196: Dr. Jenn Talks To Tom About His Secret plus our interview with Glenn Lundy
John Mills joins us to explain Peloton’s sudden stock drop.
Updates from the Nautilus earnings call.
Peloton defeats NordicTrack’s attempt to block sales of Bike+.
Dr. Jenn: Tom’s Secret Revealed!
Tonal now delivers to Alaska and Hawaii.
Peloton Closet: What happened with the last drop?
The Cut featured Robin Arzon.
Tunde was interviewed on the podcast Off The Vine with Katilyn Bristowe.
Vineyard Gazette writes about Emma Lovewell.
Bustle.com spotlights Chelsea Jackson Roberts.
Kristin McGee was interviewed on her hometown media.
Cam Newton was spotted wearing Peloton merch.
Jordan Montgomery and CC Sabathia are both confirmed Peloton owners.
New barre classes have arrived.
There’s a new flash challenge focusing on yoga, stretching, and meditation.
Artist Collaboration featuring Bad Boy Entertainment.
All this plus our interview with Glenn Lundy!
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Dr. Jenn Talks To Tom About His Secret plus our interview with Glenn Lundy
Somebody is not feeling so hot.
I am freezing cold right now.
She got her second dose of Corona vaccine. The chills have begun and so has the fatigue. If she sounds like she’s running out of gas, that’s only because she’s running out of gas.
No witty comeback, just yes.
We should probably tease our interview for the next episode because it’s a good one.
This is a more than usual exciting interview.
Normally, we’re introducing you to people that you don’t know, but sometimes we introduce you to people you already know. For a lot of people, we’ll be doing that next episode. We’re going to be talking to Kim Holderness from the Holderness Family. If you’ve seen The 5 Stages of Peloton video that was being shared ad infinitum through all of your favorite Peloton-related Facebook groups, she is the star and creator of that video. She also has and loves Peloton.
She’s a huge Peloton fan. You’re going to get to hear her whole story of how she came up with that and why.
She was kind enough to sit down with us. I know a lot of people were like, when that video came out, “You should get her on the show,” so we did.
That doesn’t always happen, but we’re very excited this one did.
You can spare us the, “You should get Kevin Hart on the show.” I’m going to be like, “I’m short too. Want to be on a short guy’s podcast?” I don’t know, I could try it. Anyway, that’s coming up on next week’s episode. Before we get to all that, what do you have in store for people?
We’re going to talk Peloton stuff.
If you saw our teaser video from the Facebook group or the subject line of this podcast. My big secret will be revealed in the Dr. Jenn segment of the show. I don’t know why some people skip that segment for some reason.
Some people just skip some of our segments. Some of them skip John Mills, some of them skip Dr. Jenn, whatever, but this episode, you want to stick around.
I think you’re going to want. I know somebody posted, “This better be good. That’s an awful big tease.”
That reaction was genuine, let me tell you.
I think that you will be like, “That was a big reveal.” Before we get to all that, shameless plugs, don’t forget we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, wherever you find your shows, you can find us. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode and of course, you can also leave us a review. I guess most people do it on Apple and that’s always helpful. We have a new review.
I love reviews. Usually I love reviews.
This is from Ernin1242113. Did I just give out her passcode or something?
Hopefully, it wasn’t on iTunes.
“I’m an app-only user. I don’t have the bike. I have an IC4, but I love this podcast. Tom and Crystal are so funny. Love Crystal’s laugh. They keep me up-to-date with Peloton news and the interviews are always so insightful. Very happy to have found them in quarantine while I worked from home. Thanks, guys.” Thank you for the nice review. Also, you can find us on Facebook, Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. One of the easiest things you can do to help the show is share an episode in your social media feed, whether it’s Facebook or Instagram or Friendster, if you’re old. Our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/TheClipOut where you might want to go to this episode so you don’t only read Dr. Jenn’s reaction, but you want to see it because it’s a big reaction. You can do that at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to that one too, and check out our newsletter at theclipout.com. There’s all of that. Let’s dig in, shall we?
Joining us is John Mills. John, how is it going?
Also known as grandpa shark back.
I’m glad you got that laundry done, John.
I got it all washed. It’s clean, no more stains.
There are theories like, “Are they doing laundry a lot or does he have five grandpa shark shirts?”
I need to get more grandpa shark shirts. I only have one.
Before we get going, we should point out that you were featured by Peloton. Look at you fancy-pants.
It was cool. You can’t tell in that picture, but I’m struggling to maintain form. I’m horrible at yoga. Am I the only one horrible at yoga?
No, you’re not, but you don’t look like you’re struggling, FYI. Your form is on point, sir.
At that specific moment of the camera snap, it happened to be right.
It looks like you’re killing it so keep that thing up.
Thank you.
Do they reach out to you for that or was that like, “Surprise, there you are?”
They reached out on Instagram and asked if they could use the photo. I was like, “Yeah.”
Who’s going to say no to that?
It looks like I know what I’m doing.
I guess the question we have for you regarding stocks is Peloton saw a big drop.
What the heck, John?
Make that make sense.
It’s been dropping for a few weeks steadily.
It was pretty bad though, I got two alerts on my phone. Two days in a row that were like, “Peloton dropped 8%.”
I noticed that the NASDAQ, tech in general, wasn’t doing too well. This is just my opinion, I believe that the at-home tight stocks are not doing as well as they had in the past because of the vaccines and the assumption that we’re going to have the vaccines more readily available within the next few months. We’re coming out of winter, spring and then summer. For all those reasons, I think at-home stocks probably aren’t doing as well.
Nothing that’s necessarily long-term frightening. It’s the natural ebb and flow. It was the hot stock for a while. Everybody was like, “I’m glad I have a Peloton stock.”
It’s a good time to buy if you’ve been wanting to buy. I think I’m going to wait until it goes under a hundred though.
The upside is the delivery time on Peloton stock is way better. They get that to you right away.
You can get that quickly.
You won’t have to worry about tipping the delivery guy.
As a side note, I’ve been seeing people comment that they’re getting their delivery dates consistent. It’s starting to happen more frequently. Two and three weeks out is starting to happen for people. I know that’s still a rarity. I’m not saying that’s the norm, but it’s happening on a more regular basis and they added drivers in areas. That seems to be helping too.
I was wondering about that. Every once in a while I go out to the Peloton site and pretend I’m about to buy a third bike just so I can see the delivery time.
You’re probably the reason that all of the lines are getting longer. It’s like whenever you want to buy airline tickets. We learned the hard way, you can’t keep checking that because if you do you up the price.
We quadrupled the price on plane tickets on ourselves one time and we called the airline company. They were like, “That was your fault. You did that.”
“Stop checking the price.”
That don’t happen with concert tickets. We call them counterholds. People go in and they’ll say, “Can I get good seats?” If they can’t get the seats that they quite want, they’ll back out but the computer system has to hold those tickets for ten minutes in order to give them the chance to complete the transaction if they want them. If a show goes on sale at 10:00 AM, somebody buying tickets at 10:30 will get better seats than the person buying tickets at 10:00 AM because those counterholds get released. Before you take this advice, this is not good advice for Taylor Swift or Garth Brooks.
Something that’s going to sell fast. You’re just screwed. There’s nothing around.
If you’re looking for something like, “The Doobie Brothers are coming back to your local amphitheatre,” it’ll work on something like that. The Nautilus call was this week.
Anything interesting come out of that?
I was listening to it and I was like, “This is awesome.” They had the highest revenue earnings for a full year in their 35-year history. They brought in some $190 million plus in revenue in the fourth quarter and that was the highest quarter in six years. They made money. They had a net profit in one segment of their business. They lost the money in the Octane business, which is the commercial business, but they made money on the other side and I’m thinking, “This is awesome.” I’d be, “They did pretty good.” Immediately after the call, before the call even ended, you look at the aftermarket and they dropped 20% or something. I’m going, “I must’ve missed something.” The very next day they dropped another 10%. Now, they dropped another 7% or 8%. I’m going, “What did I miss?” I don’t know if it was the year or the quarter revenue, an outlook they gave.
They missed their own expectations.
Even though it seemed great, they missed that expectation. They dropped for that reason. They were talking a lot about the same issues that Peloton had with regards to shipping and getting equipment in. Of course, their problem seems a little worse in that they’re highly dependent. That may have had something to do with it as well.
I would think their problem is worse too, because I would think more people, if they have to wait on their Nautilus, had to go, “Screw it, give me a Peloton.” There are Peloton purchasers that are going to be like, “I can get a Nautilus two weeks quicker. I’ll do that.”
That makes sense to me, if you have to sit there and wait eight weeks, no matter what.
Might as well get the hot thing everybody’s talking about. $190 million, do you know what Peloton calls that? Tuesday.
For them, it was amazing. When I listened to it, I was impressed with what they were able to do. It feels like I have been telling some folks in my group. I think that we knew that as we started coming in the spring and summer, and as things start to open up, the at-home stocks were probably going to take a hit. My thought was the smaller the company, probably the bigger the hit.
It sounds like it. It sounds like that’s panning out because they’ve dropped 30% in three days.
Peloton’s cup is overflowing and the smaller companies are catching the overflow. When Peloton stops overflowing, they’re going to have a problem.
I’m not as clear on how far their reach is, but I know Peloton has all these global channels now. We’ve heard they’re increasing their ability to do manufacturing in the US and they’re spanning out. I don’t know how far Nautilus, their reach is in those areas. I would suspect it probably hurt them worse, but again, I ultimately think this space is going to do well. All these things are probably going to turn and once everything stabilizes, probably they’ll do well, but I wasn’t surprised that Nautilus was hurt.
You’ve got to think though if Nautilus is still having issues in their commercial sector, with Peloton buying Precor, that’s got to be a shot at them. They want to get into gyms and they want to get into hotels and stuff.
I don’t know if I could say 2021 not doing well in the commercial sector is fair.
I just meant it’s only going to get worse.
That’s for sure.
I’m interested in how that all plays out. I think that Peloton has a good foothold in that space as well. How are they going to compete in that space, in the commercial sector? I don’t know. We’ll see how that plays out.
It’s going to be interesting for sure.
Thank you so much for joining us and until next time, where can people find you?
They can find me on Facebook in my Run, Lift & Live page or group. They can find me on Instagram, @RunLiftAndLive or at RunLiftAndLive.com.
Interesting news in the world of lawsuits. Peloton and NordicTrack, as we’ve discussed, have been in court fighting. NordicTrack is saying they stole the idea from them and they had filed a request for an injunction to prevent Peloton from selling the Bike+ until everything’s sorted out. The judge said, “How about no?”
I wonder why they said no. Does that mean that they’re probably not going to win? Does that indicate that?
It kind of does because it says, “Closely held Icon Health & Fitness Inc., which sued Peloton in October for patent infringement, has failed to demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits or irreparable harm, according to the US District Judge Richard Andrews.” That’s a pretty good indication that things aren’t going well for them.
They probably ought to end their bid to try to sue Peloton and cut their losses while they can.
It makes you wonder if this will hasten a settlement.
I don’t know, because Peloton has no reason to settle.
It seems unlikely that they’re going to lose this particular lawsuit.
They were better off trying to settle before and now that the judge made that opinion known, it will be interesting to see, as it always is.
It might be worth it to settle for Peloton if they come in with the right number to just be done with it. We shall see. Watch this space.
Jenn, we have some news. Should I tell her or do we not want to get in this conversation since we have a limited amount of time? I don’t know how you want to do it.
You have to. I’ll be freaked out.
It’s not bad. Here’s the thing, Tom has secretly been using the Tonal and not telling anybody.
Selfishly, I’d like to believe I had something to do with it. Tom, I need to know more.
I don’t know. I just did.
What made this happen?
I don’t know. He never told me. He just started doing it and I didn’t argue.
I am so excited and happy. How does it feel, Tom?
I hate it. I still hate every minute of it. It’s a great machine and it does what it does well. I have nothing but love and respect for the machine in theory, but in terms of using it, I get no pleasure from it.
I would not expect you to get pleasure at this point in your process. I read a very interesting study. It’s in the book The Power of Habit. Basically, what they talked about is they looked at people who are regular exercisers and they asked them, “What is it that makes you exercise regularly?” They said things like, “A feeling of accomplishment, how good I feel when I’m done, endorphins,” all that sort of stuff. The thing with exercise is when you first start you get none of that, which is why it’s a hard habit to start in the beginning. It hurts. You oftentimes feel discouraged. There’s not a lot of pleasure in it. It tends to not give you all of the good stuff. It takes a while.
I’m sure it takes a while, but here’s the thing, I’ve been doing it for a year.
You’ve been doing it for a year? When are you sneaking this? Is it while Crystal is sleeping? Is she at work? How do you pull it off?
She was aware. I didn’t keep it secret from her.
I was sworn to secrecy and marriage comes first.
I support that 100%, but I’m excited about this.
It gets more exciting. We have a sponsor on the show called MetPro and they are helping us both lose weight. The thing is, they require from Tom exercise and he’s been doing it. We are going to be sharing our journey with people.
I feel weird because I didn’t tell anybody. I’m an attention whore, but not for that. I don’t like that.
Also it’s been a part of your identity that you’ve been the guy that doesn’t exercise. This is a huge shift in identity for you.
There’s that as well. Of course, I know the next thing is like, “Get on the bike,” and I’m saying, “I don’t want to get on the bike,” because if there’s one thing I’ve learned through all this is I want to punch cardio in the d***. I don’t like it at all. That is the worst for me. Hate it.
It’s also an interesting topic for discussion and after sharing that, you may want to post on the boards and be like, “Is there anyone else who is secretly exercising? If so, why?” I think that you’re not alone. I have a feeling that there are other people who are hiding from their partner or hiding from their family or hiding from someone that they exercise.
That’s a great idea.
I never thought that there are other people that are secretly exercising.
I bet you that there are. For some, it may be because they have an eating disorder and they’re not supposed to exercise but they’re secretly doing it. For someone else, it may be something more like you where, “I don’t want people to know until I’m confident that this is something that I’m going to continue to do.”
It’s great advice.
I get very flummoxed about the whole thing.
He gets upset when he starts thinking about it.
What upsets you the most about it?
I don’t know. I find the whole thing embarrassing.
What’s embarrassing about it?
I don’t know.
That you hid it? That you’re exercising when you’re the guy who has given himself the title of non-exerciser? What part of it?
I feel like all of it. It doesn’t feel who I am. Even though I’ve been doing it for a while, it still feels fake. It doesn’t feel real. I don’t know how to put it into words. It doesn’t feel like something that I have a right to claim.
What’s going on for you is that you have had this identity for so long. There’s the non-exerciser that it is completely as inconsistent with how you viewed yourself for so long. I also think from what we’ve talked about, you have this complicated history with your family of origin about exercise, where they push you to do things you didn’t want to do. You’re making a very adult, mature, health-conscious choice to do something that on some level you don’t want to do, but you also know is in your best interest, which has got to create a lot of conflict for you. I would imagine you’re probably struggling with still a sense of, “I don’t want to give in to them,” when this is really about you. It’s got to be hard to untie those two things so that you can own it and feel proud of it and be able to say, “I’m this guy who doesn’t like exercise. My identity was tied to not being someone who exercises. What I’ve been able to do is separate myself enough from my family, my history, from the things I was forced to do, make healthy, mature decisions that are in the best interest, not just of me, but my family and longevity so I can be there for my family.”
That’s a good summation. It’s weird. Part of it feels like failing to do it.
I think because your identity has been wrapped up in, “No. I’m the rebellious guy who doesn’t exercise and I can host a podcast about exercise without exercising because I’m such a rep.”
She’s got a point.
She does. Like I said, it’s weird. It feels like failure, which I know it shouldn’t, but it does.
It’s going to be important for you to untie that sense of failure from something that is such a success and to do some deep soul-searching about what it is that feels like a failure. Is it that you’re not doing the sport or the activity that your family thought you should? Is it that you have kind of “broken” and now are joining the bandwagon?
It’s that one.
Welcome to our team. We are happy to have you. We consider it a success for you.
As soon as I get to that point then it downshifts into, “What if I stop?”
Here’s the thing, it’s all-or-nothing thinking. The fact that you’re even thinking that you would stop and stop altogether, as opposed to, you may have some weeks where you don’t exercise as much and other weeks where you exercise more. When it’s more fluid than that, there would be no reason for you to stop because that would be a self-destructive choice for your heart, lungs, muscles and bones. I hope this shouldn’t just be about weight for you. This should be about longevity and wanting to be around to see your kids, grandkids, be with Crystal, die when you’re 150 years old, embraced in each other’s arms.
I know all that logically. It still feels weird.
It’s a massive identity for you. Also, to come out with this is a very public identity shift. That’s got to be scary for you. It’s interesting that it coincides right around quarantine. Where was it in terms of that that you started?
It was before that. It was right after the first of the year, January of 2020. It wasn’t related to COVID at all.
It might be that we didn’t go anywhere that kept you with the habit.
Yes, because if I was trying to do it around still seeing movie screenings, that would have been much more difficult.
All the travel we typically do.
I think that many of us have had big identity shifts in COVID. I’m a brunette. I haven’t been a brunette since the ‘80s or ‘90s and before COVID, I never cooked. Everybody joked about how I burned food and my kids were like, “Are we going to starve to death? How are we going to eat?” I make food from recipe books on an almost nightly basis, which completely goes against my identity and who I have been. I have killed more plants than you can possibly imagine and I’m growing a mini garden of basil and mint in my kitchen. This is a time where we have to be flexible about self-identity and especially in these times of quarantine, COVID, and reassessing and focusing on our family, health, on the things that are important to us.
It’s almost like if you’ve ever lost a lot of weight quickly, and then you look in the mirror and it’s like your eyes haven’t caught up to your body. This is one of those things. Your identity hasn’t caught up to who you now are. When you allow that catch-up, it will be really good for you because when you can embrace that, you’re more likely to continue. You’re less likely to feel like it’s as tenuous because you’ve accepted that it’s a part of you. Whether you enjoy it or not, it’s part of your day-to-day habits and that makes it part of who you are.
Maybe. It’s still very awkward for me. We’re going to stop it right there because this conversation goes on for a little bit.
It does and there’s a whole second topic. Believe it or not. It gets interesting.
You will get part two next episode about what made me cave.
How are you feeling about putting that out there?
I’m a little nervous. I’m not comfortable talking about that stuff.
For you guys out there, realize it is not fun to put yourself out there. Be nice to Tom.
I know it’s weird because there are many things that I don’t care if people know, but this one felt weird. That’s what you have to look forward to next episode. You will get part two of that and then we will return to Dr. Jenn’s subject matter in its regular time slot.
I’m proud of you, Tom. Good job.
While we’re talking about Tonal, we can talk about the fact that you can now get a Tonal anywhere in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. So many times when you say anywhere in the United States, the people who live in Alaska and Hawaii are going to be like, “Do you really mean it?” This time we do.
Tonal dropped this news. It is a huge deal. I’ve already seen people in Alaska buying. They are excited about this. They have been waiting. Congrats to Tonal and to the Alaskans and Hawaiians.
The problem in Hawaii though, is they have to quarantine the Tonal for fourteen days before they’ll let it leave.
Is it still a thing?
I think it is but not for Tonals.
They’re opening that up.
If you haven’t tried Tonal, now is the time to do it. It’s a pretty spiffy thing. You can join me in your Tonal adventure.
You can work out with Tom. I’ve never gotten to work out with Tom. Maybe he’ll let one of you guys work out with him. They can’t see you, Tom, so it’s okay.
If you haven’t checked it out, it’s a smart at-home gym that replaces every machine in the weight room and it’s so simple, I can do it. It remembers where your weights are. You don’t have to think about it. It says, “Do this now,” and then it tells you when you’re done doing that and then you’re done and you can go on about your day.
You can try Tonal for 30 days risk-free. Visit www.Tonal.com for $100 off the smart accessories when you use promo code, The Clip Out, at checkout. Tonal, be your strongest.
Joining us, once again, is Torrey from Peloton Closet.
We had the new Spring drop. What are your thoughts on how this all went down?
It was weird. As a former Crisis Communications person, I would say they didn’t have any crisis on their hands. I don’t call it a crisis unless TMZ is circling overhead in helicopters but they certainly had a communication issue. They had a communication opportunity but they didn’t take and that left a lot of people feeling confused about what was happening. There was a big buildup, which they do well, and then nothing. What was going on? There was a blackhole of information.
It was. To recap, for anybody who doesn’t care about the Spring drop the way Torrey and I do, it was supposed to drop on Thursday. It dropped in stores. It did not drop online. I reached out to some people and I was told that it was not going to drop that day because they were trying to drive traffic to the stores. In retrospect, I wished I hadn’t typed that sentence even though that’s what I was told because all hell broke loose.
They do remember that at that point in time, a good chunk of the country was iced in and you had one of the largest states with essentially no power. There were a lot of people that were like, “Why now?”
I totally understand that people couldn’t get to the store. I understand that there was frustration. Peloton wasn’t communicating. I totally get that. What I am uncomfortable with personally and am not used to is being in the middle and feeling like everyone’s yelling at me like it’s my fault. I know that’s my own projection. I know that. That is the type of person I am.
I’ve noticed.
Especially the first hour, it was very uncomfortable for me.
Crystal, what’s interesting is that I had followers who DM-ed me and even sent me copies of messages that they got when they had emailed customer service with a completely different answer. They had received information that it was because of weather conditions and concerns about employees in warehouses and shipping etc. The message wasn’t even consistent whether it was driving traffic to stores, which seems weird, or just out of concern for weather conditions in key states where they have employees work in the warehouse and doing shipping. They just needed to have one consistent message and to share it.
Control it. You nailed it right at the beginning. From the first moment, they had an opportunity and they could’ve controlled that message and everybody would have heard the same thing. It wouldn’t have been about rumors, about me talking to employees and you hearing different things. It would have been, “Here’s the message. We’re consistent.” I hope they learn from that because in the past, they have not learned from that. It’s the only criticism I can give Peloton. That’s something they don’t take advantage of and I wish they did.
Absolutely. I received emails from other e-commerce retailers about their shipping issues. I did not have any feelings about it. I acknowledged and moved on. That’s what you want.
That is a piece of information that is now in my head. Thank you.
They could’ve sent out a perfect email that said, “Weather issues. Here’s what’s going on. We’re delaying our online drop. By the way, if you want to come to visit our stores, we do have the merch. Here are our COVID safety protocols.” They could come out looking like heroes and then add a third section, “If you’re jonesing to shop online, we’ve got this great merch from our Black History Month Collection. It’s still in stock.” Add a link, click. Drive some business.
That would have been the perfect way to handle it. Hindsights 2020. What did you think of the Spring line?
They have some beautiful pieces. I love that tied tee. The neons are cute. I have a lot of followers who are obsessed with purchasing Peloton merch. I have a few drawers full of SoulCycle merch. I have various merch, you name it, I’ve gone all out on my branded athletic attire. I like to dip in personally and choose a few key pieces, but I thought that everything was beautiful. For those people who want to load up on wrapping the Peloton brand, they had a lot to choose from. I thought the men’s wear was nice. Some great shorts, the hoodies, tees.
I liked that jacket that Matty Maggiacomo was modeling. It’s an ombre. It’s got blue at the top and then it goes into black. That’s the first time I’ve ever coveted a men’s item, which is saying a lot for Peloton because I don’t usually like their men’s stuff. I know a lot of men that ride the bike complain about it. You also have a much larger women representation for the riders on the bikes.
It makes perfect sense. I get it. When you look, there’s not a whole lot. I remember when we went to the warehouse sale you’re like, “Here’s something for you,” and it was a hat.
Torrey, you also mentioned when we were talking beforehand that a surprise thing that came out of all of this is that people went to the stores and they rediscovered the City Collection. Tell me your thoughts on that.
I got many DMs. A lot of people who’ve been staying at home, who have thought of Peloton Apparel as something that they purchase online, did venture out to stores and discovered that they have a small line of leggings and they have tanks and tees. I’ve also seen some sweatshirts that have branding. The leggings have beautiful cityscapes and they’re made by Therese. They have iconic elements that you would see in a city, it could be a building, skyline and their branded t-shirts and tops with a state. Florida has Florida, New Jersey has New Jersey, but then Los Angeles has Los Angeles, not California. It just, I guess, depends on the size of a state and how many cities are represented there.
Also how many stores they have in that state because they have several in Florida, but not as many compared to California. It’s interesting that people are talking about this all of a sudden, because those cityscape things have been out for a couple of months at least. I know they had a Denver tee way back.
That’s been like a few years.
These are printed specifically to have elements of the city.
You don’t have one. They do not have a St. Louis.
That’s why I’m like, “I don’t care,” because how many cities get them? You said you had a list of 25, but there are over 100 Peloton stores at this point. It’s a small amount. I don’t know if later, they’ll be like, “Let’s expand this.” We didn’t make the cut.
It’s smart. It’s like Starbucks, they have the city cups. If you travelled to Japan, London, St. Louis or wherever you go, I assume you’ve made the cut for Starbucks.
We have made the Starbucks cut.
It’s very smart branding for Peloton that maybe I’m going to visit Philadelphia and grab a pair of Peloton leggings with the Philadelphia skyline and have that as a little souvenir. Smart marketing. People who saw it got super excited about it. I had all my followers DM me right in the list. I have about 25 different cities. I’m going to repost it. I’ll put it up on my stories on Peloton Closet on Instagram.
It reminds me of Hard Rock. There are many people that when they go to a different city, they’re like, “I want the Hard Rock Orlando shirt or whatever.”
I have a couple of those. I’ve never done the Starbucks thing, but I get your point and I have gone to other Peloton stores and totally bought their merch. I would absolutely be one of those people. I want to mention, since you brought it up about the in-stores, there are a lot of people who are unaware that there is a Century Pen that is available in stores as well. Like the Century T-shirt, you can also get a pen. You could only get it in stores but if you go into a store and you tell them you’re getting ready to celebrate your century ride or you just recently celebrated your century ride, they can look it up on your account and see, then they’ll give you the Century Pen. A lot of people didn’t know that either. Since we were talking about store merch, I thought I’d bring that up too.
It seems like everyone went out and went shopping when they weren’t able to get online. Lots of exciting things to discover at a Peloton showroom.
If that was their goal then it worked.
It’s true. I had many people send me pictures. My story went on for days, which it never does, because everybody kept sending me pictures. When it finally went on sale, I bought ridiculous amount. I love the Spring line. It’s been a while since I’ve been that excited about a line. It was nice. Sorry, Tom.
That’s okay. I just bought a new phone.
White House Black Market also had a sale.
I guess I’ll buy a second phone. Thank you so much for joining us. Until next time, remind everybody where they can find you.
I am on Instagram, Peloton Closet. I am on Facebook, Peloton Closet. I like to post on Reddit and you guessed it, I ride as PelotonCloset, and I have a website, Peloton Closet.
TheCut.com. You’ve got to enunciate it on that one.
You better, especially if it’s about Robin.
TheCut.com wrote about Robin Arzon.
This article has a lot of tidbits about Robin and how she makes exercise work for her. It talks about her routine, that even if you only have ten minutes, do it because if you start working out and you don’t feel like working out, if you can make it to the 10-minute mark, a lot of times you’ll finish your workout. You should always go into it on those days where you’re like, “I don’t want to,” then try the ten-minute rule and see if you can get through it. She talks about everything, what it’s been like working in the empty studio, what it’s been like during her evening routine. She has it all laid out here. It’s a great article. You definitely want to check that out. Hopefully we’ll be getting some Robin baby news pretty soon too.
Tunde was on the Off The Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe podcast, which I am unfamiliar with but apparently she drinks wine because there’s a picture of her holding a glass of wine.
Get it? Off the vine. Tunde is the episode that dropped on February 23, 2021. You definitely want to check that out.
If you can’t get enough of wine-related Peloton articles, here’s the Vineyard Gazette, which is Martha’s Vineyard but it sounds like it’s wine-related so I’m going to roll with it.
If you don’t know, that is where Emma Lovewell is from. Her local community newspaper did an article all about the rise of Emma Lovewell and how she became this huge Peloton star. It’s crazy. I’ve been working on this project about where things fell in the Peloton realm. It has been a few years since we interviewed Emma Lovewell. That blew my mind because she started in 2018.
It feels like a million years ago.
It has been quite a rise to success for her.
Chelsea Jackson Roberts was featured on Bustle.
It was an article all about that Chelsea is rewriting what yoga looks like in the United States. Honestly, a lot of what is here, we talked about when we interviewed her. It’s about that it’s not just for white people and she is becoming such a role model for people of color, especially little girls who aspire to do something like that when they get older. She has her yoga camp that she’s done and she’s teaching. She weaves teaching, especially of children, with yoga. It’s like her two loves. She talked about that as well in her interview with us. This article is all about how well she’s done that and how she is reaping the success of that. It’s a very cool article. You need to check that out.
Kristin McGee was interviewed in her local hometown media Pocatello, Idaho.
There’s a video and if you were on YouTube, you could see it, but it features Kristin McGee at a young age, playing tennis. She looks like a baby.
There she is auditioning for what looks to be a community theater production of Dawson’s Creek in that last picture.
They interviewed her. The pictures are playing along in the background and then it switches to a YouTube format. You can hear from Kristin in her own words, but it’s cool to see all the instructors getting all this love, especially instructors who haven’t been part of Peloton since day one, which is for Kristin, Chelsea and Tunde. None of them were from day one. She was on MTV Pilates. I didn’t even realize that.
You can find that on her Instagram channel. If you can’t find it on her Instagram channel, you subscribe to our newsletter at theclipout.com, and it will get emailed to you.
You don’t have to go looking for it at all.
Nice and easy.
A couple of celebrity sightings, sports-related. Someone had to explain it to us but Cam Newton, which I thought was a new brand of cookie, but apparently is not.
He’s a big deal in the football world. We have talked about Cam Newton before because he was the football player that went to the studio and rode with Alex in the Spotlight on 6.
Sports just does not stick in my head.
I know, but there are people who are new to Peloton and they may not know that either. Cam Newton was spotted. He’s part of the Peloton community. We already knew that, but he was spotted wearing a Peloton jacket. It turned into a whole thing because this kid on the field started telling him, I guess because he’s going to be a free agent, that he’s going to be broke. Cam kept answering like, “I’m rich.” The article goes on to say like, “Of course, he’s rich. He’s wearing that Peloton jacket, those bikes aren’t cheap.”
Not only do you have the bike, you have the jacket.
Which also is not cheap. I’m pretty sure for him that was like a $5 purchase, comparative to how much $5 would be to me.
I guess the important thing is, I’m okay with the fact that you’re not rich as long as you’re also not a free agent. New York Yankees’ pitcher, Jordan Montgomery, who I thought was a Backstreet boy. New kid on the block. Also, CC Sabathia who played guitar for Poison.
I am so glad you knew who that was.
No, that’s CC DeVille. I was just kidding.
I don’t know who this.
I could Google it, but as soon as I knew it was sports-related, I lost interest.
I don’t know that it’s sports-related. It was just a sentence, Tom.
He’s also a baseball pitcher. He is also with the New York Yankees, according to the Wikipedia, which is never wrong.
We’ve got some New York Yankees, I guess they’re rich too.
At long last, Peloton has new Barre class.
We’ve been hearing this is going to drop since a long time ago. I think it was back in October 2020. They’re here. We have ten more. In this time, there are longer format classes. We’ve got some 30-minute and a couple of 45-minute classes. It’s exciting. People have been super excited to take these and get started or continue their Barre journey. If you don’t already know, Ally Love and Hannah Corbin, both of them teach these classes.
You can do a little Barre-hopping. There is also a new flash challenge for people, which I was excited about until I realized I totally misinterpreted what the flash portion meant.
It means small. We’ve had flash challenges many times before.
I must have thought they were about sports.
I’m a little disappointed. This is the first time you’ve come up with that. This takes place between February 22nd, 2021 and March 7th, 2021. All you have to do is complete seven workouts in those fourteen days. It’s anything that’s yoga, stretching or meditation. No equipment required, which means this is perfect for app users to get their badge.
Finally, there’s a new artist collaboration with Bad Boy Entertainment.
Are you familiar with all the artists that are in the Bad Boy Entertainment realm?
That’s Puff Daddy or P. Diddy, whatever they call him.
I was going to say they call him Diddy. You had it right. It doesn’t list anybody else, but I know it’s like a whole series.
I can’t remember if Biggie was technically part of Bad Boy or if Bad Boy started after Biggie. I think Mase is part of Bad Boy.
People are super excited about it. Tunde is doing classes, Alex Toussaint, Jess Sims, Adrian Williams. It’s going to be cool. That means there are runs, strength and bike classes.
Whenever I think of Bad Boy Entertainment, I always think of Chris Rock when he was talking about how he was tired of hip-hop artists always singing about their record labels. He was like, “Smokey Robinson wasn’t singing about Motown.”
I miss comedians. I miss seeing comedians. We need to watch some specials or something.
My humor used to be enough for you.
It is. I just miss live entertainment is all.
Joining us is Glenn Lundy from the hit podcast #RiseAndGrind. Glenn, how is it going?
I’m great.
When did you find Peloton? What process was that for you? When in the timeline of events was that for you?
We’ve got to even go back a little bit further. There’s this book by David Goggins called Can’t Hurt Me. My friend, Brian Benstock says, “You’ve got to read this book. It’s amazing. You’ve got to listen to the Audible.” I listened to the Audible. In this book, Can’t Hurt Me, he talks about whenever we think we’re done, you still have 40% more.” This is what he says, “When you think you’re done, there’s 40% more.” He’s this warrior guy that makes you feel like nothing. You finish the book and you’re like, “I am the biggest weenie on the planet.” That’s how you feel.
I read that book and I was like, “Okay.” He talks about doing something that you hate, “Do something that you hate and do it every day. It will make you mentally stronger.” I was like, “What’s the one thing that I hate?” I said, “I hate drinking water. I don’t ever drink water. I only drank sodas and shakes. It had to have flavor or I wasn’t drinking it.” I made this big, bold commitment on my show. I was like, “I’m going to drink nothing but water for 365 days.” I did it. I was traveling, first class, free drinks. I’m like, “I can’t have a cocktail.” Nothing.
After doing that, some people were like, “Glenn, that was a healthy thing that you did.” I was like, “I’m not a healthy person. I’m not into fitness and health but I did accomplish the water thing. Maybe I could do something else.” I told my wife, I was like, “This Peloton thing looks pretty cool. I like how it’s motivational, inspirational and educational.” I asked my wife for that and she got it for me for Christmas. My Peloton journey began.
I still have the shakes from the water story. To give you an idea, I’m a soda guy. The idea of not having soda for a year. I feel like this is what people on heroin must feel like when you take them to rehab and like, “No, I don’t want to stop that.” What’s your drink of choice? Not necessarily alcoholic, if you’re going to sit down and eat a meal, what’s the beverage that you’re like, “That’s what I like to drink with my meal?”
It’s Sprite or orange soda. I don’t drink caffeine. I never have drunk caffeine. It’s never been a thing for me. The non-caffeinated sodas like Sprite, orange or any flavored soda. Kool-Aid is always good. Things with flavor, I would always have a Gatorade or Powerade.
I can’t do Gatorade because one, I’m not an athlete of any kind. I’ve only drank Gatorade one time in my life. It was when I had mono. Gatorade to me tastes like mono and I can’t do it. A little more insight into how weird my life gets. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this story. This is emblematic of how my life goes. The first girl I ever kissed, my very first kiss, mono.
Was this past Christmas that you got Peloton or the Christmas before?
It’s the Christmas before.
I was wondering because with all the delivery delays with Peloton, I was like, “How did you manage that?” Everybody that ordered for Christmas didn’t get it for Christmas.
You asked for it because you were successful at drinking water. Did you have much of a history with exercise at all or were you just like, “I drank water, I can ride a bike?”
It’s a blessing and a curse. I have a very good metabolism. I’m an athletic person and always have been. I’ve never had to work hard at fitness. Now I’m a little bit older. At that point, I was 42. It was getting a little more difficult. I would work out but in spurts. I’d be like, “I need to get in shape.” I go work out for a couple of months and then I’d get in shape and then I’d stop for six months. I’d be like, “I need to go get in shape.” I couldn’t create any long-term consistency because I don’t like working out. It’s not my thing whatsoever. I was hoping the Peloton because it adds in the motivation, the inspiration, the accountability, I’m into that stuff. I thought if I could connect that part of my brain that loves that with something physically fit then I could put it together and maybe stay more consistent.
I’m assuming since you’ve been writing for over a year now, you found that connection. You like Peloton now. Do you have a favorite instructor or a go-to instructor that you tend to ride with?
Now that Clubhouse is out, it’s changed the game. At first, I was getting in with instructors and doing the 30-minute rides. I would get consistent with it and a little bit off. I switched it up to where I was like, “I’m going to ride 8 miles a day, 3,000 miles a year.” I’m one of those guys. Just give me a small little bite that I can do every day and I can usually get that. I switched into that. Now what I do is I’ll hop on and I’ll listen to a podcast or some other motivational video. I’ll watch where it tells me what range I’m supposed to be in. I’ll stay in my ranges. I’ll stand up if they’re standing up. I’ll sit down if they’re sitting down but I don’t listen to them as much as I used to in the beginning. In the beginning, I needed people to yell at me but now it’s become more of a habit to where I use it as an educational time. I have eight kids. Any chance I can get to throw some headphones on and learn something quietly without eight kids, I take advantage of that. The Peloton is great. It’s easier to become a part of your life. It doesn’t take a whole lot of work to get on the Peloton and get to work.
That’s what’s great about it because it can meet you wherever you are in your journey. If you need somebody to yell at you, they have that. If you need something that’s there every day, you can do that. I love that about Peloton. I want to tell everybody who’s reading that the first time I ever heard you speak, you were on your Peloton while you were moderating a Clubhouse. I was immediately like, “I’ve got to interview this guy.”
I was going to ask you, do you feel like your fitness level has changed? If you can talk and ride your Peloton at the same time, there’s pretty much only instructors who are able to do that.
That means you’re pretty fit.
I try not to do that. Normally, I’m deep, heavy breathing and sweating everywhere towards the end of a Peloton session. I do have a room that I have to monitor and moderate five hours a day, Monday through Friday. Every once in a while, I’ll jump in and try to hold back so I don’t sound like I’m dying on the other side of the mic there.
I’m curious, you said you host a Clubhouse room five hours a day.
Yeah, five hours a day, Monday through Fridays.
Is that some penalty? Did you lose a bet? That’s a lot of time to spend on Clubhouse every day running something. I don’t have Clubhouse because I don’t have an iPhone. She has an iPhone. I have an Android. All I know about Clubhouse is when it bleeps through her phone while I’m sitting next to her.
My wife and I are the same way. I’m a Google Pixel and my wife has an iPhone. I have an iPad that is connected to Clubhouse. That’s how we did that. I have a morning show called #RiseAndGrind that I’ve done 802 episodes on Facebook. We started January 6th of 2018. I started going live at 5:30 AM for 30 minutes, Monday through Friday with motivation, education and inspiration. That show over the last few years has turned into a clothing line, a group on Facebook with over 30,000 active members. We’ve had live events. We’ve raised nearly $1 million for charities. It became a movement of changing the way people start their day. I’ve traveled the world. I spoke on stages about it. I wrote a book about it.
When Clubhouse first came out, I was on there. It was a Saturday that I first got on. I have been battling Facebook for a few years, full production, doing the multi-camera angles. Still Facebook at any given time shuts it, blocks it, no one can see it. We’ve been able to do well with #RiseAndGrind but an uphill battle every step of the way to build that. When I was in Clubhouse, I looked up and was like, “Thank you, God. This is amazing. No algorithms. It’s live. We can reach all these people. There are connections. There are collabs. This is it.”
That night, after sixteen hours, no sleep, no food just like in Clubhouse, freaking out. I was like, “What are we going to do? How do we leverage this? How do we convert this? What’s the plan?” I wrote out a plan and then on Sunday morning at 4:00 in the morning, I’m still up. I got it mapped out. I’m like, “This is what I’m going to do.” I emailed a bunch of friends of mine that I’ve shared stages with all over the country. I said, “We are going to dominate and become the number one morning show on Clubhouse but I need your help. We’re going to run my show that I do in Facebook into Clubhouse. We’re going to build around it,” because in Clubhouse long form is what wins.
Instead of going 30 minutes and doing my show, we’re going to bring in other hosts, my other friends, let them grow on the platform also all under this umbrella of Breakfast w/ Champions. We create a five-hour space. I sent that email to everybody, to all my friends. I’m like, “If you’re in, great. If you’re not, we’re still cool. I love you but this is what we’re doing.” I also sent that email to Grant Cardone because I’ve done a lot of stuff with Grant Cardone in the auto world, him and I are friends. I sent that out and then Monday morning, I get ready.
I’m like, “We’re going to do this on Clubhouse.” I opened the room at 5:00 AM and the very first person in the room was Grant Cardone. The room blows up. There are 1,600 people live at 5:00 in the morning on this platform. I’ve done 800 shows on Facebook. The most I’ve ever had live is 400 people. That’s the most. Here it is 1,600 people in our first episode. It was amazing. We’ve been running ever since Monday through Friday, we run from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM. We’ve had Tiffany Haddish come to join us. We’ve had Tyrese Gibson come to join us. Grant Cardone comes often to join us. Gary Vee has popped in there. Evan Carmichael, the YouTube guy. Adley, the Facebook girl. It’s been incredible.
We have 37,400 followers in 34 days. On Facebook, we have 31,000 over three years. It has catapulted our reach. It has catapulted our show. It’s global now versus being more regional with Facebook. It’s catapulted everything. Those five hours, Tom, I’m getting ready to extend it. We’re doing it five days a week. We’re getting ready to extend it to seven days a week. From there, I’m going to extend it to a Breakfast w/ Champions, Lunch w/ Champions, Dinner w/ Champions, Late Night w/ Champions, After Hour w/ Champions. It’s an incredible opportunity to get on an app early, be an early adopter. It fits what I do perfectly. I told my wife like, “Honey, I love you. This is it. We’ve got to lean into it. This is why we’ve been working so hard.” That’s where we’re at. That’s the trajectory and that’s what we’re going to do.
You don’t have very many moments like that in your life where you’re like, “I see the path to the next level or the next thing or into a situation or out of a situation.” It’s funny because in a lot of ways, it reminds me of when we first came up with the idea for this show. We were in a car talking and it came up organically as an idea. I was like, “That could work. If you’re serious about this, we’re either all in or we never talk about it again.” We went all in and here we are.
We’re not where you are.
I love those moments and it’s important to be able to have the ability to see those moments.
Like you said, “Lean in.” We have a lot of audiences who are confused by Clubhouse. They don’t get Clubhouse. It’s your show that speaks to me on Clubhouse. I find it motivating to listen. I feel like it’s the draw of Clubhouse that it’s brand new. It’s early but also it has all these different kinds of people talking about what they know best. You get this immediate information that you might not be able to find on your own for years. It’s amazing what Clubhouse can do.
It’s accelerated everything. It’s a 24-hour conference. We all know if you’ve ever gone to a conference, you get excited about the conference. There are speakers at the conference. You check your schedule for the conference. You know that you’re going to network at the conference. You dress up in certain nice clothes for the conference. The conference is a big deal because you know what happens when 300 people get together in a room, magic happens. When 600, 900, 1,200, the energy, the brains and the collective consciousness like magic happens. We all know that.
That’s why we seek those out and we pay big money and travel across the United States to go to these conferences. Clubhouse is that 24/7. It’s intense. Magical things happen in there all the time. That’s why I went from nothing in June to $100 million valuation in July to billion-dollar valuation six months later because everyone that’s in there understands that there is power when we come together in live, unedited, unfiltered, no censorship. We can have real conversations. It catapults everything. It’s so fast. The speed of transfer of information is fast.
What inspired you to start #RiseAndGrind to begin with? What was your motivating factor for that, your inspiration?
I was flipping through social media. It was like, “So and so’s taken a knee and black people hate white people, white people hate black people. Democrats hate Republicans, Republicans hate Democrats, men hate women, women hate men. The sky hates the grass. The grass hates the sky,” all this division. It was making me sick to my stomach how negative it was. What I’ve learned in my life over the years is if something bothers me then that’s God’s way of saying, “Go do something about it.” Don’t complain about it, be about it. It was bothering me. It wasn’t like I could put it off and ignore it. It was irritating me that was what was going on. I was like, “I’m going to create a space on the internet, on Facebook that is nothing but motivation, education and inspiration. I’m going to create that space. Maybe it’s a tiny little dark corner of the internet but at least it’s my tiny little dark corner of the internet.
That was it. I was like, “I’m going to create that space.” I’ve studied successful people for a long time. One of the first things I learned is morning routines, the power of those and how your brain works in the morning. I applied morning routines into my life, fixed and finagled until I found one that was transformative for me. I was teaching morning routines at work, with my guys and with my employees. I was like, “Let’s do the morning thing and create that space.” Instead of people having to wake up, grab their phone and immediately go into all of that crap storm of stuff, instead they can jump into something positive, motivational, educational and inspirational.
I was like, “What time can I do it that I can guarantee I can be there all the time?” I don’t want to commit to something and then have travel get in the way or have my kids get in the way or anything like that. I was like, “Can I do 7:00 AM?” I was like, “No. There are two kids up by 7:00. My wife’s up by 7:00.” I was like, “6:30? No. It’s too late. 6:00? No. 5:30? Okay.” At 5:30 AM, I can guarantee I won’t have any problems. If I’m in California, that’s 2:30 AM. If I have plans at 2:30 AM in California then we have a bigger problem. 2:30 should not get in the way. 5:30 is not going to get in the way and anything in between.
I selected that space and time. January 6th, 2018, we did our first episode of #RiseAndGrind. The lights were so bright. I was like, “I had boogers in my eyes.” I was yawning. It was the most awful first twelve minutes in. I was like, “I don’t know what I’m doing but I’ll be back tomorrow. We’ll make it better.” I was in the utility closet of my house. I didn’t wake anybody else up. There was a water heater behind the camera that I had set up. That’s how we started. I kept showing up. Now we’re 802 episodes in. It’s been unbelievable. The ride has been incredible.
Getting back to Peloton, do you want to share your leaderboard name with people?
I don’t know if I know it. I don’t look at the leaderboard. I’m not up there.
I don’t think we’ve ever had anyone be like, “I don’t know my leaderboard name.”
I don’t even look at it. I close the leaderboard. I’m like, “I know I’m not going to be first. If I’m not going to be first, I don’t want to see that I’m like 8,749 out of 12,000.” I’m all about positive frequencies.
What about riding with other people and you get the high fives and all of that?
No offense, that’s great. It’s probably my name. I’m not really creative on that stuff. I’m like Glenn Lundy. I’m sorry, Peloton. I should be more involved.
That’s the beauty of it, everybody can interact with it in the way or the level that they want. If that works for you, that works for you. In the same way that they have different instructors for different moods or personality types, this is no different. Somewhere out there, somebody has only ever taken scenic rides.
We’ve talked to at least one person they’d taken nothing but scenic rides. Whatever works, whatever gets you on the bike and makes you come back is what the plan should be. Do you have any advice for anyone joining the fitness community?
Especially with Peloton, small bites. Set the big goal and then break it down. Don’t beat yourself up too much. The big goal for me is 3,000 miles in a year. I break that down. That’s 8 miles a day. I ride on average about 16 miles an hour is a good pace for me. Sixteen miles an hour, 8 miles a day takes me 30 minutes. Thirty minutes I know that I have because I have a slotted window from 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM. I’ve got 30 minutes. I break everything down. That way, it’s easier to make it a ritual. It’s easier to make it a habit versus trying to go crazy and go intense. You burn yourself out, you hurt yourself, it gets too sore or things start getting in the way. Find the space that works for you. Find the amount of time that works for you. Find a pace that works for you. Set a target and give yourself some time to get out there and reach it and eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Thank you very much for joining us. This has been a lot of fun. Remind everybody once again, in all the places that they can find you and your shows.
The easiest thing to do is go to GlennLundy.com and that will link you to all of our social media platforms. It will take you everywhere, take you around the world, take you to #RiseAndGrind, Clubhouse, all over the place, Instagram, all that good stuff.
Thank you.
That brings this episode to a close. I’m sure you’re grateful. I know you’re super tired and I’ve got a work out to do.
It’s never going to get old.
I still don’t like it.
Not for me. I’m proud of you.
I still don’t like it. What pray tell do you have in store for people next episode?
Did you already forget? It’s our big interview with Kim Holderness.
I teased it at the beginning. We will talk to Kim Holderness next episode from The Holderness Family. You’ve seen her viral videos, including The 5 Stages of Peloton. She was kind enough to carve time out of her busy day and sit down with us. Until then, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/CrystalDOKeefe. They can find me on Instagram, Twitter, the bike and of course, the Tread, @ClipOutCrystal.
You’ll also be able to find her shortly on our couch because she needs to lay down.
As soon as you stopped talking.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert, or on Facebook at Facebook.com/TomOKeefe. Find the show online, Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Wherever you’re getting your podcast from, be sure to subscribe and please swing in by the YouTube channel, YouTube.com/TheClipOut and subscribe to that one as well. That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading. Until next time, keep pedaling and running.
Important Links:
- The 5 Stages of Peloton on YouTube
- Apple Podcasts – The Clip Out
- Google Podcasts – The Clip Out
- Spotify – The Clip Out
- Facebook.com/TheClipOut
- YouTube.com/TheClipOut
- Run, Lift & Live – Facebook page
- Run, Lift & Live Group – Facebook
- @RunLiftAndLive – Instagram
- RunLiftAndLive.com
- Jenn Mann
- The Power of Habit
- MetPro
- www.Tonal.com
- Peloton Closet
- Instagram – Peloton Closet
- Facebook – Peloton Closet
- Interview – Previous episode with Chelsea Jackson Roberts
- #RiseAndGrind
- Can’t Hurt Me
- Facebook group – #RiseAndGrind
- Breakfast w/ Champions
- Instagram – Glenn Lundy
- https://GlennLundy.com/
- Facebook.com/CrystalDOKeefe
- Instagram – Crystal O’ Keefe
- @ClipOutCrystal – Twitter
- @RogerQBert – Twitter
- Facebook.com/TomOKeefe
- https://www.Bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-22/peloton-defeats-nordictrack-maker-s-bid-to-block-sales-of-bike
- https://www.TheCut.com/2021/02/how-peloton-instructor-robin-arzon-gets-it-done.html
- https://Podcasts.Apple.com/us/podcast/off-the-vine-with-kaitlyn-bristowe/id1240420549
- https://VineyardGazette.com/news/2021/02/18/vineyard-roots-fuel-peloton-star?fbclid=IwAR0r5F8JAwxD1xoPuhhzwbPpdRjOLyHeWJMbWRw86BmHwQjKzWDy28ovKWc
- https://www.Bustle.com/wellness/chelsea-jackson-roberts-peloton-yoga-literature-art-camp-accessible
- https://www.Instagram.com/tv/CLcRntjJ8V-/?igshid=1uhk4t81m1dk9
- https://FTW.USAToday.com/2021/02/cam-newton-shuts-down-trash-talking-kid-by-repeating-im-rich-over-and-over
- https://Pelo.tn/37ANYXs
- https://Pelo.tn/3ujcNRx
About Glenn Lundy
He is a husband to 1, a father to 7, and the host of the wildly popular Facebook Live show #RiseAndGrind. He’s been seen at places like Hustle and Grind Con, Grow Your Business For God’s Sake! and many more stages across the country. Glenn has been spotlighted on ABC, NBC, and CBS, and is an expert in dealership culture development, and leadership training.
With 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, Glenn leads a dealership from 120 cars a month to an 800% increase in sales in five years, becoming the 2nd largest used car franchise in the country. His unique style makes him one of the most coveted GMs in the business.
Glenn has the unique ability to help identify the areas for growth in your store, and teach creative ways to invoke your dealership’s spirit. With a background in sales, and finance, he uses his skill sets to create growth, as well as tapping into the mental side of human development.
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