Peloton on Tour: Live from London Day 2 Recap
The final stop of Peloton on Tour, the globetrotting event that saw Peloton instructors visit locations across the United States and in Germany, kicked off at the Peloton Studios London location on Thursday, November 30. With both Crystal and one of our TCO Tipsters attending the events, The Clip Out has the opportunity to bring you the best insider tea (we just can’t stop using tea references!) from the events all weekend long. Keep reading for a serious dose of FOMO and to see what you missed!
Winter Games
Tipster Trish attended a days’ worth of events on Friday, giving us all the insider scoop. First up, the Winter Games! Similar to game nights held at other Peloton on Tour locations, the Winter Game broke attendees out into teams with an Instructor as team leader. Trish was on Team Purple with Olivia, with Susie, Emma, Ben, Becs and Jon heading up the other teams and Ally punching in for hosting duties.
Each team competed in multiple events, including Pelo-trivia, London trivia, Family Feud, and Charades. Trish tells us, “It was fun and super competitive! And we won!!!” Congrats, Team Purple!
All that competition can (probably) work up an appetite and attendees were treated to a small buffet of hors d’oeuvres and drinks. While the group was enjoying snacks, attendees were invited to take team photos and meet the other instructors.
Welcome Hustler Event
As with other Peloton on Tour events where an Instructor has recently released a book, there was an Instructor Panel. For this stop, Robin got the spotlight for a Welcome Hustler: Self-Empowerment Panel, featuring her recently released journal by the same name. The panel, hosted by Jermaine, was held in front of a small group at the PSL studio cafe. Attendees were treated to smoothies, and were each gifted a signed copy of Welcome Hustler.
Prior to the event, attendees were invited to submit questions for Robin to be discussed during the Q&A section. Tipster Trish was one of 5 attendees selected and, as a result, she got a front row seat in order to pose her query to Robin. “Thank goodness they printed them out for us as we were all nervous!,” she says. We can imagine!!!
And, for those who are curious what Trish’s question was? “My question was how do we handle people who try and sabotage us? Her answer was that we will constantly be growing and changing and we need to surround ourselves with people who accept that.” Solid advice, Robin!
During the session, Robin shared how journaling has helped shape her life and she walked the audience through best practices for utilizing the journal. Robin’s advice? “Flip through and pick a page that resonates for that day. And then be very specific in your descriptions of feelings and goals.”
Attendees then took 10 minutes to do a bit of personal goal setting. Once the 10 minutes were up, JJ shared his goals, and Robin helped him to break them down even further so they became even more attainable. People in the audience were also invited to share their own goals and the session wrapped with everyone getting a photo op with Robin.
Leaderboard Awards
Peloton on Tour held their final Leaderboard Awards party, an event that recognizes Peloton Members in five distinct categories: Community Superstar, Social Media Star, Friend of Fitness, Champ of the Comeback, and Wild Card.
The awards ceremony was held at the Peloton London headquarters, located close to the PSL studios (roughly 1 minute away, according to our Tipster). Attendees were treated to a large buffet and prosecco with Hannah and Sam serving as hosts for the evening, with Bradley, Jon, Jermaine, Susie and Joslyn also in attendance to help honor recipients.
Honorees for the evening included a member of the BGC community, a young Member who had overcome a number of health challenges, and an 81-year-old Member who had just finished her 27th (!!!!!) marathon, the Admin for the Rose’s Rebels group, and the Admin for Jermaine’s fan group. Plus, a surprise honoree selected by Hannah–a member who has overcome drug addiction.
The formal winners were given a signed picture of all of the Instructors, plus a Peloton swag box and Hannah’s personal selection received a pair of socks that had been autographed by the Instructors. Trish tells us that the entire evening was both heartfelt and emotional.
Is Tipster Trish having the best weekend ever? We’d certainly say so!
Peloton on Tour: Live From London concludes later today with a wrap party and The Clip Out will be there! Check back tomorrow for our Day 3 recap!
Tune into next week’s episode of The Clip Out for even MORE behind the scenes tea from Crystal!
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