158: Peloton to Air on ESPN plus our interview with Brandie Posey
ESPN will broadcast an All-Star Peloton ride.
Classes will resume in the studio but without riders.
There’s a new Yoga instructor – Chelsea Jackson Roberts
Adrian Williams has his premier run.
Time Magazine talks to John Foley.
Peloton stock drops $7 per share.
Emma Lovewell to speak at the NMPA Conference.
Business Insider talks about Peloton’s best classes.
Covid quarantining is making us fatter.
NordicTrack has a new commercial and it’s crazy.
Esquire features Andy Speer.
Steven Little resurfaces.
Today Show talks about Peloton and what (if anything) you should add to your workout.
Peloton celebrates Asian Heritage Month.
The new Pride line is dropping.
Crystal and Tom continue to battle it out on Best Fiends.
All this plus our interview with Brandie Posey!
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Peloton to Air on ESPN plus our interview with Brandie Posey
This is normally where we chatter a little bit about stuff that’s going on in our lives, but you are on a conference call that would not end. I think we just skip all that and you tell us what you got in store for people.
That sounds good. I’m all about efficiency right now. I just listened to a lot of stuff I did not care about. I’m sure you guys out there can relate.
What do you have in store?
One of the things I wanted to talk about is this ESPN live battle thing, whatever that is. We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about the studio being reopened-ish. We have another new instructor to discuss. John Foley was in an article, stocks, stuff like that. There are all kinds of interesting things about competitors that we’re going to talk about. I think that’s it.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs, don’t forget we’re available on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. Don’t forget, we’re on Spotify just like Joe Rogan only without the $100 million contract. While you’re at Apple Podcasts, you can leave us a review. We have a new review. This is from Bemerlaw. It says, “Binge Worthy Podcast. A great podcast about the bike that goes nowhere. Interesting to hear how the biking community have developed over time, especially before I got my, which was in December of 2018. It’s amazing to hear the stories of the different members of the community. The interviews are always fun to the extent possible. Each one has the potential for a moment to really connect with not only the community members but also the hosts. Crystal and Tom make every episode enjoyable and they sure seem to have a great relationship that comes through.”
That was such a nice, well-written, thoughtful review.
There’s actually more if you want, “As a bonus, they’re located in the same metro area as I am, so I can appreciate the local flavor. After two and a half months and 100-plus episodes, I’m not sure what I’m going to do now that I have to wait each week. #Bemerlaw, smiley face, thumbs up.”
How do we not know this person?
I don’t know, but thank you.
Thank you so much. Whoever you are, reveal yourself.
Also while we’re shamelessly plugging, don’t forget our Facebook page, Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group and of course sign up for the newsletter at theclipout.com and use the #TheClipOut on your Peloton device.
I need to set up a Bike ride or a run, so people can actually have a reason to use it. They have some to choose from. If you’re on a ride with your favorite instructor, you don’t want to switch over to The Clip Out because you’re on with your favorite instructor and you want them to see that you’re supporting them. I need to give people a specific reason to use their hashtags. I need to work on that.
That’s all of that. Let’s dig in, shall we?
I pushed the Facebook page and group all the time. Here’s a good example of why you should join the group. This top story right here, you would have known about five days ago.
We’ve got a little tidbit about this early on.
We’ve been talking about this for almost a week.
This is a great example. What Tom is referring to as the ‘this’ is the ESPN live rides that are happening. I hate to call them live rides because it’s not what they are. It’s called the All-Star Ride or something like that. They’re going to have a men’s division and a women’s division of pro athletes starting at noon Eastern on Saturday on ESPN. What’s going to happen is there’s going to be a twenty-minute ride led by Alex Toussaint. Then there will be a twenty-minute ride for the women’s division instructed by Robin Arzon. Then there will be an overall winner of both of those. If all of the participants of each class reach at least 3,000 output altogether, then Peloton is going to donate a million meals to the food banks. I believe it’s the food bank in New York City, which is awesome and that is wonderful.
I think it’s fascinating to see how far Peloton has just embedded themselves in the zeitgeist in such a short period of time. Also the things ESPN has to do to create content while there aren’t any professional sports.
I have many questions about this. I know for a fact this has already been recorded. This is not a thing that a person can hop on their Bike and do with them, which by the way, people have been asking that question over and over again. It’s not in the schedule because you can’t take it live. They will put the classes up on-demand later for you to take, so you’ll be able to race all of your favorite all-stars. It’s interesting because they had the collaboration with Alex Toussaint for The Last Dance, which was that Michael Jordan documentary, and now this. Would any of this have happened if it hadn’t been for COVID?
I don’t think so. I don’t think ESPN would be filming something like this if not for just the complete lack of sports.
I don’t mean that to say anything negative about Peloton. I just find it interesting.
This is a very outside-the-box idea. It’s smart of Peloton to seize on it during this moment. I think that if this wasn’t currently happening, then they would have a bunch of other stuff to show and they would even contemplate.
I also think it’s funny/interesting that I feel like the original Peloton movement that occurred all the way back at the beginning before myself, before I joined, the OG crowd, they started that Facebook group and then Peloton eventually took it over. The OPP was originally started by a member, for those of you that don’t know that. I feel like this moment is the equivalent of that with the pro athletes out there. I know there have always been pro athletes that have used Peloton, but I feel like it’s a lot more of them have been using it and a lot more of them are talking about it. It’s like they’re all talking to each other, like it’s become this thing within their community. They have their own groups, their own text chats, their own conversations.
Peloton has had not only athletes but celebrities using it for a long time. I feel like this is the first we’ve seen Peloton embrace that.
I would definitely agree with that. I can remember the very first Homecoming we went to, we suggested them bringing in a celebrity for that and they were like, “No, thank you. We’re not interested in that.” I’m not saying that was a bad idea or anything like that. I think it’s interesting that they feel this is the right moment to do that shift. The whole thing is fascinating that if this entire COVID thing wouldn’t have happened, we wouldn’t be having this on ESPN. We wouldn’t be having the multitudes of new riders, runners in general joining Peloton, but especially these pro athletes. There are a ton of these pro athletes that you can follow them on the leaderboard. Their leaderboard names are out there. You can easily find them just by searching. Many people have followed them. They’re very open, not all of the athletes are.
Some of the celebrities don’t want to be followed and others don’t mind.
The ones that are going to be there on Saturday, several of them have their leaderboard names published, so feel free to follow them, so you can watch their journey. Wait for it to be up on-demand and you will be able to ride along with them. That’s going to be really cool.
Speaking of really cool or at least transitioning to really cool, the studio is reopening. I don’t know how to say this. There will be people there, the instructors are people.
There will not be people taking the class in the studios.
You can’t say there will be riders there because the instructors are riding.
It does get tricky but yes, they will be filming from the studios once again. This week was the first week that started back up again. That’s great timing since we had Adrian Williams start. Tuesday night on the 26th, he did his premier ride. Yesterday was the first day that they were filming in the studios again, so that was really cool. It’s great timing.
They’re still going to continue home classes too.
My guess is there are still instructors who are far enough away that they’re staying at home. I am getting the impression that even though some of the areas have relaxed things, not everybody has relaxed, and New York was the ultimate hotspot. People who don’t live close still are not going to be going in, or if they are going in, they’ll have that private car service back and forth. They will still have the option to be able to teach from home those who were already teaching before. I have not seen anywhere that they have said, “We’re adding more instructors to that teach-from-home class format. The teachers who were already doing that appear to remain doing that. Also those teaching in studio, some of them will be teaching in studio. Does that make sense?
Yeah, I think I got it. I think I followed it. We had another surprise new instructor. I guess it’s just the way they’re doing it for the time being?
If you remember back to when they had “Homecoming” and that fireside chat thing, Cody mentioned that there was going to be a new Tread instructor and a new Yoga instructor. I knew as soon as the Tread instructor came on board, the new Yoga instructor was coming on board. Personally, I don’t foresee this being forever how they do things. I think that right now in the middle of COVID, this was the best that they could do. It was very odd how they did it again where they put the classes up and then did the announcement hours after that. It was bizarre. It feels cool, people are figuring it out. Our community always rises to the occasion and sends lots of welcomes.
This time we have a new Yoga instructor, Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts. I think that’s pretty cool that she has a PhD. She’s going to be teaching yoga. I’m very curious to see her classes and experience that. I was able to take a class with Adrian Williams. He had a run that was up on-demand last week. Between last week’s episode and this week’s episode, I was able to take a class with him. It was so much fun. If you have not taken a class with him, you absolutely should. He’s got great energy. He’s smiling the whole time. He’s totally happy, great music. I thought it was pretty diverse, but that’s subjective. I will also say that I know that there are a lot of people out there who don’t have a Tread, but don’t let that bring you down. First of all, he’s got strength classes, so take those if you haven’t. Also as our lovely MayMay pointed out that you can always take a run on your Bike, just prop your tablet up on your Bike and take the run class and follow along. I’ve done that in reverse. I’ve taken a run with the Bike. It’s totally possible to do.
That’s a little Peloton life hack.
Who says you have to follow the lines exactly? You don’t have to. Use it however works for you. Peloton is totally about that.
John Foley was in Time Magazine.
That’s pretty freaking cool.
It is cool. I was also thinking that he used to be a much bigger deal. Not to disparage him being in Time Magazine, but just magazines in general.
He wasn’t on the cover. I think that big deal you’re talking about is being on the cover. They started a whole new column, it’s like a series, a feature, if you will, that’s going to be in there on an ongoing basis. I believe it’s called The Leadership Brief. John Foley was the very first person they chose for that, so that’s quite an honor. It was a great read. I really enjoy reading anything. Anytime he has an interview, I can hear his sincerity coming through in the way he talks. He gives interviews the same way he talks to you in person and I personally appreciate that. There was a little bit of a hint on the cheaper Treads, if you will. It looks like that is a year or two in the making. If you’ve been wondering, that was a big reveal there.
I think that is good information because maybe somebody is on the fence and they’re like, “Maybe I’ll wait and see,” now they know that they’re going to be waiting a while. Maybe it’s worth it to suck it up. Get one now. On a less exciting note, the stock was down $7 a share.
It’s had a rough week. Apparently, since many states are opening up and relaxing their COVID restrictions, the market interprets that to mean that nobody cares. That’s dumb. The market doesn’t get Peloton and so it will be fine. It’s still $40 a share. That’s the crazy thing. The big drop it had is still $40 a share, which is still quite ways above where we started back at the IPO.
I know those people aren’t just going to go throw away their Bikes now that the gyms are open. I still think that there are lots of people that are anticipating the second wave and that there’s still going to be like, “I should go ahead and get one because if this ramps back up.”
I saw an article that said it was going through all the things that have changed forever in their opinion since COVID and working out at home was one of them. Not specifically just Peloton, but in general, why would you go to a gross, disgusting gym if you don’t have to? Don’t get me wrong, there are people that don’t have the means or the space to have Peloton in their home, but if you do and you bought it during COVID, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be like, “I’m going to go back to the gym.”
I think a lot of people want out of that world now. It’s been laid bare how gross it can be, even in the best of circumstances.
I’m not sure I’ll ever shake somebody’s hand again.
I see us completely shifting away from that.
I think maybe we should. I think maybe you save it for hugs for people you actually know and care about, not just random people.
I would be totally cool with that. I’m not a hugger. I don’t like when people start hugging on me. The NMPA is having a virtual conference.
It’s in June 2020. Joanne reached out to me and let me know about this. Emma Lovewell is going to be a speaker. NMPA is the group of publishers that sued Peloton. We’ve come full circle now.
I would like to point out, it’s exactly what we said would happen. I was like, “This is how it’s going to be.” They want one amount of money and Peloton wants to pay another amount of money. They can’t agree and they’re going to sue and they’re going to punch each other and they’re going to say a lot of douchey things about each other. Then at some point, there will be a settlement and then they’ll all be friends because now they know what the deal is. All of that happened in less than a year, which honestly says a lot about Peloton because normally things like that can drag out for years, and they got all of that done in eight months.
For those of you still asking, I’m going to say it one more time. I don’t think the deleted rides are coming back. I know you’re disappointed about that but no, I don’t see it happening where they’ve restored a bunch of rides. I’m not saying they won’t selectively do it here and there, but I don’t think you’re going to see a major restoration of all of that.
I think if we were going to, we would have seen it by now. I find it fascinating how quickly we were on one end of the spectrum, now we’re on the other.
I’m very curious what Emma will be speaking about, how that will go. Joanne says if she is able to record it, then she will and then we’ll get some gleaming of that hopefully and be able to share it with everyone.
Business Insider had an article about the Best Peloton Classes According to Power Users.
Some of our past guests and some of our members of The Clip Out were also mentioned in the article. It was Rachel Koenig, John Mills, Peter Shankman. I saw some other folks that I missed earlier on. I believe it was Kristina Blair Howard. It’s very exciting to be mentioned and to have all their favorite classes, class types called out like that. That’s really cool. Congrats, guys.
Just because you like one stand-up doesn’t mean you’d like everybody. They are all opinionated and they don’t have the same opinions. Share on XI stumbled across this article. It’s for a website called StudyFinds.org and it’s talking about how people are gaining weight during the COVID crisis.
The headline actually says, “Half of Americans Fear They’ll Never Get Their Pre-Coronavirus Body Back.” That’s shocking half. What are you guys doing at home? I meant you guys being plural, not just everybody reading this, just to be clear.
If you fear you’re never going to get your pre-Coronavirus body back, what was it really to start with?
I know it’s been a while and I know it’s been hard, but they’re saying that the average American has put on 5 pounds since the pandemic started. You have got to be able to lose 5 pounds. You can do that.
That’s what’s so weird is the disparity. The idea of like, “I’ll never get it back,” and the average weight gain is 5 pounds. Five pounds seems like a pretty manageable number to recoup.
I completely agree. I can’t imagine. It also says all in all 64% said they feel much more unhealthy, and then they said that 64% have also turned to an in-home exercise routine. I thought that was funny. If you’re wondering how Americans are attempting to stay fit these days, outdoor walk is 48%. Exercise apps, 46%. Exercise websites, 44%. Streamed online classes, 41%. Pre-taped workout videos, 40%. I feel like you guys need to come up with some better choices because I would have given some select options there. What’s the difference between an app and a website and a streamed class?
That seems like in today’s world a distinction without a difference.
I’m not sure how you can have 48%, 46%, 44% and 41%, like there’s a lot more than 100%. Over half have also bought gym equipment for their home. The most common purchase was dumbbells, 48%, then yoga mats, a stationary bike, 41% by the way. Chairs, what does that even mean? They bought a chair?
Sitting here counts as an exercise? Everybody’s getting off my back. I excel at this. I’m a power user because my chair is powered. I’ve got to hit the button and it reclines. I’m officially a power user. If you need any tips, I’ll be starting a new podcast called The Super Sit. At the very end, it says that 50% of Americans have added a multivitamin to their daily routine.
It also says 44% have started eating protein bars. Guys, if you’re eating too much, stop eating the protein bars, you’re just peeing it out. The multivitamin I’m all about. I don’t know if it really helps or not, but I do know that I should do whatever I can to get nutrients in my body because I am terrible at fruits and vegetables.
Me too, which is why I take a multivitamin. If they don’t work for me, they’re not going to work for anybody. Speaking of things that I discovered, this next thing I discovered, I came across this. There’s a new NordicTrack commercial. If you think the Bike is ripping off Peloton, wait until you see the commercial. It is bad.
It is a complete and utter carbon copy.
If this was a college thesis, it would get NordicTrack expelled.
That is exactly right. It’s bad when a teenager is like, “Is that a Peloton commercial? Wait, that’s not Peloton?” That’s saying a lot.
It’s borderline a parody of a Peloton commercial, except it takes itself seriously, that’s why it can’t be a parody. It just follows it note for note.
The music could be from one of their commercials, especially early on. The scenery, the setting in which the Bike is placed, all of it.
The camera angles, editing.
Everything about the Bike looks just like it.
The ultimate irony is I don’t think it helps them one bit because Peloton has so established that brand identity and that look to their TV spots, and we know that it’s been firmly established because sales were through the roof and they’re spending no money on marketing. That has officially established your brand. For them to run this commercial with the way people pay attention to commercials, which is not very much at all. I think the average consumer is going to wash right over them and it’s going to register as a Peloton commercial.
It’s interesting you say that because I don’t know if it’s working or it’s not working. You could say maybe it’s not because now they’re using these websites with these buzzwords in them that make it look like they’re a third-party site. NordicTrack and Echelon both have these third-party looking type articles that say, “Here’s what you need to know. Here’s how you can save money.” The particular one I’m talking about was how you can get a Peloton study bike for cheaper. What the hell is a Peloton study bike? They had to think about that to figure out a way to get the word Peloton in their article to get people to click on it, which is all they did. That’s the only reason they did it. It’s so icky. I never had a problem with NordicTrack. In fact, I have said in several occasions that I felt like they were above Echelon, but no more. Same dirty, nasty tactics.
It shows you that Peloton must be really kicking them in the nuts. NordicTrack is an established brand, it’s been around for years. They shouldn’t have problems, especially in the current environment selling their products. The fact that they have to stoop to these sorts of tactics, to me it screams desperation.
For those of you who have said, “They probably will be filing a lawsuit,” yes they did. We covered that in our last episode. If you want to know the details about that, check out episode 157.
I can’t help but think that this commercial makes the arguments Peloton is making in their lawsuit even stronger when they’ve had a certain look to their ads for decades, now they come out with a bike that looks like a Peloton and then they come out with a marketing campaign that looks like Peloton’s.
NordicTrack better enjoy it while it lasts because when they get that lawsuit slapped on them, when they have to actually pay up, it’s not going to be pretty. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out because now there is an officially this lawsuit with Echelon and the one with NordicTrack. I’m curious, I think they’re going to win.
Esquire magazine featured a home body weight workout from Andy Speer.
He’s one of our Peloton Tread instructors. I thought you might be interested in that. You can see the entire thing. It’s basically a Six-pack HIIT workout. It’s lots of core, but you don’t need any equipment. Check it out.
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about this next person. We might need to explain to some of our newer audience who this person is and why it’s relevant.
We have a little update on a past instructor named Steven Little. For all of you who are new to The Clip Out and Peloton in general, Steven Little was a huge success within Peloton and left very suddenly. It was with great loss. Steven Little left his mark in Peloton. The reason he left his mark is because he brought heart rate training to the forefront. Christine D’Ercole had already been doing heart rate training and continues to do heart rate training. No offense to her. I feel like Steven Little really brought up the relevance.
I would say when Steven Little was out there championing heart rate training, it was proportionally because Peloton was much smaller at the time. I feel like proportionally, it was as big as Power Zone training. That’s what people went to for that kind of super disciplined data-based training.
Steven Little also had a very different personality than most of the other instructors, which some people loved it. Some people, he drove a little crazy. That’s anybody, right? Having said all of that, he was working at Peloton, left Peloton. He has done his own at-home workout program. He then moved and went to Flywheel. He was there very briefly. Then he got back into real estate, which he had been in previous to all of this. Now, he’s meandering back into personal training fitness. I wanted to give you an update. I don’t know exactly how it’s all going to pan out. He’s been talking about it on his Instagram and other social media that apparently, he’s thinking about putting together some personal training type of thing. As we learn more about that, we will let you know what that looks like.
The Today Show continued their love affair with Peloton. They love the Peloton.
Although I have to say, this one was not a complete love story. They didn’t say anything bad about Peloton, but the whole tone of the article was like, “Do you need to do more than cycling to lose weight?”
Here’s the thing of why I still filed this under love affair. It starts with the premise that, “Of course you’re doing that.” That’s the baseline. You’ve got a Peloton, you’re doing that a lot. Let’s talk about the next.
That’s a good point. I’ve heard a lot of criticism about this article. I know Peloton does a lot more than cycling. I am very much aware of that. I know that the article didn’t talk a ton about that. I think they were trying to make the point that cycling should not be all you do. There are tons of you out there that is all you do. There are tons of you out there that cycle endlessly for hours and hours a day, and there’s nothing wrong with that by the way. I think they’re talking to that person that you could be doing some other things. If you’re having trouble, if you’re stuck and this isn’t working, here are some other things you can try.
I’m of two minds because adding other things to the mix, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s like when you bring home an A-minus and your mom’s like, “Why did you miss this question?”
I totally agree with that. I think that you can absolutely lose weight using the Peloton, and of course a good diet because no matter what exercise you’re doing, if you’re not eating well, it’s not going to happen. You have to make changes to your diet it, end of story. Assuming that you have a decent hold on your nutrition and you’re using the Bike, I think you can totally lose weight. If you are looking to do more than that, it depends on what your goals are. If you want to be somebody who does triathlons, you’re going to spend a lot of time on the Bike, but you’re also going to need to do some other cross training as well. If you’re a person who only wants to do Bike races, you’re probably good just sticking with Peloton.
Ultimately, it comes down to what your goals are and what your time constraints are.
I have noticed now that I understand myself better that I shift. I started being all about the Bike. Then I started trying to get into triathlons and running and doing that. I loved it by the way. I still love to run surprisingly. My point being is that I found different things about myself. Long distance running, I actually gained weight because there are many calories involved that I was eating more and more. Then whenever I started adding in the Strength Training, I found I didn’t and I started mixing up my workouts. I don’t have to exercise for 2 and 3 hours a day to get the results that I was getting before. I can simply work out 45 minutes a day. I don’t even have to do it every day. If I do four days of Strength and three days of Cardio or two days of Cardio, because that’s six days, I’m good. That’s all I need to do. I don’t know that everybody gets that you’re different. That may not work for you, that might only work for me. If you’re moving and you’re happy and you’re healthy, count that as a win.
Asian Heritage Month is upon us.
It’s almost finished. We didn’t get to celebrate as much as I think the plan was. I have a feeling there were more classes planned, a bigger celebration more sprinkled throughout. They had to put a whole bunch in this last week.
It’s unfortunate but I understand. What do they got to plan for this big last week?
There are a few things. Emma Lovewell is going to be on the 27th. There’s going to be an 88rising Ride. Then Anna Greenberg also is going to be presenting a special Asian-themed yoga flow. Ally Love on Friday is going to be doing a BTS Ride. It’s all kinds of fun stuff.
Finally, there’s a new pride line that will be live by the time this airs.
It is supposed to launch on the 28th. I can’t wait to see it. They outdid themselves last year with the pride line. I absolutely loved it. People have been asking, I’ve gotten many messages, “Do you know when the new clothing line is dropping?” Yes, it’s the 28th. Save your money. I know it won’t matter because you guys will already have bought it by the time you read this. Enjoy.
Joining us is Brandie Posey. For the uninitiated, she is a stand-up comedian. She has performed at the New York Comedy Festival, the Riot Comedy Festival and the San Francisco Sketchfest. She’s opened for Kyle Kinane and Maria Bamford. She opened for the punk band, Against Me!. It’s difficult for comedians to open for bands. That’s not an easy gig. She’s been on MTV, E!, Comedy Central and co-host to the hit podcast, Lady to Lady. Ladies and gentlemen, Brandie Posey.
Thanks for having me. It’s good to be here.
We’re excited that you’re here.
I always love having my credits listed at me because it feels like I’ve done something with my life. It’s nice.
Brandie, how did you originally find Peloton?
I started hearing about Peloton through podcast ads. I can’t remember exactly which show it was, but I remember hearing about it and looking it up. I live out here in LA. I do a lot of classes live, but they’re expensive. I looked into a Peloton. I love spin class. When you’re in the room, it could be a little bit too much spin class sometimes. I was like, “This feels like the exact right amount of positivity that I can handle in my life.”
This is going to sound like a female thing to say for a guy. I would think taking a spin class in LA would have to be a special demoralizing because of all the little actors and wannabes there.
I don’t live over in West Hollywood or anything. I live in East Side. The classes I would go to were a little bit different and a little bit more different bodies all over the place. Although Jeremy Piven used to go to that spin class. I would sit behind him. I’d watch his leaderboard. I would crush him. I missed that because it felt good to know that I could watch his bald spot sweat and then I would be faster than him.
It’s funny that you mentioned this bald spot because in my head, he was totally wearing a pork pie hat.
It came off and on immediately when he exited and entered class. For sure, it does not leave his head. It’s similar to Bret Michaels with his bandana.
When did you end up getting your Peloton?
I got my bike a few years ago. I shot a pilot for a live show that I do here in LA as opposed to paying down my credit cards. I said, “I’ve got a chunk of money. I’m going to buy that bike.” I love it a lot, especially now about a couple of friends that have been like, “I’m jealous you’ve got that bike.” I’m like, “That Peloton Wife commercial is feeling smug about now.” I love it. I use it probably 4 or 5 times a week in different capacities. I don’t have the Tread. I have the Bike. I do the Yoga. I’ll do the outdoor walking stuff. I do the strength training stuff all the time and I usually listen to meditation before I go to sleep at night as well. It’s nice to have a soothing voice to fall asleep to, so I’m not left alone with my thoughts and thinking about all of that stuff at the same time.
Do you have a voice that you enjoy more than the others?
I’m bad at most of their names. I know the spin instructors’ names. I’m horrible with the names of them. I know the face. I know faces and I know names. It takes me a long time to get that Venn diagram to become a circle. Kristin McGee, she’s great. I like her meditation stuff quite a bit. She’s fun. Anna Greenberg as well, I enjoy them.
I like Ross’ voice because it’s the right pitch. It’s relaxing. You have no interest in meditation even though it’s not an exercise.
Meditation is you’re actively sitting and then thinking about how nice your life is. That’s the purpose of meditation.
If I have trouble falling asleep, I’ll listen to old episodes of Larry King.
You’re also improving yourself in that way somehow.
Being a comedian, I’m guessing there’s a lot of travel involved with that.
I’m on the road generally about 5 to 6 months out of the year. I love having the app with me. I stay in a lot of hotels so I’ll go and use the gyms there. I’ll work around it. It’s nice to be able to do yoga in my room, down to the gym or be able to use the free weights in the gym and have a thing to follow along to. I’ve never been good at being handed a paper and being like, “Do this every other day.” The video is extremely helpful for me.
When you’re on the road, what stuff are you doing? Are you doing traditional clubs or more festivals and underground stuff? What does that look like?
It’s probably 70% more like underground things at this point. I do a lot of like DIY tours, small punk venues and things like that for the most part. I’ll do club weekends here and there. I don’t have a ton of TV credits yet. A lot of comedy clubs, there are older dudes that I feel I always remind them of the daughter that doesn’t come for home for Thanksgiving anymore. They don’t necessarily want to book me as much as they should.
That’s probably, in all fairness, not true because they probably lost custody of that kid years ago.
My daughter probably looks like I haven’t seen her in quite a bit. I know my dad. It’s not you, thank goodness.
The question isn’t, “Do you know your dad?” It’s, “Do you know your mom?”
I play gigs all over the place. I do a lot of festivals. There’s a tour that I do once a year called The Vagabond Road Show that is me emceeing a bunch of female punk musicians doing acoustic music and doing a bunch of like Stevie Nicks covers. We’ve done that a couple of times now, which is fun too.
My day job, I book concerts. I book a midsize arena. We did a Stevie Nicks show once. It was the most stressful show I’ve ever done in my life.
I broke out into a cold sweat when you said Stevie. I needed a meditation app when that one is on sale. How does that work on the DIY stuff? How do you get the word out? Where do you find the places? How do people know that you’re a thing and they should see you?
I’ve been doing comedy for several years now. I started getting accepted into comedy festivals where you go and you do them in different cities. When you’re there, you meet the best of the best from all these other different places all over the country. That builds this network of comics that are at your level and are doing the same stuff in different places. You start knowing like, “I want to go to St. Louis. My friend, Kevin, lives in St. Louis. If I go there, he can probably help me book a week around there with a bunch of other shows.”
There’s a lot of comic run one-nighters all over the country that you get a couple $100 if you go and you headline that. You get these bigger anchor shows that you can make a real change on. You do these one-nighters that are booked by comics or friends of friends along the way basically. What I’ll usually do for a tour run when I’m doing it is I’ll be like, “These are 2 or 3 anchor points over the course of 2 to 3 weeks. I booked these out. I definitely want to do these. What is the best route to get out there? Who do I know along the way?” You start putting it together.
It sounds like a lot of work.
It definitely is. It’s like planning a war is what it feels like. You are staring at a giant map of the US that I have in my office that I look at. I’m like, “These are the cities that are close by. Where haven’t I been in a while?” I’ll try to hit most places every 1.5 years rotation as much as I can. I have an album that’s in rotation on Sirius XM. People hear it there or wherever they listen to albums on Pandora too. I pick up fans that way. From my podcast, Lady to Lady, I have fans from that. They’ll come out to see me through that as well. If I’m opening for people like Kinane, Kinane fans are the best. They’ve come out to see me whenever I come back through. They start following me. There’s an app called Bandsintown that is for touring bands. Some comedians are on there. I use that quite a bit. People are able to follow me and get notified whenever I’m coming through.
It’s a crossover with what I do for a living, but I’m also a comedy nerd. We’re checking a lot of boxes here. Crystal was a big fan of an artist by the name of Shannon Curtis. She’s a singer-songwriter type. She completely stopped playing traditional venues and does house concerts. It starts at one end of the country and drives, and then turns around and drives back. I love the fact that they figured out a way to do this outside of the system and make a nice little living.
Speaking of that, how is COVID affecting all of that? How is that looking for you? What does that change?
I’m thankful I have a podcast because that brings in money through ads and Patreon, which is great. I’m off the road for the foreseeable future unfortunately. There’s no way to know when to be able to start booking stuff. I’m supposed to be in Alaska for the first time. I’m bummed I missed Alaska. I had that all booked out and it’s all been canceled. Juggling a few different things to figure out like we’re cutting into savings that I wasn’t expecting to. There are some shows that have gone online like Zoom, Instagram Live and things like that. I’ve done a couple of those and they’re fun enough. If they pay, it’s okay. I’m trying to take a step back and be like, “Let me take a minute.” I love my house. My dogs are happy I’m home. I’m doing stuff like pushing my album for stuff to be like, “Everybody put Spotify on mute and stream it for a week straight.”
I had merch for this tour that I got made specifically for it. They brought things like stickers, pins and stuff that I like. I made these cards that have a joke from my act like a Zin type joke for my act with a sticker and a pen. If you’ve had $10, I’ll send you one of those. I’ve got a bunch of those left, so if anybody’s interested, I’ll plug it at the end or whatever. I’m trying to get bills covered and applied for unemployment for the first time in a decade or so.
You can tell the exact same jokes to different audiences in the same night, and one will love you and the other one will hate you. Share on XIt’s constant every day. I go through this list of all the things that have changed. I keep wondering what’s going to stay changed? None of us knows what the end of this will look like, but I feel like whatever it is, it’s going to be different from where we started.
With live performance specifically, it’s hard at this point to imagine us quickly getting back to a place where a small room is going to have a bunch of people inside of it laughing. A lot of droplets coming out of your mouth when you’re laughing. A person yelling at you from a stage where spit is coming out of their mouth. My business model doesn’t work in a pandemic.
It’s a time to shine for mimes. One, they don’t talk and they’re not funny. Nobody’s going to be laughing.
Magicians have been quiet since this all started. I’m suspicious of whatever’s happening there.
Where in Alaska were you going to go?
It’s Anchorage. There’s a festival that started for the first time called Alaska B4UDie. Hopefully, I’ll go next time.
They’re a little on the nose with that name though.
It took them a little bit longer to cancel it. A lot of my other dates that were closer to Seattle dates. I almost don’t want to fly there, so I’m hoping they pull the plug on it. They did. I was like, “Alaska before somebody else dies. It’s not me.”
We were there. We took the kids. We did a cruise. It’s a touristy version of Alaska.
We saw all the touristy stuff. I hope you get to go. You’ll love it. It’s beautiful.
I want to see a moose in the wild. That’s a crazy-looking animal.
I didn’t see one. We did see the seals though and whales, but no moose.
We saw a moose when we went to the Grand Canyon. It was in the parking lot of our hotel. We were all like, “We hope we see a moose on this trip.” We saw one the whole time in the parking lot of the Best Western. I was like, “That’s why it’s the best. They’ve got moose.”
There’s only one hotel there too. The Best Western is ironically the best hotel there.
That was also where we went to the McDonald’s for breakfast because they know that you’re trapped. It was right outside of the Grand Canyon entrance. I went to McDonald’s for breakfast. I got a coffee and an Egg McMuffin for Crystal. Each kid got three hash browns and milk. It was $48.
I have a question for you on this Alaskan cruise. Most cruise ships have big pools on them. What does a cold-weather cruise have on it that isn’t a pool and a poop deck and all that stuff?
The pools were closed, but they still have their sauna and all that good stuff if you want to enjoy the steam, sauna. They still have a spa area. They still have the outdoor deck and everything. We enjoyed sitting out on the deck and watching stuff. It was cold enough that you would not want to consider getting in the water.
I wasn’t sure if they made a special cold-weather cruise ship like a snowball fight area or something in place of it.
They should. That would be fabulous, but they did not do that.
We did a Disney one. I’m a Disney nerd. They normally do fireworks, but they can’t do fireworks because then they might set stuff on fire.
We’re too close to land whenever you’re in Alaska.
You don’t want to have a flaming moose. It sounds delicious.
They do a Pirates of the Caribbean when you go to the Caribbean. For that one, they have a Frozen night. All the Frozen characters come out and everything. You’ve got to embrace the Disney nerd though.
It’s always fun because there are always stand-ups on there and it’s fun to watch.
That is hilarious because they want to say things they should not say. They’ll be like, “We’re on Disney. I can’t say that.”
We had a show on the road and then somebody walks in with five kids and you’re like, “You’re not supposed to be here, but we’ll knock that twenty minutes out of the acts.”
I don’t even understand that. I’ve never thought of bringing my kids to a comedy show.
You’d be surprised by the number of people that bring their children. I’m like, “I’m not a birthday clown. What do you think is about to happen?”
There are all these nightclubs that they have on the Disney Cruise. After a certain time, it says it’s for adults only, but they still want it clean.
That’s the weird thing because they have two shows every night.
They’ll have a kid set.
They’re still not allowed to go past a certain point. It cracks us up.
The thing to do is to catch a cruise ship comic on a show that is not on the cruise ship. That’s when they get to unload and it’s great. Those shows are always funny. The thing is that people don’t realize that there are genres of comedy, but for some reason we always think that all stand-up is stand-up. It’s because you like one stand-up does not mean you like everybody. We’re all opinionated and they are not the same opinions.
Doug Stanhope has a routine about that where he’s like, “You wouldn’t go to the music club and say ‘Play music for me.’” There’s such a range in comedy. It’s always mystified me that people are like, “I got a coupon for the club. I guess I’ll go.”
Tom likes comedy on an intellectual level. He can see the intricacies and the work that you put into that joke or bit. For the average person, I can’t see that at all. Tom has shown me an appreciation for that, but I thought you guys are naturally funny. You get up there and stuff pops in your head and you know that. A lot of people think that. They’re like, “We’re going to get up in front of these people and I will be funny now.” There are a lot of people that don’t realize it’s the same set that you’ve honed over time and perfected.
A lot of people will see a second time, “You said that already.” I’m like, “Yeah, I didn’t come up with a perfect metaphor off the top of my head every time.”
Going back to the idea of going to the music club, it’s like if a band writes three good songs, people want to hear them for the rest of their life. If a comedian writes three great jokes, people are like, “That’s great. Keep going. Don’t ever say that again.”
It’s a dumb business to be in. The output makes no sense whatsoever. I’m friends with a lot of musicians. I go to their shows and they’ll come to mine. They’ll always be like, “It’s crazy how much you have to write.” I’m like, “Yeah, I can’t put out an album every five years.”
Speaking of that, back to the beginning, whenever Tom was introducing you and you’ve opened for bands, how is that different from opening from another comedian?
It’s different that the audience is prepped in a different way. When you’re going to a music show, the performance is not necessarily reliant upon the audience’s participation. It can sweeten the deal, but it’s not going to change what those songs are, those songs are those songs. With the stand-up show, this is across the case of anybody, you feed off of the energy of an audience to build and be able to get to these moments of people applauding. You’re riding a wave of energy and people are following you on a journey. If you’re a music audience, you’re not prepped for that as your job where you’re on a show like that. When you’re opening for a band, you’re starting from a place of zero.
Most of the time I bring myself up on stage, I’m like, “I’m going to do comedy before they play the instruments.” For me, I try to goof off for a second, talk to people and then I’ll settle into my act. Make it as informal as possible. It is difficult to get the rolling laughter that you get from a comedy audience in front of those rooms. You can break them sometimes. It’s harder to get the same laughs. I like the challenge of it. Because the audience isn’t necessarily laughing as loud as they would at a stand-up show, it doesn’t mean they’re not having as good of a time as what I’ve learned. I prefer to have people be like, “That was awesome. That’s the best stand-up I’ve ever seen.” I’m like, “I watched you. You were nodding the entire time. It’s weird that you didn’t laugh.”
They don’t come to a stand-up show and then they’re like, “That’s great.” Music was my first love growing up. I’m a huge punk and ska kid from way back. That’s my heart more than anything. I loved it too much ever to want to do it. I fell in love with stand-up and was like, “I can see behind the curtain for that. That will be fine.” I still like dipping into that world and it’s fun. I found a lot of my fans are also like the black hoodie crew. It’s nice to be like, “We were in a black hoodie. You probably like me.”
Tom has also explained to me, as a person who didn’t grow up appreciating that, I didn’t understand that a small room is also different than a big room because the laughs aren’t as intimate whenever you’re in a big room. I bet that’s different from performing in front of musicians as well.
When I opened for Against Me!, they’re one of my favorite bands. I love Laura Jane Grace so much. Her memoir is insane. She had posted on Twitter at the time that they were doing a secret show the next night out here in Santa Ana at this venue and she needed some openers. I replied to her quick, “Have you ever had a stand-up open for you?” She said, “No, send me a tape.” I sent her a tape and that’s the most stressful half-hour of my life is knowing that one of my favorite singers who I never met was watching my stand-up wherever she was. I was like, “Please think I’m funny or I’m going to kill myself.”
She was like, “Come on out and do a half-an-hour. This will be awesome.” She had me on to do half-an-hour and then The Interrupters, I don’t know if you’ve heard them or not. They’re amazing. They’re playing stadiums all over the place, which is where they were, which is crazy. They had just become a band. It was me, The Interrupters and then Against Me!. It was this room that held maybe 300 or 400 people. It was a secret show and they knew that Laura had handpicked the openers, I got more trust out of the gate than I would have otherwise. It wasn’t me going up to start off to silence.
With a room like that, you also want to lay out your bonafides a little bit. I started by being like, “Against Me! is the best. I am one of you. You can trust what I’m going to say.” A lot of people think that stand-up is people saying horrendous, horrible stuff. It’s like, “Some stand-up is that. I’m not that person.” Depending on what side of the aisle you’re on, you might think I say horrendous things. You got to lay it out for that. That half-hour was fun. They were a great crowd. I’m riffy on stage too so I’m playing off the room. Crystal, sometimes your thighs blow out a part of your pants. I was that wearing that night. I’d realize the stage was going to be high. I was like, “Everybody, I brought my holy jeans to Against Me!.” I showed everybody the inside of my thigh and was like, “Give it up for this right here.”
I was goofing around at first and then you can launch the material from there. Bigger than that, I wouldn’t necessarily want to do it. I wouldn’t open for every band, but certain ones that this audience gets my personality, my politics quickly. I performed at Punk Rock Bowling before out here in Vegas and then I’ve done The Fest in Gainesville a number of times as well. I’m one of their headliners they bring in sometimes. I do think that punk and ska were major influences with my ethos as a comic in general. I’m from Baltimore originally. I couldn’t watch a lot of stand-up growing up other than what was on TV. I always liked it, but I didn’t see it as a thing I wanted to do. I credit bands like Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake as my first live comedy shows because they were funny.
There’s a lot of humor in ska, but they’re not novelty songs.
A lot of those bands too write from a similar place that I do as a stand-up. Our output is different, but the heart is from the same place. Those fans all tour crazy and do their thing. I made their own way. I always loved that DIY punk ethos. Why would I wait for clubs to start headlining me to learn how to do 45 minutes when I can go book a bunch of shows? I’m young enough to stay on some couches. I’ve gotten a little bit older and I don’t like staying on couches anymore. When I started, I was like, “Yeah, I’ll stay on the couch. This guy looks like Marilyn Manson. It’s fine.”
This generation, and it’s weird to say that non-ironically, the idea of a stand-up opening for a band is such an alien concept where if you go back many years, before clubs, that was the gig. All the big names, you were going to start by opening for Tony Orlando and Dawn.
Bobcat Goldthwait has great stories about opening for Nirvana. He was their original opener and he would tank it every night. People would throw stuff at him and then Kurt would be standing on the sidelines laughing his ass off, doubled over, watching Bobcat eat stuff. It was great.
Cheech and Chong, I forget which ones they were, but they opened for bands a lot, especially the San Francisco psychedelic scene. They use comics a lot to open. At some point over the years, it fell off. How did you drift into comedy quick?
I always loved the comedy more as an abstract. I’m 36 and I was prime Jim Carrey years. The ‘90s was when I was in my elementary school. Ace Ventura 2 was probably the most influential movie in my life. I was obsessed with that movie as a child. I talked like Ace Ventura for a couple of years in elementary school. The scene where he comes out of the rhinos butt is the funniest thing that I saw as a child that broke my brain. I was like, “I want to be in a world where this happens all the time.” I always love comedy.
I wasn’t a class clown, but I was funny with my friends. I love English class and reading. I was always writing short stories and stuff like that more. Coming up with sketch ideas with my friends. Whenever SNL was on, Monday after SNL, we would come in and lunch was all about dissecting our favorite sketches. We only had VHS tapes. I’d record SNL and I would stop and rewind and write out my favorite sketches. I was trying to learn joke structure by trying to analyze this thing as much as possible.
When I was a kid, I would do that. I had a cassette recorder because it was pre-VHS. I would do that with Abbott and Costello. He’s like, “That’s why your humor style is old.”
I went to college for filmmaking because I was like, “I want to be in comedy. I don’t know how to make anything. I went to a school for that and I spent four years fighting with my professors who were like, “We’re making short films.” I was like, “No, we’re making sketches.” There was a huge difference, but they definitely did. I fought with them. It was ultimately good because it made me justify a lot of my humor early on. I moved out to LA because I wasn’t a big fan of New York. I thought that it was like one or the other after I graduated. I moved out here and fell in love with the stand-up scene at places like UCB and Largo, the “alt-comedy scene.” I’m not a huge fan of a lot of at that time like club stuff.
Clubs here have changed quite a bit since then. It used to be broey, white male. I didn’t see myself in that much. It was aggressive. You’d go to UCB on $5 on a Tuesday and you’d see Maria Bamford, Paul Tompkins, Kyle Kinane, Jimmy Pardo and Doug Benson. You’d be like, “This is what I want to do. I love this.” I started going to open mics and started running one quickly. I was writing on the side as well scripts. The instant gratification of it. I fell in love with it quickly. The challenge of it is great because every night is different that you can tell the exact same jokes to different audiences on the same night. One will love you and one will hate you. Learning to be that mindful at the top of your brain is my favorite thing.
It’s not one will love you or one will hate you. There’s that middle ground that’s worse. That’s great to be loved. It sucks to be hated, but it’s worse to be met with indifference. There’s no way you can’t. The path to professionalism leads right through indifference.
I always say that stand-up is where I get a little goo about stand-up, but stand-up is at its core like the art of learning to fail as gracefully as possible. For me as a mantra through a lot of my life were the only moments that need work on your act or where you’re not getting the laughs that you want. At a certain point, the longer you are doing a joke that is full proof and works in front of everybody, cool. That joke is done and all that joke is doing at a certain point is stroking your ego. The work is still in the jokes that aren’t quite working in front of different groups and trying to figure out where that works. That could even mean a joke is killing and there are only like 1 or 2 spots that people didn’t laugh as hard as you wanted. You learn to look for those tiny failures to be like, “That’s a moment that needs work.” You start embracing these moments like, “That’s where the challenge lies still.”
Stand-up is the art of learning to fail as gracefully as possible. Share on XBefore we get back into Peloton, tell us about your podcast.
It’s called Lady to Lady. Men like it too. I like to say that upfront, people are like, “Girl and girl podcast.” I’m like, “Don’t google that.” That’s a different thing. It’s a podcast that we’ve been doing it for several years. It’s myself, Barbara Gray and Tess Barker. They are two of my best friends in comedy. They’re also female comics. We’ve known each other from being open mics and starting comedy altogether back in the day, several years. We decided to start doing this show because at that point, most podcasts have no structure like a bunch of men having conversations. There were few female voices in the podcast space at that point. We decided to start doing Lady to Lady and it’s like man to man, but lady to lady. It’s proximal in the name and it’s the three of us.
Every week on, we have a different guest who’s usually 9 times out of 10 another female comic. It’s four women riffing about our weeks. We definitely earned that explicit rating from time to time because we get a pivot. It’s goofy and fun. It feels like the funniest brunch conversation you’ve ever been at is the vibe we’re going for. It’s trying to crack each other up. The first time it’s usually goofing off and talking about our weeks. We play a game, a sleepover-type game like Would You Rather, Never Have I Ever and stuff with guests. We do it in by section at the end too. We have listeners write in. They’re like, “What do I do?” Nine times out of ten, the answer is dump him. It’s funny as we’ve aged, our listenership has aged as well. It’s funny because it’s gone from dump him to divorce him now.
We went to a conference for female podcasters. It was called She Podcasts. They’re podcast consultants, but then they have this conference where female-driven podcasts can network, engage, and go to different sessions without having to have that performative aspect or getting mansplained to. I went because I don’t know if you know this, but my wife is a woman. She was my plus one. She’s how I got in. I was the only guy. There were two other guys in the whole place. It was a great event.
You’d probably find it interesting because you would be a great person to speak there. It would be a great opportunity for you if you were into that thing because there are many people starting podcasts. There are many people who are looking for a mentorship, but also ideas. There’s a great vibe of people lifting each other up. It was a good experience.
Me, Babs and Tess have gone at a couple of different festivals. We’ve done podcast workshops. I love being able to help somebody get a voice like “I can record my voice, put it out here and be a thing.” I was like, “We should all be doing it.” A lot of people were like, ‘There are too many podcasts.” I’m like, “I don’t know. What are you, the podcast police? What a lame police.”
It was funny though because whenever we were in one of the sessions, if I had a question, I’d have to lean over to Crystal and be like, “Ask them. I don’t want to raise my hand.”
I was like, “This is how women feel every day.”
It was interesting to be on the other end of that.
It’s definitely a big thing. With our show, it’s interesting because we have a big chunk of male listeners who whenever they write to us, they’re like, “It’s fun to hear a bunch of women goofing off, not being interrupted all the time, and being talked over. You all are funny.” We would converse differently because there’s less competition. This is also stand-up. I don’t want to generalize everybody, but when you get a bunch of dudes stand-up together, they’re trying to want to beat each other constantly. No one’s listening to each other, but we tend to be more collaborative in a riff and give everyone the space to get into it.
That’s what’s frustrating because much of comedy, you need to listen and play off of each other. What is your leaderboard name, if you’re comfortable sharing it with people?
I’m @Brandazzle. It’s my Twitter and my Instagram. I’m out here in these streets. Come swore me, figure it out.
I will definitely be following you.
Thank you. I’ve got three followers on there now. I signed up a bunch of my friends for my digital membership to be like, “I know you’re stuck home alone. I’ve got unlimited people like you can do something.” I want people to be able to dopamine and getting your adrenaline up is more important than ever. It’s definitely been a good mental health thing for me to be like, “I’m going to get my heart pumping a little bit to feel a little bit of normalcy and force myself to feel a little bit happy in the middle of a global pandemic.” Do you know what they didn’t have during the black plague? Peloton.
Do you have any advice for people that are now getting their bike?
Take your time. Start like that. It’s going to take you a while to build up to where you want to be. I’d say don’t look at the leaderboard at first if that is a discouraging thing for you. If it’s not, then go on and look at it. I throw a Bluetooth speaker on that I can crank up next to mine because I like to feel the bass. Jump in and go for it like you’re home alone. No one’s watching you. Try a little bit of everything. If a workout is too much and you’re getting stressed out, the worst thing that happens is you stop.
There are a lot of people though that they are terrified to take their first live ride. It’s a thing.
I can get it. I rarely do the live rides because my schedule is crazy. I love it because I can work at any time of day. I tend to work out in the evenings, especially now. My days are full of a lot of emailing, things like that. Now it’s like, “Okay, cool.” It’s a nice way to kill a night when I should be at a comedy show. I’m like, “I’ll go sweat on my Bike instead of on stage.”
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to join us. We appreciate it.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me. It’s always exciting to meet more people in the Peloton family. It’s a good time. It’s one of my favorite investments that I’ve made myself in quite a while. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
I noticed that you said you had no idea what tribes were. I wanted to point out that if you like Facebook, there are a million Facebook groups out there all about Peloton for any kind of thing. If you like wine, there’s Peloton Facebook for that.
There are all sorts of different interest-specific groups out there that are also Peloton groups.
Following the instructors, they have groups for that too. You can do that as well if you are interested.
I typed in Peloton ska into Facebook and nothing is coming up, so maybe not everything.
Whenever you put it on the official Peloton page where there are 250,000 people, then your group will suddenly grow.
I love moderating a Facebook group. Nothing gets my heart going. I started one as a joke years ago called The Jeff Goldblum Appreciation Society. It has thousands of members that I’m like, “This has gotten out of hand now.”
I started a Facebook group as a joke several years ago, but it’s got 200 people in it. It’s called Holden Caulfield is a whiny little b*tch.
Here’s the thing, those people are truth-seekers right there with them.
Thank you. This has been a blast.
Thanks for having me. This has been awesome. Anybody that’s reading, feel free to follow me on Peloton, on Twitter, on Instagram. Brandazzle is my thing. Brandie Posey is my name. If you’re on BandsInTown, you can follow me there. Whenever I’m allowed to tour again, I will come to your town. My shows are fun. BrandiePosey.com is the website. I’ve got some merch stuff up there. I have an album. It’s available everywhere that you want digitally. You can listen to it, stream it. If you want to buy it, I would love it. I also have physical copies that are in cassettes. I always resented CDs when CDs came on.
I was like, “Rebuy all my favorite stuff? I don’t think so.” I’ve got cassettes. They have a digital download code inside as well. I also have stickers and pins that are up on my website as well. Lady to Lady podcast, it’s fun. I love that a lot. If you live in LA, I have a monthly show called Picture This!. That’s comedians paired up with animators and they draw your jokes live behind you during your set. It feels like you’re dealing with the most talented heckler that you’re ever going to deal with. We get big animation names. Pendleton Ward has done it from Adventure Time, the creator of Hair are on the table all the time. It’s going to be a blast.
Stay safe and healthy as well.
That brings another episode to a close. What pray tell do you have in store for people next week?
I am super excited about this. I say that every week. I love these interviews. I love meeting all these people. We’re going to be talking to Joanie Young. Joanie has a Peloton and FightCamp and other equipment. She’s going to be talking to us about how she takes FightCamp and Peloton and put together her workout routines. I’m super excited to talk to her about that.
Until then, where can people find you?
People can find me at Facebook.com/CrystalDOKeefe. They can find me on Instagram, Twitter, on the Bike and of course the Tread, @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter, @RogerQBert or on Facebook at Facebook.com/TomOKeefe. You can find the show online at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page, join the group. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling and running.
Important Links:
- Apple Podcasts – The Clip Out
- Spotify – The Clip Out
- Facebook.com/TheClipOut
- All-Star Ride
- Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts
- John Foley in Time Magazine
- Best Peloton Classes According to Power Users
- StudyFinds.org
- Half of Americans Fear They’ll Never Get Their Pre-Coronavirus Body Back
- Episode 157 – Previous episode
- Esquire article
- Brandie Posey
- Lady to Lady – podcast
- Kristin McGee
- Bandsintown
- She Podcasts
- Twitter – Brandie Posey
- @Brandazzle – Instagram
- Peloton – Facebook page
- The Jeff Goldblum Appreciation Society – Facebook group
- Holden Caulfield is a whiny little b*tch – Facebook group
- Picture This!
- BrandiePosey.com
- Facebook.com/CrystalDOKeefe
- Twitter – Crystal O’Keefe
- @ClipOutCrystal on Instagram
- @RogerQBert on Twitter
- Facebook.com/TomOKeefe
- https://m.YouTube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=fZfnlMuOEsI
- https://www.BusinessInsider.com/best-peloton-classes-according-to-power-users-2020-5
- https://www.StudyFinds.org/battling-the-covid-15-half-of-americans-fear-theyll-never-get-their-pre-coronavirus-body-back/
- https://www.Today.com/health/peloton-cycling-weight-loss-bike-should-be-part-fuller-exercise-t182268
- Time.com/5839552/peloton-ceo-john-foley/%3famp=true
- https://www.ESPN.com/espn/story/_/id/29206382/peloton-all-star-ride-watch-rory-mciroy-booger-mcfarland-bubba-watson-alysson-felix-compete
- https://www.Esquire.com/uk/life/fitness-wellbeing/a32673870/home-bodyweight-six-pack-hiit-workout/
About Brandie Posey
Originally from Annapolis, Maryland, Brandie Posey is a stand up comedian, writer and producer who now calls LA’s comedy scene home. She has been featured as a performer at the Bentzen Ball, New York Comedy Festival, RIOT Comedy Festival, San Francisco Sketchfest, FEST in Gainesville, Bridgetown Comedy Festival, High Plains in Denver, among many others. She has opened for all of your favorite comics, including Kyle Kinane, Maria Bamford and the legendary punk band Against Me! Brandie has appeared on MTV, E! and Comedy Central. She made her feature film debut in the indie dark comedy, “The Worst Year Of My Life” directed by Jonathan Smith and her first stand up record Opinion Cave debuted at #1 on iTunes & #12 on Billboard.com. Brandie’s comedic style has been described as a “Riot Grrl on acid”.
Brandie tours the country, headlining every dark corner with a microphone that will have her – from a basement in Whitesburg, KY to the stages of the Kennedy Center (twice!). She is the co-creator & host of Picture This!, the popular comedy-animation show with consistently sold-out shows in Los Angeles & New York. In 2018 Picture This! shot a pilot for TruTV in partnership with Page Hurwitz & Wanda Sykes’ Push It Productions. At the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre & The Hollywood Improv, Brandie co-hosts Lady to Lady alongside Barbara Gray & Tess Barker. Lady to Lady is also a celebrated weekly podcast with over 7 million downloads & loyal fans around the world.
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