Review of Ben's 3-Day Split

Ben’s 3 Day Split: A Dynamic Workout Suited for Everyone

A little less than a month ago, Peloton released two new strength programs, including Ben Alldis’ 3 Day Intermediate Split. I’ve now completed this program twice and here is my in-depth review.

Where to Find The Program

If using the Peloton Guide, click on Programs on the left side of the screen. If using the Peloton app, do the following:


  1. Navigate to Workouts
  2. Select Programs


What is Split Training?

Unlike the many “Total Strength” programs in the Peloton library that generally provide a full-body workout during a single class, split training focuses on specific muscle groups during an individual workout. Peloton’s split training programs are one-week programs of either three or five classes that must be completed within seven days of beginning the program. 

A Great Addition for Peloton Guide Users

Ben’s 3 Day Split is formatted for the Peloton Guide and will utilize the Guide’s rep tracking if you have that feature enabled. I do all of my Peloton strength workouts on the Guide, but I generally keep the motion tracker/rep counter disabled due to some of the accuracy issues (such as counting extra reps) that Peloton is still addressing with Guide software updates. 

Personally, I find the camera the most useful feature of the Guide because it allows you to check your workout form while performing the various exercises. This is especially important when performing exercises such as Romanian Deadlifts or Renegade Rows that should be performed while keeping your back as straight as possible.  I did activate the rep tracker for the first class and found it quite accurate in tracking my actual reps.  

Beginners to Advanced Athletes Should Love This Program

Although Ben’s 3 Day Split is rated as “intermediate,” the program is easily adaptable for users of all fitness levels by simply adjusting the dumbbell weights or the number of reps you complete in each workout block. Because this program has only three classes, beginners will benefit from the additional rest this program allows during the one-week format. 

A Few Thoughts on Ben Alldis

Ben teaches both cycling and strength classes out of Peloton’s London Studio. Truth be told, Ben is one of my favorite Peloton instructors. His class playlists generally offer a healthy dose of classic rock and EDM tracks. His quiet demeanor and gentle teaching style is likely to instill confidence even in fitness newbies. During strength workouts, he often stresses the importance of maintaining proper form during workouts rather than simply maxing out reps.  

Getting Specific: The Nuts and Bolts of Ben’s 3 Day Split

Ben’s 3 Day Split consists of three 30 minute classes, broken into 3 or 4 blocks of exercises. Despite Ben’s welcoming demeanor, the classes are quite challenging and the three workouts in this program are no exception.  Generally throughout the program, each exercise is done for 45 seconds with 10-12 reps recommended for each. There is a brief transition after each exercise within the training blocks and a slightly longer break between the separate blocks.  

Day 1: Upper Body Push


The first class in Ben’s 3 Day Split is an Upper Body Push class. This class focuses heavily on pectorals, triceps, back, and shoulders. The class is broken into four separate workout blocks and is organized as follows:

Block 1: 

Wide Grip Overhead Press

Front Raise

Tricep Kickback

30 second break then repeat block 1

45 second break/demo

Block 2: 

Neutral Grip Chest Press

Chest Fly

Push Up

30 second break then repeat block 2

45 second break/demo

Block 3:

Push Press (using one arm on first set, then changing to the opposite arm on set 2)

Lateral Raise

Tricep overhead extension

30 second break then repeat block 3

Block 4: 

Wide Grip Chest Press

Skull Crushers

Dumbbell pushup

30 second break then repeat block 4


Day 2: Legs and Core


The second class in this program is a lower body and core workout focusing on abs/obliques, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It is broken into three separate workout blocks organized as follows:


Block 1:

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Dumbbell Squat

Repeat this three times with a 15 second break between each set

One minute break/demo

Block 2:

Scissor Kick

Bicycle Crunch


Plank Pike Reach

Rest 15 seconds then repeat the set one time

One minute rest/demo

Block 3:

Goblet Squat

Alternating Reverse Lunge (using one dumbbell held like a goblet)

High Plank

Forearm Side Plank 

15 second rest then repeat the set one time


Day 3: Upper Body Pull


The final class in Ben’s 3 Day Split in an upper body class focusing on shoulders, biceps, mid back, and core. It consists of four workout blocks organized as follows:


Block 1: 

Renegade Row

Scissor Kick

Reverse Fly

30 second break then repeat set one time

45 second break/demo

Block 2:

Bicep Curl

Bent Over Row

Hammer Curl

30 second rest then repeat set one time

Block 3:

Bent Over Row 

Bicycle Crunch

Bent Over Row (lifting only one dumbbell)

Bent Over Row (lifting one dumbbell – opposite arm)

Bicycle Crunch

Block 4:

Cross Body Curl

Mountain Climber

Wide Grip Bent Over Row

30 second rest then repeat set one time


Final Thoughts:

Ben’s 3 Day Split is an outstanding strength training program that provides a total body workout over the course of its three classes. Because of its shorter nature, the program is suitable for beginners because it allows plenty of rest over the training week.  Experienced athletes will also benefit from its challenging workouts that can be amplified by increasing dumbbell weight and or reps. 

The three day program also affords plenty of time to add additional workouts during the week. Finally, because the program is designed to be completed as many times as you like, it is an excellent measuring stick to track your progress over time. 

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