Hear Getting the Psychological Edge with Dr. Jenn Mann. How to stop sabotaging your own weight loss journey.

Self-Sabotaging Your Own Fitness Journey: Dr. Jenn Shares Her Thoughts

The Clip Out Community had a thought-provoking question this week from a listener who is struggling with self-sabotage on her fitness and weight-loss journey. This listener says that she was very fit and enjoyed a healthy and ideal weight as a teenager, but then experienced abuse. She thinks that her weight now acts as her protective barrier against unwanted advances. She asked Dr. Jenn what she could do to finally shed the weight and get fit.

Dr. Jenn’s number one recommendation is therapy. This goes beyond just addressing food and weight. It’s about addressing the underlying need to protect oneself. You can follow all the right eating and exercise habits, but if you’re not mentally prepared to let go of using food as a shield, you’ll keep returning to it.

Dr. Jenn says that the real work lies in exploring deeper emotional issues. It’s not about weight loss or how you want to look physically; it’s about finding peace of mind and healing from the trauma. “There’s something that is very powerful about going through trauma, actually processing it, working through it, and getting to the other side of it. Processing and working through your past can be incredibly empowering,” she says. “When you’re able to do that, you get to a place where your confidence skyrockets, because you are able to say, ‘If I got through that, I can get through anything.'”

So as Dr. Jenn says, if you’re ready to make a real change and find peace within yourself, don’t hesitate to seek therapy and commit to doing the internal work. You have the power to turn your trauma into strength and reach a new and better place. “Let’s do the work before we focus on anything else,” she advises.

Dr. Jenn Mann is always ready to help us by sharing her expertise in marriage, family, and child therapy, as well as sports psychology consulting. She is not only a licensed therapist but also a former national team member in rhythmic gymnastics and a sports psychology consultant for USA Gymnastics. We appreciate her time and knowledge!

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