Callie’s “Unofficial” 3-week Strength Program Review
If you’re like many Peloton users, you are probably on the lookout for different workout ideas. A few weeks ago via Instagram, Peloton’s Callie Gullickson posted an “informal” three week workout program on her “Catch up w/Callie” channel. I call it informal because it’s not an official Peloton program or collection and you won’t find it listed in the Peloton library. Rather, Callie picked a few of her past classes and combined them together to put together a fantastic workout regimen to build out Callie Gullickson 3-week Program review. The classes are listed in the photo below.
As you can see, Callie is offering a three-week strength training regimen in her Unofficial 3-week Program. The format is typical for other Peloton programs or collections, in that you get one lower body, upper body, and full body class per week. What’s unique about Callie’s offering is that both the upper body and lower body classes are the same throughout the three weeks. The only variation is the full body class where Callie gives you the choice of two separate classes each week.
Callie Gullickson 3-week Program Review–The Details
Day 1 – Lower Body (Glutes & Leg Strength – Sept 22, 2024)
In my opinion, Callie’s lower body workout is the most difficult and demanding of the entire program. It’s an absolute glutes, hamstrings, and quads burner! This class is loaded with several challenging variations of squats and deadlifts. The opening sequence (following warm up and demo) are about three minutes of (eventual) quad burning hell. Here is that opening sequence with each exercise followed by a brief rest period.
3-point squat – 45 seconds
Dumbbell Squat (“pause squat) – 45 seconds
Dumbbell Squat (eccentric squat) – 45 seconds
Dumbbell Squat (traditional) – 45 seconds
The 3-point squat goes something like this: full squat – rise ⅓ back up; squat – rise ½ back up; squat – rise ⅔ back up, squat -full rise – then repeat this over the 45 seconds. Your quads are working hard the entire time.
Callie calls the first dumbbell variation the “pause” squat. Here, you hold the squat for 4 seconds and then rise. The second variation is the “eccentric” squat where you lower for 4 seconds then quickly rise up. The final variation is the traditional up and down squat.
The middle portion of the class offers alternating single leg and kickstand deadlifts followed by six minutes of EMOMS that alternate between Split Squats and Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts.

Callie’s Kickstand Deadlift
The class concludes with a repeat of the opening squat sequence, but you get the pleasure of doing each of the 3 point and dumbbell squats for 50 seconds each.
Day 2 – Upper Body (Upper Body – Sept 21, 2024)
Although not as personally challenging as the lower body class, Callie’s upper body selection is no pushover. Callie kicks things off with four sets of the following exercises with a brief rest between them:
Wide Grip Chest Press – 40 seconds
Seated overhead press (one arm) – 20 seconds
Seated overhead press (other arm) – 20 seconds

Callie’s One-handed Overhead Press
By the third set of these, my shoulders were fried and it was a real challenge to get all four sets done.
The middle portion of Callie’s upper body class offers two sets of the following:
Supinated Row – 40 seconds
Negative Push Up – 30 seconds
The supinated row is similar to the standard bent over row, but you hold the dumbbell with palms facing up. It’s a great exercise that works biceps, chest, and back, and keeps your muscles under constant tension.
The negative push up requires you to lower slowly (think count to 4 when lowering down, then push quickly back up.
Next up is a four-minute AMRAP with the following exercises:
Hammer curl (one arm)
Hammer curl (other arm)
Overhead extension
By the end of this four-minute bloc, your biceps and triceps will be on fire.
The class finishes up with the dumbbell front raise and dumbbell pass through. The pass through is an excellent core workout especially when doing it from the plank position.
Day 3 Full Body Class Options
As mentioned earlier, Callie gives a choice of two different classes for your full-body weekly class. Each week you can choose from either a twenty or thirty minute class. I chose the shorter class options each week.
Full body week 1 (Full Body – Nov. 6, 2024)
This class offers several rounds of lateral squats, Romanian deadlifts, with a few sets of bicep curl/overhead extension compound blocs. You’ll do push-ups and standard bent-over rows if you choose this class.
Full body week 2 (Pop Punk Full Body – Oct 14, 2022)
If you like AMRAPS, this class is definitely for you. It kicks off with a four-minute AMRAP, where you’ll alternate between goblet squats and alternating reverse lunges. Next you’ll get another four-minute AMRAP with dumbbell deadlifts and alternating single leg deadlifts.
The middle section of class gives you two separate shorter AMRAPS of two and a half minutes apiece. The first of these offers wide grip bent over rows and then renegade rows. For an extra challenge, try doing the bent over rows while kneeling rather than standing. The second, shorter AMRAP delivers three exercises, the wide grip bent overhead press, bicep curl, and a standard overhead press. This class closes out with a 20 second hollow body hold.
Full body week 3 – (Taylor Swift Midnights Full Body – Nov. 26, 2022)
Swifties rejoice!! For Callie’s final week, you can pick her Taylor Swift Midnights class that kicks off with three sets of dumbbell deadlifts and reverse lunges. After that, you get a three-minute AMRAP of crush presses and front raises.

Callie channeling her inner Swifty as she crushes her deadlifts
Next up is two minutes of a “ladder” combination of dumbbell squats and bent over rows. The ladder goes like this:
6 squats; 6 bent over rows
6 squats; 5 bent over rows
6 squats; 4 bent over rows
You get the picture. Complete all of the way to 1 bent over row, and if you have any time left in the two minute block, finish with squats until time expires.
Callie finishes this class with 30 seconds each of the following with no rest in between – plank hip dip, Russian twist, toe touches, reverse dead bug, and scissor kicks.
Callie Gullickson 3-week Program Review–Final Thoughts
As with most Peloton Strength programs and collections, Callie’s informal program is suitable for just about everyone from beginners to more experienced athletes. You can adjust your weight or reps to accommodate your own fitness level and repeat the program as often as you like to track your progress over time. Callie keeps these challenging workouts fun as she infuses some humor along with some singing and dancing along the way!
Let us know if you’ve taken Callie’s informal strength program. We’d love to hear what you think of it!
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