353. Peloton Says “Keep Your Shirt On..LITERALLY” Plus Our Interview With David Levison
- Peloton makes changes to Spring studio closure.
- New Studio Rule – Keep your shirt on!
- Introducing – the Experiences Tab.
- Why was Jess King wearing an Instagram/Peloton co-branded shirt?
- What we know about Power Zones for the Tread.
- Jenn – How to stop ghosting your own workouts.
- Jermaine Johnson is about to be a father.
- Becs Gentry did NYRR Half Marathon commentary.
- Kirsten McGee ran her first race.
- Rad Lopez, Selena Samuela, Tunde, & Kirsten Ferguson ran the NYRR Half Marathon.
- Emma Lovewell is doing live in-person cooking classes.
- Alex Toussaint is featured at the Puma store wearing Peloton clothing.
- The latest artist series features Def Jam Records.
- And one featuring Troye Sivan.
- Peloton announces first studio residency with Defected Records.
- Chris Evert is doing Peloton during her chemo treatments.
- Britain’s Got Talent star Amanda Holden loves her Peloton.
- TCO Top 5.
- This week at Peloton.
- Becs Gentry has a 75-minute run coming up.
- Peloton is hosting a treasure hunt.
- Peloton celebrated St. Patrick’s Day.
- Birthdays – Becs Gentry (3/27)
All this plus our interview with David Levinson!
Watch the episode here
Listen to the podcast here
Peloton Says “Keep Your Shirt On..LITERALLY” Plus Our Interview With David Levison
Let’s jump right in and remind people about the next book club. The next item up for bid is Maid.
It is by Stephanie Land. We are going to be doing our book club meeting on April 9th, and we will be discussing the. If you want to read along with us, we’re reading Chapters 1 through 10 and we will be discussing it on April 9th, 7 PM Central.
If you don’t like reading it, it is on Netflix.
My understanding is it’s pretty faithful to the book.
You’ve watched the show, but you haven’t read the book yet.
I thought I had read the book but looking back, I’m not sure that I did. I think I might have gotten distracted and watched Netflix. I’m not exactly sure now. I’m going to start reading it again and then if everything seems familiar book-wise, I’m going to be like, “I’m out.”
“I’ve already done this even though I don’t remember it.”
It’s a little fuzzy between when you read a book versus when you watch something. They’re a little different.
You can get all the information for that over on our Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut. That doesn’t cost you money to do the book club, except buying the book unless you get the book from the library. That’s available for everyone at the free level. If you wander over there and if you also want to check out what a book club session is like, then you can catch the last book club we did for Mel Robbins The 5 Second Rule.
You can watch the whole thing. We had a very lively discussion.
It’s a different way to interact with people. In case you don’t realize why we’re picking these books, it’s because these are authors who are confirmed to be Peloton users. Sometimes it might be an instructor book. I believe those count as Peloton users. Sometimes, there might not be an immediate Peloton connection because we know the author is a huge Pelton user.
On that note, we will be doing an instructor book for May. We are going to be reading Emma Lovewell’s book for May. We already have announced that so you can get started on both those books.
If you are a slow reader, we’re giving you a head start.
Some of these you can get from the library as you said, so it’s good to have plenty of time.
Before we forget, let’s do our first Bingo call out of the episode.
Bingo number one is Tunde.
Who is our guest for this episode?
Our guest is David Levinson. I know it’s been a few weeks since we interviewed him. We had a good time talking to him and he’s been a Peloton user for a long time. We had a lot of different topics to cover.
What pray tell do you have in store for people?
We’re going to talk about what’s going on with the Peloton Studio closures because they have made a change to it. We are going to talk about why you have to keep your shirt on at the studio. We are going to talk about the new experiences tab. We are also going to talk about why there is an Instagram Peloton co-branded shirt. We are going to talk about what we know about Power Zones for the tread. We have instructor news coming up as well. We’re going to do a little recap of the New York City Half Marathon and artist series coverage, as well as a couple of celebrity sightings. We have lots of content to discuss as well.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, you can find us on Apple and Spotify. Google went away. You can watch these on YouTube.
They also have transcripts. Do you know that?
We’ve had transcripts on our side for a long time.
Yeah, but Apple does it automatically.
While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That’s super helpful. You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon at Patreon.com/TheClipOut, where for $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content. Every week, we record a bonus episode which is stuff that we didn’t have time to get to in the main episode. You also get ad-free episodes. You’ll get this episode but minus the ads. If we get it early, you get it early. You can sign up for our newsletter at TheClipOut.com. As I mentioned previously, you can watch these episodes at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
We have a slight change to the Peloton Studio schedule.
It was supposed to be closed from April 15th through April 21st. They had invited a bunch of people into the studio. There were a bunch of invite classes that were taking place on April 22nd, and then all of a sudden, people started getting all these cancellation notices and then they were reinvited the week later. Depending on what class you had been invited to on the day of the 22nd, you were invited back on the 28th or the 29th with different instructors and different classes altogether. Some people were upset.
You never know how it's going to be on race day. You just never know. Share on XIf you live close to the studio, that’s probably not a huge problem to overcome, but you don’t live close to the studio.
We have a friend here. I don’t want to mention their name in case they don’t want it to be broadly broadcast that they were going but they had been invited. They were invited to the April 22nd class, and then it got canceled. When you live in Missouri and you have to make all your flights, you can’t just snap your fingers and make that happen. This person happens to have flexibility with their daytime situation and they were also able to be able to change their flights but not everybody can do that.
The reason that we’re making a big deal about this is not because it’s like, “Peloton, you made a change.” It’s more to tell you that they are going to keep making changes. When you say, “We have this article out there. Here are all of the dates that Peloton has listed for 2024. We also want you to know that they are subject to change. In addition to that, we also recommend that you get travel insurance if you have the ability because we don’t want you to have a situation where you were looking forward to this and now you’re out all of your money.”
Would travel insurance even cover that?
It depends on what kind of travel insurance. They do have travel insurance that will kick in for any reason.
I always think travel insurance is like if somebody gets COVID or you break an ankle.
There’s that kind. There’s also the one that allows you to be able to purchase it no matter what. Sometimes it doesn’t matter. If you’re in a situation where you bought your airline tickets and you can change the dates pretty easily, that’s not such a big deal because most of the hotels are going to let you change stuff too. Let’s say that you not only buy a hotel and your airline tickets. Let’s say that your airline tickets are through Southwest and you did a one-way, you’re going to have some trouble now. If you were like, “While I’m here, I’m going to take in a Broadway play.” They’re not going to let you change that. You do want to think about it. At the very least, maybe don’t book that stuff until you get closer. I don’t want you to think that Peloton is constantly dropping classes, but it happens.
It’s always a possibility. I honestly think the better way to enter into these things is not to make Peloton the focal point of your trip to New York. If it happens, great, and if not, whatever. Especially if you’ve never been, I get that’s going to be disappointing. I’m not trying to trivialize that. I don’t know that you can ever count on with 100% certainty that class will happen.
You can’t. We want people to look at these dates ahead of time and be aware that they could change, but also, if it’s a big holiday coming up or if it’s something like Memorial Day. I still don’t think the right dates are on there. Labor Day, I still don’t think they are the right dates on there.
Even if you have the ability to move your dates, what if you’re getting moved and all the a sudden, there’s some major thing going on in New York that week and your $300 hotel room is now $800 because it’s Fashion Week? Who knows?
Be flexible is what we’re saying. Be aware and be flexible.
Don’t have your heart set on it.
We don’t want you to be heartbroken.
Peloton has a message for you and it’s to put your titties away.
Most people don't go to Antarctica, so just seeing it is incredible. Now, imagine running there. Share on XI have a feeling this came from a male person, not a female person. A person who identifies as male. I don’t want to leave anyone out there, but I don’t know. What I do know is Peloton now has spelled out in the US Studio that not only can you not have glitter, and not only can they check your outfit and we’ll check your outfit before you even enter the studio but also you must keep your shirt on the entire time. No skins.
It’s not shirts versus skins. It’s not the eighth-grade gym.
I suspect what happened here was that somebody got high in the Studio and the guy took his shirt off and didn’t think a thing of it, and that’s frowned upon. Back in the day, they did let people do that. Back in the the olden days of Peloton when you didn’t have millions of people viewing, I think you could take your shirt off.
It was something they didn’t even think about.
Those days are over.
I would love to know the story because I also feel like they would get in a world of shit. My guess is it wasn’t a guy with a six-pack who took his shirt off.
To me, it shouldn’t matter.
It’s either a rule or it’s not but I feel like if it’s a fitness model type guy who took a shirt off, they probably would turn a blind eye to it. Not now. It’s a rule. They would have created a rule for it. That’s my theory if you will.
Unless you were there, you don’t know the full story.
If anybody was in a class where someone took their shirt off, we want to know. We now have an experiences tab on the navigation screen thing.
What happened here is that Peloton, on the equipment, whether it’s the tread, the row, the bike, it had a place at the bottom where it would have your classes and then over on the right, it said “More.” When you click on “More,” that’s when you go to your scenic classes. That’s when you went to your Lanebreak if you had it. Now, we have “Experiences,” which I think is good because “More” could mean anything. It’s not drawing the eye.
If you’re a person who’s had a Peloton for a long time, we know to look there. We’re like, “That’s new,” because, to us, it is new just like Emma Lovewell is still new. If you are a new person to Peloton, if you’re COVID or newer, you may have clicked on the “More.” You also may not have, especially if you just got your equipment. It makes sense. Also, I think they’re setting this up for more to come.
That’s something for all the video game people that they hired.
I think we’re going to see more in the Experiences.
Jess King was on the gram the other day in one of her Stories. She’s wearing a sweatshirt but it’s co-branded with Peloton and Instagram
Isn’t that interesting? I suspect this kind of comes back from when Peloton started doing a lot of lives on Instagram back in COVID time.
Will a Peloton instructor be wearing a four-year-old hoodie? They get so much fashion pushed on them
That white is bright white. That’s not a scrubby thing to wash, got a light tan going on. I’m sure that could also be attributed to whatever amazing detergent she uses. As you said, they’re always getting branding pushed at them.
What are we saying? It’s all dry cleaning. They don’t have washing machines. Everything is at the dry cleaners, even leggings and underwear.
If I were getting paid what Peloton instructors are getting paid, there would be somebody hand-washing every single thing that I would be wearing on camera.
I have to worry about it getting faded in the wash because you’d always be getting a new thing to wear on camera.
I would like to think that there’s a museum of their favorite outfits in their houses, especially Jess King. She’s always getting these outfits custom-made by Brittany Allen. You know how famous actresses have a whole room. I think I’ve been watching too much Home Edit because I’m thinking of Reese Witherspoon. She was on the Home Edit and she had a whole bunch of different outfits from all of her hit movies. There was a whole setup. There were a lot of outfits for Ellie, including the dog and the purse.
That dog has gone out by now, poor dog.
At any rate, that’s what I expect. It’s happening in there.
Here’s what I think probably happens. All that stuff feels like it has historical significance, but when you’re in it, it’s just something I wore one time. I don’t know maybe. It’s like old-time TV. They would tape over episodes and they lost time because they were like, “Who’s going to care about this?”
These are the questions we need to know. If anyone has been in Jess King’s house lately, we’re creepers and we want to know.
Jess King wouldn’t know because she hadn’t been in the closet in a long time. This could mean something or it could be an old sweater. We thought it was interesting. We thought we give you a little overview of what we know about Power Zones on the tread.
What we know is that it is so close to happening. This has been in beta test and then Christine accidentally spilled the tea that her husband was doing an FTP test on the tread and it got pulled down ten seconds later and then it reappeared. It’s back and the beta test ended. They took it from all the access that people had.
By the way, this was crazy. I got a message from a user who shall remain nameless. They had been doing the beta testing and listened to this. They had done four different of these pacing tests because they’re they’re pacing tests. Not FTP. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a little different anyway. When they took the beta test and they closed it out, they removed it from their profile.
Whenever it comes back, they have to take the test again.
Not only that. They’ve been working toward a milestone. It literally deleted four of their classes. They were working toward a milestone. They did tell Peloton that’s what was happening. I hope that Peloton puts them back and they had some time for this person to hit their Milestone like they had some time because usually, what they do on those beta tests is they take them from the history. Nobody else can see them but it’s still a class that shows up in your history and this time just going and going. This person was like they were there and then they were gone. I think we are super close to this.
If they’re scrubbing, they’re getting ready to push out, one would think.
I think it’s imminent.
Her workouts got ghosted. What if you ghost your own workouts? That can be a problem and Dr. Jenn is going to have tips for us on how not to do that coming up after this.
Joining us once again via the magic of Zoom tube is Dr. Jenn Mann, licensed marriage, family, and child therapist, and Sports Psychology consultant. You may know her from VH1’s Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn, VH1’s Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn, or her long-running radio show the Dr. Jenn Show. She’s written four bestselling books including The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn’s 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection and Intimacy. It’s Dr. Jenn.
Our question today comes from one of our listeners Dana Courtney. What she said is more of a statement. She’s struggling with doing what she says she’s going to do. Do you have any thoughts on how she can follow through with her plans?
I’m assuming this is Peloton specifically. She makes a workout plan and then does not follow it. That tends to be a sign of one of a few things. One is you are over-promising yourself. You’re not being realistic about where you are in your fitness journey, where you are emotionally, or how much time you have to offer your workouts. Another possibility is you’re picking things that you don’t like. You’re following the should. You’re like, “I should do that kind of workout,” but it’s not what you love.
Another spin-off of that is you’re doing this shoulds and it’s all the shoulds as opposed to a balance of you guys know me I am all about the music-based workout. I will take any instructor’s class. Even if they’re not my absolute favorite person if they play Billy Joel, I’m a sucker for those things and I’ll do anything. It sounds like this person is not following what she loves and you have to have a good balance. I know Robin talks a lot about, and so a lot of the other instructors, to do the thing that you don’t want to do. I do believe in that but I think that that should be 20% of your workout tops, maybe 10% to 20% as opposed to 100%.
I think this person is probably doing a lot of things she doesn’t love. The other thing is sometimes that happens when we’re workout. I tend to change my workout every 3 to 6 months, depending on how burnt out I get on it and how quickly, so it’s important to vary it. Variety for me is a subtle change, like a lower body weight class with a lower body Pilates class. It’s a huge change for me to completely perk up my workout. It makes me feel like I’m doing something completely different. Right now, for probably four years. I’ve done my long run on Saturday. Right now, I’m doing a boot camp on Saturday and a long run on Tuesday and it’s Earth-shattering.
We change ways and see my workout. I think that this is someone who needs to shake things up a little bit and also might benefit from having some advice from a trainer or someone like you Crystal who knows how to put together a balanced workout. Another thing that tends to happen is when we do our own workout, sometimes we focus on one thing. Let’s say you don’t like your legs. You overdo the legs and then you dread your workouts and you’re sore and then it’s hard for you to get back to what you’re doing.
Sometimes it’s that you haven’t made the right workout for you. I caution this person, and I think a lot of people are in this boat, to look at what’s going on that I’m not following through. I’m also a big believer, and I talked about this a lot on the show, in making small achievable goals. I think it is better to underpromise yourself and over-deliver than the reverse because so much of what we’re doing as athletes and as people who love Peloton is creating our own self-concept as an athlete.
If you’re newer to Peloton or newer to working out and if you start out saying, “I’m going to work out seven days a week for an hour day and I’m going to follow this plan,” first of all, that’s not realistic. You’re going to injure yourself. You’re going to hate your workout. You’re going to overdo it. It’s going to be a negative experience. Instead, you say, “I’m going to work out for ten minutes, three times a week,” you achieve that and you go, “I’m someone who follows through with what I promise myself.” You build on that and then that affects how you see yourself and you see there is someone who follows through with what she says she’s going to do. That’s good for your self-concept and confidence.
That makes a lot of sense, breaking things down. I love the way you put it into buckets for people to follow.
I was thinking of only doing 20% of things you don’t want to do, except for me, I’m 100% sure of the things I don’t want to do because I don’t want to do anything.
You’re a special case, Tom.
One of the things that we talked about on the show is that when people are first starting out working out, and Tom, even though you’ve now been working out for a couple of years, I still consider you to be newer at this. It takes a long time to get the endorphins and the serotonin that people hear other athletes talk about. When you are first learning to run, when you’re first getting on the treadmill, or when you’re first taking a spin class, you don’t get that.
Instead, it’s hard. It’s painful and it oftentimes sucks. It’s especially important to pick instructors you like, the music you like, and workouts that you like because you don’t get those chemical highs until you’re at a certain level of athleticism and that can be frustrating that you hear other people talk about it. You’re like, “Why don’t I get this?” That can affect your ability to follow through with yourself.
I want to get high first.
I found the best highs come from running. You have to do it so much before you get that. The road there is such a painful road. When you get that first runner’s high, you’re like, “This is a little addictive.”
I’ll take your word for it. Thank you so much for all. Until next time, where can people find you?
On social media @DrJennMann.
Jermaine Johnson is going to be a father.
This is our first Peloton instructor Dad and it’s our first UK baby.
That we know of.
He became a father while being a Peloton instructor and he is our first British instructor to have a baby. He is setting all kinds of records.
He’s not having a baby.
No, but he’s still the dad. Why would you say he’s having the baby? He was part of that obviously, but he’s not the one.
He’s not doing the heavy lifting.
No, his significant other, but he made Peloton history. He is going to make the timeline for that. That’s exciting.
The New York Half Marathon was last weekend. Peloton was all over it.
Don’t forget New York Road Runners and Peloton have a partnership. This was part of it and Becs Gentry did the commentary but she did the commentary for ABC. There were lots of Peloton people there.
For starters, Kristin McGee was there.
Her first race ever and she managed to create so many rumors that she was next on the tread. She’s going to be teaching on the tread because she’s a yoga instructor and she’s been running her tushy off for a long time now. If she’s running races, she must be an instructor. I am not saying that is true. I am saying that is the rumor that she started. Congratulations to Kristin McGee. That’s special.
She was not the only person from Peloton at the half marathon.
Rad Lopez, Selena Samuela, Tunde, and Kirsten Ferguson all ran the New York City half marathon. Also starting rumors, Tunde. People are obsessed. I don’t care how many times she says she’s not going to be a tried instructor, they are insistent that she is. Why else would she be doing all this running if she’s not going to become an instructor?
It’s great that Tunde ran this half marathon because I know how difficult running the full marathon was. She had that moment that went viral while crossing the finish line of almost not crossing the finish line, and so to turn around a very short time later and do a half marathon, I could see a version of events where she’s like, “I did that and it’s not something I enjoy so I’m not going to do it again.” Not in a shitty way but like, “This is not my jam and I’m going to go do something else,” and so to turn around a half, I think it’s great.
Not only that but she was fresh as a daisy when she crossed the finish line. It looked like she was out for a stroll. She made it look so easy. That’s why we got rumors. Why else would you do that if you weren’t going to be an instructor? I’m not saying that is true. I’m just telling you what the people are saying. Congrats to all the runners.
EmmaLlovewell is doing a live and in-person cooking class.
She’s teaming up with another person that I was unfamiliar with. She is doing an honest-to-God in-person cooking class and you too can take part in it that they were they were selling for $30.
That seems quite the bargain.
I would agree. It was an hour and a half. This was in her newsletter that she had out there, Emma’s newsletter. You could do that in person. You also can take the virtual class. I’m wondering if maybe it’s only virtual. Maybe you’re not in person with her and that explains why it’s only $30.
I can be guessing the whole in-person thing.
The reason I thought that they were in-person is because it says, “She will be joining me in a live cooking class.” The other part of it that probably should have been my clue is joining her in her home kitchen. We cannot join Emma Lovewell in her home kitchen.
She’s not having total strangers come over to her kitchen.
I think that would be a bad idea, but you can join virtually on April 13th at 4 PM Eastern.
If you’re going to her house, that’s at least $35.
That’s hilarious.
An interesting sighting, not necessarily apropos or anything. I just found it interesting that at one of the Puma stores, they have an image of Alex Toussaint. Not shocking. He’s a Puma ambassador, but in the image, there’s also Peloton stuff. He’s on a Peloton. He’s wearing Peloton Brandon branded merch.
It’s also interesting that this was the main window of a Puma store. This was what they were using to draw people in. Not only was he wearing Peloton clothes, but they were using Alex to draw people into a Puma store. That seems interesting to me. I feel like that says next level with this partnership that I did not realize was out there.
It also says a lot about the recognizability of Peloton instructors that their front and center in the store.
That sets them apart from other exercises. As we talk all the time about Apple Fitness. You are not going to recognize an Apple Fitness and that’s not any disrespect to an Apple Fitness.
They haven’t permeated the cultural Zeitgeist.
In the same way, and not all the Peloton instructors have, to be fair.
Not a lot of them have.
I’ll be honest. I don’t even know it’s a good thing. I think we have gone too far.
Now we’re seeing a backlash.
I think it’s starting to be like we get it, at least for Robin. Maybe with Alex, it never. We will find out eventually.
We have lots of music news in relation to Peloton. The first item up for bid is a Peloton Def Jam collaboration.
First of all, I am so upset that Def Jam has been around for 40 years because that means that I am getting so old. They’ve been recording since 1984. Congrats to them because they have truly changed the music industry, but I’m not I’m not okay. This will be interesting though. They’re doing three different classes that are going to celebrate these classes or celebrate this accomplishment. There’s going to be one with Jermaine. Two are 20 minutes and one is 30 minutes. There’s going to be a full body with Jermaine and then there’s going to be a run with Kirsten Ferguson and then there’s going to be a 30-minute ride with Robin. All of those are taking place and they are all live, so enjoy the music.
We also have an artist series from Troye Sivan. He has not been around for 40 years so I don’t know.
He looks so young in this picture. I truly don’t know anything about him other than I think that he is German in nature. He has some classes in German. That makes me think he is a German artist. With Jeffrey McEachern, there’s a 20-minute run. There is going to be a ride with Cody for 30 minutes and then there’s a 30-minute run with Matty and then a 20-minute row with Katie. That’s only one German class. These are English names, One of Your Girls, Supernatural, and Strawberries and Cigarettes. I’m intrigued.
By the strawberries or the cigarettes?
It’s the combo. It’s giving me the Jack Johnson Banana Pancake vibes.
Strawberry and cigarettes are what people have to do before vaping. We get them flavored. Your only flavor option was menthol.
What I do know for sure is that Troye, like Def Jam, makes me feel old because I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be his mother. Also, we have our first-ever Peloton Studios residency.
We had talked about how Peloton had accidentally posted a little story about Defected or maybe it was Defected actually that posted it and then they took it right down. I thought this was super fascinating because they are bringing live DJ rides to London. We have DJ John Michael and Peloton London is getting live DJ classes and they will be from Defected Records.
I’m sure DJ John Michael was like, “I’ll do both, back and forth.”
I totally would do that and I don’t know that we’re going to see this forever because it says that it’s a residency. Obviously, that means a determined amount of time.
A period of time but not necessarily permanent.
It says it kicks off on the 21st, and it’s going to showcase six cycling classes. There are going to be three DJ rides and the DJs are Ariel Free, Ferric Dawn, and Monki. According to Gwen Bethel Riley who has long been pelotons SVP of music and content. She was super excited and she says at Peloton we’re committed to content Innovation with this residency. We’re creating an immersive and entertaining experience that transports members straight to a Defected club night. That sounds funny.
Stick around because coming up after this, we’re going to give you some new Peloton celebrity sightings so sit tight.
Tennis Legend Chris Evert is battling cancer.
I did not realize it when I read this.
I did not realize it either.
Ovarian cancer if you were curious.
She is doing Peloton during her chemo period. She’s probably doing it before that, but she’s continuing to do it because she says it’s reducing her side effects.
That’s amazing and we’ve heard this from other people in the Peloton community who have experienced chemo that helps with their side effects. I remember Page Davis. That kept her going to be able to do the Paleton during this time. Hopefully, that means Chris is doing well and she will continue to do well.
The headline on this is irritating me. It’s a new trend that I’ve noticed with clickbaity headlines where they don’t tell you who it’s about. It says tennis, “Legend is doing Peloton during Chemo.” In the past, it would say Chris Evert but they want you to click through to find out who the tennis legend is.
Peloton is enough to get the clicks. They don’t need both. That’s why they do it. Onto their SEO tricks.
It’s so irritating.
At least they tell you that you didn’t have to go through twenty slides before you got there.
There was one I saw today where it was like, “Long time classic rock band is doing blah blah blah,” and I was like, “They’re all long time?” If they’re classic rock, by definition, they’re all longtime classic rock. If you’re not a longtime classic rock band, that’s what we call a rock band. Stop letting AI write your headlines. One that will mean something to people in the UK, but probably not to people in the States but Amanda Holden recently posted on Instagram a video of herself making a Margarita on a Peloton bike.
She is from Britain’s Got Talent. That’s all I know.
That’s all I know. We don’t watch it over here. Probably on BBC America. If you’re over there, then that’s probably important to you, or at least you’ve heard of her.
It is time for the Bingo call out number two.
Bingo number two, Katie Wang.
Now, the TCO Top Five, where we make you do our work for us.
No, it’s not for us. It’s by the listeners because they’re my favorite class. This doesn’t mean they’re everybody else.
That’s true. They’d be getting the same three instructors every week. Here we go. Item number one is your favorite Peloton pre-roll run warm-up.
Depending on your time zone, this could have been on 3/6 or 3/7, but that’s when it took place. It was a five-minute pre-run warm-up with Jon Hosking. Mindy Jensen says, “This pre-run warm-up is perfect. I’ve been getting better at adding these,” which is important, Mindy. Good job. She usually grabs what she hasn’t done before. Needless to say, this will be my go-to. I think I’ve done it four times now. Jon works on single-leg activation and balance and includes other moves to get the hips and ankles lubricated all perfect moves to get the body for a run. That is great. I will also say Adrian has got an amazing one that Nikki told me about and that one activates your glutes as well. That one’s a good one too.
Coming in at number two your favorite Peloton ride.
This was a huge crowd favorite. This was the live DJ ride with Jess King from March 15th celebrating Jess King’s ten years and Mike Devon said such a great vibe with stories and a nice surprise at the end. I love these anniversary rides. I don’t want to give any surprises away, but it was announced that John Michael was dropping a remix. I hope I’m saying it like the hip kids, Donna Summer song on that ride, nicely done, great fun ride, and we know that. We talked about that last week.
Number three is my favorite Peloton run.
This was a 45-minute classic rock run. This was Becs Gentry from March 16th. Becky Gomez said Becs Gentry’s 45-minute classic rock run from Saturday was great. The playlist was so fun. She added a lot of race commentary to keep it moving quickly and I thought it was the right amount of difficulty. By the way, they have Guns and Roses, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, and AC/DC in that playlist.
Number four our favorite Peloton intervals and arms ride.
We haven’t had a lot of these lately. People were primed for this and it was with Robin from March 16th, and she wore yellow. Did I say more? Trish Lalonde said if you do one ride, do this one. It had everything. He pushes Tabata strength and great music too. She wore yellow. Jessica Sanford added. It was pure fire. One of her best classes in a while.
We don’t have an unstackable, so that can be your unstackable because she wore yellow and even I know that. Finally, number five. Spoiler, it’s not an unstackable. Your favorite Peloton tread boot camp.
This is Joslyn Thompson Rule’s first solo appearance on the TCO Top Five. This is from March 17, 30-minute boot camp upper body. Little Nuggets Mama’s 13. She said Joslyn’s 30-minute upper body tread boot camp because it was upper body and you could push the tread portions more. I also love her and in my eyes, she does no wrong. That’s true. Joslyn is amazing. I love her.
We also take a look at this week at Peloton.
So much is going on. This is all content-related as well. If you guys haven’t heard this before, Tabata. We talked about this. This is going to be a new feature from Logan. This is a new class series from Logan. It’s all high-intensity cardio and strength intervals on the mat. The first two classes are out now and a new one happened. All of the classes are 20 minutes long. I don’t think you want more than 20 minutes at Tabata. Not with Logan and he’s wearing yellow in this picture. I’m just saying.
Is there a correlation? Does he do that too?
I don’t know. I think it’s just that Logan is intense. That’s why we have #DeathbyLogan.
If you need something not so intense, we’ve got Disney Yoga Flow.
This is a 30-minute yoga flow taught by Chelsea Jackson Roberts. It is going to take place on March 22nd, this Friday, and don’t forget, there’s an entire Disney collection so you can get lots of different classes.
Put your Mickey ears on. You got a bike boot camp.
Jess Sims is on the schedule, a live 60-minute advance bike boot camp. It’s going to be full-body. It took place on March 19th. She’s been spending a lot of time courtside. Our basketball fan Darcy wrote this. She’s hoping that she spilled the tea on the NCAA tournament in between reps. Let’s go Tar Heels. I don’t know any of that.
I have no idea. I cannot help you. Finally, this is fascinating. I guess they’re going to be letting some Echelon instructors in for the douche collection.
It’s Deutsch. I can understand the confusion there. This is cool though. Peloton has added a Deutsche collection which gathers all their German programs collections and special classes in one place on the bike and tread so you can look at collections and find all the German content in one place, which is great.
Becs Gentry is doing a 75-minute pop run.
March 30th. It is going to be 75 beautiful minutes of running with Becs live. I can’t wait.
There is also a treasure hunt. There’s a bunny on the image of the treasure hunt but it wasn’t called an Easter egg hunt.
It’s super fun though, maybe because there are Easter eggs, and they wanted to subtly put that in. Also, it’s spring and Easter, but they didn’t want to be religious.
That’s my guess. They didn’t want to seem overtly religious. Easter has not been as secularized as Christmas.
Peloton just announced this and it’s cool because you get to take a class and then the instructor during one of these classes gives you a riddle. To solve the riddle, you have to take old classes to figure it out.
It’s a little treasure hunt.
You go through the old classes and figure out all the answers. I love the creativity. I love that they are making people go take old classes by doing this. That’s a good way to hit that and it’s something totally different and fun. Speaking of Echelon, when will we see this on Echelon? This is great though. It starts today and it’s a series of live encore classes that are going to be through March 30th, so they will be dropping the riddles. Got to look for them.
Saint Patrick’s Day is behind us but they did all sorts of celebration. If you want to check it out, here’s what you missed.
They’ve never done this where they had a specific day of classes. I am not saying there has not been a rogue Saint Patrick’s Day class here and there because there has been, but this was four honest-to-God dedicated classes for Saint Patrick’s Day. The first time that I am aware of. There was a ride, a yoga flow, a run, and a walk plus run with Tobias, and that one is in German. I did take the 20-minute run with Joslyn and I can say that it was all Irish bands. Was there some U2? No, but she did hit some Sinead O’Connor. She started with Nothing Compares to You, which given the mood I’ve been in, brought the tears right on. I was bawling out of the gate which is tough to run and cry because I was outside but it was a great class. It was very enjoyable.
We only had one birthday. It’s from Becs Gentry on March 27th.
Happy birthday to Becs Gentry.
Stick around because coming up after this, we’re going to talk to David Levinson.
Joining us via the magic of Zoom tube is David Levinson. David. How’s it going?
I’m good. Crystal, how’s it going?
Good, how are you doing? Did you have a good Monday?
I was traveling. I’m in New York now as we speak. I have a conference to go to in the next couple of days, but I’m fortunately not going to make it to the studio while I’m here on this trip.
How did Peloton come into your life? How did you find it and decide it was a good thing to try for you? We
I got them at work. We were building out our office in 2016. We put a little gym in. Our office manager was like, “We’re going to put these Peloton bikes.” I had no idea. I’d never heard of it. We ended up getting them. About that same time, my wife started doing Flywheel in Dallas, and I’d started doing Peloton. There’s already this Flywheel-Peloton.
Mixed marriages can be difficult.
We know. We’ve got Android and iPhone in our house. It gets crazy.
Who has the iPhone, you or Tom?
She does the iPhone.
Tom, you’re the Tonal guy.
That is true.
I’m the iPhone Peloton. I’m siding with Crystal in this relationship.
Most people do.
I started doing it work. We started doing Flywheel, and I was using the Peloton to get better for the Flywheel classes, which were live. As things progressed, I enjoyed it. I liked being able to hop on whenever. This was 2016. You could hop on a live class, and there might be 40 or 50 people in it. I hate saying it, but it’s great that it’s evolved into what it was. It was nice when a more intimate group of people were doing it.
If it was still that, it wouldn’t exist.
It’s like a double-edged sword. It’s such a double-edged sword. Once you guys decided to get the bike, was your wife like, “No, I’m going to stick with my Flywheel?” Was she on board? Did she want that Flywheel at home?
Was she one of the three people who did Flywheel at home?
We were on board. I had the bikes in the office. We didn’t buy our bikes until 2018. We ended up getting the tread in 2021. This will be nice to have at home. She’ll start doing more Peloton classes, but she didn’t. She does do a lot of the tread classes. That was a good purchase. We were lucky. We got it right before the recall for the Tread Plus. We were in the middle of COVID before they took them off the market. That’s the best purchase we’ve had. It’s such a great treadmill.
I love it. I will never let them take it. It’s going to die in my basement. She’s partially converted to Peloton.
Enjoying The Peloton Community
The big thing is the community. I’ve met many people. A huge group of runners are doing the Vegas half. We’re going. She’s not running, but she’s going. She’s made friends. She’s friends with a few of the people. She loves going to the studio. She likes it when we come to New York and take classes live. That’s fun for anyone. She says she’s not in the cult, but she is a fan. I’m fully embedded in the Peloton cult.
What about you? Do you still ride the bike a lot? Are you doing mostly the tread?
I’m mainly running now. My bike is all for maintenance and days when I’m not running and for a lower-impact workout. That’s changed over the last few years. I would do races and train for that. I would take time off, do a Power Zone challenge, supplement, and take time off from running. Over the last few years, running has been my main focus. I’m working hard to hopefully make a run at getting a boss and qualifying time. I’ve got ways to go to get there. Running is my primary focus now.
Have you always been an active person? There are two types of people. There are those that were high school and grade school athletes. They’ve always been an athlete. There are people like me that came to this later on in life. Where do you fall in this category?
I was not a high school athlete. I was 5’3” and 100 pounds in high school. I sprouted up a few more inches in college. I played tennis, but not more on my own and for fun. I went to business school. I went to Duke in the early 2000s. I graduated in 2002. A group of my friends were like, “Let’s sign up for a marathon. We can all train together, and it’ll be fun.”
A bunch of people signed up for the Marine Corps. I signed up for New York and the lottery, and I got in. That summer, I hurt my ankle playing basketball. I didn’t train with everyone. I saw them training. I deferred a year because I was injured. I ended up training all by myself in Dallas the year after. I’m getting up at 4:00 in the morning to beat the heat. I ran the marathon. I hung up my running shoes for several years. I was like, “I am done running.” It was a lot. I was upset.
It was an amazing experience. Running New York is incredible. I’d gone from never running a 5K to training for a marathon, which I was supposed to do with a bunch of friends, and it wasn’t nearly as much fun. It’s one of those things. Once you get it in your mind, you’re going to do it. You want to go all the way through it.
We have twin girls who are sophomores in college. After they were born, it was hard to go to the gym. It became easy to hop out the door and run for 30 minutes. That was in 2008 and 2009 when I started running again after a long break. We do one half a year. We lived in Memphis at the time. The St. Jude half is amazing. You run through the hospital campus. It was a great race.
I had some injuries after that. I stopped running in 2017 and 2018. We were doing the Peloton, and we went to the gym. The Peloton Tread classes started. I was like, “I’ll get back into running.” A few people in our office were running to Dallas half. I was like, “I know I could do that because I’d done them before.” That’s when I started picking up and running. It’s been a late bloomer. That’s a long way to get an answer.
You started a lot earlier than I did. Don’t worry about that.
Back To The Running Journey
It’s fascinating how you keep drifting away and coming back.
What do you think keeps pulling you back into running?
I enjoy it. It was a combination of two things. It was one through Peloton. When the pandemic hit, all these virtual Facebook groups started popping up. You’d be on an instructor page. I started meeting people who were into running. I got into one group. It was Tread Mafia. I don’t know if you’re familiar.
I am not familiar. Is that some offshoot of Mila Mafia? I don’t think it is because that would’ve happened before.
It was a bunch of people who were on these tread happy hours that started hanging out. I don’t think it still exists, but we would do our runs and plan a long weekly run on the weekends. It was a group of 25 or 30 people on a group chat. When we were doing these runs, I was like, “I like being out there by myself, having the time and running.” That’s when I shifted from being like, “Let’s do a half or two a year.” I’m going to start training for marathons again. In our group, there were five of us who ran the Moab 55K together back in 202. That’s what set me back on this running journey. That’s where everything’s got kickstarted for me.
Is that the one that takes place at night?
It’s during the day. They call it trail, but it’s a mountain run. It was close to 45 to 100 feet of elevation change. It took seven hours and 45 minutes. It was fraught for me. My one friend and the others did it quicker. It was during the day. It was one of those things where we got there on a Wednesday. The weather was perfect. We went to canyon lands and arches over the few days to also get acclimated. The race day started out in the low 30s with rain and sleet. The temperatures are dropping. It was miserable. My buddy and I were laughing about how miserable it was right there.
You never know how it’s going to be on race day.
It was an amazing experience. It’s crazy because six of us ended up renting a house together that I’d never met in person. We have been on Birch. My wife thought I was a lunatic. She thought I was going to get kidnapped. It wasn’t a good example for the kids.
We’ve been there too. We tell you not to meet strangers on the internet, but Peloton people are different. I don’t know why. They used to be. It was such a small group. Now, there are many people. This is not to say that the Peloton people are now bad, but you still need to be careful.
Mathematically, there have to be a few murderers mixed in.
We’re going to have to have a Peloton version of Dateline. It’s going to get crazy someday.
It’s going to happen. You see it all the time. We had some drama in the group. You get six people who’ve never been together living in a house. There are some stronger personalities.
It’s what reality shows are based around.
It could have easily been a reality show. My kids are saying, “There’s this drama.” My kids are in high school. They’re like, “Doesn’t that go away when you’re an adult?”
No, it never does.
It gets worse because now you can bring in lawyers.
That set me on my way. Some of those people are also my closest friends, not even Peloton friends, but I have done more races with them. My wife and I have gone away with them. We went on a trip to Mexico with three other couples. The one thing that gets lost is how great the community is here and how you can meet all sorts of people. The running community is like that. Tom, as you said, there are bad apples, but fortunately, I haven’t met many of them.
We were talking offline about your goal to do all of the world majors. Where are you in that goal?
I did New York twice, and I’ve done London. I applied for Chicago, Berlin, and the Tokyo Lottery but haven’t gotten into any of those three. I’m working with another running and a Peloton coach to try to get to this Boston qualifying time. I’m going to do grandma’s marathon in June 2024, which is supposedly a fast course. I’ve got 23 minutes. I need to knock off my PR, and I’m 52. It’s a stretch goal, but I’m excited to get started back at doing it and see what happens. If not, I’ll go the charity route.
An Antarctic Adventure
One of my daughters is in school in Boston. I want to do it while she’s still up there. She’s a sophomore at Berkeley College of Music. I have a few years to get up there. I’m on a waitlist now through a touring company to try to get into Berlin in 2024. I’ll do the charity route if I have to, but I’m hoping to get into the lottery or qualify for Boston and get there. We’ll also feed into doing all seven continents because I went to Tokyo and Asia. I’ve done the US, Europe, and Antarctica. I got the hardest one out.
When did you do Antarctica? You can’t gloss over that like it’s all cash.”
I did Antarctica back in December 2023. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life. Being there was unbelievable.
They only let 100 people into that marathon. It’s small.
It was a 66-people race. Everyone finished, which was amazing. It was people from all over the world. There were only 25 of us from the US that did it.
By virtue of definition, they would be from all over the world because I don’t think anybody lives in Antarctica.
The base camp that we’re at is only open during the Antarctic summer, and they pack everything up. They have a few permanent things there, but they move out. It was incredible. You’re at the end of the world.
People think Alaska is always cold, but it’s not always cold. Is Antarctica always cold? I assume that it is.
I was there in the summer. The ambient temperature was in the low twenties. If there’s any wind at all, it blows off. When we arrived in Antarctica, we arrived at 5:00. We flew in from South America from Punta Arenas, which is on the southern tip of the Straits of Magellan. There’s an ice runway that you land on, which is cool. They take you by these big snow plow things converted with a cab on it to the base camp, which is a 25-minute ride, and there was no wind.
Between all the sunlight and reflection, you could walk around with no coat on. You still had a base layer and a jacket, but you didn’t need your big parka. You do have to have your eyes covered all the time because it’s 24 hours of sunlight. It’s bright. It would burn out your retina. It causes eye problems. You wanted sunscreen or something on your foot covered. We do our debrief, and they’re like, “It’s going to get windy. There’s going to be 40 to 50 mile-an-hour gusts, and it’s going to be negative 40 wind chill outside.” It changes from hour to hour.
It’s all weather dependent because when we landed in South America and we had our debrief, they said, “We don’t know when we’re going over to Antarctica.” Once you get there, we don’t know what time the race is going to be. It could be 3:00 PM or 3:00 AM. There are 24 hours of sunlight. There’s no limitation on anything. The plan is to leave on a Tuesday morning, and they’re like, “We’ll email you Monday night if we’re leaving or not.” We’re having dinner, and the email comes. Everyone is excited. Getting off the plane is crazy.
My need to control things could not handle that. You might fly on a plane tomorrow. You might not.
There’s a chance you could get up there, and they could be like, “It isn’t happening.”
The weather doesn’t allow it. It’s the narrow window.
I plan on being in South America for two weeks because we don’t know. They’re going to run it. It is a matter of when and how long you have to be down there. We were supposed to leave at 10:00 or 11:00 AM. We didn’t leave until 11:00 PM because of the winds, and the plane couldn’t land. The plane had to turn around and go back. They bring a group in. It has to leave because there’s no hanger or place to put it. They can’t leave it out exposed overnight.
We took off at 11:00 PM. It’s still bright daylight, which is one of the other crazy things. You’re out at midnight, and it looks like it’s like 1:00 PM. We landed at Punta Arenas at 4:00 in the morning. The whole experience and the vastness. It’s snow and mountains in our little camp. All the wildlife is on the coast. We were in the middle of the up continent. There’s nothing.
Where are you running? Is there a trail, or a road? Are you on a big sheet of ice?
They plow a course into the snow and ice. I thought it was going to be more like a trail feeling, but it’s more like a beach feeling. It was way harder than I was expecting. We’re starting in the afternoon because the winds were supposed to die down. They died down, but then they picked back up. It’s a ten-kilometer loop that you do four times. You start at the base camp. They have a little aid station set up about halfway at the five-kilometer point, and you loop back around. In every loop, the winds got worse. The last two miles of that loop were dead into the wind. In our last loop, it was gusting up to 40 miles an hour with a negative 25-degree wind chill.
Did you guys have people out there giving you extra clothes as it got colder?
I live in Dallas. I don’t like cold weather, which begs the question of why I ran in Antarctica. I wore what they recommended, which is a base layer, an insulating layer on top, and a wind layer. I didn’t realize I was sweating. I started cramping halfway through the race. I was like, “What is going on?” I could start feeling how heavy my clothes felt. I was sweating so much because I had too much on.
When I got back to the base camp, I had to switch out. It was like I jumped in a pool underneath my wind. I had to hydrate because I was cramping. I had a 45-minute stop by the time I changed everything and rehydrated before I kept going. It saved my ratings because I did the last two laps with fewer clothes on. I ran and walked a lot of it. I was trying to manage how much I was sweating. I was at the stop drinking and making sure I was getting a ton of electrolytes. I went from feeling great to miserable to feeling good again. It was hard. It was one of the most challenging things I’ve done. It was way harder than Moab.
Do you have to have special shoes for that?
Most people wear waterproof trail shoes. Some people had the Yak Track that you could put on the bottom, but it wasn’t necessarily that you were slipping on the snow. Because it was windy, when there were crosswinds, it would drift. You would sink into the ground.
I was going to ask if that’s why you said it felt like a beach when you were doing that.
In some places, it was packed well. It was a soft trail running in sand. It was that extra level of exertion. All the extra clothes and shoes were heavier. It was hard to prepare for. The trip and the people were great. I don’t necessarily want to do it again, but knowing what I know and how to run the race, I would like to try for a better time. The time was irrelevant anyway. I’m competitive sometimes, mainly with myself.
It’s more for the experience of having done it.
That will never be tough the first time being there. Our group was so good. It’s a great group of people we had on the trip.
Could you wear regular sunglasses? Did it have to be something?
Some people had ski goggles when they were running. I wore regular sunglasses. That is what I had it all the time. I didn’t have my face fully covered. When I came back, my wife said it looked like I had my lips done. They were chapped, windburned, and sunburned.
It feels like it would be hard to breathe in one of those balaclava.
That’s what everyone was wearing. They’re light.
You’re like, “Next time I run an Antarctica, I have all the tips.”
Nothing about that sounds appealing. It’s impressive but a hard pass.
There are parts where you’re running because there are only 66 of us and it’s a ten-kilometer course. Once everyone is separated, you’re not seeing anyone for huge stretches. You get out to the back part of the course. You look out and see snow. There’s nothing because the mountains are behind us. It’s wild. You could be on another planet. There’s nothing. It’s crazy.
I’m trying to picture if the course is clearly well-marked. I get lost easily.
I have people riding around snowmobiles to make sure everyone is okay. The funniest was that last turn. You’d make the turn that would go into the wind. You could see people up in the distance, making that turn and running this or turning to the side or back. If they had stopped moving, they would’ve been blown backward. You’re like, “This is what I have coming up in another ten minutes.” It’s one of those things. When you’re running Antarctica, you want to be an experience. Having something to talk about and getting through it.
Why Antarctica?
I can’t believe you already have the hardest one out of the way. You said it was a long story, and it’s another story. I do need to know why you ran in Antarctica. How did that happen?
It started out as a joke. It’s someone I’ve lost touch with, but someone whose goal was to run a half marathon in every state. This is when I was picking up. You can do a half marathon. She was like, “I hate being hot. It would have to be somewhere cold.” I was like, “Let’s do Antarctica.” I didn’t even know there was an actual Antarctica marathon. I googled it and saw it. I sent her, “I registered for it.” It’s a joke, but when I looked at their promo video, it sold me immediately with this whole thing of doing a marathon in every continent and the adventure side of it.
You are the meme that escalated quickly. That’s what happened here.
Did your friend do it?
That’s why you don’t talk anymore.
I had to get my wife on board because it’s not cheap to get over it.
I don’t know that I was looking at the same one you did, but I’ve looked at those and they are expensive. There’s one out there that does all seven.
One of the persons who worked the race had done that.
They ran another marathon when we got back to South America. People could knock that off their continent list. There were 8 to 10 people that did their seven continents in Antarctica while we were there. When they do all the medals, they get their special seventh continent medal. One guy who needed South America also did it. Tem people were crazy enough out of 66 to run another marathon a day later, which was crazy.
I feel like it’s one of those things. It’s more fun to have done it than it is to do.
We runners do weird things. I feel like there are a lot of races you could say that about. It’s not fun when you’re out there at the end of any long, hard thing.
There’s a small group from Dallas that happened to be all running. I kept passing these guys. I was always in a good mood. I can’t believe that he kept passing. I never laughed at him. I kept falling behind. He was like, “You look like you were having the best time out there, even with the condition.” I was. There was one little stretch when I was cramping and sweating. I was like, “This is awful.” Out of the 26 miles, 23 of them, I was enjoying myself and having an amazing time.
You are a born runner right there.
It is something that a finite number of people will ever witness. It’s not like nobody goes to Antarctica, but most people don’t go to Antarctica. Seeing it is cool.
I would like to go back, not to run, but I want to see the emperor penguin colony. I was able to go see the penguins in Punta Arenas. I did that before the race. I did a few excursions from the base camp we were at. One was to the South Pole, but one was a 4 or 5-day trip to the emperor penguin colony. It’s fun to watch.
I love any animal, especially in the wild. Every time we travel anywhere, I’m always like, “They have this thing that you can do with the animals.” Tom was always like, “Oh my gosh.”
You want to cuddle them all.
You guys are going to go to the emperor penguin colony in Antarctica.
I don’t know if I can get Tom to get Antarctica. He would be like, “It’s too cold.” I will say, not that it’s the same, but when we went to London, we went to this ice house thing that we did.
Is it one of those ice hotels?
It’s like a bar.
We went to Hyde Park. They had a carnival going on. There was an ice bar in there.
The only reason I mentioned that was because they had nice coats that you had to put on because it was cold in there. I was impressed. We were all impressed with the coats. I was comfy. I was like, “This is fine.”
We were in there for probably twenty minutes. I didn’t leave because I was cold. Those coats did what they claimed to do.
As soon as I took it off, I was cold again. I was like, “If I ever go to Antarctica, I’m getting in one of these coats.
I end up buying a coat. You can rent all that gear, and they give you specially-rated sleeping bags that are down to whatever negative. It was 24 hours of sunlight. You’re in these tents. It’s like sleeping with the lights on. The wind would hit. The whole tent would rattle and shake. You are warm in your sleeping bag, but it wasn’t conducive to sleeping.
I was picturing a cabin, but you got done saying there are no actual places there.
That’s when my wife was like, “No, thank you.
If there’s a resort where I can wait for you, I’ll tag along. I’m the wife in this marriage.
More Peloton Things
Who’s your favorite instructor?
I have four go dudes. It’s hard to pick. I love them all for different reasons, but Matt is the best at coaching. He’s the nicest guy. I’ve been lucky enough to meet him a few times. We were here last summer. I was going to the studio. I see this guy pulling up on a longboard. He had his helmet on. I saw his team Wiler shirt. He took his hand, and I was like, “He’s it’s mad.” It was outside the studio. He was walking off like anyone else. I had shoved this black and white cookie in my mouth.
I was going to take his class in the morning, and it got switched. I went to do my long training run for the Marine Corps Marathon, but instead, his class got flipped to the afternoon. I ended up doing my long run in the morning and taking his class. I was shoving this cookie in my mouth. I’m trying to talk to him. He’s the nicest guy on the planet. He’s good at coaching. He’s interested in everyone and what they’re doing. I like him.
Beck is the best pure runner that coaches. You are always picking up tidbits and learning from her. Olivia was my original go-to. I like the no-nonsense. I know people, but I don’t like the people who yell at you. I like to get in and do my work. She’s more like, “This is what we’re doing.” Her classes are hard. Selena is my fourth.
I like to play golf. I was training with an MMA fighter. I liked boxing and surfing. Her whole vibe is all stuff that I’m interested in and like to do, and her classes are fun. Those are my four. If you made me pick one now, I’d say it’s Selena, but it changes on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I like them all. They all have different things to offer. I’m never saying, “I’m never doing this person’s class.” That’s not my attitude. You can learn or have a good time in whatever class you’re doing.
What is your leaderboard name?
It’s unoriginal. I wish I could go back in time and change it, but it’s D-LEV 1971. It’s David Levinson, and I was born in 1971. I also tell everyone how old I am when I do it. It stuck with me. Everyone was like, “You can change it.” I was like, “I could, but what would I change it to?” I’ve had it for several years now. I feel like I can’t. It was before. You didn’t see all these creative leaderboard names.
It gets harder. The longer people are in the ecosystem. More permutations get consumed. People have to start adding numbers. David, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us. We appreciate it. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you in all the places if you would like to be found.
It’s Instagram. I’m too old for TikTok. My Facebook is private, but I’m in most of the groups. My Instagram is Kinger_1971. I did a long series of posts on the Antarctica trip. If anyone’s interested, you can see some of the videos of the wind blowing our last lap if you are inclined to do so. Some of the pictures they took were spectacular. Running Peloton and family trips is my Instagram account. That’s awesome.
If you’re going to Antarctica, you take some cool family trips worth checking out.
Thank you so much for all of this. We appreciate it.
I appreciate you guys reaching out and having me on. This was a lot of fun. I hope your readers enjoy it. I had a great time. Thanks for having me.
Thank you.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. until next time, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on all the socials and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon account, where you get to help out the show with equipment and things like that, and you can also get the episodes ad-free. You’ll get bonus content, which we’re going to record as soon as we’re done doing this with all the stuff we didn’t have time for in this episode. If we get the episodes early, you get them early so you can surprise your friends. You can spoil it for them. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in and until next time, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.
Important Links
- David Levinson – Instagram
- The 5 Second Rule
- Maid
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- Apple Podcasts – The Clip Out
- Spotify – The Clip Out
- Dr. Jenn Mann
- The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn’s 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection and Intimacy
- @DrJennMann – Instagram
- Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe
- Instagram – Clip Out Crystal
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- Twitter – Clip Out Crystal
- @RogerQBert – Twitter
- Facebook.com/tomokeefe
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