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TCO Top 5 Favorite Peloton classes: Stay motivated with this week’s picks (12/4/2024)

Last Updated: December 4, 2024By Tags:

Every Monday, we ask the Clip Out community to share their favorite class from the last week. Your stories of love, sweat, and tears always inspire us to keep moving. We are excited to share the five most enthusiastic nominations (in no particular order) and a quick review of each class. Read on for our weekly dose of motivation! 

This week’s favorite Peloton classes: 

1. 11/01/2024 5 Minute Core Strength with Selena Samuela

2. 12/01/2024 30 Minute Holiday Ride with Ben Alldis

3. Road to your 10K with Various Instructors

4. 11/16/2024 120 Minute Global Power Zone Endurance Ride with Various Instructors

5. 11/28/2024 45 Minute The Feast:  Full Body Strength with 6 Instructors

Why you loved them! 

Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one favorite (clear by the number of bookmarked classes we have to “take later”), but these reviews make it easy! Here’s what the TCO Community had to say about their favorite classes from the last week.  

1. Favorite Strength Class

11/01/2024 5 Minute Core Strength with Selena Samuela

Give some love to your core – and planks!  Cristina Ribeiro (#LilPowerhouse) loves this class, saying she is “doing it almost every day. This class is a great challenge for those who aim to hold a plank for as long as they can.  It’s only 5 minutes.  I started by setting my mind to do whatever without getting on my knees (high, forearm, forearm side, etc).  I’m now holding all of my planks high!  I’m thinking of adding in dumbbells next.  Just try it!  Selena’s encouragement and talking makes you forget about what you’re doing.”  It’s so great when you can see progress from just five minutes of work.  

2. Favorite Ride

12/01/2024 30 Minute Holiday Ride with Ben Alldis

Holiday classes are here again, and there’s no better way to start the holidays than with Ben.  Sarah Clark nominated this ride, saying “it was adorable!  From the outfit to the playlist to a visit from his “head elf,” this class was just the thing to kick off the season!  We even learned toward the end when he tried to get us all to clap along that Ben’s soul, unsurprisingly, is on beats 1 and 3 (ask Tom O’Keefe about this….)”  This class has beloved holiday classics that everyone can sing along to and is the perfect way to get into a festive mood.

3. Favorite Running Program

Road to your 10K  with Various Instructors

This six week program has four classes per week, 20 – 60 minutes per day.  Kimberley J. Dolbier-
Cowie took this program and said she is “running further and faster” than she thought she could, and she loves the pace targets.  Also, you don’t need Peloton equipment to make use of this program, Kimberley  said she writes her pace targets on a card and tapes it to her tread!  Enjoy being inspired by all of your favorite running instructors while you move towards that goal!  

4. Favorite Power Zone Class

11/16/2024 120 Minute Global Power Zone Endurance Ride with Various Instructors

This class continues to be a favorite.  Billy Lenoir II  said this class was “Amazing!  It had instructors live from all the studios, and the class format itself was very challenging to stick with for the full 120 minutes.  This is  a class definitely worth repeating and taking on the challenge to revisit over and over.”  Cindi Stuart agreed, as did Cristina Ribeiro, saying “Everybody should take this class!”   If you’re a power zone rider, this class is a must take!  

5. Favorite Unstackable Strength Workout

Sometimes we want a class that leaves us in a puddle and washes all hope of a stack of extra classes away with it. We call those classes Unstackable, and we love hearing about our listeners’ Unstackable experiences.  

11/28/2024 45 Minute The Feast:  Full Body Strength  with 6 Instructors

If you ever wanted to swear at an instructor, good news – you can, and will want to, swear at six of them in this class.  This Thanksgiving morning class featured all 6 instructors working out throughout, while various pairings of 2 instructors demonstrated the moves.  Mai Batol (and we’re sure all 40,000+ Pelotoners who took this class- and gave it an average 8.2 difficulty rating) said this class “killed her” and that she realized how much she hates AMRAPS.  Oh, and if you take this class, be ready for the last two minutes of constant burpees – you may or may not be able to peel yourself off of the floor at the end.  (And by the way, Adrian Williams, we’re mad at you the most for making every exercise look fun and easy while we mortals were laying in a puddle of our own sweat, wondering if we’d ever be able to move).

Thank you! 

Thank you to all of our listeners for sharing your recommendations and enthusiasm. To see the full list of this week’s classes and add your own to the conversation, check out the TCO Facebook Group. To see past weeks’ Top 5 classes, visit and search TCO Top 5! If you try any of the recommendations and find a new favorite, we’d love to hear from you!