369. Peloton Sued Under ‘Wiretapping’ Laws Plus Our Interview With Lindsey Kelly
- Peloton sues women’s cycling group.
- Peloton sued under “wiretapping” laws.
- Amazon’s invite-only sales are live.
- Edmonton store is closed.
- Helper Bee Lindsey spotlights the best of Pride fashion.
- Peloton quick hits.
- Peloton will provide adjustments for apparel that went on sale after one week.
- Rad Lopez is a Nike athlete.
- Joslyn Thompson Rule makes her strength debut.
- Susie Chan was on the BBC.
- The latest artist series features Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department.
- John & Jill Foley are selling their Manhattan townhouse.
- TCO Top 5.
- This Week at Peloton.
- Rebecca Kennedy has a 3-day split coming.
- There’s a new Greatest Hits collection.
- Another apparel drop.
All this plus our interview with Lindsey Kelly.
Watch the episode here
Listen to the podcast here
Peloton Sued Under ‘Wiretapping’ Laws Plus Our Interview With Lindsey Kelly
I was fighting our little clock.
You always fight that thing. That reminds me. We need to put new batteries in the little remote in the Honda.
Brian told me yesterday and we have the thing at Batteries Plus. This is not a commercial, but it sounds like one. I bought the remote battery at Batteries Plus and for an extra $10, you get the lifetime. We got to swing by Battery Plus and say, “We need a new battery.” They put it in and you’re good to go. I’m glad we could take care of that during the show.
It popped into my head. If I don’t do it the second I think of it, it doesn’t happen, like hitting the record on the actual video portion. We were recording on the audio, so don’t worry. We got all that.
You don’t want to lose that podcast goal. That will go in our clip reel and we’re selling this thing to Netflix. Let’s do our Bingo call. Is this our last week for Bingo?
We have two more weeks. Let me double-check. Three more weeks. This week, next week, the week after, and then we’re done. Do you want to tell people?
The winner of this contest, which seemed never-ending, will be getting a Sonos Roam speaker and some miscellaneous Peloton things that you can no longer even get.
It’s things you’ve acquired over the years.
They’re new, but I’ve been waiting for the moment, and here it is.
The Sonos speakers are the same ones you use in your workouts. I guess not for the tread but for the bike.
I don’t use it for the tread but that’s only because I can’t even remember how to quickly re-sync it on the Bluetooth. Once it’s done, it’s no big deal. The very first time you do it, it always requires a combination of buttons that I never can remember. I always have to look. Besides that, it’s so nice and it fills up the whole basement and it’s a nice sounding speaker.
You wouldn’t think it’s smaller and you wouldn’t think that it would create that much noise, but it does. I guess while we’re doing that, who is our Bingo call-out of the week?
Kirsten Ferguson is Bingo number one.
Who is our interview this week?
Our interview this week is with our Helper Bee Lindsey Kelly.
Our Helper Bee spotlight. What are some of the popular articles that she has written? Some people might have read them in the past and be like, “It’s the person who did that one.”
She has written almost all of the Brittany Allen fashion articles. The most popular ones are the ones that you might be a fan of this instructor if you do these things.
Did she do the high school one?
No. That was Nikki.
Sorry, Nikki.
Luckily, everyone over there gets along. We all are very nice to each other.
Thank God none of them listen.
They provide the news. They don’t need to hear it again.
They don’t need to hear the guy who doesn’t know anything talk about the thing I told them about.
I do think Nikki listens. I don’t know if they all do, but I know Nikki does. You better keep it together, Tom.
What pray tell do you have in store for people?
We have some lawsuits to cover, some new stuff, and some updating on some stuff. We’re going to get into all that. We have our interview with Lindsey. We’re going to touch on Amazon Days coming up. We have store closings to update everybody about. We have a whole bunch of in-the-news from instructors. There’s going to be a ton of stuff over on the bonus episode, but we’ll get to that in a minute. There’s also a past guest update.
It’s technically a dual past guest update.
That is true. I don’t think we’ve ever had a two-for-one before.
I don’t know that we have.
That’s fascinating, and then we have a bunch of content updates. We’re going to talk about apparel updates. I think that is all because it’s a packed episode.
Before we get to all that, shameless plugs. Don’t forget, we are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, and iHeart. Wherever you find a podcast, you can find us. While you’re there, be sure and follow us so you never miss an episode. Maybe leave us a review. That’s super helpful. You can find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. It’s a great way to stay up to date on things throughout the week. You can also do that over at Crystal’s Instagram.
I got a random email from a listener who had stumbled upon us after years of having the bike. He loves the show and he’s like, “I have no idea why it took me this long to find you guys.” It wasn’t a review, but it was a glowing email. He was like, “I love you guys.” That was the email. That’s very nice. Thank you.
That’s @ClipOutCrystal on Instagram. You can also watch all of these over on YouTube at YouTube.com/TheClipOut. You can sign up for the newsletter at TheClipOut.com, where you get the links to all the things that we’re talking about and whatnot that comes at you. Finally, our Patreon, Patreon.com/TheClipOut. There are lots of costs associated with this. If you have a little extra and you don’t mind helping out, we’d love to have the help.
For $5 a month, you get bonus content. You get another 20 to 25 minutes of content a week in audio format, and you get ad-free episodes. You get a special link. The episode will be entirely ad-free for you. If we get it early, you get it early. Typically, you’re getting it on Thursday afternoon-ish, and then the most important part, we like you a little bit extra. There’s all that. Let’s dig in. Shall we?
We shall.
Peloton sued a women’s cycling group for using the word Peloton.
They were forced to change their name or pay 500 euros per day after Peloton sued them. This came out on July 4th. Ironically, on Independence Day.
They’re a German group.
I thought this was England, but it’s not in America. I think you’re right that it was in Germany, but it was founded in 2021 by Elke Bleyaert, wife of Lidl-Trek pro Jasper Stuyven. The Women’s Peloton has become a popular online resource for female-focused tech training and health. However, One Peloton Interactive was not happy about it. She was very upset as she quoted to Tour de France or the husband said, “It’s a shame that my wife’s life work gets a serious hit from this.”
This is taking place in the Benelux region, where Peloton does not have registered legal rights to the term Peloton. I’m sorry. They are not in the market, but they have registered legal rights because they have them throughout Europe. That’s crazy. I should also say that Peloton also apparently had the Peloton Divers Cycling Club change their name in 2019. I feel a little mixed on this because, on the one hand, I understand that a company has to go after their rights to be able to claim their name and defend their name rather. That’s why Disney does it all the time. You’ve brought that up on numerous occasions like if a preschool does something with Disney characters.
They paint Mickey Mouse on the wall, you can’t do that. You have to pay for that.
That makes total sense to me. On the flip side of things, what is confusing about this to me is that Peloton existed as a noun to describe a group of people riding bikes long before the company existed. That part confuses me.
I always thought it was weird that they picked Peloton as their name for that reason in setting up things like this. If this group had already existed, there’s not much they can do because they would predate Peloton, the company.
If the women’s group had said, “Cycling, a women’s Peloton group,” I think they could have gotten away with it. The way they word it is like it’s part of the title. It’s the name.
When you get into this kind of law, it’s weird, and then it’s international, so it works in a different country entirely. I know that there’s a restaurant called The Burger King. Burger King sued them and they were like, “We are older than you. You stole our name.” They are still in existence. They’re allowed to call themselves The Burger King because they predate Burger King.
I’ve seen people post for years about bike cafes and things like that. They call themselves Peloton and they still do. Either they existed before our Peloton did or there’s something else going on there. I’m a little surprised at that piece of it. This woman refuses to give up and she keeps suing and keeps doing it because she’s not giving it up. She’s not done fighting the battle. Who knows what’ll end up happening? She is probably going to have to give up the battle at some point.
This group started when?
The husband was like, “My wife’s life work.”
That’s another thing.
It’s been eighteen months.
Slow your roll. It’s 2024, so it’s been three years, but still. It’s probably was eighteen months when Peloton sued her.
If it’s your life’s work. I’m like, “Did you marry a four-year-old? What’s going on?”
My guess of what’s going on there is she has been creating a group. She has been this person in the background gathering these people together in support of the men in the Peloton and now, that’s being taken. On the other hand, she’s also getting a whole lot of clicks because Peloton exists. We know Peloton drives clicks. It is what it is. That’s what’s happening. Peloton won the suit. End of discussion. What this woman decides to do from there, maybe she’ll pay fines and she’s got it and she doesn’t care.
500 euros a day isn’t nothing.
That’s what she said, “I’m going to keep on going.”
That’s a lot of money to come up with every day. We shall see.
We shall.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s pretty rare for Peloton to sue someone. Normally, it’s them getting sued.
In its long and rich history, we’ve been covering Peloton since 2017. I have lost count of the amount of lawsuits.
I couldn’t even attempt to estimate, but this is a return to form of them getting sued, although this is different. They’re being sued under wiretapping laws. Suddenly, I feel like we should be playing the opening theme to The Sopranos.
I don’t know why this is coming up now other than the fact that I think something might have changed within the history of the lawsuit side of things.
This is from a year ago.
It says that a complaint was filed on August 16th, 2023. I remember covering this, but we didn’t have very much information about it. Probably because nothing had gone forward. The person who started this complaint against Peloton is Julie Jones, and she is now filing a class-action lawsuit. She claims that Peloton used third-party software called Drift that was embedded in the website chat feature. Drift creates transcripts of the conversations while communications are happening. Website users are not informed that Drift is intercepting the communications.
They believe that they are talking to a Peloton representative. Drift takes the information coming into the conversation, interprets it, analyzes it, stores it, and then uses that data for various purposes. The full transcript of the conversation, the date and the time the conversation began, the IP address of the visitor, the web browser that they used to access the website, the device they used, and the words they used to route the visitor to a particular Peloton representative are all connected.
This says that the original complaint alleged more violations and the new amended complaint includes alleging violations of one statute, violations of the California Invasion of Privacy Act, which imposes both civil and criminal liability for any violation. Peloton, on their part, filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. They argued that the facts that are in the complaint were not sufficient to state a cause of action, but Peloton also said that it should not be liable because it is a party to the initial communications. Drift is a tool that allows Peloton to record and analyze its own data, and therefore, it’s not a third-party eavesdropper, which I have to say was my interpretation of the entire thing.
It varies from state to state, but in most states, you only need one party’s consent to record a phone call so you can record your phone call.
California is not one of those states.
I also think the problem that they’re getting into here is that Drift is using this to train their AI. They’re like, “That’s a third party.” You think you’re talking to Peloton and so you think the conversation is between you and Peloton, when secretly, it’s between you, Peloton, and Drift. Drift is also using this info information. They’re not just providing it to Peloton. They’re using it to train their computers to get better at this, and therefore, they’re a third party.
It says that the court did agree with that. That’s where the court landed, that Drift is using the information to improve specifically its own AI software to continue to get better. Therefore, it’s the circle. As you said, it’s not just between them and Peloton but it’s also between Drift. You can’t do it. The plaintiff also asked for an injunction probably to make Peloton stop using the software, but then they ended up withdrawing that request. We’re not exactly sure why. Our attorneys who reviewed this could not tell exactly why. We will see if we can dig up more for the inevitable story that will be written about this. That’s what we have so far.
The Amazon invite-only sales are currently live.
The ability to click the link and ask to be invited is live. Amazon days are going to be July 16th and 17th. Here’s what you need to know if you want to be part of this. First, you have to be an Amazon Prime member. Second of all, you have to click the link that says “Invite me,” and then if you are deemed worthy, you will get a link on the 16th or the 17th telling you to purchase. We do know that the sale will be $1,100 for a brand-new Peloton bike, original. That’s quite a discount from $1,445. Nice discount there.
If you’re an app user and you’ve been thinking about it.
You want to bike for your second home, I hear this all the time from people. I’m not in that situation but it’d be cool. That’d be a problem I’d love to have.
It’d be weird for me to discover right now that you have a second home. I’d be like, “What?”
You never know people. There are a lot of people out there that could use a second one. Maybe their mother-in-law wants one, something like that. This is a great time to get one.
Everybody carries their weight differently. Share on XWe have another store closure that was not reported but was discovered.
This is an interesting one because it is believed to be the first full store that has been closed in Canada. This took place in Edmonton. Also, shortly after that, we discovered that there was also a kiosk that closed down in Canada. The Edmonton store is closed, but also a kiosk closed about six months ago.
There were also a few things that got opened in Canada.
Peloton was on a real tear opening stores left and right in the United States. I’m pretty sure it was up to 68 and we’re now down to 30. That’s quite a reduction.
I thought it was fewer than that. I’m surprised to hear it’s even 30.
That’s all that’s left.
This week’s guest Helper Bee Lindsey wrote a spotlight.
I have to clarify that she and Helper Bee Kimberly.
I’m shitting on every Helper Bee That’s not Lindsey.
In your defense, Tom, the way that our website lists things, like in the author thing, there’s only room for one author. You can’t put both, but it is listed in the article itself. If you read it, it says that they both did it. Obviously, you didn’t read the article. I’m just throwing that out there. I was throwing you under the bus.
This might shock you. I only care about fashion.
It’s a lovely thing that comes from working within The Clip Out because Kimberly and Lindsey never knew each other, but they both separately love all of the fashion stuff around Peloton. Separately, both want everything by Brittany Allen. They both want to own everything.
If they ever do one about the best graphic tees, I’ll read that.
We’ll see about that.
I can help judge them. Best hoodies, I’m in.
With matching sneakers. They did a whole article about the best Pride fashion for Peloton. A lot of it comes down to the most flashy because that’s what these two ladies love, and that’s what gets the attention. Jess King is right up there. She’s the one who brought Brittany Allen to Peloton. She was the first. There was this amazing top that Olivia Amato wore by Brittany Allen. Let me be clear. Also a past guest. Brittany Allen designed these 3D tops. They’re sports bras, but the one that is my favorite is the blue one that Olivia is wearing, and then it has 3D butterflies all over it, or 2D butterflies. They’re not flying off of her.
There was also Matty’s amazing outfit, and then a bunch of different ladies and a bunch of different instructors got their Cher outfits. Katie Wang, another Brittany Allen style for her camp. They did a whole thing about Maratoner and what she wore when she subbed for the missing Matty Maggiacomo. This is a great article. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, I suggest that you do because these ladies are very talented and fun. I wish that my brain worked the way theirs did.
The link will be in the newsletter if you get that or if you sign up for it.
Of course.
We got a quick roundup of things that have gone on over the last week or so. Tobias Heinz’s final goodbye.
He posted this super sweet video of I would say a real goodbye to people. It was a longer post. He also decided to do a goodbye stack, which I thought was cool. He did a Sunday stack of all of his favorite runs. There was Mötley Crüe, Bruce Springsteen. It was a two-for-one with Jeffrey and Tobias. There was Pink, and then they had a cool down and a stretch. He hung out with people and he posted on his Instagram all day during those classes. It was nice.
That’s nice. Emma is staying on the tread.
It’s not going to be a residency in the way that it was thought of. She will be coming back and teaching more classes after she has her baby. That’ll be very cool. I think we covered some of these last week.
I think some of them might’ve been in the Patreon episode.
Good point.
DJ John Michael has a gig coming up in Brooklyn.
He’s doing lounge sessions at the Silo, and that is taking place on July 18th. A bunch of amazing people are going to be there. The event is free. I know the space was limited, so the RSVPs might already be full. If not, then you should get out there and get yourself a ticket if you live in the area.
Jess King has Sweat Steady coming to the tread.
People are very excited about this because they love the Sweat Steady over on the bike, and she’s bringing it over to the tread.
Finally, Chelsea Jackson Roberts was in SG Magazine.
She talks about what first brought her into yoga, the charity she runs with her husband, and how she brings in music like hip hop that’s not commonly associated with yoga practice and a whole bunch more.
SG is for Singapore.
That’s right. Good memory, Tom. I don’t hear that very often.
I remember lots of things that are pop culture-related.
That’s true. You do. I have to admit that is very true.
We talked last week about the apparel sale that was going on, and it came up how so many of the items had been released.
A week before that.
We were “jokingly” saying, “Send it back and buy it again.” Now we’ve learned that they are offering adjustments if you ask.
You have to ask. One of our listeners did use the chat feature. Maybe they had Drift listened to them,
Now they’ve been wiretapped, and there’s an unmarked van sitting outside of their house, but they saved $6 on a sports bra.
They saved $96 on a bunch of Lululemon stuff.
That’s worth having a van outside your house.
I think so. $96, they can sit out there.
As long as you don’t need to park cars in the street.
That’s true. Thank you to the listener. You know who you are and we appreciate you.
Coming up after this, we got instructors in the news. We’re going to talk about the latest Peloton instructor who is a Nike athlete. Stick around.
Rad Lopez is now a Nike athlete.
You could see the excitement in his reel that he did about this. He was like, “Finally. I did it.” This is something that he has been working on for a while and he’s also been talking about new stuff coming. I think that this showed his excitement and I love seeing whenever people get excited,
That’s certainly like you’ve made it to a certain level if somebody like Nike starts throwing money at you.
It’s a huge honor. That was very exciting.
He’s been slugging it out for a while. We see him pop up on the Brooklyn news channels and stuff. He loves to get out there and do that stuff when he can.
It’s interesting because he’s one of the more private instructors. He has a broadcast channel on Instagram and he’s pretty darn active. He’s probably the instructor that posts the most besides Callie on the broadcast channels, but he doesn’t post a lot on his Instagram about personal things, and a lot of the instructors do. I’m not saying he should. I’m saying he approaches social media very differently. I don’t know if that has an effect on how long these things take or not. I have no idea.
He also had an Instagram post.
It is very interesting. He’s been saying new things are coming, so there’s some conjecture happening here. He’s been saying to people on Instagram, on his broadcast channel, “What do you guys want to see from me next?” All of a sudden, out of the blue, he posted on his story, one story and it was a closeup of him on a Peloton bike. What does that mean? We don’t know. Maybe nothing.
Maybe everything.
Maybe he’ll be a new bike instructor. They are down a bike instructor. He’s not stretched across as many disciplines as some others.
Maybe he could learn German.
We shall see.
This story broke right as we were sitting down to record it. Becs Gentry is doing the great world race. You explain it.
It is seven marathons, seven days, seven continents. I have seen this for years. I’ve been like, “Wow.” I think this is the most amazing thing.
We had somebody on who did that. I thought we did. Not in seven days?
Maybe it was in seven days or maybe somebody told us that they wanted to do it. I know we talked to one of our guests who had done all seven continents. I think this was on their bucket list to do. This takes place on November 15th. That’s when it starts for Becs. When they go to Antarctica, the boat or the plane leaves from South America. When it leaves, there’s a 24 to 48-hour window. You don’t know when they’re leaving because it’s going to depend on the weather.
Antarctica is hard to pull off because you’re threading a needle from a weather standpoint.
If that weather window doesn’t cooperate during those seven days, you’re SOL. I’m conflating these two.
If the weather doesn’t work, then you do the second-greatest world race, which is six continents in eight days.
I think I’m conflating this with the recent guest that we had who was telling us about his trip to Antarctica. The one that takes place in seven days, I don’t think there’s a two-day window involved. What I’m pretty sure they do with this one is they start in Antarctica. You don’t start the race until that one starts. There might still be a window, but you do that one first and then you go around the world and do the rest of them. Either way, that’s a lot of miles in one week. If anybody can do it, it’s Becs. She’s a badass. This is what she’s been talking about. She’s been saying, “I have something big coming. I’ve never done anything like this before.” Now she’s announced it. I get goosebumps thinking about it. If I was a much better runner than I am, this would be on my list.
I know how much stress you put yourself under for one marathon. I can’t imagine doing seven in seven days, and then the travel aspect as well.
I’m too slow. I couldn’t do it. Becs makes a marathon look like a Sunday afternoon stroll for most people. I know that she still has to do a lot of training, but I have absolutely zero doubt that she will kill it. I’m so excited for her. This is a huge deal and it makes sense why she had to go get her brand new Garmin that she got from Garmin. She is sponsored by Garmin now.
The one that works in Antarctica.
You need a long battery. You cannot be using an Apple Watch for that shit. As much as I love my Apple watch now, there’s no way it could handle the battery of all that. It has to be constantly charged for seven days and a Garmin lasts way longer.
Joslyn Thompson Rule is making her strength debut.
Starting on July 19th, she is going to be starting a new collection, Strength Basics. She is going to be starting with Matty Maggiacomo. They’re going to be 10-minute classes and they’re all going to be made to break down foundational moves that are going to help you perfect your form, whether you’re an experienced lifter or a newbie. Do you think maybe this is the start of what is coming for those bigger lifts and things with the barbells we’ve been talking about for weeks now?
As we talked about recently, it does seem like they have data that people love strength. It feels like they’re leaning into that one way or the other.
It makes sense when you start seeing them say,” We’re leaning into something that’s talking about foundational moves.” If you can’t lift heavy and you don’t know how to lift correctly, you will hurt yourself.
You can do it, but once.
That’s why I say you will hurt yourself. That’s very exciting. Congrats to Joslyn.
Susie Chan was featured prominently on the BBC. That’s a big deal.
It’s super cool. She talked about how her love of running came later in life, 35 if you were wondering, and how it helped her through some of her toughest moments. I have to say I have started her book now. It is out in America on August 8th.
You got an advanced copy.
It's hard for a person who's super active to suddenly have to change how active they are. Share on XYes, I did. Susie was kind enough to ask her publishing company to send me a copy. It’s August 6th, not the 8th. She sent it over and I got it this week and I already started it. It’s so good. The prologue is good. I’m so stoked for this. I’m in. I love Susie.
Possibly the worst-kept artist series secret of all time, Taylor Swift’s Tortured Poets Department, or if you’re exact, Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department.
We’ve been talking about this TTPD class that had taken place that Robin taught, that was on the DL and they invited a bunch of Swifty fans. What we’ve been waiting to hear is whether we are going to see a bunch of other classes. I thought for sure that we would, but then they still hadn’t announced it and I knew it was coming this week, so I started to second-guess myself. We then thought maybe it was that other guy.
Right, because he writes so much with her.
Finally, Peloton released that there are going to be a whole bunch of classes dropping on the 11th and the 12th. There’s going to be a barre class with Ally, an outdoor walk with Susie, and two-for-one yoga with Anna Greenberg and Aditi Shah. There’s going to be a 30-minute ride with Robin, which we already knew about. There’s going to be a run with Olivia, and then a ride in German with Charlotte, and a run in German with Jeffrey. A lot of great classes. People are also already clamoring for more. There was no row listed there. You might note there was no strength listed there. You might note. Perhaps we will still see some things drop. I don’t know. That’s what people are hoping. I think this might be all we’re getting though. I’m excited.
She loves to do her secret surprise drops. Maybe one will show up.
You never know. Our writers had lots of Taylor Swift puns to add to that. I mean Nikki did because she’s good with that. I forget about doing things like that.
Coming up after this, we got a pass guest update and we’ll hit the TCO Top Five, so sit tight.
The image on your screen says that John Foley sold his Manhattan townhouse. I have corrected that for our purposes to say John and Jill Foley have sold their Manhattan townhouse because this is what a feminist looks like.
That is why you also said earlier two past guest updates. Both of the Foleys have been on the podcast at different times.
Quite possibly the only podcast that could make that claim.
I think it is. I think you’re right. I miss the Foleys. Those were the days.
You know it’s bad when you’re like, “The good old days when shares were $12.”
You’re not wrong. They sold their Manhattan townhouse for $35.5 million. They bought this townhouse from David Yurman, who is a celebrity jewelry designer.
I didn’t know there was such a thing, but go on in
In New York, there is in, in the city. They bought it back in 2018 for $15.5 million. They made a tidy little profit
Unlike the Hamptons, they made money on this deal. You typically will make money on real estate if you own it for more than three weeks.
If the house was in a special circumstance.
It looks like it’s beautiful. It’s the townhouse that they used where Harrison Ford’s character lived in Working Girl.
I don’t remember enough of that movie to picture it.
Everything looked nice.
It’s like one of those townhouses that does the thing. It has the bay windows. Every neighborhood in every city that you ever see those in, whether it’s Chicago, New York, etc., they’re always freaking so expensive. Every city, because we always look.
You’re like, “That’s neat,” and then you’re like, “We will never live there.”
“We can’t afford that.”
Maybe we’ll live 40 blocks away and walk by sometimes.
That might work. It’s beautiful. You can check it out on Google Maps because the address is right there. Congrats to them. By the way, 5,800 square feet of living space.
In Manhattan, that’s a lot. That’s a lot anywhere. We have a big house and that’s double our house in Manhattan.
I hope that wherever they go, they’re just as happy.
Before we forget, let’s do our second Bingo call out.
Bingo number two, going for that Bose speaker, is Irene Kaymer.
There you go. Have at it, folks. It is time for the TCO Top Five where we ask you to tell us what to do, then we tell you what to do in return, unless you’re one of the people who told us what to do, in which case you’ve already done it. Number one, your favorite row.
This is an endurance row, a 30-minute endurance row with Alex Kowalski. It aired on July 3rd. SS Lester recommended this class not just because of the workout but also the purpose behind it because it was dedicated to all parents and caregivers. She said that she may have teared up at one point and the music was great. That was cool. That’s neat. I haven’t taken a row in a while. I need to row.
Blow the dust off that thing. It’s starting to look like an elliptical.
That’s not true.
Number two, your favorite run.
We’re going back in the archives for a couple of these. This first one goes all the way back to July 4th, 2019.
This must be a good one because it’s five years old. It survived multiple purges.
It is the all-for-one. It is where all of the tread instructors back in 2019 were in it. This is the last class in existence that shows little Oliver Lee. If you look at this picture, he is over on the left right there.
I see that.
It’s so cool to see these instructors. I can’t believe how much they’ve changed in five years.
I didn’t know any of the Oliver Lee stuff that survived.
It’s the only thing. I think the only reason it’s still on there is because all the other instructors were part of it, and they didn’t feel that that was fair. Better Netter loved this run. For those who are always nostalgic for the good old days, this one is for you. She says, “This one was before I was a member. It’s fun seeing the old studio and some instructors who were gone. I love the constant rotation of instructors and their banter. It made for an easy fun run.” I remember this one. I took it in a hotel.
We didn’t do anything.
I don’t even remember where we were, but I remember taking this in a hotel and it was so much fun. It’s a great run.
I’m trying to think of July 4th, 2019.
Were we in Branson?
I don’t think so. That was longer ago than that.
I can’t keep track. We’ll have to go to the Facebook memories.
It will remind us, but not until next year. Number three, your favorite holiday ride.
From this year’s collection of classes, it was a 30-minute 4th of July ride that Emma Lovewell did. Kimberly Ray Jessup said that she loved it. “Emma’s 4th of July ride, closely followed by her Canada Day pop ride, had fun playlists and good energy from a very pregnant Emma. It also included lifeguard stories and picks on Insta.”
Four, your favorite low-impact ride.
This is another one we’re going back in the archive for. Matt Wilpers’s October 2nd, 2021 low-impact ride. Karen Smith said that she pulled the ride from the archives and was not disappointed. “Matt Wilpers’s low-impact ride from 10/2/21 was so good as a recovery ride. He focused the entire class on technique, working on forms and drills. If you’re looking for a good recovery ride with some fun drills, this is it.”
Finally, number five, you’re unstackable.
On June 30th, Rebecca subbed for Andy’s strength class. This was a 60-minute full-body strength. Connie’s Life Choices picked this class as her favorite, but also her unst stackable. She said that she did not give the Sunday morning workout crew any break. It was an amazing class and it was very well structured. It flew by and it was tough. That’s awesome. Lots of legwork.
Now let’s take a look at this week at Peloton. We have flow and stretch with Anna and Rad.
We are going to have a flow with Anna. Rad is going to be teaching a stretch class in Spanish. He is also going to be having a five-minute upper-body warmup in Spanish. Both are going to be dropping on July 10th, then there’s a strength warmup class that’s going to be ready to go as well.
We have Disney Magic with Jon and Sam.
This is an interesting one because Peloton always posts these and they say This Week at Peloton, but they posted one for next week and we’re all confused. The dates on it say July 16th is when they’re dropping. There are going to be two Disney classes. One with Jon Hosking as a walk and one as a ride with Sam. They’re both Disney-themed classes. I’m looking forward to them, but I’m still confused. 2000s Disney songs. We’ll see what that’s about.
We also have Grooving to Gospel with Cliff.
We have talked about before that Cliff has these glorious gospel classes that he’s been doing. It is officially a collection. Now you can find all of the classes in one place. That’s fantastic.
Rebecca Kennedy has a three-day split coming at you.
It’s going to start on July 26th and it’s going to be three days. It’s going to be an intermediate split. It’s going to leverage heavier weights. I feel like that’s important, and it’s going to target specific areas of the body to increase strength and build muscle.
We also have a new greatest hits collection.
Peloton alluded to this when they did their press release the other day when they were like, “By the way, we’re no longer going to have classes on Wednesday.” They were like, “And check out our new greatest hits collection.” I thought that that was the same collection as the instructors that left because they did the greatest hits from each of those instructors. Now they have the greatest hits of all time collection. My question is this, how can you title the greatest hits of all time unless you started putting stuff back on this platform from way back in the day? There are some classics that were the best classes that Peloton has ever done. As long as I know, they never see the light of day again.
Maybe their metric is like these are some of the most popular classes of all time. If that was the case, it would be all Turkey Burns.
You would think, but one of our tipsters did a little digging and comparison. These are not all the most popular classes. You can quickly see when you pull these up. There are some on there that are way up at the top. There are also some that are not. I have no idea how these were chosen, but I am curious. I would love to have a conversation with somebody.
I would also be interested to know because we’ve established over the years that instructors do get bonuses based on how many people take a class. We sure have. You have to think if you’re getting spotlighted in one of these, that would goose your numbers.
I haven’t even looked at the collection. A question that makes me ask and return to what you said is, is there a class for every instructor that’s on the platform? That would be a logical question. I don’t know. I didn’t look. I think that’s a fair question if they still structure bonuses that way. It’s been several years since we’ve heard that. They hold that stuff a lot closer to the vest than they used to.
We have another apparel drop coming or it will have happened by the time you hear this.
Friday morning, usually at 10:00 AM Eastern. That’s probably what we’re going to see. I’m curious what this means. I have no idea. It looks like a video game because it has a Peloton logo and then there’s a little heart.
It says a collection loading or something like that.
It looks like a pixelated heart like you would see in games that Sydney and Brian would play.
Like NES games.
Yeah, old-school games. I know that a lot of games these days have gone back to that pixelated look, like Minecraft and things like that. Also, some suggestions that have come up as we’ve been talking amongst ourselves are maybe something for American Heart Association Month. I don’t remember what month that’s in. I thought it was early in the year. I don’t think it takes place in the summer. Another suggestion was WITH apparel because it’s like something heart. That was another thought. I don’t know. Another person also suggested that potentially because it’s a 2D thing, maybe it’s the Brittany Allen 2D outfit that she did for Katie for Pride. Maybe there’s something going on with that. Those are all just thoughts that we have accumulated.
Maybe it’s something to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom because he rips his heart out of that guy’s chest. Do you think so? You guys should ask me these things. I have answers.
You do have answers but I suspect that’s not it.
I think you’re going to be pretty embarrassed Friday morning.
What exactly would that be, a bloody heart apparel? What exactly would that even look like?
A fedora and a whip.
An exercise fedora and whip.
I bet you Jess King has a whip. I’m just saying. That is my guess.
You’re probably not wrong.
We’re back to conjecture, but I was a betting man.
I think it’s a safe bet.
Coming up after this, we have our interview of the week with Helper Bee Lindsey, so stick around.
Joining us is Lindsey Kelly, but you know her as Helper Bee Lindsey.
Welcome, Lindsey. We are very happy to have you here.
Thank you. How are you all doing?
Good. We also have to start by saying happy birthday because it’s your birthday.
It worked out pretty well.
She shares a birthday with America. You look amazing at 47. You don’t look like you’re 47. Keep up the great work.
I’m pretty comfortable with the whole age part of it.
It’s always refreshing when people don’t feel like they have to hide their age. I’m not judging people who do, but you shouldn’t have to feel that way. It’s going to be what it’s going to be.
I’d like to think that the world is getting better about that. Women feel more comfortable but also that people are more supportive too. It’s not like a raised eyebrow look when somebody gives their age.
People are and I’m in a good place right now, so that’s helpful.
I don’t mind telling people I’m 39.
Sure, Tom. Lindsey, how did you originally find Peloton?
Peloton & Weight Loss
It was 2020. A few things happened in 2020. People were talking about Peloton in 2020. I was home a lot in 2020. I decided I needed to get in shape. I went down a few paths before I got to Peloton. Eventually, after a couple of false starts trying to get exercise equipment from a variety of places, orders kept getting canceled at the time. My husband said, “You’ve been talking about a Peloton. Why don’t you just go ahead and order it and wait for one?” I had to wait about two months for it to come.
You were probably in May or June of 2020.
I ordered it in August and it came in October. Before that, I ordered an elliptical and it got canceled. Some other brands, both from Costco and Costco kept canceling my orders.
It’s funny because the take at the time was like, “Peloton supply chain is so awful.” It was slow but here you are trying to buy non-Peloton things and you’re not getting them at all. Nobody told that story.
I remember, I think it was 2021, but we had to order a dishwasher and it turned into a whole thing.
Our own private Vietnam.
It did in months.
We lived without an oven for about four months at one point.
Those were crazy times. When you say false starts, were you finding other ways to be active? Was being active new for you? Give us a little bit of background on how that happened.
I’ve had periods of my life where I’ve worked out more and worked out less, in better shape, then in worse shape. During 2020, it was not one of my good times. The good news is I was outside a lot. That’s pretty much all there was to do, walk my dogs. That was for this dog, but all there was to do was walk the dog. I was outside walking the dogs a lot.
I was working from home. We were all working from home. My company had a branch location not for me that I could walk to do certain things. I would walk to a mini version of work once in a while. At least, I was outside. Somewhere around June or July, I’m like, “I need to do something.” It was bad. I was not in good shape. I was eating a lot and drinking a lot.
I was moving around but when you’re home, there’s not much else to do. I watch TV. I tried a few things. There was walking. I tried other exercise equipment. I did have something called Camp Gladiator, which was workouts over Zoom, and then my Peloton finally came around October. I would say I got serious about it in January though.
Did it take from October to January for you to get serious because you weren’t immediately in love with the workouts or you had to ease in from the amount of time you spent?
I had to ease in. I was in poor shape at the time. It was very hard. I started with beginner rides. I had not done a lot of spinning before. I had tried it once or twice in my life. It was a little bit of a leap of faith. I did it because I was like, “People like this. They get very excited about it. They stick with it. I see people getting the shape doing this.” I started with very easy workouts. It was around New Year that I was like, “I’m going to push on this.” I started using it a whole lot at that point.
Now, my understanding is there was a bit of a weight loss journey but I’m not sure where the timeline starts here. Tell me about that.
I was at my heaviest around July to August 2020. I weighed about 210 pounds. I’m 5’2”. Up and down, I never was super insecure about it but I couldn’t move around all that well. I didn’t feel good. When I started working out pretty heavily in early 2021, I changed my eating habits and I stopped drinking at the same time. It was all in 2021 pretty much, beginning and by the end of 2021, I leveled out at about 125 and that’s where I’ve been ever since.
That’s a lot.
That’s a big change.
It was a lot of work. I changed quite a bit what I was eating.
Did you have that disconnect when you lost the weight though? When you look in the mirror, did it take a while for you to believe, “This is what I look like now?” I always have that disconnect.
I don’t think I did because it felt gradual to me. I went back to work in June of 2021 to the office. I got rather an interesting reaction when I went back to work. There were several people who legitimately didn’t know who I was.
I believe that. I saw you’re before and after. You look like a different person. You do. Everybody carries their weight differently. Particularly, the way that your face is so thin and defined. That has a big change because people recognize people by their body shape but also by their faces. Your face looks so different that I can see that that would be a difference. I feel like that’s a sign that you did good. When people are like, “I have no idea who you are.” You know you did amazing.
At some point in there, I started wearing my hair curly too. Maybe that made a difference. I noticed that when I was looking at the pictures I sent you last time, I was like, “My hair was straight back then.” It must have been somewhere I started wearing it like this.
I’m sure it’s a combination of things. If you think because like your face looks different, your body looks different, and your hair is different. That’s a lot of different things to throw at people who haven’t seen you for a year and a half.
You feel better. You probably moved differently.
I moved differently, probably.
You probably had a different level of confidence in how you spoke to people.
Very much. Pretty confidently. It worked anyway, but I wasn’t used to feeling like that. I wasn’t used to that much.
Did people come to you and they were like, “Who are you?”
I had a little bit of that. I had a lot of people asking me what I did and I would say Peloton. I would say I don’t drink anymore. People would see the fact that pretty much every day in the lunchroom at work, I made these giant salads. I started doing that during COVID. Probably right from the same time around the years. I got my salad every day. I’d pick out all my ingredients. I made big giant salads. Very elaborate. Not simple salads. Lots of stuff. Salads are good if they have a lot of things on them.
I can go into great depth on that, but I brought it to work with me and I still do. This is now years later. I have a cabinet full of toppings and little packets of chicken, a little mini fridge with five different dressings, and different types of crumbly cheeses, nuts, seeds, and crunchy toppings. The only thing I have to do is bring in fresh kale every few days. People would see me in the lunchroom cutting up my katsu. I was a little self-conscious about that at first but now it’s like, “She’s the salad girl.”
It is weird. I changed how I did lunch at work. I had done the same lunch for the entirety of the time. I’ve worked in the same place for almost eighteen years. I had done the same lunch every day for 12 to 13 years. It was funny, I never used the microwave ever. The first time I went to use the microwave, everybody started walking in the office like, “What is going on? You don’t use the microwave.”
I don’t know how to use the microwave at work. One of them is haunted. It makes frightening noises. I’m in a different office now, same company. I’ve shifted offices since then. I don’t even have a clue how to use the one near my new office. I haven’t touched it.
It’s funny how long a workplace will hold on to a microwave. They’re like $90. They’re not an expensive piece of equipment anymore, but you will have the oldest and jankiest.
The kind with the dial-ups still.
Haunted. You could hear it groaning from across the kitchen.
We finally got a new one. Ours was throwing off sparks before someone finally was like, “Let’s get a new one.”
Potential liability.
That’s from an attorney right there.
They don’t care.
They need to listen to their attorneys and get safe microwaves.
When you talk about all these changes you made including not drinking anymore, now that it’s been almost four years, how do you feel about that? Do you miss any of those different behaviors that you do? Do you just like, “I don’t miss any of it?” Tell us where that is for you.
Probably during the time I was actively losing weight, I stopped eating most junk food. As long as I eat a lot of protein and a lot of kale, which is my favorite form of green, I feel good and I seem to stay about this size. I don’t drink super closely. I concentrate on getting a lot of protein, a lot of fiber, a lot of green stuff, then the other things I want. I’m still super active, especially with Peloton. I haven’t had alcohol since then and I don’t plan to. I wound up with more Peloton equipment. I stay pretty busy with that.
What else did you get?
I have a Tread+. I got the Tread+ right before the recall, a week before. I have a Row. I have a Guide and a pretty big weight set. I lift a lot of weights these days. Not all Peloton weights.
A Full Boat
That’s okay. They still weigh the same amount. They accomplish the same thing. You have a full boat.
She’s got the full suite.
You got everything they make.
You do all the things too.
Much lately, I had carpal tunnel surgery. I can’t do much with my right hand. I’m looking forward to getting back to that. It’s been a little while.
I know that’s hard for a person who’s super active to suddenly have to change how active they are.
You would know, wouldn’t you?
I would.
I’m back with weights. I have to be a little bit careful with my hand, but I’m back to being able to lift weights in most ways.
You had carpal tunnel syndrome. She had car hit syndrome.
The whole different car thing. You did not get to plan that. I planned this.
That’s true. That was not one of my things to do on February 5th of last year.
Hopefully, you didn’t plan that. That would be weird.
No. Although, the police did ask me. They were like, “Are you okay?”
Did you jump in front of the car?
They did. It’s a question you have to ask.
It’s probably a mandatory question. Whenever you check into the hospital, they’re like, “Is anyone beating you?”
It’s so funny because I’m so logical that I’m like, “Do you think I would take a brand new Beyond Yoga outfit and then jump in front of a car? Come on.” It would not be practical. When you have all these different things that you do at home, are you taking yoga? Do you do Pilates? Do you get into all of the things that Peloton has to offer? Do you have favorites?
I try just about everything. I am not a Pilates fan. It’s not my thing. I do a lot of yoga. These days, I do a whole lot of strength. I did Hold Strength 60 every week. I love it. I do not run on the treadmill that much. My knees aren’t great. I do hills. I jog a little bit. I do just about all that. I don’t love bootcamps either. I like to do either strength or cardio. I’m not digging into climbing. I’ve tried them. It’s not my thing. I am not a good dancer, but I like dance cardio.
I’m surprised if you don’t feel like you’re a good dancer and you like it because you’re a type A personality. I know that you are because I work with you. Type A’s typically are very much perfectionist. How do you enjoy it if you don’t feel like you’re good at it?
I don’t let anyone watch me except for sometimes. My children and this dog will watch me. People don’t watch me. It is fun and the music is good. Pretty much everyone who teaches dance cardio is among my favorites. I don’t love cardio. Cardio will kill me. I did a sports boot camp program. I love Jess and Selena, but no.
Too many things like burpees in the mix?
I don’t like burpees. I have a sister who is obsessed with Peloton HIIT cardio. It is just not my thing.
Do you and your sister workout together on Peloton?
Once in a while. She’ll come here and lift weights.
Do you ever get in the middle of a workout and something happens and you’re like, “This needs to be an article?” You have to stop and take notes.
When I write, it’s usually about weird things that happen to me and ties into Pelotons.
I love the way your brain works.
One of my kids works out.
That’s awesome. I am always so fascinated by the fact that you are so type A, logical, and have this logical brain. On the other hand, you have this super creative brain that comes up with stuff that I could never think of in a million years. I am fascinated by the two halves of your brain and the way they work together.
You’re not allowed to have both.
She does. It’s so cool.
Some people have a left brain. I’m pretty left-brain. I ramble in a lot of different directions. ADHD everywhere.
It works for you though. It works well.
It does.
Do you have an article you’ve written that you’re the proudest or most excited about?
I was proud of the one I wrote about Sam Yo being the first Thai actor to play The King. I enjoyed doing that. I like doing these long reviews. I’m doing every Beyoncé class where I give random facts about every workout. I like to do Brittany Allen’s top ten at the end of last year. I’m a little obsessed with Brittany Allen.
A little bit. I love that you and Kimberly get off on your tangents about clothing. I love it. It’s fabulous.
It’s my aesthetic. I like color, glitter, unicorns, and rainbows.
Is there anything you’ve wanted to write that Crystal won’t let you write?
No, I don’t think so. Not yet. I should think about that though. What do you think I should write that Crystal will not let me get away with? I feel like you’ll have an idea, Tom. Think about it.
If anybody could, it would be Tom.
We did have my April 4th article.
That’s right. Nobody was a big fan of that. Do you remember he was going to do that on April 1st? It was about the new content that Peloton had. Everybody was like, “How about we go this other direction instead, Tom?”
I vaguely recall this.
I don’t know if we should say it here in case we want to use it next year.
I know. Let’s say it was not G-rated.
It was for me. People assumed.
I love your articles and I love that you bring such a breath of fresh air to all of the different topics that we talk about. I’m curious. When you write an article, do you ever regret it? When you’re doing a deep dive on a Beyonce class or something like that, you’re like, “I wish I had not done X. I wish I had not gotten in the middle of this one.”
When I was not feeling well after I had my carpal tunnel surgery, I was like, “There are a lot of Beyonce classes.” Aside from that, every time I take on something and I’m like, “This is elaborate or a lot,” fortunately, you are very patient with me and I generally get through it.
You had carpal tunnel surgery.
Look at her. You wouldn’t even know she had it.
It was about two weeks at this point.
I thought it had to be all trust up a lot. I worked at a grocery store for about a decade. People were getting carpal tunnel syndrome left and right.
Maybe carpal tunnel technology has gotten better.
That’s fair. That was a long time ago.
It’s probably been a little while since you worked in the grocery store.
It has improved.
It probably has. That makes a lot of sense but still, it is crazy. You’re just like, “I have nothing on my hand.” It took me longer than that to get out of my breeze.
It keeps showing. There’s a big hole.
I barely see it.
It’s so pretty range motion limiting. I can’t handwrite. I enjoy writing things by hand. I can type pop. I cannot eat things like big and crazy. I cannot do it. There was a whole three days where I had brushed my teeth with two hands. That was very strange.
That would be weird.
It’s hard to brush your teeth with your left hand. I couldn’t hold the weight of the toothbrush with my right hand, so I had to use both.
They say to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand because it helps keep your brain fresh.
Creativity helps give creativity.
My brain gets extra stuff.
I can attest to that.
It’s not a problem.
She’s very creative. Do you have a favorite Peloton instructor?
The Peloton Community & Other Tangents
I knew you were going to ask this and I thought it through. I love so many of them. My very first love when I was getting started was Jess King. She’s like a fancy creature. She’s like a cryptid. She comes out of the sky in a cloud of sparkles and rainbows. She says deep, profound, and sometimes not understandable things. When I started, that was what I needed in my life. I needed something to focus on. I needed somebody to give me these profound motivational things that only made a little sense. It spoke to me. It was wonderful.
I still ride with her. I love her on the treadmill. I love Jess. Right now, probably the folks I ride with most are Sam Yo, who I adore. You don’t know how hard you’re working, then you die. Plus, he seems so sweet, and Camila. I’m learning Spanish. I have been taking a lot of rides in Spanish. I like her on the tread too, where I have the subtitles and I listen to her. I listen and I read. I get a little bit of extra at the same time. I love Camila. I tread and bike. Also on the tread, I love Matty Maggiacomo. I always love Matt Wilpers and Adrian. Katie is probably my favorite row instructor. Chelsea, for yoga. I love Chelsea.
I do too.
She has a flow I’ve done twenty times. My favorite of all time. The new Jack Swing Flow.
I’ve never heard of that one, but she’s so accessible. She makes everything feel like whatever your level is, you can do yoga. I love that about her.
She’s like a friend talking in your ear. She seems so kind. I do a lot of strength mostly with Andy. I had to warm up to Andy. I didn’t get him at first. A lot of people experienced that with Andy. It was right when he started dating Rebecca. I was like, “That makes sense.” I get what he’s doing now because they make more sense together than they do, apart from me. My 14-year-old and sometimes my 15-year-old do Total Strength 60 every week. We make fun of him. We have nicknames for him. We quote him. We keep coming back.
Sometimes if somebody has the right partner, you’re like, “I like the partner, so they must be okay.” It’s how I coast through so many things. They say, “I’m not sure about this guy, but if Crystal likes it, we must be okay.”
That seems possible. It is with Andy and Rebecca, I can tell you that because she seems a little more saint. It makes sense together. My thing is always, I am waiting for them to ask me to be the flower girl at the wedding. They haven’t missed me yet. I’m holding out a little bit of hope. It better be spectacular and sparkly.
I’m sure it will. I hope it’s not a week long. I don’t have a lot of patience for that.
You need a Brittany Allen custom wedding gown and a custom wedding suit maybe for Andy too. I’m not even sure.
They could have a Brittany Allen-themed ceremony, then they could have a regular ceremony if she needs to have the sparkle and the shine. Maybe two.
I’m counting on them blowing me away with this one.
What is your leaderboard name?
Unicorn Lindsey.
You had to see that come in a little bit.
Do you have any advice for people just now entering the world of Peloton?
One of my best friends just got a Peloton. I have been having so much fun saying to her, “What mood are you in? Let me pick you a class. Let me pick you an instructor. Let me introduce you to this.” The very first one, she said, “It’s Pride Month. I’m feeling flamboyant.” I’m like, “This is Cody. This is DJ John Michael next to Cody. Let’s talk about him.”
Next, we’re going to do Alex Toussaint and Lil Jon sometime soon. I try it all. She’s in better spin shape than when I started. I had to start with the beginner classes and she can go into it a little harder. Try it all. See what you like. If you’re not sure what you like, tell me and I will pick something up for you. I enjoy doing that.
I’ve sent a new article.
What did you pick about Tom’s ride?
Classes. Not just rides.
I did the whole ’80s series with Sam. I think that’s good for anyone my age. I always say that because I always think of Sam as being my generation. He has all the same childhood references I do.
I like that he has a little bit of the nerdiness side, especially because he’s also so deep. He has the past Buddhist monk side of him, but then he still is playful and has all of these fun childhood memories that he brings out in his classes. Also, as you said, he’s so darn kind. He’s so nice. I think he is hugely underrated as an instructor. People need to try him more. He does not get the coverage that he deserves. I was so happy that you wrote that article about his amazing accomplishment. It was cool.
It was so exciting. I like the nerdy side too. I don’t know if you know this about me. I’m a huge Sci-Fi nerd. I cosplay at conventions. I’m more Star Trek than Star Wars, but that is something I feel Sam and I have in common as well.
He loves his nerd stuff. I know when we were at PSL, I was wearing a hoodie. I have a lot of T-shirts and stuff that are pop-culture-related but they don’t scream at you that they’re pop-culture-related.
You have to know the inside joke behind it.
Now, I’m wearing a shirt that says “Latte Larry’s” on it. It’s from Curb Your Enthusiasm, but it doesn’t say Curb Your Enthusiasm or have a picture of Larry David on it or anything. I was wearing a hoodie that said, “Wayne Tech,” on it, which is the company that Bruce Wayne owns in Batman. He sees me from across the room. He’s like, “I love that hoodie.”
He was like, “I caught that the second you walk in.”
I own a lot of stuff like that as well.
Do you? That’s awesome.
I get you, Tom.
They have all these Jaw shirts that say, “Welcome to Amityville.” I won’t buy them because then at the bottom there’s a Jaws logo. I was like, “No, don’t spoon-feed it to people.”
You’re in the universe.
I don’t want a Dunder Mifflin shirt that then also says “The Office” on it.
It’s funny because we go places all the time and he’s constantly wearing different shirts. I will forget what he’s wearing then somebody will start pointing and laughing. They’ll be like, “I love your shirt.” I’m glad they added that part because I never know why people are pointing and laughing. I’m like, “What is happening?” He gets that a lot. He tries to see how many people he can bring into his world with his shirts.
I like to see which shirts get the reactions. My mouse rat hoodie.
I’d say that’s your top shirt.
Much to my surprise, number two is I have a shirt that says “McDowell’s” on it from Coming to America. People lose their minds.
I bet people love that.
If I saw him wearing it, my brain would think it was McDonald’s. I know I see him wearing it, but if I saw him, I didn’t know.
Every time you sit, it’s different. It’s the golden arches and the golden arch.
It’s true. I just don’t know that I would see it.
I don’t understand that. I swear.
Lindsey, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us on your birthday, no less. Before you go, let everybody know where they can find you. I’m assuming you’re okay with being found/
I’m fine with being found. I already write for your blog. I’m pretty much @Unicorn.Lindsey everywhere. If you like to look at lots of pictures of salads, @Unicorn.Lindsey on Instagram. I take pictures of my salads almost every day. There’s a lot of things. You also get some of my cute dogs once in a while like me sitting on a rower or something like that. You can see a lot of salad. I usually write what’s in them so I can teach people about it. My career as a salad influencer has not yet taken off. I’m working on it. I need to figure out how to monetize this.
You need to talk to the producers of the kale that you buy. You need to do a collaboration, and then it’s going to just take off just like that.
I researched once for sponsors, the kale industry. There’s a whole crazy story about the fact that kale became popular. Kale was mostly just a decoration on Wendy’s salad bars for many years. It became popular because of this woman in marketing who is over at Sinclair. Mostly as a prank, she decided to see if she could make kale popular as a marketing stunt.
I’m not even kidding. Go look it up. I follow her on Instagram. She went out and created a reputation for kale, which is a good thing because kale is. It has protein. It has eight million vitamins and fiber. It goes with everything. It lasts forever. It lasts longer than lettuce and it’s cheap. I feel very passionate about it. Maybe we can get them to sponsor me on this show.
I’m sure we have a lot of kale-influencing people tuning in to the show. You never know. Thank you again for your time, Lindsey. We appreciate it.
You’re welcome. Thank you for having me. It was good seeing you.
It was good to see you too.
I guess that brings this episode to a close. Until next time, where can people find you?
They can find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/crystaldokeefe. They can find me on all social media and the Peloton leaderboard @ClipOutCrystal.
You can find me on Twitter @RogerQBert or Facebook at Facebook.com/tomokeefe. You can find the show online on Facebook.com/TheClipOut. While you’re there, like the page and join the group. Don’t forget our Patreon. It’s super helpful to the show. A lot of costs are involved in this and that helps out. For just $5 a month, you get all sorts of bonus content, which we’re about to record. You’ll get them ad-free and you get them first. There’s all that. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep pedaling, and running, and rowing.
Important Links
- Lindsey Kelly – Instagram
- Peloton Interactive Successfully Sues Women’s Cycling Community for Use of Word ‘Peloton’
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- Tom O’keefe – Facebook
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