Tunde in Mike Ruiz shoot for Photobook Magazine

Tunde Stuns in Photobook Magazine

We were thrilled to see Photobook Magazine recently spotlight Tunde Oyeneyin– of course, while we think of her first as the badass, gorgeous, woman with the amazing arms standing in the pedals and cheering us on, they also reminded us she’s a motivational speaker, makeup artist, and New York Times Best-Selling author. Tunde has become a powerhouse in the fitness industry and beyond, inspiring countless people to embrace their own potential and lead their lives with purpose. Always glad to see Tunde featured!

Breathe In, Speak Up

Tunde’s rise to fame began when Peloton cycling director Cody Rigsby slid into her Instagram DMs. As a makeup artist, Tunde had always been familiar with Peloton, but after a second audition (eight months after the first!) she was invited to join. Since then, Tunde has become an internet sensation not just because of her tough but inspiring classes, but by promoting diversity and discussing issues of racial inequality at the same time. In June 2020, she led her first “Speak Up” class, collaborating with fellow coach Chelsea Jackson Roberts on Chelsea’s first “Breathe In, Speak Up” meditation after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black men and women divided the nation. Tunde founded the SPEAK movement, motivating people to have their voices heard and embrace their power to create change.

Leading With Confidence

Tunde’s sense of purpose and belief in herself are essential to her success. “A life well lived is a life lived in purpose, on purpose, and of great purpose,” Tunde shared with Photobook. “I believe my purpose is to lead, so, therefore, I feel most confident when I’m leading people and helping deliver a message.” Tunde’s ability to motivate and inspire people is a testament to her leadership skills and her commitment to positive change. She says that her ability to believe in herself is her “superpower,” noting that it’s “not to say I sometimes don’t have feelings of imposter syndrome, but ultimately, I always come back to knowing that I can achieve anything I put focus on.”

Tunde has been inspired by powerful women throughout her life, starting with her mother, who taught her the value of hard work, love, and owning her presence. “With my fitness journey, I’ve had so many teachers along the way, people that I admire and embody when I am instructing classes to this day,” Tunde shares with Photobook. Tunde’s ability to recognize the value of those who inspire her has helped her become the role model she is today.

Joy and Fulfillment

The Friend in Your Head

Many Peloton users view Tunde as the “friend in their head,” a testament to her relatability and her ability to motivate people beyond the gym. When asked if there was a particular individual, whether a celebrity or someone she admired, who she believed she’d have a fantastic real-life connection with, Tunde jokingly replied, “Does my future husband Michael B Jordan count?”

What don’t we know about Tunde? Tunde’s photographic memory is a unique surprise- but it has it’s downside! “I’ll remember what you wore, what your hair looked like, and what color lipstick you had on, but somehow, I can’t remember the password to my e-mail,” Tunde shares.

Outside of her career in health and fitness, Tunde finds joy and fulfillment in spending time with her loved ones. “Eating with them, laughing with them, and whether I’m alone or with someone else, I really enjoy time by the beach,” Tunde shares with Photobook. Tunde’s commitment to her loved ones and her desire for connection and community are essential to her well-being.

Advice from the Past

When reflecting on her younger self, Tunde reminds herself of where she started, what she’s been through, and reminds herself to stay present, stay humble, and lead with gratitude. “In my conversations with my future self,” Tunde shares with Photobook, “I ask her to welcome growth, welcome change, welcome new ideas, fresh perspectives, and all she knows she’s capable of achieving.”

The best compliment she ever received? “You’ve changed my life.”

Not To Be Shallow, But…

Would this be a Photobook Magazine recap without talking about how completely amazing Tunde looked? Author and photographer Mike Ruiz lit her in blues and purples which reflected off her skin, reflecting in a way that made her glow. Her outfits were all black with metallic, jeweled, and embroidered accents throughout, and we saw her both barefoot and in stilettos.

Want to try for Tunde-perfect skin? She tells us she uses “Tatcha, the Camellia Cleansing Oil; Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel Pads(original), Skinceuticals; TripleLipid Restore 2:4:2; Skinceuticals Phloretin CF; and Skinceuticals Retinol 0.5.” Good to know.

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