Monica Kalfur on the left of instructor Christine D'Ercole

115: Robin Arzon Takes A Break plus our interview with Monica Kalfur

Last Updated: January 17, 2023By

115: Robin Arzon Takes A Break plus our interview with Monica Kalfur

July 19, 2019

Robin Arzon announced this week that she’s taking a break from Peloton until the end of July.  It’s for the BEST reason.  We’ll let you know why.

Howard Stern is thinking about getting a Peloton but he has lots of questions. Apparently its all he’s been talking about on air.

And Becs Gentry and Jess Sims invade San Francisco. Jess Sims took over Instagram stories and showed us that she is JUST LIKE US.  She hates hills too.  However, when asked, she says she is NOT taking it easy on us when she gets back. 

Peloton went live on Facebook this for Marathon Training discussion.  This discussion was all about the Strength for runners program.  Rebecca Kennedy and Andy Speer both hosted the Q&A.  

The entire Marathon Training Program is live – all 18 weeks. 

Red Hot Chili Peppers Ride and Run coming:

Emma – bike on 7/24 6:30 ET

Selena – tread on 7/25 5:30 ET

The London temporary studio is now up and running – you can book rides.  The schedule is live as well.  

Alex Toussaint has an article on the Peloton blog and discusses how he sneaks in Cross Training.  

Plus, we interview Monica Kalfur!