384. Peloton Apologizes For Social Media Post Plus Our Interview With Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl

Last Updated: October 25, 2024By Tags: , , , , ,

The Clip Out | Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl | Peloton Apology


In this episode, we’re serving up a fresh brew of the latest Peloton news and updates that every fitness fan needs to know. From partnerships to pop-ups, there’s something for everyone. And, we have a special guest, Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl, joining us for an insightful chat!

  • Peloton Apologizes: Tune in as we discuss Peloton’s recent apology surrounding their Marathon training post. What went wrong, and how is Peloton making amends?
  • New Partnerships: Peloton is teaming up with Costco! Discover what this means for your fitness deals and savings.
  • Upcoming Earnings Call: Mark your calendars for the next Peloton earnings call and find out what financial insights might be revealed.
  • Virtual Stockholder Meeting: Get the scoop on Peloton’s upcoming virtual stockholder meeting. What can investors expect?
  • Tread+ Trial Offer: Peloton’s Tread+ is now part of the home trial offer. Is it time to step up your running game?Marathon Badges Released: For all the marathon lovers, Peloton has released new badges! Earn them and show off your achievements.
  • Black Friday Buzz: Rumors are swirling about Peloton’s potential Black Friday deals. Will they or won’t they? Stay tuned!
  • The Row Feature Update: Check out the new total lifetime distance feature added to The Row.
  • Peloton Pop-up in Australia: Experience Peloton firsthand at their pop-up in Australia. Don’t miss out!
  • Social Impact Partners: Peloton announces new social impact partners. Discover how they’re making a difference.
  • Quick HIITs: A rapid-fire roundup of all things Peloton happening this week.
  • NYC Marathon Insights: We’ve got the full list of Peloton instructors running the NYC Marathon. Who’s in for the long run?
  • Event Spotlight: Matty Maggiacomo’s hosting gig at the Athlete Ally event and Cheryl Burke’s apology to Cody Rigsby.
  • Challenges & Achievements: Tunde’s wardrobe challenge completion and the latest artist series featuring Gabrielle.
  • Mental Health & Fitness: Marcus King shares how Peloton supports his mental health.
  • Celebrations: Christina Kalie’s marriage update and Peloton birthdays—happy birthday to Emma Lovewell on 10/25!
  • Exciting New Features: Peloton launches ’Stranger Things’ Lanebreak and new Halloween classes—spooky fun for everyone!
  • Competitions & Reviews: Ben Alldis’s new Liverpool football contest and our review of Joslyn Thompson Rule’s Discover Strength program.
  • Lululemon Collaboration: Major Lululemon apparel drop and an event hosted by Peloton and Lululemon in Bondi Junction.
  • Listener Recommendations: Top 5 TCO listener-recommended classes to check out.
  • Join us in welcoming Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl, who shares her unique insights into the world of Peloton, fitness, and pole dancing. Whether you’re a seasoned Peloton pro or just getting started, this episode is packed with valuable insights and updates. Grab your headphones, hit play, and let’s ride into the latest Peloton adventures together!

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Peloton Apologizes For Social Media Post Plus Our Interview With Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl

Before we dig too much into the show, I want to remind people that you will be in New York City for the marathon.

That’s me running not as fast as I go.

I will be in New York City because you’re doing the marathon.

Together, we will be at the Copper Still to do a little meetup. We got a little freaked out because we thought there was a minimum. There was no minimum, but we do need to find out if you’re coming because we need to put you on the list so we can make sure that there’s enough food. They were going to have an area set up. It’s dependent upon how many people where they’re going to put us. We want to make sure we get that information to them as soon as possible. If you are interested in coming, we’d love to see you. If you could DM me before the 27th, whatever the day that falls on. Send it to me by then. That would be great.

They can send it to you where and how?

They can send me either a DM on Instagram @ClipOutCrystal or they can send me an email at ClipOutCrystal@gmail.com if that is easier.

What pray tell do you have in store for people?

First things first, we have our interview with Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl. We are going to be talking to her about her road and journey through Peloton. She’s also a sex therapist, so we’re going to be talking about some things to do with that as well, and pole dancing.

Just to be clear, it’s hers, not mine. Some parts of my life need to remain private.

For your safety, as well as ours. We also are going to be talking about the interesting apology that Peloton put out, and the new Partnerships that they have going on. They keep announcing these willy-nilly. We’re going to talk about when Peloton is going to have their next earnings call and their next virtual stockholder meeting. We’re also going to talk about the new marathon badges that are out, Black Friday deals, sort of, and some new row features that have been added. We’re going to talk about all kinds of little changes that they are making, not to mention a ton of Instructors in the News updates. We have a celebrity update and past guests update. Besides content, that’s about it.

Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and TuneIn. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure to follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. It’s super helpful and good for our damaged egos unless you choose to damage them further. You can all so find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. The groups are a great way to stay up to date on things. It pushes into your feed a little bit more frequently, and it’s easier for you to start conversations. It’s a safer space than the OPP.

You can also watch all of these over on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. You can sign up for our newsletter at TheClipOut.com where we will send you all the links to all the articles that we’re talking about because I know they throw a lot of stuff at you. Don’t forget our Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut, where for $5 a month, you get early episodes. If we get them early, you get them early. You get ad-free episodes and you get bonus content. Last week’s was 30 minutes. We haven’t talked about this on the show. If you don’t want to give us $5 but you hear us tease something in the episode and you want to hear it, Patreon lets you buy them individually. Now, it’s $3. That’s the lowest.

That is not us setting it that way.

We were like, “Make it $1 or $1.25 or whatever.” It wouldn’t let us set it that low. The lowest it’ll let us go is $3. If you don’t want to commit but you hear something that you want to see over there, you can just buy one. That option is out if you’re so inclined. Last week was 30 minutes. We were very chatty. It’s also a great way to help the show. There are a lot of costs associated with all this and it’s certainly appreciated if you have the means to throw an extra $5 a month at us.

If you don’t, we get it because we know this time of year, especially, can be rough. Everything is going up in cost these days.

All that Halloween candies to buy.

Next, it’s going to be holiday gifts and all kinds of things.

There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?

We shall.


Peloton had a social media post that was so bad that they had to not only acknowledge its badness but also then had to apologize for the said badness.

I saw the original post, which was a listing of your times. It was a whole bunch of marathon tips. Within those tips, it talked about your target mile times that were tied to beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I read it and immediately went, “This doesn’t apply to me,” because the beginner time was 10-minute miles. I was like, “I wish. That would be nice.”

Maybe that was an internal communication intended for instructors. If you’re an instructor and you’re a beginner, you’re probably doing 10-minute miles. If you’re a normal human being not born on the Planet Krypton, I don’t know that the beginner starts with 10-minute miles. That seems a lot.

In Peloton’s defense, a couple of things. One, they say in their apology that these times were sourced from a third-party report including State of Running 2019. I’ve seen this before. If you look up what is the average running time for a marathon, you will see that for a 40-year-old female or male, it is a 10-minute mile. That’s a fact.

I was laughing because you said the State of Running 2019. I’m like, “There have been so many changes in the human body since 2019.” COVID would make you slower, not faster. Maybe they thought COVID weeded out all the slow people. It took them out and all of a sudden, people were cold from the herd.

That wouldn’t even make sense because these times were from 2019. They were saying those were the average times then, but they’re still the average time.

Which means they are faster.

That is the point. For a fit person who has no health concerns or anything like that, that is the average. Having said that, many of us, including me, are nowhere near that for a marathon. Can I hit a 10-minute mile? Yes, I can hit it for a few seconds.

I can hit a 10-minute mile. I just need 12 minutes to do it.

In all seriousness, I can achieve that pace but I could never at will. That’s not saying never.

Would it be very difficult to maintain that for 26 points miles yet?

For me, yes. There are a lot of people that can and do. Peloton wanted to apologize for that because they also had intermediate times at 7-something a minute, and then they had advanced times at 5-minute miles. Again, some people fall on that. Lots of them.

If you’re averaging a five-minute mile, you are advanced.

They wanted to acknowledge that forward is a pace. These were very generalized and this is not necessarily something that everybody can or should be obtaining.

Note to the social media team. Please don’t cut and paste the first Google response, and make a post out of it in the future. It feels like somebody googled, “What are the average times for runs?” AI spit that out at them and they cut and paste.

The Helper Bees and the tipsters did point out that these are the times. This is what they use in classes all the time. If you’re in an intermediate class or in an advanced class, these are the pieces that they do, but they also say to make it your own run. No one is out there saying, “We’re going to run 10-minute miles, and if you don’t, you suck.” Never has a Peloton instructor said that, and if they had, they’re gone. The other thing that I think is important to remember is that when you’re taking a 30-minute class or a 45-minute class, that is for me much different than running a marathon for 6 to 7 hours.

We can run a little bit faster during class but that does not mean that you should run that fast. Anyway, it was fascinating to see them apologize for it. I think it’s a good thing that they did because Becs says all the time, “Forward is a pace.” That’s her big thing. It does not matter if you’re walking, jogging, or running. Whatever it is, you’re going in miles and miles, so to send out a message that is the opposite of that.

Especially that quantifiable like, “Here’s the number.” It has a concreteness about it that if falls outside of that range can be demoralizing.

This is me personally, but it is so fascinating to hear all of the different responses to “I am a slow runner” because I am a slow runner. That is a fact. Some people are like, “Stop saying that. Stop being apologetic about being slow.” It’s not even being apologetic. I want to get faster but I genuinely have not been able to do that. I’ve tried. There’s been a lot of things I’ve put into it. You then have the other people who are like, “It doesn’t matter how fast you get miles or miles.” You have that camp and then you have the camp that’s like, “That’s cute.” That’s the only camp that makes me mad, who looks down on other people because I don’t care. I am genuinely happy for you if you can run a marathon in two hours or three hours. I am so impressed like, “That’s freaking amazing.”

Don’t be a douche about it.

For the record, most Peloton community people are not like that. It’s usually people outside of the Peloton community that I have encountered who are like that.

That’s why I grew up hating sports and hate them to this day because when I was forced to play them as a child, that’s who I encountered. They were the loudest in the douchiest. I was like, “There’s nothing here for me and I’ll be moving on.”

It is a hard thing to come to terms with. My personal journey through this marathon training cycle has been the realization that six hours on a Saturday to train is not what I want to do. It’s not that I can’t, but I don’t want to. It is a big commitment and we have so many other things going on that I do think I’m a one-and-done person. I am so excited to do it. I’m so excited to get it behind me and have done it.

You continue running, just not marathons.

I just don’t think marathons are for me. I think I’m so slow. I would have to give something else up. There have been days where I’m seriously like, “Maybe it is time to give this podcast up.” It is a lot.

Peloton announced this week that they are partnering with Costco.

I don’t know how I feel about this.

Why? Costco is amazing. I love Costco.

Echelon is sold at Costco.

Costco sells things. They’re not brand loyal. I’m surprised they don’t have a Kirkland.

The Clip Out | Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl | Peloton Apology


Kirkland is better than Echelon.

Don’t you smirch Kirkland. What is wrong with you? I talk about Costco the way other people talk about Jesus. I’m like, “Have you heard the good news? Do you have a personal relationship with Costco? I do.”

I’ve lived with you for a decade. I do know, and I don’t disagree with you. l feel like it’s taking the brand down a little bit. At the same time, it’s a step in the direction of democratizing it and making it available to many more people.

Costco is like the classy Sam’s.

It is but they had an Echelon in there. If you put Echelon anywhere, it’s no longer classy. I’m sorry.

Stores sell things. I don’t hold stores responsible for the products. That’s just a product that you can get there in the same way you can get it at a Walmart.

You can also buy Echelons at Walmart.

That’s what I meant, but if anything, I think it will hurt Echelon.

It’ll hurt Echelon because they’re going to see that junky piece of crap next to this solid bike. There’s no second-guessing. You will just know because when you see an Echelon, you don’t have it to compare right next to Peloton. I get that. With all these stores closing and they’re trying to reduce their output for retail, it’s another good way to reach people. They’re not going to have them at all Costcos, only 300 Costcos. I thought that was because it says certain Costcos, select stores.

I wonder if maybe they’re avoiding markets where they still have showrooms.

Maybe. I don’t know. The other interesting thing about it is that it’s only the bike, for now anyway. It’s only going to be between November something and February something.

It’s like Christmas, and then in New Year’s when people are like, “I have resolutions. I’m getting bikini shape for spring break.”

It’s also going to be on sale. Those bikes are going to go into the stores at $1,999. You’re going to see that. You could also buy them online, which I thought was interesting because the price isn’t the same. I don’t know if that’s because there’s a delivery cost in there.

Peloton has announced its next earnings call.

They have. It is us only. It’s completely fine. It’ll be a Thursday on Halloween while we’re flying to New York.

We’re on a plane.

That’s okay. We have a backup plan. Helper Bee Tina is going to be listening to the earnings call and she’s going to do a post. I don’t know though that we’re going to have time to record a segment and put it in because by the time we get to New York and get to our hotel and have time to record, I think we’re going to have missed the window.

By the time we get to the hotel, it’s probably going to be 10:00 or 11:00. We probably won’t be able to do that. You will miss our insightful commentary or your insightful commentary, and me trying to stay awake during stock talk.

That’s how it goes.

Also, there’s going to be a virtual stockholders’ meeting if you want to attend that in the virtual.

You have to have your little control number, but you can attend. It will be on December 3rd. That’s a Tuesday, at 11:00 AM Eastern time.

Peloton has been doing this home trial offer for a while now. You can have it for 30 days and return it. No questions asked. They have added the Tread+ to that offer now.

I thought that was fascinating because they quietly did it.

I’m surprised because Tread+ is so massive. It’s such a pain in the ass.

That’s probably why they didn’t make a big deal about it. They’re like, “It’s out there if you see it.”,

They don’t want a land rush where everybody is like, “Send me a Tread+ for 30 days.”

They do not in this time of year.

It is marathon season. I don’t know if you know that or not.

I had no idea.

You’re going to run one in a week and a half. You better start doing a little extra time on your Tread+ just to get up to speed. Peloton has released marathon badges.

The same weekend as the New York City marathon, if you can get a full 26.2 miles, then you get the gold. You can also run or walk a 10K to get a bronze, and you can do 13.1 to get a silver. That’s between October 26th and November 3rd.

Do you have to do the 26.2 miles all at once or over the course of the week?

Walk or run it. All of it added up together.

You don’t have to do a marathon. You could do ten on Friday and then the Friday afterward.

I figure I turn my little workout button on every time we walk around New York. I’ll have it done before I even start the marathon. I’m pretty sure I will.

There is more going on in the world of the run stuff on the Peloton machines.

This is interesting. The first-ever live outdoor run is going to occur on November 2nd. It’s going to be a 30-minute 26.2 celebration run with Robin. The interesting thing about that is 1) It’s the first-ever live outdoor run. It has never been done in the Peloton platform. 2) If you look at the schedule, it says, “Audio Only.” We’re taking that to mean that they’re not going to have visuals on Robin. It’s just going to be her voice. Very strange, right? Today, they were testing an outdoor class with some random person and they had an outdoor audio test, and it showed up on the schedule. They do that every once in a while when they’re testing stuff because, at some point, it has to go into live production. Anyway, all that to say, I’m not exactly sure what this is going to look like.

It won’t look like anything.

If you’re taking it, are you supposed to go outdoors and take it but it’s live? I don’t know exactly what you do. Do you just put your headphones in and go for a run while you listen? Is that the idea? Are you supposed to get on your tread and look at nothing? I don’t know, Tom.

I got nothing, man.

We’ll find out together.

You will find out and then you will tell me about it later. I can assure you, we will not find out about it together.

I don’t know if I’m going to get to take this class because it’s Saturday, November 2nd at noon, Eastern. I don’t know where I’m going to be. Also, as part of this marathon extravaganza, there’s going to be a run with Becs and Meb. Meb is going to be live in the studio with Becs. Just t put this in perspective, Meb is one of the greatest runners on the planet.

I was like, “What’s a Meb?”

Do you remember when we had Rob on from the New York Road Runner’s podcast? You told Rob, “You shouldn’t have a tip every week.” That’s Meb. Meb does the tips?

I see. Just the tip. What? That was my recommendation for the segment. If you’re going to do it, just the tip.

It is going to be a 30-minute marathon race prep class and it’s going to be with Meb and Becs that’s going to take place November 1st, 3:00 PM, Eastern. I tried to see if there were any openings left for that class.

Get on the list.

There is none. It’s full. It doesn’t say waitlist. It says full, but that’s okay. I have lots of fun classes to be in.

That you do. Peloton has announced Black Friday deals or maybe they haven’t, or maybe they’re looking back fondly on Black Fridays passed.

The Peloton classes are so empowering. It doesn't matter which one you're taking. They're all great. Share on X

It’s so weird because on the website, everything appeared Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer, but it says, “We are excited to announce our 2023 Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer.”

No inflation of Peloton though. That’s good.

They don’t wear off.

It’s 2023 pricing for 2024.

No. It’s 2023 sales because the basics are like $350 off for the bike. Not that you’re paying $350. You got $350 off. They did not change the pricing.

It’s that much off but it went up $200.

I’m also unclear if the dates are the same. Is it going to be November 7th and November 28th?

It seems unlikely. It might be around that same general vicinity.

I think it is going to be then because November 28th I thought was Thanksgiving. It falls on a weird date.

I think it’s on a Thursday. I’m pretty sure.

Thanks, Tom. I appreciate that.

I’m here to help.

Anyway, these may or may not be accurate. Who knows?

It’s there. The row has added total lifetime distance. Correct me if I’m wrong. The row isn’t moving. The distance is zero. Everybody’s distance is zero.

How much you rowed is recorded in meters. We’ve talked about this before with the meters. If you’ll remember, they had this for the tread and the bike, and not on the row. Now, it has been rolled out to the row but not all rows. It appears to be rowing out slowly.

We talked about the pop-up Peloton store in Australia in Bondi Junction. A long-time listener of the show, Ross, went there and got some pictures. If you watched on YouTube, you’re looking at right now.

It looks pretty and it’s nice to see Ross. It’s crazy. Every time I see pictures of somebody in another place on the planet, I’m always like, “That’s so cool.” They took this picture and they’re on the exact opposite side of the world.

You could drill a hole and go right there, except we would be crushed and melted by the Earth’s core.

There’s that, but besides that, we could do that. Claremont is where Bondi Junction is. That’s in Western Australia if you’re wondering.

Because it’s on the other side of the globe, their West is the East. That’s how that works. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how directions work.

That seems likely.

Peloton has announced their social impact partners.

I thought this was like reintroducing. I guess it’s adding people or organizations to the list because they’ve been doing the social impact for a while. The full list includes 261 Fearless, the Ali Forney Center, the Asian American Federation, Beyond Blue, GirlTREK, International Psychosocial Organization, London Friend, Mixteca, Pride Frisco, Sporting Equals, The 519, The Steve Fund, The United Service Organizations, and Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporations. That’s cool. I love that they have these. I am glad when they post these reports because it’s nice to see what’s happening in the background.

A quick look at smaller stories you might have missed. Alex K is gearing up for the New York City marathon. Maybe you’ll bump him down.

I know that I won’t because Alex is the fastest. We put out an article today. I don’t know if it’s included on the list because it just came out, where seven of the instructors that are running are going to be listed, but Alex’s bib number is the lowest, which means that he goes out first, which means that he is the fastest, which does not surprise me. He is tall, has long legs, and he’s an Olympic medalist.

That tracks. Also, Aditi Shah has launched Flow and Let Go.

This is coming back. It’s going to be kicking off. This is not a new series. I don’t know why we said this was a new series, but it is a series that is returning and it is coming back for fall. That is nice to see.

Coming up after this, we are going to talk about the instructors who are running the New York City marathon and we will have their bib number and all that stuff, so sit tight.


If you were looking to follow the Peloton instructors as they run the New York City marathon, we have a complete list of them with their bib numbers, so you can type it into the app and do the tracking.

Download the TCS New York Marathon app from the App Store. Kirsten Ferguson is going to be running bib 52926, Jeffrey McEachern bib 31180. Logan is going to be running bib 19263, Eric Yeager 27273, Marianna Fernandez 11401, Rad Lopez, 20565, and Alex K 2064. See how much lower is it? In the app or the letter. This is an article. That’s what this is.

We wrote an article about this so you don’t have to go back and write these numbers down as we say them out loud. It lives on the website or social social media. You can find it in the group or I will email you an article on Monday if you subscribe to the newsletter.

What I was going to say was that we have pictures of the start time. It shows you what bib number starts at what time in the picture. For instance, Alex is in the orange start. He is in the first wave. He’ll be out at 9:10. As opposed to me, I will be in wave 5. I am in pink and I am in the last letter because they separate them by letter.

Your bib number was written in wingdings using Word.

They ran out of numbers because it’s so low.

What is your number?

I don’t have it in front of me. I didn’t know you were going to ask me that. I will go to my Facebook page where I posted it because I figured only those people would care. It is 66471.

We had a long off-air conversation about whether or not we should include your bib number in this article.

I’m not an instructor.

Yeah, but it’s also The Clip Out website and you are in fact, Clip Out Crystal. I know you’re not an instructor, but I would think there’s probably a person or two who follow your stuff and might want to see how you’re doing.

I posted it on my Instagram Stories.

Did you post it three octaves higher like that?

I did just like that.

Anyway, all of those who are out there, if you want to go check them out at TheClipOut.com, you can find the numbers there so they’re easier for you to insert into your app of choice.

You can also look them up by name, but some of the names are a little tricky. That might be easier if you get it from our website.

Matty Maggiacomo hosted the Athlete Ally event.

I don’t know much about Athlete Ally. Their specific little tagline here says, “Athlete Ally works to dismantle the systems of oppression in sport that isolate, exclude, and endanger LGBTQIA+ people. It does a lot, but I don’t know that much about the organization. I think it’s super cool that he got to host the event. I also thought it was cool that other Peloton instructors were there as well.

They were showing much support. I guess I don’t know about it because I’m neither LGBTQ nor an athlete.

There are no intersections that cross in your life.

It’s cool that he’s doing that.

The Clip Out | Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl | Peloton Apology


His shoes were amazing. I don’t know if you saw him in the picture. They’re very bright. They’re amazing.

You might remember a while back when Cody Rigsby was on Dancing With the Stars. You’ve seen all the papers since it’s a TV show. His dance partner, Cheryl Burke, is apologizing to him in the People Magazine.

I thought this was so strange because it was so long ago. She said she watched all of her dances with Cody when she was watching a recent episode of the Sex, Lies, and Spray Tans podcast. That’s her podcast. She said, “First of all, I just want to say I apologize for my personality at that time and my attitude because it had nothing to do with you, and I want you to know that.” Cody said, “I know that. I even wrote it in the book.”

Cody was like, “Why didn’t you read my book?”

You know it might have been.

It’s like, “Are we doing this thing on the weekend?” You’re like, “I put it in the text.”

Usually, I send it to you in a calendar. I reminded you via text and I reminded you 30 minutes ago. That is usually how that went. That’s not shade. That’s just Tom. Are you okay?

In this analogy, I’m Cheryl Burke and your Cody Rigsby.

That’s a weird analogy right there. Does that make you my boo?

I thought the wedding ring made me your boo.

He calls everybody his boo.

I’m sure you remember there being vows.

There were real vows.

I don’t think it’s something you ever noticed until we got together and then that drives me crazy.

It doesn’t drive me crazy, but I love to rev you up about it. It’s fun.

When people write their own wedding vows, first off, if you wrote your own wedding bows, more power to you, but I think it’s dumb. They worked out what you need to agree to. I don’t know that we should be mucking around with it. We don’t need to make up new vows. The ones that figured out they’ve been using for like 300 years, they’re probably pretty good, especially since they got rid of the obey one. When people write their own vows, whenever you see this on TV, I will share it with you and now you will never be able to unsee it. When people write their own vows, they are almost, without exception, not a vow of any kind whatsoever.

It’s just telling the other person how great they are.

They like them all.

That’s all it is.

They’re not saying, “I will deal with you in sickness and health. If things go good or bad, I’m here for you.” They never say that.

They’re just like, “You’re amazing. The first time I saw you, blah, blah, blah.”

“You’re my best friend.” They never promise to do anything.

That’s true, and there is no “till death do us part.” Although to be fair, we both did not continue that vow in our first marriage.

I think she didn’t continue the vow. “You have a boyfriend. I know because you’re hiding him in the basement.”

The love, honor, and respect thing is not there. I see why. We did do our vows.

We did that and continue to honor them.

Yes, but there was no obey. I’m just saying.

I made you remove it. I was like, “I’m not saying that.”

I wasn’t planning on it.

We talked a while back about Tunde’s clothing challenge.

She had to wear 100 different outfits in 100 days, and she did it. That’s how much clothes she has.

At first, that sounded overly ostentatious.

It’s funny because we have switched places. At first, I thought it was cute. Now, I am like, “We get it. You have a lot of clothes,” It’s so overrated.

It was part of a weeding-out process or something.

I’m not sure that it was. I don’t know. I’m done with it.

I have a lot of hoodies.

You might be able to complete the challenge.

I don’t think I have 100 hoodies, 98 tops, I don’t have 100 hoodies. I might have 30 hoodies, but I don’t have 100 hoodies.

I don’t know.

Anyway, she did it. It’s over on Instagram. She has a little thing that flashes through all of the outfits super fast. If you have epilepsy, you’ve been warned. It will also be in the newsletter that we send out.

The last one that she wore was the canary yellow dress at the end. She had nowhere else to be that day. She couldn’t wear it to work. That is what she decided to walk her dog in. It’s a very fancy dress. It’s funny.

Wouldn’t it be funny if on the last day, she wore the thing on the first day and it was only 99?

I feel like she digs deep. I don’t know if swimsuits count, whatever.

Coming up after this, we have a new celebrity Peloton sighting, so sit tight.


The latest artist series features Gabrielle.

I honestly have never heard her.

We’re from the Midwest, so it’s Gabriel.

No, Gabriel is a boy’s name. Gabrielle is a girl’s name.

We can’t switch those genders around.

The internet has given people words to describe their experience. Share on X

No. That’s the law here.

I’m not familiar with her work either.

I don’t know it. I’m curious to hear more because I would like to check it out. I’ve learned a lot about new artists in Peloton.

Sometimes too they’re big in other countries. It’s maybe an artist series that is more focused on Austria or something.

I’m not familiar with her music so I didn’t know if that fits into Latin Heritage Month, or maybe it’s a black artist in the UK. We’re still celebrating that, I think. I don’t know. We’ll find out.

That’s your artist series, so you can check it out and then you will know.


I was unfamiliar with this person. Marcus King. He’s a well-known guitarist. He has a band called The Marcus King band.

He’s Grammy nominated.

He wrote an article for Billboard magazine. I guess he had sobriety struggles in the past. He’s talking about it openly, not like I know him or anything. One of the things he mentions that helps keep him focused is riding his Peloton.

I thought that was cool that he talked about it because the name of the article says “How artists can navigate staying sober with a little help from friends and Peloton. It means a lot to me personally. The reason that I’m still doing this podcast is the community. It is the heart and soul of what brought me to Peloton and what I fell in love with. It’s still there and I love that he seizes it in the same way that it is helpful to him personally.

I think this band must be pretty big because he references how he rides it every day on tour. If your band is big enough and you can plug a Peloton around with you on tour, you’re doing okay. If you’re playing clubs in a van with a little U-Haul trailer, they are not letting you bring a Peloton, I’ll tell you that right now.

They have rooms.

He must be doing okay.

Good for him and I think it’s awesome. What a great article.


We talked to Christina Kalie a few episodes back. Number 365 if you’re keeping score at home. It was right before we left for Hawaii. Just to be clear, I looked that up. I didn’t want you to think that I had that memorized. You’d be like, “What’s going on there.” When we were talking to her she was Christina Kalie. Now, she’s Christina Kalie Wallace. She was gearing up for her wedding and they got married.

We wanted to say congratulations and thank you, Christina, for sending us this beautiful picture of you guys. It’s wonderful.


It’s time for the TCO top five. You tell us your favorite classes and then we say them back to you. The first is your favorite run. This is now your favorite run. If anyone asks you for the next week, it’s this one.

It is a 30-minute pop run taught by Olivia Amato on October 14th. Oliver John recommended this ride. He was lucky enough to be in the studio. He took it as his 1,000th run the day after running the Chicago marathon. Congrats. That’s amazing, Oliver. He said, “Olivia always brings such great energy to every workout in coaches and makes the minutes and miles fly by. The music was pure pop joy.” What are you doing there, Tom?

I’m mimicking the instructors in the picture. Right now, I am Olivia Amato. Now I am Matty Maggiacomo with what is now your favorite walk.

This was a 20-minute ‘80s walk taught by Matty.

I like the fact that it’s number two and he’s making the number two sign.

It was very convenient. Good job, Matty.

He taught this class on October 5th. Helper Bee Nikki is the one who nominated this class. She said that it was so much fun and the playlist is dedicated to ‘80s duets. Not only does Matty have a George Michael song on there but he also has “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing. I dare you not to sing along during this entire class and I dare you not to shimmy shuffle your feet along to the Dirty Dancing song.

I did not look at these pictures in advance. I might have made a mistake.

What happened? Are you going to do this one? It feels like you’ve been on a roll. Where’s number three?

The next one, is that a lateral bridge? Is that what they call that?

This is a side plank.

I think Tonal calls it a lateral bridge.

With a row usually.

There’s no row because nobody wants that. I’ll be sideways for number three, your favorite yoga class.

It was a 20-minute yoga conditioning core class taught by Kirra Michel. Helper Bee Tina is the one who nominated this class. She loved it.

Why did she do that?

She said she loved this class because it was a cross between yoga and strength. She was short on time and wanted to do a core class, but needed the stretch and lengthening that yoga provides. This class was perfect with simple but effective core moves. What else can we say to make Tom stay in this position?

Number four, your favorite Power Zone ride.

This is a 60-minute Power Zone endurance. This was nominated by Minute to Spin It. This class was taught back in June of 2023. Minute to Spin It encourages us to take this ride. The class was so fun. The music was a mix of Latin club and tropical house. Genres we get in the Power Zone, let alone for 60 minutes. He also told a lovely story about his travels to Vietnam and a metaphor for making space for people in our lives. Very Dennis-esque. Between the music, the story, and the German with the English subtitles, it was a global peasy experience. It was simply joyful.

Finally, number five, you’re unstackable.

The unstackable was a 45-minute boot camp, full-body, taught by Jess Sims on July 30th of ‘24. Samantha Parsons is the one who recommended it. She said it includes an unstackable Tabata on the bike and intense floor work that will leave you dripping with sweat and feeling wrung out. You deserve a special badge for making it through.

Now, we take a look at what’s going on this week at Peloton. First up, 60-minute Halloween, full-body strength boo.

This is a joint class with Andy and Rebecca. It’s going to be on October 27th at 12:30 PM, Eastern. Andy said that our favorite newscasters are returning. They’re going to be dressed up as a newscaster duo.

We have new episodes of the Set the Pace podcast.

They’re going to be adding them to the Peloton platform. Five new episodes are going to be on demand on October 25th. As a reminder, these are hosted by Becs Gentry and Rob S from Set The Pace podcast,

We also have a morning flow and meditation stack.

Chelsea is going to be teaching these starting Thursday, October 24th. It’s going to be a morning slow flow at 7:30 AM, Eastern, and then a 5-minute meditation at 8:30 AM Eastern.

We also have a class to celebrate Austria’s National Day. Is this their July 4th? Their founding.

I assume.

If you’re Austrian, let us know.

That’d be great. This is going to be taking place on Saturday, October 26th. It’s going to be a 30-minute Austro Pop Hike. That will be taught by Marcel Mauer, and then there will be a 30-minute Austro Pop Ride with Mila. That’s going to be at 8:30 AM. Those are both BST times.

The Clip Out | Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl | Peloton Apology


Nerd alert. If you like Stranger Things, there is a special limited edition of Stranger Things Lanebreak.

I’m excited about this as well. It’s a ride and will be all themed for Stranger Things.

Just a reminder, we have Halloween classes just around the corner.

Peloton puts together an entire collection. The Holloween 2024 classes will be added to that as they debut. They also have the Halloween challenge this year. They’ve been having the challenge yearly. You get a special badge for doing the classes. I have heard again this year that your Lanebreak classes are still not being counted toward the Halloween challenge. I don’t know if that’s true for everyone, but some people are saying that. Regardless, if you take 3 classes, then that’s going to get you a bronze, 5 classes is going to be a silver, and then 10 classes, you’re going to get a gold badge.

Ben Alldis is working on new content and it will be Liverpool content.

They have a partnership with Liverpool Football Club. They were also showing that they were in the Liverpool Club practice area. They were using Peloton equipment to workout for their upcoming games.

We have a review over at TheClipOut.com of Joslyn Thompson Rule’s Discover Strength program.

The program just started. We did a review and went over it but I don’t know that we have all the classes.

All the classes aren’t available, but we’re discussing what we can thus far.

Right now, what we know is she’s been doing these lives. Tipster Trish was telling us that she had watched the newest live. She answered everybody’s questions because people were asking questions because it was a live. She also shared that weeks 1 and 2 of the Discover Strength program are foundational moves, and then in weeks 4, 5, and 6, you are going to use those same foundational moves and expand on them. There’s going to be a push-up clinic. Weeks 4, 5, and 6 are also meant to be repeated up to the sixth-month mark, and then she said to do cardio after these classes, not before. Also, she said this is a great complement to anyone who is currently training for a race and she’s going to be doing a lot of lives on the channel and is asking for feedback as well.


We have two things in this part, both Lululemon-related. The first is there was a pretty significant apparel drop of Lululemon stuff.

It’s a crap ton of items. A lot, a lot of stuff. Since they’ve had their partnership, I think this is the first time. They said it last year when they were talking about expanded sizes and how we had to wait a while. We are here now. Not only are there expanded sizes for all of the items but also a very great large amount of items. There’s also a tremendous breadth of selection. There are a lot more colors per item and there are a lot of styles in this drop. It’s a ton of things. If you like that collaboration and this is your jam, you should go get some shopping. Pick some things out because it’s not going to be long before we are going to have the Black Friday sale.

We also have a Peloton-Lululemon event coming up, but It’s for the Australians. It’s in the aforementioned Bondi Junction.

It’s going to be an event to support and raise funds for Movember. It’s a global partner. They’re having a partnership between the two of them. You can make a donation to Lululemon Bondi’s most space in support of Movember. Lululemon will provide you with a head-to-toe outfit before your 15-minute treadmill session. That’s neat.


Finally, we only have one birthday and it is Emma Lovewell who celebrates her birthday on October 25th.

That is the same day as Sydney’s birthday.

I was unaware.

Happy birthday to Emma Lovewell.

Coming up after this, we have our interview with Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl, sex therapist and pole dancer. You’d want to stick around for that.


Joining us is Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl.

Discovering Peloton

How did Peloton originally end up on your radar?

I was trying to think about that in anticipation of the show. I’ve been a fitness instructor since 2013. I remember hearing about it because I always kept a finger on the pulse of all the fitness things. I always wanted to know what was out there. I heard about it and I loved the idea of it. I thought that sounded so cool. I remember when the infamous commercial came out. One of my friends was like, “I could never get a Peloton now.” I said, “You could put Hitler in a commercial and I still want a Peloton.” Let me preface this. I am Jewish. I was like, “I would still want one.” It’s such a cool idea to have that at home. I’m a pandemic Pelotoner, so not an OG. I was pregnant with my second. When we got that stimulus check, I was like, “I’m pregnant. We got a stimulus check. It’s time. We’re getting the bike.”

You started using the bike while you were pregnant?


How far along were you? Can I ask that?

That’s fine. I was six months.

Did you talk to your doctor about exercising? Was your doctor like, “This is fine,” or were they like, “Be careful.”

I had talked to them about it before. I was a fitness instructor, so working out was a big part of my life before I got pregnant with my first. This was my second, so we had a lot of conversations. We will talk in a moment about how I’m a pole dancer. She had nixed going up into the sky 20 feet.

I get that.

We had a lot of conversations about that and they were supportive. She didn’t know the Peloton platform that well but she was like, “From everything I’ve heard, this almost seems like a great thing to do when you’re pregnant because you’re not outside walking on unstable surfaces. You’re not doing anything too intense.” This is during the pandemic, so I got to be inside too, and all that.

Fitness Instructor

With being a fitness instructor, you’ve been into fitness for a long time. Is that a lifelong journey or is that something that you decided once you were an adult? How did that work?

It was not lifelong. I was a major nerd and I hated working out. My mom used to write me a note to get out of PE so I could go read a book in the corner. To be fair, my school wouldn’t take it.

She was willing. Mom points for that.

I hated it. I went through a phase that a lot of women go through in the US, which is I go to the gym to lose weight. I’d go and get on the elliptical for 45 minutes and then get off. I never liked it that much, to be honest. When I found pole after I graduated college, it was when I got into fitness and realized what a great thing it is for your mind, as well as your body. Once I realized how it makes you strong mentally and physically, I got sucked into it. The Peloton platform does that so well. The classes are so empowering. It doesn’t matter which one you’re taking. They’re all great.

What made you discover pole dancing? How did you get into, “I want to be an instructor?” Tell us about that journey.

I graduated from college. I went to spin classes in college but never was consistent with it. I graduated and I got my first full-time three jobs. I was living in San Francisco. I’m a social worker by trade, so these were in nonprofits. I was working with people experiencing homelessness. I was working on the HIV unit in San Francisco. They were pretty intense jobs.

It was my first time having to be at a desk working from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. It was a lot, so I started looking for something to relieve some stress or to do something on my way home so I could take a break and go home refreshed. I was trying a bunch of different things. I did TRX. I was going to yoga. I was trying all the different stuff in San Francisco. I got a Groupon one day at lunch. The tagline was, “Not your mom’s fitness.” I was like, “What is this?” It was a pole class.

I went to my first class on Groupon and it was so great. It was a great class. It was a fun community. They do a really good job at building relationships in those classes. Honestly, it was the dance at the end. The instructor did a demo dance for us, which was, looking back on it, all beginner-level spins and maybe some floor work. She was so present in that dance. I’d never seen anyone like that up close who was in the moment and having fun. I was like, “I want to do that.”

I signed up and then pretty quickly fell in love with it. I was going all the time. The owner of the studio tapped me and she was like, “You should be an instructor. When you’re ready, let’s start training.” We started training. I started teaching in 2013. It has been 11 years of teaching and I’ve been a pole dancer for 13. It has been a long time.

Sex Therapist

I’m still reeling over the fact that 2013 was several years ago. I know that math is correct but my brain has not accepted that fact. That’s cool. You also mentioned that you’re a sex therapist. You mentioned four different part-time jobs. What do you do now? Tell us all of your jobs. Tell us what you do.

I live in New Orleans. That’s where I’m from originally. I was born and raised in New Orleans. I went out to California for college and then stuck around there for a little bit. I’m back here, which is a much more affordable cost of living. I’m a full-time therapist. I started as a trauma therapist. I still see a lot of any kind of trauma.

Where I see most of my clients coming from is when they come in for an incident that happened of some sort. It may be a drowning accident, car accident, or some sort of situation. We talk about that, as well as unpacking chronic childhood trauma, whether that’s neglect from parents or perfectionism growing up. I work with a lot of people pleasers.

This is my journey with my trauma therapist.

Isn’t it weird? You open the lid and you’re like, “There’s a lot in there.”

Every time we think we’re done, we’re like, “There’s more to unpack. Here we go.”

I’ve mostly been seeing trauma. I then had a natural interest in sex because of sexual therapy, sexuality, and sensuality from pole dancing. It also didn’t occur to me until a couple of years ago when I was talking to a friend of mine and she was like, “Not everyone likes talking about sex.” I was like, “What?”

That is true. Not everybody is comfortable talking about sex. Some people get very uncomfortable.

Start to build that intuition within your body. Share on X

I didn’t know. I also didn’t realize there were other therapists who were uncomfortable talking about sex. It was also news to me.

That seems like it is part of the job.

If you’re going to have a conversation with somebody, you have to be open to everything. We’d add that to the questions that you ask a potential therapist, like, “Can you handle whatever sex stuff I have that I want to talk about?” That’s interesting. I never thought about that. I know there are all kinds of letters that therapists get behind their names. When you’re saying you’re a therapist, you’ve got trauma and you’ve got the sex therapy, what credentials does that equate to?

My license for therapy is in clinical social work. In Louisiana, we call it an LCSW, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. For the sex therapy piece, I’m still completing the program. I’m on the supervision part. I am working under a certified sex therapist who’s helping me do the supervision hours. That’s through ASECT, which is the American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. That’s the big certifying body for sex therapists in the United States. It has whole coursework that helps us learn how to help people with some of the biggest issues you might see in sex therapy with individuals and couples.

Completely taking you a little bit off course here, but out of curiosity, based on what I see with our kids, I feel like there are a lot of gender issues that come up now that didn’t necessarily come up when I was their age. I am curious. With what your studies cover, is it also covering those gender issues as well?

That’s a big part of it. Sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity, and all those things are part of sex therapy training as well too, or what they call sexual minorities. That’s anyone who doesn’t identify as cis, straight, or monogamous. We work a lot with poly or ethically non-monogamous folks too. That’s something that we talk about a lot. A lot of it is because of the internet. It is not in the way that influences people but in the way that has given people words to describe their experience. I was thinking about it. I was like, “I bet there were people when I was younger before the internet who felt this way but they didn’t know what those words were.”

I completely agree.

I look back on my time in high school. Looking back now, there were multiple people who we would have definitions or labels for them. Back then, it was like, “This is the girl who doesn’t like to wear dresses.” Now, there are all sorts of these subsets of ways to be like, “This is what I’m doing.” To pretend like it never existed is not a thing.

That is exactly what I meant with what I was saying earlier. No one talked about it but that doesn’t mean they weren’t going through very similar situations. It’s amazing the vocabulary that these kids have and how they can sit down and be like, “This means this.” The therapy speak that these kids have even when they’re not seeing a therapist is mind-blowing. It’s amazing.

It’s cool.

I’ve learned a lot from the teenagers.

It’s mostly cool. There are times when I hear not even a fight that I’m involved in. It’s not like I’m arguing with one of the kids. I hear kids having arguments with each other. One of these two has weaponized therapy speak to justify their own crappy behavior. That’s difficult for other teenagers to recognize and unpack. It sounds like you’re saying the right thing, but you’re saying, “Don’t hold me responsible for what I said or did to you.”

There’s a lot of that.

Adults do that too.

I would think that is a pressure-filled work life because that’s some heavy stuff that you’re dealing with day in and day out. Regardless of where you’re at on that therapy spectrum and all the different things you talked about, that’s a lot of heavy stuff.

It can be. The pro is that when you work through it with someone, it’s so rewarding and exciting to see them make all these leaps and bounds. The other side of that is that you do need a lot of self-care, which I realize that word is getting overused. Back to the idea of Peloton, that has been huge for me to have this Peloton universe to go to to de-stress. It’s either way that if I’m feeling anxious like, “That was a lot,” to come down,” or if I’m feeling like, “I’m zoned out that I’m losing the ability to focus,” I bring it back up.

Peloton Classes

That’s good. Do you take a specific class when you are feeling that way or is it that any class does that for you?

This is going to touch on something else that is a throughline through all the work I do, whether I’m instructing pole or a therapist. We talk a lot about embodiment, which is this understanding of, “What’s going on in my body right now. How can I check in with myself to see what I need and then resource myself in my environment to get those needs met?” It’s a whole process. Most of us are not taught that growing up. We are taught the opposite. We’re taught, “Ignore your bodily cues. It doesn’t matter that you’re hungry. It’s not lunchtime. You have to wait.”

That process has been important for me because I’ll come, check in, and go, “I’m noticing my heart rate feels high. I’m noticing I’m feeling a little jittery. I’m having a hard time sitting still. This might be a time I need to come down. Maybe I’ll do more yoga.” I love all the instructors but I have my go-tos in each of the areas to do something like that. If I’m checked out, I’m in a brain fog, or I’m feeling fuzzy, I’d be like, “Let me get on the bike or an outdoor walk.” The outdoor content is so good.

I agree. It sounds like you do a variety of classes. What is the spectrum of classes that you’re doing? One is the bike.

I do a lot of yoga. I can only do ten minutes at a time. I try to do the longer ones and then they sit in my stack for weeks. I’m like, “Admit you’re only going to do a shorter class.”

That’s okay. That’s all right.

I love the rowing. I don’t have the rower, but I go to the gym and use their rower. The rowing content is so good. I do that. There are treadmills at the gym. I can’t run because of an old ankle injury but I’ll do the hikes. Occasionally, I can do a run. Some of the walks are good. I do all the stretches and meditations. I pretty much do all of it at some point, but those are the main ones.

That’s great. Honestly, even with the running and the walking, I like to keep them in their little silos. At the same time, if there’s an instructor you want to take a class with and you want to walk, then do that. No one is counting. It’s fine.

I have a question about the pole stuff. Is there a place to do that other than a gym that has one and a club?

I have a pole at home. You can buy a home pole. They’re tension mounted like a curtain rod.

That sounds like a recipe for disaster. You’re putting body weight on it. You’re supposed to hang on that thing and it’s tension-mounted?

She does it all the time so I’m thinking it’s okay.

Do they make you sign a waiver?

It’s in her house. She doesn’t have to sign the waiver.

She could sue the company if something happened.

That’s true.

There are two good companies that you can get those from, and then there’s a bunch of crappy Amazon ones that you should not buy from. Those are buckled and come down. If you buy them from reputable companies and follow the directions to set it up, which is the hard part, they’re pretty good. They’re pretty stable. Mine has never come down unless I set it up the wrong way. The first time I did that, it came down. I was like, “Whoops.” Studios are the main one, as well as the club. You can get them at home too. For a while, Crunch gyms were doing pole classes, but I don’t know if they still are.

I don’t know either. I don’t even know if we have Crunch gyms here. I feel like I’ve heard of one in St. Louis, but I don’t know. I workout at home.

So does she. She uses Pole-oton.

I’m manifesting that. I’m like, “Come on, Peloton. Put up pole classes.”

I don’t feel like they’re going to do that. That feels niche. That does not feel like where they would ever go. They want to always ask, “What is our largest ability to attract people?” Given that, they already seem like they’re not sure that they should have done rowing. I don’t see pole going in there. It doesn’t feel like a good next step for them.

Peloton Community

Although I would be fascinated to see how that live class worked. They would need a very large studio to spread them all out because of all the swinging around. Somebody’s going to get hurt. What is your leaderboard name?

My leaderboard name is Embodied_Elle.

You said you go by Elle instead of Eleanor.

Does that work for you? Do you get shout-outs with that? It’s hard to gauge, but that seems like that’d be an easy one for them to say.

I don’t ride live a lot because I have two little kids. One is four and then one is about to be three. I’m mostly doing recordings. I did get a shout-out on my old leaderboard name, which was PeloPoleDancer. I did get a shout-out from Bradley Rose for my 100th ride with that one. I was like, “Yay.”

Do you have a preferred instructor?

I do love all of them. I’ll say that for the most part. I’m a Cody girl. I love Cody. I love his music. He’s so funny. It goes by so fast. Cody is probably my favorite on the bike and also Jess King, but I love all of them. One of my favorite rides I’ve ever done is Christine’s Pink ride.

That’s a good one.

That one is so good. Talk about embodied. The way she runs that class is so grounded. I know Crystal, you’re not the biggest fan of Kendall. I have a theory that it’s because she’s not very embodied. She says one thing but the actions don’t line up.

That makes a lot of sense. That is a longstanding thing with me. Take a car salesman, for example. You walk in and you know how they’re always very schmoozy? Instantly, I can’t stand them. I’m not even saying they’re bad people, but their actions are not matching what their words are. Instantly, I’m like, “I’m out. I don’t like this. I want to leave. I don’t trust this situation.” That’s a very good theory though.

I was thinking that. When you were talking about Kendall, I was like, “I feel the same way.” I was trying to think about why and I was like, “That’s what it is. Sometimes, the words don’t match the actions.” I love Cody on the bike. I love Cody but as he has gotten bigger, sometimes, it does feel like a performance. I’m like, “Bring it back, boo, to when it was a little rawer.” I love Adrian Williams for strength.

He’s amazing.

Who doesn’t love him? I also love Callie. For yoga, I love Kirra and Chelsea. For rowing, Katie and Ash.

The Clip Out | Eleanor Hamilton-Wohl | Peloton Apology


That is a very interesting mixture that you have there. I would’ve expected you to add on a Robin with Cody and the other one you said. It has already gone out of my head.

Jess King?

Yes. I would’ve expected Robin to be added to that triple little threat there. I know you don’t do a lot of the running classes, but I’m surprised you don’t have Matty listed in there. You’re like, “I do like that.” I know. There are so many. There are a lot of good ones. That’s a very interesting list you have there.

I should pick my music. Whoever has the playlist, I go with it.

That makes sense.

Do you pick genre or decade?

More genre. When I workout, I like pop, hip-hop, and rap, something energetic. I love Sam Yo’s teaching style but sometimes, the music is so slow for me that I have a hard time finding the rhythm.

That makes sense.

Do you have any advice for people just now entering the world of Peloton?

Yes. I’ve been thinking about this question for a long time because everyone gives such good advice. I was thinking, “Everyone has given such good advice on this show. What could I possibly add that has not already been said in a much better way than I would say it?” I was thinking, “As a therapist, what would I recommend to people?”

Sometimes when I go on Peloton Reddit, which I love, it can feel very type A. People can be pretty hard on themselves. When people get into the Peloton world, I can see them going far fast, going 100% all feet on the gas. It can create what we call the performing wellness thing. It is where you’re doing all the things that are healthy, “I am taking the classes. I’m doing the diet thing. I’m drinking the water,” but it can almost be fragile because, underneath it, you might still be feeling completely overwhelmed or completely numb. When that happens and something goes wrong, it can create a breakdown, burnout, and this all-on, all-off phenomenon.

I was thinking I’d encourage people to start to build that intuition with their bodies when they start. I hide everything when I get on the bike. The leaderboard is gone. The stats are gone. Everything is gone. I don’t necessarily follow the call-outs, to be honest. If Cody says, “Put 40,” and I’m not feeling 40, I put 30 or 35 on. It is learning to trust your body and build that instinct and relationship with your body to help you think of it as a long-term project from here until our old age, hopefully, rather than having to get the check mark, having hit those metrics, or having to get caught up in all the numbers of things.

That’s very good advice.

They’re white-knuckling their way through wellness.

There are 30 days and then one thing happens and they fall apart. It’s because they were never into it all the way. They were just doing the motions. That’s a good point.

Tom, that white-knuckling wellness is a good way to put it. If you’re white-knuckling it, how well is it?

Let me go trademark white-knuckling wellness.

You should. You’ll see it on TikTok and it’s going to explode.

They’ll have fifteen million views and we’ll be over here like, “What the heck?” Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to join us. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you in all the places.

For trauma and sex therapy, I am licensed in Louisiana and Florida. You can find that at GroundedHealthNOLA.org. Warning, my Instagram is not suitable for work because it’s pole dancing, but if you’re interested in embodiment, pole dancing, or anything like that, my Instagram is @Embodied_Elle. Those are two separate businesses that get the same thing, which is helping you live your most authentic life and finding out what your needs are so you can get them met. I also help facilitate intensives in New Orleans. If anyone is looking to come down to New Orleans and have a very restorative weekend of mind, body, and spirit healing, feel free to reach out.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.


I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?

People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on all the social media platforms and the Peloton leaderboard at @ClipOutCrystal.

You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. You can find the Show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut, where for $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content and we like you extra. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.



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