388. Becs Gentry Completes ‘Great World Race’ Plus Our Interview With Ellen Dohogne
Welcome to this week’s episode, where we’re thrilled to chat about the latest happenings in the Peloton world and beyond. Let’s dig in:
- Peloton Nashville Event: Caylee Hammack hosted a fantastic event—find out all about it!
- Peloton Germany Turns 5: Celebrate with our German Peloton family.
- Booking Turkey Burn Classes: It looked a bit different this year. We’ve got the inside scoop!
- Becs Gentry Completes the ‘Great World Race’: Celebrate this incredible achievement with us.
- Hannah Corbin’s Medical Mystery: How she’s tackling her health challenges head-on.
- Latina Fitness Trainers Highlighted by Axios: Focus on Camila Ramon’s inspiring story.
- Robin Arzon & Diabetes Awareness: Robin shares her personal health insights with Prevention.com.
- Adrian Williams’ Special Project: Curious? We are, too! Get the details here.
- Peloton’s Time Machine Week: A nostalgic workout experience you won’t want to miss.
- Latest Artist Series: Get ready to groove with Lionel Richie, TLC, and Scooter!
- A New Fitness Mirror Device? Could this be a game-changer? We think so.
- TCO Top 5: Our favorite moments from this week’s Peloton happenings.
- Listener-Recommended Classes: Discover classes our listeners swear by.
- HelperBee Elizabeth’s Review: A peek into the Global Power Zone Ride.
- Peloton Birthdays: Shoutout to Bradley Rose, celebrating on November 22!
Join us for this jam-packed episode filled with insights, inspiration, and of course, amazing fitness stories.
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Becs Gentry Completes ‘Great World Race’ Plus Our Interview With Ellen Dohogne
Hello. Did you see the professional wave I did at you there?
I did.
It was like, “Hello?”
I’m going to do my Princess Diana. It shows how old I am.
I want to get in a car with you.
Too soon?
For me.
It’s been like 30 years or 25. It’s been a long time.
I think it’s been 30.
No, I think it was the late ‘90s because I was on the radio at the time.
My sister passed away in ‘90 and that was 33 years ago. I think it’s been a while.
I was driving to work. I was doing the overnight shift on the alt-rock station in town.
You were already working.
There was a Saturday night show called Jo and John, which was very much like a wacky morning radio show. They were only on Saturday nights.
John is not wacky in real life.
Not anymore, but he was back then. They would always do stuff that was low-brow, edgy, and sometimes tasteless.
I think I see where this is going.
If you remember the way the story broke, she’s in a car accident. I’m driving to work and I have it on the news station. I hear that she has passed away. I flipped over to The Point to listen on my way in and they’re doing all these jokes about her. I realized they didn’t realize that she had died. They think it’s just a car accident.
I’m a part-timer. There’s a special number you can call into the radio stations that are not the request lines that the DJs will answer. I have that number but I was always scared to call it because I’m a part-timer. It’s called the hotline. I called the hotline and they answered the phone. I’m like, “Guys, she’s dead.” They’re like, “What?” I’m like, “She died. Do you know she died? She is not alive.” They’re like, “Oh my God, we had no idea.” “It’s all over the news and please stop talking.” They were like, “Thank you so much.”
Thank you, little part-timer.
That’s going to end a career if you’re not careful.
I’m sure they apologized appropriately or at least changed gears.
I think they changed gears. This was before this is before everything could be captured.
They just found out because they did. That makes sense. It’s a different world now. Now you have to issue an apology video.
Everyone would already have the audio, but who’s taping the radio?
Unless you’re waiting for your favorite Nirvana song.
That seems unlikely. Anyway, that was an unexpected stroll down memory lane. What pray tell do you have in store for people?
Ironically, we’re going to talk about Nirvana later, bringing the ‘90s back. We are also going to talk about Becs and her amazing feat that just finished. It’s been quite seven days. I’m tired.
I took a nap right before we recorded for that very reason.
We’re also going to talk about Peloton having a special event they hosted in Nashville, Germany celebrating five years, and the Turkey Burn classes and how they booked them differently this year. Also, some fun stories showed up in the news. Hannah Corbin was talking about her Hashimoto’s. Robin Arzon was talking about diabetes. Adrian is working on something. We’re going to talk about all of that. The latest artist series. We are going to be talking about the TCO Top Five, and the other content that is coming out. We have some competitor news. I think that is all.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we’re available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and TuneIn. Wherever you find a podcast, you will find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That’s super helpful and greatly appreciated. You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. It’s a great way to stay up to date on things throughout the week. You were updating people all week long about Becs and her accomplishments.
What a roller coaster. I wasn’t running, but I sure feel like I have been as exhausted as I am. It’s ridiculous.
You can also watch us over on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. You can check out our Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut, where for $5 a month, you get the joy and pride of supporting the show and all the different things that go into all this – microphones, electricity, articles. For $5 a month, you get bonus content. We recorded an extra episode every week for you. They’ve been pretty long in the last episode.
We have been chatty.
You also get ad-free episodes. If we get an episode early, you get it early. In the last couple of weeks, they’ve gotten early, like before noon.
Last week, it was like 9:30 you were sending that out. I was like, “What is happening here?”
People are getting spoiled. This week on the Patreon, we have one final story from New York we forgot to tell.
It’s the most embarrassing one for me.
It’s a thing. We didn’t embarrass you on the show about this. She didn’t want me to embarrass her. The marital compromise that we’ve reached is we will embarrass her, but it will be on the Patreon so it’s not as widely known what she did. No, she did not poop herself in the marathon. That’s what people probably think.
No shame if you did. If anybody out there did, I understand but that was not me.
That will be over there this week. Also, don’t forget, we have a newsletter. You can sign up for that at TheClipOut.com where you’ll get a weekly email-ish that has all the links and things. Just a little reminder that we exist. Anyway, there’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall
Peloton Nashville had a last-minute little event. All of a sudden, they were like, “Surprise, we’re doing a thing.”
They did. Here’s my theory of how this went down.
Did they forget about it, “Is that today?”
I don’t think at all, but they did just open this micro store in Nashville. I think that was a factor and I also think the fact that they recently inked the deal with the promos of the 50th Annual CMA Awards. I think that because that got finalized, they were allowed to move forward with this. It worked out perfectly. They had Tammin Sursok and Caylee Hammack in the store. I did not realize that Tammin Sursok is a Peloton ambassador, which I don’t know. Caylee Hammack is one of the rising country music stars that they are going to be focusing on. She might also be one of the people that were going to see show up in the rising country music classes that they have going on.
That seems logical.
On the same day, November 19th, they were like, “We’re having this thing today from 5:45 to 7:00, show up if you can. It was going to be a very limited event.” Keep in mind that this is a micro store. It is a kiosk in the middle of the mall. This is not like a huge event space. I don’t know how much room they truly had and I don’t know how many available spots. Either way, it’s cool.
They had a whole conversation about fitness insights like how to get fitness in your schedule when it’s jam-packed. They also talked about how to use music to supercharge your workouts and get your fitness goals accomplished. They also had awesome Black Friday deals in store that you were able to pick up while you were there as well. I think that’s fun.
Peloton Germany is celebrating five years or however you say five in German.
I thought this video that Irene did was fun. She shared a video. It was just before the first Peloton German class in 2019 during rehearsals. She was sharing it and I thought that was fun to see. It’s neat to go back when we see the old ones from the 23rd Street Studio. It’s pretty cool to see them from the German studio as well.
If you sign up for our newsletter, there will be a link that will take you right to that post if you’re curious. You don’t have to go digging through Instagram. That can be a chore. The Turkey Burn is just around the corner. This year, booking the classes was a little bit different than it was last year.
Usually, they allow you to book classes on Thursdays about six weeks out. We have noticed in the last several special events that they’ve had, it has been at different times. There’s been some that show up on a Sunday. There’s been some that show up on a Friday. This particular one opened up on November 15th at noon Eastern. I thought that was interesting because it didn’t give people a lot of time to address it. That means you’re self-selecting for people who are in the tri-state area or who already were traveling to New York. It’s interesting that they did it that way. I know a lot of people who are not usually in classes or able to get classes were able to get this. They were very excited.
While it does force you to be in the tri-state area, that’s probably true in most instances anyway. I wonder if what they’re doing is by not having a set rhythm for the sought-after classes, it stops the people who are super familiar with the system.
Do you mean the people who go in and demand a silver card? Those people will still do that. They show up everywhere and they demand to be on camera no matter what the situation is. Those people will still do that. I promise you.
Those people are making an end run around the system entirely, but for the people who are utilizing the system and figured out the rhythms of it, this takes away one of their powers because if it’s going to pop up randomly, you never know when to be ready.
I get what you’re saying, and I think that does add a layer of fairness. It takes off a layer of fairness too in a different way because when people have six weeks to plan, it’s a lot easier to get a flight. A week before Thanksgiving isn’t going to happen for most people. Even if you could get the available flight, the cost might be prohibitive. Not to mention not spending time with your own family. A lot is going on there. To be fair, this particular one, you would also be self-selected to be probably already in this tri-state area. Why would you want to spend Thanksgiving with a bunch of strangers if Thanksgiving was important to you?
Coming up after this, we’re going to give you a big giant breakdown about Becs Gentry and her Great World Race, so stick around.
Becs Gentry completed the Great World Race.
What a roller coaster this week has been. The adventure, if you’re not familiar, I don’t know how you can’t be because I never shut up about it. It’s seven marathons on seven different continents in one week. From the moment that they start, you have 168 hours to finish all seven races. With travel time and everything, that means a very hard cut-off for some of these races. It was supposed to start on the 15th of November. It was supposed to start on a Thursday, but because of a bad storm coming into Antarctica, they had to start a day early.
The weather window was narrow. They had to get to Antarctica and they had to get right back out. They went to Antarctica and that was the race that Becs was most nervous about. She hates to be cold. She has I think what’s called Raynaud’s that makes you cold all the time. It’s a painful cold and she gets it in her hands all the time. She feels cold all the time.
These are all things she said during classes in her lives. She was concerned about that but she completely crushed it. They did that one. She made it look so easy. Two world records were broken out there. One was broken by a gentleman named Willy. He broke the fastest time by 14 minutes that had ever been recorded in Antarctica.
Ashley Paulson who is an iFIT instructor, we’ve talked about her before because she’s done some amazing feats as well. She broke the record for the overall record. I can’t remember how long, but she broke the record as well. That was cool. They traveled to Cape Town, South Africa and everything from then on was like the times were crazy.
There was a Twitch channel TLDR who was launching their channel on December 4th. They decided to go along with this and see if they could generate enough Buzz to help their launch on December 4th. A guy named Ben a week before this had no idea this race existed and that he was going. With a week’s notice, he popped on a plane and went, which was cool. They had so many problems trying to get the Twitch channel, especially in Antarctica, because it was crazy weather. They had to use Starlink.
There’s like satellite because there’s no real infrastructure.
There’s nothing. They look like little temporary Igloo set up as a base. They talked about this on the livestream as crazy because the entire airstrip was covered in ice and snow. When they landed, they couldn’t come in like this because of the wind. They had to come in like this. For those of you listening, when you take off in a plane, you know that circle that it does before you go down and it tilts at that crazy angle. That’s what it was like when they were landing. It was on purpose. It was controlled but it was super scary. It was also the old Rolling Stones touring plane. It’s very cool.
At that point, everything went super smoothly. They get over to Cape Town, South Africa to do the second race. There, they had major issues with everything. They had to do it in the middle of the night. The stream wasn’t working for at least the first half of the race. It was chaotic. This guy Ben who was doing all the streaming has no idea who Becs Gentry is. He doesn’t even understand what Peloton is because he’s never been exposed to any of these things. He rolls with the punches. He sees all the stuff coming in.
The chat is so lit up at every one of these races. For the first one, all kinds of instructors were there, and all kinds of Becs bees were there. I felt a little bit sorry for the other racers because anytime anyone else got attention, they would complain. I remember at one point, somebody had come over the finish line, or they were halfway through. It was King Of Chemo, who had been diagnosed four years ago with terminal brain cancer. He has decided to use his remaining time on this Earth for good. He’s raising money and he’s doing these races to raise money.
They’re doing an interview with him and there are so many people in the chat. They were like, “Take the camera and put it to the finish line. We want to see Becs.” It was not in good taste. I know people were excited but it was not the best look for our community at that moment. Ben was completely professional. He rolled with it after he was done. He was like, “We’re not going to miss Becs. Don’t worry.” We did end up missing Becs but not because of him. It was because so many people jumped on the livestream to watch her cross the finish line that it crashed the stream. They had zero followers at the beginning of this. They now have 3,500 followers.
Back in South Africa, she made the South Africa one look easy. Five of the women crossed together, which was cool. They were like, “No women left behind.” They all wanted to support each other. It was also cool that iFIT and Peloton instructors joined together. That was a very powerful moment. There were a lot of moments when I teared up. Every time Becs Gentry crossed the finish line, looked at the stream, saw all her supporters, and started crying, I cried every single time.
They were then off to Perth Australia, where four of the women crossed together at the same time, then they went to Istanbul. In Istanbul, everything got crazy. They were supposed to do Europe and Asia, but because all the times had been messy with all the planes, they had to flip-flop it last second. It went the opposite way and then they did both of those races. That is where there was this turning moment. I got a little nervous. Nervous mom energy came out because she did one of the things.
They had the two Istanbul ones. One of them took place super late at night for them. The next morning, they had to do another one. I went to bed watching her finish one. When I woke up, she was finishing a second one. Within a 12-hour period, they all ran two marathons back-to-back. They were all feeling it that night. You could see the energy was down. I was worried.
I would also think you have that pent-up nervous energy for the first two, and now the reality is setting in.
“This is not ending. We’re going to keep doing this over and over again.” Also, keep in mind that the weather changes. You’re going from an extreme of -42 Celsius to 23 Celsius. I don’t even know what they were in the two Istanbul regions. In the second Istanbul race, something happened with her foot and she was saying it was the worst pain she had ever run in.
She crossed the finish line and she got it done. She asked was asked for a medic. It was bad. I was worried at that point because now we’re at race 5 of 7. She was like, “I will finish this. I don’t care if I have to walk. I am doing this. I want to make you guys proud,” which we’d be proud of. Everything you’ve done, are you kidding me? In her mind, she’s like, “I trained nine months for this. I came out this way. I’m finishing it,” which I get.
At this point, you’re like, “I want to accomplish this,” and you also don’t want to have to start from scratch. It’s like, “I’d rather do two hurt than have to wait a year or two and then start from zero.”
I completely understand and agree. I don’t know exactly what happened. I saw people talking about it. I did not hear this with my own ears. They had given her some medication to help with the pain, but the next morning, she showed up to do number six and she was in great spirits. She finished it in, not a record time for her, but the fastest that she had done so far. I think he was 302 that day. At this point, we are now in Cartagena, Colombia.
Now they’re in Cartagena and she only has one more. They then go to Miami. Austin and Tallulah showed up and all the Becs Bee showed up. Robin Arzon, Alex Toussaint, Ally Love, and Camila Ramon were there. They were all right at the finish line. Other people had to stand back because they were going to take their pictures and they were going to do their video. They made it about Becs and I have to say, sometimes I say about these instructors, they’re not always the most delicate when it comes to social media. They have to have the attention. That’s their job so I get it, but I want to be very clear and give credit where credit is due.
They made it about Becs. The stream was the saying, “Interview Ally, interview Robin, interview Alex.” They were like, “This is about Becs.” When Becs came to cross the finish line, they were there to support her. They talked about her. It wasn’t about them. These are all people who are used to having a lot of attention. It was beautiful to see the true teamwork that they had there and their support for each other. That was amazing. When Becs got to Tallulah, they went to the waterworks again. Tallulah grasped onto her.
“Where have you been?”
They’ve been talking a lot on streaming and stuff but it was special. The race people and Ben who’s been streaming this whole thing went out and got Tallulah a turtle because every time he would talk about Tallulah or Austin in the stream on Twitch, people would put up turtles for Tallulah. That’s her thing, just like Becs’s is flamingos. After Ben learned all this, he had to go get a turtle. He got a turtle to give to Tallulah at the finish line. I thought that was sweet.
Ben’s girlfriend showed up in Miami, which was funny because he was like, “Oh, hi.” It was cute because he’d been streaming for eight hours a day for seven days in a row. Some of the runners would take the camera and do a lap with the camera. Austin, on the final day, took a lap and started talking to interview runners and stuff like that, running along with them, which was awesome, just to give Ben a little bit of a break.
I want to give a lot of credit to them because that was how I was able to follow along so closely. If you’re a Twitch person TLDR, you should go follow them. They did a lot. They also raise a ton of money. There were two gentlemen out there running with one lung. They were raising money for an organization called Longevity. You can still give money to that. There were all kinds of people raising all kinds of money for different organizations. It was a love fest out there. A total of 60 people can enter this race at any one time, 56 runners went in to do all seven races.
The gentleman Willy that I told you ran the first race and broke the world record, he won the first five and got injured and had to drop out for the last two, which sucks. Merrick was the youngest person there. He’s 18, I don’t remember his last name. He broke a world record for the youngest person to run all seven marathons in seven days. There was also a gentleman. I believe his name is Dan who was 81 years old who completed all seven of the marathon.
There are a lot of special things happening and it’s so exciting because the entire Peloton community adopted all of these people. They are all our people now. Ben is going to come to a Peloton event. All of these runners, whether they do Peloton or not, became part of the Peloton community. We all started off supporting Becs but we are so in it with all of them. We were cheering on everyone. It was so amazing. That is what makes Peloton special. That is what makes the community special.
It’s a neat race. We’ve had other people on the show who have done it.
They’ve done all seven continents, but they have not done seven days. This is the first time I have followed this race where it’s seven in seven days. It’s amazing.
That’s quite an accomplishment.
When we were in New York, we met a lady. I believe her name is Linda. She is planning on doing this race next year. Stay tuned for that. I am so excited to follow along. I’m in it. This is the thing that gets me so excited that it makes me want to do big athletic events. I don’t have $60,000. There’s no worry. I am not going to be entering this race, but if I were a faster person and had that money to throw around, that would be something I would do. That’s so cool to be able to go around the world in seven days. That’s amazing.
I would go watch it.
You would probably not go watch because I don’t think that you would want to pay just to go watch. You would just meet me in Miami like Austin did.
Okay, I can do that one.
Not that this is happening.
Hannah Corbin has an article on Huffington Post about her medical mystery that she was babbling about for two years as she tried to figure out what the hell was happening.
When you exercise, you sometimes need to embrace the suck and like it. Share on XShe was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. As you said, there was a long period of time when she didn’t know what was happening. It was all these symptoms and suffering as she puts it. She’d go to all these doctor appointments. She’d explain the symptoms and then they would brush her off. Welcome to being a woman.
I swear to God this happened so many times in so many things. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen to men. I’m just saying that I think they are taking a different attack whenever it’s medical stuff because it’s all in your head when you’re a woman. What a scary thing. I think that’s the hardest part about having a disease until you know what it is. It’s always that unknown.
You have no idea what’s going on. You’re making it the worst possible answer until you have the actual answer.
Somebody says, “It’s fine. You’re fine,” and you know you don’t feel good. You know some things are not right. How maddening and scary must that be? That’s like getting gaslit on a major level. I feel bad for her that she had to go through that. That whole time she was teaching at Peloton. She was still showing up every day.
All the things.
That’s hard to put that face on.
For people who are unaware, I’m not saying it’s me, but what is that?
Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition and it’s the most common form of hypothyroidism. That’s an underactive thyroid. Your thyroid hormones are going to contribute to a lot of things. They help regulate your weight, your energy, and your other bodily functions. Since her thyroid in particular was producing very low levels of those hormones, that meant that her energy and metabolism had come to a near halt, which is devastating.
I just thought I would let you explain all that and you take the spotlight.
I got you.
You’re welcome. Axios has an interesting article about Latina fitness trainers. We get a spotlight on Camila Ramon.
They talked about how Latina trainers are boosting the virtual fitness boom. They highlighted a couple of different instructors. One of which was Camila Ramon. I have to say Mariana should have been right next to her, but I’m going to let it go. We’ll let it slide. They talked about how it’s very important for Latina trainers to have these accessible workouts for home because Latinas have some of the highest rates of inactivity among racial and ethnic groups according to CDC data, and that exercise reduces the risks of Type 2 diabetes.
It says that Hispanics have a 50% chance of developing that, which is high. Also, exercise can release endorphins and that helps with anxiety and depression. It’s good because seeing somebody that you recognize and you feel comfortable with and you feel gets you, that’s going to make you a lot more interested in it than somebody you’re like, “They don’t play my music.”
“They don’t speak my language.”
That’s a big thing. I think it’s huge that Peloton was included in this article. I’m glad that they are continuing to build that out.
Speaking of diabetes, Robin Arzon spoke to Prevention.com about diabetes.
Robin has for a long time, been very much a spokesperson about diabetes and now she is a spokesperson. She talks about how she has Type 1 diabetes and that it was tough for her when she first found out about it and managed it. She also talks in this article or this conversation a lot about getting screened for it, especially if you’re at high risk and what are all the things that you should consider for that. Keep in mind that if it’s affecting your blood sugar and your glucose, which are also affected by exercise, it can make it dangerous for you to workout if that’s something that you have not had diagnosed. That’s why it’s such a big deal. It is a good idea to be checked out for that, especially if you have any family history or you have risk factors.
Adrian Williams had a post this week where he is working on “something special.”
I don’t know what it was but it was something that was being filmed.
It involved filming, we could see.
Peloton does film a lot of things. I have no idea what that was.
Is it a special class? Is it a promo for something? Who knows?
Maybe it’s a new documentary. Maybe Adrian secretly went on all of the marathons with Becs and he did a documentary.
That’d be a hell of a hell of a secret. We will have to keep an eye on that to figure out exactly what he is up to.
I can say this. It was done in a gym setting. Make of that what you will.
Coming up after this, we’re going to talk about artist series. Because Thanksgiving is around the corner, it is a feast, a cornucopia if you will, of artists series, so stick around.
Peloton has debuted Time Machine Week.
They have, which is amazing.
How does this not involve Sam Yo and a DeLorean?
What a great question. That should have been the promo. Sam Yo, if you are listening, I think the next Time Machine Week, you need to be in charge of. There needs to be a DeLorean. You need to be dressed up. This needs to be a thing. Time Machine Week, Peloton is saying, is going to be an Artist series featuring ‘80s and ‘90s artists. This week it was Lionel Richie and Nirvana.
How come there hasn’t been a Lionel Richie series yet? That’s surprising.
Yes and no because a lot of times, these artists’ series are timed with a new release coming out. Maybe he’s had one that I’m unaware of.
I don’t know the last time he put out new music. He’s so rich. He doesn’t need to.
It’s not like he has a big concert debut that he’s doing or he was doing. A lot of times, it’s timed with something like that. They have a book or something they’re pushing. It makes it difficult. Also, these things take years to work out. I am surprised but I’m not surprised. We’ve had Lionel Richie music but we haven’t had an artist series.
We’re also getting a TLC artist series.
This is not officially part of Time Machine Week. I love TLC. I mean Waterfalls. Need I say more? No Scrubs. Need I say more?
Before TLC, I would chase them all the time.
Do you chase the scrubs?
No, the waterfalls, and then they were like, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls.” I was like, “That makes total sense.” Ever since then, I have stuck to the rivers and streams.
I know everybody is going to laugh at me but funny little story. Back in the day, you didn’t have a way to know what the artist was saying. The first separate times I heard that song, I thought it was “Don’t go Jason Waterfalls.” I thought it was his name.
That’s a hyper-specific name. Was Jason a Native American? Jason Waterfalls.
I don’t know. It’s it worked in my head. I sang along with it, and then at some point, it clicked. I think I saw the video and I was like, “Got it.”
My version of that is the Hootie & the Blowfish song where he says, “I’m such a baby. The dolphins make me cry.” I thought he was saying, “Endorphins make me cry.” I was like, “Endorphins don’t make you cry.”
Endorphins make you happy.
I don’t understand. What does that even mean?
Kids today don’t know how good they have it because they can pull up Spotify and see the lyrics instantly right there. There are never questions. Back then, we had to guess. We had to listen carefully.
Before we leave the artist series section of the program, there’s also an artist series featuring Scooter, which is not The Muppet. I was very disappointed. I was like, “I’m so glad that Scooter finally is getting some love.” It turns out it’s not a muppet. I don’t know what this is. Just looking at this picture, I’m going to go on a limb and say Germany.
Yes, it is German. It’s like dance EDM. It’s upbeat and fun. There was a whole eye-catching video that was posted where Erik is sleeping and he dreams of Scooter yelling, “Harder, faster, scooter,” because that’s part of the song. I’m not going to say it in German, then he wakes up and then he has to run to Scooter class. I do have to say, we never talked about Nirvana. There’s also a Nirvana artist series that we skipped right over. They also are in this week. It has been a while since we have had this many artists series in one sitting. I guess Peloton is back with the artist series. I guess it won’t be once a month like I had thought.
Maybe they’re blowing through these and they’ll go right back to once a month.
That could be, but Nirvana is going to happen. There’s going to be several classes. An interesting thing about these is that they weren’t in the typical fashion that we see them. What I mean by that is there weren’t any English-speaking classes for the tread or the bike for some of these. People were legit bummed out about it, but keep in mind that those have captions. You can still follow along. They may not have it on day one when it’s live. They will usually get the captions in there. It’s a lot of fun.
I’m looking at the next topic and I think there might be a glitch because I think this is a story from four years ago. There’s a new fitness Mirror device coming out.
My eyes rolled so hard.
Peloton allows you to do whatever you feel, what your body likes, and what makes you happy. Share on XHas there been a breakthrough in Abacus technology? What are we doing?
It’s a little bit different in that they have a bar attached to this. It’s like they’re trying to hone in on Tonal a little bit. It’s like half mirror, half Tonal, and they meet in the middle.
It’s the worst of both worlds.
Keep in mind that this is going to Kickstarter. This is not been officially launched. It’s supposed to officially launch on Kickstarter on December 3rd. It’s a new smart home gym and it’s from a company called Aeke. That is established by Qudong FutureTechnology. They did win a Red Dot Award for this home gym.
Do we know what a Red Dot Award is?
Not even a little bit, but this home gym supposedly creates tailored fitness program recommendations based on goals. It uses AI and it offers features such as precision motion tracking to ensure real-time feedback on form, speed, balance, and rep count. Users can customize music playlists with surround sound and engage in fitness competitions with friends, like Tonal.
The thing I thought was the most interesting about this is that it does not have a subscription service. It’s the second new device in two weeks.
The first one was Hydrow if anybody is wondering if you listen to the last episode.
It’s the second time in two weeks that we have a new device that doesn’t have a subscription model.
It’s interesting because that means one of two things. You’re either going to have a very limited set of classes or it’s videos then, right?
Yeah. My thought process, this is where my head went, is because everybody now wants that ongoing revenue. I wonder if there will be a small number of free classes, but then there will also be a subscription version. You don’t have to get the subscription but they will only slowly push out new content and if you get tired of the content, you’re going to have to subscribe if you want more content frequently.
I don’t know whether you’re right or not but I’m telling you, this article specifically says subscription free. I see where your brain is going. That makes a lot of sense to me.
It’s almost like cable, “Here’s something free but if you want this other thing, you have to pay for it.” It’s like, “We will give you content,” they’ll be creating content for the subscribers and the people for free. They may get that content or a third of that content six weeks later.
I also think that one of the things that you’re paying for here is the AI attached to it. If you say these are your goals, it’s going to completely change up your workouts that it’s giving you. It’s like Peloton’s Strength Plus program, which is going to take AI. You say, “These are my goals,” and it makes a workout for you. My question for Peloton’s Strength Plus, Hydrow, and this one is how are you going to help people progress? That’s great that you can make a workout.
I’ve seen what AI does for a program. It doesn’t do a great job. It’s it’s not there yet. It will be there. I have no doubt, but it is not there yet where it can take into account your special needs. I don’t understand how any of that is going to help people progress. If all you care about is just a workout and you’re not so much worried about the progression aspect of it, okay, but I don’t see the point. That’s not who I am. Why would you even bother if you’re not going to have a progression?
I will also say that Peloton in general doesn’t have a way to progress. That irritates me. Certain instructors have gone around that and they’ve made things that that do progress. That is where, in my opinion, Tonal excels because they have so many ways for you to progress and they are very clear about those plans and how to do that.
It’s very quantifiable. You see your weights going up and your strength is going up. It’s a very tangible progression.
That’s my question to all of them. I would love to get an answer. That would be cool.
It is time for the TCO Top Five.
We’re going to tell you the favorite classes that were chosen by TCO. The collective chose these classes. Your favorite strength class this week was taught by Rad Lopez on October 3rd. It was a 30-minute glutes and legs and RobinMD recommended this class. She said, “I love that his programming is hard and it’s geared toward building strength for runners, If you’re hoping to improve your runs, don’t sleep on the strength.”
Number two, your favorite ride.
This ride was taught by Tunde on November 8. It was a 20-minute ‘90s ride. This ride was nominated by Katie Bromley. She said, “The ride had a great playlist and it was a great sweat but not too hard. It hit the sweet spot.”
I remember when I was 44 and I would say I was in my mid-40s and you would insist that I was not in my mid-40s until I was 45. I find it interesting that now when I’m 54 and I say I’m in my mid-50s, you’re like, “Yep.”
I didn’t say yep. Do you want to know why? Because you have worn me down. You argue with me and I’ve argued with you. You did last. You didn’t say it with a straight face, but you’ve worn me down. It’s been nine years of having this conversation and you wear me down. If that’s what you want to think, you go right ahead and think it.
We are at the midpoint of the TCO Top Five.
We are officially there.
Number three, your favorite outdoor walk.
This was taught by Matt Wilpers on November 4th. That’s the date it dropped. It was a 30-minute. Metabolic Health Walk. Deborah Anselon recommended this walk. She said, “It was fun to learn about metabolic health from Dr. Patel while walking. It also has a great playlist. That’s a lot of fun.”
We get a lot of that from Wilpers, people say.
What? Fun?
No. Great playlist. The playlist is all wonky.
On his Power Zone, people do pick.
I’ve never taken one. I don’t know. I’m just telling you the impression I get from the things that people on the show have said over the years.
It’s true. There’s a lot of complaining.
Number four, your favorite Powers Zone ride.
Christian Vande Velde taught this class. It was a 45-minute Power Zone classic rock ride and it was taught on November 17th. Jeff Hutt and Eileen Edwards McCracken both love this ride. They both loved the music and the workout, Jeff said, “It had crazy zone 6 and zone 2 intervals.” Eileen commented that zone 6 was hard, but she did it and she’s charged up now. Now she’s getting a lot done at home. People love the music. Just a note here, “Any class that starts with Sympathy for the Devil and ends with China Grove and so many other favorite songs in the middle will pump you up for the rest of the day for sure.” That is a good playlist right there.
Finally number five, your unstackable.
This one, I could not count the number of nominations this got. This was the 120-minute Global Power Zone endurance ride with nine instructors. Two highlights here and we’re going to talk about it.
We have an article reviewing the Global Powers Zone ride from Helper Bee Elizabeth.
First of all, this article is great Elizabeth always does a great job writing articles but this was a love fest. This class, I haven’t taken this but to me, this is like the old-school classes that everybody got excited about, where everyone was on the stream at the same time.
It’s like old-school comic book crossovers.
What they did is they had a total of nine instructors and they all paired up. It was like the All For One ride.
That is nine people paired up.
I think Matt was in two places. He was at the beginning with somebody and he was at the end with somebody. There was a surprise because Christian Vande Velde showed up. He was in there and nobody knew that was going to happen. It took place in the different studios. You had New York and you had the UK Studio, and don’t forget the German instructors teach out of the UK studio. You had all three.
It did have a cool global aspect to it, but I think the most exciting part about this was that everybody chose different songs. All the instructors had a hand in the playlist. The banter felt real and genuine. That is so important when they do things. The energy was super high. People were having a great time in the studio. People at home were having a great time. There were so many people on the live leaderboard and they all showed up. They stayed there for two hours. Think about that.
Halfway through the ride, the Peloton staff came in and gave every single person a banana to help them. Christian Vande Velde famously hates bananas so he had his own orange. That was so great. This article breaks all of those details down. Elizabeth nailed this article. It brings the excitement. If you haven’t taken the class and you’re like, “Do I want to jump in? Am I ready for a two-hour ride?” Please don’t be scared. Read this article. Prepare yourself and jump in. Have fun because you don’t have to hit all the things that Peloton instructors are saying to hit. This is to do it for fun.
We had one birthday this week. Bradley Rose will be celebrating on November 22nd.
Happy birthday to Bradley Rose.
Coming up after this, we’re going to talk to Ellen so stick around.
Joining us is Ellen Dohogne. How’s it going?
I’m doing awesome. How are you all?
Discovering Peloton
Wonderful. Thank you so much for being here. I always like to start these conversations by understanding how you found Peloton. How did you come across Peloton and decide, “I want to try this thing?”
Do not be afraid of change. Keep trying. You might surprise yourself. Share on XI love telling this story because I have people who always ask me, “Why are you into it?” I’m like, “Okay.” I was a CrossFit addict from about 2014 until 2020 when we had the fun shutdown because the pandemic happened. I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do. My CrossFit gym closed and I don’t remember where I saw the Peloton advertisement. It’s probably on social media somewhere, but I was like, “That sounds cool. Let me download the app and see if they have strength classes. Maybe I could do some outdoor runs.”
That’s where my obsession started. I downloaded the app. I did some outdoor runs with usually Becs or Olivia, and then I slowly forayed into some strength and then it spiralled from there. I got the bike and then I got the tread. That’s where I first started. I did CrossFit, but it closed because of the pandemic. I felt lost, I didn’t know what to do, and then I found Peloton. I’m super thankful.
That’s fascinating because they are notoriously like CrossFit is the best. Was there a culture shock there? Were your friends like, “Why are you going to a new church?”
Absolutely. I don’t want to use the C word but maybe I can use it. It does sometimes feel like a cult or CrossFit did. It was like, “There’s nothing better than this. This is all you need to be doing.” I had a baby in 2016. Throughout my pregnancy I did CrossFit and I attribute that to my healthy pregnancy and my super healthy delivery. There was no complication, but afterward, when I took a break and went back, it didn’t quite feel the same.
I think neither I nor the trainers knew what I needed for my body postpartum. When I found Peloton and completely switched up the routine and shocked my body, I loved it. I got so many questions from the owner of the gym like, “Are you ever going to come back? We’re going to be reopening soon.” I’m a people pleaser so it’s hard for me to tell someone no. I had to tell them, “I don’t think I’m coming back. I found this thing that I love. I thank CrossFit for all you’ve done for me, but I don’t think I’m ever going to go back.”
As you grow and maybe as your body grows and changes, different workouts work for you differently. That’s what happened, but it was hard to say bye. They are like a family, but I found my new family with Peloton so I’m fine. Does that make sense?
It’s also like your social circle in a lot of ways, but I’m sure it’s also appealing that you can still do things and you don’t have the drive time, especially with a new baby or I guess a toddler by now. That makes total sense. Do you still do any of the CrossFit-type stuff? Are you still going out to the garage and juggling tractor tires?
Tread Classes
I have flipped a few tires in my time. It makes you feel super strong and super powerful, but now I feel that in a different way. I’ve done a few of the strength programming, like the split. That makes me feel super powerful in itself. I used to flip tires. Now, I flip dumbbells. That’s okay. It works for me now.
I find it fascinating that when you started with Peloton, you started on the tread. This goes to show people make such big assumptions, but in my mind, if you’re a CrossFit person and you’re coming to Peloton, you would be like, “I want to try strength first. I find it fascinating that you were like, “I’m going to try this tread class.” A person who lifts weight is not necessarily somebody who loves to run.
I’ll tell you why.
Yeah, tell me. I want to know.
My dad is German. I’m half German and my mom is Colombian. I feel like I have it in my inherent DNA that when I do strength workouts, I gain muscle muscle easily. I gained it everywhere and so that was part of the reason. I was like, “I feel like need to switch things up.” My husband also used to work at a gym here in Texas. It was Spectrum but now it’s Gold’s. Gold’s Gym bought it.
He wasn’t a trainer. He was a salesperson and he kept telling me like, “If you want to see different results, you have to switch things up.” I had that and I was like, “Let’s do some running, and let’s do some light strength training.” I found that it worked for me a lot better than just those heavy weights that were causing my German ancestry and me to be like, “Let’s put on all the pounds because there’s a war coming.”
You have an endomorph body type, and so do I. I hear you.
It says here in the notes, “Plays a hell of a glockenspiel,” so there’s that.
There are some good things about it.
When you moved over to Peloton, you started with the tread and you started tread class. It sounds like you’ve gotten a tread and you’ve gotten a bike. Are you doing row? Is row on the horizon for you as well?
Let me let’s ask my husband about how we can incorporate those rowers.
You can take the girl out of CrossFit but you can’t take CrossFit out of the girl. She’s like, “I’m doing it all. I’m buying a bike, a tread, a row, a Bike+, a Tread+, a Guide.”
She needs to have options. I know she likes options. That’s all.
I do like options. I did start running but I would do the tread classes on the app. I didn’t get the tread until recently. I got the bike first. I fell in love with more of the different instructors, and then I was like, “I have to get the tread.” because I’m also a baby and I don’t like running outside if it’s hot.
You live in Texas. That’s all you need to say. It’s miserable.
I’m okay with sunny. I love to sweat. I love it, but excessive, I don’t. I was like, “I want the tread.” By that time, I had the bike paid off and it worked out. Do I want the rower? Yes. I also have PTSD from rowing and CrossFit and I didn’t love it. I don’t know. It wasn’t my favorite thing.
That makes a lot of sense. I encourage you to take some classes on the app and see if you like some of the instructors who are there because I think they’re a lot of fun. Alex K who is one of the row instructors is also an Olympian. He is so different than any of the other instructors. He tells these random stories and you forget your rowing. It’s like Becs on the tread. She’ll be talking about something and you forget your running. That’s how it is with the rowing, and I love that.
I hear that. I feel you. To be fair, I run but I don’t love it. I don’t know. It’s a weird relationship I have with running. I do it and I love it when I’m done, but when I’m doing it, I can’t separate from the fact that it sucks sometimes.
That’s exactly how I feel about exercise, all of it.
Coming from CrossFit, you embrace that suck sometimes and you like it. It’s weird like semi-masochistic ideology, but it works.
I choose to think of it as you enjoy the results.
Let’s go with that.
Peloton Vs. CrossFit
How would you classify Peloton versus CrossFit? Tell us what it feels like being in both communities. You’ve been in both communities.
Who is weirder?
Tell us some good stuff.
Honestly, I think CrossFit is a lot weirder. It’s hard to explain, but it was very cult-like, but not in a bad way because it was like a family. Their similarity is that you found your family. You feel accepted, but I think CrossFit had more of a mentality of “We’re the best Don’t do anything else.” Peloton is more like, “You can do whatever you feel like you need to be doing or what your body wants to do, or what makes you happy, like what motivates you to wake up and want to move. Do that. If it’s us, great. If it’s not, cool.”
I don’t think CrossFit was like that at all. That’s the main difference. It’s also definitely weirder though. There are some stories from that gym. I always said that there should be a Real Housewives of CrossFit reality show because it would be crazy. It was always drama.
Now we want to hear a story. We have to hear one story, at least one.
You know how sometimes when you go to work and you meet someone, and they give you the attention. It’s like that. Not with me.
I’m not trying to throw shade at Peloton either, but it happened in Peloton too. It’s not always a bad thing. You come together over this thing that you both have intensely in common, especially if things for whatever reason aren’t working in your current situation. It’s not crazy when you have all these things in common, but it does make people raise an eyebrow and want to have some conversations. It’s hard not to.
It’s not like no one has ever accused Peloton of cult-like behavior.
I remember the New York Times articles, like the cult of Peloton, like a rainbow.
When I talk to people about it, sometimes I do tell them that it’s not a cult, but you might feel like it is whenever you want to do it every day, and like if you’re me, you talk about the instructors like you know that. My husband is like, “Who are these people?’ I was like, “What is wrong with you?” You don’t get it. It’s fine.”
He doesn’t do CrossFit or Peloton? He does neither?
No. He does what he calls Yard Fit. He does yard work. Exercise is my calming and peaceful. His is yard work. He calls it Yard Fit.
It’s got to be done. If he’s willing to do it, that’s great.
Gets you out of the higher lawn service or gardener.
That’s how he keeps in shape. He asked me before, “Is it easy if I just go in the tread and walk?” I’m like, “Yes, you do this and this,” and he’s never done it.
Man after my own heart. Does your yard look great at least?
It does. He is super good at it. I’m going to brag about him a little bit. He is very good.
Peloton Classes
You didn’t go back to CrossFit. You’re still doing Peloton. Do you take all the different kinds of classes or do you just bike and tread? Tell us how that works out for you.
I do all of them. I do the whole switching up a little bit every so often. Are you guys familiar with a hardcore calendar? I follow that for a few months, and then I’ll get not bored but like, “Let’s try something else,” then I’ll do a strength split or a strength program. I also incorporate yoga on recovery days. I do a lot of outdoor walks because I walk our two dogs. I do a little bit of everything. The classes that I don’t, I haven’t tapped into meditation. I’ve tried and I can’t get into it. Nothing against it. I just can’t. I don’t know if my brain works in the way that you can just listen to somebody.
If you’re interested in getting to know it more, I suggest you start with a five-minute. Ross Rayburn is no longer with Peloton, but his attitude towards meditation is very inclusive. Even a long run or a run where you get into a meditative state is meditation. With that approach, there is no wrong way to meditate.
A lot of the instructors will say that, and I find that very helpful because if you’re thinking about something else and you have to come back, it’s not that you did something wrong. I like to do everything perfectly, so when somebody tells me that, it’s permission to not have done it in a certain way, which is easier for me. If you’re interested in it and you want to try it again, I would look for instructors who have those shorter classes and start there. It makes a big difference.
That makes sense for sure because you’re right. I’ve tried them and my mind will wander. You’re right, I get that mentality of “I’m not doing it right. Why am I even doing this?” To your point, if I do yoga, which I love, I also get into a meditative state there, as well as running. I hear you on that. With the change in mindset, I’ll try it again. I’ve heard nothing but good things and people swear by it. I always tell my husband because he has a hard time falling asleep, “Why don’t you try to listen to a meditation?” He was like, “I’m great.”
I hardly ever come across men who have a hard time sleeping. That’s fascinating to me.
It’s flipped. I can fall asleep right away, and he has such a hard time.
Every woman on the planet hates you a little bit for that.
I wake up at 3:00 AM a lot for no reason, so that’s always fun.
As you get older, that happens for funsies.
I read that. I’m like, “Is this a thing? This is going to get worse.” It’s great.
That’s why old people get up so early. We talk about all the time how early we get up now. Even if we’re like, “We can sleep in tomorrow,” and we wake up at 6:45
We slept in this morning till 6:30. That’s the time we slept. That’s sleeping in.
You also have that internal clock. My son is eight now and I’m like, “I can’t wait until you get to the age where you sleep in,” because he’s up at 7:00 no matter what because that’s when he gets up for school.
The irony. By the time he gets there, you no longer possess that power.
It’s not even a possibility. With all the different instructors that you’ve taken classes with, who is your favorite or what group of instructors are your favorites?
My favorite is Camila. Before her, I had gravitated toward Robin, Tunde, and Alex. They’re all hard classes, but I like to get my butt kick. I think my mentality is I feel like I’m not doing enough if I’m not dying at the end of a workout, which isn’t necessarily healthy but it’s very common. I speak Spanish because of my mom.
When Camila came, the way she spoke, the way she communicated, the way that she looked, and the way that she spoke to that would be like being in the Latin community, embracing your curves. I have big hips and a big butt and that’s okay. You don’t have to look a certain way and think that you have to look a certain way. She embraces that and I freaking love that. She’s 100% my favorite.
That’s awesome. Have you gotten to take a class with her live in the studio?
Yes, I recently did. It was the best experience ever. I crossed my fingers that I was going to get to do a Spanish ride, but it was her first Metal ride, and it killed me. I died. I fully expected to go in like you know how a lot of people say, “We’re going to PR when you go in the studio. It’s a whole different vibe.” I was like, “I got this,” and I died. It humbled me. It was hard.
We are talking to your ghost.
I cannot. I was like, “This is terrible,” but it was awesome. It was so cool, the whole experience. Everybody was so nice there and so welcoming. It was great.
It’s like Disneyland for Peloton people. It’s great.
People could not understand how excited I was. They’re like, “Why? It’s just a class?” I’m like, “No, it’s not.”
Was it not your music of choice? Were you like, “Who are these bands?”
I knew Godsmack and I know Slipknot. In high school, I was a chameleon. I dated guys who liked that. That is not my music of choice, especially not for working out, but it was so awesome. It was so great.
Leaderboard Name And Advice
What is your leaderboard name?
It’s WillSpin4CakeTX. The reason for that is because I’m a baker on the side. It’s like a side hustle. I love to bake. WillSpin4Cake is like I’m going to workout so I could eat cake. That’s my motto.
Do you have any advice for people just entering the world of Peloton?
Yes, and I tell people this all the time when they ask me. My good friend reached out to me the other day and was like, “I think I want to get a used Peloton.” I was like, “Okay, let’s talk about it. I have all this advice.” The main thing I tell people is that if you do get a bike and you start doing classes, it might take you a little bit to find out what your niche is, what music motivates you, and who are the instructors that motivate you. If you don’t find that out right away, don’t just stop. Don’t give up after a couple of weeks. You have to keep going.
Once you find that and you make it a routine, you’ll love it and you’ll get addicted. You have to give it a try and you have to try out. I would try out all the different instructors, and all the different kinds of music. That would be my main advice. Don’t give up if you don’t like this class right away. You have to try. There are so many. Try them all, and then once you find that little niche that you love, you’ll love it.
That is true. I feel like there are stages of Peloton. When you first start, you don’t know who. You try people out, and then you fall in love with one. You won’t take any classes with anybody else, and then you’re like, “I feel like I need to take more.” You take a bunch more, and then you start falling in love with other instructors. You go through phases of like, “I like this and I like that.” It’s a journey.
That is true. Don’t be afraid of change. Some instructors might leave. Don’t let that discourage you or say, I’m not going to do it anymore because there’s nobody.” Keep trying and you might surprise yourself. I’ll try meditation and I might surprise myself and love it. You have to change that mindset. I guess be open-minded.
That’s great advice.
Episode Wrap-up
Thank you so much for joining us. Before we let you go, let everybody know where they can find you in all the places if you would like to be found.
I’m on Instagram. I am @HeyCupcake6513. I just made up the numbers, but cupcake because I like to bake, and then again, WillSpin4CakeTX on the leaderboard on Peloton.
She also has some gently used tractor tires for sale if you want to reach out.
Gently flipped, not very damaged. I also have some round weight somewhere that goes on a barre. I’m like, “I don’t need these anymore. What am I going to use this for?” Let me know.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, guys.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
People can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can also find me on all the socials and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Threads and Bluesky at TomOKeefeJr or on Facebook.
Did you give up Twitter?
It’s still there but I haven’t done anything with it because it’s gross. I’ll say it at the end of the show. You stuck around this long. I’ll give you a peek inside the window. In case you didn’t know, it’s gross.
It is indeed.
You can also find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online wherever you are, I don’t need to say that because you do all that. Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut. For $5 a month, we like you extra. You get all sorts of extra stuff. We talked to you even more, which we’re going to do right now. That’s it for this one. Thanks for tuning in and until next time, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.
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