can but that’s a journey. The exercise is a huge part of it but you can burn one pound off. It’s such a huge part of getting healthy, fit and psychologically in the right spot but Johnny can go and burn one pound off. He comes back to me the next day and I say, “Good job. Now, go gain that pound back.” I’m going to have them gain and lose the same pound about five times.
It’s the same science that we do with our physique competitors, with the bikini models and bodybuilders. I do the same science with my grandparents who want to get to healthy body weight. I don’t use inferior science. We’re going to use the same science. They’re going to go and the catch is they can’t eat a bite less food. They can only, during this time period, use the exercise to burn it off because now we’re increasing activity level. We’re feeding them more and the metabolism acclimates. What’s going to happen is they’re going to gain and lose the same pound over again over two weeks, maybe a month. Remember that illustration of the bodybuilder, “Will I look like that if I will eat boiled chicken and broccoli?” No, because I towed their metabolism up to 60 miles an hour first. We get your metabolism towed up to a realistic fast level for you. Now, we go back through the process. We drop you back down to a lower intake.
It might be a little uncomfortable, nothing crashes, the body fat will melt off of you. We rinse and repeat. We increase slow l, we drop fast. That’s how we create contrast. This has been done for decades in bodybuilding sports and physique sport. Don’t get me wrong because those are my people but they’re delivered in a way that isn’t palatable or relatable to the average person. That doesn’t mean the science behind it is flawed. The science behind it is right. I don’t want to put words in your mouth because I don’t know what your goals are, but likely what’s going to happen is Dallas is going to take you through a cutting cycle and help you burn some body fat and then say, “We’re going to take a few weeks and we’re going to do a metabolic upshift,” and she’s going to go for another cycle.
By the way, anyone reading this, I don’t care what your goal weight is. If your goal weight is 175 pounds, I’m going to diet you down to 172 and here’s why. You’re not done when you hit your goal weight, you’ll never sustain it because when you hit your goal weight, you’re going to be like, “I did it. If I could eat tofu and rice cakes for the rest of my life, I’ll stay here.” No one is going to do that. I won’t do it. When we hit your goal weights, we’re going to go up a few pounds lower so that way I can recondition your metabolism back up to running faster by gaining weight up to your goal weight. We’ll gain weight, not in body fat but in muscle. That’s what we want but we’ll increase what your body is used to because when you decrease your intake, there’s no way around it.
Your metabolism is a constantly moving target that acclimates to your intake. Share on XI don’t care if you do it the healthiest most effective way possible. The job of your metabolism is to keep you alive despite changes and shifts in your metabolic and nutritional state, your metabolism is going to slow. You have to recondition your metabolism back up. It is true what they say, “You have to eat more to burn more.” The application of that is a narrow window. Some people with fast metabolism and good genetics when it comes to that have a bigger window. Some people have a smaller window but it has to be executed right. We have to get you eating more because if not, the meal plan that you’re on right now, Crystal, you’re going to go, “I’m bored of this.” You won’t stay on it forever. It has a great lifestyle and you have a lot of variety but it’s a meal plan.
If you know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, if you understand that what it takes to get you to whatever your goal is, whether it’s simply health, energy or whether there’s a goal weight attach to that. Once you get there sustaining it, it’s ten times easier than what it takes any of us to get there. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We can push through, we can do it, we can stick to it, we can get one more meal prep, one more healthy meal in and one more Peloton ride in because you know the results are going to be there. If you have a coach that’s walking you through it, it’s not going to catch you by surprise when you do hit those ups and downs with your metabolism.
How long does it take somebody to lose weight? You’re saying it’s very gradual, you go up, you go down, and then you might go down more but then you might go back up. What’s the average weight loss that you can expect?
I’ve dieted at over 20,000 people and I’ve never not been asked that question in the first seven days. I’m going to give you the legit answer to that that we give every single one of our clients. That is a fair question. Ask us after about 10 to 14 days of analytics because then we’re going to be able to give you a real answer. I have a guy who weighs 271 pounds. He does cardio five days a week and he’s on less than 2,000 calories a day. He’s lucky if he drops on the week. He has a slow metabolism. One of the slowest I’ve ever worked with. I have a girl who weighs 113 pounds. She’s eating 3,300 calories a day. If she misses a snack, she loses two pounds.
There is no fair but what we’re going to be able to do is give you not a bro-science answer and no-nonsense real answer to that question and strategies, whatever end of the spectrum you’re on. Most people are not on either of those extremes. Most people are squarely in the middle and it’s a matter of the right strategy. I’ve worked with people who were contestants on the Biggest Loser. I know the trainers. Several of the trainers have been on that show. They talk about people with a good heart and in the right spot. Here’s the thing. The problem is the way you’re supposed to do it. If you have 150 pounds to lose, you need to lose 40 to 50 pounds, you need to stop for six weeks and let your body replenish. Let your metabolism heal and recover. It’s made for terrible TV.
Nobody wants to wait six weeks to see how that turns out.
It doesn’t take an extreme weight loss program to do that. A lot of the people who are like, “My body started slowing down and weight loss, so I dieted harder until I was eating nothing.” I said, “Forget this, I’m going to go eat a cheeseburger.” That’s a normal human and you’ve got the normal protagonist. You’ve got the normal plot and ending to that story. I’ve seen it before. It depends on where the person is coming from and what their goal is. Here’s one for our audience who haven’t thought of. I had a girl hire me.
She was going on that show Naked and Afraid for the Discovery Channel. She was too afraid of being hungry on the show. She’s like, “I don’t want to starve. I get a headache if I go more than two hours.” We took her through a process of slowing her metabolic rate. She used to eat every 2 to 3 hours. We got her to where she was eating three meals a day, then down to two meals a day. For about two weeks before going on the show, she was down to eating one meal a day and one snack. It got her body acclimated to going longer between meals, which served her purpose.
When she got back, we got her back on a metabolic rubbing cycle. The metabolism is interesting in how it responds. I have one last illustration. Every year, I do multiple seminars and I’ll pick a person out of the front who’s a good sport. We’ll call her Julie. I’ll use this as an illustration. Julie is healthy, athletic and petite frame. She’s 120 pounds, a little tiny thing. She’s active. I use her as an illustration and you’ll see why. I say, “Julie, if you’re willing, would you tell us your age, height, weight and your fitness routine.” She says, “I’m 44 years old. I do exercise 4 to 5 days a week. I think I have a fast metabolism. I’ve always weighed about 120 pounds. I’m 5’1.”
Here’s Julie’s fictional story. I’d say, “You’re the expert on your body, what would happen if you changed nothing about your spinning routine and your diets. You just added a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream every night before went to bed for 30 days.” First, everybody loves Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. I made a lot of fans right then and there. She goes, “I would gain weight.” How much weight in 30 days? I’ve asked countless women at this same seminar that question. Invariably, I will get the answer between 5 and 15 pounds. Most of the time, they’re right.
That’s about how much she’ll gain for a month of Ben & Jerry’s. How much would Julie gain if she continued eating 1,000 calories a night of Ben & Jerry’s for an entire year? I asked this to Julie and what Julie tells me, almost invariably, I’ll get the answer between 15 and 30 pounds. She’s right again. That’s about how much she would gain. Now, we have a huge mathematics problem. The fitness gurus, doctors and mathematicians reading, we know 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of body fat. A pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is 1,000 calories a night. There are seven days in a week. That’s 7,000 calories a week. That should be 2 pounds a week. The last time I checked, there were 52 weeks in the year. Why isn’t Julie going to gain 104 pounds?
It’s because her body starts burning more. Her metabolism speeds up.
It’s because Ben & Jerry’s speeds your metabolism. What do we have for her, Tom? She won the price, isn’t it?
We have Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for her. A year of supply.
It’s not on my meal plan.
I can’t let it go to waste.
You’ll go, “This guy is on onto something great. I can eat Ben & Jerry’s.” Let’s not forget, she’s not going to be happy about the 30 pounds she gained but she’s not going to gain 104 pounds. There’s no way she’s going to double her body weight in a year. There’s nothing she could do because your metabolism is a constantly moving target that acclimates to your intake. It’s not going to acclimate to the ice cream fast enough to offset her gaining weight.
She’s going to gain, but it will acclimate because if it doesn’t acclimate, you die. You’re going to continue gaining until you die. When you decrease your intake, your metabolic rate will slow down. Otherwise, you would die if it didn’t slow down to meet that need. I’ll pick and speed up. If it can slow down, it can be controlled. You have to know where your metabolism is at any point in time. That’s been my life’s work in helping people identify their metabolic profile. That’s why I’m so passionate about it.
It’s clearly an amazing service that you guys provide. We’re going to get a lot of questions about, “How much does it cost for this amazing service.”
It is a concierge white-glove service for people who want somebody walking along with them. However, our pools are affordable for most anyone, sub $50 a month. If you’re doing Peloton, it’s right in there and you can experience those tools. If you get stuck, raise your hand and say, “Let me work with a coach for a couple of months.” Most people are not going to break the bank to work with. We even have a lot of doctors and fitness professionals that work with us for our sub-specialty. I’m here to learn. I have learned some every single one of my clients. I learned from every fitness professional I get to work with. Our area of expertise is fairly niche.
It happens to be an area that does stumps some people’s metabolism. A lot of people will say, “I’m going to invest in this as an education.” They’ll come onboard, work with us for a few months, get the education, take what they’ve learned and apply it to the rest of their lives. Others are already conscious. They understand about macros, the basics and they’re in the fitness lifestyle, they want something a little more specific so they’ll download our tools. It’s very economical and you can use some of those tools.

Body Transformation: When there are changes and shifts in your metabolic and nutritional state, your metabolism is going to slow. You have to recondition it back up.
For your audience, MetPro.co/tco. We will know it’s your people. We will extra love them. You’re going to talk to Steve. He is the nicest guy. Select one of the time slots. There’s no charge. You’re going to talk to Steve and Steve even going to say, “It’s nice to meet you. I want to know about you.” He’s not going to tell you what to do. He’s going to listen. If our program is a few, that’s fine. As long as you can come away learning something, I am happy. At least, you’ll be able to talk to a real-life consultant. He’ll tell you about our tools, coaches, figure out what’s right for you, if it’s a good fit, and hopefully, you can come away with something and you have even more fun on your Peloton. That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day. It’s having more fun on the Peloton.
I have a question about all of your coaches. You said you had doctors and stuff. Do you have a standard set of qualifications that people have to be a coach? Is that applicable?
Our team is eclectic in their knowledge backgrounds. A lot of our team are registered dieticians. Some come from Certified Personal Trainers. Some come from more of medical and clinical background. Some are our ends. We have a very eclectic and we are a group of people who love what we do. Now, we get together virtually but we would get together before COVID in the same room and we talk about you all. We were like, “We’re working with Crystal. She’s doing this and that but she’s struggling with this particular area. We have a client here and her daughter or her son is in school. She has this going on. How can we help her?”
We have experts from every different genre and we all put our heads together. We help come up with the most effective lifestyle strategies because that’s not what you do. You guys do life. You’re doing your family, career, health, and your wellness. You don’t spend everyday geeking out on what’s the latest gadget and tool that I can use to shame five minutes off my meal prep each day. I don’t know if that was a roundabout way. It’s a small group of professionals that all work together that are passionate about science. You will not get a different response from a different coach scientifically. Two coaches are not going to look at your numbers and say, “I think you should do this or you should do that.”
The numbers are the numbers. What you’re going to get is a different approach based on what you respond to best. I’m not a psychologist. I probably need a psychologist, but there are three different buckets. We have people who thrive under an environment with support and cheerleader, a support system, someone to go rah-rah and go on the journey with them. I don’t care how tough you are, everyone falls into that category at some point. Other people thrive. They’re like me, the one. I’ll do anything if you can explain why. That’s how I work.
If you could ever get him there.
That’s totally me. When I was a checker at the grocery store and they’re like, “Count back change.” I’m like, “No.” When they explain why, I’m like, “Now, I get it.” It was easy for me.
Tom, it’s coming. I haven’t forgotten about you. The third bucket of personality types is the A-type person who thrives off of a challenge. I’m not going to have and all three of them, they’re not going to all eat different lunches. We’re going to scientifically evaluate and adjust based on how your body is responding. When I assign you your lunch, person A is going to be like, “Johnny, I saw you yesterday log that lunch. I’m so proud of you. Did you do it again and text me when you’re done?” Person B is going to be like, “Johnny, remember how we talked about this specific macro breakdown and why we took twenty grams of carbs out of your lunch? It’s working exactly as we expected. Here’s what we’re going to do next week. Text me when you’re done with your lunch. Johnny, here’s what I ate for lunch. Can you do any better?” Tom, which are you? You’re the, “I got to know why.”
I’m the why guy.
Ironically, he knows that all this stuff is healthy and doesn’t do it.
I know why I just haven’t decided to do it.
You’re making me look dumber than I already am. Your wife is doing it. It’s going to suck but the pain will be momentary. I promise. Would you come and do a month? I would personally like to be your coach for 30 days and take you to the process.
Here’s my deal with food. I won’t say I’m the weirdest eater ever because there are people that eat their own hair although I don’t have any hair.
We’re a very good company.
I’m a weird eater. Diets are hard. Food is hard for me because it’s like a sensory thing. Most foods gross me out. When I do try to lose weight, which I am trying to do, I am very low carb-based. By low carb, I mean meat. I eat plates of meat. Occasionally, if I want to mix it up, I might eat a bowl of meat. Fruits or vegetables make me gag. She’s seen that happen. It’s not a psychological thing. If you order a pizza, they’re putting the sausage on the pizza and a stray or sliver of black olive, it’s not that I see it. I know it’s there. It’s the princess and the pea in my mouth and I start to gag. That’s the problem I have. That’s what scares me about stuff like this because I don’t know that I’m the guy. I see her prepping the food and there’s a lot of green stuff in there.
In my entire diatribe, did I sound the type of guy that doesn’t want a challenge? I’m not that guy. Challenge accepted. I’m going to have you brushing your teeth with meat-paste.
What’s going on?
That’s what’s going to air for the clip.
If you think you can do this and have me eat inappropriately because that’s why I never even try stuff like this. How many times I said, “I wish I could eat that stuff,” and I can’t.
He once had somebody challenge him to give money to a charity and all he had to do was drink a smoothie. We never aired it.
I was going to do it. I was like, “I’ll do that.”
It was oats and soy milk. He tried to drink it because he was like, “There’s nothing weird in it. There are no fruits and vegetables.” He did try and it did not go well.
I’m getting sweaty thinking about it. I can’t do it.
You are diet agnostic. Would I rather you eating a bunch of broccoli and greens? Yes, but I will work with what you’re going to give me.
This is like when you go to an NA meeting and they don’t make people stop smoking. They’re like, “If you’re going to not do heroin, we’ll allow the Marlboro Lights.”
That’s his next tagline.
There are more things that you are willing to eat that are not meat-based than you realized but we can work with that. Do you remember the screwdriver and the wrench illustration? You’re a wrench guy. If we’re going to use the wrench to fix Tom, let’s use the biggest wrench we got. Let’s do it all the way and let’s make it happen. For 30 days, you will be successful.
This was not planned out. This was sprung on me.
I had nothing to do with it.
I’m already planning out all of the fun things that we’re going to do.
Before we wrap up, remind people one more time. If they want to go on this journey with us, where should they go again?
It’s at MetPro.co/tco. We would love to meet your people.
We’re going to document the journey so you guys will be along for the ride.
Do you have a social media channel that they can follow you on?
If they go to that page, they’re a lot smarter than I am. They’re going to know all the cool links that my people that are so much smarter than I am, have nice and neat that they put on the bottom.
I bet you didn’t see that coming. Tom, it’s going to be a thing.
I guess we’ll give it a shot. He said he’s not going to make me eat like fruits and vegetables. I think it’s like I said before, if you’re in an AA meeting, they still let you smoke. There are only so many vices they can expect you to give up at the same time, so while smoking is unhealthy, it doesn’t do the same damage to your life that alcohol will if you have an addiction issue. I think that’s his mindset.
I’m curious to see how this goes. This will be a fun journey.
We’ll see. Until next week, where can they find you?
People can find me at Facebook.com/CrystalDOKeefe. They can find me on Instagram, Twitter on the Bike and of course the Tread, @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter, @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/TomOKeefe. You can find the show online at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group and check out YouTube.com/TheClipOut. Be sure and subscribe to that while you’re there as well. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling and running.
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- https://www.TheStreet.com/investing/peloton-drives-higher-on-bofa-upgrade?fbclid=IwAR0xmwrwoz6RiINCBx5Evn4vGGcrQnz_FNCPq2ktELOM45J64zLS9vVG2D4
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- https://www.EOnline.com/news/1224915/you-wont-believe-what-your-favorite-peloton-instructors-used-to-do-for-a-living
- https://PageSix.com/2021/01/07/peloton-trainers-share-their-fittest-photos/
- https://www.HuffPost.com/entry/morning-workout-moves_l_5fe3b5a8c5b6e1ce83382e40
- https://www.Allure.com/story/ally-love-makeup-skin-care-my-beauty-ritual-interview
- https://www.WellAndGood.com/fitness-journal-ideas/?utm_source=WG_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=011321_EE_new
- https://TechRound.co.uk/interviews/interview-with-kevin-cornils-international-managing-director-at-peloton/
- https://www.RunnersWorld.com/training/a35038954/indoor-cycling-for-runners/
- https://www.Self.com/review/peloton-bike-plus
- https://www.CNN.com/2021/01/12/politics/trump-bidens-white-house-move/index.html
- https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=f6vg4ZVyUW8
- https://www.TomsGuide.com/news/bowflex-launches-new-smart-treadmill-and-cardio-machine-watch-out-peloton
About Angelo Poli
Angelo Poli is an internationally recognized expert in the field of body transformations. Poli pioneered the evaluation-based approach to weight management that has been hailed as “… a foolproof diet plan.” He is the Author of MetPro: The Science to Transform, which outlines his philosophy and workout system. Poli is also a serial entrepreneur. He is the Founder of MetPro, the world’s first algorithm-based weight-loss engine, which is fueled by the data you feed into it every day. In addition, Poli is the Founder of Whole Body Fitness, which provides weight loss, health and fitness training programs for all ages and fitness levels. By using a combination of the latest nutrition, conditioning sciences and evaluation-based methods; Poli and his team are able to create complete short and long-term fitness strategies that maximize people’s weight loss process.
Poli’s clientele, from all over the world, ranges in scope from NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers, among other elite athletes, celebrities, to physique models, entrepreneurs, and politicians. He has been featured for his specialty in Neuromuscular Re-education (Posture and Alignment) and weight loss sciences in major media outlets such as Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, The Wall Street Journal, and he is a regular columnist for The Huffington Post. Poli has spoken at conferences such as TEDx, and continues to be a Wellness Consultant for multiple universities and hospitals around the country.
Those who have been fortunate enough to gain tutelage from Poli and his team of Transformation Experts have consistently achieved exceptional results regardless of their hectic schedules, significant injuries, crippled metabolisms, and daily lives with exceedingly-heavy responsibilities.
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