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New Guide Feature- Time Left After Reps

Revolutionizing Strength Sets- Again!

What will they think of next? Peloton’s answer to a personal trainer in your home, the Peloton Guide, continues to add innovative features providing new metrics and insights for its strength students. In the latest Guide update, rolling out gradually, students have spotted a timer that shows how much time is left after each set of reps. Next time Adrian tells you to do 8-10 wide-grip shoulder presses (and you do, because Selena Samuela says so), you’ll know how long you get to rest your shoulders before you’re on to the next set.

Your Personal Trainer Gets More Personal

The Peloton Guide turns your home into a high-tech gym- bringing instructors like Jermaine Johnson, Rad Lopez, and Callie Gullickson right into your living room. Truly impressive AI technology allows Peloton to craft personalized workouts specifically tailored to your fitness level and available whenever you are. With an extensive library of workouts and challenges, students are immersed in an engaging experience like no other. Instructors offer a variety of classes available on the Guide, including yoga, stretching, and cardio, but the real game-changers are the incredible strength classes. Don’t miss the strength classes made especially for the Guide, which offer a wealth of useful features.

Tracking Reps, Tracking Weight

Rep Tracker, one of the unique Guide features, counts every rep- and if you input the weights you’re using, will even tell you how much weight you’ve lifted as you move through your workout. This feature is vital in monitoring progress over time in both weights and reps, and members can see how much they have improved as they continue with their workouts. The rep tracker doesn’t need weights, though- it will also count bodyweight movements and time-based movements, like jumping jacks. If you’re concentrating so hard on lifting that you forget to count sometimes (like me, to be honest) the Rep Tracker is essential.

Seamless Integration of New Timer

The new rep timer feature complements the rep tracking feature. After Tunde gives you a set of reps, the rep tracker counts as you do them- and now, once you complete the reps, the new timer feature comes alive, showing you how much time you have left to rest before Tunde has a new plan for you. Together, Rep Tracking and the new timer integrate to keep you on the right path at all times. Note that not all Guide owners have this yet- it appears to be rolling out slowly, as many features do.

Leveling Up in Strength

The new feature reminds you to catch some breath after completing each set of reps, which is key in prevention of overtraining, and on a smaller scale, allowing your muscles to regain a little strength before using them again, even just from set to set. Burnout causes negative impact not just on a class, but overall, especially if you’re working in multiple Peloton modalities such as strength and yoga. Even better, though, the timer allows you a metric to know when it’s time to lift a heavier weight. We’ve heard many times from our Peloton strength instructors that, “if you have too much time left after doing these reps, it’s time to level up!” Now there’s a way to know for sure- if there’s too much time left after that set, it’s time to get a heavier weight, and lift a bit more slowly.

Leveling Up the Guide

The new “time left” feature is another outstanding innovation from Peloton, and we’re hyped up. It’s an example of how the Peloton team is always striving for more engaging, personalized, and effective workouts for its members. What’s next for the Guide? Since I’m not on the Peloton research and development team and I have no appropriate technological background whatsoever, I asked an AI bot to make some suggestions. Peloton, we love you, but we might love you a tiny bit more if you could provide us with:

  • Augmented reality gym on screen, and the ability to share the gym with a long-distance friend also using the Guide.
  • Integration with smart home devices, such as a smart fridge telling it what type of food you have available to make a healthy post-workout meal.
  • VR support, so that you could enjoy being IN the gym (I’m wondering how the VR goggles would do during jumping jacks?)
  • Adrian Williams being teleported through a Star Trek-esque transporter to train you in person and remind you when to take an emotional lap. (Okay, that one’s my idea, and from here on out I’ll be calling this the “emotional lap” timer.)

Tune in to The Clip Out every Friday to hear Tom and Crystal’s take on this and other hot Pelotopics. We’re available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsiHeartTuneIn. Be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. You can also find the show online on While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Lastly, find us on our YouTube channel,, where you can watch all of our shows.

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